Portland Library T OFFICIAL GET IN AND RUSTLE With a. New Summer Ad. The Gazette Does Job Work GET IN AND RUSTLE With a New Summer Ad. The Gazette Does Job ' Work FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUG. 31, 1897. NO. 575 PAPER SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BT THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At $2.50 per year. l.2!S for mi months, 75 ots. :or three montne, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on , Application. 'PH18 PAPKB is kept on tile at E. C. Uake's 1 Advertising Affenoy, 64 and 6Ji Merchants Exohangs, Ban Francisco, California, where oou raata tor advertising can be made fur it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 11 p. m. daily except Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 1:30 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junmioa 3:4U a. m. and ar rives at Heppner 6:1U a. m r 8pokane Express No. leaves Portland at 2:45 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. tu. and Umatilla 9:15 p. m. Portland Exoreas No. 8, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 515 a. m. and Heppn r Junction 8:10 8. m. and arrives at Portland 11:45 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9 p. m. and ar rives at Heppner Junction 8:80 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:40 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:40 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 1:47 a, m. and at Portland 7 :Ct a.m. For further information inquire of J. G. Hart, Agent O. ti i N., Heppner, Ore. OS'X'ICI.A.Xi BIRBOTOBT. United States Officials. P csident William McKinley V'Oe-Vresident Garret A. liobart Beoretary of State..... John Bhorman Secretary of Treasury. . Lyman J. Oage- Becrntary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Beoretary of War BuhhuII a.. Alger Secretary of Navy..., JohnI. Long Postmaster-General. James A. Gary Attorney-General Joseph McKenna Secretary f Agrioulture James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Heoretaryof But H. tt. Kincaid Treasurer Phil. Meteohan Bapt. Puhlio Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman u . ( G. W. MoBride Senators j H Mitchell r, ( Binger Hermann Congressmen W. ft. Ellis Printer W. H. Leeds !R. S. Bean, F. A. Moore, C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Jndge.... Stephen .Lowell 1'ruseout.iug Attorney H. J. Bean Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator , ltepreseutative. ".WW", J. N. Brown ,..A. G. Bartholomew ).B. Howard J, W. Morrow E. L. Matlock Frank Gilliam liounti Judge., ' ("tammiaaionere., J. W. Beokett. " Clerk. " Sheriff " T return rr " Surveyor... School Bup't... '' Coroner A. C. PetUtys J, W, Hornor Jay W. blnploy U. F, Vougban wpwn tnvs rivnaicES. Miyoi -Thos. Morgan iyinni .'men tJonser. Frank Gilliam, Arthnr Minor, K. i. Blocum, Ji I :.l.unll.l .ml T H Himona. u W. A. Kicliardimn Treasurer....' i1 ? Marshal A. A. Huberts Precinct Offleer. k Paaoa W. K. Kichardson Constable N. 8. WheUtone United State band Officers. Turn niiJM. OB- J.t. Mmra .... lWister Keoeiver d w viu. Healste i.a miHDi. on. J.'h'. Robtiins.' Keoeiver SXSBST gOCIETIES. KAWUN8 POST, NO. IL g. a. n. t M at Leiit-ton, Or., th last Saturday of ach month. All veterans are invitou uj yna. O. W. Smith, J. O. F110.DA. Adjutant, tt GoiBtnandiir, Dr. P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURGE0H. Office in the CUy Drug Store, near City Hotel. " D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Office boars, R to 10 e. m , oJ 12 to Is m. at residence. Mrs. II. Welch's property, aod 1U to 12, hi , to 3 to 5 p. tn , at offlos Id Ibe rear of Borg't jewelry store. First National-Bank Of 1IETTNER- - C. A. RH t A, . - PeaeltleM T. A. RMOV. . Vloe Prwsldsnt CCO. W. CONttN, - CasMar B. W. SPtHCCH. Ass't Csahler TranJM'U t Central Banking fa'aca EXCHANGE On all pant oi tbe world Bought and Sold Otlccttoo hmIi oo all P"'"1 " rwsonable Trttia. surplus and nrntlrldud