Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 10, 1897, Image 3

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Almost Blind
Scrofula Affects the Eyes -Little
Boy Treated by an Oculist With
out Relief -But Now He Is Well.
' When my little boy was three months
old his eyes beoame very sore and he was
almost blind. I took him to an oculist
who treated him for six months, and left
him as bad as he was at the beginning.
Finally Hood's Sarsaparilla was recom
mended and I began giving it to him.
In less than three weeks he was able
to go into the sun without covering
his eyes, and today his eyes are perfectly
well, and his ears and note,- which were
badly affected, are also well. Hood's
Sarsaparilla has certainly done wonders
for my boy." Mkb. James H. Painteb,
Amador, California. , Remember
the One
True Blood
Purifier. All druggists. 81, six for $5. Get Hood's.
H riii are the only pills to take
nOOa S PHIS with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Tahe Notice.
1. The sum of five cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of Ave
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and madeknown
upon application.
Enters His Protest Though Far Away Will
Refuse to Die.
Sport has been maligned as being dead. He
is not dead. He might be sleeping if he had a
chance to do so, but new scenes and new condi
tions, Including a financial one, render Sport
not so very particular about these little mat
ters. Sport hears that the town of Heppner is still
on deck with wool way up and wheat dangling
in the near vicinity. Why, Mike Yerberry, of
the John Day, sold his clip yesterday, the last
in the M. C. L. & T. Co. warehouse, for
11 cents, Geo. Fell being the buyer. Quite a
change from last season. Wheat is ready sale
at Heppner at 72 cents.
Free Greene and Hile Corbin report every
thing prosperous on, the reservation. The
usual amount of cowse, camas and dried sal
mon adorn the "ilahes." If the government
will distribute the blankets and flour, prosperity
will abound.
Mike Roberts is feeding up after several
weeks fasting in Montana. Mike looks for the
other wanderers as soon as they can get back.
Racing is a hard game np in Montana. It's a
"Mexican stand-off," says Michael, and he
The democratic brethren are getting very
confidential of late. We guess that they are
getting ready to spring a job next year.
Full many a job of purest ray serene,
The dark, unfathomcd minds of schemers
Full many a statesman is born to blush unseen,
And waste his substance on the desert heir.
W W W"
Now that the great politioal campaign
is over and the winter season again with
us, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long eveniDgs. Cognizant of this the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals end now
offers the following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonlan, $1.50 13.50
" 8. F. Examiner, $1,50 3.75
" N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 8,00
' Inter-Ocean, 11.00 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle, 1.60 8.75
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, 11.00 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.50
Leslie's Weekly, W.00 6.00
Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. ra. Sunday school
10 a. m. Classes Mo. 1 and i at 12:10 p. m.
Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
iTnyer mneting, i nursuay, p. m.
'The Spirit and the brHe say. Come."
The nastor mnv he fonnd at the narsonaire ad
joining the church, where he will be glad to
moat any wko may desire to eonsnlt hnn ou
relations, social, civic, philosophic), educational,
Or any other subjects.
J, W. FLK82ER, Minister.
Here and There.
Ebeneezer, lan' f o' goodnesB !
What de mattah with dat drum?
Say, yo' raskll, poun' dat sheepskin
Till yo' make dose echoes hum.
Sllus Jackson, hump yo' muscle
Dose dar sunballs if to' noise,
An' I reckon dat yo' better
Jine 'long wid de res' de boys.
Hurry up, Mlstah Simpsin,
Jes' unkink dat trumbone ho'n;
Let yo' medley shake de zephyrs
Rasslln wid de tassle co'n.
Luk yar, Abrum Lincum Penstock,
Dar's no files on dig yar strife 1
Pucker up yo' meat-trap, niggah,
Blow de "Omaha Rag" frough dat fife.
Now den, ready one, two, free, fo'
Stop! de "tuber" am quite flat;
Turn her upside down, by golly 1
Dar, yo' see, a ring-tail rat.
Now, purseed again, and hustle,
One, two, free, fo' Hoi', Oh, Lo'dl
What's de reason dat dis music
Is combine of much disco'd?
