J23j4j516lZM century of low tariff the balance of trade was almost constantly against the United States, while in the quarter of a century of protective tariff the balance of trade was argely in our favor. In the twen ty-five years since 1872 there have been but five years in which our experts did not exceed our imports, while in the twenty-five years pro ceeding that there were but two years in which the imports were not in excess of the exports. The excess of exports over imports in the last quarter of a century was about $2,500,000,000, while the ex cess of imports over exports in the preceding quarter of a century of low tariff was about $1,400,000,000. It is a little curious that Mul hall's statistics should show the very spot which was selected by the silverites as their basis of oper ations last year the prairie state to be the most prosperous spot on earth, as rcconed by the pro duction of food per capita. . The assertions of the free silver orators of last year that prosperity could not come to the people of the United States without the free and unlimited coinage of silver does not read very well in parallel columns just now with the double- leaded announcements of prosper ity which the frankest and bravest of those journals are now pub lishing. With wheat selling at more than $1 per bushel in New York mar kets, where it was worth only C5 cents a year ago, those tables which attempted to show that wheat and silver kept pace as to their respective value seem rather absurd now. Especially is this the case when it is remembered that silver was worth G5 cents an ounce in New York on August 1st of last year, tnd is now worth 53 cents, one year later. It The recent exportation of Amer ican tinplate that sold in foreign markets is a more eloquent and forceful answer to the free-tarders' assertions than columns of news paper or oratorical statements is only six years since democrat were insisting that no amount o protection would euablo American manufacturers to succcsnfully pro duce tinplate, yet in that biir time they have practically sup plied the markets of the United States and are now reaching out for those of tho world. EPILEPTIC FITS A Young Man Falls in Front of a Moving Cable Car. He Has Narrow Escapes From Death The Attacks Came on Without a Moment's No tice and the Results were Felt for Several Days Afterwards. From the Chronicle, Chic i go, 111. Among1 all the ailments from which uace and (ear arotud me when I was buooanirv unflVrn nnilfintio fits nra the ' thrown into these convulsions). I used HEAT PHOTOGRAPHS. Recent figures issued by the bureau of statistics in Washington show that two-thirds "of our foreign commerce in 1897 was with Euro pean countries. The total foreign commerce of the United States in the fiscal year just ended amount ed in round numbers to $1,800,000,- 000, and of this about $1,250,000, 000 was with Europe, $140,000,000 with South America, $120,000,000 with Asia, and $125,000,000 with other North American countries. An analysis of these figures shows that fully three-fourths of our foreign commerce is with gold standard countries. WHAT OUR EXCHANGES SAY. Frot. John MoQralb, the balloon man who some time ago shortened hi rump by jumping from the Bed Front barn in Arlington, has reoovcred from his in juries and returned from the Portland hospital to Arlington, and declares bis intention of demonstrate that be is no fakir bat a bona fide tiyer from the clouds. We hope the people of Arling ton will not again enoonrage this reck less fellow to make a grease spot oat of himself. Fossil Journal. Fiiee silver and free trade ha v. ing lost their charm with the poo plo of the I'uitod Stated, the demo cratic leaders ho recognize that they will aoou be out of a job unions they find some new rallying cry are now looking for other itt sush. This ia indicated by recent devt'loi'iuents which show that the men who have kept UumuhcIvps in tho public ) and public olllce through the operations of the democratic party