Impure Blood Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles and Sick Headache the Results -Doctored for Years Without Relief. " My blood was out ot order, and I be gan taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. It baa purified my blood and relieved me ol rheumatism, kidney trouble and sick headaches. I have been afflicted with these difficulties tor years. I am now able to do a good day's work. Rheumatism has troubled me since I was a child, but I am now entirely well." Miss Pheobb Bai ley, Box 445, Pa9adenaCalifornia. " I have suffered from the effects of Im pure blood, boils, pimples, etc., for five years. I have tried various remedies with out relief and finally purchased six bot tles ot Hood's Sarsaparilla. The boils and pimples have all disappeared since I began taking this medicine. I am now entirely cured." Louis Thomas, 1413 11th Street, Oakland, California. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best - in fact the One True Blood Puri fier. All druggists. $1, six for $5. Get Hood's. HHc Dillo are Purely vegetable, re nOOa S PUIS liable, beuenciaL 26c. Take Notice. 1. The sum of live cent per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions ol respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever Durnoae. 2. Notices of church and society and all ether entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cants a line. 1 nese rules win be strictly adher- el to In every instance. ' Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. k GOOD CLU.BBING LIST. AERESTKD FOB NCRDEB. . Now that the great politioal oampaign is over and the wiDter season again with lis, nil will want an adeqiiote supply of fresh and varied reading matter for the long evenings. Cognizant of this the Gazette has made clubbing arrangements with a number of periodicals and now offers the following to all new and renew al subscribers: The GAZETTE 12.50 and Weekly Oregonian, 11.80 " 8. F. Examiner, $1.50.... " N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 B. F. Chronicle, $1.50.... Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 Aft r Eluding the Officers for Three Years, a Murderer Finds Himself la the Hands of the Law. Yesterday Sheriff Matlook arrested a man who has been workiog on T. J. Allen's place, near lone, and lodged him in jail in Heppner. Tbe man under arrest gives bin name as H. A. Brown, but his real name is supposed to be Qui Waohline, whom the grand jury at Hillsboro, Washington county, indioted tor murder about' three years ago, but Waohlme suooeeded in eluding the officers until yesterday when our ef fioieot sheriff took him in and gave bim quarters in tbe county j nil. Tbe obarpes against this young man are very serious. lie is aoonBed of murdering a man for bis money in Washington oouoty and after accomplishing this terrible deed, he is said to have buried the remains in a pile of manure and made his escape. Whether be has been in this seotion ot the country all this time is not known, but he bss been working on the Allen place several months. A few days ago a young man of Heppner, Tom Ingrabum, happned to meet bim and recognized bim as tbe man charged with tbe crime. lngrabam reported tbe man to tbe authorities and he was subsequently arrested. The description of tbe man suits in every particular and Sheriff Matlook wired the sheriff at Hillsboro, who replied that he would be here at onoe to identify and take charge ot tbe prisoner. Tbe officer is expected to arrive tonight. Waobline, alias Brown, is about 25 years ot age and is said to have served a short term in tbe penitentiariy for lar- oeny prior to the murder. A reward of $500 has been hanging over the head ot tbe nocnsed and it seems somewhat strange that he has not been captured ere this. If this man proves to be the guilty party, a conclusion as to the ultimate results of, his triul may easily be imagined. CELERY KOLA GIVES REST AND SLEEP W?l"lS"??i't- sis- A True Nerve Tonic and Blood Purifier Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood, Regulates the Liver, Rowels and Kidneys. NEW DISCOVERY; BEST CELERY PREPARATION ON EARTH. -AAJV T5E HAD ONITAr oi-Octia Club Rate .... $8.50 8.75 8.00 8.25 8.75 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.50 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00 CONFERENCE APPOINTMENTS. in METH. EPISC. CHURCH. SF.HTICltS. Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Banday school 10 a. m. Clue set No. 1 sod 11 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at T p. m. rrayer meeting, inunany, op. m. . 'The. Hpihit and the bn e b&v. Come." The pastor may be found at the parxonaire adjoining- the church, where he will be glad to meet any wo may desire to consult niin on relimous, social, civio, philosophic, educational, orauyotner subjects. J, W. FLESHKR. Minister. Here and There. ' Ai Roberts bat returned from Port- I and. Clark O. Marley was up from Douglas Wednesday. Claude Sloan, ot Butter creek, was io town Tuesday. B. P. Doherty was over from Butter creek this week. Chas. Matteson was in from Rhea oreek Wednesday. Miss Altba Leaob, ot Lexington, was ia town Wednesday. Joe Lnckman was In from his Butter oreek ranob Tuesday. Bacons it still on the turf donig a lit Us oarpenter business. tf Heppner Outfitting Co., io tbe old Herren stand, see adv. a Submit your plans to Ranous before giving ont your oontraot. tf L. B. Knox, a well-known rancher ot lone, was in town Wednesday. Rogers k Roberts Lave pnt tbe finish ing touches on R. C. Wills' residence. Josef Mueller, tbe piano fiend, it now talking "moosick" to the Pendletoniane Statement! tor tbe Famont Simple Aeeoont Filt printed at tbe Otzette of fice, tt. Frank McFarlacd and family have returned from a months' ooting on Hood river. H. L. Thompson was in from bis But ter oreek ranch Wednesday with load of Iroit. Frank Met lie, freight agent f the Northern Pacific, wan iu tbe city Wed nesday. ' O. B. Tedrows l.a gnt to Bumpier wtere he will ei grge iu t me kitd ot bnaine. Ret. J. W. Fbiher returned Wed nesday from tie dtfi rents o.eeting at Peldleloo. Tbe Hp Old keif ber at the Wei . . i nine. u in, )"0 rmi, nn re tbe fcoj. Ruby Will fell fr- to a hay hft ne day (hit week aui is no porting a dm Inflated am. J'eaol.e, wetrrmrloa anil all frni'a ot the eeaann srrtviig daily el tie Orangt Fr nt. 6 Best ecenimodatinti aed fnnrlwM treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Hrvnttb ml Wash. tt., r.n Hand. Or ... Geo. I). Ely and Ed U'l"way reme io from Kerfei.sville yrsterlsy to l k tier their Morrow eoomy interests. N. B. Nil end eon, of Wslle Walla. paed tbrongb lleppoer yeaterdav eo font bum from trip tbrongb tbe In terior. Mr. aod Mrs. P. Mid die worth, fa lt F'lday evening tmm John Iy. ..r visit with tblr daogbUr, Mra. Dr. Eetee. TtxiM wbn drelr to t-otld should not forget that 0. E. IUoona, tU son ireevof. la reedy to oak tettnates al asy time. Tbos. Williams came over from Long Oreek yesterday. S. MoBride bss moved bis family to town for tbe winter. Ras Muir departed for Pendleton Wednesday night on business. James Hansford, of the Hardman viuoiuity, was in town yesterday. 0. M. Grimes, representing tbe Union meat market at Portland, arrived in town this morning. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Wat- kins, ot tbe Porter canyon neighbor bood, last week , a fine boy. N. S. Whetstone took his daughter, Qraoe, to Portland last week and placed her in a ooovent to be educated. Croes & Blaokwell's fancy piokles and oanned goods, reduced prices. Orange Front, opp. City hotel, Cor, Main and Willow streets. 