f roflu, $:U.wk no. Notlct of Intention. Udo Orru s at l. oaAtit.i, n.,o Ik'OTK-K l UltRrJV HUT HU lultuvlua n.riH-l ariiirr liM of Ms Iniriittua t( maS tl .n-l In su..r1 i.l his claim, ah.l lhl U. .r'l "111 t i' bli.r J. M. H.itn.n. I i.utily lei., at II '!, Orrgon, on irtlirt . law;. IIKMir VAM'TRI-OOL. Il l K Ko ir tha ' s'id r. H i, n. IIHM'' atrMHrK VI II. intt IN. l"'""'. his nmilfKHm rl t-nr' u.n n l rriil"n l.tMl lUn.l, lf r iff. ItttMtifc. I'l l'f...'t, Tft.f slid lluth l)f. 14 l Hl l'iMf. T M tir. Ixmi It-ark Stag-a liavra llrpt'tirf at 7oVWk, a. tn., Tuea-laya, llintntay , an 1 Halnr 1)t; artivrt at 0 r'tin-k, p. m., Momlsj , UV.tnrw.la)t aad Fil ls). Will Disk ronpefll'oo aitli I rai cb tfsio Lao drirL Far 12. tar-b way. I'r.ibt rcet pr ponu.l. J. II DalUobfofk, iVop. OGW at Harry War r.a t drfid ttors. IJllk (rota Sio.la I 'f bab'a at IbiSbortUofi limti. ttf Goin East? IP YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET Three Important Points- FIRST Go via. St. Paul be cause the Hues to that point will afford you the very beBt service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St." Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. , THIRD For information,, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin Central lines, or address Jas. C. Pond, . or Geo. 8. Batty, Gen. Pas. Agt., General Agent, Milwaukee, Wis. 246 Stark St., Portland Or. H; W. Fall, "proprietor Of the Old Reliable 1 ault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & H., (J. m. s hi. r., u. k a., f. rt. w. & u., and the C St. L. & P. Railroads. RATES 8B.OO FEH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CZTXC-aVO-O. ILL. BTOCR BRANDS, While yon aeep your subscription paid up yen OAs keep your brand in free of charge. Bora. P. O.. HeDimer. Or. Home. V R r.a left snoniaer; oaiuo, same on len nip. Cook. A. J-Lena.Or. Horses. 80on riirhtahnnl der, ('attle, same on right hip: oar mark square crop on leit ana spilt in ngni. Douglass. W. M,. Gallowav. Or.-Cattlo. R 1) an right side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, B D on lerc nip. Elv. Bros.. Donates. Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle same on left hip. holt in ngus ear. Florence. L. A.. HeDDner. Or. Tattl. LF nn right hip; horses. F with bar under on right nouiuor. T TT- IT .....u. TT I ... n j on toe leit snouiaor: oattie oraMdwl J on right hip. also anderbit in left ear. Hangs (a morrow ooanty. , Johnson. Felix. Lnns, Or. Homes. eirnleT on left stifle: cattle, same on riaht hlD. under half arop ta rion win sunt ji left ear Kennr. Mik. HeDDner. Or. Horses hranded KNY on lefthlD settle same and onm oil 1W sari ssner slope on tne rignt Lnahev. J. W. Hennner Or. HnrM hr.nrlMl L and A on left shoulder: cattle same on left hip, wattle over right sye, three slits in right ir. Minor. Oscar, nennner Or. 4, atria. M n on ngnt nip; noma, m on leiisuoniuer. si kiwi . wjt ii t 1 "i'l? u vr. n t inn on left noahlei oUle Mm on left hip t hi tu u tJ M) Osborn. J. W.. Doualas. Or.i horaaa O an lf shoulder; outtls same on right hip. Parker A Gleason. Hardman.Or. Hones IP on lerisnoaiuer. Piper. J. H.. Lnxlntrtnn. Or. -Horses. IK eon. naottid on lef t shoulder: eattla, aam on lef hip, andnr bll In eeah ear. Hector. J. W., Ilim.r. Or. Hones. JO loft shouldor. Cattle, Oon right hip. Room. K. G Hsntmer. Or. Cattla W 11 m left hip, crop off right and andnrhit in left year, dew lap i Imrae W Con left shonldor. Thotnpaon, J. A., Heppner, Or. Hones, Son left alioul.W: cntlls. 