Scrofulajvelling On the Neck and Creat Weakness Caused by Impure Blood -Was Constantly Crowing Worse. When my son was 5 years old he was In very poor health and we could get nothing to relieve him. At the age of 7 years he began to complain of soreness on both sides of his neck and soon lumps be gan to gather on one side and grew to half.the size of an egg. We then became more uneasy and began to doctor him for scrofula. He gradually grew worse, how ever, until at the age of twelve years we had lost all hope of his recovery. He be came so weak he could sit up but a few minutes at a time. My wife saw Hood's Sarsaparilla recommended as a great blood purifier and we sent and got a bottle. We began giving our boy the medicine ac cording to directions and it was not long before we saw be was Improving. He continued taking it until he was in very ; good health. He is now 13 years old and is well. We recommend Hood's Sarsapa rilla . for all troubles caused by impure blood." B. M. Silveb, Grouse, Oregon. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists. 1; six for $5. Get only Hood's. Take Notice. 1. The sum of Ave oentt per line will be charged for "eards of thanks," "resolutions of ronpeci., uin oi weaaini OREGON APPOINTMENTS. The Oregon Delegatloa Agree Cpoa Poor Hea for Plants Other Appointments La ter. After a week's dilligent work the Ore gon delegation made the following an nouncements on last Saturday afternoon: For U. S. prosecuting attorney, John H. Hall, of Portland; (or U. S. marshal, Zoeth Houser, of Pendleton; for ap praiser, Col. O. Summers, of Portland ; for register Oregon City land office, T, T. Geer, of Salem. No donbt these sug gestions from the delegation will oansa President McKinley to give oat the neoessary "sheepskins." The endorsement of the various can didates for other Oregon offioes, includ ing collector of oustoms and oolleotor of internal revenue, will occur later. Id the matter of oolleotor of interorl rev enue, Washington will endeavor to have something to say. However, as the del egation ia composed of bot one man Senator Wilson, it is not suppoeed that his opposition to any candidate that may reoeive the endorsement of the Oregon delegation will defeat the latter' s oboioe. It is known, however, that Mr, Wilson has decided npon a candidate for the plaoe who will not reoeive the support of the Oregon trio. The matter will have to be bandied with gloves to prevent a fight over this office It is tbonght that the delegation have Idinir nrnRAnta dnnnn and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. NntlftAR Of chllPfH mH wutlav all entertainmenta from which revenue is to bene- practically agreed upon the aspirants for iau u uunrgea ior ai me rate oi nve cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher el to in every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Now that the great political campaign ia over and the winter season again with us, all will want an adequate supply of fresh and varied reading matter for the long evenings. Cognizant of this the Gazette has made clubbing arrangements with a number of periodicals and now offers the following to all new and renew al subscribers: The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, $1.50 $3.50 " 8. F. Examiner, 11.50 8.75 " N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 8.00 , " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 "1 ...... . 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75 Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00. .'. 8.25 ' Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.50 .' Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00 HETH. EPISC. CHURCH. BKBTIOKS. Sunday 11 a. m. nnd 8 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Clauses No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Kp worth Leagne Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. the two important offioes mentioned above, bat the Gazette will say that it is not authorized by any member of the delegation to say that this is true. The delegation had a difficult time to settle their differences but the final deoieions were made with the best of feeling pre CELERY KOLA GIVES REST AND SLEEP St. A True Nerve Tonic and Blood Purifier Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood, Regulates the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. NEW DISCOVERY; BEST CELERY PREPARATION ON EARTH. Heppner, Oregon. 61-Oct 18 BE IS THE HAN. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m. '-The Spirit and the brr'e any. Come. The pastor may bt joining the church, The pastor may be found at the Pftnionacre ad. dining the church, whore he will be glad to nifwt any wo may desire to consult him on The Sheriff of Washington County Identifies , the Murderer of Ledriek. The East Oregonian correspondent bad an interview with the man arrested by Sheriff Matlock on snspioion of being Gus. Mscblioe, wanted for the mnrder of J. D. Ledriok, in Washington county, daring December, 1894 He claimed that his name is H. A. Brown, of German desoent, the same story that he reoited to Sheriff Matlook when arrested. W. D. Bradford, sheriff of Washington oonnty, arrived from Hillsboro on 8atar day morning and identified the prisoner as the man wanted. He admitted that bis name was Waohline, bat denied knowing anything about the mnrder Bradford and ti e authorities of Wash iDgton conoty have Council Meeting. Oonnoil met in regular session last evening, (Joanoilman Blooum absent. Minntes of previous meeting read and approved. Bills allowed : J. K Simons & Son, $5.25; W. P. Sorivner, $2 50; A. A. Kob- erts, $50; W. A. Biohardson, $16 65; Heppner Light & Water Co , $70; Palaoe hotel, $5 75. The resignation of A. A. Roberta as marsbtl was received. Treasurer Briggs and Recorder Bioh ardson presented reports for quarter ending August 31st, and same was re ferred to the committee on finance. On motion of Councilman Oonser, seconded by Councilman Liobtaotbal, J. W. Hager was appointed marshal and duly sworn in. Couooil adjourned. religions, otinl, civic, philosophic, educational, Or any other subjects. J. W. FLK82ER, Minister. against Waohline aod be will doubtless hang for bis terrible crime. Branch Train Ditched. Word oame up from Heppner Junotion positive evidence this morning that the branch train was SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON & FORT SHEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Bail Route Without Change of Oars Between Spokane, Rowland and Nelson, Also between Nelson anl Rossland, daily exoept Sunday : . Leave. , Arrive. 8:00 A. M Spokane ;40 V. M. lltt) A. M Holland 11:40 P. 11 9:10 A.M Nelson 8:45 P. M Close connection at Nelson with steamers for Kaslo, nnd all Kontnnnl take points. Passengers for 'Kettle Kiver and Boundary Creek oonnect at Marcus with stage daily. LITEliARY NOTES. A RICH FIND. ia the ditob three miles this side of the janotion. The dispatch states that no one was hurt. Up to the time of going to press the train bad not arrived. A Big Quarts Discovery la the Blue Moan- tains Twenty Miles From Heppner. Some years ago indications of gold quarts were discovered on Willow creek, above the Hamilton sawmill. Subse- Mrs. Lillie Horner has returned from quent development of what appeared to Here and There. Wheat ia worth 72 cents io Heppner. Jaa. Jones' baa returned from Sumpter. the mountains. Mrs. Joe Woolery, of lone, is suffering from bone felon. CbM. Filkins is up from Douglas to attend cirouit coart. Ranous is still oo the tart donig a lit tle carpenter business. tf Heppner Outfitting Co., in the old Herren stand, see adv. a Elise Bartholomew is suffering re lapse of remittent fever. Submit your plans to Ranons before giving oat your oontraot. tt A. L. Mohler has been chosen presi dent of the O. R. 4 N. Oo. Otba Ward and Otis Sbaoer wers over from Lone Rock yesterday. Elmer Beaman is Improving rapidly from an attaok of malarial fever.' Mrs. N. 8. Whetstone ii rapidly re covering from ber recent illness. Bom To the wife of Dick Howard, on Rbea creek, Angnst 80tb, a girl. Oreeo Mathews la ready to do busi ness down io the City hotel building. be one of the best claims failed to sboi op any one worth mentioning and the mining excitement died oat Recently Thos. Leforgie, of Montana, a brother of the Letorgiea, of Heppner, an experienced proapeotor, discovered The murderer, Hamblet, who was ap prehended at Boise, Idaho, and after- ards turned loose, is being oh need through Idaho and may be captured. Other murders besides that of Oammay , of Qraot county, are oh urged to him. J. M. Hager has for sale on bis ranob. a large quantity oi pears ana piums wbioh be desires Io rxobange for wood or wheal delivered in ueppner at mar ket prices. Plums 1 oenl per pound; Let's take . hold hands, Mr. Grocer, and dance I We've got some beautiful business for you and with you, and for and with your customer. Schilling's Best is the tea. Pav everv customer's a width and can be traoed for bBr f Oeppnentes. Our reporter noted mnn-v L--1. i .f ,;. Leforgie say. .t Is lb. largest lbe follow,D8 : Congressman Ellis. Col- I m0nCV baCk that d0n t 1,ke be has seen in all his travels and ,M,or BUckmM, Mr. ,nd Mrs. Geo. it We'll pay VOU. The Hon. J. L. M. Curry, formerly our minister to 8paiD, contributes to tbe American Monthly Review of Reviews for September an estimate of the mur dered Premier of Spain, Benor Canovas del Castillo, and his relations to modern Spanish politios. Prof. Hagal, who gave balloon ascen sions and paraobate jumps in Heppner some years ago, is building a mammoth airship at Salem aod will give some per formances in the near future. FORYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment bas tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this el;c;i ii now prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet prince of any person under the eun in the line of droguta' supplies, blank book", bank work, ooucty work, or any sort of book bind iug work that you have heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Gezette shop is not a charity concern but if you will give us a olmncc we will see that you are satisfied in every particular. Buy yonr goods at home. Rmnenibrr that Abe Liu coin said that when one bonght goods away from home the foreigner got tbe money ard we g?t tbe goods. Bat when the goods were bonght at home we bad both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are williog to abide bv it. Wbtu Ibo printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call ip 'phone N-j. 3 6(50-If gold quarts oroppiogs east and south of pescbes, 2 oents. 2t me oia prospect, ids leage is luny 70 gund.y's train brought home a nnm leei in miles. ledge prospecting. Development work will be Qongeri j, jf Brown, Harry Bagley. L. began at once and if this proves to be one half as good as it looks Heppner will become a mining town of importance A Unod Hchool. In connection with tbe visit of Miss G. Holmes, president of tbs Holmes English Busioess College, of Portland, last week, the Gnzetts is reminded of tbe excellence of tbs institution by (be presence of former students to our midst. Mr. E. L. Freeland, the well- trip tickets to Portland and return at known atenoirranher and book-keener. I one fare for ths roord trip. Tickets ex Blnmenthal, O. E. Red field and tbe editor of tbe