JML TO TUB mmwm GIVES THB OHOICK Of Two Transcontinental, GREAT NORTHERN Ry- OREGON SHORT LINE. THE CHBONICLX ranks wttk aewspapsrs In ttos UnUad Stataa. THB CHRONICLE baa DO aqoal on ths PaelAa Coast. II Kiadi all In ability, antarprlaa and now. THB CHBONICLB'8 Talegraptile Reports an tbe lawst and most reliable, IU Local Nsws th fullest and spiciest, and Its Editorials from Um ablest pens In the ooantry. THE OHUONIOLK aasalwaTS MOB, ana always FOR A LONG AND HAPPY LIFE. Be Well Fea, Well Warmest aad Well Rested. Were I asked for a receipt for longevity, beauty and happiness, I would write : "Be well fed, well wanned and well rested." Many people are thor oughly wedded to the idea that it ifl just as well to sit down ana worn iu, or that it is a sign of laziness to lie rlnwn in the davtime. says the Ladies' Home Journal. There is just such ig norance in the world for ignorance it i of the simplest physical laws, it a woman, is observed to rest often she is soon regarded as "lazy." People who are averse to exercise, or lag easily in their work, are sick. When people shun exertion it is because the physical Dai ance is weakened. Another odd bit of bigotry stands like LOCAL BQC1BS. Circuit court is io session. School oo mm e need yesterday. ONE SURVIVOR. jlHE WONDERS OF SCIENCE. VIA VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS St. Paul Salt Lake DENVER Omaha I AND- Chicago Kansas City LOW HATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For fall details oall on 0. R. 4 N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBUBT, Gen. Pass. Agt. PoBTIiAND, OBIWON. A, I. MOHLER, Vice-President. QDIOZC TI3VI33 t TO San Fronolsoo And all points In California, vis the Mt (Shasta Pacific Co Southern thrunah California to all point Kast and South. Grand Boenio Rout of the Faclfto Coast. Pullman Bnflet HIneDars. Beonnd-olaas Weepers Attached to express trains, affording superior , I... Mniindlnjui Dassenicers. For rates, tickets, sleepiui oar reservations, t.jy.?P2n.oriS,!?.?f. n MABKHAM. B, K()B,M1,11.IV, manKr, v,. ... . Gen. F- AKt., Portland. Oreon If so, be snre and ee that your ticket reads via Tim Hoitiwesteri lint ....THE.... 0HI0AOO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY TI1I8 ID TFIB Great Short LiQe UEfWEKN DULU Til, 8t. PAUL, CUiCAaO AND ALL POINTS BAST AND SOUTH MairnlflmMil Tnw k. fix-rli-as Vfstllmled Dliilug and Hli-itii)c lar Trains, and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIMK bu nlven this rd a national reputation. rarrltxl on (lie isuliii trains wltfiiiiilenscliarK. "hip jnnr frelirht ami travel ovor this lauioiia lino. All Ments have iliseta. u us-m r.r,MVd ' Ui.n. Aiifiit Tray. f. A I. Agt, Jpt WaahliiKtoii Ht., Portland, Or. will be th. frtad I and champion of th. people as Qur grandfathers against oomoiuadiuiia. wijh"" i - - . oppressions of any kind, it wtu be imtepeadeai and grandmothers did not ao BO, ewj. la everything neutral la nothiASi t it is plain that they did not need the amount of rest that ia re- ouired in these days. They had not . tenth of the distractions of these hurrying times. Besides, perhaps, if ihe-v had not euch faith ia their straight-backed chairs and long hours their progeny might have been blessed with stronger nerves, xnereiore, iuj Mrv. niiick-temDered, cross woman, doctor, ir. h "healthy, wealthy and rw coinc to bed early and often, Also, invest in some sort of comfortable nirvh whteh shall be installed in the post of honor in your sitting-room, and then use it. J ONLY A LITTLE PLAYFUL. . VJ Th. Tenderfoot. Bowerw, auwava so-fa with the Owner "He ain't vicious, stranger, and ain't trot a sinele mean trait, So spoke the owner of the mustang to the tenderfoot who was sojourning in the hills of southwestern Missouri, cm va thft Detroit Free Press. - . . -. . . . A 'You lust tret on. ana try nun ww if you don't like him don't buy him. , Tie may be a bit spry and playful, but that's 'cause he's been in the stable over a week." The tenderfoot sprang to the saddle and what happened thereafter he only dimly remembered. The horse reared; then he came down on all fours, with hia legs aa stiff as a sawhorse. Having repeated thi operation half a dozen times, he sprang forward and covered of the country at a 2:01 The Chronicle Did You Ever . Try Electric Bitters bb a remedy for soar troubles If not. Bet a bottle now and get relief. Tbie medioine has been fnnnrl to ha narticnlarly adapted to the relief and enre of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to tne organs. If yon have Loss of Appetite. Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting peus, or are Nervous, Sleepless, JiioitaDie, melan choly, or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Eleotrio Bitters is the medicine yon need. Health and Strength are guaran teed by its use. Fifty cents and $1.00 at Conaer A Brook's drug store. To the Public. Daring the year 1897-8 tbe University of Oregon will condnct a special tenth grade olass for the benefit of atalenta The ClergranM Who Married Preside ' Hayes Is. Still Urlns;. Near the close of December, 1852, Eutherford B Hayes was united in marriage to Xucy Webb. Lucy Webb exerted a wonderful influence over him. She w&e a refined, religious, fun-loving girl. She waa born in Chillicothe, and her father was a physician, who died at Lexington, Ky, in 1833. The widow, her two sons and daughter, came, to Delaware because of the educational advantage tbe town afforded. Here Lucy was instructed preparatory to en tering the Weeleyan female college at Cincinnati. A few evenings ago the writer spent a most pleasant homr with the venerable Dr. L. D. McCabe, vice president of the Ohio Wesloyan University. Dr. Mc Cabe is an uncle of Bishop McCabe, better known as Chaplain McCabe. For half a century Dr. McCabe has been connected with university work in Del aware. Eighty years has he lived, and the, world is better for it. Now he is LUNG THOUBLtS AND CONSUMPTION CAN BE CD BED. As Eminent New York Chemist and Bclenttat Hakes a Free Offer to Our Header. WANTED-AN IDEA.". thinar to patent r Protect your laeas ; t net may bring toV wealth. Write JOHN WEpblB BURN CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington., D. C tor their flOO prize offer. already nnrnllod. Other Students WbO have completed tbe ninth grade may be old and feeble, and the shadows are admitiaH tn this olnflH nnon Dresentlng biieicumt, their credentials. far toward the east. Sit ting in his comfortable home, with a picture of Lucy Webb Hayes hanging on the wall over his. chair, he spoke in most glowing terms of her womanly north. Dr. McCabe performed the A Bnre Thing for You. mnrriaire ceremony which made Euth- A transaction in whioh yon oan not erforci Hayes and Lucy Webb man and J. J. WalHon, Seo'y of Regents. lnae ia a. nnra thine. BiliouSDeBB, sick headache, furred tongae, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are cansed by nnnsti nation and slueeish liver. OaS- eareta Candy Cathartic, the wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are Bold by all druggietB and guaranteed to cure or money refunded. 0. 0. C. are a sure thing. Try a box today ; 10c, 25., 50o. Sample and booklet free, tf Building. the: daily By Mall, Postage Paid, $6.70 if ear. Sompter News:' Jas. Jones Hnd fam ily, of Heppner, who have been visiting here with the family of Newt Jonps, de parted Tuesday for their home. Mrs. Curtis accompanied them and will visit a few weeks in Heppner. wife, and he also attended tneir sil ver wedding, which event took place at the white house in December, 1877. It is also worthy of note that Dr. Mc Cabe journeyed across the state to perform the marriage ceremony for Senator-elect Joseph B. Foraker and wife. 1 "Lucv Webb waa one of the most beautiful characters I have ever been permitted to know," said Dr. McCabe. "Her mother brought her and her broth ers here to educate them. At tnat time girls did not enter the university here, but I was Miss Webb's tutor in preparing her for a female seminary. She was a beautiful young woman, full of fun, and just the kind of a girl who would captivate a young man like Hayes. The same qualities of heart she carried with Her uirougn nie, ana The distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo enm, of New York City, demonstrating his discovery of a reliable oore for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronchial, lung and obest troubles, stubborn ooughs, catarrhal affeotiona, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, win aena rnnii oui' TLE8 (all different) of hia New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. Hia "New Scientific Treatment" has cured thousands permanently by its timely use, Bod he considers it a simple professional dnty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of hia infallible care. Scienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produced results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. Hib assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are curable in any climate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in his American and Enro Dean laboratories in thousands from those onred in all' parts of the world. , The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and oertain death. Simply write to T. A. Bloonm, M. 0, 98 Pine street, New York, giving post oflSce and express address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direot from hia laboratory. . Sufferers should take instant advan lege of bia generous proposition. Please tell tbe Dootor that you saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr Hiok Mathews and V. Gentry, under the firm name of Mathews & Gentry, are associated together in the barber business in the new stand, two doors sooth of the postoffloe. They solicit a oall. Shaving, 15 oents. ' tf. A good bicyole, suitable for either lady or gentleman, in fine repair, new pneu matic tires, for sale obeap at Gilliam & Bisbee's. tf Now is the time : to get the Weekly Oregonian, the greatest newspaper of the West. ' With the Gazette, both Btriot ly in advance, one year, $3.60. No better combination of newspapers oan be made in the state. Tbe Gazette will take potatoes, apples, egge or butter on subscription accounts. Any one owing this office can settle their accounts in this manner and oan t do it too soon to amt us. Certainly you don't want to suffer -vitb rlvanfinaia. conslination. sick headaches, no woman, as first lady of tihe land or ' r i . ,j any other position, exerxea a wiuer or NOTICE OF CONTEST. Land Office At The Dalles, Oregon. - July 21. 1897. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED at this office by O. B. Dowis against 8. E. Walker for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 4322, dated March 15, 1892, upon the EW NWJ4 8ec S4 Ett 8WH Sec. 87, township 8, South ' - . i ... HH.H. JWnnn with Kanee to, in morruw v"""Ji ",,B"'" a view to the cancellation ot said entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at thin office on the 24th day of Sept.; 1897, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respona ana lurmsn kjbu- mony concerning saia auegeu aunuuuuicu.. J. w. Morrow, county clerk, Is authorized to take the testimony in this case at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on Sept. 18, 1897 at 10 o'clock a m. JAS. F. MOORE, 67-78 Register. The Weekly Chronicle The Great' st Weekly in On Comtry, 951 .50 'i teaf All OIIIOAOO sallow skin and loss of appetite. lou have never tried DeWitt's Little Early Risers for these oomplaints or you would have been onred. They are small pill rait. with no running mate, either. lie j,nt Bre8t regulators. For sale by Con . . i i rt 11.. ,i i reared, leaped, plungea ana nmuiy uiuuc Bn(J Brock his way back to the starting point,, maue as u to roii over .m Death of Rnth Mima. etaweuoor, leaving. ml vwd dumb and limp in a bush near trie roaa- iu uB.u u, .uvu "- Th rmr heloed the would-be daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mima, nurchaser to his feet, straightened him occurred this morning after a long ill- out and Jammed his battered hat on ne(Mi wnioh wr patiently borne by the hia head. "What kind kind of a horse do you call that?" gasped the tenderfoot. "Shol He's all right. Deem in the utable a week, that's all. Feels a bit ni surf nl. But he has a right nice gait. world, prlnu ruxularly M columns, or twslre What do yOU think, of that Single IOOt 01 pages. Of .news, iiwriur aim vi.u.,.. - lii.'n?" Uon 1 also s manlilceiit Agricultural IJepartoienfc " 1 . SAMPLE COPIES SENT FRE. WORK DONE BY THE SUN. (Including postage) to any part of the United Status. Canada and Mexico. TTT1C WKKKLY CHKONIOLB, the brightest and most eomiilnte Weekly Nswspaper little snfferer. She was aged B years, 0 months and 20 days. The fnneral will take place . tomorrow forenoon at 10 o'clock from the family residenoe. E. O. A Care for Billon Colic. Resnurse, Screven Co.,Oa. I have been inbieot to attacks of bilions oolic for better influence. "I remember well how Hayes and Lucy looked when I married them. Hayes was a splendid looking fellow, and in all my years I never united a handsomer couple." Dr. McCabe told an Incident woicn occurred one time, while he was visit ing tho Webb family in Cincinnati. Lucy had a girl friend for a guest, and I the two girls were in the kitchen wash ing dishes when Hayes and a young friend called. There waa nothing for mal about the call, for the young men were invited into the kitchen, and the work of washing dishes went right on. The doctor thinks, from the sounds which proceeded from the kitchen, that the call was no lesswnjoyea ior Demg informal. Dr. McCabe is now the only person living who was present at that wedding 44 years ago, but the inci dents of that occasion are as irean in NOTICE. . All persons indebted in notes and ac counts due to Noble & Co. are requested to oome forward and settle same as soon as rjassible. We still continue in business and will sell goods as low as can be bought anywhere in tbe state. Noblb & Co. Heppner, Or. .June 24. '97. tf. ; SUMMONS. TN THE C1KCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the County of Morrow. The Oregon Mortgage Company, Limited, a Corporation, Plain tiff, va. Berend Poppenga and Ella Pop- penga, Defendants. . To Berend Poppenga and Ella Poppenga, de fendants above named. . In the name of tne state oi uregon: jou are The Boss Febd Yabd. The first feed yard the teamster strikes in Heppner is that conduoted by William Gordon, next door to the Heppner Gazette ranch. Mr. Gordon ia .accommodating, baa a good yard and abundant facilities to take care of stock in first class shape. Hia prices are very reasonable. He has hay and grain for sale. Has lately added a car load of baled tinwthy. hereby required to appear and answer or other, ni.o nia.if tn t.ha nnmnlaint filed aeainst you in the above entitled suit on or before the first day of the next regular term of the Circuit Court for Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: Monday, the 6tn day ot eepiemner, iovr ; and if you fail to so answer or otherwise plead, for want thereof, plaintiff will take judgment against defendant, Berend Poppenga, for the sum of $450.00 together with Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 1st day of December, 1895, and for the further sum of $50.00 attorneys' fees and for the costs in this suit, and plaintiff will apply to the court for a decree of