at TTO THE GIVES THI OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA GREAT NORTHERN Ry, VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha AND I AND Chicago Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For fall details call on 0. R. k N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Oregon, A. L. MOHLER, Vice-President. QUIOIC TI0VI33 I TO 8an Franolsoo And U point In California, via the Mt. BhMta route ui me Southern Pacific Co The (rent highway through California to all point Gut and Hnuth. Grand Hosnto Route Of the PhoIAo Coast. Pullman Bnffet Hleepera. Beoond-olasa Hleepers Attached to express train, atlordinic enperior sccoinniodatinne for seoond-olaM naseensar. For rate, ticket, Imping oar reservations, to,, call opon or address R. koKHLKR, Manager, 0. H. MARKHAM, Gen. F. P. Agt, Portland, Oregon HUE KOU GOIHG EflST? If bo, be aare and tee that yoar tioket reads via He Horinwestern Line ....THE... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THE Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTfT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS' EAST AND 80UTII. . Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Voatlbiileit Dining ami Hleeiilng Car Trains, and Motto: "always on time" hat given tlila road a national reputation. All i'Iiuhhk ill iaiiKrs rarrlwl on the velllnile. trains without rutre rharge. Ship your friMght ami travel over tlila Uuiuiil lino. All agents have tlekets. W. II. MKAI. f. THWACK, turn. Agent Trsv. r. V P. Agt. lite Washington Ht , Purtlnml, (Ir, GIUOAUO THE CHBOWTCLM tanks wtth MM creates! lewspapera In the Unltsd State. THE CUHONXCLK has no equal en tbe PaetOe Coast. It leadi all In ability, enterprise and news THI CHBONICLWS. Telegraphic Reports are the latest and moat reliable. Its Local News toe ml lest and spiciest, and Its XdMorUla from Ue ablest pens Is the country. THE UHHONICLB ha always been, and always will be, the friend and onampion of the people as against combinations, cliques, corporations, or oppressions of any kind. It will be Independent la every UUng neutral La IHee&SbfaQlit'g This Hallway Co. Operates its traius on the fauioai blood system; Light Its trains by eleolriolly througb ooi ; Use the celebrated eleotrio berth read ing lamp; Rons speedily eqaipped pMsenger train vrv day and night between Ht. Paul ami Chicago, aud Urn a lis and Chicago; the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operate eleam-bssted vestilmUd trains, earning Ilia latest private corapartmeot ears. library tin fin I amok Ing ram, and palace drawing Mom lerper. Parlor pars, free reclining rhalr care, and the) fury beat dining clialr ear rrvir. Fr Ion est rate t any point ia the I'nlted hi a to or Canada, apply to agent or add res C. J. F.DDT, J. W. CAHET, General Ag-at. Tre. Pea. Agent. Portland, Or, BO KkPiaiSNoL (Mil aw m m ,Vw 4 Taot at at a, oaatCMa, COPTaiQMTa a a. (kmim .. .M ! ... t.iWlrtv l-m mhihmf ... I, ,4 arfi-if .! . I ih.w.m4I'. , i...i,,i ,!., .,, ,, pi.i IM 4wih H . a l.trt. . l.i...,. thnnwa lot a (Mr ttmni a.uw la the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, iH.wr.i-t. Ttmu,m 4 vmis .,!.. ta i 'S .... IW 4 UAas) wtnl iiiinwilM MUNI A CO. at iM...i. a ta iJilllilll The Chronicle Bnlldlns THE DAILY By Mall, Postage Paid, Only S 670 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle The Greatest Weekly in the Comlry, S1.50 a fai WHAT A MINING TUNNEL IS. The Greast Economics Secured br New Developments. Many persons residing at a distance from mining districts have the most erroneous idea, as to the supposed sim plicity and enormous profits of mining, apparently, deriving their information from the data of phenomenal assays, or occasional pockets of rich ore, mis takenly assuming that such cases are average samples, and that ore can be dug almost as potatoes are dug. On the contrary, with the exception of a very few mines which may pay expenses from the grass roots down, successful mining to-day involves the maximum of practical experience, professional knowledge and financial means. This is fully borne out by the following brief notice of some of the leading min ing tunnels of Colorado. The outcrops of mineral-bearing veins or ledges are usually found on the steep, rocky slopes of high moun tains, separated by deep and great gulches or ravines. As the veins usual ly dip into the solid