Gazette. Momenta are useless if trifled away; and they are dangerously wasted if con sumed by delay in oases where One Minute Cough Cure would bring imme diate relief. For sale by Conaer A Brock. Commencing Sept. 22 ami continolog nntil Oct. 1, loolaslve, we will sell ronod pay you. There's money in it A Schilling k CoRtpsny au r ss STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY ! You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! B UT YOU DO WANT LOW PRICES groceries and supplies ; you want sub stantial gents' furnishings. Yon osn find what you want at T. R. Howard's, MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED! 3T. Howard Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. THE ART OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of KI.V'M TRKAM BALM Is txIU.!"mr. Apply Into the Dnatrluw IlisqiikklyalwirtM'it. M fnil si Drtmlsts nr hy mail : samples Ion. by mall. kl.T 11UOTIIKHS. M Warm ttL, Ksw fork Utj. and Mr. Artbnr Minor, tbe manager of the mercantile firm of Mioor A Co., both attended Mite Holmes' school and there Statements for tbe Famooe Simple acquired most of their basioeea educa tion. Mr. U. LL Herriogtto, also of Account File printed at tbe Gazette of fice, tf. Tbe Hop Gold keg beer at tbe Wel come. Oo Id, yoo thirsty denizens, and see tbe boys. tt Feaobes, watermelons and all fruits of tbe season arriving daily at lbs Orange Front. 64-tf F. K. Bartholomew left last debt for Portland to bny goods for tbe npptier for0otor, Outfitting Co. For leroon. ice eroam freir, aweet pickle, svrnp or eigars call at Odd Com binetioa corner. 21 pire Got. 3d. Tbie Is for tbe manu facturers' fair. Tbe admission to the fair is free. J. Q Hast, Ageot Frank MoFarland bas beee appointed special agent of The Equitable Life At Ibis plsoe. was a student last eeeeou and iortDM Co f New yrIl lbe strongeet did good work. Tbs Osteite believes that aoy student who baa ever attended Holmes Boaioeee Oullego will testify to tbs merits of this school. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY. 3rOtrT23X23, 1070. A Boardingfind Day School for Boys Under Military Discipline. TSs JOih rr omlsr tits tirsMnt Bisnurimtil tilns (Wl Ihia instil nt Ion 'a lliomtiiitihr Minimal l r tlm menial, torial. tihts i ml moral training ta. TuoriHurh iri aralmn lur any il'a 14. IWfl. l) nil-si r arinnlifln sc hMl. lra.uala al prwin In Ysl, Wast I . L, Kawliii. mu Instituted Tm-hnni'Mty, Hi Ms I nioisiurs .f allfttnia. Hwn. H-l,)l?Mita, Hlan frit anil SlHull. Dunn taratiim iiUini imloi ma frtianlltn li a- tn Kiif ratalnftw ami nilii-r iitfuinislliin, aihirrsa llta l-rmrii), J. W. IIIIX, St. I)., I'rtlatiil, Oin, im. f. O rfrawnr 11. SI HiC IS. HOP GOCD Jlnd now the entire world" Knows this verted vroduct As the Star Brewery beer..... On draught at I all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. Clrralt Coart. Jadge Lowell le grinding away today on few cases mostly di-raoll laod Tbe term promises to be a short one, wiib tbe cbsnoes that tbers ill not be a criminal rase. Tbe members of the grand jury are Ed Holland. T. I). Mallbrws. E. W. Col. Alley le Improvleg bie paper, tbe Rta. J- H. Filkins, Harry Warren, Jeff Evening lVpubllcae, of Baker City. Evans end Darry Joeee Tbe Ool le all right. Tin following bailiff were appointed . . this momleg: AUi Tliompeon. trend , Miry bailiff j W. P. Hnydrr. general it yon appreciate r.,-..