Is yo' ready? One, two, free, fo
Hoi' dat book up let her blml
We'm de Darktown musically
Blow dat bass-drum wid mo' vim,
Dar's de middens waitin' anxious
Fo' to see de Miles pass;
Now, den, "Omaha Rag," jos yo' rustle
Whool dar Who blow out dat gas?
A True Nerve
Tonic and Blood Purifier
Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood,
Regulates the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys.
Heppner, Oregon.
E. Minor is up at Fairbaveo, Wasb.
mil Scharff is over from Hamilton.
, Nate Cecil is up from Oeoil this week.
A. B. Niles is down from Walla Walla.
Mrs. Julia Bradley is ill at the Palaoe
Mao J. Monteith is in
town today on
& light frost fell yesterday morning.
Jeff Jones and family have moved in
from the mountains,
Ranoua is still on the turf donig a lit
tle carpenter business. tf
Heppner Outfitting Ou., in the old
Ilerren it arid, see adv. a
Submit your plans to Ranoua before
giving out your oontraot. tt
Easiest way to make money: Bay
your clothing at Minor A Co's.
Ben BwaRirart was up from the Juni
per ranou. the first of the week.
The raioa bave ceased and harvesting
in Morrow county goes bravely on.
Minor k Co. have the best line of
boots to be found in Heppner.
Statements for the Famous Simple
Account File printed at the Qazotte of
fice. f.
Oar entire line of ladies' oapea and
Jackets are now In. Call and examine.
Minor k Co. 678-79.
The Uop Oold keg beer at the Wei
come. Oo lo, yoo thirsty denizens, and
see the boys. tf
Fesobes, walertnelone and all fruits
of the season arriving daily at the
Orange Front M-tf
The next panic will come lo 1910.
Prepare for it by buying yoor groceries
of Mioor k Co, 678-79.
For lemons, ice eream freeire, sweet
plcklee, avrop or cigars oall at Odd Com
bination corner. 21
Money wanted by P. C. Tboropeon Co.
It yoo appreciate accommodations, don't
wail for a personal call. t
Aoy one duing to build wither a
bouse or bsro will make money by call
ing on the Oswtt nlTio. 67t(
Bnt aooore modal loo and enurteoas
treatment at tbs Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. His., Portland, Oregon.
Oenoioo New Orleans mole and
itra refined eorgora mols In bulk
tooo to arrive for P. C. Thompson Co,
For ! Otod sheep range with
nlantv of running water. Will sell
ohesp. Koq'llre of L. II. Wells, Echo,
,H V,.
Minor k Co. b now io tok ever
135,000 worth of merchandise which
will he sol 1 to eh buyers lo (jtanliti
to soil. 578-79,
Tlx who tlMlre lo t-nild should not
forget that C. E. IUoons, the ens
irsetor, at rly to mk eellmatee at
aay time.
If yoo cant ahide by elatislire, yoo
Wm. Hogbes is baok borne again and
is looking well.
Mrs. Hick Mathews is visiting rela
tives in Portland.
J. H. Inskeep and other Eight Milera
oalled oo the office Wednesday.
Mrs. Qeo, P. Rosenberg departed tor
Peodletf n oo last Wednesday.
Cannot Beach the nkon This Fall-Hepp
ner Famishes Due Passenger,
Word conies down from Puget Souod
that the Eugene was compelled to give
up the trip to St. Michaels owiog to
damages received at sea shortly after
leaving ComBX, B. 0. She was com
pelled to wait at Victoria, B. O, six
days tor the Bristol and in the mean
time a heavy storm came up on tbe
coast, prevailing several days. An at
tempt was made to proceed on with the
Eugene in tow of the Bristol, but heavy
seas soon broke in tbe bow timbers and
tbe river boat began to leak. Tbe boat
was taken into Alert bay atones. Having
left tbe British port irregularly she was
chased by the British offloers bat she
got into Port Townsend ahead of the
authorities, but may get into trouble
with tbe Amerioan officers tor a similar
misdemeanor committed on this side of
tbe line.
Tbe passengers oannot now reaob
Dawson City, or even the Yukon this
winter, but the transportation company
say that tbey will keep their coutraots
with passengers and land them all
their destination early next spring.