53-tf A. Abrabameick and son and tbe well koowu old German eheepherder, paoked op tbeir oamp outfit yesterday and de parted for tbe interior to. be absent about a month. Dyspepsia cured. Bbilob't Vitalizer immediately relieves sour stomacb, com ing up of food distress, and is tbe great kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Con sera Brock.. y To Leal tbe broken and diseased tis sues, to tootbe tbe irritated surfaces, to ioBtaotly relieve and to permanently core ia tbe mission ot DeWitt's Witob Hazel Salve. For Sale b) Conser k Brook. J. M. Hager hat for sale on bis ranch a large quantity ot pears sua plums wbioh be desires to exchange tar wood or wheal delivered io Heppner at mar ket prices. Plumt 1 cent per pound; peacbet, 2 cents. 2t moments are useless if trilled away; and tbey are dangerously watted if ooo turned by delay in oatet where Ooe Minute Cough Cure would bring imme dials relief. For sale by Couaer 4 Brook. A revival in business generally seems to bavt tet in in Heppner. Tbe fall trade will undoubtedly be quite lively, and incidentally we would suggest that tbe merchant plant Ibeir adt in tbe Q telle and get In on the ground floor. Rev. C. it. Howard and family bavt returned from Oakesdale t-onfereooe Duriug their absence tbey visited Mr. Uoaard'e parent at ttpokune. Mr llnwsid will bold strvic-s both morning and evening i.t-it Sunday al tbe M. . chor'h, Sooth. (J. E. lUnuus, the contractor, ha bt gutt the election of a firs-room residence for Mr. Hte L-Un.. Mr. Kaoons, wlin ha tbe eo'itr.ct f buildirg ib OXI Frllnat' b ill ou.J store bouse t, slso rfori tbe two bui'd ng in pr eol i i'l Cni.slnirti.iii. V.olor II. hiusl'vy, repri-sriiting tbe NurlLaist Mugssine, of Hi. ChoI, Minn , i io tbe eilj. 11 i rngagid in wrilioif np ikv d flVret ecction Ln b be visit i,il ill give a ri-hic wiiie op ot U' lirr and it orroomling aoiiatry Io Ih Oetcbrr nomtwr of bis mtgasine. Where Methodist ministers Will Labor The Dalles District the Coming Year. Tbe Columbia river conference ot tbe Methodist church, wbidb wet is session at Pecdlelon last week, has adjourned to meet in Pullman, Wash , next year. Tbe following are the appointments for The Dalles district : Robert Warner, Presiding elder; with headquarters at Tbe Dalles. Antelope, D. H. Leach. Arlington, G. W. Barnbart. Nicholtoo, to be supplied. Casoade, E. C. Alford. Columbus, John Evans. Dufur, W. C. Smith. Ellensburg, W. H. Marvin. Fossil and Lone Rock, F. L. Johns. Ft. Snncoe. J. W. Helm. One to be supplied. Gilmer, supplied by J. S. Alford Goldendale, Nathan Evans. Heppner, James Fiesber. Hood River and Belmont, H. E. Hines and G. P. Arober. John Day and Prairie City, R. Moter. Long Creek, W. H. Henderson. Moser, supplied by G. W. White. Moro, 0. D. Niohelsoo. North Yakima, U. F. Hawk. Pbbco, Io be enpplied. Prinevllle, Henry Mays. Proeeer, S. L. Burrill. Tbe Dulles, J. H. Wood. Wasco, L. R. Spanlding. Woldron, R. O. Hadley. Takima City, S. E. Homobrook. West Kittitas, Edward Barker. SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SHEPPARD " RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Without Change of Oars Between Spokane, Rossland and Nelsoo. Also between Nelson an! Rossland, daily exoept Sunday : Leave. Arrive. sm A. M Hpokane ;40 P. M. inn A. M KnHKlund :40 H. M. 9:10 A.M Nelson o:u r. m. Close connections at Nelnon with steamers for Easlo, and all Kootenai Lake points. PassenRers for 'Kettle Klver and Boundary Creek oonneet at JHarous with stage daily. FORYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates NOTICE. All persons indebted in notet and ao oounts due to Noble St Co. are requested to oome forward and settle same as soon as passible. We still continue in business and will sell goods as low as oao be bought anywhere in tbe state. JMOBLI A DO. Heppner, Or., June 24. '97. tf. What is Hop Gold? Best beer on earth. See ad. elsewhere. - Mr. Benton, of Corvallia, was bere last week in tbe inlereel ot tbe state ag ricultural college at Corvallis. Married. A neat little wedding occurred on Wed nesday, at 6 e'olook io tbe private par lors ot the Palace hotel io tbit city, the contracting parties being Mr. Harry Cummings, of Hardman, and Mist Emma Harer, ot Portland Heighta. Tbe cere mony wat peuormed by State superin tendent ot Schools, Rev. G. M. Irwin. Those present were: Prot. Aokermao, ot Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Bions and Mitt Ada M. Jones, ot Heppner. Tbe bride bas been on of tbe auroeufol leacheit of Morrow oonnty for tbe past tear. Mr. and Mrt. Cnmmings left tor tbeir mountain bonis, near Harlmao, on Tbunday. May tbey live long and be btppy is tbe wish of Ibeir maoy friond. The good-will that goes with good tea is part of the profit that is why some grocers are glad to sell you Schilling's Best. But there is more profit, take it all in all, in Schil lings Best it for you, for the grocer, and for us. Heretofore the Gazette's Job deport ment bai tried to do no work other than plnin printing. However, this shop is cow prepared to tackle anything io any line and will meet prices of any person under tbe sun iu tbe liue ot druggists' supplies, blank books, batik work, oonnty work, or any sort ot boc;k bind Ing work that you have heretofore sent awny to get done. Tbe Gi.zatto shop is not a charily concern but it you will give ut a chance we will see tbat von are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods ot home. BetnemVer tbat Abe Liuooln laid that when- one bought goods away from borne tbe foreigner got the money and we got tbe goods. But when tbe good were bought at home we bad both money and goods. This it good doctrine. V e are willing to abide by It. When tbe printing drummer cornea to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 3. 5fi0 tf A Schilling ft Company) baa PraacUco M4 This I lour C;ijHai.n.. , On rccolptof Urn crnts, or n!i.i a iroueroun r.m!o will l e mailed i f t! most iiopuliir Cntiirrh and Hay l'evi r Cure (Ely' Cream Unlm) siif.'iciciit to Vmoa. trate the grcta iMcntti i mo rouiciiy. ELY HKOTHKPS. Gil Warrun ht., Krw Ycrk City Rev. JobnRcld, Jr.. f Grvui Fa'KMuiit., recommended Klv'n f'renui Halm Io me. I can mpbaMifl hi aiatoiw nt, "It ia a posi tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." Hev. Francis V. I'oole, Pastor Central Pus. Church, Helena, Mont Ely' Cream Bnlm is the acknowledged enre for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Pride, 60 cent. STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY ! You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! B TJT YOU DO WANT LOW PRICES groceries and supplies ; you want sub stantial gent' furnishings. Yon oan find what you want at T. R. Howard's MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED I 'T J. Howard Main Street. Heppner, Oregon. THE Ml OP BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY. arOVTZ3aE33, 1070. Tbey Are lb "HasUrd." Meadowa k Hatten, lb pioneer black' tmitbt, have made soma elegant im provements io tbeir establishment aod added a largt ttook ot iroo, borieaboei aod other materials essential to lbs bappinett of those who need qiick re pairs on their wagnu, boggle or any kind ol macbinery. Tbey bavt at tended their room eo as to accommodate everybody io the country wbo it in need ot repair. Wben yon want a bora hod, in nob i us repaired, lira set or any thing else in their line, yon will find MmuIo k HHo In be lbs boy tbat oao do it and do II ilgbt to toon order. tl A Boarding and Day School for Boyt Under Military Discipline. Tie Wih yar omUr tlis prosent mMmil IwKins tu-pt. Ins llmlllntli.o is UumMiahlr piuiimi li r ll tri-nim, social, 1 4. INU7. . l.hlaltal and Dinral Ualiiin of ba. TlionHMrh lri sml'int tr any nillt ur M-imilifto x IxmiI. (im.luatM at prmii im lair, W mi I'oint, Mai aai liu. rlla liiatilut if Trrhnliy, Hisia Uiivrraiiira nf ( ali(..lnl. tirrin, l'a"lia)liaiHa, fumfcinl ami tloOill. Dunns' aaralion l.ior wolf" ma In mVtii I'i a. di. rnr ralalotrna l.iT inhumation, aoiltras Ilia l'niiriil. i. W. HILL, M. l., Fiwtland. Ui.v. I. O- Urawrr 11. tl-HrU. IS. Jlnd now Die entire ivorhl Knaws this vcr feet product As the Star Brewery beer On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY C0A1PANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Of. Tbe East Coluuibi o nfrenrt) of the M. E. ebnrch, Bulb, wbiob a few day ago C'liiclod.-d it eraai'to al Oakeedale, Wash , baa retorucd lUv. O. 11. Hoi afdto ilepunsr fur auoiher )ar. J.J. AJkm. of this city, was rlect. lay delrgale li lb anno tlo ioffnoa, abiob will totven at Baltimore, Md, sett Msy. Mi O. nolmr. ot tbe Holme Iloi Dee C.ll'g of Portland, ts la Ueppm r loosing afr tbe lotreste of her school Mia Holmes' trlimri rDnt riepl. 13 b aod anyone d 'suing to attaod the eia lag ssiib or obiata spatial lbforeatio rrgarJing ins oirg, win at wan io tall oo b-r at tb Pilar btel wbers sb msy tie found until Iralo lira to morrow night. Ko so a or woman eta enjoy life or Kept, lit, 1W7, C. C Hargeol will nprn the Mdii rretaarani, uooa mom and ladir' parlor io ronoention. A firstolaM wbitecock will be employed and the Im! 23 cent raal Ibat II t mar ket affords will he arrvad, day or oigbt. During eoort jnrnr aod titbera rttend- Ing ill be Siwr.lo l and Mgel for 7) cent per dy. A Ire 'bos to Iralo. 7 Karl's Clovnr U ml Ta I a pUassol laiative. Iteulaeaj the loK pariuV lb blood. Claert lb comiteiioo. P.asy Io make and pleasant Io taka. 23cts Hold by Conaer Br k. y uuAniJIih miirh In Ibia World abll II. E. VT.rre,of sear " nMBIltnm trpkl liver. DaWiU's U lb ty "d.y. U bt ooihl la load . (( b HmI( er-tu- of bailey wblrb dirt-aJ ot at K NMaal ll I tb great pil ear. . p.r bo.U.1. Ue alo!4sirof ,,.,. Coor r.rock. Ut; ot atrial 70 A PellHaa Prall Mra I. Belrrt orange with prrfrrt akin, wip thrrn with adamprloth and welgti thrm. Pl tb fruit by taking thssktn off In qnarwa and then cut it Into straw. Cover the nit prI with bot trraral let It conk ISmiaatea. Drain off the watr anrl again eorr tht pl with hot watrr and boll until the straw are tender. Meaawhil pot Into a pre aerving kettle the weight of tbe fruit In granulated sugar and aqueese over It the Juira of the orang. Put the kettle over the lurk of the flr where the ; iigar will slowly diwwilte. Wbea tb t liquid botl put la the erv,kel straws and boil 20 rn I mi tea. Put lb peel lot i jny glsaaea and when i Is c,J covtf "Gwl llyviHktt if;g , am. f' Dcvotkm of a Mala FartrMfa. Having obeeneil a natural hietorjr sketch to the effect that the cock part ridge dor not assist hi ma's in Incubat ing the err. I wUb to offer eoin evl- dm re to tbe contrary, and to auggewt that the cose le rrojwned. In the early ROa, while tailoring under the hallucina tion that a fair buaiiM-aa man ought to make a goxl farmer, I m cutting aprouU In a new ground la aouth Ml eirippl, whrrw I waa farming, or Im agining Uiat I was forming. It waa In tba neat Ing araaon of the quail, ami tbey were quite plentiful. Having a very sharp ax 1 was slashing about in promlaruounly.and bad delivered a blow at a churtrr of apron i. wben out of the midst fluttered a nock quail with bio neck nearly cut In two. I plt-ked the bird up, and eonn tbat my ax had nearly la-headed bim. t'pon Inepwtlng the buslie I found a neet with ador-n erg In ik Tbeae were still warm, and they were In the eaart spot whenw the ca-k had tutnl.U-d, bleel ing arnl dying. Moreover, I was In a iiUon to know that no other bird bad lawn In the bush when I approarhed It. In view of the devotion of these birds to their young. I am atrongly of the upinkHi that he de liberately remained on the neat In pl of tny proalntlty, hoping to roer the $f ga fnmi olwenatkm, aa well aa to ew- apa It hlinarlf. Any true sportainen will appreriat the sorrow with which I omite-mplaUHl the plurky lltti fellow VaaWthad died to riter I hi vbhoris young. Cor. ItaJtinxire Kun. taaate mt ra a. Tbe king of Khosan, In central Asia, tmanV overture for the band of tbt daughter of tbe efepa-ror rrf ( hluw, aad hi suit w favorably entertained Ilut there waa fimethlng from China which b coveted even tra than tbe fair pvlorea and w bl b be had failed to win by war. rV he lndoiel tile bride- elert to ae rrl In the long Ireaae of her hair a aumla-r of silkworm eggs and ateira ,f the mullierry plant t-n b ram to him. aid In Wai ronatie faab Ion wa It that the rultura at the silk worm and the rosn'ifw'ore .f silk bxk It flrsA Up wcrd. in InnaJI 'n uirrf, A CHINESE. NEW YEAR'S. HEPPNER OUTFITTING CO. aw lbs lay la alabrai4 la ( alaaa Quarter ol raariar. Chinatown ot Pan 1'rstiiclaco waa eepiiig holiday, and all Masgayrty aot bustle. Tbe narrow, 'i tun-nine tl recta were denarattd with t.rlr'jtly-tolored Ian- ua, ubile otrrlitad aloe the ruof- toMi tlin pillow tiiion fliigs floated against a blue ( al.forb'u ! y. It wis a suuuy day in I tUiuary, and tbe tri Is were e ;i.'..g ilb a liiul- iti.ile of ( Vi.rat li e; , v on. en ami ch:i'!r n D.l a. inyrd !u tite r rU beat holiilay atl're. 1 l.c iL iilri il rsj.e-:ally, with t:eir lii U- fa bud blwk ryea, and thrlr pn-ttr roi 'uiu, fonurd most pleaali 2iiil It, tin l.i.g feature of thia living leiitiil p'l tnre. l.veriK.y alined 'i le happy and gool-iiaturrd; rd ever end anon, aa group of fr'.rtid luet. Ihey atr-d and aninl iihk b rrreiumiioua l ing ea- tbangrd the rou i4.inrnU of tbe sear- Sun ; fur t.i.s fistiva M'raaion waa nolhiiif iDure nor leaa than the r lebra- lioti of thet'binewe New Year. The ldr of eelebrating ,'. Year"a day In Feliruery may trlke aom of my ra'er cxhl. Hut, alnre tb s liaa been the ( hloewe ruaUitn from time lin- lueiiioriul, and la older, by aeiet al thou sand year, than Our i rjitAriee of the 1st of January aa th rter time, the Chinese, pt rha , are not far wrung In a-upiHiilig tlietuarlea to lw at M art M mm b In the right a ouraeltrw. This question, however, waa tf no con cern to Una merry hilidy throng. They were quite) sat la fled with the ar- rarirementi and, with the atmoat bebef In their own mperlnrity, they felt at heart an Inborn contempt rommon toll( hinea. f.Hr"oitl latrlrlan. This term rinlira es a'l bS Lions not liv ing within th aerred houndsrlea of "the flowery fclfifdom." aod Inelude the Inhabitant of all the world: and tl,ea unfortunate ou'alders broad If rlivuled Into two tiaaeea atern ai.d weetern lrtarUcf .o-Jhcodof Wore, q f t, NkMa. 1 TLis company carries dry goals, groceries, Lard ware, IkxjU tod sLops, bats, gents' far nbbiDgs, etc Large shipment of new and sncornl band furniture, wbich is being sold re gardlnes of oonL Tbey have also Hardware, wall paper, car pete, looDgns, springs, mat. tresHCs, all tboae at balf price. Look for tbe sign at Ilerren's old stand on May street, sext to 1'alace botel. FRANK McFARLAND, AUnaocr. At tbe old stand, have tba usual spring outfit ot FARMING UTENSILS, HARDWARE AND CAMP OUTFITS, l!cile tbe tbouaand odds and ends tbat are too numerous to mention. GILLIAM & 1JISBEE, ftnnf In glrsl PaUnnal Sank rlnll'llnf. You con Wnger Your Sox that You ore Alwoys ot Homo at .... THE Welcome THE Oa Mais HI reel, In City Uolel Duildiag. BES WET GOODS in tho MARKET. I bey try Io ptee all. Fiat stab roots la eooseclioa. TOW TIXrIiCTt Irii. Tho GAZETTE, $2.59 A Year for CASH,