Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 10, 1897, Image 1

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Portland library
NO. 578,
GOlIlCf E3.St PKHE Lancashire Insurance Co.
Tuesdays and Fridays
BY -
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At 4.50 per year, $1.25 for mi month, 75 ota,
lor three nirmcns, strictly in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Three. Important Points.
FIRST Go via. St. Paul be
cause the lines to that point will
afford you the very best service.
SECOND See that the coupon
beyond St. Paul reads via. the
THUS iPAPKB Is kept on tile at E. C. Duke's
Advertisiag Agenoy, (14 and 65 Merchants
bxrm&ngt, cna Francisco, Ualilornia, wnere oou
mots tor advertising can be made tor it.
0. R. & N. LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 11 p. m. daily except
onnday arriving at Heppner Junction l:sua. m,
Leaves Heppner Junction 3:40 a. m. and ar.
kivee at HenDner 6:11) a. m
Hpokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:45
X. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction b:15 p. m,
Mud TTmatilln 0:15 d. m.
Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 505 a. m. and Heppn r Junction 6:10
. m. aid ar lves at .Portland 11:45 a. m.
last Mail No. 2 leaves PortlHnd 9 d. m. and ar
rives at Heppner Junction 8:80 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:40 a. m.
1'ast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:40 p. m. and
fcrriveeat Heppner Junction 1:47 a. m. and at
I'ortiana i :ot a.m.
For further information inquire of J. G. Hart,
Agent U. it a a., Heppner, Ore.
OTIS PATTERSON, AGENT, oo o the Beat i wor.i
McClure's Magaziri
Wisconsin Central because that ft T.'VT.lJ"
For 1897 I
ine makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en-
favinn .-. TTt-i 5 -vv. T- r-"vf 4- Y ay a a r A
wuiu y" . A New L,fe 0( erantby hamun Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of
iiB boiviuo io uiBi-uiaso m ovciv uraut ever published. (Begins in December.)
particular. : Hudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.)
Robert Louts Stevenson's
THIRD For information, call (Begins in May.)
On your neighbor and friend thel years of the Civil War practically a member ot Lincoln's Cabinet, and Is probably better
nearest ticket agent and fiBk for a I """'" K'veuu """"'"" " " ' "
ticket reading Via. the Wisconsin I portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series
St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished
Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of tne most critical
Helen Keller on the Character of Fa
vorite Heroine.
Here, from the Century, is one of
Helen Keller's "compositions." It is
on the "Character of Rosalind."
What first strikes us in Rosalind's
character is its buoyancy. As soon as
she begins to speak we know that she
is young, fair and lovable. Vnen we
first meet her, she is grieving over the
banishment of her father; but, on being
chided by .her cousin, Cella, for her sad'
sees, we see how quickly she locks up
her sorrow in her heart, and tries to be
happy because Cella is happy. So
when, we hear her merry laugh, and lis
ten to her bright conversation, we do
not imagine for a moment that she has
forgotten her sorrow ; we know that she
is unselfishly trying to do heir duty by
her cousin. And when we see the smile
fade from her sweet face, and the light
from her eyes, because a fellow-creature
is in, trouble, we are not surprised.
Central lines, or address
Jas. C Pond,
ucn. fas. Agt.,
Milwaukee, Wis.
or Geo. 8. Batty,
General Agent.
246 Stark St.,
Portland Or,
United States Officials.
Pienirtent William McKinlev
Vice-President Garret A. Uobart
Secretary of state John Hherman
eworetary of Treasury Lyman J. Hfine
Heoretary of Interior Cornelius N. Blias
Secretary of War KdhsoII . Alger
Secretary of Nary John I). Long
I'osluiaster-lteneral jameaA. uary
Attorney-General J oBeph MeKonna
Secretary f Agriculture James Wilson
State of Oregon.
Governor ;...W. P. Lord
Secretary of State H. R. Kincald
Treasurer Phil. Metachan
Rapt, Public Instruction U. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
. i G. W. MoBride
oenators J J. H. Mitchell
J Dinger Hermann
Mrnmen J W. ft. Ellis
fruiter W. H. Leeds
( R. 8. Bean,
ttnnm. Jadiraa F. A. Moore.
( C. K. Wolverton
"Sixth Jnnlclal District.
Circuit Judge. .......... .Btephen . Lowell
H'rosecuting Attornoy H. J. Bean
Morrow Count J Officials.