Cbas. Jones took passage on the ill-
fated Eugeue. Whether Charley will go
on up as far as Bkagnay tbia fall or re
turn home and try it again next year is
not known. Heppnerites regret to hear
of his delay in reaohing tbe land of gold,
Born To tbe wife of Elmer Sloonm.
in Heppner, on Monday, Sept. 6, a son.
Grandpa Drew has been oo tbe siok
list the past week, bat is now improving.
Green Mathews bandies borne grown
fiuits, clean and fresh. Consignments
received daily. 78tt
The best line of sewing machines io
Eastern Oregon oo hand and for sale at
P. a Tbompsoo Co's. 2t
Born To tbe wife of Sam McBride,
iu Heppner, on Sept 8th, a son. Unfor
tunately tbe child did Dot live.
Tbe light company has pieced a large
iooandesoent lamp on Chase street, near
August street, wbiob affords a great
deal of light io thai quarter.
Cross A Black well's fancy pickles and
oenned goods, reduced prices, Orange
Front, opp. City hotel, Cor, Msio and
Willow atresia. 53-tf
Green Matbews baa everything io the
grocery line flour, vegetables, ataple
and fancy groceriea. At the new staod,
City hotel building. 78tf
J. L. Uihsno baa takeo the Jones'
barber staod and does good work al
popular prices, 13 cents shaving and
25 cents baircuttiog. 78 If,
Every new subscriber of tbe Gazette
from this date, May 25, WfJ, will receive
as premium a book worth alone the
price of the subscription. tf
Core that coogh with Shiloh't Core
The best eongb onre. Kelievee eroop
promptly. One mlllioo bottles sold laet
year. I) doeee for 2'c. Hold by Coo
er& Brock. y
Yesterday the Barley clip ot wool
(mm John Dv was bonglit by Bm
Wllkensoo f r 12 rents per noond. At
the saroa Hid M. H Girriga.ll disposed
ot bis wiwl, grown near Kohrt and very
heavy f'r something lea than 0 eeot
rraot Juboaoo being the pure oner,
Ni man or woman can enjoy life or
accomplish much in tbia world while
offering from a torpid liver. DeWiu'
Witch little Halve. It south, strength
eoa and beats. Il is tbe great pile cure.
For sale by Cn'r k Brock.
TheHoolliero Padfle railroad company
be decided to sell ticket from all
ttetiooe on IU lines in Oregon, at one
fa. for the mood.' Hp. Io view ot lbs fact
thai our people bave been favored wit
abuodatit crops, it is ot,fidenlly ipet
ed that the dale flr al Halrm will heva
hotter attendano than ever before,
aod la or lor to give all an opportunity
lo visit this great Inalitotmo tif wbto
the Monk of the entire slate have rea
aa lo he proud. Hit pnpalar Hoe of
railrne-la ba rlac4 lb fare eo a to
nal.la all in mmm ntia (f the a-ramlea!
ao akip lb la. VitB I he etovpimo oi , Hisplars ever ihibitd at Malern. Tl
At the Heppner Opera House Six Nights at
8 o'clock.
Commencing tomorrow (Saturday)
night Dr. Del MacUlaire, the eminent
leoturer and examiner-in-chief for the
Oriental Medio al Syndioate ot San
Francisco and Calcutta, will give a
series of illustrated lectures in costume
on tbe laws ot life and health, the
origin, prevention Bnd oure of disease,
and gives demonstrations of human
oocult forces. Sunday night tbe
"Human Skylight" will be illustrated.
Tuesday Bfternoon at 3 o'olook private
leoture for ladies ouly, and Tuesday
evening at 8 o'olock men only. Tbe
San Francisco Examiner says of the
speaker: "Tbe lectures are not only
replete with tbe grandest ideas, but the
speaker illustrates bis subject with
artistio colored orayonioes. His gor
geous oriental costumes and typical
soecery are pleasing to the eye. At
the close of eaob leoture be gives an
exhibition of his peculiar powers that
eolipse the miraolea ot hypnotism ot
mind reading."
