Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 31, 1897, Image 4

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Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Salt Lake
St. Paul Omaha
ANT '- AHn -
Chicago Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details call on 0. R. k N.
Agent at Heppner, cr address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
A. L, MOHLER, Vice-President.
And all points in California, via the Mt, Hhasta
route or. ins
Southern Pacific Co
The sreat highway through California to all
points East, and South, brand Hoenlo lloute
of the Panifio Coast. I'nllinan Bnffot
Hleepers. Beoond-olass Hleepers
Attached to express trains, affording superior
accommodations for snaond-olans uawMingars.
For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations,
etc,, call npon or anareas
Seu. F. P. Agt., Portland, Oregon
If bo, be sore and eee that yonr
ticket reads via
me HonnvvBstern Line
Great Short Lir)e
Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vusttliiiled
Dining ami nieeiung tar
1 rnlus, and Motto:
Frivods and Enemlea of the Prac-
tioe Are Clashing.
THE CHItONICLB ranks with Ma greates!
aewspapers In the United Mates.
THK CHRONICLE has do equal en the Paellle
Coast. It leads all lu ability, enterprise and news.
THK CHKONICLK'S Telegraphic Reports ars
the latest and most reliable. Its Local News tbs
fullest and spiciest, and 1U Editorials from tbs
ablest pens In the country.
TUECHUONIOLK bas always been, and always
will be, the friend and obamplon of the people as
agaiust combinations, cliques, corporations, or
oppressions of any kind. It will be ladependeal
Lo everyiiUof neutral la nothing. .,
si nnttM
if JiiiLff f ii!
The Chronicle Bulldlsg.
the: daily
By Ma'l, Postage raid.
$6.70 a fa.
The Weekly Chronicle
Hid Croat st WeoUy in the Coaitry.
S1.50 a fei
(Iaolutitnjf pondum) to any part of ti Cnlt4
Htatei, L'aimtls and Mux lea.
and moat complete Wuclcly Newspaper In th
world, prints retfiihirly 84 column, or twelve
(fignn.of Newt, LI turn turn and General Informa
tion; nlio a magi, til cunt Agricultural Department.
The lialted Statss Beast Beslegrcd
t7 Contending; Factions Emi
nent Antls Making; at Vl
orou Fight.
One of the hardest fights of the cen
tury between the advocates of vivisec
tion on the one side and its opponents
on the other has been going1 on in. the
United States senate committee on the
District of Columbia for two years, and
at present the antis are in the lead.
.The bill introduced by Senator McMil-
1 Ian restricting vivisection in the Dis
trict has been reported favorably by the
committee. What the result of the con
test in the house of representatives will
be remains to be seen.
The McMillan bill, after providing
fhat any person taking part in experi
ments calculated to give pain shall for
the first offense be punished by a fine
of $150, and for the second off ense a fine
of $300 and with imprisonment for six
months, makes stringent provisions
under which vivisection can be carried
There are to be regular inspections of
the places where the experiments are
held, and the president ia required to
appoint the inspection officers.
The testimony taken by the committee
fills a large printed book of nearly 200
pages. Arguments for and against the
measure were made by some of the
leading physicians, lawyers and public
men of the country. Reports from for
eign1 scientists and results of experi
ments also were filed with the commit
tee. Petitions containing the names of
scores of men and women of national
prominence were filed in favor of the
act, whilo memorials and resolutions
from dozens of medical societies and
medical -men were presented in oppo
sition to it.
Gen. and Mrs. Miles, Bishop Henry Y.
Satterlee, Mrs. U. S. Grant, Justices
Harlan, Brown, Brewer, White and
Peekham, of the United States supreme
court; Comptroller Eckels, Montgom
ery Blair, Rev. Dr. Dix, the late Bishop
Phillips Brooks and half a hundred phy
sicians were among those who sub-
icribed to the bill.
These statements from the point of
view of those who favor vivisection told
of the wonderful achievements result
ant from the practice and the extent to
which mankind had been benefited by
One of the most persistent forces op
erating against vivisection is the So
ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals. John P. Haines, superintena-
Dorence Heritt, of Sao Finoieoo,
was here Saturday.
Old Sport ia still supposed to ba dead,
bat when he comes back to life yon may
look oat for him.
Sailors Who Were Hot Aeesiieswa
to the Trailer Gunboat.
They were two jolly taxs off duty and
making the most of a brief relief from
'keeointf ship." After a convivai cau
up the line they were coming through
Jefferson avenue on the rear end of a
motor car and smoking their pipes
An Eminent New York Chemist and scientist
Hakes Free Offer to Our Headers.
Semeililna fa Know.
t v u while they talked with the usual volu-
uiaj us WUIIU OUUICIUIUK u anvil ..... . ., . a. a
that ,he very best medicine for restoring
that tired oat nervous system to a healthy tbe utUe f ftt of Neptune Btepped to
vigor if Electric Bitters. This medicine xht) treet that she might have a clear
is purely vegetable, seta by giving tone passage. Of course he had to touch his
to the nerve centres in the stomach, cap and bythisceremonyhewas delayed
gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys lust long enough to have the car start
and aids these organs in throwing off with a jerk as his foot was on the step TLEg
impurities in tbe blood. Electric Bitters M "J0 "c "lv
improves the appetite, aids digestion, and Pavement he struck out like a strong
- . ' , . ' . swimmer for two or three strokes De
is pronoanoed by those who have tried fore realizin- that he was Mt in the
it as the very best blood purifier and water.
nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50c or $1.- uin overboard," whooped the lad
00 per bottle at Conser & Brock's drug on the platform. "Dropped over the
store. ' port side of the stern. Slow her down,
man. slow her down and back up, as
Shiloh's Consumption Cure cures he excitedly grasped the arm of the con-
where others fail. It is the lea ling ductor. "Give the engineer his bells,"
Coach Care, and no home should be and he seized the strep that registers
without it. Pleasant to take and goes fares, jerked it at the rate of five dollars as beneficial to humanity as can be
rtoht to the snot. Sold bv Conaer & per minute till it came out by the roots, 0iBimed by any modern genius. His
Meanwhile the little fat sailor was
coming like a duck in a foot race, wav
ing his handkerchief and shouting;
"Ship ahoy!" as if the fate of Robinson
Cruso would be his should that car es
cape. The passengers could do noth
ing for laughing. The conductor was
vainly striving to suppress the excited
tar aboard, and he was calling upon his
The distinguished chemist, T, A. Slo
oo m, of New York City, demonstrating
his discovery of a reliable oure for Con
sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis),
broDohial, long and ohest troubles,
stubborn ooughs, catarrhal affections,
general deoline and weakness, Iobs of
flesh, and all conditions of wasting
away, win send tti..tt ttur-
(all different) of his New Dis
coveries to any afflicted reader of this
paper writing for tbem.
Bis "New Scientific Treatment" has
oured tbonsands permanently by its
timely use, aDd be considers it a simple
professional dnty to soffering humanity
to donate a trial of his infallible oure.
Soienoe daily develops new wonders,
and tbis great chemist, patiently experi
menting far years, has produced results
thing to patent? Protect yonr ideas; they mar.
bring yon wealth. Write JOHN WEDUKR
BUKN & CO.. Patent Attorneys. Waahington.
D. C for their tLoUO prise oiler.
Hiok Mathews and V. Gentry, under
the firm name of Mathews & Gentry,
are associated together in the barber
business in tbe new stand, two doors
south of the postofflce. They solicit a
call. Shaving, 15 cents. tf.
A good bicycle, suitable for either lady
or gentleman, in fine repair, new pneu s
matio tires, for sale cheap at Gilliam &
Bisbee'B, , tf
Now is the time to get tbe Weekly
Oregonian, the greatest newspaper . of
tbe West. With tbe Gazette, both striot
ly in advance, one year, $3.60. No better'
combination of newspapers oanbe made
in the state.
A woman living at Cross Keys, Wasoo,
oounty, says tbe Condon Globe, recently
gave birth to triplets and tbe evidence
of prosperity was reoeived in suob high
glee by tbe oommaoity that tbe commis
sioners met and awarded her $25. It is
queer that no fuss was made over the
basband. He is tbe one who ought to
have reoived tbe reward. Any one who eyes to be blasted and his timbers to be
is so unforuaate as to get them three at
a time needs all the substantial sympa
thy be oan gather in.
Bncklen's Arnica Salve.
Tbe Best Salve in the world for Cuts.
Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rbenm,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,'
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cores Piles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refuuded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by
Conser & Brock.
shivered if he didn't scuttle the craft
if she didn't come to and rescue his
mate. He swore, too, that he was be
ing marooned, for he wanted off to give
the fat one a hand. He was released
at the next corner, where he stood,
shaking his fist while he called the con
ductor a bloody pirate till his puffing
consort came alongside. Then, they
went rolling toward the police station
to eee what the "chief commodore"
would afford them in the way of ven
geance. -Detroit Free Press.
assertion that lung troubles and con
sumption are curable in any climate is
proven by "heartfelt letters of grati
tude," filed in bis American and Euro
pean laboratories in thousands from
those oured in all parts of tbe world.
Tbe dread Consumption, uninter
rupted, means speedy and certain death.
Simply write to T. A. Sloonm, M. 0.,
98 Pine street, New York, giving post
office and express address, Hnd the free
medicine will be promptly sent direot
from his laboratory.
Sufferers should take instaut advan
tage of his generous proposition.
jriease ten tne Doctor that you saw
this in tbe Gazette, published Bt Hepp
ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 jr.
Tbe Gazette will take potatoes, apples ,
eggs or butter on subscription aoconnts, ',
Any one owing tbis office can settle tbeir ,
acoonnts in this manner "id oan't dq it -
too soon to suit us.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oreook.
.July 21, 1897.
at this office by 0. B. Dow 1b against S. E.
Walker for abandoning his Homestead Entry
No. 4322, dated March 15, 1892, upon the E'4
NWS Bee 84 Ktf SW Sec. 27, township 3, South
Ranged E, in Morrow county, Oregon, with
a view to the cancellation of said entry, the
said parties are hereby summoned to appear
at thin office on the 24th day of 8ept., 1897, at
10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testi
mony concerning said alleged abandonment.
J. W. Morrow, county clerk, is authorized to
take the testimony in this case at his office at
Heppner, Oregon, on Sept. 18, 1897 at 10 o'clock
a. m. JAS. T: MOORE,
67-78 Register.
A man living near Antelope mort
gaged bis farm to buy bis wife a pair of
diamond earrings, says tbe Condon
Globe. The wife took in washing to
pay the interest on tbe mortgage, but
the first job she did she lost one of tbe
sparklers in tbe suds and tried to hang
herself in the bum, but the rope broke
and she fell on a Jersey oow worth $150,
breaking tbe- cow's back. Her husband
Their First Dntlea What Ia Expected
of Them.
A Wall street boy is expected to be
at the office at nine o'clock in the morn-.
ing and remain there as long as his
services are needed, though he usually
gets away about four o'clock. He has
on allowance of half an hour at noon
for luncheon, but the rest of the time
aelongs to his employer. He is expect
ed to bo neat in appearance, clean as
ent of the society, took a leading part then undertook to shoot the oow to end to hands and face, well mannered,
In the fight for the bilL ne said to a
reporter for the World:
"I am opposed to vivsection tiecause
I do not think it right to torture living
animals, especially when the results
produced are of so doubtful a nature.
I maintain that all needless experi
ment on living animals ought to be
prohibited; that the use of living anl-
nialB by students for the purpose oi
acquiring surgical dexterity is unnec
her misery, but the gun burst and de
stroyed bis eyesight, end bis wife ran
way with a lightning rod peddler,
Tbe mortgage is tbe only thing that is
lett intact.
What Dr. A. E. Baiter Says.
Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: From my
personal knowledge, gained in observing
tbe effect of yonr Shiloh's Care in oaaes
The repetition of experiments of advancad oonsninption, I am prepared
hits kIvkii llils roiid a imllnim! rrmitHtlnn. All
i'Ihmim'B of imuM'iitfi'rs i-Hrrlnd mi the vcltliiilrij
trnlns wlthuiil inlta rlmrgn. Hilp your freight
and travel over this Ihiiiuiis lluu. All aKt'lils
have ili ki'la.
Ucii. Agi-iit, Trav. K. .V I'. Agl.
iV Washington Ht., Turlliim!, Or.
MmMi & si. Paul R'y
This Hallway Co.
0er;iti'B Its train on tint faiunns block
LiifM lis trains by rW'i'li ioity llinn-li
I'stn tin (vli'lirttti'.l fliu'trin lu rtli trail
ing lump ;
Hans rlily t ) u 1 1 ' I I "ih..i kf.r train
rrv il.iv Mini lut'lit Im'Iwim'Ii Ht. 1'itiil
ami I'tili'Mgo, anil Omnlia an. I UliH'Hgn;
Chicago. Milwaukee &
St. Paul
Tho United States, Dominion of
Canada and Northern Mexioo
Q And tha
"Map of the World
Send 93 and Ort thft Map and
We kly hroiilclr for One Ynar,
iaiugn prepaid on M tp and I'apjr.
M. II. d YOimo,
Proprietor It P. ChranMa,
at riLAitciHut ci
before classes of students for the mere I
nurnose of demonstration ia likewise
imeless and ought to be prohibited.
The use of anaesthetics ought to be
required in every case in whl;h they can
be npplied." N. Y. World.
to say it is the most remarkable remedy
that has ever been brought to my atten
tion. It has oertaioly saved many from
consumption. Sold by Conser k Brock.
K TrllintB to the ralntableneaa of
Msarrrali-d Donkey.
One of the glories of the city of
Lyons, which claims the attention and
admiration of every visitor, lw w
tiKtio product of the butcher known as
HituciHhon do Lyon, or In Lngllsb. I.yon
Kiiuange. It U made of donkey raw
Baker City Republican: W. E. Brook,
of Heppner, Oregon, who is engaged
id the drug business, is in the oity.
A Bare Thing, for Yon
A transaction in which yon oan not
lose is a sure thing. Biliousness, sick
headache, furred tongue, fever, piles
and a thousand other ills are caused by
constipation and eliiggiah liver. Cub
truthful at all times, prompt in obedi
ence and faithful in. guarding the se
crets of his employers.
The dutiee first assigned to him are
to carry messages,' deliver stocks at
other brokerage offices, and obtain
checks for them. After awhile he is
advanced to making comparisons of
sales of stocks and taking the checks
received from other brokers to be certi
fied at t he banks.
Of late years the steck exchange
clearing house has done away with so
much of the stock delivery by boys that
the number of them on the street is
not more than half what it used to
be. Formerly it was not uncommon
to see from 25 to 100 boys waiting in
line at each of the prominent banks
to get checks cdrtifledsand nearly every
bank employed a private policeman to
keep the boys in Jine and In order.
A story is told of a new boy on the
street who once went to make a delivery
of stock. When the bookkeeper made
up the accounts at the close of the day
he found himself $80,000 short, and an
caminAtiofi of the books ebowed that
one of the boys had failed to bring
located at Heppner, in the state of Ore
gon, is closing up Its affairs. All note holders
and others, creditors of said association, are
therefore hereby notified to present the notes
and other claims agaiust the association for
payment. n.u. it. bishop,
555-76 Cashier.
The Boss Feed Yabd. The first feed
yard tbe teamster strikes in Heppner
is that conduoted by William Gordon ,
next door to tbe Heppner Gazette
ranoh. Mr. Gordon ia accommodating,
has a good yard and abundant facilities
to take care of stock in first class shape.
His prices are very reasonable. He bas
bay and grain for sale. Has lately
added a car load of baled timothy.
Come to the Gazette offloe and get a
decent IdV'dt envelops printed.
Government envelops look cheap, and
besides you CBnnot get your business
card printed thereon. tf
of Oregon, for the County of Morrow.
The Oregon Mortgage Company,
Llmitedi a Corporation, Plain
tiff, vs.
Berend Poppenga and Ella Pop
penga, Defendants.
To Berend Poppenga and Ella Poppenga, de
fendants above named,
in the name of the State of Oregon s You are
hereby required to appear and answer or other,
wise plead to the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit on or before the first
day of the next regular term of the Circuit
Court for Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit:
Monday, the 6th day of September, 1897;
and if you fail to so answer or otherwise piead, "
for want thereof, plaintiff will take Judgment
against defendant, Berend Poppenga, for the
sum of $450.00 together with Interest thereon at ,
the rate of ten per cent per annum from the
1st day of December, 1895, and for the further
sum of $50.00 attorneys' fees and for the costs
in this suit, and plaintiff will apply to the
court for a decree of foreclosure ana sale of the
following described mortgaged premises, to
wit: TheSWUof the NEW and the SHofthe
SWfcand theNWH of the HWfc of section 19,
township 4, soutn ot range 25, J. W. M., and for
the application of the proceeds of said sale of
property to the payment of the Judgment nd
costs herein prayed for against defendant.
Berend I oppenga.
lnis summons is pnDiisnea by virtue oi an
order made by Hon. Stephen A. Lowell. Judge
ot tne aoove entitled court on tne ttira flay oi
July, 1897. ELLIS & LYONS.
64-77 Attorneys lor Plalnuns.
The Gazette bas a scholarship for
sale, good for one school year at Bishop
Soott Aoademy, Drop in and see about
this if you have a boy to eduoate. tt
Pat quarter in your pooket and
don't spend it till you get down to Low
Tillard's. Finest liquors Bnd oigars
Near city ball. a
See those new Russian Tan shoes
down at Liohtentbal's. Latest styles,
best quality, reasonable prices. Yon
cannot do better anywhere. tf
donkey and no wiritrr hm celebrated carets Candy Cathartic, tbe wonderful back a check in return for some stock
I... " I Is I VP I I ll'l I.' II.
"Ill nectioiia lik dark-red n
ilntlii'd with whits-, it inny lecnt
iiiliiiitt'siiiial tliiiint'KH. leaving a si
HIKOrilll t'AU-
Sr. I ' A I I .
j Mini
n I'm:
Alwn cpemlis nIi'HUI lieati'.l er-l ilmlcl
trains, carrying Dim latent private
compartment car, library IxiuYl amok
intf tarn, and palme diaaihg room
Tailor oar, frer rreliniiit cdnlr oars,
and I li Veijr bc-l timing eliair Car
ai tvit r.
Ki'r lowest fi.l.-s In liny oilt in tlir
I'lilted Mati-s ir ('.ma la, si ply In
Selil or s l ln-na
J. W.CAsr.Y,
Trar. I'nss. Aeut.
'. J i:iiv,
Oeiii'ral k.-hI,
I'nillmi.l, Or
'j iJ : 1
I'li'lti ta issued tit all pmi.ls in lln I'mleil
Hluli and I aliaila.
Cllli tun 1 Atl other , UUIIH
Wa-IIIXiiTHI '.i Ml I it i KtM4 Cm
lUt.TIMlHlK J- Ill III" ! Sr. .I.'M I'll
Nrs Ii.mk stti.l I Mr. Uu is
hwrti.n I Nitiiiini.i ; u.mhiM
' tti'Minatinn
the gnttt roiioinicnl excellence of tbis pa-
tleut, vexatious and oft4-n Ill-used beast
with more delicate appreciation than
the lute Philip (! illicit Ilnmerton, in
't'linptera on Anininla."
"Of the unk, when living, I could not
hiv IiUH'h that mwlioliy invoraiue, ouv
when he npiM-nrs in the tnt of sau-
eixMttn he .may Iw praiaed without tho
xlii'lileft real riot ion.
it to an
Minaillicr than Hie fliirot veneer. In
llie ui.'iHft it In closely wmma'd In silvery
fnil, to giliwd ignliiftt the Influences of
the sir.
In the (tweet.! nstoelntioim of the
tnriiinrv Hit' tuuii'WMou luui list itlnc.
Weary nfl-r the morning' march, the
tourist tiikra it from h in kiiniMick, and
I n. it im m his lr n.t tlioxe ihilntv (links
which nrr Its alieta. The utrvngth tf
his voulh cotnea ln'k to liltn, and the
Alpine miows no longer seem Innctt-.s-a
"At the tnte Heat. ItnjierHil lmnqiM't
ttrf aniit'inkttt in not disdained. At tho
plenwitit pifiiU' by the ahndy river It I
found In I lie welcome Iwtsket. The
nngler hnm it lit hl Itni.', I he ahooter In
liia e.ipni'ioMM x-ki-t. the canoettt In his
Lilliputian enliin of stuns.
"'I MtuctMoit di I ton, aad lattn'tinv
nient when we enM live rfkinny rvniwuit
of thee intit the rtrcain, but. the Utile
flatten raMiirregnte enevrly 1t the ln
qne.t, nul ush each other what tit'Mf
animal has viel.titl hia tlesh for thrtr
ftjttlng." Youlh'a t'onitnlon.
new liver slimolaut and intestinal tonio
are sold by all druggists and guaranteed
to oure or money refuuded. 0. 0. C.
Are a sure thing. Try a box today; 10c,
'J5M 50o. Sumple and booklet free, tt
Doctor If yoa must know, rmi'nra,
yonr husband won't live twenty-four
hours loiiifer. 'Goodness gracious!"
ejected the broken beurteJ but ec momi
ciil wimiaii, "and here you've gnne and
presnnheil rnongli medioine for five
.lays" Til Bits.
Cit:.rrb onred. A clear hea.l and
sweet brr.ith secure I with Nhilob's
Cutarrh It-nndy; s.ild on a gnarsntee.
N .siil inj i t ir free. PolJ by Couser k
Hmck. x
. . . -
i'bj .
T AO! Mat,
os sic ma,
t. ...4 rf..t
m a
M .1
Mh. h A t
rnr inn iiir.'rinttioii, iinn c ir.lt, in ipi
ttcai'ta, cli'., caII mi m ntr
V. C Amis t, A l t'n ai.r...
Aifl N. I'. liy, A..I.O..H l a... Awl
l int I . i r. ruitlsii.l, Or
aaMM I. I 1 I ' '
i lie lii'iiiiiiior Line
if . ..l.fVr t ,i Mstafc a
ft luttll WltIMi
u 9
t ' - I 4l t
A 4 -1 ')
I'n.i, Orw .it,
'1 l.r Oarliit iI.h a , . t ij'H .I
lmlii.1; i.f anf -tina l-ul II
pt-lli'.l In it .il ii p. mi lti rah o
lsonl mt'fti ll.'ti, I. ell, if I
I it li e
la Com
a lt sic
l.s fill
aonl.rf b C.-fi.flliis an lnlii'.t or II.
man alt i imn I s lna I bv I , -r 1 l.n.
W rauti'il Itm ! " anf ullirf
I'tiimi I .lint 1'iiiitti'etinna
a! Ht. Paul. Miiineapitlia,
Knii-Ms IM), Uiiiuli'i, Ml.
I j'iiik and ellur promt
llellt pull. Is
lUi.-t aite eh t'Vr l tlir.nii:li I.
ui lit rl.
... ..l. t. - .....
1 1. roii k-n in an to .inn mi niui I blua. ia
I si'iniia an. I Nnriliein I'ai itlt Meant
ship I mi pnii) ' hue
lilsronranlaa last.
Mra. Iltthiiik. r- Put really tllm-otir-
siged nlamt imr Will. I tliin't llievr
hr 'a tleatiiitsl to U a ,,'rcnt until, after
.Mr. iiuiiiiiKt-r ll4ll, iMiitM'ttae
W lint ' pul llmt i.l.-.t Into v.iiir Infill?
"Wli, ka-k nl Ilia 1,1 i.t l'r lut nr.
eritfl from Imti. He's been In onl
l.tre to vt.ua now, aihI Iih hstulwrtt-
tllif I ! ,;j .., k-..l (1,1,1 y i ,T,n rtiAil It
ltf!il t tT. i.l. ml like pt ml t leieUml
I. i l.'i.
nnf Iniltan I nusnnl.
"I .e Inli'l,,.," n. ii.inu, ittenns
Ii.. M. tint,-., ft I. .in.-e (i-ollii-tiotl of
l.li.i.li- l-liin.l II ,l,.fi, :, soi till. Vol, t.
l-ti-e ii, 1 1,,1(. i. tll Itulutti word for
f.t'li. r " I Ii ,( in the Indian It.blr
ii, Iih.Ii f. r l.i-.l nr.. tiiir I If it t en' v
I all" r I he l,, m 1.. II I, rt,.. Hull
..llli I ii , I ',, ,i I,,,. ,,r, u In I, . ,.,,f .
Ilik' In It s" I , ii I 1'ie III. lull i n flvr.l
.!! I.t ,..tl .i.l,. , . , Til t,iia nk,.,
"fo'i ail wLiLirult" wii. .l tse Itl
t-iiU'liM'ti ti-, i .i'!i-. ,t,-te, iii's rant'if;
II hi.it fi Hi U- tr ii.thi.tl "t.ml im. I
l.1li:e" ll.l in W .!cl. .i f..tfiie to t lie
l ie tie .i'ti i I n n ri .ri-lty when
tt.i.4. to tl.i ir root a, Ibiia votit-g irirls
are "iinv." f n in "star " W lirn irrtsi n
t""" i til hum i. ii-1 1 le totnif li.l r. Mmi,s.
l-.i.-l At. ' A.m.tL . I. Ii l.w.m ' I M .,,l.l;n kl.f
i. i , m.i. i r ia- it a. fm . ....
" .Sva J i. 4 l.tMim.' ...m, 1 1 i lftl Jvtll lot I
TlnlslliT.-M.: El Recorder Phelps
ia packinK his law library toJay, prepar
atory I.t leaving neit Monday for Uepp-
oer, where be will permanejtly locate,
having arranged to li.ke charge of Con
grraainati Kills' law praclica at that
Karl'a Clover R mt Tea, f r Constipa-
ti m It's Ilia best and if after nsing il
yon don't say so, rrltiru package and
get your money. Stild by Coosrr k
Brock. I
Rivi.l 8. Tuthill, prtaideot of tbe
Acrna u ills ami fur 111 years raahler of
llie wlinleaal grocery boiisa of Allen A
l.swis, of Portlan,!, was fonnd dea I lo
bed ntia day Iat week In Dial cily with
a bullet hide in hia hr-id aoJ a revolver
in hit liaml. The aupposition la that be
wta on lbs wrong lids of the wheat n;sr
ket su I ha was short Id bis a-Youiilt.
he had delivered.
He was perfectly Innocent about ths
matter, and snid that he had handed the
papers in at the office where he was sent
to make the delivery, and as they gave
him nothing ho supposed there was
nothing for him to get. His employer
treated him kindly, and told him to be
careful not to mnke. the same mistake
ngahi. lie never did. That hoy is now
at the head of one of t he laf geat broker
age houses on Broad street. Harper's
Round Table.
The Conir reasloniil Library.
Founded in tlie year 1S00 by the mod
est appropriation of f 3,000 "for the pur
chase of such books as may be neces
sary for the use of congress at tJie said
citv of W'aahington," t hia collection has
grown, notwithstanding the ravages of
two lire, to the prvaei.'. aggregate of
7 lo.mio volumes. The Acquuntion of the
JelTenaon library In, IMS, the Force
hiatorit-al library in lw5, the Pniith
Mitiinn library in 1-G7, luul the Toner
colleeti.m In'lM, all tvituttituU-d c
clally iniitortant and tnJuitble iwces
tion, of its stores. And by the enact
nient of the copyrlgbt law of 1H70, fol-
Uiwed by the Internal Umal copyright
cot of lul, this llbrnry lieoain entitled
to recrlte I wo copies of all hooks, pe
rtodicaU and oilier publications claim
ing the prou-ctium of copyright in th
I'niUsl Stats-s. A. R. htaifford, in Cen
Iglr That Won.
The Ikictor Here's the bill for your
husbn nil's IriNiiincnt, I'll lie glsd to al
low j-nii 20 M'r cent, off for roah.
The Widow Hut you said thnt voti
would not charge anything if you didn't
relieve him!
"So I tlid. Have you henrd him com
plain lately?" Cleveland Lender.
Come in and subscribe for tbe"Gaeoo."
Now is tbe time. You don't want to
I miss a whole lot of good, bard reading
that is now b"ing published in our
Any person wbo is interested in
British Columbia sbonld write to W. H.
Harlburt, general passenger agent ot tbe
O. R & N.. for a copy ot Pat Donan's lit
tle "booklet." -Tbe New Bonan.aland."
It is well worth tbe trouble. CO-tf.
of Oregon, for Morrow county.
Kothchlld Brothers, flaintllls,
Robert Krlck, Defendant.
To the above named defendant, Robert Krick:
In the name of the State of Oreaos: You ara
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against you in the above entitled
cause ef action on or before the first day of ths
uexi term oi me anove entitieo court, to-wit:
Monday, the 6th day of September, 1197;
and if you fail so to appear and answer, for
want thereof, the plaintiff will take Judgment
against you for the sum of $141, the costs and
disbursements of this action, and for the sale
of the property belonging to you heretofore at
tached in this action, and will apply the pro
ceeds of ssld sale to the payment of said Judg
ment, costs and disbursements.
This summons Is served on yon in pursuance
of an order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge
of the above entitled court, made and entered
in said action on the 21st day of Jnly, 1H97.
64-77 Attorneys for Plaintlfls.
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pal-'
ent buiintu conducted fur MooiaaTC Fcia. '
Oua Orricc is Opposite U, s. Pstsnt Ornet 1
and wo can set tire pale.il ux icM tuus Uiaa Umjm.
, i. .. i
remote inim nuninRiiia. (
Scad model, drsmng or photo., with drK-rtp-
tion. Wb adviM. if natrnlalia or not. fres ol
cliarfra. Our lee not due till patent is secured.
A SaMPMtr.T, to Ui'iain fatents," witti
cnt i t samo in ths U. & aud iureu;a cuunUm
icnt Ire. AJJrcii,
Rural Spirit
Published Weekly at
Portland, Or.
and Turf.
Worth '.Is weiubt in gold lo every farmer
and breeder in Oregon.
'Hum pie copies free.)
R.iral Spirit and Oszette both for
13.50, cash, at ll.ii otflce.
Pt!K IV:I,:U Utx Nu
c rtz Alters
(Ht AM)
n i ii
I Vile ilsti
hi. I .'-at.
Mil !i ft!
1 I't'i-l I Hun
r..itii.n i si
; in
I rave Hie
a ia.
Ulieri .nt f I' I' tlUiil. st. i iff
1 1 lHi an I tskv a tup .l.ian ll.e
"ill rt y il, an I saia
II, .me).
w r.
Al MU T.
Oi-neral Atjeril
Wanted-fin Idea 1H:
r-t- i f
oi. .
I rt I I .1 I. I I I .
W. M. lkiualass aL.I family, of liallo
y, passed tliroowh llrppnrr Monday
no llirir way lo Iolul.in, C.tuaJa, wbers
lliey tiHHt lo tnaka tbnr b.-ms in the
IVrUni'y ytut don't wsnl tti suifer ilb
djsprpsis, ciislip ili"n, tick hrsilachra,
aalliiw skin anl loss of appetite. Von
have tifvrr tried IVWiit's Little F.arly
Uiarri for tlira cmni'lalnis or oil would
bar Iimhi cureil, They ars small pills
bul great rrgnlalors. Ktr sale by I'oti
er and Br ak.
lo Islington, Ky., nrgro girl was
arieaia) for carrying ramr lu hrr hair
Whs I vers you doing with tbs rst if?'
aaksl ths let'oiilrr. "I wsru't doit,'
null, lu' l.l It ban dry kutolisj uir,"
slissnl.l. "I sas jest lot ilu' far
Is ly dsl I d.Ju l lirs.-Ailafels Coc-tilthes.
IFmT mT iIS c& 1PWF!T .-rqc
AttornevN nt Lfiv
All bnalnras attended to In a prompt and sntisfaclory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
Columbia 1
mil i
uget Sound Navigation Co
Hoping for ths Ileal.
She You know, dear. e won't prt
any of father's money bile hr live.
1 1 I know, but he's going to reside
w ith us nnd you're going to do thr cook
IniT. la-l'a hot for the best. 'evc
lan.l World.
Thr THlon's t'nwpv.
The tritti, a sottetl. lir.ird likr rrp
I 1.' found in utmost rv, ry stair In the
union, h.i a most vtn.lerfui jatwerof
re riMlufinir umptitAted jtarta. lkintn,
fir great I' rrnc Ii . h.ttur.tli at. eXH-rl-l,,i
iil,.. on the little i realiirea by am-
i.' ltll'g their Itk's niui bills, litnl by I I
il. i-g f. ii. n.l lh.it tlnir iers of re
I t.altu tion cre slnwtftt i.nluin'.-.l In
t tie litHtam-e an nmptiHtte.f Irir As rt
pnl ,ii l 12 tune, in Uiree ears, and in
snot hrr an rye was ioite. ml nti.l re-
r.btcnl In leas than II hn-littia. p;,,.
l.tas of a l.iil tloea not npM'nr to ill -mti
tmalf a ttitttn. rcept to gtvr lutu a sort
of tin balanced gait. Tail t i fr-Mii
speciuifca, llouriot krpt lo eMwnnirht
oil wers Invariably rrprtaluml In from
to bins rtks. Altaoy Arg-us.
Lesviog Abler Hlreel Ik-ck. IVllsnil. for Astoria, Il,e. Ung r,ch
Psrk sod Nabct a. Direct ocnurrt.oo with IWM0 Me,mA ,nf rail
road; alto at Yooog's Hay with Seasbnr. Railroad
leaves Portland I. M
al s ti A
terpl Ntmda
leatr. A.U.rl, p.
I. M.
14-aves rortistid . A. M. IHilly, rpt Huinlay. la-ates Astoria 7 P. M fsally. c
. . . i, i. i.t. -atiiMer tiltlit. 11 ( y ,
1 - -I -"'I eii.iinay. itiiiLlajr llluhl
Tu.-a.lsr and 1hur..!e .1 s 1 u . .
al . si a. m. mi auii lar mhi . 1. V. 1 a
Easngt CMr-d to Mt4 lV?tictjyo Pv-tb rhfj Frte tf Ivn.
r.tr ftalrty. rl. I'.imli.rt. I lf...,rr. Tra.rl ,.n ths Tel. , !,...,.. Il,,, .,,, ,.,, W(f
latr l'nrt:atid sn.l runs dire, t In Ilaa. n
U-a.es liaarn c-lu.-a. sml frl lar at
""" ai 1
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.