mm. TO TUB JB T GIVES TBI CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental, GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Rf- SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha AND J AND Chicago Kansas City LO IV RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on 0. R. Agent at Heppner, cr address k N, W. H. BURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Oregon, A. L MOHLER. Vice-President. QDIOIt TIME 1 TO JStm Francisco And all point in California, fit the Mt. Bhaata rout of ttia Southern Pacific C The mat hia-hway through California if point Kaat and 8onth. Grand Hoenio Ho of tha Pacifio Coast. Pullman Bnffot Hleepere. Beoond-elaaa Sleeper Attached to express traina, affording superior accommodations for saoond-olaas uaasfingnr. For ratee, tickeu, sleeping oar reservations, a to,, call niKin ur addrma R. KOKHLBK, Manager, C. II. MAKKIIAM, Gen. t. A P. Agt, Portland, Oregon HUE TDD GOING W If bo, be sore and aee that your ticket reads via Tie norinvvestern Line ....THE... OUICAOO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY Tins is Tna Great Short Lige BIC rWEHS DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTU. Tliolr Mngnlflcont Track, Peerless Vcatlhuled ntriif nt'oii lmttiiK Trains, and and Sleeping Car Motto: tt ALWAYS ON TIMK tins given thla road a national reim imlatloti. All claaaea o( tiafiiMiiigcrs carried on Ilia vcatlbtiled trains without tra charge. Ship your (rt-iu li t ami trawl ovor tills bullous llnu. All agents have ticket. W. II MEAD, F. C. rUVAOK, Ueii. Agent. I rv K. A P. AKt, 2Pi Washington Ht., I'ortlarnl, Or, cniOAao miiwauKes & St. Paul R'y This Hallway Co. Operate Us trains on the famous block system; Lights Its trains ty electricity through out; Uses the celebrated eleotrio berth read tug lamp; Runs Speedily equipped passenger trains every day and night between HI. l'stil and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago; tha Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates etesru-hf tJ Veatihnlrd tram", carrying the latest private coiniHrtiurul rare, library buffet atnok 1 1' if ara, and palace ilraaing mow slerpera. 1 arlor oars, free reclining chair ears. anil (lie Very beat Jibing cuslr oar semes. For loaest rates la any point tn the 1' lilted Male or Canada, apply to agent or address (J. 3. KlUiT. J. W. CAHKT, General Agent, Trav. Pa. Agent. Portland, Or. SO VIAM aiaMOl. frail A tiiAo Mini, O oiatcaa. CO'vaiCMTt A a. A erluein aa. an4 awiOc Mf a 'i ' 'i ,li, ft m fc.rtt.wt a l. .! - e ,....t., .l,.iil ai.l t iWiHihUI r t .. ...t.,1, t.. lt I.Ml I t 4 Mw MtS I" Me ka.e a al.inal.l .. i'.i-.i.. i,im tiiuM. a t awl IW hm SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, ""'" hi U-a --,um - ...lib- i.i mk . i.M. 1 t iti .' v .4 iiAtm ra a I n.t. mi , a I lim MUMN A CO., Ill liMa,,H.a fk. EADiUG PAPEH CF THE m mm coast THX CHBONICIJI ranka wllk M greaUat aewapapan tn tba Unltad Htataa. THK CKKONICI.B baa no (qualm thaPaelfla Coast. It leads aU in abllltr, antarprlsa and nawa. THE CHKONICLiS'S Telegraptalo B porta ara the latest and most reliable, Its Loo&l Mews the fullest and spiciest, and lta Editorials from tba ablest pens In tbe country. TUK CHRONICLE has always been, and always will be, the friend and champion of the people as against combinations, cliques, corporations, or oppressions of any kind. It will be Independent lu everything neutral In nothing. J-iiitM III iJiiiMiii Tha Chronlcla ttalldlng. the: daily By Ma 1. Postage raid. S6.70aYear. The Weekly Chronicle The Groat st Weekly in the Conitry, S1.50 a k (luoludlnir postage) to any part of aha United KtaU'S. Canada and Mexico. TITR WEKKLY CIIUHMCI.K, tha brlKhteat and most complete Weekly Newspaper tn the world, prints reKiilnrly columns, or twelve piigea, of News, Literature ami (leneral Inforraa lion; also a tuat;nlllcnt Agricultural Uvpartineut. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FiUE. DO YOU WANT THE CHRONICLE Reversible Map? 11 u s IllltOlKllI CARS. WIOWINO The United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Mezioo ON ON1C HIIJIC, O Aad tba Map of the World ON TIIH OT1IKH BIDIC. Kenil 93 and Get the Map and Weekly ( Iironlcle fir One Tear, lioaiag" prepaid on Map and I'apar, A Ulin Km M. II. de YOU NO, rroprlula A r. Chrantela. KAJf raUNCliaUA CAk TO Hr. PAH. MINNKAP0LI3 KAROO HIT I K HCLbNA Ticket iaatitMl to all pmi.ta iii the United Mlatra and I'auada, gi'ICK TIMK To CllUMut All utlier (1IIA A AaiiiNuniH ixiiiita iKAMeAaCiTv lAi.riMim in tbe Ht. Jnii'U Na YukK r.aal and Ht. Iaipis Hvrraui ) Nnitlirasi i 1,mii I'd ion IVpnt run Bret ions at Ht, Paul, Minneapolis, Kansas (My, Omaha, Ht. bmia and other promi nent Nitiita t llatfuage ebirked tliroogli li dcetlliation nl lii li la, Through tU k la in Japan and China, via I'm ifto Hteain hip Cotiipany's line. THE GRIZZLY EATS PEANUTS. Commemta on the Bear's Apyareat Fondness (or Them. A man who stood in front of the bear pit at tbe menagerie in1 Central park yae greatly interested in Observing just fiow the bi grizzly bear took the pea nuts itbat one of the visitors was hand ing to him, saya the New York Sun. The bear stood up at an angle of about "degrees, hind feet on the floor of the pit, one fore foot resting oo the etone ledge in which the bars of the cage are Imbedded, the other extended through the bars to take the peanuts. He did not clutch them under hia claws and then turn the claws inward upon the ball of his' foot, but when he reached out through the bans he spread his clows apart sideways, as one might spread the fingers of his hand apart. The visitors would place a peanut be tween two of the claws, and then the. bear would close the claws together, as one would close the fingers of his out stretched hand. He would hold the pea nut between two el'aws in the same man ner that a man eametimes holds a cigar between two fingers. Holding it tbua the bear would carry tlhe peanut to his mouth; then thrusting his paw out be tween the bars again he would open his claw out sideways as before, waiting for another. "I suppose it must be an acquired taste," said a solemn-faced bystander, referring to the bear's apparent fond- nesn for peanuts. I don't know," said another man. "I'm not so sure but what there are some places where grizzlies live that peanuts grow." "That may be," snid the solemn-faced man, "but I m sure there a no place where they grow baked." A HAUNTED TREE. The Coon Dos; Turned Tall Wheat They Strnck It. Last fall a party of coon hunters from this city were in the woods in this vicin ity and the dog-s hunted splendidly un til they struck thia old tree, says the Danville (Ky.) Advocate. There they tucked their tails between their legs and simply flew. They whined and gave other evidences of fear and could not be coaxed into hunting any more that night. Finally the hunters them selves became scared. One of them de clared he heard the sound of a voice as if from some soul in deep distress. This settled it. Every man in the crowd suddenly remembered that he had busi ness in town and townward the whole layout proceeded without further par leying or loss of time. 1 he next day an old gentleman residing in uanvuie was told of the occurrence and he re called the fact that he had been one of the party which had a similar experi ence near thia old tree three years ago and he Bald that the spot had been haunted for many years. A long time ego an old gentleman by the name of Louis Btreat waa murdered for his money and the murderer bad dragged the body to the foot of this tree and covered it with dry leaves. The mur derer was never puniahed by law. A young man named Henderson was ar rested charged with the crime and at li is examining trial was liberated on $5,000 bail. He jumped his bond and disappeared some time afterward. ALWAYS PLAY FOR MONEY. Eaarllahsnen and Uvea Clergymen Bet on at Ciam) of Carda. "England is termed Puritanical," said a New Yorker who baa been in London a good deal, "but English peo ple w ho consider themselves very prop er do tilings sometimes which, would shock people of a similar sort in this country. For instance, even clergy men often piny cards for money, and women do no as a matter of course. I never plnyed a game at an English house at which there waa not a stake 'The stake was small if women were among the player, and possibly only a few shillings changed hands, but it never aeetned to occur to any English people I ever met to play for fun. The people were of the middle claaa, which ia anything but font. "Fancy an American clergyman play' Ing carda for money ! lie would be con aldered a bad lot by many if he played rani even for fun. And certainly a young woman who arose from a cam table with a dollar, more or leas, of at titan's money in her possession would be eo us alerts! fuat, to aay the least Where He Drew the Mae. Among the first atoriea recorded by Mr. T. E. Pntt in bis "Anglers' Itnaket," ia one about a rn-oltWh htird who waa relating the story of a flue fish be had caught one day to hht friends at tba dinner table. "Donald," eaid be to the servant behind hlarhalr an old man, but a new servant "how heavy waa tbe fish I took yesterday ?" Doimld neither aaWe nor moved. The Lilrd repeated the iiueetlon. "Werl," replied Donald, 'it waa t.wuj' pund at breakfast, it h d got ten to aciitrcn at dinner-time, and it waa anx-and-twenty when ye sat dawn to aupprr wi' thentptaln." Then after a pauae he added: "I've been tollin'leea a my life to pkaae the shootervbut I'll be Mowed if I'm going to tell Ires duo, thnntigtt my old age, to pirate the fuah era." LOCAL BQCIBS. WORK HORSES TO LET. Y. F. Spray was over from Lis Wag ner ranch yesterday. Theo. Anderson was in from Eight Mile yesterday. Man Something to Know. It may be worth something to know that the very best medioine tor restoring that tired oat nervons system to a healthy vigor if Eleotrio Bitters. Tbis medicine ia purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in the stomach. gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys and aids these organs in throwing off imparities in tbe blood . Electric Bitters improves tbe appetite, aids digestion, aud is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold (or 60c or $1. 00 per bottle at Coneer & Brock's drug store. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE. E. 0.: Will Howard, principal of the Heppner public schools, is meeting old Pendleton friends. Mr. Howard is re turning to work from a summer visit to tbe home of his father, Rsv. M. Y. How ard, in Spokane. Racklen'g Arnica Salve. Tbe Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, TJloers, Salt Hbenm, Fever Sores, Tetter,' Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures riles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfeot satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Conger s, Brook. E. O,: Mrs. Siahl's safe in tbe oity brewery at Walla Walla was "cracked' Monday night by bnrelurn acd $500 in mouev. a large amount in notes, ber bank book and other valuables taken, Two men slept iu tbo brewery bat tbey were not disturbed by the work of the burglars who blew the safe to pieces. A Bnra Thing, for Yon. A transaction in which yon oan not lose is a sure thing. Biliousness, sick headache, furred tongne, fiver, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Cas- carets Candy Cathartic, tbe wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonio are sold by all drnggids and guaranteed to cure or money refunded. 0. 0.0. are a sure thing. Try a box today ; 10c, 25., 50o. Sample and booklet free, tt E. O.: Tom liarger, of the Helix country is in Pendleton. He takes tbe palm so far this season for growing the largest yield of barley per sore. His oariey turned out 70 bnibii per sore, and bis wheat went above 40 bushels He told bis wbeat orop fur better than 75 oents and he is in exoulluut humor in oonee qneoce. Drenilfnlly Neryons. Gents: I was dresdfolly nervoua, and tor relief took your Earl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strength ened my whole nervous system. I was troubled with oonstipation, kidney and bowel trouble. Your Tea soon clennsed my system so thoroughly that I rapidly regained health and strength. Mra. S. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Bold by Consor k, Brook. ' y There is a slight difference in two in dustries, saya tha Dallas Observer. When a gold miner makes a strike his troubles end; when coal miner makes a strike, bis trouble commences. T of Theaa Are Hire hy the Day la New York. A mam who had seen, at one time and another, here and there, in town, a sign like this: "Good Work Horses to Let," and had a vague idea that the few work horses that were let. must be hired by men who were not able to buy a horse, found upon inquiry that hia ideas on this subject were very inadequate. It is, of course, possible that a work horse might be hired by a man not able to buy one, but it would quite as likely be hired by a man or a firm that could afford to buy a thousand horses if it were desirable to do so. As a matter of fact, work horses are hired by a great variety of men. There are stable owners who make a business of letting work horses, and work horses are sometimes let by other large business concerns employing many horses, which might not all be fully employed the year round; so might be the case, for example, with the horses of an ice company, or a street sprinkling concern or other en terprise using many horses whose busi ness runs more or less in seasons. It doe not by aaiy means follow that be cause a man hires a work -horse he must take a poor one; he certainly wouldn't take a poor one if he could get a good one, and he usually can get a good horse. Many of the work horses that are let are of the very best grade, fine draught horses thaft are well cared for and aTe in perfect condition. Work horses are let mostly to truckmen, but they are also let to many other users of horses. At one establishment where work horses are let no horse is ever let to go out of the city. Most stables have customers whocome to them when they want a horse and are known. The stranger is asked for a reference. The superintendents of stables where work ing horses are let have a wide acquain tance among truckmen. They know personally many of them; and the stranger is likeljr to be able to refer to somebody who is known. A man who has been for years in charge of a large stable which lets work horses in this manner, said that he had never lost a horse. Horses generally are better treated now than they formerly were, owing to the stringent enforcement of the laws against cruelty to animals and to greater consideration on the part of drivers. Of course, there have always been men who treated horses kindly; there are more than ever of them now. No establishment owning work horses which it lets will ever let twice to a man who ill-treats a horse. Horses are cheaper than they used to be, and the price of hiring a work horse is less. Formerly two dollars a day was charged for the, hire of a work horse; now a good work horse oan be hired for $1.50 a day, and the owner gives with the horse when it goes out a suitable noonday feed. A man who knows about these things says that, taking them altogether, there are thou sands of work horses hired in this city daily. N. Y. Sun. BOSTON'S NEGLECT OF POE. ' LOG TKOUBLfcS AMD CONSUMPTION CAN t)E CURED. An Eminrnt New York Chemist and Heientist Hakes a Free Offer to Our Headers. WANTED-AN IDEA0., thing to patent f Protect yonrideaa: they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDKH BURN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington., . 0.. tor their $1,800 prize oiler. The distinguished ohemiet, T.. A. Slo onm, of New York City, demonstrating his discovery of a reliable cure for Con sumption (Pulmonary -Tuberculosis), bronchial, lung and chest troubles, stubborn ooughs, catarrhal affections, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send TilKEJS r liUtt BUT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader of tbis paper writing for them. His "New Scibntiflo Treatment" has cured thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional duty to Buffering humanity to donate a trial of bis infallible cure. Sciecoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produoed results as beneficial . to humanity as can be olaimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are curable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," tiled in his American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those onred in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and oertain death. Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. C, 98 Pine street. New York, giving post- office and express address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell tbe Dootor that you saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. Joly 9-7-1 yr. NOTICE. Hick Mathewa and V. Gentry, nndet the firm name cf Mathews & Gentry, are associated together in the barber business in the new stand, two doora south of the postoffioe. Tbey solicit a call. Shaving, 15 cents. tf. A good bicycle, suitable for either lady or gentleman, in fine repair, new- pneu matio tires, for sale obeap at Gilliam & Bisbee's. tf Now is tbe time to get the Weekly Oregonian, tbe greatest newspaper of tbe West. With the Gazette, both strict ly in advance, one year, $3.50. No better combination of newspapers oan be made in the state. ' Tbe Gazette will take potatoes, apples, eggs or butter on subscription aoconntg. Any one owing this offloecan settle their acoounts in this manner nd can't do it ' too soon to suit us. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Land Officb at Thk Dalles, Oregon. July 21, 1897. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED at this office by O. B. Dowis against 8. E. Walker for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 4322, dated March 16, 1892, npon the E NWec 34 EK 8WK Sec. 27, township 8, South Range 23 E, in Morrow county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at thli office on the 24th day of Sept., 18U7, at . 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testi mony concerning said alleged abandonment. J. W. Morrow, county clerk, is authorized to take the testimony In this case at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on Sept. 18, 1897 at 10 o'clock a. m. . JAS. F. MOORE. 67-78 Register. SUMMONS. THE NATIONAL BANK OF HEPPNER, located at Heppner, In the state of Ore gon, is closing up Its affairs. All note holders aud others, creditors of said association, are therefore hereby notified to present the notes and other claims against the association for payment. ED. R. BISHOP, 555-76 Cashier. Certain'? yon don't want to suffer with dyspepaia, constipation, sick headaches, sallow akin and loss of appetite. You have never tried DfAV'itt'a Little Surly Users tor these Complaints or you would have been onred. They are small pills bnt great regulators. For sale by Coo- tor and Brock. Quite a number of teachers attended the teachers' institute in Heppner this week. State Superintendent Irwin, of Salem, and Prot. Aokermao, of Portland were present and conducted tbe meet' log. A full reiort (it tbe aeiaiou will appear in our next Issue, A Care for ttilloas Colle. Itrfnurs,8oiveo Co.,Oa. I hays been subject to attack! tit bilious colic for several years. Chamberlain's Oolto, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy ia tba only sura relief. It aola like a charm. Oo dose o( it gives relief when all other rtmadlrs fail. O. D. Sharp, For tale he Ponaur i ltrnok. e Walla Walla Talon: Thorns Lyons. recently appoiuled toeatis rtotnroiaioo- r for Alaska, left Isat obi for Port land, where he will take tro steamer Geo. W, ElJer lor Janeao. For full Information, lime carda, mapa, itcieie, ie., rail tut or write W. 0. Au e at, A I Cm tairon, Airt N. P. Ily. Aset. Oen l aea. Agt. llie I'alloa.Or. Portland, Or u lie h nalor Tut PA. ft frt ,1 a . t .... tTXAUina 'otitis , cut ' ttfo ' KievLiton Iae The Dai In daily ft" t Bunder) aid 45 a. at. lae Purlieu J at 7i a. n. YThea n ( to Portland, slop iff at The an.l lata a trip down the tilmtii.; yo sr a 1 1 ej y It, an J aae niotiay. W. C All.AWAT. (Unaral A-al The Oeirtta dM-a B"l Q.ttia tbe IxrtiMty tit any prreoa, but It la )nra I I lad to tUt apn tba task '.a tdvsaee plan uf nUerlplloa, hfttur tba snb- ertWrbe CWnallua VeaJrtbilt or the tfntnf In Irion weaaasa. a ab earns Ms t.r, by l.o.e.1 Ml I ClI I IHJ Mil lUCU nan his u i't-e-s i-y iwmi . ; - , " u.i- i-u-.o i prim ialjf I"f that mrrrrlHi U Cskltot I'' hay ttther , W,h j.r.V a ti iTT a7a iT,V',X'i"o''J. I rti,ie rau"-! bv lonf t A ahrlahlaar A fair. Thiaae ttnderahlrt I bought here last liMitith, be lx-gntw "I mitrmixr It," said the clerks "it vss gmit iMtrjm'n. Iki you find thrni vtnrtn rnottjrh "lhMr won warm rmniirh when I ftrt put thrm on, but I didn't think to liifpilr about hcnt this morning." Inquire alxnit Hieiii7'' Yea. P.trr aiin-e they wrrs W!ahr1 the taby tuts Wen wearing thm. Now, tf jimi hat anvUting which Un't quit t much of a Imrrain, and la a little tiMtte likrlv to remain mv I d like to theni." KU Louta Piatt. )itti h. The rllrre IW, The ftiiithl woman how rarea for brr fctt aa rarrfiillv aa fur her 'landa, and a footla'X la as nrrraeary to hrr aa a Inanlt ur set. Tbe n Is a l-ial sirt-d one, and eonlslitaeterythltra; rilrrl for tlw vtrlfarr of tmtlt shore aixl fcrt. I it the fortnrr thrrr are tart- on kind of dr-lrf fluids fr taking stall out of mtin, IwruahMt fur rnio leg duel, of ailk and watcd ahue thrrekd, a rol.l.lrr'a rx-rdla, thliiiUe and aa liMi ra, inaiitira of larra of all eol rrs and rt"l button, while for I he l-rtltst rttrrtiiitir tttrniM'Ivee there are prenidrd bttrincnta amateur eif flea! treat torn I, os, aaltea and twtwUra, III Itot tiring Intended prim ia.ljf fof I ha rorreelmn or ilteflg- u of abve pub!k, Cora that rough with Hhllol,' Cure Tb beat eoagb cure. KslifVia eroop promptly. One tuillioa bottles sold last year. iO a oar for social Boi.i by t,m sr k Brock. y Aa siohang says that a II JOO (arm loTeoneaaee baa been paid for wholly In baa's eg J, tba Installment being re mitted daily, sometime at lb rata ot three cents a dotaa lor the eg, delir trad la lonr-doieo lets. tl rave tbe Creepy CaUarr. Pfkvlrw, V. W bava a splendid sale pt Chamberlain's (Verb llintedy, aad ettr e tt. mere Toat-g from far and ear, auk of It lu the hlkbet terms. Uaay bava said that Ibelr children wnnld bava died of croup If Chamber Iain's Cont-h Kerned t bed hot ba ivn.-KMam aOarr-n. Tba 33 aad 130 real sue fur sale by Uvaser k Brock. ternary of Her Moat Fsmosi Man of Letters Ismored. I have mentioned the circumstance that it has never occurred to the town of Boston to erect a monument to Poe, who, next to Franklin, probably has the most world-wide fame of all the men of letters native to that town, and Poe waa connected with Boston not alone by the important accident of his birth, but by the commencement there of hia literary career, itself an event worth commemoration. So far aa I am aware, Boston never awarded to Poe the honor which, iu tbe caseof her dead literary men of eminence, nhe some- times deems worthy to be taken in lieu of any further monumental attention namely, the calling of a public meeting by the mayor, at which addresses are made and complimentary resolutions adopted. The name of Poe is indeed carved on the outer wall of the public library at Boston; ao are aeveral other names. Their purpose la chiefly dec orative, However, Boaton'a neglect in respect f Poe waa but the neglect ot all the rest ot the country. His kindred left hia grave at Baltimore tut marked, end a fund of about $1,000 bad to be raised by public sulwcription to place above his ashes the unbeautiful mortuary monu ment which now hears his name. If an enterprising commercial person had not hired the cottage In whloh Poe lived at Fordhsm, Jtistout of New York, and put up above lta door the large Ign: "Poe Laundry," surmounting it with the figure of a raven, thereby arousing tbe wmth of many people, In cluding the owner of the cottage, and shaming them Into a protest, it la pmba Me that the poet's fame would atill be quite destitute of any public memorial. Atlantic. Aaeleat Peat later. The art of dentistry waa practiced among the F-gyptlane and Ktrusrana, and there are evidences In mummies and akulla that In very anckent times teeth wera filled and efforts were maLi to supply the lose of natural by arU-1 flclal teeth. Tha Brat, writer on ue treatment of diseased teeth waa Galea. The science was Introduced into Amer ica by John Greenwood.whoestabbehed himself In New York In I7SS. In 1790, and again In I TVS, be carved in Ivory an entire art of teeth for Gen. Washing ton. Chicago Inter (Wan, Areasatle Hatha, Bathe In which herbs and aplrea ara bruised and macerated bava become tnorw and more popular In Paris, Ber lin, Wnna, and other ryy cities abroad. In Parte, at the newest bathing eatabliehments, almost any kind of balb ran lie bail. The letnon Juice bath. plna bath, milk lalh, salt, barley, mm water, rue, niioirne, ana wine nairui rosy he Indulged In, and ara as id toba far more enjoyable and Iwneficla! than, tnsssmge treatment. N. l. Hun. Paper nndcrclothlng ia mueh used la Japan. Th garments art rut out of Thk Boss Feed Yabd. The first feed yard tbe teamster strikes in Heppner is that conducted by William Gordon, next door to the Heppner Gszette ranoh. Mr. Gordon is accommodating. baa a good yard and abundant facilities to take care of stock in first olsss shape. Hia prices are very reasonable. He has bay and grain for sale. Has lately added a car load of baled timothy. , tr. Come lo tbe Gazette office and get a decent lot of envelops printed. Government envelops look cheap, and besides you cannot get your business card printed thereon. tf The Gazette bas a scholarship for , good for one sohool year at Bishop Scott Aoademy. Drop in and see about tbis it you bave a boy to educate, tf TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the County of Morrow. The Oregon Mortgage Company, Limited, a Corporation, Plain- un, vs. Berend Poppenga and Ella Pop penga, Defendants. To Berend Poppenga and Ella Poppenga, de fendants above named. In the name of the 8tate ot Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer or other wise plead to the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the first day of the next regular term of the Circuit Court for Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: Monday, the 6th day of September, 1897: and If you fall to so answer or otherwise piead, for want thereof, plaintiff will take judgment against defendant, Berend Poppenga, for the sum of $450.00 together with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 1st day of December, 1895, and for the further sum of $50.00 attorneys' fees and for the cost In this suit, and plaintiff will apply to the court for a decree of foreclosure and sale of the following described mortgsged premises, to wit: The8W! of the NE&and the 8W ofthe 8Wand theNWU of the 8W). of section 19. township 4, south of range 25, E. W. M., and for the application of the proceeds of said sale of property to the payment of the luditment and costs herein prayed for against defendant. Berend 1 oppenga. This summons la published by virtue of an order made by Hon. Stephen A. Lowell. Judge of the above entitled court on the 2.'trd day ot July, 1897. ELLIS A LYONS, M-T7 Attorney for Plaintiff. Put a quarter in your pooket and don't spend it till yon get down to Low Tillard's. Finest liquors and oigars. Near city ball. a See those new Russian Tan shoes down at Liobtenthal's. Latest styles. best quality, reasonable prioea. Yon cannot do better anywhere. tf Come in and subscribe for tbe"Oscoo." Now ia tbe time. You don't want to miss a whole lot of good, hard reading that ia now being published in our 'Only." Any person who la Interested in British Columbia should write to W. H. Horlbnrt, general passenger agent of tbe O. It k N.,for a oopy of Pat Don an' lit tle "booklet," "Tba New Bon an gal and." tl is well worth tbe trouble. GO-tf. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for Morrow comity. Rothchlld Brothers, I laintllls, vs. ' Robert Krlck, Defendant. j o the above named defendant, Robert Krlrk: In the name of the Slate of Oregon: You ara hereby reuulred to appear and answer the com plaint nieo against you in tna above entitled cause ef action on or before the first day of the next term of the above entitled court, to-wit: Monday, the 6th day of September, 1897; and If you fall so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plulntlff will take judgment against you for the sum of $111, therostaand disbursements of this action, and for tha sal of the property belonging to you heretofore at tached In this action, and will apply the pro ceeds of said sale to the payment of said judg ment, costs and disbursements. This summons is served on Ton in pursuance ot an order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered In said action on the 21st day of Julv. 1H'I7. BKOWN A RKDFIKLP. 64-77 Attorney for Plaintiffs. HEH Caret ta, and Trade-Marks obtained sad all Pat tat business conducted fur MootaaTt fit. Ous Orncs is Oeeoairg o, a. aart avOrnet aud wauoarruta patent is ka tilu UUaS UwK remote from Waahinrtoa, bead model, drawing or eVitex, with oWrip tlno, We adnae, U or Bat, Ire el caarre. Our lee r"t due till patent Is eecwrl. A eaaewicT, " H"W lo Obtaia I'ateata," Mk coat tt earn ia th U. aW aad lureisa osatnea col Irae, Address, c.A.sriow&co. afiahah af.eaeB A aVaauiMnVABl ft a NORTH lA.CIIMO . Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN LSfiO.) Published Weekly at Portland, Or. DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth lis weight in gold lo every faimar and breeder la Oregoo. SUBSCRIPTION: 12.00 PER YEAR. Sample Copies frea.) Rjral Spirit and Osteite both tor, oaah, at this office. AttornovN fit Liiw, HEPPNER, All business atteaded to it. a prompt and eatlafactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. orriCE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. t t t OKKOOM Ham J ones nasi bava kaiaed tba popolts's. He receatly deelared tbat neither repsbtieana er democrat would be toned la be tea. WHITE COLLAR LINE. OaI II mllln r r I Duma! 0..J 1 ! . J' 11 luiuim iuut any i ogeioouiiiittaipi 10 Slfsifn TUiiilONE, IlILET filTZBT AND 0CE.K WAVE. Uatio, Alder Hlreet Uk. rortlaad. for A.torta Ilwaaa. !,( Wh. (Was Park and Nabeotla. lXreel aonnestKia with liassa iM,as aad rail, road; e!o at Yonag'a Bay alib h as bore iUilroed. TULiUnXIOlVIl Lear Portland T A. St. tatliy. iePt Pasday. leave Aatarts t f. at. tl!y, seet4 iiaUjMy ca-ATy, nit t Lsava rnrtland i P. M lially., ,.at.y. alurlay alfht. lira l A-i. 1 al A. M ase.,4 a,., U..n..,. e..a7l.y sight, I TH N oonvrsr wavii Leave rtwtiaaj and ran dleert lo llaarA, Tmartei and Thutl., a a u . . Uev l. aelaa, ad tmlf at V? VZtUltJ a" aE"rV ' ' " fcgnt tVfW U r.ll-01, PrtiBl(iei M Brtrtn f$t rf hy Isrga aheeU cf flnWyrlped Janeae r '"r.r. Cmhi. rUmmm, Travel ea t Teleeh, fcaSU, oatsert saA ri,, w,f psper, tha places eeweat Wigruier arwi IW act deceived t A cottgb, boarsseea or crone ara aol t Ws trtfjed with. A Joea la tttna ol hhtloh's Cure will la matB trvavla. Beta by & A HeB. the butlonboles slrengUiened witji ral- hat linen. TSe fatartc Is atTong even a ben wet, flexible and eretnely light. A faa-t to I coaaadered U that every Jap lakes a hot tth at least once a day. Ills papr rMbee ara an rbesp that riew one ran t alfonW frenieuy. atasaalaai , tMnt ara e'smped by a piece f ma k;e k k.f t l.tu lUVKul (.rail J 't i rlros t owt lkpir THE PALACE HOTEL BAH, j. o. BOKorncns, Piop, . Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigari.