Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 07, 1897, Image 2

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    Bt w ' m tot I - III rTUlA VQUA
!0 21 22 23 2425
No Simon admirer ever pos
sessed a "sooat" that could be
used to feed at the public crib. It
is only the opposition that are ho
NEWsrAPEBS are a necessity to
the advertiser who would teach
the public to use his goods, sug
gests an exchange. A man cannot
advertise in a live newspaper with
out receiving some benefit from it,
any more than he can jump into
the river without getting wet.
Tbe immense wheat and hop
crop of the Willamette valley will
be badly damaged if the fall of
rain continues. While Eastern
Oregon's wheat crop will not en
tirely escape yet the damage will
be slight in any event, and if the
the rain ceases in the very near
future, will be next to nothing.
The Eugene Guard says that
Governor Lord is charged with
being a chronic drunkard and a
panderer to base politicians.
Thank God, the governor is not a
hypocrite! Salem Journal. Which
probably means that Lord does
not pretend to be otherwise, says
the Corvallis Gazette.
The scramble for places under
the new administration was quite
active down at Portland last week,
but it was not an undignified con
test, as the Oregonian would have
its readers believe. In truth,
there were fewer candidates than
usual. The Oregonian knows that
tbe Simon candidates were not
numerous at any rate.
Anarchist Till Out.
There is sn open rapture between
fsctioos of tbe gung tbat held op tbe
Oregon legislature lest winter, esys tbe
Uorvsllis Gazette. Kinoaid'i lawyers, in
king tbe supreme court for a rebesr
in tbe Sbattnok mandamus case, in
dulged in considerable fantastio borse
play and mentioned tbe Oregooion in a
style not pleasing to tbat exponent of
Simonry. Tbe Orpgonian fired back a
broadside of vituperation and tbe end
is not yet.
It was not to be expected tbat the
happy family of politioiaDS exhibited by
Showman Simon last January could
long maintain its apparent harmony.
Hofer, 8cott, KincBirl, U'Reo, Dawson,
Barclay, Corbett, Bourne, Lord and tbeir
young, were bonnd together only by
ties of hatred and selfishness tbat tnnst
eventually irritate. To some of them
tbe outrage of a state bas proven
barren viotory, and politioal impotence
is Ibe natural punishment tbat con
fronts these puppets of Joker Joe. Tbe
heathen rage.
With miserable epitefulnees tbat
sbonld dissgust itself, tbe Oregonian
answers tbe confession of Eincaid's
lawyer that "politioal scoundrels held
up tbe legislature to rob the people by
issuing interest-bearing obligations of
tbe state without authority of law," and
that this state of affairs was brought
about by a great newspaper through
personal resentment, with the silly lie
tbat tbe house could and would have
organized but for the supporters of tien
ator Mitchell. No sane men believes
tbat. Tbe Simonites and the populists
made organization impossible by absent
ing themselves. The editorial ability
of Mr. Scott bas not virtue enough to
plausibly contradict this plain faot.
The bold up of the legislature was ex
pensive to tbe man who furnished the
funds. Bourne's headquarters, stocked
with wines an J dissolute women, alone
would make serious inroads on a moder
ate fortune. Bourne bed no money.
Tbe name of his floanoial backer is not
sbrou led in mystery. The investment
bas not been uniformly successful, but
it was not altogether lost. Owing to
tbe non organization of tbe legislature
the state bai to pay interest on claims
against it, although, it bes money on
bands. Tbe First National bank, of
Portland, is loaning tbe people's money
and retaining tbe interest. State taxes
have been paid by hundred thousands
of dollars tbat cannot be used in paying
off tbe interest-bearing obligations until
tbe legislature makes the proper appro
priations. Lord oannot oall tbe legis
eture together until bis client, Henry
Oorbett, releases him. As long as bis
ank is coining mouey on account of
tbe legislative failure, this release will
not be given. Tbe Oregonian knows
these things to be true, but it prefers to
lie, even when one of its associates
turns state's evidence. It does Dot dare
to do otherwise. It is not a free agent.
Tae Hone Paper.
Tbat "a piophet ia not without honor
save io bis own country," is saying
that has not lost ony of its force with
tbe passage of time, and bow often is it
true with regard to the borne psprr,saya
Henry T. Atkinson in tbe Clatskanie
Cbief. People are not apt to reol'zs tbe
inestimable value of a good, clean, local
paper, io spreading abroad tbe influence
of tbe town tbat publishes it. Raoh s
paper is one of tbe indications of enter
prise wbiob no progressive, self-respect
ing community oan afford to do without.
Daring tbe pest year tbe writer of this
article bas been offered a means of oom
parison between two towns; one poa
sessed a local paper, and tbe otber did
not, and tbe result wan seen in tbe
mirked difference which existed not
only between tbe people, but in the in
flueoce that was exerted on tbe outside
world by these respective towns. In tbe
one case there was tbe medium for tbe
circulation of local news, business was
stimulated, yarious projeots of benefit
to tbe town were encouraged and made
themes of discussion by tbe citizens, and
tbe people as they were subjected to
these infiuenoes were encouraged and
stirred up to that pride in their own city
Son New notion la Ladlea'
The minds of the maiden and of the
matron of all ages turn toward th bi
cycle costume. What to make it out of
and how to make it are important ques
tions. There are heavy grades of
camel's hair, that are gTeatly liked.
Serge and cloth give excellent satis
faction. Denim makes good knock
about ekirts, and young women who
run of errands and like to be always
ready for a spin are wearing denim
skirts of wheeling length about the
bouse, with shirt waists of cheviot, ging
ham or any of the popular cotton fab
ric. This bicycle length skirt, by the
way, is a great. thing for busy young
women. They can dress in it in the
morning, put on a big apron, attend to
whatever comes along, and at three
minutes' notice can be out a-wheeling
if anything in the way of minor supplies
is required for the household,
i Ladies who' like moderately thick
dresees for morning and ordinary wear
are using denim and heavy linens. A
skirt and blazer of these materials, with
a shirt waist, is the popular suit. The
akirts are braided or trimmed with nar
row galloon, either in rows or put on in
fancy patterns. A dark blue and yel
low denim with yellow braid is one of
which is one of the surest means of tbe tne most stylUh of the spring dresses
advancement of any city. J? " line. A gray denim, with black
,. . a , ., ... . braid, is exceedingly handsome, and a
The influence of tbe paper did not red and black, with red braid, mak a
stop here, however. Its circulation went Bmttll gTVi dresg that Bcarcely be
oeyona roe counties ni its own Doraeri equalled for durability end style.
and oarried to otber cities not only tbe The wheel and its costumes are assunv
name of tbe city wbere it was published ing great importance in the household,
but also tbat indefinable atmosobere of Even the conservative grandmother and
prosperity which characterizes true en- auntie who aforetime did not approve
kr,aa k i w ka t,A UI lUCIU UUU LUC III mj UfcClUl ttUU UlOCUYCt
w y iro nuoium aw iunj i i u iia
In tbe otber case there was no med
so many places where they fill other-
tim lmhririTA.hlA rhnsms that T,hJ
lura for the circulation ot looal news. iA:n .; k w.q .
... "'-J""- "6"'""" -
lucre was no way oi encouraging onsi- tirely worn away.
ness enterprise, tbere was no friendly The new organdies are simply be-
pnper to carry tbe name and tbe inflo- wildering. They are as sheeT as one can
ence of tbe town beyond itself: and for possibly imagine, and in the daintiest
want of these things lh town snrWftrl ana most delicate colors, une can dui
from wmt of intelligence as well as from wonder how such fabrics can be woven
Jf-CK Of eOterpriSA. mnm iham he, no BrtHplinntAflnri frail
it.:. : 1 1 ia I 0
a. . ... - . I n
people have not got time to bunt up Taffeta silk is one of the most reliable
places wbiob no one has beard of, when end serviceable materials. There is a
Ibey are seeking some city In wbioh to sort of spotted taffeta in black and dark
make tbeir borne. If you want home colors that will outwear almost any ma
seekers you must encourage them, and terial In the snk line. The spots are
todoeoyou must have some medium w T ,,' "V
h. -!,.. .h .i.i M w optionally pretty and creasy costumes.
