Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 03, 1897, Image 1

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    Portland Library
With a New Summer Ad.
The Gazette Does Job Work
With New Summer Ad.
The Gazette Does Job Work
NO. 576
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
OTIS PATTERSON, AGENT. qq q tu Beet tte
Al $2.50 per year, tl.25 for mi months, 75 oU.
tor three moucne, strictly in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Three Important Points.
FIRST Go via. St. Paul be
cause the lines to that point will
afford you the very best service.
SECOND See that the coupon
beyond St. Paul reads via. the
Wisconsin Ceutral because that
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering the Union Depot there, and
its service is first-class in every
THIRD For information, call
Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 1:30 a. ni. nQ;V,Ur J fv.;.lrr,Q
nearest ticket agent and ask for a
ticket reading via. the Wisconsin
Central lines, or address
rHI8 PAPEK is kept on tile at E. C. JUake's
Advertising Asmnoy, (U and 65 Merchants
Rxohangs, San Franoiaco, California, where cou
racts for advertising oan be made for it.
0. R. & N.--L0CAL CARD.
Train leaves Ileppner 11 p. m. daily except
lunday arriving at tieppner junction iua. ni
Leaves Heminer Junotioa 3:40 a. m. and ar.
rivea at Honnner 6:10 a. m
t Spokane Express No, 4 leaves Portland at 2:45
p. m. and arrives at tieppner junction :io p. m.
and Umatilla 0:15 d. in.
Portland Exoress No. 8. from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 5:05 a. m. and Heppn r Junctim 6:10
a. m. ard anves at Portland 11:45 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portlmd 9 D. m. and ar
rives at Ileppner J miction 8:80 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:40 a.m.
Vast Hail No. 1 leaves TJmati'la 12:40 D. m. and
arrives at rleppner Junction 1:47 a, m. and at
Pnttlnnd 7 :GG a. m.
For further information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. B & Ileppner, Ore
Jas. C. Pond, .
uen. fas. Agt.,
Milwaukee, Wis.
or Geo. 8. Batty,
General Agent,
246 Stark St..
Portland Or.
3F3fxcx.axi DixaBOTOia-sr.
United Btates Officials.
President William McKiutey
V .iw-Vresident Garret A. Uobart
Beoretary of State John Sherman
Secretary of Treasury. v Lyman J, Oage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary of War liussell . Alger
Secretary of Navy JohnD. Long
PfinLinH8ter.(4Aneral '. James A. Gary
Attorney-General Joseph McKenna
Secretary f Agriculture James Wilson
Stilt of lleMirnn.
Uovarnnr W. P. Lord
Reorntaryof Btate IT. K. Kincnld
Treasurer Phil. Metsohan
Bnpt. Publio Instruction U. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
H. W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C,
B. &
Q., C. M. Si St. P., C. & A , P. Ft. W. & C,
ana tne u. Bt. ktr. Kaliroaas.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts,
CIXXC.A.a-0, XX.X.
Printer. .
iaprauis Judges
JG. W. Mo
' JJ. H. Mil
I Hinger Her
IK. B.
. 1 F. A.
C. ,
I Hinger Hermann
uongremunen 1 W. R. Ellis
w. u. iveeas
B. Bean,
Sixth Jidlclal District.
fhnraitJndm Stephen .Lowell
I'rowinntinK Attorney.... H. J. Bean
Morrow County Officials.
Joint Senator A, W. Gowan
Ktinreaentative. Brown
i'.....t. i..i A. d. Bartholomew
Commissioners J. B. Howard
J. W. Beckett.
i.rk J.W.Morrow
" Sheriff E- L.Matl.)ck
T..n Frank Gilliam
kwnt A. C. Petteys
- onrveyor-. Hornor
tJ-W Hup'. ,JV W. Hhiplev
Cunnar b. . Yaagluiu
jjtol Thos. Morgan
0 .uncilYnsn. (teo. (3oner. Frank
Gilliam, Arthnr Minor, n. rf. oioouui,
:-!. .V...1 Bn.l J It Mlmona.
.. '""i " ' W. A. Uiohardson
j,i.i A. A. Robert
Precinct Offlcerp.
I .1.. . Pa-ma W. K. ltichantson
frbi;." :..-.V.. . ... .... N. B. Wheuton.
Ualtsd States Lend Officers.
r. -..f. III.