The Only All-Rail Route Without
Change ot Cars Between Spokane,
Roesland and Nelson. Also between
Nelson aod Rossland, daily except
Leave. Arrive.
8:00 A. M Hpi.knne ";40 P. M.
1HU A. M K(laiid B:10 '. M.
9:10 A.M Nelson 5:45 P. M.
Close connections at Nelson with steamers for
Riuiln. nnil Hit Knntennl Irflke tKlints.
Pantien iters for 'Kettle Klver anJ Boundary
Creek connect at Marcus with utaue daily.
lo Care Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic,
Everybody Mays So.
Cascarets Candy Catbartio, lbs nioBt
wonder ful modioli! discovery of tbo age,
pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act
gently and positively on tbe kidneys
liver and bowels, oleansing the entire
system, dispel oolds, oure headaches,
fever, habitual oonetipation and bil
iousness. Please buy and try a box of
0, 0.0. today; 10, 5'2, BO cents. Sold
end guaranteed to on re by all drnggfots.
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
or 25o. .If C. 0. 0. fall to cute, druggists
refund money.
The Branch Accident.
Engineer Patterson informs tbe Ga
zette that the aocident last Monday
night occured three miles tbia aide of
Heppner Junction aod was caused by
a horse gettiog into a trestle. Tbe
engine and tour oars were derailed, run-1
ing along oo tbe ties for fully two
hundred yards before the train could be
stopped, but fortunately not leaving)
the ties, nad the engine gone into the
itcb at that place, the engineer and
reman would have beeo exceedingly
fortunate lo have eacaped with their
lives. Tbe ttain oame in about eight
dock oo Tuesday evening, the wreck
ing train baviog put things lo shape
five light vebleUe, Minor k Co. "ld ooe
fnlleef of wagoealast wek. &.H,J.
Markete ruing and ev)lMo la bk
Ire fair tre aare. Y'n ft
I oar wife a brerJ oew elo.k, Tbe 6ot
line in Ilppof sow oo eale al Ibe
leaders, kliatr k Co. t"?
A It aIlr, of the HUr Brewery (,
vb.i make tbe famous IIp Out I br,
was here yeUfda l.kieg afiM hie
enit ,ta-t. Tbe H O..I I k br la
lbs only Uf oHbeeorlevijia Upper.
Peir opeo H.t :Mh aod elMe IV I. Mb
tfAKiro TurTimTHV A"t ativ
II g. ).n,. or IS't.M m lfl htf
lt,l. tt,iihw hoM In fHftm M"i
av.Ot t,fmnm tUif. Klf
Tb IHMUliiluu loinwnl. lout. I hirman
nm m-4
Married On Eight Mile, Sept. 7th,
Mr. J B. Nanamaker and Miss Birdie
Cox. Booceas to tbera.
You can expect too much
of schilling's Best it is
onlyi tea.
Bij.t your grocer gives
your money Dack it you
don't like it
In packages, full weight
A Schilling ft Company
0. A. Hhea acoompanlbd his son,
Curtis, to Westoo lat week where
the young man entered sohool. Curtis
is a studious, steady young follow and
will doubtless make a aucccss ot his
t .. ... . . .
groceries and supplies ; you want sub
stantial gents' furnishings. Yon can find
what you want at T. R. Howard's . . .
TT. 1. Howard
Main Street, Heppner, Oregon.
baa .
Till Is Your Opportunity.
On rccoiiitof teu cents, ensh or h(wi4r,
a generous sample will he mailed of tlio
imiHt popular CuUitIi nml Hay Fevrr Cure
(uy s cicain J(hiiii) uriinoieni to diuion
strate tlio f;it iit mei'itit of the remedy.
elv iinomr.HR.
GO Varruu ft., JTcw York City.
Bov. John ltoid. Jr.. i'f tlnnt Fii'kt,Mmt.,
roooinmeuiled Kly'a ( renin 1'a'in to me. 1
can cniiliaMe bin vtntniii nt, "It is a ihiu
live euro fur cnturrh if cued ssdireoted."
Tiev. Frannin W. I'oo'.e. Pastor teutrul refc
Chitroh, Helena, llout.
