Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 31, 1897, Image 3

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    Marvelous. Effects
System Broken Down and Hope Al
most Abandoned Health Re
stored by Hood's 8arsaparllla.
" For fifteen years I have suffered with
catarrh and indigestion and my whole
system was broken down. I had almost
abandoned any hope ol recovery. I pur
chased six Dottles ol Hood's Sarsaparilla
and its' effects have been marvelous. It
has made me leel like a new man. I am
able to sleep well, have a good appetite,
and I have gained several pounds in
weight." James Wildeb, Oroville, Wash.
" I had a scrofula swelling on one side
of my neck and ulcerated sores in my
nostrils, caused by catarrh. I also had
email, itching sores on my limbs. I
bought three bottles ol Hood's Sarsapa
rilla and began taking It and the sores
soon healed. My blood is purified, and
the scrofula has disappeared." O. D.
MoManub, Mission, Washington.
Hood's S
Is the best In f aot the One True Blood Purifier.
HnnH'c Dillc cure nausea, Indigestion,
I1UUU b fills biliousness. 25oenta.
Take Notice.
1. The sum ol five cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be chanted for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
E. O.: Misa Myrtle Smith has re
turned from a visit with her parents at
lone. Morrow county.
J. B. Natter baa bad eleotrio lights pnt
into the brewery. It's quite an improve
ment over the aotideluvian system.
Miss Jennie Noble, who bag been
visiting friends in The Dalies for
several month's past, returned home this
Oroes & Blaok well's fancy piokles and
oanned goods, reduced prices, Orange
Front, opp. City hotel, Cor. Main and
Willow streets. - 53 tf
Every new snbsoriber of the Gazette
from this date, May 25, 1897, will receive
as a premium a book worth alone the
price of the subscription. tf
Mrs. Phil Conn and children, who have
been visiting relatives and friends in
San Francisco the past three months,
returned borne Sunday morning.
Prof. G. M. Irwin, state snperinten
dent of pubho instruction, oame np from
Salem this morning to take part in the
Morrow County TeaoherB' institute.
An evening session of the Teachers'
institute will be held this evening at
8 o'olook at the M. E. oburob. State
Superintendent G. M. Irwin will Ieoture
at that time.
Ben Swaggart wants to rent 600 acres
of farming land to some good man for
two years. Will furnish implements
teams, eto. Address him at Lexington
or oall at ranob. 73-4
Now that the great political oampaign
is over and the winter season again with
us, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long evenings. Cognizant of Ibis the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonlan, 11.50 13.50
" 8. F. Examiner, 11.50 B.75
" N. y. Tribune, U.00 8.00
Inter-Ocean, fl.00 3.25
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, 1.00 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.50
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00
A True Nerve
Tonic and Blood Purifier
Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood,
Kegulates tne JLiver, Boweis ami iviuueys.
Another important gold discovery was
made the other day in New Orleans.
saloon keeper discovered that be bad
paid 87,000 for two "gold bricks" worth
About 7 cents a pound.
Mike Roberts who has been attending
the raoes at Anaconda and Butte, Mont.,
arrived in Heppuer Saturday. Dave
MoAtee and Geo. Swaggart are expected
home some time during this week.
A Missouri farmer figured one rainy
Heppiier, Oregon.
ei-Oct is
Sunday 11 a. m. and B p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Clauses No. 1 and t at 12:10 p. m.
Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m.
"The Spirit and tne brie say. um '
An Infatuated Tonne, Couple Drop a Few
Kacy Remarks, and a Gazette Reporter
Picks Them Dp.