Joint Senator
H. W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
and the C. St. U4P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Bts.,
A. W. Gowan
, J. N. Brown
A. G. Bartholomew
J.K. Howard
J. W. Morrow
E. L. Matlock
Frank William
, A. C. Petteys
J. W, Hornor
Jay W. Huipley
B. F. Vaughan
Mor Thus. Morgan
I! Hinm'linen Geo. (tonner. Frank
Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. Blooum, il.
.1..1 ....1 J II Hl.non..
.. . " . "W. A. Uichardson
Marshal Rub"rU
Precinct OBIeem.
.W. E. Uichanlson
...N. S. WheUtone
t'nmnty Judge
" Commissioners..
J. W. Beckett.
" Olerk
" Sheriff
" Treasurer
H Bnrveyor.M
Hnhoo) oup't...
' Coroner
Jnstireotthe Pseoe....
(on stable
i United BUtM Land Otticer.
vu. rtiT T V. (it.
J.F. Moore 2
a u u,. lUoeiver
i a Alum fll.
n IT Wttann RogisUir
J. H. Kobbins
. KaoaWsr
OSORXT aoczxrrxxs.
0. A. B.
at Lexington. Or., the last fUtnrdaf of
(irh montli. AU veuraaa ere wviun in iin.
n tu ul(l. . C. (i. KCul'A.
Artlntmnt. tf Commaniior,
Dr. P. B. McSwords
Offl In tin City Droj filorr, n-r
City HoteL m
D. J. McFaul, M. D
Offlo hoorn, 8 to 10 m , od 12 to
4 m at rMidBC. Mr. 11. Wrlcb'l
piopurlT. tori 10 to l'i. ft. m , to 2 to 5
p. m.,at'omo lo tb rttr of Borgi
jewrlry More.
of portruks it is intended to publirh special biographical studies under the general title of
uak.K uj i tin uisiuiN irom wajiungtou to Lincoln.
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction.
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary
talent for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "oharlock Holmes" stories, given him
a place beside Poe and Gaboriau.
IAN MA.Ct.AREN, AU the Action that he will write during the coming year, with the exception
of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long ago, will
appear in Mcui-UBE S magazine
JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories In the same flold as the "Brer
, Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmbleflnger" stories,
RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McClobb's
all of the snort stories ne will write miring me coming year,
OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Maoazins a series of short stories in which the same
characters will appear, although each will be complete in Itself.
Anthony Hope Bret Harto Robert Barr
Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell
will all have stories in McClurk's for the coming year. '
features of McClurk's Maoazini for
Half block west of the Union Depot rf C. B. 41 The8e are only a ,maU (mction of the great and important
. Q.,c. M. st. r., u 4 a., rtjW. 1897, the subscription priee of which is only
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November, Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. McClure Co., New York.
While yon aeep your subscription paid np ycu I
oankeep yonr brand in free of ohargs.
Borg. P. O.. Heppner. Or. Horses. P B 01 left
shoulder; cattle, same on ten nip.
Cook. A. J. .Lena. Or. Horses. Won rightshoal
der: Cattle, same on right hi pi ear mark square!
orop on ton sou ipui in riyuu
DnnsliuM. W. M . Gallowav. Or. Cattle. B Den
right side, swailow-fork in each ear; horses, B D
on left nip.
Vl Umnm TWii1aa n,.TTiwul Kpsnitiwl FT.V
on lelt shoulder, cattle same on lefthip. hole I
is right ear.
Flnrenea. L. A.. Heppner. Or. Cattle. LF on
right hip; hones, t with bar under on right
.Tuna. Harrr. H.ormxr. Or. Horses branded
H J on the left shoulder: cattle branded J nn
right hip. also nnderbit in left ear. Range in
Horrow county.
Ji.hn.on. Felix. Lpna. Or. Horma. nimlaT on
left stifle; oaUle, same on right hip, under half
snip in nt .n1 solit Ln left ear
Rrnnr. Mike. Honnner. Or. Horses branded
KN on lefthiD oat.Ua aama and erop off left
ear; under slop on the right
iMihev. J. W. Henonar Ur. Horses branded
L and A on left shoulder; eettla same on left
hip, wattle over right eye, three slit in right
Minor. Oncer. MenDner Or. tattle. M D on
right hip; horse. M on left shoulder.
Morgan, H. N., Heppner. Or. Horses, M )
on left shonldei estue same on leu nip.
Chora. J. W.. Douglas. Or.t horses O on let
shoalder; cattle same on right hip.
Parker A Gleaeon. Hardman.Or.-HorseslPoa
left shooldsr.