'iio left ahcraliW. Tamsr K. W Hnpiinsr. Or. Minatl capital T left shuoldar, bnnns; oat lie saun on loft hip i Mi apii in unin aara. Wa'tnoburger. W, J.. Oallowar. Or.i homes quarter cirri. JW on right shoulder; oat tie quarter eircle J v on right hip and rigid are, rmp and hole in left tar. Itangt in Morrow and vmauiie oouuuea. Notice of Intention. Land Orru a it Tus Dallss, Onrook. An 4th. I'"7 X,OTirB IS HRRKRY OIVK.N THAT 1 ME A fiillowliig-nsniivl selll.r has til ml nolle. of his Intention lo makt Dual proof In support of hta claim, and that said proof will be made nriorti. v. morrow, routiiy elera, at lleliuner Ongou, oil Hiii, mh, iwf, vis: JOHN p. LOt'Y. Record etiirr John lour. lid. F.ntrr No. ftOJJ for the HH Mec n. lp I S K it. K. VY. M. lis namea uit oiioliig wlluear.a to prove nis eouiiiiuoua rraioi-iHa uiin alii ru iivallon of said laud, til. Juat-ph II. Kllllna, ll.nry riikloe. John A. iiarl.ke and Itdward Hollo- way, all of Douglas, Oregon. iAiu r. m'hikp:. e-fj0 R.gi.ur. Notice of Intention. Lars Orru s at Tin Dam s. Orcoim. ah. i. VOTli K I H F.RKBV (IIVKN THAT 1 II K iv fiillnauif n.inr.1 M.I Hit haa flle uxlli. id hlalnt.-iitlon li tnaR. final proof In supfrt of hl.rlU'n. and thai sold prwf a III Ix mad. ! lore i, n. Morrow, l ouniy I I. rk at II' d'hi f .rjvw'w.un rep,, vm, i.,vi.: JOHN A. HAkBKf . li t r.n-rt Sn, fli (or tht Mt. y., Tp. I N Ht. R. M . M M naiiwa Ilia ('dlnwlig wllnr - lo pror. hU coal Iti ooiis ri-alil.iic. iikiii a"1 rulllvailun .if Mli land. l: Jivt.h II rllaln. Henry riltlns. John I' liny, l.dwar l Hollow ay. ail oi iMiogiaa, iir. r'Ui. JA1. F. M't'Htr. m an h gi.i.r, The rejrnUr tutiaonjitiou rn-a of tba Sotnl-Wt kly (itsetU la f j .V) tml tbe regular ri ol the Wrekly Orrironlafi Isfl.TrO. Any out anbftcribfnf (of Ut Uatette ami faring fr ot year it eilvanr ran Ixdli the (lai.lla anil W. aly Ur..ot,ikD for All oil tut arrilxrt pa) leg thrir sntiarrlf.flons fi out year lo a lvaoie will t entitle.! u Ihaaam ll'l iih.r to I'ctiJi.ion via ll.ppti.r Krbontaga I.iu. IVraona (t.tfnn of viailina I'.ndielon ran tavt tlm sn nuitiey l y tatit g lla ront. ! ait JMa.l1.tir.aT tb atfent Ilia ffl'"l rv.ll tnt; fhe .taa" 111 n.ak. roulirrii .ti wilt, i o'lloi a train at I -In fur IVn ll.ton Olioa at City I'fllg Mot. V, l, I ,..., IV"t,ri.t.ir. t Walt. Tb'imton fiine tt .-f) IItl n.f and Ioiiatn.t,t, arrivlr f f; Jy rot t Xl.in laj at I leaviria? av.rjr day eio.t t au lay, Kbrtot an. I rbap- eat foqtf to the l.lcftof. J. hlou. jol. The Lancashire Insurance Go. OP MANCHESTER, BNQIAND TIS CATTERSON. AGENT. oo oi s SEVEN: VicClurc A New Life-of Grant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of Grant ever published., (Begins lu December.) Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous. ' "(Begun in November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevensou's still unpublished (Begins in May.) Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana -was for three of the most critical years of the Civil War practically a member fitted than any other man living to give an recollections and correspondence. Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them oi portraits it w luiennea hi puDiirn special Diograpnioai studies uuaer me general utie oi MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under Stories of Adventure. A serial by CON AN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary luiunv iur myBwjry sua ingenuity wnicn nave, a piuce uesiue roe ana uaDoriau TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN M ACLAREN, All the fiction that he will ui mo couinouuons to anomer pupucatiou appear tn McCluke's Magazine. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new kb. doit, ana tne -xittie Mr. Tnimbiednger" storiesii . . ; RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous, ", Kioling will contribute to McCirjEK's all of the short stories he will write during the coming year. OCTAVE THANKT is preparing for the Magazins a series of short stories in which the same cuaracters win appear, aunougn eacn win De complete tn iiseir. i Anthony Hope Bret Hart " Robert Barr Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell will all have stories in McClcbe'b for the coming year. These are only a small fraction of the great and io'ji, we subscription priee oi wnicn is only . One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this nuinber. : The S. S. McClure Co:, New :York. A Campaign Of Education How to Get It .For Mtlim UHPflRSLLELED OFFER mmate skill. 8uh a paper It a great popular Dome, The subscription price oi Lesllt'a It II pe nniun. Wa maka tha linnarallalad oHnr of a ruin, nf , Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi-- Weekly one year for only $5.00. No such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be mad W again. The two papers make a mot acceptable Christmas or birthday !j gilt, and will tie constant reminders of the flrer's kindness, C Remit by postal order or check to the TSaW JL -aV JVe n Iloiipiier, Oregon, ft TPI- WEEKLY I 110 MONTHLY Outlook Published Cvery Saturday 13 Astor Place New York Tbe Outlook will be la K'7, at it bun Ueo during i-aob of Ma twrt.ty tir.n )ftrt, a History (if Our Own Tnui t. In it varum ediloral il.(rlmipt Tba! Oiitbxik give a comt ant review f lb. or.' ircigrpaa; II follow with fare! all tba importaut l,ilMbro.io ami in. dnatriitl rtiov.tiji'Ot of the day; baa a r'.iullrlc ilrparlliirtit (if relltfioiia new; ilrVot.s limcb .a e In tba luterrala of tbe li' im ; reviews curr.nl literature; form-!. (bewrful tabta-lalk alKinl n..a at.il tblni: and, In tbort, aitnt tn ifivr frrsb inloriutfloa, rrigmal oti-i-rvatmo, etui reasons!. I eiitrrtaintneot, VIoiiid, with tbe fifty Cifth volume, lb pajx'f a ill ae.iirn lb f.giilar na:a sine wbirb will all grratly to It e.,fnri, bro ard ttre ivn.a, 1 (.. 0'ilU k la i nl i.... vr Hiltiiilay . fifty to ixiie a year. Tba first ia.it la each mnntb i an l'ltitrt. Mraim Nuitilxf. n .Maililr, Nut t l a in a or lttr aa tba . Miliary Imu, IciiILoi lib a !'. auntttrf of ii I'tf... Ilia tfifenf Tba O'lll.wk ta tli d .liar a f In atfanea, of 1, .t Iti ret t a (lay. H.. f ir a f.flia e t y a1 i, istfat - "I tft-r)fti to lUm OqtliKttr, 13 A'of I l iana, Ne T f I Cltt. tue Beat mme Wor,d Magazine For 1897 GREAT SERIALS of Lincoln's Cabinet, and Is probably better authoritative history of this period from his ... unpublished. In connection with this series the editor's direction. in me "auerioo. uoimes stories, given mm write during thecoming year, with the exception wnicn were engaaea irom jinn long ago, will animal stories id the' same field as the "Brer Important features of McClubk'8 Magazins for To be educated one must read the best literature. The best literature it expensive. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly. PubUsncd at 110 ' rifth Avenue, New Vork, Is full of the best things. Its Illustrations are superb; It stories uharmtns': and It lttorarv 'JS departments are edited with con- fj educator. It should be In every VV - - . . IT. SUMMOXS. IN TIIR flKr i lT filfltT fif Til K HTATK s oi lire, ii ii, iur Morrow I oiinly. W. I. I.r.l. II K. Kin. aid and I'll 1 1 Mel., haii, tint H.Mird of roinnii.aioiM.ra, etc , I'lnlnlllla, J. H. flM.fry, H. V. H(rry, - atH-rry. the 'in. Hon Until, ..i t and N I. Itallnn I olMiaiiv and I' ('. I lnoni.io. lM-fndatila. To J II Ni-rry, H. V -.. ic) and nt ry, in in. nam. oi in Mnir ol iirviioii : You ar. liiTcliy ri"jinfi-l lo ap. f and an.w.r in. roiiiiiin mi aai-,i f.n in II... al.n mlltl'-l anil, on or l f l. II,. Aral Oar of lb. or li- r in o Tit. a'MO . ctilll li'.l c.Miri. In all, Mo'idav. Id. Slh d of l)tcn,l r - r. atid It fmi fall mi fo a.rr and an.wi.f, for nl t',. i.,,, tl, ,,.lni,i. aii s,.iy lo IN. ""in " Ki.in in. r.ll-l ! nan. I i) In .H ru plaint. I., wl yt a )u.ln,nl an I d. trt asainai ou fur lh um f I w.i and Inl.Mtl II, . r..n r, ,1,1 Jnl I.l I-.'.' ui IIik ral. u nslil l--r rf t, i4.f aiiuiini, lh aunt ut tt'.i aifurit.'i. I. a at,. f.,i ih. oiMtasiid itiiurart.,i. uf ii.ta anil and f.,r a oV.f. -.te-. ,oi,ii, nmrlirair. mad.. ir-n(.. and di-ll.r.d hy .i.n,. ,,i,.ii j hj-rij and a V. i.rry, lu .iainiiii nn 11.. mm, aln r. .no, ail, p air-l In Mnrruw rittifr. aiai. of iifrs'.ti lu a it a.nilh hall of It. a l,n!U.! qu.rlnf and BHirth nan ni iii. i.iiii,k.i ,rla,iri ,4 ju a,, tiail ol . 