J Mn K"gistr
A'.B. Biggs
B F Wilson Register
t'.H. Iteobins.V. Beoeivw
McClure's Magazin
For 1897
G. A. R.
' ( t Uxinctoo. C)r.. ths Ut Saturday of
rh month. All vsUraos r na ' !
fl W. Hmltli. v,. it. ruwu.
Adiatant. u
Dr. P. B. McSwords,
Ding Store,
Offirw In the City
City Hol.
While yon auep yonr subscription paid op yen
oan keep your brand in free of charge.
Bora. P. O.. HeDDner. Or. Horses. P B t.i left
ooulderi cattle, same on lett nip.
Conk. A. J..Iiena.Or. Horses. OOon right shonl
der; Cattle, same on rignt hip: ear mark: square
orop on lert ana spur in ngtit.
Douglass. W. M . Galloway. Or. Cattle. B D on
right side, swailow-f ork in each ear; horses, B D
on lett dip.
Elv. Bros.. Donglas. Or. Horses branded ELY
on left shoulder, cattle same on lefthip. hole
in ngnt ear.
Florence. L. A.. Heppner. Or. Cattle. LF on
right hip; horses. F with bar under on right
Jones. Harry. Heppner. Or. Homes branded
H J on the left shtmlder; cattle brawtori J on
right hip. also nnuerbit in lett ear. Hange in
Morrow oounty.
Johnson. Felix, Lsna, Or. Horses, oimleT on
left stills; cattle, same on right hip, under half
arop in ri"ht and split Ln left ear
Rennr. Mike. Heonner. Or. Horses branded
KNY on left hi o oattle sains and orop off left
ear; under slope on the right
Leahev. J. W. Hammer Or. Horses branded
L and A on left shoulder: oettle same on left
hip, wattle over right eye, throe slits in right
Minor. Oscar. MeDDnnr Or. tattls. M D on
right hip; home. M on left shoulder.
ft. - M u ti r- TT u
on left shouldm cattle same on left hip.
On horn. J. W.. Donglas. Or.: horses O on let
shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Parker A G lesson. Hardman.Or. Horses IP oa
left shoulder.
Piper, J. H Lexington, Or. -Uorses, JB con
nected on left shoulder; oattlo, same on lef hip,
under bll in each ear.
Hector. J. W.. Hsppner, Or. Horses. JO ot
left shoulder. Cattle, o oa right hip.
Rirr.E. G- Hennner. Or. -Cattle W O on
left hip, crop off right and nnderhit in left year,
dewlap; horsee W Con left shonhier.
1 hompeon. J. A.. Hepuner, Or-Horses. I on
left arHHilrfer; cattle, 1 on left shoulder.
Turner K. W.. Hepuner. Or. H mall oaoltal T
left shouldar, horses; oatUs same on left hip
with split in both ears.
WsttonburgMr, W. J., Galloway, Or.; hones
quarter circle JW on right shoulder; cattle
quarter circle J W on right hip and right sire,
crop and hole in left ear. Range in Morrow and
liniaulla ooun ties-
New Life of Grant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of
Urant ever published. (Begins in December.) ;
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.)
Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives.", The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished
(Begins in May.)
Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical
years of the Civil war practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better
fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoty of this period from his
recollections and correspondence.
Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series
of portraits it is intended to publirh special biographical studies under the general title OI
MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln.
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction.
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary
talent for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes ' stories, given mm
a place beside Poe and Gaboriau.
IAN MACLAREN, All the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the exception
of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long ago, will
appear in McClure's Maoazink.
JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories in the same field as the "Brer
, Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmblefinger" stories.
RUDYARD XIPLTiNG. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McClcrk'b
all of the short stories he will write during the coming year.
OCTAVE THANKT is preparing for the Maoazink a series of short stories in which the same
cnaracters win appear, aiuiougn eacn win oe complete in lisen,
Anthony Hop Bret H arte Robert Barr
Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell
will all have stories in McClure's for the coming year.
These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McCluri's Maoazini for
me suDscnption pnee oi wnicn is oniy
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. McClure Co., New York.
China's Greatest General Is Freemlnent
ly si Ulan of Peace.
Ex-Secretary John W. Foster con
tributes a sketch of '.'The Viceroy Li
Hung Chang" to the Century. Mr. Fos
ter says:
"Although the greatest general his
country has produced in this century,
he is preeminently a man of peace. Con
fucius, whose disciple he is proud to call
himself, taught the folly of war, and the
practice of the government and Chinese
society in this respect is inspired by
his teachings. While Japan has exalted
the warlike spirit, and there the soldier
ia the idol of the people, in China the
fcoldier is lightly esteemed, and always
lakes rank below the literary class. But
notwithstanding this peaceful spirit,
there is often tv war party in China, and
on two or three memorable occasions
it has fallen to the lot of Viceroy LI to
be placed in antagonism to it.
"The Kuldja. question, about 1880,
brought the country to the brink of war
with Russia, and it wasonly by his roost
t-.ctive resistance to the war party at
Peking that a peaceful settlement was
leached. It is now well known that he
opposed the late hostilities with Japan,
The government of the la tter during th
progress of the war obtained possession
of and published certain memorials to
the throne, dated in 1882, and forwarded
by the viceroy, which looked to the ul
timate invasion of Japan; but at best
it was merely nn inchoate scheme and
probably encouraged by the viceroy to
aid his projects for the defense of th
approaches to Teking. Tie had a better
1'nowledge of the military strength of
Japan and of the weakness of China
than any other of the emperor's ad
visers, and he feared the consequences
1e his country of a conflict."
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Offloe hours. 8 to 10 a. m , sod 12 to
4 . . al raairlanp. MrS. II. WrlCU
property, and 10 to 12, a. in , to 2 o 5
d. m . at office io tba rear of Borg t
jewelry store.
First National, Bank
Notice of Intention.
Lamp Orru:s at Ths Dallks, Orkoom.
Aug 4th. lH'C
A fiillowlng-lismrd settler has filed not lie
of his liiipiitlnii to make dual proof In support
of bis claim, and that said proof will be made
liffurej. W. Morrow, county clerk, at HepDiier,
urrgou, on Bfpi. ami, 1W7, vis:
Record entry John Inn jr. Hd. Entry No. ftU2
fur iheKWb . ft. Tp 1 8 R 14. K. W. M.
Ha nsnm the following wltursers to prove
his mntintioiie residence upon nd cultivation
i4 said land, vis: Joseph H. rilslns, Henry
rilklna, inhn A. Harl.k and toward Hollo-
way, all Of Douglas, Oregon,
jas. r. simirtr.,
tnm Register.
T. A. RH.
8. W. SfCNClR.
. President
Viee President
Asa't Cashier
Truarfi i CrnerJ BaaViBg Boiotsi
On all parts oC 0 world
Bought and Sold.
Collertlons aiade on all potnU on
reasonable Terms.
Hurplus sod aftdlvtM fwtlU, 8J,lO.00.
Itotlct of Intention.
IS !ll.,.ln, H.-t Slf h- mJ
ml Ms lntUon to msSe Snsl pnf Intupyn
nl hts tl.is. sod thai said will
ll.nj. M..rm.tn'itr lrk. at HH.
tr a, oa itM-t 4. r, la
III-ikT tA!rr.fiini)L.
II I. K !, r'i
lladww'-' ' r 1 KT. K
H. 'hm U l"tiwl wlts V P'T'S
tjitomnMaWMM ti S'-r, rt. ar.1 r ill .K"B
, ,,,1 (.a ,ti r !. Vn.snn. I'l'l ri'T.
t.. ihi. ....! Huaa Tilr.ad ol ll--p'.
a. r.UM.
g At Thi Pli.ss, Oasoox.
All 4. H'J7
iirnrBY oivkn that th
Notice of Intention
Laud Orri
1 V liillowini namot artllwr has fllr.1 nadir ot
his Intrntion to niaks final proof In euP"rt of
ktsrUim. and ttial said prrxil will lie mvl.1
fore J. M. Morrow. County Irrk al Uefpner,
urrgno.on rfpk Jtn, vwi, vts:
Hd. Kmrr for the KfU. Heo. , To, I H
a u. k. w. m
He usinra the following nlln.M to prove
hta ouiillnuoiia Wlil.tim upon sn1 riiiUvatlon
nf ul. land, trli: Jarih M. rliSlns, llrnry
rilklns. John H louy, Adaard Uolioway, all
ol liuuglas, orrron.
AO Klt
Ixxte IWk rp ll'VP"
7.'rloi, a. Ta1ay.Tbof"Ur.
anJ Malar Je: affte at el.l. p.
a,. Moiaya, Wed.s-4.ji sail ftU.)-.
Will asake ronsretica willi lireHfa
bn deairxt rf 12. t-
rri J P W,,"L ' U
luiuolk. Prop. Ofnoe U Dsrrr
Warrwa'S drug alor..
The regnlar aulMMnplioo prioe ot tb
rUml-Weekly (iaarlte is 12 60 and the
rnttular price ol tie Weekly OfgoDiao
Utl.W. Aoyoue obenribiag for tlx
Osteite end paying for ooe year it
s.lvsDr cae get ljutb Ibe Osteite ao4
Weekly Orr'tila for All oU lot
arnUri paying their soUrrlptionS fc
one tear In a.lranea will lie aniilled V
th earn
lleribir lo PoJltin via Ilrponer
Fobo Btse I .trvav. persona dir(ns of
vtalliag i'r.dloloo en time sad
niooy iiy Uklng thM tral. Itr ae
qtjalt.llng lha stfola tht rriiis o
l" Ir-e Mage ill Disk fonnrmmn Itb
2 o't lork train al K. Im fr IVtulMon
' (hlio at City l,aa htnra. W. I. Ua
' PrrilVt.
Walt. Tootm-eon rust alkge betes
ll'ppaar aad UnnnotMil, arriving evert
day egwr4 Mondsy aad leavlag every
day eteepl Poadar. Mhorl! a4 ebap-
Bt4U dowg al Jottov' tsrtt sl.r, eet iU (be laleriw. E J. 6k-o
A Campaign
Of Education
How to Get It - (TCiAA:
-For J) J.UU
Pendleton Tribune: Rev. F. W. Par
ker returned yesterday morning from
lone, Morrow oounty, where he dedi
cated a Congregational church. The
minister reports that about 200 amend
ed the morning servioe and that $143
was raised during the day wbioh paid
off all the debts. The congregation of
this obaroh is composed principally of
SwiBS Germans.
Small precautions often prevent great
mischiefs. De Witt's Little Early Risers
are very small pills in size, but are most
efleotive in preventing the most seriouB
forms of liver trouble and stomach
troubles. They onre oonstipatioa and
headache and regulate the bowels. For
sale by Gonser & Brook.
Absolutely Pure
To be educated one must read
the best literature.
The best literature Is expensive.
Lealle'a Illustrated
PubHsned at 110 fifth Avenue,
New York, is full of the beat things.
Its Illustrations are superb; Its
stories charming; and Its literary
departments are edited with con-
mmate skill.
Buch a psper it a great popular educator. It should be In every
The subscription price of Lealle'a Is 4 pe nnum.
We make the unparalleled oner of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Seml
Wktyon ar for only $5.00.
No such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be made
again. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or blrtbdsy
gift, and will be constant reminders of the glver't kindness.)
Remit by postal order or check to the
ff Ileppner, Orecon.
It is claimed that Greater New York
will expend every year about 860,CX),-
003 in charity, or $16 for every man,
woman and child within its limits.
Indigestion la often taken for con
sumption. The word oonsnmption
means wasting away, and dyspeptics
often waste away as badly as consump
The reason people waste away is be-
oause either they don't get enough to
eat, or they don'l digest what they eat.
If the latter is yonr trouble, take Sha
ker Digestive Cordial. This will help
The Grandest Remedy.
Mr. K. B. Greeve, merchant, of Chil-
nowie, va cetunes that ne bad con
sumption, was given up to die. sought on 'to digest your food and stop your
all medical treatment that money could M08 01 He8n'
procure, tried all oouah remedies he oould Shaker Digestive Cardial is made from
bear of, but got no relief; spent mauy befbe. barks and the juioes of fruit, by
nights sitting up in a obair: was induoed
lo try Dr. King's New Discovery, and
was oured by use of two bottles. For the
past three years baa been attending to
busiuess, and says Dr. King's New Dis-
oovery is the grandest remedy ever made,
as it has done so muon for him and
also for others in his community. Dr.
King's New Disoovery is guaranteed,
for Coughs, Golds and consumption. It
dou't fail. Trial bottles free at Gonser
& Brock's drug store. -
the well-known Shakers at Mount Le
banon. It possesses great tonic and
digestive powers.
Shaker Digestive Cordial baa cored
many supposed consumptives (who were
really dyspeptios), by simply helping
their stomachs to digest their food, thus
giving them nourishment and new
strength. ,
Sold by druggists. Trial bottle 10
Bow He Manages to Catch Sea Gulls
Unawares. t
The seal is probably the clumsiest an
imal in the world, snys the New York
Recorder. He likes to bask in the sun
Bll day and when he moves he is exceed
ingly sluggish and awkward. It has
often been wondered how this animal
manages to secure its favorite food,
wild Bea fowl.
Sea gulls are so wild that it is diffi
cult even for man to get within gunshot
of one. The seal seems to realize that
it would be a, waste of time to attemptj
vo crawi up on. mo guiia as tuey ress
upon the water and catch them una
wares. Bo be watchus until the gulls
are soaring slowly through the air and
close to the waves. Then the seal divei
into the sea and swims underneath tlte
water for some distance. By the time
her has n.anogrd to swkn about 100 foct
the gull has forgotten the presence of
Its enemy. This gives the seal his op-'
portunlty. He cautiously rises to the
surface of the water at some distance
from the point nt which s dived, and
kllows merely the tip of his great nose
to appear above the water.
Remaining In this position, he givea
his enormous body a rotary mot ion, so
that hU nose describes a circle on the
aurface of the ocean. Uc docs this so
skillfully that to the gull his nose looks
like a fish at piny. This catches the
gull's eye, and it nt once darts tfowrj
with the speed of an arrow, aiming
itraight for the little dot. The seal
bcca it coining and sinks a fe.r inches,
and as the gull strike the water with
tremendous force the seal's jnws close
upward and the gull disappears.
It the children oome to the table with
no appetite, says a good mother, do not
oompel them to eat; and in discourage
ment ot wasteful habits do not insist
that thoy eat all upon their plates.
Think bow you would like to be com-
Oregon's Greatest Fair.
Can be attended for one tare for tbe
round trip from any point on the lines
of the Southern Pacific in Oregon.
Tbe fair opens on September 80, and
oloset October 8. Nine days. Every
day will be tbe best. Fraternal order
pelled to eat when you bad no appetite d8V Ootober 0regon preg(J Qo
auu uuw wuuiu )uu lias tu eai uiure
than you really waut because it is upon
your plate? It la revolting tor any one
ber i, pioneer und barbecue day, Ootober
5, Salem day, Ootober 6, sobool day
October 7. frna for all ran, last rlav
to est when food is not wauled, and to October 8. Rchnnl rlav . fWnW 7 hii.
compel a child to tare food is oruel. drfin . , tm. or. . .
ui, i j . i
State oj Ohio, City, or Toledo) .... r ,., ,e.r. o.
LOUAB OoONTT. "" wu UBn,"r
Frank J. Cheney makes "oath that be After harvest you will want a rest, so
Is l ha senior partner ol the nrm ot r. J . I oome to ins slate lair and enjoy your
Cheney & Co., doing business in the city
ot Toledo, county and state aforesaid,
and that said htm will pay Ibe sum ol
Due Hundred Dollars for each and every
ease of oalarrb that oannot be oured by
the use of Hall s Catarrh (Jure.
Fkank J. Chunky.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my preseooe, this Uth day of December,
A. D. 18H0.
. , A, W. Gliabon,
sbal Notary rublio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly on the blood and ma
oous surfaces of tbe sislem. Send (or
testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney ft Co., loledo, (J.
ie Hold by druggists, 7oo.
telf. One (are for round trio. Popular
admission of 25 cents.
Published Every Saturday
3 Astor Place
New York
Tbs Outlook will be lo 1X7, as it has
Wen during etch of its twenty seven
years, a ilittoiy of Onr Owa Timre. Io
Is various editorial departments Tbe
Outlook gives a compaot review of lbs
orl.l's prog re; II follows with cars
all lbs important pbilatitbropio snd id-
dtistrial tnovoraeots of ths day; bas a
complete department of religious news;
devotee mnob space to tbe iiitere.il of
tht borne; reviews current literature;
furutli cbrful table-talk about aiea
ei.d things; sod, ia short, aims lo giv
fr.eb Information, r-rigtcal obaorvabon,
and reaennabls entertainment.
lgihiiiog with tbs fifty fiifth volnojs,
Ibe papef aill smobi Ibe regular mage
gins t'g-, wbieb will add greatly to (Is
O.iOletU I)" atid atlrsi'tiv.arM. Tbt
OatPK k is pnUMifd every HatnrJsy
Cftyieo I a tie a year. 1 he ursl Issue
lo eaeb month it an Illustrate! Mtgsgias
Nsnter, eoalaininrslKiatlekrwas fnsay
age a. Ike nf Ithary iq, Ingi tliPf
Mb Urg ntirtiter of i icttir.
The pries nf The Oullixih la tbfee
dillars a ytsr In advanee, ot tees lb so s
HeJ for s teims 0"py as J iilasfral
w proepeetos to Tbs OotiViok, 13 A si of
jfleoe, StwYotkCUv.
INTflK CIltH'ir roc RT Of THE 8TATZ
1 of orcgos, for Morrow County.
W. I'. IT.l, 11. K. Klnrald
and I'hll. Met.' hsii, the
KoarS of CoimiilHloiiers,
etc., I'laiutllls, '
J. B. Hjwrry, g. V. Bprry,
htwrry, the tlre-
gon RallriHul ami Nnvt.
Ktlon (ompiiv and V.
'. 1 hoinpaoii, Uefpiiilaiils.
To J H. Hiwrry, . V. hiwrry and Bperry,
In Hi nam of (ha Htate of Ormon: Vou are
herrhy reiiiirpl lo aiiirr and answer Uir
pninlalnt rl agiiliiat you In lh alxiv
nillllfil iillt. on or lift r tli Bret nay of the
next term of ths shove entitled mull, to wit;
MoiHlay, thetlh daynf M-plemlier, IWI;
and If you fall so Ui aM"-r ami answer, for
want thrrrof, the plalntlffi will apply Ui the
court to grant tin rllf demand d In Mid en',
plaint, ult: for a JuilK'nent and drr
avnltiat nn for the sum of HMi and lnUrmt
thereon from July lit. inn, at th riof lht
Iwrreiit iwt annum, the sum of SI oalbiruevs
Iwa and lor th cuts snd illiiiirrniiiis of this
suit; and for a derre forerl'Mlns a evrtaln
morlitBir maile, ciwutol and tllert h
deleiKlmiU. t B. H"rry and M, V. f""'ry, to
piaiiiiuii, cm ui lollowing reel pnirty sitii'
int In VI or row montr aule of Omtou. uwlt
.titb half ni th northpiut qiiarirr ttid mirth
hall of lh aoiithaaal ooallrr of hm. Jl. south
half of MMitiiraM quarur of SW. . west half of
th siMllliWMit qnartrr of hw. ;l, Souttiwaal
iuaruvn norinwaai qnarvr i n, norm
ni quarter o amithm.t 'ort. r of Ne. mi.
norm nail or nortlimat quarter aim south.
soutlieaai qiiartrr nt nmtliwral un.iw and
north half of a,n,thwnt uoarter of Iwt. J, and
th tlorflONUt tt,art.r of iMttlt qiiarlrr of
M. at, all I Inwnahlfi . .it, rai,v ), I W
N.. rrv-ordMl In th ortitv iri Mi county etrk of
aid Morrow county. In h- "." nl Mon
al m in ami 1 14 atxl to srl! aat-t prin
imihI shiIv th pn-vvoaof std ! Ui tli
patmrnt olaaht I'ldgincit, atlorbS lr, M:
anI lial.raritts.
1 Ms sum moris Is sr4 nt.a foe ptinnanl
n mn rr,er Of III lion. Mf,iA A isrwall,
J ..'1 ara. rf th tKnr ntltll iHirt, mad and
ctltelsd I. said Suit n the 'lt 1T of July
M TT Aiu-rtic). Ir J IsintirTt.
Hood's Tills are the only pills to tsks
with Hood's Ssrsaparills. Essy and
yet efficient.
Contractus Rogers A Roberts bsvel
just Leguu the construction of two moe E. Hikes, of Portland, and N. A.
residences, one ot tlitm being a seven- Trefohagon, of Han Frsnoisoo, wsre do
room dwelling foi Vswter Crswford, tug business in Ilsppner this week.
nd tba other a five room cottage for
A New German I'roiluct Which Hat Many
A new product, called tonsil incul, It
being Introduced from f lermnny for pre
venting the loss of heat from radiation
which takes place to so Inrge an extent
from the uncovered surfaces of Imilcrt,
steam pli's, cyliiulcrs, and steam plant
generally. It ronsltils of Inftisotud
earth, obtained frou certain 111 1 net In
ITanover, comblnod with other K'lb
stances to secure greater strength and
colicsivciicss. This Infusorial earth It
comiMited of milliotis of minute organ
isms, whom- hollow form give to the
foaail meal its high porosity, snd con'
acnucntly lis non-conductiiig power.
The UKo of this material, however, Is
not confined to the manufacture of nou
conducting roinpmition for steam pipes
nd engine nnd liilcr surfaces. It Is
urd in snfe making es a flre-rciting
com pou rd. nnd by explosive nisnu
fnrturen In the ir(Mluetion of dynamite
It Is in dcm.ind for cold storage pur
poses, for covering cold pljies frtim con'
tsct with thi wsroier external sir. It
Is a I ho employed in rhemleal tnnnu
ftcture, as a preventive against damp;
for cleaning gin snd metal; s a tooth
paste; It it made up Into blotting pawr,
and it Is employed In the manufacture
of sealing wsx. It makes up Int.)
firebrick of one-fifth the ordinury
weight, with a fire-real. titig rtiellty
equal to that of quart. It ha many
other uses, one nf which is filtration
and It It being utilized for tbe domestic
purification of water.
Bridal Wreaths.
' The bridal wteath U usually formed
la (iemuuiy of myrtle lerant-hes, In
France and Knirland of orange l.lo-
soma. In Italy and 1'rencb Hwltwrland
of bite I), In Hpaln of red roi and
pUiks, In tbe lalaiiils of (irws of vine
Jeve, in Bohemia of mwinarr, In tier
man Cwllw rland of arrov. n of artificliU
Cowert. Allmny Argus,
Ibe "Uicyollbts Beit friend" is a
familiar osine for DeWitt's Witob Htiel
Halve, alwa)t rssdy tor emergencies,
While a specific for piles, it also instant
ly relieves aud cures cms, bruises, salt
rheum, erzems and all sffeotions of tbs
skin. It never fails. For Hale by Conser
A Brook. s
Teachen' Examination.
x otm'R la rirsrnr ivm that rn
il the purpoa 4 i.ll an lamlbtlHI ol
all riHa ho mat i,f!f I I m ean.ll
ilal. lot Ni hara nit th a. !,,! of 11,1a Fomily
aivl atata tot alala aiM I i f 1 1 f .lorn 1 1, rwunly,
m hoot i.fnion.t.t U"""l will Sold e tuu-IM-
iml"allo) t th rmirt houaa al lpur,
nliig tSmluaaitar, Auf 1 1th, lT,
llal Ihls ilid !! ol Aug., 1
w jay w .sin liter.
a. UmA fipL, Muteuw ( n
Ay one dswiriag to build slibsr
bones or bars will rusks inuosy by sI).
id I OB tbt OtsMtt cfCae. IT if
Wn frleee Are II lab.
Price) are high at Joliawatiewburg,
Koulb AfrWs. 1li amalleet i-n
worth sig rci, and copper mln la un
kiwrwn. A ltiy of lo'sndy efs
eeJila, a teitlle of genuin r!.iip4The
I7.V). Mine a and arliis rereive from
five V aevevi dullnra a day, bakers, tlx
dollars. Ally Argus.
Hat Helped Mother.
'My mother bas been stUicted with
catarrh and stomach trouble. She bat
taken a number of bottles ot Hood's
Sarsaparilla snd bas derived great bens
fit from it. We always take Hood's
Sarsaparilla when we need a blood
pariHer snd we find Hood's Pills a
remedy tor siok headache." Mrs. Min
nie Hprigga, Oakland, Or.
D. O. Justos.
It you bats ever seen a little obild in
a patoiysm or cooping oongb, or It you
have been annoyed by a constant tiok
ling in the throat, yon oan appreciate
tbs value of One Minnts Cough Cure,
wbiob gives quick relief. Sold by Con.
ser A Brock.
li C. Johnson oame
City yetterday.
iu from Biker
Unole Sim's nsvy cbewt up 15fl,0o0
pouudsuf plug tubsooo a year, for wbiob
be pays tins )r thirty-two ceuts
LiSdies, Inks tbs best. If you are
troubled alth ronstipslion, sallow skin,
and a tired feeling, teke Karl's Clover
Tes, it is pletssut tu tskr. Sold by
Conser k Brook. y
A building boom teems to bsvs struck
Ileppner full iu the face. Quite a noin
ber of dwellings ars going up at present
snd work 00 tcversl others will soon bs
Id progress.
"My boy esme boms from sobool ons
day with bis band badly latosraled and
bleeding, aud suffering great pain," tsys
Mr. E.J. Soball, with Meyer Bros.'
Drog Co., NL Louis, Mo. "I dressed
lbs wound, and applied Chamberlain's
Pain Balm freely. All pain ceased and
Iu remsrksbly short time it braird
'it boot leaving scar. For wounds,
tprains, swsllings snd rheumatism
I knew nl bo m.diolns or prescrip
tion equal to it. I consider it a boots-
bold necessity." Tbs 25 and CO esot
bottles for sals by Conser A Brock.
Cbas. Bsrnon and
Colo., ars in tbs oily.
wife, ot Denver,
Tetter, Halt-Klieum and Kcteme.
Die Intenar Itching snd smarting, Inci
dent to Ibeandtw'HM'S, I Instantly allayed
.. ... . . . . 1
by applying Lhainiierlitlira r.ye ana
tkin Oifitintmt. Many very bawl cases
have Imen permanently rnrtd by it. It
It equally ellli lent for Itching piles and
a favorite) remedy fur aure nipples,
rhntii! hands, thllMulns, frost I. Ileal
and chronic sore eyes, 21 eta. per boi.
Dr. radr's Cendltlon Powder, rs
Just what a horse lu-eds when in bad
condition. Tonic, hVA purifier and
veriiiifilge. They arw not fotni but
medicine and the te-st In use to tint a
nor) in prime condition. Price V
cents per packagw.
H. Hlekson, of
j e.ter 1y.
Umatills, wss hers
H kirk la r.el.
fhe Nn. I don't prefer men wLvera
knerwn to l ri b.
"How ten that I.?
Tbey dou'l tid their money sj
frlr ss ir.en who want to bs knowoss
H.k,r-.V. Y.T:r.s.
s4 I la el l 4t 4 I liJ
. ioj ! sT ;
It ra tm nn4 hy tiiwiaanl ' Jftrl' C f J
fMtf !. kstn.i4 4w V ffiffl
two. Into 11,. ain.a. H P v f
Rsrk fro si lb lirsvs
Ws csnnnt come, bat ws can often
stay our progrett tbit ber. Disesse,
like svsrythlng else, must bsvs a begin
ning. All cbronio maladies tssd to
shorten life, and render It a tprcies of
msrtyrdnm while they last. Mslsria,
kindnsy oomplslnt, chronic indigestion,
rheumatism all have small beginnings,
snd msy bs stayed at ths outset witb
Hosteller's Htomecb Bitters. Tbitsi
eellent tonic and alterativs Is adsplsd
sliks to tbs prevention ot disordsrs
of the system and tbe'r rsmovsl,
and its ssrly ate cannot be too
strongly advocated. To lenew appetite
snd intnrs trsaqall rest, Ibsre is no
surer sad leasnlr means thaa tbs
lliltera Tbs fleets nf ovsiwotk and
rxtisoslioo. metital or phytiosl, srs
eonuteracWhl by It, snd ths buty mar
cl.anl, Ibe ttrsd elerk or operative, and
the brstn wesry stnndenl, stitlmr of
0wppf man dsrivs from II present
relief and fulurs energy.
tot rikSif a auttMdtlglnt
e .! al.
Ely's Cream Balm
lr. John W. Jtaatntit, nt lbs Itedltght
bss keg beer on draught Ihe Hip
Oold Best tit liquors and cigars in
stock. tf
lknAtadf I h th VMS IkneiMifH tf f'
! au"b. 1.4 In llaad sd llaf frtm of l
f.wwja. t oi ... o4 U a,,aa tl. a m.1 yaag.
aiia.s lia a.4 iMaamMSU-, k4 0 an., pla
tens 0.a eiiiiti. frHw swi. faatona lh iaat
tf taasMaw-.!! tvw- t iM,.gtrw a? w.a.1.
UI SkvlktH M semluaimirt let
1). A. Currsy, formerly ol Pendleton,
bss opsntd up a 13 sent btrber shop la
IlisolJttsad on tbt Ustlock eorotr,
Work tULsily fist iass, Call so him,