F.ly's Cream TVm Ik the acknowloded
euro for catarrh mid con'ains n mercury
cor uny injurious drug Price, 60 ctnU.
Was Perfected by the
Production of
Moments are useless it trilled away;
and they are dangerously wasted it coo-
urned by delay io oasea where One
Minute Cough Cure woold briog I in ins
ists relief. For aale by Cooser k
Commencing Sept. 22 and ooolinoing
ontil Oct. 1, iooloeive, we will sell round
trip tickets to Portland and return at
one fare for the ronrd trip. Ticket ex
pire Oct. 3d. This ia for the maoo-
tactarera' fair. The admissloo to the
fsir ia free. J. 0. IUbt, Agent.
Frank C. Mid lletoo, reporter ot the
Oregonian, waa ber Wednesday to visit
Herooer aud frinnds linre. He wa on
the reluro trip from Bukr City.
Frank McFarland bas beeo appoluted
special agenl of The Einitable Life As
sorane Co4 of Xew Y 'fk, the atrongrel
io the world. Cub surplus to policy
bnldrrs of over i' mllllo dollars. IXm'l
taks iosoraooe withool seeing the Dew
plans of the Equitable. Injures both
sexes at same rt. 77if
Wednesday olgbt lerrihl bead oo
ooltisloo oo Ibe Haota Fa.nsar Emporia,
Kansas, oansed Ibe death of twelve to
fifteen people. W. J. Bryan waa oo lb
traio bat eecaped oobort and assisted
io takiog Ibe wonodfd out of Ibe wreck
To boat lb broken and diseased lit
sues, lo sooth lb irritated surfaces, to
ioslsotly reliev aod lo permanently
cor ia the mlmtoo of D Will's Wilcb
llacel Halve. For Hale b) Cuoeer
Hon. E. II. Thompm. repreenllog
Ilrklal Veil Limbering Co.. "f Uflial
Veil, Or., was io towo yesterday.
rovxrsxs, 1070.
A Boarding and Day School for Boys Under
Military Discipline.
Tie 20th vMrnmler the nreeent mnement Ivxim Heiit. H. JwW7.
Tliit Inelitntiiia tl"r(iuhlj niuiiiei mr il
nieiiml. MH'iel. tliialrl
J buniiwh prei'ftnirnn lor any r,ii
at ureeenl In lute. Weal 1'olnU Mm
mtv, hinle Ltiitvemiiire or ( alirnliiln. Ori'tfon.
I'e-iilviiiiim atAOfiitd and MHnll. lhinn vrt iiri rl.llnre wrlu me
Jltid now Die entire world
Knows this perfect product
As the Star Brewery beer.....
On draught at
all popular saloons
.nil mitral mill Itllf if bok
rienlifti) erhiml. (inttuatea at lireaenl In
aeita Inatiloteof Twhnoli
"He or
Kor rllitie and iillir iiifinumllun, ayiilrraa thai
ntiriil. J. W. UILU H. U., I'ortlauil, Un.
f ntn V lo II a m
'rifirit, J,
SI rV'lil. It.
1'. O d.aw.-r 17.
II ew the Tana of Barer Grew la
l Tew Years. . '',
I Tbo new, world is not the only piece
where in u hh room tow ns sprinfr up. Io
Lngland several cunaldi rable cltirs Lave
Len created by new railrond. Of these
Crewe la fx-rhapa the moat notable, say a
an exchange. Fifty years stfo it waaao
ualgnillcant and unprogiTaiilve village
wlult oltout a rotipln of huodrel In
habitant. To-lay it is ao iniportant
and thriving town with a population ot
some OO.(MK). What ma be fairly called
it crration waa entirely due to rail
way company, w lioae work cover altout
3a arrea and employ from 7,000 to t.ViO
ortiaacia. Another rrinarkahle InaUnc
ia that of Harry, In GlamoriratiRhire. As
late a 1NH6 It wa the hobiUtlon of a
few Raher famllir oumhrring aome to
nuU. Tbo conatrtutlon of a railway
aod doc k wa then rtmnnrrirM for tlu
ptirMiaeof the convey aooe aod shipment
of cool from the Khoudda valley, JUrry
la orrw a tow o of 25KK) Inhabitant, with
municipal gam aod waterworks aod all
Inotlerw Isinnitrmrnta.
. . mi
Tf are Ike "Ma'OiH"
Meadi k lllt 0. lb pt o err black
miths, have mala m eligtfit iiu
broveaeoi to tlilr ealatiUohioeul and
a-1 lei a large tek of Iron, bre.
aod ohr mt-riaj eeaentl! lo ti
bappioe of lbo who rieed qei'-k re
pen no their (', bngilr or an
kin oi inar.hioery. Tby !
lebilej hir rS l ae l aeOuioDiolal
everrlaxly in li cowatry wb I lo f
of repair. Wba) yeo weal a ta
sho t, mscblas repairel, tire el or seiy
IMhf ! to their lin, y4 will flfi
ye.o Italtee to be h U.J that
ao d it -aod do it lliU-t short
order. '
'fMJtUld ISM pU 'sWrtlitawrVMf
WtiV"MO J 111 u( tiJ'Ma MJ blf)OIJ
II o1t suooii roup w i T ajrfietioj
i iiwl wtt j ,'i U, -rvi
-il nijjd '(i x ju q t(w
0( njj'j, m OQOaop-in oa m
jmm n (iJinrntis ti) ejiatJl
i'i io Mit( ) -ut aui)n o
'(I t 1"" 'm"nt "
II I'lM'l "1-'J'l si'n oi oV in
j aj )! evtMiwaiorwt eifi to yxi
i "i "i!p ,iiud n mu; 'i
feJ1 Sf4 L ! Pf "fl "t 1A I
x"v nr rjoj p";uu m
4 w
tt toi rtwioTHV n itiv
te, tt.tH4 ft' In M.,blf,
i.i a.t at .a ruattt'i) t.tf Hlm
mt ft ,4 Um aif f t'lfMH Mai4 Mt
I i IK
la aa
Uty. 1 a li.H.ta .myt.f. ln.
203 Waahlngten St., Portion!, Or.
Juvenile Holiday
Standard Subscription
v Ihi W. II. Ooi.fcr Coiiipan), II
urg al pohllalier and inaiilifrntlfe-a (
I,h in i he L. Ite l rl'V. F.nrat line
f fW l'ld 1 and nth-r n'Cl 'OMotl
bK'k no the maikel.
AUo aenl watili d 'ut "TH K SI LVKH
11 I'F.," Ill l'l l l-l I. It Im. H o
tisivr ii if'U'Hl lit tl g'eat ilri't
emli f.
exclusive Jinnironr.
Wf.l it it 0" fr eirnt' fd ap.pial
let Hi', ottrirf i,tir eli'Mr nf I r 1 1 1 y ,
w. . coaarvcoMPAav,
Sll Si3 3t.VSt7.3l'.' :VM iae.re H..
7" !'l CHICAHO.
Tbia oompuDy carries dry Roods, groceriea,
kordwaro, boots aod alioea, bata, geuts' fur
DiabiDR", etc Large abirmeut of Dew aud
aecond band furniture, which ia beiog sold re
gnrdloea of ooaL Tbey bave alao Hardware,
wall paper, carpeta, louogoa, aprioga, tnaU
troHrwa, all tbeoe at bait price. Look for tbe
aipn at Herreu'a old stand oo May street, sext
to l'alace botol.
F. K. BARTH0L0A1EW, Alanagcr.
ljv h j
.... OTXAUKll
"Dllllt Cltr" 40 'fUGUlitOH"
las lb llaile dailr ( a pi Nmidarl
al a .) a. m. !- I'fiiaal i Jim
a. tu.
A l eu o go lo folliaod, t'p i ff
Tt Ialle d Is 0 irlu dun II,
t'olimbtaj yoo will it it,n!v
W. C. a I LAW I,
Uaaerai gtt
oiiliaai a?te liisiiii,
At tbe old stand, bave tbe usual
priog outfit of
UoViilo tbo thousand odds aod tods that are too oomeroua to mention.
Hast fmr lo rtrt Xalt.maJ Hank SulMlng.
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uro Alwoys at Homo nt ....
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