'iU,. ijnari.r nf an- ain.lfof lit .i.tlliaial i,.ari.r of ar I, atmihap.1 1'iari.rul liuflliarvl nnartrr IK . a walia .! nuarlrr i.f suhIIivmI UM'I.I III 'ana. l Onrlt, hall of ,i,r t ti.-at .(,inrfrf slid smith 'inan.r ui lHrtll..al .m.n.f i.l a. a aHiti.a.i f,iarl.r ul hutinwt 'iiafl'-r and finfllt ,a f u ..inlt.a.at i,,.af'.-r ol ft and It., 'ltlna. tariff ,f a.'iiln (,i.rirr uf a. I in u,aii,i. a, . , ,11, i.iif. y,. f. W H , ft- .M- in lit. ufl.c i ul ll.r is.n i.It r i.-f k uf aal.l M..r. nMinir, In n..t "I '" uf M,.ll.a.M ai ui ., i . Ui .1, .aid bf.on iMand t 11,. i....,,, a.) I a.1. lu II,. i mr., irfaiH I'i'IcimiiI. albifuais I -a, twi ..,'1 i ,. r.ni,,i, I hM .nit, imu,.. Iaarri1 n(-.t i,i l.irnanf f'1 ait Ol Iff ul li.. II, lu. ,.!..... A l...i, in lnuf II,. .1-... , 0, ,., ,.,,, ,!. .,j nl. lt d In .a4 .il n Ibm i,H 1 nf ) fiiu.as a V i r t a- f ji M 57 Alt., f"i In! Man, Hta Ttacher$' lamination. N'Tn it nrniKy iiiiM t n at ru all t. a a i-.. t... r ..it. in. M ,andl iiau. I,,, I... I..,. i, , , ,,, ,,,,, ,,,.,. tM Mat, MtUi.,M IM.'l.f ;ihu lt. M If l.ii'M .irii.i...,.i ii.. ,. ,i .i 1 1.,. , iM-.i.a.,. a-...., .1 ti . ... ,.i t...... al II. i 1 ...' f II,. a ,.l a. I.,: ' a " JV ', l.r.,1 a ll . ... 1 Ay ti ,l.ii)i j ' bno or bar a wiltt I . ! I t) (i,t . . $5.00 AN INDIAN LEGEND. Bow the Mojave Explain the Division of the Races. The inystery BujrToundinp; the oriirin of the Indian race is greatly enhanced by listening to some ol the quaint leg ends, says the Los Angeles Herald. Here is one of them," related by the older men of the Mojave tribe: "At the time of the Mojave, the white man, the negro, and all other people lived together with their god, Mule velia, whose mother was the earth, and whoae father the heaven. ' "They were all supplied with food, clothing, and many luxuries. Besides these they had tools and all kinds of im plements and machinery to work with. "Everything was manufactured, and especially matches. "One day Mulevelia died, and all the people, excepting the Mojaves, fled, aft er looting the camps of everything they could lay their hands on, not even leav ing a match. "Here was a pretty state, of affairs, and the dead god awaiting cremation! "There seemed to be no other alterna tive than to dispatch a messenger for a spark from one of the brilliant lu minaries of the upper region, and acoy ote was sent to a star for some fire. "After a long time he returned with out success, and so hungry that hej tried to eat up the dead god. "Mastanho, the man, sat by rubbing willow sticks together, and produced fire, which they used in burning up Mulevelia. . "After the cremation, which took place somewhere near Fort Mojave, the mountains at the foot of the canyon parted and the Colorado flowed through and swept the ashes away. "Mastanho now became chief nd di vided the Indians into tribes end gave, them their allotments of land." FACTORY WAGES IN RUSSIA. Barely Sufflciont to Keep Soul and llody Together. ' As for the distribution of wages, the pay of a woman amounts to tl:ee-quar-ta.-rs of that of a man, t hat of a boy on girl of 12 to 17 years to one-half, that of a child under la years, to one-third of a grown man's wages, says the Catholic World. The advantage arising for the factories from women's and children's wages is such that no humnnitarian at tempts have been as yet able to solve that harassing problem in any civilized country. But as the wages of working men in Russia are absolutely reduced to a minimum and scarcely aufllcient to keep soul and body together for more than. 13 tiours' toil it is a cruel tuwli gross injustice to cut working women's wages by a third, since the first nocea- saries of life are alike in men and wom en regardless of sex. The monthly wages of an adult laborer, man or wom an, in England are 2a (124.05 per cent), in America 4 4-5 (379.14 percent.), time greator than the wages of a like luborer In the Moscow factories. Since, however, the duration of working time in the three countries is different, Mr. Dtuientieff boa reduced the compari son of wages jier hour and come to the conclusion that wages in England are by 284.5 per cent., in MonsacbuHctta by 423 per cent, higher than tliowe in, the Moscow factories. If we make agoo allowance for the higher contof living tu America which, however, la to be understood cum gramo salia, only tho lux uric of life beitag deurei' here, not, the necesHnrleti, like.meat, flour, breed, still no comparison can m drawn twt-en the mode of living of an Amir I coo and a ItusMlitn laborer. MUSTACHES IN FAVOR. Hat a Few Decade Ago Tb.y TVar I'a popular. "In tbe CO yen I bnve lived in New York," mild lilt octogenarian tai a re porter of tlm New Vrk Mail ninl Ex preas, "1 have never aren. hiieb varia tion lu the atylca of wearing the um tarbe. Why, it eein tbut evervlanly truina uinl nm tin in hh iiu u'lvcrtiHo ItH lit fur tbelr vnrlolia proft-aniuiiit. J'Ih broker, tbe Uuiber, tbe Bmrt, tbe Imni liehH mull, etc., wem to uilojit .tali's of tbeir own. "Tnlliiiig of iiiu-tni ln a n'iniiic of tin lillie wbefi ( 'mi ni 1 1 f , 1 1 I nn reiiii. ( .NVw York from r'4'yptiii Ji:i7 wearing a big blin k, drooping lnil(.ta Ii.. ,- w:ia biokeil iivui in a eiiriio.it', mid it v. on wiiiie Jenra biter lnfore the iitit jii'hu was griierully inloplnl. When I whs a boy the lnllhllli In- VIM loo ki d tiiiti r vulur and iiiofiMrotia arid tiiiln i oiiilng a gvtiiii'inan "I be often biH my father talk about tbe Ititr'xlii' tion of the flrat inn. Isiclm in New York. A gentleman re. turm il fr'.iu i:uroir, mi the story g-m, In IHio. a ai rubliy looking nuiAto. ,q a'jormni mi iipr up. 1 1, ehim were atilc k-n dumb, lie wn rblieub d, rrilieiiieil aful apurfinl, ami wa finally rouiiiriica to tfiato 11 off in .pair," Ta staaMian. Tbe Iluaaiana are Iw lietnl t have orifiiiata-d from tbe Mainiiiau tribe railed the Iliiailanl, alxiiil t,e ChrinUari era. At a Lifer rial they were ata. raJletl M uarol itra, frxtrt M'aaa-'lW, tbelr Icail rtf il) , The stale w aa f'Mi m)vI liy liurie. aa.J A. I. ltiia.il. all dmhy tint',1 11 '.T, wt.rn II .i..n,r tl.r Ifraii-I il e by i f S Imliimr, r.n, ni,li,(f 'Kb lirit.l I whr-ti it waaralli I Die gmtl'l (liM liy III M-i.ni. ,w : a a t ruler lirptin lrll 1 1, tn 1 tsara in li',2. I"i twr Ui f.rrst a4iiiici ihr title of rrfiri.r In I'.a'i. Trylaf Owe M.dli-laa, The aaernge ng iif d' tor I itmrh i!ftirr than that nf any nlf.rf ratlitiaj It i I lti.il, f.ft Tbnf rral no! ircifraiala, rot i.l, o t" r oii,i .ii . . ,, tlat 1 r. a4 it,' r I la I imal rf i m i,,na i i w i' h 1 1 ' r ' ii i.f s A it i is a, .d I r ,t .i rtiia I I ' a j i. rl h' ar C!f III .,,. . 1 i n t.i I i f i i i ln!,,i:i l a an ar' ' ". "' ti 'I em ry I r i ," br aaut, I t - t- i .i, j.'n.i.t ! 1 ' 1 . . r a' ) -1 aa ! . .,. i f v I! " I i Deafness Cannot Be Cured By local applications, as they cannot reaoh the diseased portion of the err. There is only one way to onre deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by sn inflamed con dition of the mnoous lining of the Eustachian tube. When this tube gets inflamed yon have a rumoltegr sound or iinperfeot bearing, and when it is entire ly olosed dpsfneBS is tbe result, and un less the inflHmmation can be taken out Rnd this tube restored to its normal oon ditiou, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Hiarrn, wnicn is notbing but an inflam ed condition of tbe muoons eorfaoeb. We will Rive One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that oaonot be oored by Hall's Oatarrb Onre. Send for oiroulars, free. F.J. CHENEY &UO., UTSold by druggists, 75o. Toledo, O. In reporting the death of Mrs. Elvira A. DuBois, sister of Mrs. John Jenkins, of this place, the Gazette made several errors and for the benefit of the family we make the oorrectioos. Mrs. DuBois was 54 years of sge and waa a native of Wieoonsin. About 15 monthB ago she oame to Heppner in quest of health, bat after remaining bere some months, she seemed to grow worse. She decided to go to tbe Willamette valley, but after a stay of shout two months she died of oanoer tronble, at tbe residenoe of Dr, Billiogton, at Eugene, Or. Her remains were embalmed and shipped to Heppner for interrment, tbe funeral taking place at 4 o'olook Friday evening. Her for mer home was at Neenah, Wisconsin. Small preoantions often prevent great mischiefs. De Witt's Little Early Risers are very small pills in size, but are most effective in preventing the most serious forms of liver trouble end 'stomaoh troubles. They onre oonatipntiou and headache and regulate tbe bowels. For sale by Oonser & Brook. The Grandest Remedy. Mr. R. B. Greeve, meruhant, of Ohil- bowie, Va., certifies that be had con sumption, was given up to die, sought all medical treatment that money could procure, tried all oough remedies he oould bear of, but got no relief; spent many nights sitting np in a ohsir; was Induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and wn cured by use of two bottles. For the peat three years bas been attending to tiusineM, and says Dr. Kintr's New Dis oovery Is the grandest remedy ever made as it lias done so muoh for him and also for others In bis oommnnitv. Dr. Vinn'a V . Tli.nn.n.u 1. . 1 ....up v tiiHuuici i ,a Kiinmijieoti, for Congbn, Colds and consnmptiou. It don't fail. Trial bottles free at Oonser brock' drag store. J. L. Kincnid oame op from lone this morning to consult bis physician, Dr Hwiuburne, who dressed Mr. Klnoaid'. tnnmb which be had out of! with ao as about two week ago. Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Dinr- rboea remedy always affords prompt re lief. For sale by Conner ti Brock. Mark M. Boyed, foreman of tbe Samp ler News, who recently had bis Angers ornnbed lo tbe press, had tbe ends of two Anger amputated at Baker Oily last week. Mark held down tbe oases In tbe Guzette c flioe tome months ago. For Constipation take KHrl't Clover Tea, the great Blond I'uriflir, cure bendaflbes, NervoiiHDeHS, Eruption on the face, and mnket tli.i head at clear ae a bell. Sold by Outer k Block. i Long Cnek KKle: T. U. Lyons, Heppner' prominent attorney, bat taken bis departure for Juneau, AUaks, to HN.iiniH the ill tn of tuwimito cnuimia- inner. The "ItiryollHt'H I!, at Friend" is a familiiir name fur DeWiM'a Witch lUr.el Halve, nlw) ready for pinergeiifie). W hile a pi c illn fur pile, it also iimtuut- ly relieve and rnre mil, bruiar, alt rbriitn, erz, inn arid til kflVotmii nf the tkin. It in vet fail. Fur KhIu by Cmiaer A- Brook. laofig Cn ek i;.le: Geo. Itmler niade a liiialuret trip tn Heppner last Week tu look after tba Wool market. Teller, S.il.iruin and lU'ieina. Tlm liitenae ttiiiiiig iiii'lsnmrtlii, lnc. dent to llii'M.iliM iim a, In liiHtntitly allayed by applying l.'liMtulN-rbiiii'a l-'.ye and Hkin Oiiitin,.,t. Many very bad taw a have Iwon xTiiiarieiitly c nrnl by It. Jt U win.illy elhVli ntfor Iti blng pile and a fiivoiitu rmninly fur aorn ii I j , t , . -m , t bnpied baiida, billibilna, frnat bit and i bronli: aor eye, ill i ta. .er bo. !r. Cad'a (imilltlon 1'imilim, are jti.t what a hnrmi liei when In bud coinlitlnn. Tonlii, MikhI purllier and VermlfiiKo. They are not food but iiii'llrliin and the I--.I In iimi to y boran in prlniw nmilitluii. I"rk: Hit relit a.r paw k. laong ()fe.k LfU: lUport ara that ronaideralile ilvelnitiien work it being don on tti enal proicl oa tba John Day rifar. Hum nc.lli t,l eoal I helt.? Iakn mil. CATARRH ta LOCAL DISEASE la ) mvH sna Sta4aa tkaaaa ca, ll .a k. r-..4 I f . ,MaaHt fly aa. k I. at v 4 b ai f it ii.. Im. ' I-" f aaaM it g'.la -I M .""a. Ely's Cream Balm bae, iq h. ii ssoas ib..H,rt ran f. 'aaal aiaa.li. I "4 la M4 S4 i lla, f ata. ..f ' ...aL I I ,4lNl ' ''p,,f "n "'""'' I t. v 3 t f I . I Y I O, I'. Jobnaori wa "--I. It .maa4waa I, a .a I tan i,4 i.,ai,...ii.,iii.aMM, .i. wt e.