iu the paat few Years are now quietly dine umdug the single tax, tho initiative and referendum and features of this sort in the hope that they may 1ms able to present new and attractive schemes with, which t Caleb the unthinking voter in the ne.t na tional election. Toe warehouse-certificate K'henie, wherein certificates based upon the bullion value of silver may l used, is now the only hope of ri-doverncr lloies, of Iowa, as a basis for currency. II said, mouths ago, as did many of thoe who last year supported the frw. CdlttK;-i)f-ailvf r idea, that the day for that propoaitiou bad paaiuHi In bis latest prohibition, md public a few days as he supts that the otdy method of making siUrr useful as a ban is for currency its diptit io warehouse's and the Uausncs) of certificate upon its bullion Value. This tint; hi le ft Kd scheme if silvrr did Lt have su nncoinfoitabl way f tak ing a dr p every bow and then. A Hat r century of tvtntnrrr is deal letter indei to th rapacity of ft country than ft short til tf two or thfe jesrs. 11 free-traders wh. are trotting oat f. cores l) show that war sales of American manufacture ahrowd increased under the Wilson law would d well lt J. k over lbs Malory of ths J t lalf ifotitrt Molt tly fc very far iiito thus Uleroetta. If they d,i they ! Co J tUt is LsaU-r cf ft We understand that Hon. R. Alex ander, of Pendleton, Orand Master I. O. O. F. of Oregon, is s candidats for the offloe of state treasurer, to succeed Phil Metacban, whose time expires next year by limitation. Alexander ia a name to eonjare with io Umatilla county, where be bas long been known aa an honest and upright man, and aa be is a bnstler sod in the field early, we will ont 'be at all surprised Io see him walk off with this juicy plum. Fossil Journal. Because ot ths revival ot Industry, beoanse ths crops are good, beoaose there ia an advance in the price of wheat, cotton aod other prodoots, beoanse there is every where a feeling of hope (illness whinb baa not existed for several yeara paat, the republican party is said to be lucky. Well, wheu was it not lucky when it was in power? When ins aenineratio parly was in power, there was no good look ; to sections hers populists held full sway, there has Wn no luck. Just bank oo the republican party (or lurk. It will come It bas florae. Tes-sir-se, the republi cans feel lucky, and ths feeling extends even nolo ths populists and the silver democrat onto lbs whole people. Klamath ll publican. Harry E. Wise a yong t longer in Han Prenutam ia said to bavs cleaned np f I.Vl.OiX) is tba rise of wheat so far. "I hsva mad my own money oo this deal from S alios string, as It were," lis said to s press reporter. "I have not nel one sent of my farther'a nor my own. Ws do not inaks money nowadaya. I mads money Id wheal last year without using a eeiil of my own rspiial. I spent fflO in on day reivulljr telegraphing to my farther from Oregon to boy wheat at any ptif. Had bs dos ss I sdviaed ws would bavt o lean I np t'i.OoO.OiO by this Inns. Moro OUerver. I, tat week, while digging a well al bis flees In Tb Ialle,on. Err. Its Heh anno Jtsenvered food gold prospects, 10 feel lielaw ths surrae. is S tin bed of! ebed grand, two e-r thre feet In thick- nea, I ; Ing ns lp of a cement bedrock taoet distressing, for the reason that the patient never knows when they may oome upon bim. Tbey unSt him ment ally and pbysioally tor any duties, bow ever simple tbey may be. Tbey are hard to cure and yield to treatment (when successful,) but slowly. As an illustra tion of this there is one case in the city of Chicago which bas baffled the ekill of some of the most eminent physicians iu the oity for the past five years. The onee in question is that of the eigbteen-year- old eon of William F. Hanlon. Mr. Han- Ion has been a watobman on one of the leading daily newspapers io this oity and bis lived here for many years, hie home being at 78 Seminary Avenue, Chioago, III. Speakiog of his son's case he said that when be was thirteen