Returning from ohurch the other night
a Qszette reporter unintentionally over
heard an infatuated yonoe dnok implor-
tt.Bt. ho had walked 800 m es Inline his far vonne oompnnion to pool iwssibdu uuu 0.BUu,
-ww. - . I , T 1 J
.nHi.ii,. .....MnPrr.rn. He there- IxinM with him for life. His ODDeal was rieison am nostii-uu,
uuilll-tl-l V - wav v"- I - - - 1
nnnn unld hia farm and moved to town Dathetio and florid, displaying a bad wunaay
. - - .: - 7 . - I
i 1 1 i nnrt ! 1 . A. n .s.K I mas a T Ann... . n 1 1 i. Ia hia Ma pi ah .1 nn A I Imv.
wnere ne waiKeu wu uiiidb iw uu- - j jj-uiu i Hnnkune
(that isn't her real name) and Razing u - ua A. M Kossiand
tently at the stars, he broke forth in a
strain that ought to have melted an ice
berg. It was about as follows:
"Let na roam, love, together, in the
soft and balmy weather ; let ns wander
in the evening, when the snn is going
down ; let ns leave bebiud the little an
The pastor may be fonnd at the parsonage ad
joining the church, where he will be glad to
meat am wo may dmire to consult him on
It has been "showering" by "jerks"
the past two days, but a regnlar down
pour has not made its presenoe felt, as
yet. Indications for a general rain,
however, are very favorable this morn
Prof. J. H. Ackerman, of Portland, ar
rived in HeDDner Sunday, and is oocn-
pying the position as one of the in
structors of the Morrow ooooty institute
which Is in session in Heppner this
The Only All-Bail Route Without
Change ot Oars Between Spokane,
Also between
daily exoept
,...0;40 P. M.
... H:40 P. M.
B:10 A.M Nelson M.
ClnnA nnnnnntions at Nelson with steamers for
Kaalo, and all Kootenai Lake pointo.
Passengers for 'Kettle Klver and Boundary
Creek connect at Marous with stage daily.
religious, social, civic philosophic, educational.
or any other subjects.
J, W. 'LE8HER, Minister.
Here and There.
Mrs. Dr. H unlock is on lbs sick list.
All low shoes at cost at Minor & (Jo's.
To bealtbe broken and diseased tis-1 mellow mnsio with the Jingling bells; Heppner, Or., Jnne 24. 97.
... in .nnthA the. Irritated surface, to where the dying sunbeams quiver on me
" I .. . .1 I . wtt - 1 a ft T A,
.i;o .nA narmannntlv hosom of Willow oreeK : wnere me wnat is nop uoiai obbs
oure is the mission of DeWitt's Witoh breeze is gently blowing; where the dew Brlh. Bee sd. elsewhere.
For Bale by Oonser A I is sweetly falling and the bigh-bird
early calling listens io the branches tor
All persons indebted in notes and so-
i -
noyances that oast a damper over our oounts due to Noble & Go. are requested
spirits; let us seek the quiet meadows to come forward and settle same as
and rlnaart tha heated town: let US SO anon as Dsssible. We Still continue in
where oattle returniog from the pas- business and will sen gooas as iow as
tares in the gloaming make sweel and I080 uougut '"J"1" Nobli A Go.
beer on
T. L. Barnett, ot Lexington, is in the
city. ,
Shorthorn dairy for best milk and
oream, 67tf
Mrs. E. J. Sloan bat returned from
Fletober Lynn was np from Portland
A. N. Jeffry, of Castle Bock, Wash,
is io town.
Clias. Boyse, Hardmanite, was in
town Friday.
II. Brasb, ot The Dalles, was in Hepp
ner Saturday.
0. II. Beymer was in from Eight
Mile Saturday.
P. O. Borer has nut a brand new roof
oo bis residence.
Mrs. Felix Johnson was io from Dot
ter creek yesterday.
Ilanous Is still oo the turf donlg a lit
lie carpenter business. tf
Minor A Co. have just received one car
ot Fish Bros.' wagons. 2
Nels Jones, the Butter creek rancher,
was in town yesterday.
Heppner Outfitting Co., io the old
Ilerrea stand, wr-e adv. a
Joho Ayers and wits were to from
Butter ork ; ealerday.
Ed. R. Bishop sod soo, Ralph, Lavs
returned from Portland.
Hnl mit your plans Io Rsnoue belore
giving not yonr oootrsol. If
v II. llnlUioo. of Lone Rock, was
rjnticf'l on for streets falardsy,
IWrry riiOtipe sn 1 soo.OeorB,
Jo ftom the mnontaios ystirdy.
Htatrni'nt fr ih Fsrooos Simple
Account FiU rrlnt'1 l dswlte of
fice. '
The finest lin i f Mln' l
llrpporrnow offered at col at Mioif
A Co's. '
-, Wfl.b. of Walla Walls, came io
HtindsynK.rr.iPg t' lk alter his "wd
Th Hop OolJ krg brer at It.s We!
eoro. n lo, "0 ibl' d'ulw. oJ
msIUU. "
I'ppls Bo rfkf wm doo Irom
rstk-f'i null HooJay, 1'K.klng Ibe pic
tar f hrsllh.
IWhrt. afrn.lie '' ll ,rai,,
of lh eoo Sffivlt'g
Orange Fr nt.
Minor k t. rlve.1 Io Ibe
ubl da, ovr 10,f W worth ff a-rt-tl
tuvfcbso'lise. '
Y O. WooJall, i mlMol fnrfCfcaol
ofLnt.1 Ctek.via In ll'tf" """
dsf hi boiii.
K4. A.t.Uti.U ai.lCl.M. Bo"
- Hpi&r jrtfJy.
Wt aocororoolati'-o sod foorlwos
lr.alm.ol at tb. Itrtal llol-I.Hrtt.h
m! W.b. His,, iVWsnd. tf I 'D.
Hazel Salve.
Many persons refuse oredit now-a-days
when offered to them, and resolve to
live strictly within tbeir means. Tbi
is a pleasant contrast with methods ot
hnainaaa that were in V02U6 ft few
years ago.
Moments are nseiess u inuuu ii
the reply of its mate; let os tosm, my
love, through the flowers ot Ibe heather
let us
"Ob, rats, dafliogt I oan't, for I'm so
afraid ot snakes.
"Let us," he continued, "be as om
man and wife."
"Why didn't you say so at first my
Judge A. Q. Bartholomew has re
turned from Ooksdale, Wash., where he
has been attending the M. E. church,
South, conference.
Now Prepared to do Any
Kind of Printing Don't
Send Your Orders Away
Till You Get the Gazette's
Heretofore the Gazette's job depart-
meat has tried to do no work other than
plain printing. However, this shop is
now prepared to tackle anything In any
line and will meet prices of any person
under the sun iu the liue ot druggists'
supplies, blank books, bunk work,
oounly work, or any sort of book bind
ing work that you have heretofore sent
away lo get done.
The Gazette shop is not a charity
ooncern but if you will give us a olmnce
we will see that you are satisfied I
every particular.
Buy your goods at home. Bemeninrr
that Abe Lluooln said that when one
bought goods away from borne the
foreigner got the money and we got the
goods. But when tne goods were
bongbt at home we had both money
and goods. This is good doctrine. We
are willing to abide by It. When the
printiog drummer comes to torn, re
member it and cull up 'phone Nj. 3.
One Guess
for every yellow ticket in
and tbey are dangerously wasted if con- molasses candy? It's a. whaok it that's every package of ScflUhttg
k Alaw In hum shnra Una nam ' 1 '
IUUIVU " " ' J "
Minute Cough Cure would bring imme
diate relief. For sale by Cooser &
Dr. A. L. Beetle, of Pendleton, bas
been at the Palace for the past three
days, having been called over here to do
dental work. He leaves this evening for
his home very favorably impressed with
our prosperous little city. .
No mao or woman oan enjoy life or
aooomplish much in this world while
suffering from a torpid liver. DeWitt's
Witch Hszle Salve. II soothes, strength
ens and heals. Il is the great pile cure,
For sale by Cooser A Brook.
Miss Ada M. Jones, who has been
teaching school io ilsrdraao during the
summer, arrived in Heppner Hunday,
Miss Jones will have charge o( the pupils
ot Ibe primary department of Ibe Hepp
ner public school this coming session
Iiev. Father Briody. of Condon, will
hold servioes at the Cmbolio church in
Ibis city, on Hunday, Sept. 20. Father
Briody Informs Ibe Gszette that some
ma Hnrinu the fall be will more bis
hrali'iartfri from Condon to Heppner
E. n. Fit. h. a special agent of II
government from Washington, D. C,
passed through Heppner Katnnlsy oo
bis rnturo Irom Oraot county, where he
bad bn .! lo lake testimony ol par.
ties wlm claim damage from the
government for lo liao deprivations.
The following is sal I lo be the bill
of far at a faatiionahle Kloo like re.
Uufsnt: Hor sandwich, f0;broileJ
dog with gold dnst. 110; barberned
bootlegs with alrap. f lew l Ml bat
with trimmlljga, H, fried mackintoal.e,
rain-soaked, 67; boild waoo oover
with alU grea, S2, pirklel wsg-io
loi.gne sliced, II.
i.h and snake storirs are pot in il
any more.
county I list a mo
Its useless to state that tbey are en
gaged, aod laboring under Ibe delusive
belief that no one is apprised of it.
Through regard for the feeliogs ot the
oontraotiog parties we refrain from men
tioning their names, but advise them to
be more private in their conversation in
the fotore, as we might aooideotally ap
pear opon the soene, pick np lbs words
as they fall fresh from the lips and
pitch them headlong into the ooloir.ns
ot tbs Gazette.
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
Best tea.
Don t send coupons
save them for something
Rules of contest published In Isrgt
advertisement about the first and mlddlt
of each month. Ai8
to sull the times. You want fresh
groceries and supplies ; you want sub
stantial gents' furnishings. Yon oan find
what you want at T. B. Howard's .
Main Street. Heppner, Oregon.
Was Perfected by the
Production of
r.l.VB CltFAM BAI.M I MIHrnr.
Apply Into Ui nostrils. Ills qulrkly alMlil. 50
cents t Dtni'iilsla or by mil : anoipi 10 tiy n n 1.
H.1.1 11KU1 HI'llH. 60 Wsrrco Bu. SW York .'!';
And now the entire world
Knows this verfect product
'is the Star lircwcrij ocer
Ida E. Stevenson was born in Hepp
ner, Oregon, Ang. 21. 1879. and died in
the same place Aofj. 2C, 1W. aged 18
years and nvs days, ner a-iu wn
oddeo and nneipeoled and a ureat
shock lo ber family. Hlie was of a
cheertnl aod sffeotionaie disposition
aod beloved by wide cirole of yonng
associates; the yonogrst of a family of
grown children, who, with father and
mother, mourn the early dth of one
who was especially dear lo all.
The funeral at the M. E. oliumb,
Honlh, was a largs gathering of friend
and schoolmate lo lender Ihplr tribute
of sympathy and lov. The school
mates of the decoasfd furnished appro
priate mnsio. IV v. F. P. Orern pre( hel
from Tsalm 17-15, ll rlaue. There
was a profusion of floral off-ringi bv ibe
ounierons friend of the family.
E. P. O.
rovirsxs, 1070.
A Boarding and Day School for Boys Under
Military Discipline.
T 20th jw nnilrr Die iirwnl n.nmMil f(.t. It. n.
Tins iiiMtliilloo t lhtri.lil (' p .; l,,rll, n i-nli.l. ''i I. iIhii i,I
anil iiMal traiinii fit Ih.. 'I'lnin.ii'l. ni aral'im f.ir liny ll- r
H'loniiftc whiHil. lira.li.Htmi at iirrwiii ii kHli',Vt I'mi.l. liw liu
.tti, IrMitnti-nf li'hnily. 8t' l','ii i.iitw "f 'alil.-rm. (tr, u,,ii,
iiylvii.a. tliitfil anil .MHIill. Iliinnn va -nlnm iiliirn Ihi.i
Inimtlii I'i a tn Kur mta)it.i ami iMlur ml itUni. wlilia llm
I'rmriiwl. J. W. Illl.U M. O., I'urtlaiiil. lo s"U- I'' ilmwor IT.