-.v- t iw,, i, , n,, 4. t.a.1 liKWlaii.ai, aftaai.l,l. tw POWDER Absolutely Pure THE PETITION GRANTED. For a Topographs and Geological Harvey of Eastern Oregon. Home time ago Mr, B. F. Wilson, reg- ' isterof tbe United Stales land offioe,: formulated a petition to the interior de partment asking a topographio and geo logical survey of that portion of Eastern . Oregon lying between tbe base line and ' the third standard parallel; extending westward from . Snake river, says the r Long Creek Eagle. Mr. Wilson is in receipt of a letter from the department stating that the oeoeseary steps bad been taken for such a survey,, Tbe determination of an initial astronomic; point will be undertaken early in tbe fall at a point near Baker City. Sufficient triaognlation will pro bably be executed daring the season to provide for tbe aotive oemmenooment ' of topographio work next year, and tbe geological work will follow in the ordi nary oourse of events. Practise Economy In buying medicine as in other matters. It is economy to get Hood's Sarasparilla because there is more mejiomal value in Hood's Sarsaparillo than in any other. Every bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla oontains 100 doses and will average, taken acoording to directions, to latt a month, while others last bat a fortnight. Hood's Fills are the only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Easy and ef&oient. A Remarkable Performance. Frank and Walter Holly left Buokley, IV. nil ... . k ! I. . 1 .' 1 u., uu w yiuspeuilllg eapautuon into Mount Taooma recently. Walter re turned oarryiog tbe dead body of Frank, He bad oarried the body 85 miles through a jangle of Ar trees and brush, auu wiidd ue arrived ai nnoKiey be waa oearly dead. Frank Holly aooideotally abot bimsolt while coming down a bill, bis Injuries proving fatal, necessitating bit brother carrying bis body boms on bit baok. A llrsiarkable Core for Chronic Dlsrrhiea. In 1802, when I served my oountry at a private lo Company A, 107tb Peoo. tylysnis volunteer, Iooutraoted ohronio diarrhoea. It hat given me a great deal of trouble ever tinoe. I have tried a dozen different medicines and several prominent doctors without any perma nent relief. Not Ion; ago a friend tent me a sample bottle of CbnmberlHin'i Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, nml after that I bought and took a 50 cent bottle; and uow I cao lay that I am entirely cured. I ouiinot be thankful enough to yon fr this great remudy uuil recommend it to all suffering veter an. If lu doubt write mo. Your grate fully, lleury Stelnberger, Alleutoan, l'a. Sold by Conner & Brock. F,. O.: Jame Neil nf tlilt city bat maile a gold dimiovery in tbe John Day mountain. He went out there with Fred Oliver, Niinther old gentleman, but tbe latter eaine bofim. Mr. Neil kept on hi search for mineral Immure, and ban bloated a olaim from wbiitli be took outtn in two bou n. He tbinkt it will yietd big pay Willi development, and name back to Feiiillelon after another stock of iippli"H. Tbit be has scoured, and lis aga.o started fur tbe mountain to work bis prospective Klondike. If you have ver teen a little child in e pari'iyato of lumping oough, or if you have been annoyed by a constant tick ling in lb throat, you oati appreciate the value of One Minnie Cough Cure, wbmb give inii k reliof. Hold by Con er k Itrork. a V.. ().: A. (1. Bartholomew, oonoly juiignf Morrow oouiity, in tha oily tbi morning no hi return from tba Oakiilale rotiforenre. II went up lo Milton on the freight tu viil old friend, having formerly rwn led there. Mop that rough! Take warning. It may lcl lo consumption. A 'i'o bot tle of Hhilnb' Our may tav your life. Hold by CiHier Jt Brook. i IOflg Creek K.agle: D. C. It.twtiaf, father of Mr. Joe Msaturaon, ancom. ( anled by bit family and Mr, Dreaaer, cam over f r am ll.pi ner Tburtdty of laet week. I ' Dr. John W. ltaamut, of th IWdlwbt I -Hi Hop cigar tu If ovr fr ira JLn ' A. t of ray, formerly of l.oJIstoO, I I ,,t..,.,l .... . 1. . t.l l,.,l,. .1,.,.. In e- "V ........,- lb nil stand on tba Mttlock coroafa Wu k slrlutl; Dfst Ol. Lad oa bitu. 8 t