Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 27, 1897, Image 3

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    Almost Blind
Scrofula Affects the Eyes-Little
Boy Treated by an Oculist With
out Rellef-But Now He Is Well.
. When my little boy was three months
old his eyes became very sore and he was
almost blind. I took htm to an oculist
who treated him for six months, and left
him as bad as he was at the beginning.
Finally Hood's Sarsaparilla was recom
mended and I began giving it to him.
In less than three weeks he was able
to go into the sun without covering
his eyes, and today his eyes are perfectly
well, and his ears and nose, which were
badly affected, are also well. Hood's
Sarsaparilla has certainly done wonders
lor my boy." Mrs. Jambs R. Paintbe,
Amador, California. Remember
the One
True Blood
Purifier. All druggists. $1, six for $5. Get Hood's.
rwn are the only pills to take
nOOa S FlIIS withHood's Sarsaparilla.
Take Notice.
L The sum of five oenU per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notioes, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue Is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and mado known
upon application.
Now that the great political oampaign
is over and the winter season again with
us, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long evenings. Cognizant of this the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE $2.50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, $1.50 13.50
" 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.75
" N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 8,00
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 50c. 2.50
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00
Death of as Estimable Young; Lady
Miss Ida E. Stevenson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Andy Stevenson, who reside
abont 8 miles from town on Willow
creek, died at the Palsoe hotel early
yesterday morning. Miss Stevenson
wbb aboat 18 years of age and had been
afflioted with a malady resembling sp
pendioitis for some months past, bnt
being under the care of a good physician,
the disease, it appears, was under con
trol nntil a sadden change for the worse
set in a few days ago. Realising that
ber condition was precarious, she was
bronght to town where sbe conld get
every possible attention from ber attend
ing physician and everything possible
was done to relieve the sufferings the
young lady endured. A sudden change
Wednesday, however, made her condi
tion critical and it became apparent that
she could not survive very long. On
yesterday morning her spirit left its
earthly habitation Biid 8 peed on wings
of peace to her heavenly home above.
Her sister, Mrs. Fred Crawford, of
Pendleton, was telegraphed for and she,
in company aitb Mr. Crawford and a
brotl er of the deceased, arrived in
Heppner this morning to be present at
the funeral. Rev. E. P. Green, of this
place, conducted the funeral services in
an oppropriate manner. Mies Stevenson
wbs well known tr everyone in Heppner
and surrounding oonntry, was loved and
esteemed by all who knew ber, and her
untimely death was a terrible shook to
bpr family and friends.
Her remains were interred in the
oemetery at this place, followed to tbeir
last resting place by a large and sorrow,
ing concourse of sympathising friends
-i'! W.
A True Nerve
Tonic and Blood Purifier
Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood,
Regulates the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys.
iViv be had oivry at
Heppner, Oreg
Banday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Clnises No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
Kpworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
fraver maeting, Thursday, 8 p. m.
The Spirit and the brie nay. Coma."
The pastor may be fonnd at tile panumagn ad
joining the church, whore he will be slad to
moot any wN may desire to commit him on
religions, social, civio, philosophic, educational,
or auy other subject.
J. W. KLE8HER, Minister.
Here and There.
i Al Binns is still quite siok.
All low shoes at oost al Minor & Uo's
W. E. Brook has returned from Bump
ier. Shorthorn dairy for best milk and
Cream. 67tf
John McCarly was up from Portland
O. E. Redtteld returned from Portland
this morning.
A. II. Holdmao, of Onito, Ohio, was In
town yesterday.
A. J. Weiler, of New Tork, was doing
the city Tuesday.
llanoua Is still on the furf donig a lit
tle carpenter business. tf
T. H. Smith, wool buyer, arrived in
lbs oily this morning.
Minor t Co. have just received one oar
of Fisb Bros.' wagons. . 2
J. A. Kirkbam, of Sao Francisco, was
in Heppner Thursday.