interior of the mountains, shafts are sunk either on the veins themselves, ore being taken out as the process goes on, or in such proximity to the veins that they can be reached from the shafts by drifts or levels (which are really side tunnels from the shafts) and the ore stoped out and conveyed in small ore wagons along such drif Us or levels to the shaft, hoisted to the surface, and thence lowered down the steep mountain side to the nearest wagon road leading to the mill or rail road, the shafts are frequently hundreds of feet deep, and themouthsof the shafts frequently hundreds, if not thousands, of feet above the bottom of the adjoining gulch or valley, the ore hag to be hoisted by steam power to the surface (such steam power involv ing the conveyance of fuel from the val ley to the shaft house), and from the mouth, of pumping plants, in addition to the cost of hoisting the ore and sub sequently getting it down the steep hill side. The expense of pumping, hoisting and hauling seriously reduces the mar gin of profit, and in some cases extin guishes it altogether. It is obvious that, under the above circumstances, through a tunnel driven into the mountain and reaching the ore bodies at a low level say, firam the level of the bottom of the adjoining gulch not only can the ore be extract ed from below and taken out almost by natural gravity or the minimum of power, thereby saving the expense of hoisting and subsequently conveying down the steep hillside, but also drain age can be had by naturalgravity, there by dispensing with the expensive pump ing plants, costly fuel, wages of engi neers, etc. Engineering Magazine. LOCAL BQCIBS. One inch ot snow fell at Lehman springs in the mountains on last Toes day. Back. From the Grave We oannot come, but we can often stay our progress thither. ' Disease, like everything else, mast have a begin ning. All chronic maladies tend to shorten life, and render it a species of martyrdom while they last. Malaria, kindoey o-implaint, ohronio indigestion, rheumatism all have email beginnings, and may be stayed at the outset with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. This ex cellent tonio and alterative is adapted alike to the prevention of disorders of the system and their removal, and its early use oannot be too Btrorjgly advocated. To renew appetite and insure tranquil rest, there is no surer and pleasanter means tban the Bitters. The efiects of overwork and exhaustion, mental or physioal, are counteracted by it, aud the busy mar chant, tbe tired clerk or operative, and the brain weary stundent, author or newspaper man derive from it present reuei and latare energy. R- ports oome from Alaska that the re- ceut ralus bave made the ornsaing of tbe Chilkoot pass an impossibility this win ter and the hundreds ot Klondike bound gold seekers will be obliged to remain on Ibis side ot the pass until spring. This fact will torae many with limited means to return, as tbey will not be ablo to bay a sufficient amount of sup' plies in tbe spring to oarry thorn any farther. Their Increase in Numbers In tbe Last Ten Tears. A Tenses of Employment torn the Weaker Sex Opened lP y Mechanical Improvements Things In Their Favor. Dreadfully Nrirvoos. Gents: I was dreadfully nervons, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves aud strength' ened my whole nervous system. I was troubled with oonstipatioD, kidney and bowel trouble. Your Tea soon ole insed my system so thoroughly that I rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. 8 A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by C.meer & Brook. v (Including postage) to any part of the United States. Canada and Mexkxx THRWEKKLY CHRONICLB, the brightest and most oomplBte Weekly Newspaper In the world, prints rugiilarty 84 columns, or twelve pagns.of News, literature and General Informa tion; also a magnlUcent Agricultural Department SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. TRYING TO BE FUNNY. Almost Every Mnn Has Ills Pet Joke, Usually MUy "Did you ever stop to think," said the licensed ntisanthroiie, "what a lot of fools men are? Without waiting for e reply the 11 censed misanthroiic never waits lor a reply he contireued "The dreary imbecility resulting from the American national disease of trying to lie funny is something awful to contemplate. Now, I met a ntan this mornings a