-, .... . j j AJkn Jafy Mns vail ror a peraooai ran. The beet line of eewiog marblnee in Eastern Oregon en bead and fur sate at P. a Tbon peon Co's. 2t 4t Deet aceommodstlna and eonrteona treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Beventb and Wash. Bis., Portland, Oregon. Mie Joie Itaatirtge arrived fmm Athene en Handay nnrning to take be plaee as tcber la lbs Heppner erbonls. Oeoelae New Orleans noleeaee snd i Ira refiod eore em nnlsaoee In balk snon to arrive for P. C. Tboropeon Co. THoae who dealre bnild shoold not foftf-t that O. E. Ilanon. tbe ea- treHnr, aj rely to saake eelltnatee at aay time, J"tf George llarlngtnt aad HUrlieg Kellb ly gnt beek borne yeeier.tsy after ae atwoe of a Rnxtn la tbe nvmaUlns of Moffow. Greet, Baker sad Harney rono tie. Tb'f bad B pl'tid t'Wie. tat week II i. lejl'e elip front tbe Juhs Iev eotd la Heppner for 12 ente, the bigtt priee paid le Hppef tut wool this e. At tbe eae ttne Fere worth A Webb eold tbir flip fr 10'. He tp note f-jf J!tre ieiy wl Ihte e n. In tbe world. Caeb surplus to policy holders of over 11 millio dollars. Don't take insurance without seeing tbe new plans of the Equitsble. Insures both seres et same ratee. 77'f Grant Co. News: Time le said to prove all things, and berel"fore, before we bad telepbnoio communloahon witn the world, we could prove all things by the time, for no two lime pieces In Can yon City told the bonr alike. Now we can keep belter boor. or Postmaster Hagnewood oecaeionally gets tbs Onrreri bonr from Heppner. Tbe Hoolhern perlfis rsilroad company has decided to sell tickets from all latl'in on He lines In Oregon, et one fsie for lbe ronnd- lp. Ia tiw of ih fael that nor people have been favored with abundant crops, II le confidently eipecl ed that the elaU fair et Halem will have b-Uer stlendanea Iben ever bfnre, and la erdr to give all an opportanity Ia visit this great tnatitnlina of wbleb Cmee h IMack well's fanry pick tee and canned goods, red tired priree. Orange j Di pple of lb" entire stale have ra Front, opp. i;y notei, Sjnf, Main and Willow etreele. tXtt F.ry sew sntxeriber of lbs Oaavlle from tbve date, May 25, f.fJ, will remove as premium a bnk worlb atons lbe prire of tbe snWripiioo. tf Jsdge LowH and Pmeeeniing AlUt aey came la Hnnday nvrnifg from Peadleloa, the f ifsaer to hl 1 irt aod lbe taller to tonk aftf tli evil dier la bie med rereer. , iHed-Itt The VJ.. FIU. Ae. VHb, the infant e.e of Mr. en i It re. ft. A fptvey, al 15 Bunt he. Tbs remaioe wees IsiernNl In lit eeioelery ef The Dellee oe th f itl iemg Headay. No maa er wnnn eae er Uy life rw aeeoentilieb esaeo In Ibte Wisrld eon to tie pronl. It. is apnir line or raitroeda bee rloeed tbe fare eo e In entitle all Io ee one of tbe graedei rttaolate ever eihibiM et Halem, The Fair rpn Kept Mb and slne (VI. Hin. 670 If To hsl tbe broken and dieaaeml tie suts, to sooths lbs irritated surfaces, tn Instantly relieve and to permanently cars is the mission of IV Will's Witch HtsM Halve. For Hals by Cnuser A Brock. KsvIIb Ike Air. Armmg the novel blra In atrial navi gation le the coupling together of a buttilwr of hetlkxtns In what might bei callfd a tanilmi ffrm. In the fomnoat la a mat hi tie whlrh la aiiifMipl to be the pniprlllng. Three balliHina areiitn-brella-abair1, and cnnUin Igrdnigrn gas. Tbe car le ausiM-iwIed a long ilia- I anew Ih-Iow the Itallitftn proper, and la runnertrd with it by a framo of alum inum. The relalWe imaition of car and balloon would not he unlike a very long handled umlirrlla fiUly sitread, thrar Wing atlarhed to the lower end of Ihe bandlei. Th mutite prtwer la an engine onrrau-d by liquid fuel. The eilirrl mente with this form of navigation are hrliif eo.tlurut at Montgntnery, Ala., by mn who ant fully ebrrwal with the brat arlrrtiirie Ideas of tbs dty.-. Y Iks ) Masle Bell Orajaa. Tbe grewt music hall organ, onre the priile of IWieton, wlsich bas bern stonvl In a shed for the laet ten years. Is to Im sold. It cost more than tw.ixn) snd weighed nearly 70 tons. It wws finished on ()'Uibrr 31, nf3, arxl tho public was lnltfl to hear it on NovrmlM-r 2. An wis was written by Mrs, James T. Fields and was rerltrd by Mia ( har lot le riiahinsn. Although It wns liMikrd uffin almosit ss a served thing and re f erred to as "the bnp of art In future years," It was kU-kexl out In 11 ! runs more rwnn for the prrinnnrnt orrlteslra wee tiiwW, HEPPNER OUTFITTING CO. TLU oompany carries dry goods, grocflrici, Lardwaro, t toots and ehooe, bats, geoU' fur nishiDKH, etc Litrge shipment of new aod ancond Land furoiturn, which ia bcios told re gnrdloea of cost They Lavo also hardware, wall papor, carpttU, loanRos), springs, maU trosHca, all these at half prico. Look for the) niga at Hcrreo'a old stand on May street, unit to l'alaco hotel. F. K. BARTHOLOMEW, Manatjcr. tkey Are Ike -ler4 " Vtw'.its A ft tMt-B. hs pirrtr blsrk etnitlis. ttv md s m el-gist in prite'tiis la lhir MtatilteJitistil and a t I'd a !' etiif k tf eia, t) ifsr'i i- and Hl,er tftlriile e rtitisl Io lis !,s inre) of lli Who red tjeU-k tm tiJ'sra llt'lr .sg-tne, l'ni e eoy St It, I ol msehtneer. They hnf f tviwte-l ilfir rei n ae I eeiimn1iU 'enrylo-lr in ooanlry wbi Is ia I t,f repetre. Wbe yen west a b" bile i shod, masbies rure J, Itre e I or eny enfferieg frum a lotrtl li IteWMt'e ; Ihing elee in lblr line, yes wl l fled Wll b Hle al. Il a-4h-, elrseglb- i Mee-lowe A llatuo to I- the t-n Ibtl e sed beele. ti M tbe greet pile sore, 'eae d- it-ea1 d- l (fit Is Fef f ' by Copter k Crock. lord, Siit A Svselflve Savl. It Is a mUuke to that the tip of the tonTie le tho toost eroaitlve jxui. of th tly. Th- enssgd Iff jmliahinr liiiliard halla, or otltr sole- eiemve that r'-iuif a ry bigli rtgrtm tA emmitboMte. Inar1tily ibv Iherherk Uste eo iHHr taoi-hsbin for dt-wtinf soy roughftrs.-Chkratfo Tribunet. BMtre te SWa. "I see that Ibet rsbt the ftlow bl brtikii out of Jail taot w-k." eaid the bs,rdVr who wa Wlilrg ovrf bis pa pr. Cf roorae." said I he Thoerful IdM. "A fallow wbobreeksoirtlesgre to be spot UsL" Indianapolis Journal. Li Staat ,.. t.w Im f 1 rvj .... pi s . r-fW TTT-rT m rr s " .eae a, .Sj live rallh Ua.e. The Umdon Telegraph Inlm a story about a young rural of eanrll-l views, w lu rnrenlly rtmimlt ti the In dierreUon of nmklhg In Iheetreet. A wninan. one of his ariehkint-ra, who him, was so shurkrd tttei etie Im nmlistely renounced her belief In lbs thirty-nine eriirlrs. blase yelee risa. &tme of tlm Umns of Germany os I hfir water plltes tnwle of glass, pro- trrtnl with an e4.av!t coveririf l e rat frat-ture. wess at tfcssr Owe Ueti ' Aa Amtiran pboi'rniphr wbopenev train! lot the wll.U of MiUria, and pent eBsiipn.til liroo In toklnc I'le litres of the i"pl etui iwintry, in. ttiimt on of bis nam ertenfe to sit ft r bus .birra.h. The man batl ffih- ahly nr eee l.Wrl inio a niirrri tt any rale, be bad ho ronreptioa of hie or iirlitteas. and ha roanlfeaUd eonallerll glrttnit when h gad e bieiJi-lure. 1 be ultter Utervsertsnl en- Gently supjitewtl ll,sl be was a far ei perittf Isring Slid Ml fr hie photo with great lerblei but when he saw lbe re sult, he slnwtet wept. lUHh men then retired ll the htm In a tht.urh'f'i fwond, sod ppKeittly one rente o.t n Ittirfrsi e a is i r of e- is s. V hen the y emerged aiB, esrly a veeiigo of lair remain. on th'lr hvla. ami Ittey stked lo bete I heir pk lores Ukeo araJn. Its earners was to Ihrtn a vrritab (ff Pt koowle! C(4iJc8 Pars, i IJ1G BIG CROPS PRICES GOOD GR0P5 BEHEBBLLY. Titer wife bas stood by yoo fall bf ally In yonr sdversily. New, lei bsr sbsre In yonr prosperity by baying ber a new sewing machine from 3F. O. TPIIOAI-PHOIV CO,, New stock Joel received. Pr lees from lifl lo $30. Call sad Insjiect Ibslr lines. You Cfin Wnncr Your Sox that You oro Alwtiys ul Homo at .... Welcome 1 Hf- Oe kt.ia Ml reel, in 1'ily Hotel Duil.llng. UnST WET GOODS In tho MARKET. TVy try lo plea all. Fibs slab rooms la coasectioe. j-row Tirvrvijf Prop. Tho GAZETTE, $2,50 A Year fpr CASH,