foreclosure and sale of the following described mortgaged premises, to- wit: The BWH of the VW4 and the 8V4 of the 8W!4 and the NWJ4 of the BW54 of section 19, township , soma oi range zo, . a. .r the application of the proceeds of said sale of property to the payment of the Judgment and costs herein prayed for against defendant, Berend 1 oppenga. Ihla aiimmnna la nilbllshed bv Virtue Of an order made by Hon. Stephen A. Lowell. Judge of the above enuiiea coun on mo uj u ulv. 1897. t-LL.inat.iunD. 64-77 Aiujruvys ius tmiunu.. aevaral veara. Chamberlain'a Oolio, T-tr. VOTT WAiSTT TIIK "D,,I,,Ka,"e"i,45,M,0,0M),000To"'Of Cholera and Dia'rrhoea Remedy is the his memory as if they occurred but r t I... ,.,-i.,ll. i.e.n. nroooBed to only sure renei. i un .. .u. JCT5v j. use, of the enormous power issu- One dose of it gives relief when all other Oome to tbe Gazette offioe and get a decent lot of envelops printed.1 Government envelops look obeap, and besides you cannot get your business card printed thereon. tf CHRONICLE What is Hop Gold? Best earth. See ad. elsewhere. beer on Reversible Map? miowiNO The United States, Dominion of y Canada and Northern Mexico ON ONK B1DK, Q Amt the Map of the World ing from the sun in the shape of heat remedies fail. O. D. Sharp, rays, vvnufc enormous guiuuuv, Dy (jooser a urooa is done by thp sun on this eann aione is evidenced Ui part by the circulation of water on the enrth'a surface. Every the heat of the..m turn lino vapor a large amouiiv oi the watery surfaces, and these rising van., are far alve us convert! into clouds, which the cool current ot air coat. For sale SPREADS LIKE CHOLERA. I Barf eoa f the Oanarml Wtmas Talks . Plkffnl of India Dr. Walter Wyman, Burgeon general of the United Statea marine hospital service, has been making a special Condon Globe: The citizens of Con don fell over eaoh other in their ohrii tinn endeavor to net a look at a drummer ho came in on the stage tbe other day study of the black death, or bubonic wearing white pants and an ioe-oream plague, now raging m ii, " liest staurge an ever Put a quarter in your pocket and don't spend it till yon get down to Low Tillard's. Finest liqoors and oigars, Near city hall. OK Tim OTHER BJIDK. fiend 93 and Get the Map ai4 Weekly hronlctefr One Tear, poaiag prepaid on May and Pasa, M. II. Am YOHNO, riua'UW a V. Ohmlnta. 4,11 laAHCUavUGAlfc curry overland to countries whioh are r,t i,i,,.Ml with t.lentv of the fluid rleinrnt, and iixh further condenaa tion the cloud lu the Blmpe of rain full upon the earth. In smaller or largvr quantitie water stream again toward the sea, end during this course man undertake to w ithdraw from the water part ot the Mored-up power oi afflicted the tarth. It has already been brought by infected aeamen to Marseilles, France. In an interview he said: "In general the disease is spread in he same manner aa cholera, except that the cholera germ must enter tbe intestinal tract, while the germ of the Artrartiaara with stiff ODoer 1'ids. who I nliurufl m&v attack any part of tbe Rue those new Russian Tan Bhoea down at Liobtenthal'a. Latest styles, l.oar nnnlitv. reasonable prices. Too t ' cannot do better anywhere. tf Karl's Clover Boot Tea, tr Constipa tion It's the best and if after using it von don't say bo, ratnrn package and get yoor money. Brock. Bold by Cocser A I x carried their annonooemeota through - . i tu. . ..ii ftimA thi iTnnrtnn liinnn. the Bun, lining It Kr muukituu rui- w.uuh ... --. .. . irrv I . ... ln tl, aril f thalp nnrBiat. ihmu!. J no i aria mrmivwKmv, m iipmuK IHiis&SljFaolR'y This Hallway Co. Operates its train! on the famous blook BjraUm; lights tta trains by eloctrioity throngh oot; Use the onlubratMl aleolrio berth read ing lamp; Kant spdlly "qnit'lHul paaaenuKf tralua vert dar and aitrht between ni. i am and CnteatfOi aud Umab aad Chicago; the Chlcano. Milwaukee & St. Paul Alao rttwrate atoam- haated VMtitmlad train, cairying the lalt private cotntmrlmetil cars, library ti.iff. l tmok ln ram, and false drawing rmmi lrpra. Parlor ear, tree reclining chair ears. and th rr beat dining ouatr ear servu-a. for Inweat lain to any point i" the I'ntle.l Htalna or aiity to agatit or Mre CI. J. KHKY, J. W. CANKT. Uaneral Agent Tr. I'm Afnl. I'o'tlaod, Or mucoua membrane, or be conveyed by even tjie minutest abrasion of the akin. While thi germ ia o virile and ao eas ily taken into the system, it is one of the moat easily killed by disinfection. In the experiment now being carried Mt-U-rifht, Mttimate trie (juanuiy ' I eney now tbal the norir-on is ueifuioiug wal. r turiH! into var by the nn in to brighten. the MeditMTanwin aurne on . rw, t.hln.horatorT of thehoenitalaerv. rm!i rtrpnjin unnp si 1 1 -f i i' r i Wilt' Littl- Early lUaert " I I 1 L . I -v WMnlun tea mm Basal! W aflAat of w.U-r taken from tbe entire glob ,r. very .maT, ills lo Bit, bnt are mm j; d M' the tmoiie hotday v.lthintheliiunoiwe effBflHve n p-eventiog the m it tetl na , e h.iUut namely the staphylo Domain and subscribe for the"Gaeoo." Now ia the time. You don't want to - .... . s i a . : miss WDOle lot OI gooa, uara rcauiuK that ia now biing published in our "Only." Any person who Ib interested in British Colombia ahonld write to W. H. Hurlbnrt, general passenger agent of tb O. R & N-for a copy o! Pat Donan ( lit tie "booklet," "The New BonariEaland. It is well worth the trouble. 60-tf. SUMMONS. N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THB BTATE of Oreaon. for Morrow county. Rothchlld Brothers, HaintlHs, vs. Robert Krick, Defendant To the above namea aeienaanv, nmnn i vivm . Tn th. name nt the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint died against you tn the shove entitled cause af action on or before the first day of the next term of the aoove emuiea conrv, mj-wi.; Monday, the Bin aay oi eepiemoer. ikii ; and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the sum of $141, the costs and disbursements oi mis buuoii, aim mr un -i of the property belonging to you heretofore at tached in this action, and will apply the pro ceeds of said sale to tne payment oi saiu juug tnent, costs and disbursements. This summons is served on yon In pursuance of an order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered tn said action on the '2lst day of July, 1897. BROWN & REDFIEI.n, 64-77 Attorneys for Plaintiffs. I...L .ni.iii.ivr dav at not lew than &,2H,- iHKi.WrO ton. At that rate the quantity mischiefs. 1$ trmpwat and tropical wne would amount to not Ua than 245,000,000.000 tons. TUKOUOH CARS Hr. PAUL MlNNKAroLIS mi ti'i'ii a" 1 k'Sltllll UUTTK 11I.LKNA Tl k. U isana.1 to all pnlntf In IheUDiled Hlalra and QUICK TIME TO. WaaHIMUToN HaLTIMONB Saw York llvrrauo All other point to Ui F.aat Bin) Htiutbeaal Onll4 KaNaaa CiTT HT. JoaHI'B Hf. litH'IB tiTviI O VtA' irtRIIMOL Uoion lVMt rnnneetion at HI. I'aul, Mianr-aptilia, Kansas City. Omaha, Hi. Ixinla ami tiltirr pnmit- Dent poioU HtfKi eheckt'l tbmngh to destination Ot Ik ket. Through Ik-krl to Japas J Chin, f ia Taeoni and Nnribnfn I . trie hleam. ship Oompaai 'a Una, Tii full fneasalinatitna earda, Btapa, I ttcket, tc all iw tr wnte VV. 0. Au km hi, A !. Cm tiT.i, Al N IMly. AaaLtleO l'M. A(l. 1hllla,r. Tortland, Or K m..-a al Old. '" A writer In Mother's Journal I not of the opinion that women are now, f the first Uuw. of swfouut in awclety. She writ-: "Voiin-n are new m nwi'i and urnnllam. Ar they? Only h t.lhrr dav, in a Jug dug from th ruin ! - A M ... fallst.l MrhAL tttltfel OI an. irnt urmv, ,,.ll,.ii have served fr a daily lnpT in Hxme - tlnya, ami a woman wa Mie of the writ er. Have you any Idea that the old lVvptioji tiuitNl for one minuie uir jwlitiral powrr of wOrrmtt a they waUhed tbe rarT of Ck-opatraT Waa Miriam' muaie Ira Ittapiring to th Ile btfw warrior Wrauae ah witn nT Anyone might upo from tlie clamor and a do that we were for the forms ( f liver trouble and stoniacn I ul nvloirejie aureias. One per cent trouble. TLey onre ronatipatioo nd I of ouicklime will alao de troy it. k.uUi-h and raunlale tbe boa el. For "There are known to be two form Bala by Conaer A Brock. of the disease. One U the fulminating I form cauea peatu uisvjur, m " form the disease acta very quickly and ih.t Cha. Wrd. who ba1 bi aoV la U Tery fatal; the other, 'peatua minor,' in which the sryijiptorn are mild, th a a a . A a A MMM, broken anon, ,-o " .I. ,, patient not being confined to the bed: n.lla.1 In have hi lB Bmpntd lat ... ,. . w..i.- f " - week. Pr. Oeiaendorfer, of Arlington, Catarrh oord. A clear lead nd sweet breath B-cured wUb t'hllob'B Oatarrh lUmfJj: told en guarantee. Nasal injtM-tor free, gold by Oooaer A Brock. II Bav's ! Troapy I BUdrt. Beavlew. V.-W bav a apienaia hence thi clan are called ambulant casea. Th period for incubation for the cut canee appaar to be pretty well fixed at under ten day, while tn tbe ambulating caee the apparent period of Incubation may be very much longer. In other word, ambulating case may be afflicted for a priod of ten ot thirty daya before the symptoms have developed which call attention to the disease. The acute form or tne in fection may caue mild attack, while Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all fas buatneaa conducted tat MootaaTC nu. ornei i OaKivt U, . Pavsav Orrtet and , wa can sr. uta pai.ot m teas luaa waa i Knd modeL drawinf or photo, wit drrlp- tloe. a advise, if patentable or irra w, cbarri. 0rleaoMdua t1lltt bc , colt u'a m'ths U. S. aa4 oruotn uat (raa. Addreat, C.A.SMOW&CO. i, r-avtnT Omet. WaMiwvai. p. C. NORTH PACIPIO Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IS 16fi.) Published Weekly at Portland, Or. DEVOTED TO Agriculture. Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf.' Worth Its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder io Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION! 12.00 PEB YEAR. Sample copies fret.) ' R,tral Hpirit and (lazetta both (or 13.60, eaah, at thi office. lUiinor ainl a-lo that, we were ior vn i wnwi .. - . r . I . ; . , ; SU of am ount to the world, when. ,.U'. Congb -nem-dT, on th. other hand U, .mbul.nt c.. AttornevH fit Low, All bnaioaa attended to ib a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries i'obiic aod Collectors. aej oar coitumar coming from far and ear, speak of It in tl.S highest t-rtns. Man hat said that thalr ebltdr-n would havs rlid of froap if Chamber lain Cowgh ReaaeJv bad eol beer. .!.. -Kallam AOnirrR. Tb 23 and tsaof Maatt, 'la.. m" ' oisioai. eesiaiGNti ta Aftt4W tmn4 s a' It an4 ti.wi aV a... ,f wimwh. I tt.l a. tiwtn is In a m.w W ! a afcis rv.'.x usm. Itnfai S Imna i im ta SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, laws a -4:. air-as.j .,- w4 lUaa ua rssa t ttvav at Haas MUNN A CO., , 111 MfM....k. tot. t . fla.alla 1I1K kot ttt tb Louaatr f nf l-aoB, t-t it I1I1 to is sot tb b adtsaee I la 1.1 sltl tU. '' Brilr t Cvealios V4mUHI of lb bm mht r bi btmi bf betmt t-ii laa. If Tic IHalor line" .... STEAUIBS ..... Dilltt Cllt" i0 'KICVUIOI aa a mat tr of fact, we hat been a pow rr for emnl or evil socially, political ly and UHtrally eincw the day of lUlcu." . fatal m la rlrtl. ' reel, wah ami la lt medium aiittvt lattatora In nrr: mtrr with iHld tnl.lcaixMinfnl ault and eook till ten rl.ri I Hen drain aixl waah or pra thrnugh it4t pr. Mil with on ouiic tmttrr. the yolV of two egg', sntxon with a ijuarti-r tponfuI aall and the Mine f nutmeg; lay two but- trr t two niintitra In Iwiitirgr water; frmm Bti.I inatalHiy lip in con wairn . , h ... , I small -.rt..a of the pUU and ! f the ssbm t)tM, says lb J mar cause the acute attacks. Th am bulant eases, thVrcfore, are the most to be dreadd."-Chlcgo PoU . , HEPPNER, OFFICE W NATIONAL t I BANK BCILMNO. I t OREOOS V llabll r DolasT Wall. Inving to do well Its like Imming to swhn. You walo Into the watr, bu a Mticrpan over th " . . .. . n , not far, for fear you will drown. You d w.iin add half M ret wim for sal f O-mrer Win. ' mA lUe Utw, Vtm .. . . , i ... swallow a pood dU of wtr, but you As old Ira livif t Anlelop who . ...,..,;,. ..i .ii. hsa w"ih for PW1 ,Dl Uo yon must kep on cfciing weU until sfter night. "Id. P'ss seoa .uib.j rrTAI )nrn how. A habit la omatnlng in Ihla noor aitujoi." Pot Ben earns lo m y, have. That la what the word, blm. Finally h praysJ; 0h, L-4, 1 nieans. It oftn beme something' plasss s.od this poor slssr lo torisy." wuicn l.a uaiviron ire m-. . WHITE COLLAR LINE. r..ll Ihrm into n.uo.1 Ulls tM SUe Of I r 0ail rfoeraai. wlnot Wtwre the butter pats, the Him s t utter balks are malt dip la WaJm f-ff, nll In Br'd hrl rmniM sml Irr to fine oldr color la hot fnl llrvklvn tsv Th Iml tlallf (aiaapt Mun.Uvl st H it a M. Us IVrtla 1 st MM a tn. ait to Pi.ttla.!, st" iff st Th Italia slid laa s tup dw tha iVJnnilMai will 1'7 an I ssts rtiitr, WO.All.AWAT. tlsfl Agast Hhiluh's (.Vrttaamp'ioo Our are whets others fsll. It to th lwo OoQflh Oar, and no bora should bs wttboat It. rVaaatt to UU sod foes right to th sp.t. Bold by Oonser A Itrosk. 1 p.kk a Arstt Wt Ttia TUI Rait In ths world for Cols, tr of th real TurklaJl population -i .. u riMrt. full RhMBs. I .r.ivaMl into idlew and apathy by uusb.lUI i-.v- rW. Tt. Obpt4 Ills, ths bopsnr of w.nttin snythlnf tppartJ;I; U all H. wonh bavin wtUch will ttot b. st oacw sotea by omcisi rovTpoB. i tMk Vanted-Jn Idea mmm ; M H.4-tit a tm r.wrt I ana. ... b , a- tm wm , SMlaM ,4 . M i Was U' .MM, hies! at tta). The frralwl dandy In the workl la rnai-e Allx-rt, i( Thurn, ;rmaoy This fastidious young man auirs hint- srlf In a new ami of rkithes ry day. nmigh jaarly to kp to tprtTtca ( fWsk. workman cinf n. to run 111 (am. I'urh suit nt wrarliw snnar! la tiii-h! iwrfytii.l with attar f wwlmii, snl poaitiy rrs rwjw at im.'unrv. 1U waar so lr ths .f rssrv.L U t miO hr. W..,a drutn a r bina7 an tle saiaatawasu. . " ; .77 srar of ihrr arry tUy. A Usaxlry JTj a. HiXeV mpltlr.jf II prpl Is krpt tprotally ( V',af m urmm. I,r ung m soiled linen, tWi he ; .t-- hav bM sl9o4 Reaaaar4. Us Ami yon say Mas Bltloiit st ynur frlim1T W1U I hop you doa't flirt aa she dWs. Shav-Oh, Indeaa! I don't. I think her way i horrid! DrooklynLifs. Ull la Psaata. In Fpairt conatitutionaU Indolmre, fertll ixU. and a tttaf niflcent climate combin to rnaka life on W dawdle. Ia Tnrtwy the naturaJ thrin and tnaus- ; Columbia River and Pud Soil Navigation & Strers THJJ'OUNE, BAILEY 6ATZI1T AND OCEiS WAVE. Lsavinf Aldr Hlreet lXfc. PoriUod, for Aatoris. 11 . Urn Reach, (Wit Park sod Nehcotla. Ihrecl onneetioa with llwsee stMnars sod rait road; sis at Young's ttsy with habors Railroad. LeaTaa Fcrtlan4 ILK, Dai I v. aaoept Star. Ua Astnrt 1 P. M. Mir, ssrrt Beads IJAIIiBY OATS8BIIT laraS fortiatnl I f , M faily. amxlar. aiMa, alshL ti r Inm Aateft Ds st t A. ia., sr4 fuwuj an aiuwiar. mmij aisnt, i r. at. boi. For sl by liete wear tnivre laaa twle. awl kia ' luun anill Ciseiaaait mirar. . v tMt dry lhar ast ssfv-t a. vr. A CM rw. An sttditnr la a Japan theur la aJlnwnt. far a avwall f. to SUttd Wfl, and th unfortunate hlividuJi lhiu t him h rut riibt to rnons4ru er ta t sod fft a two al th star II snajf haft b eanot sw. Lmt fifftlaiHt aail rant dlrt to tlaen. Tm1a tM Ttmrartaf till M SalMi-l. Lea.a llaai waaiwansi am irvutj m i a. m. va pwaj bibi at a r oovan xxrjk.-xrm ft?tn Eii Ckfle4 to P.AHroti tVliutici U lnbt fm tf Erjn. 1-ot, Sfa4. Cwaitort. rieaawl, Tratal IS TalefkoM, aWWf Oatwrl a4 (itm Waf THE PALACE HOTEL BAH, J. O. I3QROI1 ICRS, Prop.' Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.