mnn with large Interests In the. citv. an oterator In real estate, a lUe United OtateS, Dominion OX twinkcr and a 'prominent citizen.' lie fliinnrU anrl WnrtWn Marin shouted out to myself awl ray compnn- Pendleton Tribuue: Mies Catherine Qiiaid, of Heppnur, who baa oome here to attend St. Joseph's aoademy, is visit ing Miss Ethel Thompson for a few days. Did You Ever lry Eleotric Bitters as a remedy for yonr troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine uhs been found to be particolsrly adipted to tbe relist und core of all Female Complaiuts, hzertmg a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs If you have Lois of Appetite. Ojoetipa linn, Headsohe, FaiDting Spoils, or ere Nervous, Sleepless, txoitBble, Melan oholy, or troubled with Dizzy Spells, electric Bitters is tbe medioine yOn need. Health and Strength are guaran teed by its use. Fifty cents aud at Cotiser A Brook's drug store. 81.01 DO YOU WANT THE CHRONICLE Reversible Map? lbs Uarriboo Mining ooinpany in1. British Columbia has ole ioed up S2t0,- rj r iLi. ........ . ' IAIU LUIS ICBBUU HIIOWINCI ON ON W BID Hi, J And the Map of the World ON tub otiikh bisk. Kernel $3 and Oet the Map and Weekly C tironlclo 1W One) Tear, postage prepaid on Map and Paftet. ABDRKMI M. II. Am VOU NO. a r. aAJ. a vm cav 11 u X s TUUOUdll CARS. TO fHr. PAUL MINNKAPOLI8 M'l.lMU KAK(li) HIT I K llF.Lr'.NA Ticket Ism! to all pntnt in the Toiled riiHlr and Causd CjnCK TIMKTO Ion: 'Well, you'ru a nice pair to draw to,' and I doubt if he has seen two of his acquaintances together In 15 years without rqiringing that poor, pale, hhrinklng jest. "There's another man who has a big mercantile biutinewi down the street nho never meets a friend without ask Ing: 'How does your constitutionality angaeiate?' lie's considered a mnn of Intelligence, too, nnd yet he'sbeenchirp- Itvg that lilt of Idiocy at evcryliody he knows for ten yenrs. "Then there's tin head of a bigmanu fnrturing firm In the south end, a man of w ido pultun", a man of thn world. who ought to have Mime sense, who Mas no delighted with hi discovery of 'Nit' a few years ago that he regards it as a larlllinnt witiiclirin In itelf, and never lonca an opMirtunity to inject It into hia conversation with an air that amount to a demand for recognition of hut mot. And o It goes. Nine ositof every ten men you meet have some pet phrase like that, which has ceased to mean inythlng. If it ever did, and which they Are at the bead of til with w horn they wime In contact. Jtr. Nonlau haa de- fined this afltiction a erholalia, I be lieve, tint tlw ronT dignatlon for it A Bore Thing, for Yon. A transaction in which yon can not lose is a Bare thing. Biliousness, sick beadsohe, tarred tongue, fever, pile and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Cas- 0'irets Candy Catliartio, the wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are sold by all druggists and guaranteed to care or money refunded. C. 0. 0 are a sure thing. Try a box today ; 10c, !5- 50o. Sample and booklet tree, tt WOMEN W0EKEBS. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE. LUNG TH0CBLES AMD CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBED. In Calloway oounty, Ky., eight per sons were poisoned recently by eating a sto'en watermelon. Certainly yon don't want to sudor with djspepsia, constipation, sick headaches, sallow ekio and loss ot appetite. If on hsva never tried De Witt's Little Early 11 for these onmnlaintg or yon would bar hi en oursd. Tbev ar email pills but grunt regnlntora. For sale by Cen ser and Brock, Portland Tribune: Zoeib louser is a capable and popoltr m to, though the Uinutilla conuty pe pt wanted Judge Fee, not Homer. But people oan't bave everything they want to this world A Care for Billoss Code. R annr,HaifeoCo.(G. I have been eubjeot to attacks o( bilious eolio for erersl year. Chamberlain's Oollo, The department of labor lately con cluded an investigation, made at the request of congress, to ascertain wheth er women are superseding men am wage-earners in manufacturing pur suits, and, if so, to what extent. It appears from the report, which has just been made public, that the increase in the number of female employes during the last ten years has been greater than that of males. This is in acordamce with the rshowing of the last three censuses. The information on which the report ie based was obtained from less than a thousand establishments, but they are scattered over . 30 states aaid have so many employes that the figures fur nished by them may be taken as rep resenting fairly the general situation for the manufacturing industries covered. Ten years ago these establishments which reported had 64,560 employes. They had in 1895-'90 108,643 employes. The number of women over 18 had in creased 66.3 per Cent., and of women under 18 89.1 per cent. The increase in the number of male employes over 18 was 63.1 per cent., and of males uw der that age, 80.6 per cent. The women have been gaining on the men, and the juniors on the seniors. There is more work than there was ten years ago, but women have secured the larger share of it. . . ; It has been contended' that married women nave eitner suppianiea uieir husbands as wage-workers because they worked for less, or have been com pelled1 to work like their husbands, and supplement the wages of the latter, to support the household. Much has been said about the evil effects of this on family life. But the data collected by the department of labor do not support this claim. Of the 79,987 women employed, of whom 45,162 were 18 or over, 88.7 per cent, were single, 8.5 per cent, were married, and 2.5 per cent, were divorced and presumptively hadtosupport them selves. Of those wbo are married many undoubtedly hnve drunken or worthless husbands, and hence are compelled to take care of themselves. No one who haa observed the increase In the number of women wage-earners during tbe last 60 years will be sur prised at the increase during the last ten years. Tbe day when women could find work only on the farm or in, do mestic service has gone forever. The reason why women should be given employment in manufacturing industries on an increasing scale are apparent. The greater division of la bor, which is the result of new methods) of production, has mode places where their services could be utilized. Me chanical improvemnta have lessend the amount of physical exertion required of employes and have made it possible to utilize the weaker sex. The women are more trustworthy. Tbey do not get drunk. They are not likely to go on strikes. They learn mora rapidly and they stick to their work more closely. And, in addition to that, they work more cheaply. Pos sibly they can afford to do so, since they do not feci it necessary to ex pend part of their earnings for beer, whisky and tobacco. According to the report, out of a given number of instances where men and women work at the same occupa tion, and perform their work with the samedegreeof efficiency themen receive greater pay lr 76.1 per cent, of the in stances, and women 16.5 er cent. Where malm over and under 18 do the same kind of work with eqisal efficiency 79.8 per cent, of the former get the greater pay. Labor leaders claim that men get more than women do because they are organized, and are thus in a better po tt Ion to fight for high wngeia. Others contend that as on the average the needs of women workers are less than those of men they are w illing to work for leas. ChlcBgo Tribune. An Eminent New York Chemist sad Scientist Bakes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. . The distinguished chemist, T. A. 81o oum, of New York City, demonstrating bis discovery of a reliable cure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tubercnlosis), bronchial, long and chest troubles, stubborn oongbs, catarrhal affections, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New Scientific Treatment" bas oared thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers It a simple professional doty to soffering humanity to donate a trial ot bis infallible on re, Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, bas produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be olaimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are cnrable in any climate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those cured in all parts of tbe world. Tbe dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. C, 98 Pine street, New York, giving post- office and express address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant odvan tage of bis generous proposition. f leaBe tell the Uootor that you saw this in tbe Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr. FOlljyOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders ' Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop ie now prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet prices ot any person nnder tbe sun in the line ot druggists ' supplies, blank ooks,' bank work, county work, or any sort of book bind ingwork that yon have heretofore, aunt away to get done. , Tbe Gazette shop is not a oharify ooncern bnt it yon will give as a ohanea we will see that yon are satisfied in every particular. Bay your goods at borne. Remember, that Abe Lincoln said that when one' bought goods away from borne the foreigner got the money and we got tbe goods. Bat when tbe goods were-' bought at home we had both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We ars willing to abide by it. When th printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 3. 560 tf , Hick Mathews and V. Gentry,' nnder the firm name of Matbews & Gentry are associated together in tbe barber bnsiness in the new stand, two doors south of tbe poetoflioe. Tbey solicit a call. Shaving, 15 oents. tf. NOTICE. All persons indebted in notes and ac counts due to Noble & Co. are requested to oome forward and settle same as soon as passible. We still continue in bu'siness and will sell goods as low as oan be bongbt anywhere in the state. Noble & Co. Heppner, Or., Jane 24. '97. tt. Thk Boss Feed Yard. The first feed yard tbe teamster strikes in Heppner is that conducted by William Gordon, next door to tbe Heppner Gazette ranoh. Mr. Gordon is accommodating, has a good yard and abundant facilities to take oare ot stock in first olass shape. His prices are very reasonable". He bag bay and grain for sale. Has lately added a car load of baled timothy. tf. A good bicycle, suitable for either lady or gentleman, in fine repair, new pneu matio tires, for sale obeap at Gilliam & Bisbee's. tf Now is tbe time to get tbe Weekly Oregonian, tbe greatest newspaper of the West. With tbe Gazette, both strict ly in advance, one year, $3.60. No better combination of newspapers oan be made ' in the state. NOTICE OF CONTEST. ouldn't lm,k well In ili.t."-Chlcago Cb",e, nd Hemsdy is the Journal. ClIK'aiM) VYAaHlNimiN ItaLTlMOHl Saw Yokg Hrrrtui Alt other point Id the F.eet and Hiuthet Ox All Ks City Nr. JM-H H. Lorta UwTtiN Union IVpot contirotmn al Ht, I'siil, Minneapolis, Katisa t'lly, Omaha, Ht. Ixiuia an. I other promi nent pniiile Baggage checked through to di etinallon ol ll krta. Through Hi kel to Japan and China, via Taooma end Northern IViflo Mm nip Company 'a Una. For full Information, Km cal l, map. iickei. etc., rail on or write W. CI. A u , A. I. Cu taut). Agt.N I', Hy, Aaet.tlen !'. Agt. lhellle,t)r. I'ortlanJ, Ot HE GREW NERVOUS. Cenld Hot Awnra I, see a Hair Tws IV r Day The Subject of lialdiieea ia juat now updating one ot the member of Uu) I u'Uxl htau-a m-haI. Until a man 1 gins to grow bald be runaidera it a mark of Infirmity ; nfu-r be begiu to uiolt be regard tbe dearrt nw on li lea dome of thought aa an evliViwe of luWllevtual- Ity. i tie senator in quratson la very averae, however, to the Uwa of hlalorka. and made deep and long reeearrhew Into the matter of hair reelorvra, making practical U-ela of aui'h a recommended Iheuisrhea U bis jiilguviit but they did not have the il'iml effect. Hew a overjoyed, therrfire, when a brother rim tor returned from abrviad Winging w lib him a Ul of a marvelous hair re auirative of matrtc powrr. tin appll only nr relief. It sots like charm, One doss o( it girts relief when all other remedies fall. G. V. Sharp, For sale by Cuneer k Brook. Fnrtlaoil Tribane: T. T. Ger bas got the po'iU eod deolinet to be etuok way In tbe Oregon City land 'fflce, wanU eomeibing nearrf hi size. Hmall preo-Rititun often prevent great mischief. iWWiti'g Little Early llieers are very email pills ie aiia, but are nioet effective In preventing tbe most eeri ue forma rf bvee tmnhle and lotnaob trouble. Tbey enra constipation and hdabe and rrgntat the txiae!. For al b) Cot r A Brock. 