Heppner Outfitting Co., in the old
llerreo stand, see adv. a
Submit your plana to Rsnous before
giving out your contraol. tf
Statements for tba Famous Simple
Aooonot Fits printed al tba Ositte of
Mrs. P. D. Mclworua and daughter
returned this morning from Long Beaoh,
Tba floes! line ot ladies' low shoes to
Heppner now offered at cost at Minor
A Co's. 2
M. Frieder, ths robber stamp fleod,
Isfl bil Ineligible litipreesion lo lb city
tbla week.
Tba Hop Hold keg beer al tba Wei
come. Go la, )o thirsty denizen, and
eee tbe bet, tf
A cool wave bss beeo kind enoogh to
lf lha bot weather in te abade lb
paat few da) I .
raobe, watermelooe enl alt frnils
of tba season arriving dally at lb
Oreoge Frt nt. M-tl
A. Abrabkinatrk nitenipletre taking
trip through Iba tnterlr anon, "vat
dat matter Is."
Mleor k C. beta reeeivrd lo tba leal
eight days ever 1 10 (H0 worth l a"rt-
ed mf rcb&tl. t
I'.raed tns lt from whole bet fl.or
I Mr. Lfr'e bakery. Pr ealt
atoea f P. C. TbnmpMfi Co. 2 S
Dan Matifiv. who shot by Jaflob
Pratil at Tba Ialle abnnl a week ago,
died of bia wooade WadoaeJer.
tWat aMnmrnodatiod aod eourUoos
Ireslmeel at lb imperial Hotel, Seventh
eel Weab. Ba., Portland. Orrgoa.
I. R. C. l)ae-toa, f Portlaml, rep
tMattag tba llraal Nurlti'm railroad
otapaoy, arrived li ll'ppear tbia
TbuM mhn ll I " ebouM a"!
ffs.l tbal C F-. 1U.
irmrtnt. al rly 10
aaf time.
tVa A War. wall' faa- y lfkle end
eeoaJ rn. rdw-el pr.
Cbas. H. Doad came In from Portland
this morning.
S. A. Abbott, of somewhere, was an
arrival on this morning's train.
The Indian moaning of the word
"Klondike" is "plenty of fish." The
suokers are all rushing that way now.
Congressman Ellis went below last
Tuesday evening to meet the remainder
of the delegation in the settlement of
Oregon patronage.
In the Butte races Aug. 24, I-Don't-Enow
took seoond money in the five
furlongs dneh, with Lena first and May
W, third. Time, 01 Jf.
Every new subscriber of the Qazette
from this date, May 25, 1897, will receive
as a premium a book worth alone the
price of the subscription. tf
Old Sport is conspiouous for bis ab
sence in these columns tbis week. He is
probably out of "eonp," but keep your
eve on Dim. tie hasn't (brown up bis
Ben Swaggart wanta to rent 600 acres
of farming land to soma good man for
two years. Will furnish implements,
teams, etc Address him al Lexington,
or call at ranoh. 73-4
Karl's Clover Rjot Tea is a pleasant
laxative. Regulates the bowels, purities
the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy
to make end pleasant to take. 25 cts
Sold by Oonser & Brock. y
To beal the broken and diseased tis
sues, to sootbe the irritated surfaces, to
instantly relieve and to permanently
cure is the mission ot DaWitl's Witob
Hazel 8nlve. For Sale by Oonser
The boom of prosperity baa struok
New Tork. A bosbaud, aooordiog to
report, was aoid by bis wife for 825,
caah in band. The ohanoes are b
would not bave brought two bits nnder
tbs Clavelaod administration.
No man or woman oao enjoy Ufa or
aooompliah much in tbia world while
suffering from a torpid liver. De Witt's
Witch Hsr.te Salve. II soothes, strength
ens and bsals. Il is the great pile oure.
For sale by Oonser ft Brook.
Just received at Minor A Co.'a from
maonfaoturera, one oar ef the celebrated
Fish Bros.' wagona, haoks, boggles and
buokboarda. These goods were not
bought frrro any jobber but direct. Call
aod examina when io need of tba above.
The WroDg Boy.
At a country sohool in Harney county
one of the directors is a olergymao, says
the Malheur Oazatte. He sent word
that be, with the other directors, would
visit the sohool last Friday. The teach
er, a young girl, was desirous of making
good impression, so she drilled the
children carefully as to just what to say
on the ocoasion ot the visit. The first
boy was to be asked, "Who made you?"