years old he first oommenoed to have epileptio fits which increased in frequency and violence. For a long period be had tbem regularly, twice a week. After these attaoke he was severely ill for a day or two, suffer ing with headaches and pains. His appe tite became very poor, and while be had the best medioal attention that he could procure, the medicines and treatment which were given bim, seemed to make no impression whatever. This lasted for nearly four years, and the physician told him he ooold do nothing for these at tacks. They came regularly without any warning and many limes bis son was brought home by strangers who happened to see him fall down in the street io one of the epileptio fits. His condition became each that be was obliged to give up all work and be re mained at home. Eight months ago be saw in one of the papera the cures Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were effecting and aa his pbjsiolan bad told biro be ooold do nothing more, be determined to give bis son s trial with them After taking them slew weeks the attacks became less frequent, his ap petite became better, his general condi tion improved, and after two months the attitoka were reduced to one in one month, and now he has only bad two at tacks in six months. He said he believed that they bad accomplished s wonderful change in h s son's oondition, and could not speak too highly ot their curative powers. His son oama to the nffloe of It e writer a few days later and gsvo ths following detailed statement of his ens. ' It is just eatny father told yoo. When I was thirteen yeara old I oommenoed to have these epileptio fits aod they oame regularly Friday and 8nturdy for sev eral years, and then they also made their appearanoe after that oue day in the forepart of the week They were very vinl.-of . of course I would not know any. thing about it. It ia only what my fath er or mother would tell ma about them, or when they happened to overtake me on the street, what stranger wonld tell me. One thing, however, I knw after wards sod that was the soreness of my tongas, which I would bite severely when in convulsions After I got out of them I was always deathly sick for one or two clave. They depressed m very much, lieeaii ft lost ins mors than on j 'h, anil I cm Id not tilama them f 'r let -itng ro go, (for I created both s disturb- to work in one of tbe large cigar fac tories, where many boys and girls were at work. I did my work well, ard tbey were pleased with it, but one day I was taken with one ot these attacks and of oonrse I lost my place. "Oue day as I was going home from work, I fell down in tbe street in one of these fits in front of amovingcable traio. Of oourse, I realized and remembered nothing, bat the people who picked me up and carried me to a drug store, told me when I recovered my senses, that I bad a miralulona eaoape from being crashed under the wheels of tint car. Another day, it was during the hot sum mer months, I went in swimming ia Lake Michigan, foot ot Diversey streef. While in tbe water I was taken with one of these attacks, and would have drowned had it not been for some men close by who saw me. I could tell you of a num ber of such aocidents that have happened to me wbioh in nearly every oase came near ending my life. 1 became afraid to go oat soy where. "When father got me Dr. Williams' Pink Pills eight months ago, I took them regularly. Attor tbe nrsl wees l com menced to feel better, in what way I cannot exp'an. I felt brighter, more hopeful, and in a few more we "In my attaoks oame but once a week. Tint, of oourse, encouraged me particularly so when I noticed that I did not fed ns had aftorwards, and bad no beadaohea and no paios. Then tbe next month the at tacks would skip a whole week aod after a little they would skip two wetks. That certainly was a fcreat improvement for me. Now I am feeling so much better than I did a year ago, that I can hnrdly believe it. My appetite is sp'endid, I do not bave tbe fears I used to hive, and I am sure that tbe next place I get to work I shall be able to keep. Think of tbe wonderful change in me; in tbe last six months I bave only bad two attaoke and my parents tell me that they were very light compared to tbe ones I used to have. Another thing I wish to say and that is this: I believe I wonld not bave bad those but my pills gave out and I was foolish enough to think that I did not need any more. So that taught me a lesson and I shall take tbera regu larly tor some months to come. "I onght not to bave thought to get rid ot a trouble I had for five years in five months. I know that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People have produced this wonderful ohange for the better in me, and I feel that all tbe terrible time I bavs bad in ths paat five yeara is done sway with now. (Signed) "Augustine Hanlon." Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of December, 1896. Lester L. Jones, Notary Public Ths above statement made by onr eon is correct, without any exaggeration whatever in detail or in whole. Signed) Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Hanlon, No 78 Seminary Ave. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain in s condensed form sll tbe elements neces sary to give new life sod richness to tbe blood and restore shattered nerve. They are also s specific for troobles peculiar to females, such ss snppreesiooa, irregu larities and all forms of weakness. Tbey build np ths blood, sod restore ths glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men they effect a radical ears in sll oases arising from mental worry, over work or excess ot wbaUver nature. Pink I'ill are sold in boxes (never in loose bulk) st SO oeols a box or six box s for f '2 50, snd may b bad of all drnggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' loompaoy, Schenectady, N. T. labittaeti SeBltl to Weak Radla tloa from m. Heated Body. The invisible radiation from a heated body possess the power of effecting cer tain chemical decompositions much aft er the manner of iights, as, for in stance, in photography, says the Lou la Globe-Democrat. Among the substances sensitive to weak radia tions of heat may be mentioned paper saturated with cupric bromide, or a mixture of sulphate of copper and potassium bromide, which has a faint greenish tint that become olive brown in radiant heat, and if green is used a brown image can be obtained in a min ute by exposing1 to the radiation from a gaa stove and on treatment with sil ver nitrate thia image becomes black by reason of the reduction of the silver. Bichromated paper ia affected by radi ant ,heat, as by light, and paper impreg nated simply with sulphate of copper yields a feeble image, which becomes nearly black when treated with silver nitrate. A mixture of sulphate of cop per and oxalic acid gives a paper which becomes brown on exposure. Chlorate of copper is also very sensitive, the faint blue color becoming a deep green, Similarly used bromide of tin behaves as if exposed to light, but unexposed parts become very black when treated with silver nitrate. Nitrate of silver, which is markedly acted upon by light, is slightly browned when exposed to FRANK ROGERS heat radiation, and the tint is deepened by hydroquinone or gallic acid. Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon. ONLY STATE SCHOOL IN EASTERN OREGON Located on the O. B. & N. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla. Students admitted at all times of tbe year. I First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vooal and Instrumental Music tanght by oompetent instructors. A gradu ate of the Boston Conservatory bas charge of the instrumental department. Tlie Iyadles' Boarding Hall 1 Is thoroughly equipped and offers ex cellent accommodations at reasonable rates. Send for catalogue. Addsess M. G. ROYAL, President of Faculty or P. A. WORTHING- TON, Secretary Board of Regents, weston, ure. u J. J. ROBERTS Rogers & Roberts, Contractors and Builders. Flans and Estimates Given on snort NotlGe. All Kinds of ReDair Work Done- Cooking Celery. Although it seems almost a crime io oook tender, criep celery, heads of this vegetable often find their way to tho kitchen that are to be preferred served hot. Cut auch stalks into two-inch lengths, and blanch in boiling water for five minutes. Pouroff half the water, add a cupful of white stock, and boil the celery for is or 2o minutes longer OFFICE HOURS-Day and Night Leave your orders "Any Old. or until tender, seasoning with salt ana 7 , white pepper. Drain and set aside In fldCe aDQ KOg. Or Jim Will gel dll. 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 a hot dish while the liquor to which it has been boiled is converted into a sauce by the addition of a little thick' ened butter and flour and a wineglass of Madeira poured in at the last moment. Pour the eauce around the celery and send to the table in a covered dish. N. Y. Post. Dad Form. Energetic Citizen You great, lazy hulk; you ought to be in jail. Perry Patetic I know it is the cor rect thing in our set to be in jail this time of year, but the winter is so mild that I ain't felt in no hurry about it. Cincinnati Enquirer. B 00TS AND SH0ES!i THE PLACE TO GET THEM 19 AT M. I,ICHTENTHAI,'S Be has anything in thla line that you may desire and you can depend on it you get a good article when Mat guarantees it. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty! THIS: ruO Litre mi iiver ins, Duious- Skw SJ itess, headache, sour 8 torn- I I 0 ach, indigestion, constipv 111 S tion. Thy set eMlly, with. w out ptin or (rrip. Sold bj all drumdsti. H cent. The only 111U to take with llood'a Saraaparllla. lew Twk Weekly Triune Mitr.r.fMKN DisiimiiD. Ma.l llrrtallrr Mako ApHrlii for tlir PaatarlNf uf HaMa. rrom Tli Hnllii T M. On tn li"U tit UtiitnJ HUtr All rnay Marhy, Bv mr c.i"i giut ilurp meo charged with trpainf on lh Cad Inreat rr, wr dlm'"H In Judge ltrllirg.i's court yss'erday. The Bmnif thoe r Inaad f.-m jp? eminent Niellos sre: Wm. (ii'hanier, Aldn.lr Th mpon. Oharle D lXw. W.O'PjII am! W. E Hunt. Ill dil.Cli0 with Mima dl-uiiiMaU th atlHi"n "f th shpnHMt waa callod Io th mllif mad h I' 't'H Htata atlairse? -vnral. Jn s 4 ItC: Owners tf berp ar rnn'rl to sake nrphcoll. o I the e .mtn! .t :rr Mr.K.d.sso thick HsKlon.likssn.l,,u'0 ,al UnJ tW " ,or lr-'-- is d.I c ir to miointf. bat ,s trsssl "" r '-"P sad tol l sbs lht whrr Tba lUlles " ' lia,in on lb rwr wl,r i i. 0r j0 I ilpai'xl to H Vmt.. HI h Ir, f'M. o rcviik-l thpf M eW fi; ar thai alp SM pflatiircd "O par's ; l IliS ! ixx'ialir lia'-i! I it IrJurT , stands th rlr si oo flow. Mars OUrrtrr. Ilmt It A a ! Jab AllsMIo. ha tnjj Is ran a o.s- of nJ ' ,b ' ' apr. says as l. haag. la to U aids Io rr.-r. tTv-r iai, mioi ii a. rits a !. diMnaa lbs tariff and ' "Vh"r ' 0"", moe-y qMll.in, au p r a bas ball lUf" r , nh,,' r"l' Sam. f,.t a -l ling. md. tet 1 ,'""k', a la.jr, ,1r.Mib firs st that lbs ,,f B M " ib Cr" ra.Urs alii hr. Ibnr raps, raak s ",,, l'r ""'.'' bs .o!a i-w b; dollar ,1 th ntk U I.B, SloDS Si S '""'" SB pHU f f. Tf r.-U s-irt. sl,lrM borticsltaral soclctiM, . msMsrwralltvi, shM lb li inor nabil, I fj H'StlNro IWina railms.1 s-imptny ImI biaky, ncrlU to sbsitty, go ' taa dida-t . a! I .rta froia all Hlu.ot naK stla p.,l,)l-taos d!aJ ..l..i.a (M it iim In Or-g .n. al a lb Sal t.4 al plalf .rm,aaf al sm tiUry, f.,af .f Ibafnsa t la ( tb tt sr diama la, lava a I atTrtiamats, that ftt tw.pU bat tn fa.lith ntarU k aaadal, fr babi. dighl aU lanl cmi. II Is sn.8dntly stpt- pqmpkis ra.ara, .-al lh tiarailJ, . thai lha ati fair at Halm will aav Bghl lt a (laiah, pntiliab d clor's rwotu i sM lanm than sr lr, IH.I.S OVa-ssstr, a la.ysr. M ! ' s'l a cpp..rMa t . ' ' 'Viiai this grvat litatitslma ol bmsIJ oj.li.i ia, sp lbs offi. s, spak si kwlMfl sJ ilaa I la viih etyUly an I vr thing f t V4y M. (War.ta Vm,U CalhartiS. lbs tnm !( f Sa.l,a J.arntary tt lbs Sg. pUaaai.l and rfrabif to lbs laala. Ml i.lly sad fwHitaly ca ths kUa)a bf sl baaals, lasala( lh eettr ta.,.o. d-fl a-IU, cor MaJa., ' osf. tha ppU nl ll ntira tat bfa t m ph I, tl.ta pcpalar Ilaa rl railrna la bos rlal llw lar ao aa n foal.la sll to mi tha gftr.tral ttiaplats c inbil. at Ha Urn Tts fair rpo Hpl .Itth and ! (V-l Nb. IS t'aS rMllatl faravvr. Taks IWarrW Caady Cathart.A 1 AstroBaBBlal Pteeovarla. That the beet attainments are. not the result of chance was exemplified in ths dincovrry of the planet Neptune, ths fiftieth anniversary of which event was recently celebrated In Prance. Tele- scopes bad long swept tbe sky without discovering this shy outer planet; but when astronomers noticed how I'rsnus hastened in one part of lta orbit ami iikw1 with 1h rapidiay in antrther, they knew there mut lie an attracting Imdy that hrll him in check. Lever ricr, therefore, after minute calcula tion, wrote to the astronomer of the Iterlin olervatory, requeating him to mint his telwcope to a particular spot in the sky on an evenuig indicated, and aid: "You will aee a planet which 1 bave not arm, and which no human eye has ever seen, but which nrvrrthrleas muat be on the spot." No on would venture to call iu diecovery that night an act of chance. Youth's ComMulon. Paris A boat Kriipa. Tbe maximum nnmlierof rellpaea that ran take plare witiiln perinl of a year Is aeven. and of thcae Ave are solar and two are lunar, and the minimum tnuntvr of rv!ira is two, whirh niuat both W a,,Ur. The year 1H7. the sec end of the ln urniidrcadvof the Nine ternth century, villi present this mlnl Piiim number if eidijioea, which, of ne traaity, muat le aolar and crtitral, and Hill tw annular. The flrt takes place on I'rbmary I. ami the fcnnj on July Iw.th III be viaible Ut aome extent in thia country. Albany Journal. S i Saaaaaa. real the lrianM. rarrful to re move the little aharp-Uatii.ff, atrincy artiirM Juat umWr the pwliriff. ( ut In hajf lnrh 4eeea. pul la a doutde la.lirr. with the Julee of one Irnxm fnf ery f.mr. tnanaA. piram until tlmroinrbly eioke.l. This baa been rrl Wirtl r-y an Invalid m bo w aa forbidden to ae am-ar. l ananaa are cmal l.-rl more eaaily dmrr.tr.1 rooked than raw, and they mtitaa ao mm h nouriab men! It is worth while rtprrimentinf a Um.-St. UniU t.U.U lKoM rt, PROPOSALS FOR A BRIDGE. I V I T DDAnAD . f a U1T T Ti I n nj...? i-n I i) until Thursday. thethdav ot Hentember. iK.rj, at iu o ciock a. m.. lor tiutmina a bride I over Koca cree. near (eo. Perry place. Th i on nijr ui iiirnian ail mate nan on the ground aim reaervei me right to rejpot any or all Dull. A. U. BAK1 HCIl.ll.M tW, Beptember 2, lfiOT. County Judire. 76-7 NOTICE OF INTENTION. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREOON, J Alia W. IStrr. Notion la herehv alvpn that the (ollowtng-named arttler haa Hied notice oil FOR Farmers and Villagers, FOR Fatliers and 'Mothers, Sons anifDauflHters, FOli nil the Family. WitVl fba ilnaa rf fViA PvAm'Ahl!.! MM..! rrTITI frnTTlTiVTTl hi. Intention to make final proof In support of .v tUg aicucuti vauiywgu XUIU lUiUUIMJ ftorsW&orr the fact that the American people are now anxiorofl to give meir time io Dome and businens intereBts. To meet thia condition. Oregon, on October It, 1W, via: Hd.E. N.5iMfor the kw!4 sec. 9 Tp s 8 B Pcs will nave far less space and prominence, until another State or He names the followlr. nia coiiiiniinna reaMenre nixv ol aald land.vli: Thnmaa K. Graham. Andrew ;.;rwr,h.nd' iWihyA & won its greate8t victoriea. cigni iie, vregou. JA8. F. MOORE. .S7 RegUU-r. Notice of Hearing of Final Account. IN THE COt'XTY t:OI!RT fOR MORROW I lou .ty. huta of Oregon. In tha matter of tne earnte ol m t nil. rt'eaael. Notice la hereby flven that Peter Rauern- fli-nd. Hie eie.-utor ot tha laat will and tcata rnent ol Wm. Cecil, iliwwt. haa filed hli final account In the nrtW of the clerk of aald court In aald matter, and In Diirauaiice of an outer ol the Hun. A. (1. Bartholomew, Judge of the above eniuiisi conn, aaiu nual account will come on (or hi-arlua and eettlt-meiil on tha 'ind day ol N-v . wr7, at Hln'cliM'k a. m., the Second day of the rtovdtntier terra of aald court, at the court home In Hrtipurr. Morrow county, Hute oflircann. On or Wlore aald time any nerann Interraliil In aald ralale mar appear and file hla etcrptlima. In wrltliif, toaald account and cou- teat ma aame, I'KTKR RArFRVVIKNO Eteculor of the laat will and leelimeut ol Wm. I ecu, nt'eaae.l. itMi am. a. n m :g wttneaae to prove National occasion demands a renewal of the fight for the principles for i npon and cultivation -bifli TUP. TT?TnilVR t, l.,V.,1 t t. : i- lt . - '.". v uoo wuuicu iiutu iui iKcepuon vo me preseni uu wuu us greaiesi yiciories. Every possible effort will be put forth, and monev freelv BDent. to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member We lurnlsh "The Gazette" and "N. y. Weekly THDune" one Year lor $3.00. OANII Addreat all Orders to IP ADVANCIC. THE GAZETTE. atvaaS Strtraaaa r.'.anc b and m;rrl half s rind nf asnniUv heal the hitca of three fci a art!? fnith. aj. (n HIFwt f erla-l auf ar; tnU U'rout,ljr; dr..,.ori Kaitiered r-prr In tins lUke a cht SV.UMOXS. i s ttk riRiTi r hh kt r the state a nl iircKoo. for M.irni'v CotiMy. W. I- 1.-.. II K Kim aid and f, II Mntwlian. Die kit ' f ''ommlaaionera, etc., I'laluiirra, r. Nve kainbnatid Mary laiubo, 1' f-Cilimt.. To Nta M-Bitmand Vr Kamhn. dr'efidanla' In ln n :-.' the ! o "rt ion: Vuu are TS , rirrri,; r.-oi cd in e pt-ar and an-w r the cot, pial.il Slifl if-'i.t lull In the a-" cMlltlr-l 1 jf5 mii no or h-for the wet tena of I ho aboe I r1 eniMiMi cn-i, i wit- ilomlat. tl.ei.th dav of eotrmhef. ar I l you fail mi Io ii'inr awl anaat r, for mm the rialnilita a hi apply tn'he toutl U (ra .t l iril. l o-n.aii.-.l In the eon,, l-lal'd. t talt For )ii.Cice -t ah. I , n K-ina- urn i,.f the a. in, i,i a" and IMr,-i I INecei;i 1 Hie f o rUf.t per cent pf anntim r. ota inly U. I'j , the anm of en dl ara al- t.tncvt fct and tha c-la and duhtirarai -Me ol II' an. I; and lof lrtee .rfwcl.ialiff a cera1n tuorlfr.. male, eteruinl an. I lingered l.v I yo-l I.. 1 1. Inn i. on lh f..ii -. .irarrlb d rl ptor'y innn'ril in Unrma cmniy, ll I m t'r...n. icwii mi aiHitaeaat quarter of in mw na.up i. norm raoae .'. a. K , lftia ao t ia arrt-l vvn o In feurau ina tn an rt.r nl Hon .(.... a 1 . I Ja-lir nf the ai..a emilled ronrt wale mnA uirrrd In aat l ault ot. tr. tt d-f ! i iif , -r,. hK.iAi hFi.rirl.h. 4 77 Atlofna U ruuttttfa, ilitMbil m m. amv m . aj r z r ar i v . s jh-a im Ar rr r-cor.lt In lha in ol the ennty ek-r of KTiTl.Vi, V I WiflAlVl it J. fl I I I lf-T W n.awi,Mji.eailii rthd.ro) y.nh I'K IY XCtKKt CPIll' t"lA ' ' I LWr r-r L Tjl "UIt to a!l"'a7f7Tii"alVl7"lh. '- hCrlhalnd -TyaaeV aa ? Jv&toRnAGTlfLi or If C.CC. fail loetite, draf.ails i Vrs In a fukfc vea.-N. Y. le-tfcf, II Ii.,. a.1 ntia,.Jr tha MMtanl KHaa. Uaat Oay aal Iff a Ul pt ;erf Sa ssUattUf l l& IUsel U-r-jJ) -iTJ. I jj i'LT J ...... Ill fZ, -f"T ffj"' THa nanut la ed rfi v a M-n l t'.CM.t; UUWf.t' H.IJ fr, aathvs Hate. Mar 35. HT, sill r-eei..j tj Urn .Zj,7rV LI L' 1. 1 1 " - A l"...! ..I.,..t..,l..!,jt,t.u. aa S fen..... K-S -.Ml, aU.tr-l J4 p-- -;,ZFL j tXIs'T JV.' "T tl Hef Ihasuli,..,. ,f KTVTZJ?! i . , l 1 '"itU'VIaVf. SVXilnXX tJtTHK tiartIT inrnf or Till at ATI a tx i, u.irvu i untity. Tt Mar Srancry t Mnny, llamilS. ta l'. -lrl a tv ttofrndant to S...n k tv t Iwlr. t.nl tn laa a M tln eta M rea.wi Van aee k-v y rwi ipft t artar and ai.. K. H.it.l S,aal-ia u4 In IM lb.', emiltol ttliiia an or bvl.e lh SnM Say frf tlsanall Wm n I h. a-- nllllH m,H. Iv 11 M" tay. Ike aia dat f a twher, t"! an4 If "1 lail an anaae. e't IHerawil ! pnuiu4 ml' eat l.liwal ayainat tm tnt Ik I..M ol I J Vi, tf mh a a-1 .Ulmn. awaia ml la a a- ii."-.. 4 a lha i ih Ift-ni rwriiFi I-. vnai aeeloea all la tt.ta mr to : : i y '- H Iff i1 luLiuiuiiuiiiiiljiiiitni'Ha rVftXI fe er Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle II orsc All ,h. c I. -raavtW M.i. St,,. fmm rH.II. ae .all analnnM utr.. TMO.rPaSOX Sr. B1NKS V , - i