J. II.. Lnilnfton. Or.-Horaes. JR oon.
nenisd on left shoolderi oaltle, same on lef hip. I
onder bit In each ear.
KocUtr, 1. W Heppner, ur. norm, ju m
Uftshouidar. Cattls, Qon right hip.
Rrrr. K. O. Heoooar. Or. Cattle W 0 on
toft hip, erop eff right and nnderbit in loft year, I
dewlapi horaea w V on left anoniciar.
ThomDMm. 1. A.. Heppnar, ur, norm, I or I
th .liouldw: eatUa. lun left ahonlder.
Tnnir It- W.. ll.DDner. tlT. HiaaU canitAI 1
Uft shonlilxr, horM.; oaUle emus on laft hip
will) split la butb ear..
W.tlMilMirsM'. W. J.. Gallowar. Or.t boiw I
qnaner nrrie JW on right shoulder; caitle I
qiutrfir rimie J w on ngni mp aim ngnt I'-e,
rnp and hole in Uft ear. 1 tango in Morrow and
L'maUila oountiM.
A Campaign
Of Education
HOW to Get It (T b Af.
Mr. White's threshine crew had one
of their horses to die tor them last Sat
urday night.
Roy Roberts' health is muob bettor
this summer. He can take quite big
horsebuok rides. '
Quite a nioe shower last night which
would not be very' aooeptable to the
threshers and headers.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred , ABhortugb and
family and Mr. and , Mrs. Stanton were
the guests of E. 0. Aahbuugh last Son
day. " '"; ' ' "
Weather is bo oool this morniqg that
the men ore huutlng up their ooats, and
feel very comfortable in them as they fti
about their chores.
Farmers that have threshed their
grain are very m uo h pleased with the
quality, quantity and prioe. QueBtioo
n i a. ' a i a : - j : a ' t It
We feel that we have known all along I uo 0BU8eB lne Ve!
that her nature was tender and sym- foreign demand or republicanism?
pathetic. t Charley Ashbaugh'a little son, Earl,
"Rosalind's impulses, her petulance, had two very narrow esoapes last week.
her tenderness and her courageous de- He waB kioked in the stomaoh by a
lenee oi ner fattier seems peneouy hor8e Bnd W(4B pi0ked up unoonncions
natural, and true to life; but it is very but he goon revived, 8nd, although he
K rx H rt Fill in nmfrlB m xr wln,a f9 ViAV
umJ n. -iit if it I ielt s,ck ,or Bwh,le' otb'n enoui re
would lose some of its beauitv and worn- ,ulte(1 "om A W or two Bfterwaraa
anliness, if I tried to analyze it, just as be fell bead foremost into a barrel fall
we lose a beautiful flower when we pull lot water. He was taken out immedi
it to pieces to see how many stamens I ately so it did not result in anything
it has. Many beautiful traits are won' serious .
.1 7 1 1, 1 .1 ,,t - V.. ...
... 4 il ..! I V' "A
r o ,i ti l A ot 1(Mm
affectionate and charmincr Rosalind." ul"0' Ja-"'
Absolutely Puro
Don't think beoause you are siok and
nothing seems to give yon relief that
you oan't be oured. ''
There must bo a cure for you some
where. It your doctor can't cure you,
perhaps he has mistaken the oauae. Any- '
body is liable to make a mistake some
times. " ' ; " !'-
One in three of ua suffer from indiges
tion, and one ont of three dyspeptics
doesn't know it. That is, he may know'
he is liok, but he blames it to something '
else. Indigestion ia the oause of halt of
our1 dangerous diseases. '
Hhaker Digestive Cordial, made from
tonlo medioinal roots and herbs, ia the
moat natural care for indigestion.' It
relieves tbe symptoms and oures the
disease gently, naturally, efficiently, giv
ing' fresh life, strength and health to
. ft
aick dyspeptics.
At druggists. A trial bottle for lOots.
Or., Sept, 6. 1897. . . , . . ,
Cavanough, Henry Oommell, JN
Cronshow, L H Harrington. H P
Curran, James - Newman, Tnos.
When calling for these letters please say
advertised. J. P. Williams, P. M.
First National Bank
of ii Errs eu
Notice of Intention.
Lako Orrn i at Tms Dallis, Ohiuoh.
Ang ih. Iiw7.
il following named settler has filed notice I rp
ol his Intention to make Anal proof In support I itir:(-l V I 111.
of hi.pl.hn. and that aald proof will ba made I W LLKLT IIV
before J, w. Morrow, Fouiiiy rieri, at uepvner,
Urmoii, on npt. mo, inn, vu:
Rernrd "trT John I-nny. Hd. Untry JCo. 103,
for Hi Kvt l Hm. v. Tp I ft It U. E. W. M.
II name Ih. lolinauig wiiimws vt prnv.
hi. rontlnunus fvllnr upon anil rultiv.tton
l ld land, vis: Joph H. fllsln, Henry
fliaiita, Jidin A. H.rl.t and Eaaanl Hollu-
ay, all ol Douglas, Oref.in ,
an Rrgi.tf.
To be educated one must read
the best llteiature.
The best literature is expensive.
Leslie's Illustrated
Puh'Uned at 110 Fifth Avenue,
New York, ii full of the best things.
Its lllustratpns are superb; Its' r
Inflnlnharir'n.- mnA Ita 1llArv rL-
v" "" ' 1
departments are odited with con- ii
suinraate skill. ' y
Bueh a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be In every M?;
(T home,
ri The subscription prlre of Leslie's uOtpe nniun,
Vt make the unparalleled otter of a copy of
X Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Seml-
X Weekly one year for only $5.00.
' No such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever lie made ( (0,
YJ again. These two papers make a moat acceptable Christmas or birthday .v
Ci gift, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness.) j )
ivemiv 07 poviju nnioi ui vow. w .t,
jy Heppner, Orotron. y
There Is Nothing so Good.
There ia nothina iuat as cood as Dr.
vmj ourvivina memoer oi ins uovern v, . vt n, rnn.nm.,i;nn
m.nt of Natnral nfen Is uu"'",",rl
Owinir to the death of Emmanuel Coughs and Colds, so demand it and do
Arago, M. Henri Rochefort now remains not permit the dealer to Bell yon some
the only surviving1 member of the gov- substitute. He will not claim there is
ernment of national defense, conati- anything better, but in order to make
tuted on the fall of the empire in bep- more Dront be mfty 0i6jm something else
tember.1870, says a Paris correfipondent to be jn((t M odi YoU want Ur. King's
... i v , New Disoovery because you know it to Practise Economy
to-day in a half-mournful, half-jesting be 8,1,9 8nd "liable, and guaranteed to In baying mediolne bb in other matters,
tone and compares himself to "The d Rood or money refunded. For It is eoohbmy to get Hood's SarBapariHa
Last of the Abencerages," in allusion Coughs, Colds, uonsumption ana for an because there is more medioical value
to the work of that name by Chateau- affeotiona of Throat, Chest and Lungs, in Hood's Ssraaparilla than in any other,
briand. "They are all gone," says M. there is notbinu ao good as ia Dr. Kiug"i Evetv bottle of Hood's Barsanarilla
Rochefort, "l'icard, Gambetta, Jules New Di(,00verv. Trial bottle free at I nnntaina 100 dnnns and will average.
Ferry Jules i Favre, Eugene Feletan, A Brook,lf CO taken aoeording to direotions,' to last a
VlCUlicuAi viMiici-4.Jiavsiae umiuii) 1 . - :... .a , , . ..a.
Gen. Trochu and now Arago. I have oent8 Bnd 1'- . "ontb, while others last but a lortaigM.
had the chance to see tliem all disap- llu . .... , . 1 ' "'
pear, the young and the old, for Gam- " ,luo,ll, luu,u w" ,u ,u" "l"u" " cv Hood's Pills are the only pills to take
betta and Ferry were my Juniors. Am- ueeuny wu wu u.mu. wJtn Hood. Baraaparllla. Easy Snd
bitlon killed some of them before their of tbe "spud" family. He oalls tbem effloient.
time and old age finished off the rest." the varieties of "Early York" and 1 .
Another feature Ln connection with M. I 'Weeks' Eride." Mr, Mutb has set- M ,iaei neara irom rfaox worop,
Rochefort's survival is the fact that the -r.i tons of these Dotaloes on Pat ,r Beetle and J si. Jackson tbey bad
persona whose colleague he was for a 0ni,i'. ,.ni.h nn nn R.im Fork reaobed Laks Lloderman, and at present
very brief period did their best to have tre doobtlesa floating down to Dawson
him condemned. Jules Simon, however, aln,m n num. Titt n Tnr.nnl
I " .. V - wu.v, I mm
1 I .. 1.' ... n.nnl w.l A M im I V. ' f
iKHiff nil rat cpi'iuii. i.iuiiiBiiiK
a friend of Rochefort's family, was even
one of those who wanted the editor of I Is tbe senior partner ot the firm of F. J
UUOAS UOUKTI, ) n.nr flhllnonl na.a
Frank J. Cheney makes osth that ha OTOr ,VD"OOU P"'
City . It coat tbe tbree men 81,100 to get
It you have ever seen ft little obild In
Caledonla.8omeofthesameoollcngt.es ot Toledo county anil .Ute afore.a.d Pox,.m 01 noop.ng oougu. or k,,ou
also had him condemned in 1880 with "d !',d. .b a l hlive,ee "!00,ed by C00,Unt 1
Gen. lloulang.r in their canities a. (J"ri in tb. tbroat yon can .ppr.o.st.,,
senators or deputies. As to h.a con- um of UM Cur , the fame ol uoe Minnie Cough uurs.
noction with the defense government. Frank J. Chenky. wbiob gives quick relief. Sold by Con-
M. Rochefort says that he left the pnbt Sworn to before me and enbuonbed lo ser t Brock.
a soon as ho could, for there waa too I my presonoe, tbia Otb day of December,! 1
much talk and too little action. A. D. imi. Rev. W. E. Fotwlne will bold Epiaco-
a. W. ULBASOM, -.1 ..,,1,,,,. . ha M. VL ohnrah on next
Ilow the Oosh.rs of Forawf Day Are Re
stored to Their fforner Vigor.
Notary Public
Toeaday evening, tba 14th inst.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and fccta direotly on the blood end inn
"My boy earns boms from sobool one
ooua anrfMoee of tbe system. Bend for I day with bia band badly laaoerated and
bleeding, and suffering great pstri," says
Mr. E. i. Hohall, with Meyer Bros.'
Drag Co., 81. Louis, Mo. "I dressed
T. W. Young, of Washington, has In- ' ' ' " " - '
vented an etrotrical heaUT to be lowered '. rh' ., a fi. Toledo. O.
Into an oil well. The ilt is, says the jj-HoId by druggiala. 7&0.
Mining and Scientific Pre, togemirate
elrrtricity in large quututitlt-s ao that Dr. L. D. Mao Claire Is here to ths In-1 tbe wound, and applied Chamberlaio's
the refuse matter which clogs the pores arM 0( tUe Oriental Medioal syodicste. plo Calm treety. All pain ceased sod
of the oiUtone will tie melted and run M , . ram.rkab! short time it bealed
out, cauiiig a frenli upward flow of The 'lieiollet's Beat Friend" is s .Ithont le.vlns- a soar. For wonnda.
oil. Thetoryaato UieexWilonof fim,ar name for DeWitt's Wlteb H.sel Lnr.lnt ., tnd rh.nm.ti.m
w nny well. I. that the ou, in panellig . . . . .m,rffenoies. , w
" - 1 a - - 14 sTaUUW UI U faUWUSUIlSW VI fyiVPUIiy
T. A. PMtA.
. President
Vlee President
Ass't Cashier
Trasarli i Ctafnl Binliisj Ba4f&
Oa ail parts ol the world
Bought and Sold.
Oltartlon mad on all potnle on
rMannaiil Tits
Surplus and nndlvtdod rt. l.iO 00.
Notice of Intention.
Orrii s at Ths Pau s, Oaaoon,
An 4. tT
ll loiiowin n.niMl Httr ku flr4 mrflr at
his Inixillon to tnak. Boat pro..! lo sii'rt nl
hl.rl.im. anil thai ald pr( elll ! tovU b
ra i. W . Morrow, l oin.ly W t at llippuer,
iroa,on nrt. lh, n. vis.
Hd. Enry Ho. M lor th ft, M. W Tp. I 1
R 1. R. w . M
Publish Every Satnrdsy
13 Astor Place New York
rt.kln. John
of iN.uglaa, Otfoa,
upward through the atone, baa clogged
thi porous atone with paraflln in such
nuantitirs that the further flow U
I AND OFFICE AT THE DALt.EH. OREGON, atoplx-d and the wdl ceaara to protlin-e,
J Aug , lwi7. N, ,(,.. a hrrrhy given thai ihinV that it U l-r-au Ui ailt
II,. (ollo.io. I..,n.l filler hu hint nolle ol Home tlllllK UHM It lCUfl UM! lip
is Inimitioii l make anal proof In support of ply n the earth baa given out, but Use