jj " uivu i uj uumiuv n vi iu ui ot J a uvs v
The l'ucifio Farmer says that
now when the harvesting and
threshing crews are around do
Touting everything eatable in
sight, many a good wife wishes
that her husband took some good
farm paper and had followed its
advice about having a good garden
and planting plenty of fruit trees
and berry bushes. Even the
farmer himself when ho inventi
gates his grocery bill at the end of
the season will witth. that he had
spent a little more time on fruit
and garden so that he would be
compelled to spoud less money on
lU'iUNQ the past two weeks the
Gazette has Wen in charge of Mr,
11. J. Htrickfaden, foremau of this
paper. Mr. Htrickfaden is a live
newspaper man of years of ciperi
i i i .
ence ami bis work on this journal
U extremely satisfactory to the
management He is a man o
opintoua and as such waa not
hampered in his wotk. He denircs
this known that the readers of the
GaietU may know whom to bold
responsible for any editorial utter
anco, though th editor of this
paper U constrained to Wlieve
thai tlio editor'a absence has ten
the means of giving them a Wtter
and inoro readable paper.
r i
Is speaking of measurra pond
ing in congtesa tf interest U Ore
gon and tbo Northwest, Congress
man Kllia said recently that lie
lioped for the favorable considera
tion of the Indian war veterans'
pension at tu tteil session, says
the Jacksonville Times. This bi
bas already safi-ly passed th
gauntlet -f th preliminary stages,
and all that it now requires is th
recognition of the speaker of the
bouse. Mr. Kllis lias tut dout
that the bill will ps if it can I
brought l.i it vote, but Hj eakrr
Heed has thus) far denied its rrcvg
iiition on the ground t.f economy
Th bill provides for tU pension
ing of soma 11,(x veterana, who
fought io the Indian war of Ore-
eon and apLlPctoo, and thnr
of your schools and your churches, your
business and your people, and the very
best medium for this purpose is is afford
ed by yonr home paper, tbe snooursge-
ment of wbiob by every possible means
hould be tbe duty of every citizen who
has tbe prosperity of bis home and bis
city at heart.
II is said tbat Tom Watson, tbe Qeor
ia populist editor, reoently propounded
tbe query, "What's the matter with lbs
populist party?" Well, from sil appeal-
anoea in cannot stand prosperity, and
ollar wheat and pluuty of work for
those who really want to work has given
it tbe megrims. Tbat is all, Thomas
nd you will have to wait until a poor
crop and low priors begin to bring tbe
pinch of bard times eg (tin, before you
eau mske sny besdwsy in making peo
ple believe tbat the republican party is
responsible fur every bard frost that
comes, or tbat patent calamity nostrum!
will core lbs body politic of extraneous
Imaginary ills trumped np to clear your
patbwsy to tbs vice presidential chair
Albany Herald.
Itobs declared In bis HI. Louis speech
'Tina movement bi.s attained tremend
oo impetus, and will go ahead with
rnb. Wbsn ths people ere ready snd
tbat dev is not far off, my friends there
will lx a spontaneous uprising, tbs a a
preme oonrt will be sboliabsd snd eon
gisss dispersed." Id this connection it
ia pertinent to enquire what Mr. Debs
proposes shell tsks ths pteos of tbs two
rsnohet of government blob lis pro
poses to abolish. Tbere would bs bnl
one, tbs executive left. lWs bs eipeot
diet a government by a diotsior shall lie
organized? Ililleboro Independent.
01 the Face.
Mrs. Laura E. Mims, of Smithville.Ga.,
says: "A small pimple of a strawberry
color appeared on my cheek; it soon
began to grow rapidly, notwithstand
ing all efforts to check it. My
eye became terribly
inflamed, and was so
swollen that for quite
a while I could not
see. The doctors
?i said I had Cancer of
V the most malignant
type, and after ex
hansting their efforts
without doing me
any good, they gave
np the case as hopeless. When in
formed that my father had died from
the same disease, they said I must die,
as hereditary Cancer was incurable.
"At this crisis, I was advised to try
S.S.S., and in a short while the Cancer
began to discharge and continued to do
so for three months, then it began to
heal. I continued the medicine a while
longer until the Cancer disappeared en
tirely. This was several years ago and
there has been no return of the disease."
A Real Blood Remedy.
Cancer is a blood disease, and only a
blood remedy will cure it. S. S. S.
guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real
blood remedy, and never fails to per
manently cure Cancer, Scrofula, Eczema,
Rheumatism or any other disease of the
blood. Send for our books
oa Cancer and Blood Diseases,
mailed free to
any address.
Swift Specific
Co. Atlanta, Ga.
Eastern Oregon
State Normal School,
Weston, Oregon.
Located on the O. B. k N. Railway
midway between Pendleton snd
Walla Walla. Students admitted at
all times of tbe year. "
First-Class Training School for Teachers.
Vooal and Instrumental Music taught
by competent instructors. A gradu
ate of tbe Boston Conservatory baa
charge ot tbe instrumental department.
Tlio ladies9 Boarding Hall
Is thoroughly equipped snd offers ex
cellent accommodations at reasonable
rates. Send tor oatalogue.
Addsess M. G. ROYAL. President of Faculty or P. A. WORTHING
TON, Secretary Board of Regents, Weston, Or.
Rogers & Roberts,
Contractors and Builders.
Plans and Estimates Glvn on snort Notice.
All Kinds of Repair Work Done-
N. Y. Ledger.
Wkem Properly Prepared Fresh Beef
or Cmirs Lingua Ia Dellclona Meat.
Every good housekeeper knows how
to soak and boil a smoked beef tongue,
but a great many cooks treat a fresh
tongue in such, a manner that it be
comes as flavorless as gelatine.
Properly roaeted or braised in stock,
a fresh beef or calf's tongue is a de
licious meat. It is not remarkable for
its nutritious qualities, but, like the ten
derloin of beef, tha meat is of good
flavor if it Is carefully cooked and sea
soned, and it U always of melting ten
Select a fresh bcf tongue for roast
ing. Wash and trim it thoroughly, and
Following Supposed Instruction
At a certain London hospital a patient
was recently given some extract of malt,
with instructions to take a teaspoonful
twice a day, commencing on the follow
ing morning, and to report himself at
the end of a fortnight. At the expira
tion of this time he returned, and said
to the physician: "Please, sir, am I to
go on taking them insects you gave
me?" "Insects!" said the astonished
physician, "what insects?" "Why,
them cockroaches, sir. I have taken one
night and morning in a teaspoonul of
the sticky stuff." Inquiry elicited that
the cockroaches had not been dispensed,
but had got into the jar during the first
night of its stay in the patient's house.
OFFICE H0URS--Day and Night Leave your orders "Any Old.
Place" and Rog. or Jim will get 'era. o o o o o o o
He has anything in this line that you may dealre and you can depend on it you get s
good article when Mat guarantee! it.
Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty
Albert Qeiser brought two geld bricks
luto Balcer City, Tnpeday, containing
$19,500 as a result of 80 days' ran.
It is estimated tbat the increase in the
population of tbis eonotry during the
pant year win a million snd s half.
Advices from Seoul report s serious I season it with salt otid pepper. Wrap
bon-tcestin Cores, while the ieonle P"1 orouna n maaeoi a piivtoi nour
everywhere are dying from cholera.
Stimulate the stomach,
rouse the liver, cure bilious
ness, headache, dizziness,
our itonutch, constipation.
etc. Price K centi. Hold by' all driunrtnti.
Ths only Mill to taka with Hood's Haruparllla,
New York Weekly Tribune
and a cupful of water. I loll out this
paste thin and wraD it around the
O. P. Georgenson, oivil engineer, who tongue. Lay it on a meat rack in a
went North on the last trip of tbe dripping pon, with a pint of boiling wa
Islanrte', is making a survey tbroncb r. Roaxt it for about two hours.
Ibo White pans for a railway, to be built th -Urfaceof the paste from dry-
by a Victoria company. n 100 Dar" or rrom owning uy basting
,. , ,,.., i . null tin wiiiur wswr m toe iwuom
Tbe Cubans held their election for of the dripping ran. At the. end of thia
president of tbe Cuban repnblio last time remove the past. It is of no f ur
Thnrsdny. It is stated tbey have sbont ther value. Loown the skin of the
30,(KX) men nnder arms, and are possessed tongue and perl it off, It should come
of sufficient lupplirs to last through ths on "y- lf it back in tbe pan, rub
until Thursday, the 9th day of September.
1897, at 10 o'clock a. m., tor building a bridee I
over Kix'k creek, near Geo. Perry's place. The I
uoumy to iurmsn an materials on ine grouna i
ana reserves the right to reje t any or all bias
County Judee.
September 2, 197. 76-7
Ouly three countries ia tbs world ei
need the United Hlstes ia popnlstion
Chios with 40,0on,00fl, Britinb lndis
'2H7 ,000,000, snd tbe Itnsaisn empire with
130,0(10.000. At tbe present rate of in
h freely with butter, dredge it lightly
with flour and pour a little rich brown
stock in the pan under It to Imnto it
wlth.t Koast it, basting it often, un
til it is well hrow-rved. Take it up. Add
mushrooms to the brown gravv in the
dripping pan, thicken it, snd serve it
J Aim 1K1I7. Notice is hereby slven that
the following-named settlor has tiled notice of
his intention to make final proof In support 01
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner.
uregon, on uctooer u, iw, vis:
Hd. E. No. 5104 tor the NWV Bee. Tp 8 8 R
24 E W M.
He names the followlrg witness's to prove
With tbe close of the Presidential campaign THE TRIBUNE
recognizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to give
their time to home and business interests. To meet this condition
politics will have far less space and prominence, until another State or
'miThSSSS National occasion demands a renewal of the fight for the principles for
IVtteraon, both of Uooaelierry, Oregon, Hyl
vanns Wright and Andrew Wright, both of
fctgm Mile, Oregon,
J A3. F. Ml MIKE.
57.V87 Register.
eres.s this eoontry will have 77,000,000 wfth th tonK'- Tbe mushrooms, of
in 1'JlXl iwuinc, i. inr ipt omuirci, nutincy add a
i girobiH-u u uw iiavot oi ine tongue,
I nere bave been zni popes, only 11 01 Hplnach is a tWIiclou vegetable to
whom have reigned more than 17 yiars. st rve with roast tongue. Picklr snd
Ths prosent pope, Iso XIII, baa rrignsd piquant sauces are always appropriate.
1'.) years. Tbs longeat reign waa that of
I'npe Tins IX, who reiuned 32 years,
refuting ths popalar saperatilinu that
no pope wnnld occupy tha throne mors
than 23 year,
A dispatch from Toronto, C:ine la, ssyt
that Aeronaut Leo Htsvsua bas iiioopss
fully toatsd bis new generator for rosnn
.'bicsgo Tribur.
Ilahv'a Flam ..I.
r liable.' white woolens are often ater
rible trial, by reason of the distressing
tendency they hsve to shrinking; more
over, they kwe their pristine txvtuty
arui sonnemi after the Brat wanhinir.
This ran le avoidtwl by careful treat
ment. Tut Into the lukewarm lather In
fscttirina sas ff r las balloon, and be will whloh they alwnild be regularly wsMhed.
leave for Klondike tbs latter t.srt of two tblei.m.nfuls of ammonia, and a
this month. He declares he will goto
A. n, I raw's rron providing bis Ister rx-
periroetiti ars sncoeaalnl.
Tbs rflloer of tbs Fsrsllua, wbiob ar
rived at I'orl Townaend last week, tell
teoapoonful of powdered borax, pre-
vKiwiy fliMiiived in spirits of wine,
Wssh the gnrnifnts in this mixture.
mtiMng thrm not at ail, or as little as
possible. Itituo In cntd water that has
been iirevloiwly boiled. If nosnible.
Mesilier f Iks l.algl rati Hay Tky Saw
Ik llrsi.
Alaska's Hileol City has tmergsj ones
mors from Its rsyalaridua biding place
and revealed its preseoce to five mem
bers ot ths psrty that accompanied
I'rlnos Lttigi np Mount It. Klisa, la tbs
early morning- of Ju'y l.tli parly, while
retorning from tbs ocean with snppliea,
saJJsaly saw lbs rlty nirmrsd in tbs
clear truoapl.tr. Tbs vtalon waa so
clear that U W. Tbrnloo, who first
oltced II. wrote in bis notebook ss
"It re-juirs.1 ootffttot lb Imagtoa-
lios .i liken II Is city, (or tbs Inags
wss so diallnol aed plala that il rjtnre.,
iits.L stMeg faith, to belts Ibal il
was pn ia raslily eity."
Wlisriti tbs Kilaot city, of which
Uisor W. Urncs wrote, ws seea fnm
Mitlr glacier, lbs oss observed by Mr.
Tborotoa sod eompany was observed
from Malatpins glsrler, mors Ibss 1I
aoile distant. It rmina, perf-ot
ImsaT lr Ik) BAteatea, snd tbea slowly
faded sway, whit la ila pise appesrad
rocky l l.
I ... 1 1 . . a I b m. . .
.1...... ..I ik. ..,, , i iiia isuiee ponnrui or w hits
.ir.i.ih... ..Iitb... Th.. ... lr"frw- 1 not wring theartirles, but
hat st !, II. pwnpU ar slowly bat (W, , . Vprj. warm .,liU or mm
sorely f roMlng Ibe divide, anj llisl lb dUUm-e from a gi-ul lire. Iron on tha
roal for tea miles np tbs rsoyos is wrong sldewbiUt the material U still
strewn with tenia, pruviaiona, ilisearjed I ibunp, ajwl thru let thrm air a kmar time,
bgf ag and dead horses.
Till" wool market m Uxmtiog
in lletn'tior last Hk. 8sy not
that thor ia no pnporitjr.
Things wsebed rsrrfully In this manner
i III kHk as gixiil as new, and should
not shrink. M. Louis Itepubllc
la Car reaallsallns farever.
Tak raaearet Csady Calharlie,
or I'm. If C. 0. 0. fall to rate, drnggisl
refusd money. It
Messsrkskls lssertty
An Irish gimtlmsMi wss recently sl
tended by an rniUsrnt Lundtut hysl
rLatv. whs ung and W.AIng at him
wtilt sn ltiiitritg g I an or, sUl:
"I should bk V know, sir. If JOUP
family hS twn bnajf Heed T"
lstg llnl. Is 117" rearaaaled the .
tleim th.vbl fully. Well. dorU.f. I ll
Juat tell you bow It I. Our family
west of Irrtarid fatuily, and that aire of
uy mt.ra Wvih1-I entirrly tim
Ue Jslrfe sik Jury wist trIM theut."
I'earaia'a Usrklr, j
A very hesutifttl work 4 art,
IterilMSy Saia Se.
(Winii Caa.ly Calk aft IS. lb IimwI
SnaJerful toavtiesl diarvety i-f lb ,
pleaaaul sod relrvabliig to lb Isals, set
l-ony r-iuv.y fa ins SMseja. ( brkst Is lorv. fm oa view In rwla.
liver ao tbaseU. lesealng tbs etitlr ; a to bo prevniel ta the esar by th
sirteui. die pel f-ol la, nr besjsebes. ! tleeary of Trsnee, It weigh TS pounds,
frvr, bablloal tntlpalioS) ssd I il- rorurawml of single tiee of Itory,
loesneaa. In. bnv and try bi .f i"l'' tl n and rrferl iMarmint of its on ". sn-l iWv and
0. O. atolaj; COniU M,j wwht..snahii It Is !.! si ltV". nwbt be fual (m.peral.irv. Ths
st J fosrasta.J ., rar by sll Jra,i,ta. IT-rt ol the aWt .Jmmer la s.sWIea st very hot.