'Hie Itailalor Line" o Now It I Cotigreeuiao Toague aud Farm-ir l leer. I'neaibly a year from now If tbe flret Oregon Jietrlol ehnnld go re poMiceu, It will be CegrMraan fleer radon would make ibe hair aptvul and and Lawyer Tngtte, ; eiohaoge, several applications caused It to eonie Wbyf Mast Mr. Toegne buy Mr Tbe Oaaette due not aueattoa lb totealy of acy pereoa, bat tt Ie pom palled to lieiet spun tb Saab ie adveaee plea pf eutort lioe, whether tb smH. ertlier b Cornelius VaeJriMM or the man ab i eartie bis bread by iial toil W eatio d rug ) sey '! Jlsi, ' if ft tat vw lifum t U4 Muaut .. CTCAUSng ..... "onus cut" avo -utevitrot" leave The !IU daltv fefarpl Mun.tev) I it am. Iava IVrllaa I at a m. hen on in .t r..tHa.l, i. p t.ff at Tt. lllee aad take a trip d.iwn lb l.Jsabti y..a aill ., t , rrtooey, W. CI At LAW AT. M'Beral Agent, Wanted-Hn Idea SS5S a.a, forth In rirh, luviirtant link. Tbe artMtiHa mouth fairly watered at the drw-riptiiin of that hair reaUtrrr. lie I"'"! the bappy lanaeeaeor of this jiv one flni.1 to let Kim have a Wllle, and the M-nalor eriliel thai It should la de livered to binion the net! Wv. lint it didn't emne that day. nor ibe nett, nr the iet, and the arrui tor grew aii a at lieart with ibe ho itefrrei. Merting' the naraactr of Ihe rejfeneral tig ellvlr In Ihe arnate rlevnttir lite oUi. r day be al om-e but binholevl hiro and liiiuir s w heti he rvuld etie-t I hat hair restorer. "lib. I'll sr ml It down teVtMOrrow,' Was the reply. Well, now, livoV here." ea.d ibe sena tor, earnratty, "I want trt get It Juat aa m a ili'e. Tkla thing la fetliag eertoiia very arrlnua, ky, free I, I m liiairt balr oe to n evert Uv. and ran t ir thin." Vv ashing Wa r lay, Geet'a ellrnr? II ' Ik Creepy rkilseea. Heavlew, Va. We bare a eplendi ala ot CttarnberUla CoOjh Remedy aad pnr eastonter coming frna far an ear, epeat ot It In the highest term. Many be eatd that their ehildrea a on 14 bar diid of cmop if Chamber lain' IVmgb Kerned t ted not been given.-Keltstn A Onrtra. Tb 23 M real ettet for eala by Ccnarf A Brock Araiea Sal re. Tt Besl Halve in Ihe world for I'm, Uralses, Horee, Uleer. Halt Utien fevae liwes. Tetter, Char pd Ilad CbUMaina, twn. anl all Hla Frnp- ttni'. a r. I Tvsmtely rnr ril r-r n par reqiir,! It g aarantred t. fits ivttret ealiefaelloa pe awrtev rwaa h. frii-e VIA eesle ont K. t'og sale, by kVuM ft lU'Kl, Land Office at Thk Dallih, Oregon. July 21, 1H97. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED! at this office by O. B. Dowis against 8. E. Walker for abandoning his Homestead Kntry No. 4li22, dsted March 15, 18W, upon the EW. NW Bee 34 Etf BWi Sec. S7, township S, South. Range 23 E, In Morrow county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation ot said entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to fuinear at thi otlice on the 24th day of Sept., 1897, at. 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testi mony concerning said alleged abandonment. , W. Morrow, county clerk. Is authorized to. take the testimony in this esse at his office at. Heppner, Oregon, on Sept. 18, 18S7 at 10 o'clock. , in. J AO., I. UUKt. 67-78 Register. Come to tbe Gazette office and get a decent lot of envelops printed. Government envelope look obeap, and besides yon cannot get yonr bnsiness card printed thereon. tf What is Hop Gold? Best beer on earth. See ad. elsewhere. Fat a quarter in yonr pooket and don't spend it till yon get down to Low Tillard's. Finest liquors and cigars. Near city ball. a See those new Russian Tan shoes down at Llobtenthal's. Latest styles, best quality, reasonable prioea. Yon cannot do better anywhere. tf Notice of Hearing of Final Account IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR MORROW County, State of Oregon. In the matter oC the estate of Wm. Cecil, deceased. notice is nereoy given that Peter Bauern fiend, the executor nf the last will and testa ment of Wm. Cecil, deceased, has filed his final! account in the office of the clerk of said court. In said matter, and In pursuance of an order of the Hon. A. O. Bartholomew, judge of tbe above, entitled court, said final account will come on for hearing and settlement on the 2nd day of Nov., 1897, at 10 o'clock a. m., the second day of the Novemtier term ot said court, at the court house in Heppner, Morrow oounty, State. oi uregon. on or before sam time any person Interested in said estate may appear and file his. exceptions. In writing, to said account, and con test the same. PETER BAUERNFIEND. Executor of the last will and tuatlment of Wm.. i.ecii, aeceasn. Dated Aug. Z), 1897. 73-82 ' Come in and subscribe tor tbe "Gazoo." INow is the time. Xon dou't want to miss a whole lot ot good, bard reading tnat la now being published in our "Only." Any person who ia interested in British Columbia should write to W. H Hnrlbnrt, general passeoger agent of tbe O. R. A N-for a copy of Pat Dooan's lit tie "booklet," "Tbe New Bonanzaland." It ia well wortb tbe trouble. 60-tt, A Iwrrplag Dress, It is a desirable thing for a house eerier to have a regular sweeping cos tume for her work. The. dress should be a simple frork of cambric, aee.raucker or Rome, washable material, made, with round wairtt and straight skirt. A arge kerchief of white inuidin, digni fied by the name, is a plctureaqua addition to the dress, and serve to pro tect the waist from dust. Th sleevea of the w should be loose, ro they can he rolled up and give freedom to the Irtoventrnt. A round cap of muslin. which nwy be easily waahed, ahould cover the hair loowly ami prevent dust touching the hair. The large Dutch fichu recommends! la really a very vseful article. It k pinned closely around the throat and prevents the dtast from drifting under tlie dreaawaUt or Into tbe fold of the (tree.. When made of aheet-w hite mualin, or even of creamy oheeaecloth. It Ht very eaally washed, so the eame. frncU may te worn for sweep ing a King time v Ithout twlng put through the wash. Almost any plain fnwk of wash material may be used w Ith thl protection of Putob flchn and cap. N. . Tribune. "VeU Meaat. American wheelmen 'raveling alone In Europe have many quccrrxperiencea, A young man who waa bicycling in southern France waa pushing hl wheel np a sleep hill when he overtook peasant with a donkey cart who waa raolilly becoming Btalied, though the little donkey waa lining hia tirat. The benevolent wheelman, putting his left band against tbe bark of the rart and guiding his wheel with the other, pushed a.) hard that the donkey taking freall courage, pulled hia load up to tbe top successfully. The summit resetted, the peasant burst Into thank to hie bene fsi Uir. "It waa very gmxt of yon, nion aleur," be said; "I ahould never In the world bave got up tbe bill w ith only on 4.nkey!" atae at a liesasre araaalsslsa, A bachelor tearher who waa in tb habnt of pttahshlng refractory pupil by ttaitig a ruler on the hand, reee hal nerwsion to rhafttsse a pretty m of 1 summers, Tbe miaehievoua g irl dvanreit to h ib nil. tl the tewrh er Mid: "tiiv m your hand, Nellie." ller IJsik eve Iwinkbil, as she U tnurvly sstj "Mr. IV- like. ),y wi'l hue to lak Csmta, and Trade-Marks obtained aad all Pat entbwneMoonductedfur MoetsaTg rtta. Our Orriee ie Oeeoeirg o, a. pstiht Orrier and ws canscrurs oaiciu ia less luas tlisa Utuet rentals from WsBhingtoa. Scad modeL drawing oe photo. With oVeerlp tios. We adrisa, U patentaUe er But, irr of coarr. Our fee not due till palest Ie second. a iMHin. " How to Ornate Patents." with cost ot same is th U. 8. sod lurtiga couauisa Mat Ires. Addrtes, C.A.SNOW&CO. TtMT OrflCI, WBHtHaTOM. D. C WANTED-AN IDEA5gSK thing to patent f Protect your Ideas : they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEK- BUKN A CO.. Patent Attarnen. WejihlneLnn 1). for their S1.8U0 prise oflcr. NORTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 16A9.) Published Weekly at Portland, Or. DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: t2.0f PER YEAR. (Sample copies free.) Rdral Spirit and Gazette both for 11.50, easb, at this office. Attorneys fit Lcixv, All bnaioeaa attended to lb prompt and otUfaetory manner. Notaries Pnblie end Collector. HEPPNER, OFFICE l IN NATIONAL t t BANK BCILDINO. t i OREGON diAii u IIVII Co WHITE COLLAR LINE. rer and rucret Sound Navi U "Tl Skvatn TELDIONf; BAILET 6ATZERT AND OCEAN' WAVE. Uaeln. Alder Street Dock. Portland, f. A.toria. llwaeo. L,g Deaeb Oca Park and N.heotla. Direct aonneetion with llwaeo .teatae". r.n ' road; elao at Tonng' Bay wltb 8eashor( lUtlroa.1. Lsave portlaad T A. kt. Daily, esrept Sunday, lrea Aston I P. M. Pslly, eiewpt MM lM.wonu.iH. r. lillf , eieepi piia.lay. HIilMar lllrht. II r M t... . al A. ht aeei ssnday ami M.-wtay. sul.,Ur BigMi 7 p. OOBAN' WAVH vee Aiinrla r ir.M UaverortlaBt and nine dlrartUillwsen, Tiiesrtey M Thnitar el S A w . . Iaa, II W-lne1.y ad Friday ., 7 ' 7. ! V Cl mgatT.t Bat Chffktj lo Eiibei Vtiktin M tVvb Frr. if hp T-f Safety. re4, C...f..H. IW-ire. Travel sa th Telefhofca, iWr ,, M( ( 3ITIIE PALACE HOTEL BAH, u- trjI LJili?S. Pro). Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars.