Portland Library PAPER OFFICIAL HEPPNER, MORROW BOUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPT. 7. 1897. NO. 577 FIFTEENTH YEAR SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. FOBLISHSD Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANI OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At 1.60 per year, 11.25 for mi months, 75 oto, lor three mourn., strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on -Application. THIS PAPER is kept on file at K. C. Duke's Advertising Agency, ft and 65 Merchants Exohangs. Ban Franoisoo, California, where con tact for advertising oan be made for it. 0. R. & N. LOCAL CARD. ' Going East? IP YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP. MANCHB(9TBH' BNGtAND ; OTIS PATTERSON. AGENT. - o t Bettome World Train leaves Heppner 11 p - m. daily ezoept Bnnday arriving at Heppner Junction 1:80 a. m. Leaves HeriDner Junction SrfU a, m. and ar- nvM it Rnnnnnr 6:10 a. m $ Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at'2:4!S p. m. and arrives at Heppner junction o:io p. m. nil TTmntillA thin II. m. Portland Jixprees Ho. s, irom opoairae, arrives at Umatilla 51)5 a. m. and lleppn r Junction B:10 a. m. and ar ives at Portland 11:45 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9 p. m. and ar rives at Heppner Junction J: 30 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:40 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:40 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 1:47 a. m. and at Portland 7:50 a. m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. B ft N., Ueppnor, Ore. Three - Important Points: FIRST Go via. St. Paul be cause the lines to that point will afford you the very best service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond 8t. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Central because that line makes, close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is hrst-class in every particular. ; THIRD -For information, call on vour neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin Centra) lines, or address - e McClure's 'vMagazin For 1897 . ,. . - ' i GREAT SERIALS SEVEN JaB. C. Pond. Gen. Pas. Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. United Btates Officials. P. twident William MeKinley Vw-l'resldent Garret A. Uobart Secretary of State..- John Sherman Traaanrv . . Lvman J , (thkb Secretary of Interior ...Cornelius N. BIibb Beoretary of War Mussel! J. Alger Secretary of Navy John.!). Long pn.t.n.atA..(lanarAl James A. uary Attorney-General.... Joseph McKenna Secretary f Agriculture James Wilson - - SMi of llrAtfnn. ,..nr W. P. Lord Beoretary of Bute Treasurer flopt. Public Instruction Attorney General Senators H. It. Kincald Phil. Hetaohan G.M. Irwin ...C. M. Idleman W. MoBride Mitchell 4iprem9 Judges.. JG. W.M ' U. H. M I Binger He jW. R. ,.....W. (R. B. . 1 F. A. ?C. K. 5 Binger Hermann W. ft. Ellis jjeeua Conitreesmen d. .....W. H I I ...... .... t T3 U n- Monre. , Wolverton Sixth Judicial District, c J.wl .Stephen ; . Lowell D.nt;M iMnrnM H. J. bean Morrow Conntr Officials. ... A. W. ttowan Joint Senator... ... .- Representative l!i unty Judge " (lomnilasloners., J. W. Beckett. - " Olerk " Sheriff , ." Treasurer Assessor " Surveyor.. J. N. Brown .A. G. Bartholomew J.U. Howard ...J.W. Morrow E. L. Matlock Frank Gilliam A. C. renins . ... J. W, Hnrnor i; Jay W. Hhipl-y .VT....B. F. Vsugban Minor, .Thne. Morgan .Reoi Conner, trank K. J. Bloonm, 11 rlohool bap t.-.-. '' tJoroner umn towm ornoM. Mi or C tttneiltnen.... ... si:n:.m Lriiinr Uohuminai ana . . ft RlchardmMl Koordnr l. W. Hriggs T-easorer " ' .A. A. Roberta Pneinr.t Officer. . .. . W. K. Klnhardaon JnitlMOIUlt tw .i u VI. V..tW..nM (oartable. Halted States Land Officer. TH dallo. oa. t- J- foor Receiver A. B. biggs """'.11' 'Am .w, " "" B. F, Wilson Reon.ver J. H. Kobbine or Geo. S. Batty, General Agent, 216 Stark St., ' Portland Or. H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of Q.. C.-M. 4 St. P., C. 4 A., r. Ft. W C. B. 4 4C. Railroads. and the C St. L.4P, HATES B.oo PBH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts., CfXICJk-O-O. ZliZj. A New Lite tl Grant by Hamlin Gabxakd. The first authoritative and adequate LHeOf . , Grant ever published. (Begins in December.) . 1 Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous.'!; (Begun in November.) ; Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives.". The only novel of Stevenson', still unpublished (Begins in May.) ' .. Ckar les A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical 0arm ni tt... pivii War npanHnaiiv a mAmhAP.nf Uncnin's HAhlnet. andi is 4rooably."better fltwd than anv other man livinc to five an authoritative histoiy of this period . from his recollections aud correspondence. i Portraits of ereat Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connoctfoo' with this series of portraits it is intended to publirh special biographical studies under the general title of MAKERS OF THE UNION from Waihlugton to Lincoln. . , , Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. , Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary talent lor mystery ana ingenuity wnicn nave, in me ouorioci nuiuioi a place beside Poe aud Gaborlau. TEN FAMOUS1 WRITERS tiM liirT.ipvM ' ah tha stinn that ha wilt vtvi t A iipinir t.hainmlnir vear. with the exception of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long ago, will ; v! appear in McClube's Mauaiinb. joei. hhandlkr HARRIS, i A series of new animal stories in the same field as the ."Brer T n.hMI" si, lha iiLiflla Mr TMmlilollnrar" itnrlM. RUDTARD KIPLJNQ. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will oontribnte to McClube's all of the short stories he will wiite during the coming year. OCTAVE THANET Is preparing for the Madaziws a series of short stories In which the same . characters will appear, altbougn-eacn will ne complete in itseu. i; , i Anthony Hope ,:lr. Brti HarU ' Roiieirt B-rr Frank Rj Stookton . Stanley Weyman Clark Russell - will all have stories In McClube's for the coming year. These are. only a small fraction of the great and important features of McClobk s Maoazini for vm, tne suDscnption priee oi wnicn is ouiy 1 One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co;;5 New York. BAWLIN8 POST.NO.IL O. A. B. at Lwxington. Dr.. tbe j-n-, - au T--mn. - - - mV. month. G W. Smith, Adintant. Coinmandar. Dr. P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. City Drog Btort, OtBw In th City lioteL nesr tt BTOCK BRANDS. While you aeep your subscription paid np yen oan keep your brand in free of oharge. Borw. P. O.. HeDDner. Or. Horses. P B c left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. Conk. A. J..Lena.Or. Horses. DOon rightshonl der: Cattle, aarae on right hip: eat mark square crop off left and split in right. Douglass. W. M Galloway. Or. Cattle, B Dsn right side, .wallow-fork in each ear; hones, B D on left hip. Ely, Bros., Douglas, Or. Hones branded ELK on left shoulder, oattla same on lefthip. hole id right ear. Florenoe, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LP on right hip; horses V with bar under on right shoulder. Jones, Harry, Heppner, Or Horses branded H i on the left shonlder; cattle branded J on right hip. also anderbit in left ear. Range in Morrow county. Johnson, Felix, Lsna, Or. Hons. elrclaT on left stifle; eattle, sama on right hip, nader half irop in rioh. and solit in left ear Kenny, Mikr Heppner, Or. Horses branded KNK on lefthiD oattie sama and orop off lsft art nnder slope on the right Leahey, J. W. Heppner Or. Horses branded L and A on left shoulder; eettle same on left hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in right oar. Minor. Oomr. neonner Or. attla. 11 D on right bip; horse. Mon left shoulder. Morgan. H. N., neppner. Or. Hnrasa, M ) on left shonldat eattla same on left hip. On born. J. W.. Douglas, Or.: hones O on let shonlder; eattle same on right hip. Parker A Glsasoa. Hardman.Or, Horses IP os loft shonlder. Piper. J. H Lexington. Or.-Hnr.es, JB eon. oaoted on left .hmldr; oaUla, Sams on laf nip. ander bit ia aaoo ear. Kactor. J. W.. Heppner, Or. HurMe. JO leftshooldw. Cattle. 0 right bip. Rmm K.ri- Hminoer. Or. CatUe W U on left hip. orop of nght aud anderbit In left year, dewlap; Bones w von leri snoniner. I'bornpvm, J. A., Heppner. Orj Hirrasa, t oo left .iMMilderl mlila. I en laft shoulder. Turner H. W., Heppner. Or.-HmaU eapltal T left shraldur, horM; eattle sama on left hip with aplit in both n, WattMbnrger. W. J., Galloway, r. horee. quarter circle JW on right slionlder; rattle quarter circle i w on ngni nip ann ngni .I' e. crop and hole In left ear. Hang ia Morruw and niatilla ounnuaa. A Campaign Of Education HOW to Get It . (T IT A A .For'4)J.UU FOOTBALL AND BLOOMERS. A RICH TREAT IB PROMISED. Mtiui, n J. McFaul. M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON OfflM boars, 8 to 10 a. , "S" a - m at raaldeoc Mrs. U. Wrlch property, aa1 10 to 11. m , p. ro., et omoe m " Jewelry stora. to of 2 tot Ikirg'i First National Bank UEPI'NER f a Run ""reeUent S-Zba.;' - Vlaa Praalelaat OtO.W.CON.td. Cashier m s iNCIK. - Asa'l Cashier Triaarti I Gtaeral Bukiug Bttsintss. EXCHANGE On all pans o the world Bought and Sohl ColtarUnne aaade eo all points ea raawmalile Tarwie. s.las and s.ll44 Pma MlflOO M. Intention. Nottct of Us. Omr. At U 0': OHPSBflLLELED OFFER To ba educated one must read the beat literature. The best literature Is expensive. ': Leslie's Illustrated Weekly. Pub'lsncd at 110 Filth Avenue, New York, Is full of the best things Its Illustrations are superb; Its stories charming; and It literary departments are edited with con summate skill. Such a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be In every home. The subscription price of Leslie's Is tip ninira. We make the unparalleled oner ol a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $5.00. No surh offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be made again. These two papors make a moat acceptable Christmas or birthday gilt, and will lie constant ramludors of the giver's klndiieasj Remit by postal order or check to the Heppner, Ore con. CoUege Girls Upset Vermont Propriety Shocked the Village. One after another, the etaid old New England institutions have fallen into innocuous desuetude, and now a Ver mont female seminary has been in vaded by the bloomer and the football. St. Johnsbury, Vt., is eminently re- ;pectable. So it was that the statement that a member of the seminary's contingent had looked seriously upon bloomers and that talk of a football club had really been heard created the same sort of an atmosphere about the town that the finding of an old witch did in the old days of Salem. It was ail true, how ever, both the statement and the look. What is more, a footibaU team was promptly organized and all of the mem bers wore bloomers. Even worse than that, the new organization actually se lected a plot of land back of the Fair banks mansion to practice upon. Here was absolute defiance of all thft social and community ethics that could be compiled in the bluest book that ever St. Johnsbury heard of. It w:is positively awful. It was almost as bad aft if somebody had said that Boston was not classic or that the university at Burlington was lncaroble of giving a student the very highest education. Gossip grew rife and the footlball girls laughed at it. They were not old fogies, they said. They knew, a thing or two end were not at all ashamed of it. As for the harm in bloomers, where was it? And as to the football and kicks. why, there was nothing indelicate about that One of the girls whose father lives over at Barre Baid that just before she came to the school ner father told her she was the hairst kicker he had ever heard of. Why, then, should they complain of her kicking a foot ball? This was the burdea of the song of the football girls. There was no song among the townspeople, however; only lamentations and dire forebodings, Despite all this, the girls have con tinued to play ball in the Fairbanks lot, and, so far as reported, not a single window in the rear portion of the man' elon that ia the home of the grand panjandrum of St. Johnsbury society ha been broken, for the girls are all pretty and they don't kick their foot ball in the direction of aristocracy's jonxhouse. Thus it is that the bloomer, the foot ball and the female seminary form a triumvirate which mokea the average Vermonter stand aghast. Knowing all this, there can be realized in a small de gree the heroism displayed by the girls who kicked . the football around the Fairbanks lot. They formed a regular eleven, 'and, of course, in a very deli cate way, they fought over the ball In regulation fashion. They play football at Vassar and the sport la not unknown at Welkwley and Smith, but none of them can kick that ball any better than the St Johnsbury girls. N. Y. HiToid. The Oregon Btate Fair for 1897. September 80 to October 8. The Southern Pacific will sell tickets at one fare rateB for round trip from all points on their lines in Oregon. You will be entertained from morning nntil night. No time to rest. Liberal prizes offered for all kinds of -sport, suoh 88 baseball, tng-of-war, ohoppiog oontest, foot races, hammer throw, shot put, and vsrious other sports in charge of a competent committee. Don't over look the date and the cheap railroad rate of one fare for the round trip; Popular admission of 25 cents. POWDER Absolutely Pure There ia Nothing so Good. 1 There is nothing just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, so demand it and do not permit the dealer to sell you some substitute. He will not claim there is anything better, but in order to make more profit be may claim something else to be just as good. You want Dr. King's New Diooovery because yon know it to be safe and reliable, and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For Coughs, Colds, Consumption and for all affections of Throat, Chest and Lungs, there is nothing so good as is Dr. King's New Discovery. Trial bottle free at Oonser & Brook's. Regular size 60 cents and $1.00. GRANT COUNTY HATTERS. "It is said that the congressional dele gates who have been at the Perkins In Portland a fortnight trying to parcel oat publio patronage and please everybody, have gone away after settling the mat ter to their own satisfaction, It is inti mated that tbe appointments were set tled some time ago, but will not be an nounced until after Senator MoBride Is well out of tbe way of tbe kioks whiob are sure to follow." says the T.-M. However, our valuable contemporary was wrong in its conclusions this time.' ' Statu of Ohio, City or Tolbdo) Ltjcab Countt, J Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is tbe senior partner of tbe firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in tbe oily of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every onse of catarrh that osnnot be cured by tbe use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Fbank. J. Chink y. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this Uth day oi jjecemner, A. D. 1886. 1.- . A. W. Oliaboh, seal I Notary Poblic. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and sots direotly on the blood and mu oons snrfaoes of tbe system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. tl8old by druggists, 75o. From the Eagle. : J. B. Boyd, formerly formeman of this offioe, is at present foreman of the Baktt City Republican. His wife also baa a position on tbe same paper. W. E. Kahler came in last .week from The Dalles, leaving early this week for tbe Sumpter oountry. Mr. Kahler is an ucole of Long Creek's, postmaster, and was formerly in business at Hardman. Tbe Brannon-Sbelton toot raoe was ran at Baker City on tbe 22 nit., Shelton winning by about 25 feet. Tbe Grant county contingent of tbe sports" staked their money on the wrong animal. Jsok Chambers, of Canyon City, and Frank Foster, of John Day, were out banting this week on tbe head oi Beech oreek. They bounoed a band of elk and obased them north over tbe summit into the thiokets on the bead ofLong oreek. W.M. Radio iD forma tbe Eagle that he will send a shipload of oattie to the Klondike oountry next spring. In speak ing of tbe matter be lays that oattie can be landed at Skaguway or Pyea at a reasonable figure and that beef readily commands fifty cents a ponnd at tbe mines at Dawson City. ; - Governor Budd, of California, and parly are eamped at Harohbargers, on Klamath lake. Tbe governor, has been afflicted with rheomatum for a week or more so aa to keep him ia bed much of the time. He is muob pleased with the locality ae an outing place, and it is re ported be does not expect it will be bis last visit to Klamath. , Daring Got. Badd'i absence from California tbe affairs of state are being looked after by Lieutenant-Governor Jester. S They TINY Are LITTLE BRAINS. Notice of Intention. lawn 0rn s at Tms Dus, Oawioii. All. 4th. IH-I7. XT1TICB W HEREBY OIVKN THAT 1 Ha IN following-named art tier has Sled notice ol his Inteiiliiiii to make Bual proof In support ol hi. claim, and that said proof will ba made before J. . Morrow, eounty eiers, at uepener, Oregon, on Brpt. -JKh, r,, vti: JOBS P. LOUY. Record entry John Louy. Hd. Entry Ko. 603 lor lha K'W Dec T. 1 D 1 1 at 21. R. W. M. He names me following willli mim in prove bis nnnllnuous resldenra upon snd eulUvatlon nf Mid land, vis: Joaeph H, rilslus. Henry K 11 III John A. Harlise anil Bdaara Moiio- way.ali ol Uouglae, Oregon la r. i"r.ii. 9SS Register, WEEKLY The MONTHLY Notice of Intention. I.asb orrti a at Tms li.ixa. Oaao, An . I"1". NOTf' R ! HEREBY OIYE THAT 1 Ha l.,Unlii. named arttlar has filed IHrilre of ai.lnteeUna lo w.Sa Anal proof In support of hi. rl.lm, anil thai sat'l pram will M mala na fora J. W. M.irruw, innty Mark at Hrppnar, Qngoa.ea lt.pl. ath. twr.vts; JOII A. II A ft SKa, Hd. Emrv Xv lot the XIV tee. la, To, I II R U, K. W. M Ha aanua U.e following tlln.. in prove bl. eoiillnumis reside" upon s-id rnlUv.tlon nl Ml I land, U: iimrvH M. Hi kin., Il.nry riiktns. J. .ha P l4Kiy, tdward Holloa ar, all ,A.r-.OORE. M4S) suistr. Outlook Pvkllsfcee Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York 1H nottra autrt : . , M nrtnfl ,o,ill , 5,iito-tt.ln.ii. tU'RY YAtriU ii4 r . H lr,j ..it ' In trosi e , l . ,1,1. fmn.Nil'l '"!. r-Tp-a.4 Mk 1,1... 1 . Tv raippa invgaak TIM X;Mar. Looe tlnrk Slag kaatew HHM Te'eliefc. Te4eya,Tbon.ler. m4 fUlaleye; arrlvee at P . it. .4... Wxtaae-lstl at ffWlaje. Will eake eawtioa allh traaebtreia Ai.i. rare ! tvh vw - Tbe regular eobeoripttoo pno ol tbe Hmi-Weekly GaaetU k 12 .60 and tbe regular price at tbe Weekly Orefonlaa ia 11.60. Asone sabaertbief for tbr Ossclte and paying for one year It e!veorw caa fl Uitli tbe OasetU ao4 Wtkly Orri-wlaa for t3.(VX All bid (at. fibers psylog their obcrlpiooe tut oee year I e a r anew will U entitled ta llWHHM lltP Ii'l!''"a flrppoer r.ebo HI age Iina. I'erwae deirooe of Tteitisg 1'eadlatot) ean ssve lima aad Biorf by Uklng thie root. Ily ae qaaibtinc the agents the pfwTioas eeea e( tbe stage will snake ninoeeivm wills 2 'clock ireia il t'bo f.. IVadMon. f NTia at City lra( M-.ra. W. D. Ub, I'roptlelif. Tbe Ootlook will be In W, as it bat beep, daring oaob of He twenty eevee years, Uistotv of Oar Ova Time. Is it vertrxie editorial departmeels Tbe Ontlixik givae s eorcraet review of tbe world's progreM; It follows wilt) care all tbe iBBpor taat pbilanihropie and id dual rial n overs ante of the day; bae a complete department of religious news devotee oeb spare to tbe Interests of tbe borne; reviews earreet Itteraiare; foretebue rbeerful tsble-laJk aboal men ecd tblnge: aed, la ehort, alms to Rive frreb itInraDSlloe, orbiiaaJ oImtvsIkjs, and reasonable titrrleiouteet. SU.tf30AS. TN THR CIRrniT rtlURT OP THE STATE 1 of Orrgon, for Morrow County. W. f. 1-nr.l, H N Kim. Id and Kail. Mrtarhan, the Hoard of CoinmlMtotiers, etc., flalulllTs, vs. . B, kparry, K V. Irry, tirry, the ra gaa RallMMul and Ravi. f.llHi iaapany and Y. :. ThomiKHin. livleadsiils. Ta J H Anerrv. M. V. Knarry snd Mnrrry. Delead.nl.: In the name nf lha state ol (faeat Tan ate hrky reqmri-1 to aniiear and answer the complaint Blvd alnl yon In lha above Sill li le1 .nit. on nr l4 ins nrsi out m iim nit term ol ineaiiov einiiieu ronn, lo an Men.l.t. Ih. Sth ilar a4 almhef . IHn : snd If you lall ss lo .r and answer, tor a.nt thereof. Ih. Malnilrr. will autitv U the eimrl to sr.nl Uw rallel oemane a in Mil eo bl.liil, bwlt: for a tudrmwni and nerrea again! vnn for the sum of 1 din and laiarvwt Iherann Irtnn July I at. lev, at the ml nf eight Iu-r wnt ir annum, is. sum m llwalanrarrs eiul ,r the poets and dl.lmnenianls nf this nil. and tor a derrea lotevUie a re rial a wortgM? made, eiarutad and deltvere.1 by a-friinenta. t a. Siwrry and N, V, fporry, to pi.lniirr. iM, the loll., win. reel ptony situ- std In Morrow eomilv. mle m urewua. lo-wii txiiilB) hallBllnw aMXtkMM nnanr and nonh half nf lha suiilaaaat aaartew 4 belt of soulhiaat ,urler Itar. WMt ball af Ute SMiksm qu.rlev nf ax, I, souUiweet artaru( iHWtbweal unarta M Mao. aa, nwlh teal nii.net n eoulhraat uiiartet of Naa, ai, norm n.ii a aavihewat uu.ner ant anuin mH anarlar of awrMiMwA laartar 4 Sae, Sfi, sirtitheaM qii.rter nl iHiilh.itt aiiarwr nortt alf o4 stmlhweat nii.net of ere, J, IK. aurtneaat anarw wf atHitnMM qcww of -a an, ail in kvwn.bln s, emit rat s, a. w ufflr, M Boattered Throoghont the Unman Body. Dr. William A. Hammond, the cele brated neurologist says the ganglia. which rami like litUa tbreuds of silk throughout the body, &re tiny little brains, largely rruule up of the same kind of gray matter that compoMea the thinking part of the brain. While the sensitive ganglia send their little tend rils into every portion of the body, tile re Is an especiiUly Inrge amount of Ihem evbout the heart and, really, according to Dr. nammond, the human heart actually thinks on account of tt When we ere frightened, the heart almost tope beating. How could it do it, unleas It really (bought? It would be Impossible. rhe heart brains are the little gray ganglia, and thry recognize the emo tions of joy, or pain or fright by seeding quick throba e,nl thrill through the brant which. Dr. Hammond call a sec ondary brain. It Is well known that the ancients believed different organs of the body to lie pnsutewnrd of mental at tributes, and this I dew. Iim been banded down to ua In such exn-r anions aa a "brave heart," a "noble heart," a "sple- etUs nature," and the like. CroaagraJned people axe said to have thnir apleena out of order, and thea elents located anger, rwUiirtit and hnpatlnrH-e In tbe aiilwn. An Imnienae anuituil of gray matter or tissue rune tiar.k of the stonvavrh, and a heavy blow there will kill as quickly as If Use brain Itaelf bad been struck. Wherever tbe gaiffll congregate la a vital siot ans iiestewn of Uitukiur rjely with th gray matter that la w 1th- In our alt u 11a, we think In every im portent onravn aol throughout every prominent fundi Wm within our bmlkee, Ho says Dr. Hammond, and arlenre rerne to agrai with him, N. Y. Trib- Hae Helped Mother. "My mother has been, afflicted with catarrh and stomach trouble. Sbebsi taken a number of bottles of Hood's Ssresperllla and has derived great bene fit from it. We always take Hood's Bamaparilla when we need a blood pnritter snd we find Hood's Pills a remedy for sick beadsohe," Mrs. M in- Star Pointei's fast mile of 1:59, is not so startling an event in tbe turf world si it would have been a tew yeare oie Sprlggs, Oakland, Or. ago, sys the Oregoniao. This is start ling news, says the Raral spirit. Tbe Oregon lao wonld kirk il il bad to die to do It. i Hood's Tills are tbe only pills to take with Hood's Bsrssparilla. Essy sod yet effloient. The "Bicyclist's Best Friend" is a familiar name for DeWitt'a Witoh Hssel Salve, always ready for emergencies. While a specific for pile, it also instant ly relieves snd cures eats, bruises, salt An inhabitant of the Bcilly Islands, says aa exohaoge, was strook by tbe fact that tbe rata there seemed to pros per grestly, altbongb the place la very barren. He resolved to investigate tbe rheum, eczema and ll sffeotious of the I cause of this, end digging np some of skin. It never fails. For Hale by Conner tbe nests by tbe seashore, found tbst tbe k Brook. J. L. Ayers and family have moved in from Hotter ereek to take advantage of nor splendid school lor the little folks. For GuDstipalioo take Karl's Clover Tea, the great Blond Parifler, oares headaches. Nervousness, Eruptions on be face, and makes lha bead as clear ae a bell. Bold by Comer k Brook, I ltaral Fpiritssys: MI Don't Know will probably be sent to California at the eonolusion of tbe llulte meeting." Htop thatooagb! Take warning. II mar lead to onossmptlon. A 25c bot tle of Hhilob's Onre may save your life. Hold by Conger k Brook. X Tb editor of this paper bsvlng beeo awsy from borne Is a little "short" on local events for this Issue-short oo oews, bnt "long" on eiperieooe. rats bad dragged oralis into their boles, sod, in order lo preveut tbeir escape, bad bitten off tbeir lege. No doubt tbe prey bed been seised at low tide and brought borne, to be stored np there by tbe original device Joel described. What llr. A. t. Halter Bay. Buffalo, N. Y Gentss From my personal knowledge, gained in observing the effect of yonr Bbiloh's Cure In oases of advanced ooniomptloo, I am prepared to say it ia tbe most remarkable remedy that baa ever been brought to my atten tion. It baa eertaloly saved tnaoy from eotisamptlon. Sold by Oooser k Brock. Foeail Journal: The Olri-Eigbt Mile mail bss made Its last trip. Tbe mail will go oat from lone hereafter. This change will grsstly Inconvenience many people between Olei and Uooeberry. freight , - I" Jf" IWIILVwck. Ifop. Ofe at Wsifte't dreg etr. i. II Harry If. Walt. Tbntw rune stage between l!t(ner aed liowwfavatit, arriving every day einept kJienday asd leaving every da eieettt RnaJa. Kborteet and ebeso- . . . !.- barber bop. est rooU to tbe la Una. si i : - - I BeglRflog with tbe fifty fiifth tolams, tbe paper will see a roe tbe regular enaga tinsels, which will ad I greatly te il s)ti ten !! and ailrat tivenewa. Tb Oq'lotd U (irtt.lt Led rvtry Hafurday fifty two iaaaea a year. Tbe first li In rach noalh U aa ll'n'trste 1 Magaciee Nnnber, xaUlllllna ebut tekeae snsey ns gee ae tbe ofdiaery t-ne, lofib. attb large .nn.lf of pu tnrea. I r.a nee el ihe tnlliHl a three duller tear la al ranee, or te Ibae rtrtil e day. Mead fr B iaiaM epf eej iilaatraU , sid M , reeoolml in lha i I Ih. eii,tr rirk of Mid -oirl, ta B-s "C" M Morl,aM . todar. and all of thrven am l-... IU, IH iM l.a.-l lllil4 .r-o- I " . . 7" . 1 , , ImssM apply the prcewt. of Mid Ml. ia the p.' m-.tl l Mid )udf laattl, attantaye' lawa, wata and o lUHitM'k.nu Tl.U aim mon. I. aerven -n ytm tmiant la aa oele af tbe lloa. Mpn- A lowell J !! of i,a .lens auilliad eMtrt. Made aa4 Snteiad la Mid Slll " Ihe ?IM d.f t hi't. laV, anowH a RFiiririn, 4T7 Atanfaays lav I laiuuffs. I). A. Ourrar, fornterly el I'endleton, fee ripened up a 13 eewl barber shop In tbe all steed toe Mat look roraer, Work etnnlr tret eleesi, Call ea biro, t-tf TtkO (ttlU be a scholarship for sale, ff4 tot eae eotinot year tt fjlabop Heift Aalwy. Im. p la aed ee abont Ible rf ten bet e b- f te ad arete, tf tUt be eg eat A dMi'ieg lo bnitd Uise a E. J. Hloeasm, 4 pfoepeetit to Tb ()9il.s, 14 A at or I hms of bare will saebe soy by eall e I'Um. k'.a Tut fli. u..u.n.i.ijriM. ..C?ef Marveleaa Meekaaleas. The human U1y la aa epitrme; In nature of all menhanli-, all hydraullca all arrhltecture, all machinery of every kind. There) are nwire then 110 rue- cbankral movement known to merhan but modifieaUone of thoae found In the human te-aly. Here era found all the Lara, levem, Jolnta, ptilleye, puni. ripe, wheel ami sxlea, 11 1 and H hrt novementa), beams, glrner", iniawe. snsffer. arv-hee, nrltimna. ratilra and eopprte known to m lerire. At every kolnl man's beat mecharrii al work ran fieshrmn lo but sylaptalkma of firiic. tears of Oi buman lenly, revrlatUin o( first prinelptee traxd In nature. w II- Ham Oeorye Jonlan, in Muhm' IKnne Journal. ' Taebe All the Has. T'w ks are all tint nut, surely, aim e tbey api-e" In thin rwe, silk rti. sad all oILer materials w hl h ran el tty I Used for the spring snd euiunirr ward rot, eteepl iwrha) rhevlot and aerwe. and they sre l i all wklHia ami In all f'rni. h rri' nd tip and tw fl -rhirs-o Tribune. Tetter, Halt'llhream and IV-sema. The Internee IU hln and smarting, Incl- diutto tbraedlaeawn, IslnaUntlv allayed by applying Cbatiiueirialu a bye ana Hkln Ointment. Many very bad cases have been ta-rmanent v cured br It. It . . . -,. i . . I equally efnrtent tor itxfiing iiiine ana ser A Unx k a ravonui retnexiv ir eore nippiew, chapjiea banns, rbllldaitis, rrwi viuwi oaB)pr and chronic aore ryea. eta. per oa. i , " . r If yon bare ever eeeo a tittle obitd In a psroiysm of hooping eoogh, or if yon have been annoyed by constant tlok ling in Ibe tbrosl, yon can apprtolate tbe value of One Minnie Congo Cure, wbiob gives quick lelieL fkild by Con- e News: O. U. Dusiors man Tedrowe, of Heppner, Ir. Caii'e feadlUon Pewdm, are spent few dsys in Horopter this week . Inst what a horse needs when In PM oonditton. Tonic, blood purifier and ventilfnge. They are not food but tiiNllrlne and the lieet In nee lo put a hi tn M-tnut onuditlon. Price Ml cents per package. "My boy earns borne front school ooe day with bis band badly laeoerated and bleeding, aod luffonog greet pain," says Mr. E. J. Hchall, with Meyer Bros.' Dreg Co.. HI. Ionis, Mo. "I dressed Mr. T. IL Lyoos departed oatbe Elder I ibe wound, aud applied Cbamberlaio'a for Juneau oo lt Hooday night. I pain Balm freely. All pain eeaeed aod In 'a retuerksbly short time it besled vln a eosr. For wooods, welling end rbeamatisnt medicine or prescrip tion eqnal te It. I consider it a house bold eeewelty." Tbe 25 and 60 eeot bottle for sale by Conser k Brock. CATARRHS'- I a LOCAL DISEASE SeS la IK. raaan el taMs sad - al Aaawsasal aan as AakaaaaaBv. sBewajaaaaj scvaawapssa vajp saswaawnMewp It r. tw tm4 ay s pMMnt r wl, -S Is ai.iwd 4 pjwUf lain tae awiriia Isa. leilSf f eillwl M (t'M Eif'sCream Balm I a-kiMwtedged la aa the av-t itwenera eees for UmiiwI.iWK Head sad li.fr " wf ail W..I.M. Heei aed 'imetHn eMail mmh, ' . .... ae4 uiwMlM, hm IMaiwM, pw Kt lha BMWe If m.U, iwww U see I pr. .1 tww.iawn k, w.l. Ski hHVl UlkS, s arwaeinJ-t,iW ! Hiiojl'tef Mews: Mr. W. E. Brook, of tieeiteer, le f ieitiag ailh bet deter, Mrs. MtetJobam, elHumpler. Dr. John W, Raima, of tb Iledlisbl bee keg beer on drsugbl the Hop Gold lUsl of liquore sad eigere In tmb. tf Sleeete. OfsauJwa '