Dwellers In rlkmi llksrla I
wealeaea t al4 Istrrlats,
Tbs m. Teterslairg (ieog ra4hk-l
iety baa puNlabed the reetslts of sn
eiplorsainn stmmT tb Yak uti, a peo
ple dwelling in a region of Nortiieast
Klter is, rovaritig an srrs of over 1,000,
wo e'piare nuu. yefc nuniliering no
tiBr Uian fon.oio souls. Tbey ax
rslheml rmartly oa ths banks of th
g rest liters, 1 b rlutiate la ternhU
on. There ars not more than dsv
n th yewr free from froat, wbirh be
gins In the middle of rVi.teruW and
Mstotbnihldlof IlytH toW
11 lb larel 1 eoveeed wirtt sidid man
11 of anrnv and whici brav-irw n
wit at ths eral of April. The cold la
th nxt lntone nm the glolve, ami the
temieraiurw Is bwer than any rrwed
l ruuntl tb Htle. Il la greaU-r on
southern I'lairam than further north on
tk ahorrauf lh ArrtieiMvan, I Hi ring
ls roolimialioo thai tiDoaphefie rn
dittos U on of uiHlialiirrxd calm. Ther
I not wind eoo'Mth to unw twig, not
bird rlsr the siitl air. Th ailenr
Is rotrtplrr. and all nature la in deep
Wp, Ye the rliroat la ethilarwting
Farmers and Vliiaoers,
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters,
nil the Family.
Notice of Hearing of Final Account.
which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to tbe present
day, and won its greatest victories.
Every possible effort will be put forth, and money freely spent,
to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a
National Family Newspaper,
t'onnty, hui of Orecun. In th matter oil
lie rulate oi wm. icon, lerrase1. I i . , , , . . . ti. i a
Nun. e is hirpir Kivrn that ivtcr naiirm-1 luiei bbiiuk, lUBiruuuvf, euieriuiuiDii anu inaienensaDie io eacn member
iirii.i, uir V.Ctllli'l HI IIIV IM. win bimi v,-i- I
nii'iit of Wm. O'll. dri'eaaeil, haa filed his final
arnoint In Ihe ollloe of the clerk of aalil court
ii aalil niaitir, and In niiraiianre of an order of I
me II on. A. if, Hartiioimnew, juoitenl tne above
entitle,! court, said tlnal account will come on
fur heann and aettleinent on the inn dar i
Nov , lwi7. at lo o c lm k a. m., the am-ond (lav I
ot the Muvemlier term of said court, at the
court house In Hrppuer. Morrow county, Mate
ol ureaoii. ,un or lielore aalil urn any person
inicreaiMi in sain eautie mar spiw-ar aim me nis
exceptions, In writing, tosatd account and coo
Uti lue same.
1-F.TF.R rlArr.RSriF.SD.
KTecntor of the last will and test! men t ol Wm.
t eell. deceased.
Ualcl Auk. il, 1W. 73
ii We tornlsh "The Gazette" and "N. y. Weekly
Trioune one year tor $3.00.
i sll Order to
, oi iireaon. lor Morrow loamy.
W. H. I.r,. H. K. Klncald
and rhll. McUchan, th
i. v .nft.lr..P
Hoard of rmmlsaloncra, I V I ' if
tc,vHiaimii!s. 'IhlfsttXTcIsi
Hr Raint and Vary taints, I 1 1 PI SP' V M .
IMendanla. I 111 l aa 7 1
To Nr KamlMiand Mary Ranitm, defemlanla: I I AiJkSl
In the name ol th Ciala M Ore -on ; Yon are I - i'. I 31
vac Viaal V aW
hereby re.iulred Io atiear and anawer the com
plain MUM inlliil you In In ahof eiitllied
Bull, on or helnre Ihe uesl term ol th aliote
eulliied court, Uvwiit
Monday. Iheaihdayof Seittenilier.
and If you fall an to appear and answer, for
want thereof. Ihe plalnllrta will apply lathe
c.mn io sr,.i ill n-llcl demandi-d in th com
lew V
plaint. In-wit: Vnr mlament and de. re . waa- I t. J k Saif Vy,r v.ArteVl'X M II r4
af.lt.at ym, f, th. ,, of . and Inlereat -X jO I I I V M ft JLKS yTSix 1 k I eTl TaL SI
Ihrreon at tharal of l(ht per cent Wr annum V I I iS 1 Iiniilrt'yKx Tvi" A W. m i w I
IromJuly l.t, Jl; the sum ol Slly doliaraat ' - -?XJssa, J P W J J "J J'tk. A M VT VJ I f CS J J C
loroya' a and th cota and dlahurvem -nta v,- ., . aF ' U I f! 4aJ M .
M thlaanlt : and lor decree forerlialng a certain -a . 'C"'-'--Tssaa e VI O U ti V ; V. '.JlswV''
mortaae, made, eiecuted and devr. bi Vf v' - jwV - J K AlS MlNaX-,!,
y,m Io idalntirt on the l,.ll.,li, deacrlhM -"sV J P?nT!?.rWf:i' f . "J3 Y yi-L-f "TSJ
real property silnate.1 In Morrow county, Mai f''Wi7 J'tl5trH 1 VT V.Tv '
ol DiT,in, t,vli: lha aimlheaal quarter ol i i iCiJJr t Jti'jJl I 7 W 1 1 if .
He ..si In lownahlpt aorth rant U. . W. M . I tArtV IS It. ef'Ml V f II f f
rw-oeled In (he ortle of th count clera of M . r, C II' 1 151)' iaJiAt, '1 f S I 1 I ssTmsW
SidcTh'rVnra Wi bcrlbanjr III jH?i5. . A
iudf-iwnt. ..tot,,,,. :.ndc.ia. S V (111111 tl 4b I D ' '! ' '"''Mvr' jJd'J "T' "TfT 7fT
Thla summons la aerv, up..n ni In purau i !-.' !- i;'t ;h fiill 'IftJ 'j V i ,1 , ., U '
Juls of th aie emitted court, sxade an . , wtKJl ' 'J Ih.",. jil'f'u ,",): I V !'f. i Av J V
entered In ald Suit on ih flat day of July Irfi, v'; J i::il.'P,i:'.;Uj:!ll1',;!-..,",'l"Il I rinK77I,
HH Atu.rsil uuiiria, J t . - "ZDs twiuiiv fi" ' rJi aiUli.Uili
1 el ,,. tor Mirtrioa t .,u ly,
the War lr tery t ompaiy,
I' lain 11,1,
'rt Krlrl. rMentanI
to H4n art. t ii.-.tnt -
In IH nameiHIh aiai d iee'i Yoa at
h.f.l., e.., Mirr.l l.i i ii ad anaw. f the cm
plaint ai,-l aial at im In Ik af ri'lt.l
eriu,., on or li.,r th rai day t4 ihvmal
lfm of IP hit, .,tfll ! coi. t. II
M'ly. th rth ila, e a. p.nl-r I;
ao-l II yti tall aoanaoaaer, l anl trf
tt pl..lt will t I, .l,..
er in m ot s -r la ewa and ,.h.ir
t!lfrr.RY STsSrvi
Jt T.I - ii, i 1 1
a ti l as
t iftutuai
I .rtan juee-t Mar. Antoinette,- tv, ot TvtVoT ors.
of tni a-tbo. M h th mi nf th
ft"ln hlni.e to y-wi hH.,tr aita. hed
In il,i artimi. aud alitaopfy th pr-w'a
H ai Iu the parnwul , I aai 1 1 1 tbl. roate
and ,i,'rmt-iiU.
t ' la tiw,ia la a4 t. yoa la puetq
an. a i,l. of II, atopti. n A l,eil
J i !( tha ai. eiinllxl ,..,fl, na.u and
"'eel IS said !" w the ; da 4 iuiy.
I '
1 1 1 sirrr i
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
AH thf tan b rrocored at Thompson A I'inns, Iowfr Msin Htrffl
Hfppoer, On-gnn. '
Tha ttta aea w.ll eqnalntod with ilraol. Narnf. rn olUksai Sad MWa..H
and eaa aae aey aid Um la making IH tln it leaeeiio' aa. "
fTr I tplnf life the tlmae.
AIbsnT ,rr'i,
bbiiw a arcrisi ii
AttvtB)S l liiii)J,