61 rv-i.t- IS.
b eu!d gl out ; M'aluws A Htlo l t'i biys thi
ean do H-ao'l do il figM-lo short
at ll.s
6 tf
Thfy Ar ! "MMril "
MaJws A llatlro, lbs pionr black
smiths, have male srae eli-gtol Itn-
orovsment lo their entalilinhnn-ol aod
a1 ) I a large stock of iroo, horb'e
sod other materisU epiitil l the
bsppine of Ihoss who need qxirk re
pair oo lliir wagoo, bogirles or sny
kind of macbittery. Tln-y bar n
tvrtilKd thir room a i acnommmlst
A report o n fr ra Orol vryboly In the ooontry win I io nd
.i ihr w.til not of rei. r. tio you wni a uor
!. . u .,.I.b II,. oil.rr d.r. plaoted a sl.o I, n.achlos repslrel, l.r s-t or any
cocun.Hir l n l l'"i "o a roo for , thing eUe in Ibeir Itu. yon will find
lbs hooae. but Iwfort b eu!d gl out j
j f b gar !o. lb cieu'r tine over
ilook blm, wotiod aroood his i"g snq
thrsw blm down ; b f so its band io bis
wkt In it bis knif PI1"I "l
eo-ombr I lm be !' The lto of j JJ
Ibi slory isssi'l lf be popnllst, wiiirh j t., t h..i, fsmii,thi n.
.. ..i .... . l..l,iAA. .sJ I !.' MuMtMU 1 'tlrn
niin ii .i " "" ---
Ao eicbsege prii.l Ibe f .llowing
fervfol prayer whirh a r'or.I minister
bale tn Ubalf -f Ml" tulnwl-r:
"(I Law I. it. him d et of Sll augte,
Malbe spy o'H o afar IT. Way bt
1 haus U ds s-P-l pl". 1 L, ',,6",
Si.idelioei.il troth. Nil busartoli.
j g-..il k.U. Swb s heal away b0
teo Lie kne-. b' kt 'J
i dowo io o-.fu l.-n.sime, d'l as ft ft
am ttf-h wati'e j to
au' sol Im
l.f TirK I.Hf.
ttfh At.vrinirD at itr.rirn
r 1
1 1
. j
f ',
&R5, E
I On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
Io fart, sny permo, or p. rsoi.s, rt-M-l.tig wi.liiu
the city limit, or couMy liOj.t. shall bv
canghl riding, or walking, ! tl. " t
VS'ill.onl stopping l Ihe kv mentioned store
will I. Dotitled bf lb City Milil that ll.s
only ple lo Heppner yon ran boy
i 1
i j
Oigar. syrup, barveal gloves, or (Mtrioh ft-athar
ilnler; also some oth.r things, doo't lorgnt to
coll oo
Heppner Outfitting Co.
Cull on
M ! Mi I. ' U'i
Wt, r:ill, ..f !'
Vli.rliwl, I
n.iih, Harry
m l.n.n f.;re H
r, iM.u. f. m.
Hrpl. 1st,
117, ('. H'get,l Will
Model f.trirtit. (f
rutin, an I la I ie' parlor io roitoeeii..n
A Crl r!a wblts r.k will lrplnfl
and lh lMt 2 etit meal lhal II. maf
kl off f U will m ervl. day or oight.
Jt'iring Conrl jurors and others a'teti !
ill I H'.a' id art'l o1rf-l lit it
. . . ... l I .knnt.t bol " tallrt. baf t ter
Tb WM Jeir it vun - . ,. ,,i ,.
. . . . .- t- . ik.- .no. b rea l-. O. Lw1. i''l bita wii -I
r,t per dy. A lrs 'bn to tfsln.
r;i n
l;tb Juwo at tf J tsrl er st' p.
Is at tli Htore of MINOIt k (V). Our etilii
lib ii.oel go to maks f'linii for fall ti k
t t
at hall
At this popular stand and tfet oods
the old prices. I act.
You can Wncjcr Your Sox that You
fire Always nt Home at ....
F Welcome
On Mate Htreel, in City ilotl Hnitding.
Il.ey try lo plea all. Fios elob i'oms In roooet'tioa.
J-rOW TIWAWI), Prop.
Tho GAZETTE, $2,50 A Year for CASH.
loto-el IUSI t, t.. - - - ..I..H .,
..,11... iwt'"
i 2; est li. OttUlsJwets tssoatr. if