I. rl.lm. artt that s.ld proof will Ihi niale I -n -,,-a i,i.. I. n I.
-lor J. W. Morrow. County f'lrrk, at Heppner, F'-OTSlly acceptrfl l(lc la tllt Uie Oil 18
Oregon, on lirpilr II, imn. vis:
ast 111 abunilant and only reasma to flow
whi-n the exit la stoptxHl. It ha Item
?Airu !,m ,h l,w, Tp B common to ow UirpnlmNi to shatter the
it . M. I , . . ,,
He name the followlr wllneaae 10 pmv I wtorw n.t tiw wnwiiu vi me em, nm
his wii tt ii.oiis t si.uiw uiH,n ai d (ulllvsiinn breaking up thM loggwl matter, but this
ol Mid lnt. lr llir.mos H. in.liam, Amlrew , , .. .
Peiier.... hfih ot iirrr. i-regon. nyl is an eija-nalve prorraa. Ilytheloung
t.inis Wright and Andrew right, bolli of rnetliral Uu machine, which Is about
r.llil Mile, Oregon,
Jas. f. I'ore,
Notice of Intention.
Una 0Ti s at U 0e. 0,"",
ia wtirNV f.lVII IMAt 1HI
iSl n.ml Hrtlisr IUHlr.
at. ol.U.H. tn a. .l uf1l,l
ml hi rtaim. a4 that ld p wMI t i
b.l, t, v. am, t"iy . at U.i p.
unfis, on onif i. !:. u .
tskiMMkt'i as falsa
M. ! c ! rw
hu e.m..is r e4 mill, .11.
L l4 ,... ,u H mi Vlt..M.. IM ri..t.
T-t ll.tMaM H'Hh Tjf.-I M'tr .
Tt M t-itef.
Tbs Outlook will b Is 17, ss it ha
been dnrlog eeeb of Us twenty seven
yesrs, llislory of Our Owe Time. Is
lie various editorial department Tbe
H. h.mm Hi roliowing wiin.MM in prove . - .,,,,., ...u ,.t II,.
1,1. m,,H,,.m rn.nr nunn ...i eio.uon Ontlonk gives s eompset review Of lb
ota.1.1 t.tMt, tli i.-rph M tllklna. H.nrf matU'. program ! It follows Wild far
V l-ooy. fr lloi.U-.f..H ...-...., ........... ......
11 toe inaporMsoi ;uiiauiiirpiv w. im-
I dost rial tnoveraeole of the day; baa ft
I coin plel department ot religion sewa
Tberesnlar sobaonetioo trtoe of tb devotee ranch Space Is tbe In 1 ere la of
fWmt-Weekly Uatlte is I2.fi0 sod tbe tbe bom-s reviews enrreal lilecatqre;
rostnlar price of the Weekly Orefooiao forstebe tbHul table-talk aboot ma
Ull.W. Aeyooa sncrtbiBg for tbe and thing: ftna. 10 snort, aim w give
Oas-tte ftftd Prl"f one year Is rreeo lalofOSBtloe, cngioai OTrveHB,
advaace rae gat both the Osi.ite an4 sl reoaWe eoiertainmeoi.
Weekly Oft)is for 13.30. ill old sot. iu,aoio, with tbe fifty Biftb volume.
scr,lre ryylog their SoUrrlptlons fc
ose ya lBeJ.e will t- lU4 s ' . fc
lis wi wrwh wui mt9 s"ii .
e ntei lene and a'tr llv, Tn
IU;.(rir lo ln !ltoti via IIfP- ' O-i'I k k I til.i.lie.J et-y Hs-1-
r.eho ne I.ID. t ereooe oiro i
In.irtrt, hut of orrn, lor Morrow Coun
In.krrp, Plaintiff,
three fn-t long and reswrnblca an Iron
cwtrllrv, la plivivl at tim Lot trim of
thf well aixt electricity tianl of auffl
rtcnt volUg) to produce an enortiKiu
IsNit wlttKiut melting the metal. Th
r'urerrt goes down the wlrra, atnl, by
the cc u liar construction of the rarlvm
taacked rhamlirra, III" llibrwia heat Is
radiated Into the rock in all ilireiwlona,
. .. ... .. . 1
While ft ape cifJo for pure, II also instant- f(ntl o Jt( j comider it boo
ly relieve and curea euta, bruiaea, salt ooId 6Boeaalty.H Tbs 26 and 60 oeol
rbenm, efwma and all afTcetiona of the bom,, for Mi by Conaer k Brock.
kio. It never faila. Kor rials by Conaer
nro0k I Aaa lhompaon Daa retornea irom ids
" . , , . I monntalns and waa In town Wsdosaday.
01 la nieveuaon, a servaot gin 10
Taooma, a year ago slaked fteonotry Karl's Clover Uxt Tea ia ft pleaaaol
mas at Klondike witb ItDOO aooumnlat- laistive. Regulate tbs bowels, pari Bes
sd bv years of hard work. Now sbs is I ih blood. Clears tbs com pleiloo. Easy
to receive IC'I.OiiO ss ber share ot bis to make and pleasant to take. 28 eta.
old dust taken oat, baring received Hold by Conaer k Brock. 7
letter this week from blin to that effect. I
Cbsrley iDgransm earns np wuo ids
fleppner orowd from 1 ortlsod last
I. Ii Miller, fh.fend.nt
U 1 .. - - AI-A-..
In Ihen.m.o ll,r si.i. of u n Von an the paraffin and Other rvfiiae Is soft-
h.iehy riHIt to appear hlor Ilia nn ler-
li.d. iu.dr. ni h Itmrm. In tbvond IH-
HI. I In miI1 rotinly .11. 1 .tale, on In. linn nmf
enrd ami mlul an that It rune, and
a. l. t. h 1 1 I. .1 - .1 . )UK 1
V .11.I .tela, on the tol n.y I -- ,m p.w m unm wrww
M Ik tnlwr, P7, at Ih. hour ol one rlnrk In 1 OCCUra JlMlt M StronSf SS WtlCn It Waa
Of said daf at my ornr In ld I . .
viailmg Vndlea e.a ae time end
tmy by taking irite tost, free
qoatittln I ha .til tle fir.vums n
leg Ihe will sk ronoee'PMi wnt
'rlark train et lln ' I'ssillstne
fKTtee a City Drag Morn. W. P. Lotto,
l4Me ftnek stage H'ppoef at
Te'eloek, ft. ifc. Telay. Tbrlar,
a.,.1 Mater Jars: arrtvre at . 9
a.. Moedays, W4aeUM ftt-ta).
Will ssak eon !) iU bf ne b Usis
wb deatre-L rate ffl, esrh way,
ti-ti 1 a. a I ktf twnn L J. II.
ra . v -
IU.!r. iron. . . .mdf aJ leavlag every
Wart 'a dreg et. dsy ic( t KoaJar. HbortMl fta4sbB-
Wtk 4ow at the JW t,b" -(. pi N tbe tatertor. F- J. pkwea.
Jjeeftle, Orlf vw V)W U ffl f
Walt. Tbnt-"0 ma stage ltw
tleppaer sad Moaamsml, arriving every
lb. .H.rtiuon
dl.iriil lo i..f tl. romi'l.iMl of J. H
Swa loif.idl siviS an tirttrnmi'tit of wrlllt.
.! .hnals ha d.m.nds 1w.iif lM.ll.ra iji)
HU iHterrvi lr..m Mat I. .1 Hi. r.i ol
l.s 11 cil p'f ana. ia. inH lit. .i.'l 1i.
Imnnii( of Oil. elon 1I Hrl. n ' i Ml
let l.irtU. It,. I a. I. Hs lo .'i.r Ih.onn
fifty 10 tIM a yra. Tb first !,
In each rooath I an IMiietral. d atsg.ai
JfaftiWr, (Vrtitainir.g eln-.tit tK a. itl.. y
ft? e the ordinary whm, Uf !,-(
eHb ft Urge eornUr pt twlnrra,
Tbe pneeef Tt.e Ontl.'k s Ih"
4 Jlara year la s4vnes, or l-s ISai a
A Metle el oarlesr
An Irajxilile man entered tbe sub-
MbIkI h.rvln tl. ftl.lnllAT will 1... I.i'l.m.ol I .i.ii.. A..tt .1 four fiVlork Slut. SI).
...inrt ,t,n l. T.t ty l l.s sal i.,i , ,i .
ih.m.n.i ll.,nl,ii(lu M ""I p aoBiiw ihi .."...,- --. ,
liom M., la, la, and c J sod dliriots j re'tP Ul the presiding genius U lv
M blu. an oclrr for m, a U.e New
i-. a i York Aovwrtraer. Iw ia"", ww i"
'Vl'.iTlJT ",""H'" damaeL enrlly, twotlng with an Ink
Ik.i.4 pt- "h, l. ! I tAiiwl finger in in , m in-
- daSTiant rnaa atorml. raved and finally
T',Oaall Skill lak.olalo,iple, ib-Jletiged the correct nee of the tl-e-
l.n. ... .le,li., ae.ai,l. fiece. Tha Irtir.rr1un.al.le Iwiy ailillcl.
Any or a III. offiewrM, t.l. tbetr ZllZZ:
as-sixd blmaelf. ainl calmly akel:
"Ain 1 Uiq UteT"
fit.l Itiat la Utl." rnWkel tbs
' 0l e.1 t.p ft 1.1 seat l arbsf shop lu 1 hAU,h ii,g. Now, rniaa, I mna
ll ' ' I um the I'atUk tofr, I Iroulde yoi to aai me &0 ocwVre t'tt
k .1 ,u . ! . fir. I lea. Call uu bisk. I OP d'.lUc h.
BI I 'H I Vy . f nl IW nnrnir iin. a
en woman, llrr Wa had Jul arrive.!
Th fl.t.iu baa ft acbolartbie for and MtAMxlihgonfttblell.ltid the
1 - - . . . . I . w I ...... L.tih.T
"Ma-Iin." il Urf man. facing I
e-.nr.l la ibt manier id san'l do it
la. oi lo emt n.
rwtit a !r, I
rUe l lt a iiaNtxt et r ai.J ilUsirat-, '. f eboo yr at llwbop
4 prwte-lu. to The Mvth.ik. 13 Aeltar K-fdl Aeatessy. Ifoi ta aa4 sm sho
Tetter, Halt-llheum and Ktrma,
Tim intcnae Itchirur and smarting, Incl
r1tittiilhMidlHeaw-a Is Instant! V allayed
by applying Cbamberlaln's Eye and! Dyspepsia eared. Khilob'e Vitaliser
Kkln (lintiiieiit. Many very bad cam immediately relieves sonr stomach, oom-
have Wn l-""";';1 ' it "tTHl .I i'.nd lr OP 'l nd ia tbe Brest
is eqnally efni lent for Itching piles nd a . s. n
favoHti remly f-r sore nipples. kldny sod liver remedy. 8ild by Oon-
clmpped bamla, rbllblnlna, frost bit ser Brock. J
and chronic sore eyes. i cts. per oo. i "
i i HogD uonriey was Dare wsuoesasy
Dr. fadr's Condition Powdert, ftre I , Th. tun.
fruit what ft home neei wnen in oao i
condition. Tonic, blootl lmrifler and I i.,iiM i... th haal. tt ton ar
xsttxu ShX. us, rrn ...b .p..
bora In prim condition. Irit 85 sod ft tired feeling, tske Karl s Clover
rents per package. Tea, it is pleasant to take. Bold by
.. " , ' 7? ,, . Conaer it Brock, y
Vitus Uriel, loform tbs Engens Oasrd I ,.
that at present prteea for wbsat tbey I Tb Osteite noHoes that Mr. O. W.
Ill clear 110,01X1 Ibia year. This ssms I Phelp. of ths law Br in of Ellis A lTIp,
family ram to Org'a ft few years ago I was glvn aa elegant farewell" by bis
without s eeot, aod are bow worth -'A I bmt ber Elks and their ladies, down t
WO to VJ,0 rO.
I Tbe Dalle oa Aug. Hh.
S4 Is ta ss) nt 4
It m a e.n4 ay i.wnt
um If wkKk lsairfM
MM.y law ia. aw.ua H
kkf vit:f a.4b4 it gl'
P9 tf bA Mtfaw
Ely's Cream Balm
i r
r naiaNa Sn
He not deed! A eongb, boarapaos
or ernnp are not to be trifled with, k
de In tlmft of Hhiloh's Ours will savs
yon mnrh tronbla. Hold by Conv k
Bro,k. t '
J. C Kirk, of Itlieft creel, who was
I lor yeai dnoerat bat wbo voted for
I "Mo' th last eleoltoe, la welt pleaae.1
witb bis rhaoga, 0s saya, "Whoop 'r
ap for IfsKialey
I .kiiwiHi lo M th aww ttvwwr eat fw I
h-.l. wk. 4 t tl 4 4 Hay ail I J)r joua V.', Rasmat, of tb
i-.r tM t.saii, keawins-. I bas kg beer ob draught
I.U Ik.
gbt lbs Hop
lr.rs s, a .alMW I , i I t,., AM ,.l e.ra in
hat roiiUly, -vmnr-y Urttl rouf 1, fci;M,Mnftwesliwi etork,,
fS. I '