His reply was to bs "God." The second
boy was to be asked, "Who was the first
man?" His answer, of oonrse, was to
be "Adam." The appointed hour oame,
and in ber flurry the teacher failed to
notioe that tbe first boy wbs absent.
Sbe walked over and asked, "Johnny,
who made you?'' "Adam," yelled tbe
urchin. "No! Nol Johnny; Qod made
you." "No be dido't. The boy that
Qod made stayed borne today.
The Only All-Rail Route Without
Change of Cars Between Spokane,
Rossland and Nelson. Also between
Nelson and Rossland, daily except
Leave. Arrive.
810 A. M Bpokane n;i i'. m.
11:00 A. M Kossland :40 P. M.
9:10 A. 11 Nelson 0:45 r. M.
Close connections at Nelson with steamers for
Easlo, and all Kootenai Liake points.
Paasengera for 'Kettle Klver and Boundary
Creek connect at Marcus with stage daily.
Fire at Pilot Kock.
A disastrous fire ooonred at Pilot Rook
Wednesday morning, destroying tbe
Star hotel, two dwellings owned by An
tone Nolte, a dwelling owned by Madi
son Jones, andLeRoy'a blacksmith shop.
Tbe fire was confined to tbe south Bide
of the street, and only soorobed the
buildings on tbe north aide, among
which stood Nolte's saloon. It cannot
be learned whether anyone bad loeur
anoe except Mr, Nolte, who carried
8500. Tbe Star botol was owned by
William Manioo.
Now Prepared to do Any
Kind of Printing Don't
Send Your Orders Away
'Till You Get the Gazette's
All persona indebted in notes and so-
oounts due to Noble ft Co. are requested
to oome forward and settle Bame as
soon as passible. We still continue in
business and will sell goods as low aa
oao be bought anywhere in tbe state.
Nobxi ft Co.
Heppner, Or., June 24, '97. tf.
O. E. Johnson brought io "Doo" Bow
en from tbe mountains yesterday.
Boweo, who has been herding for Fame-
wortb, ia Buffering from aiokoess and
waa brought here for treatment.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to take tbis method of ex
tending our thanks to the neighbors and
frienda at Heppner who si kindly
ffered every assistance and sympathy
ua io our reoent bereavement, tbe I
death ot our daughter, Ida. Wa feel
that it ia impossible for us to fully ex
press our appreciation ot your efforts.
A. J. Stbvinson and Family.
Mra. DeBoia, Bister of Mrs. J. W. Jen
kins, ot tbis city, died io tba Willamette
valley, a few days ago, aod ber remains
arrived in Heppner yesterday moroing.
Tba deceased came bere from Mioblgan
about a year ago io aearoh of health.
Not firdiog relief, aba went to tbe valley,
but lha change was not for tba better.
Her relalivea bera are awaiting Instruc
tions aa to the disposition of her remaiua
aod it la likely they will bo shipped to
ber home iu Mioblgan.
tukk st'lmal al
At the City Bakery oao be found all
kind of freah bread, eakea, pies, bona
and everything nsnally found la a first
olasa bakery. Clinic groceries, fresh
vegetables, frn'.te and watermelons will
be kept constantly on sals at tbia plaoe.
The annual instilote of Morrow enn
ty open at 9;30 o'olock Monday, Aug.
3i Hli. J. II. Atkermsn. of Portland, wtl1
ba Instructor. State Hnperlnte; 'Ot i.
M. Irwin thinks that ba will be preseot
Evenlug aetniona will b announced
later. It
A eity Wtion ticket In Mobile, Ala
bam, read as follow: Wa ara for
plpoty rf cheap water, a aewersgs ya-
tem, a low d'ath rat, pure etinoe-
phrre, and all lb lalrwl ionpravereeets."
Who s that tba wav ot prosperity
has not strnck tba Hroth.
F-O : June J. Alk In, a prominent
shrrpirrowrr f Morrow Aonoty, la bar
fr ira Heppner no bis way to Oakmklele.
Web., to atttad lb M. E. rbaroh
Hoatb. rot (free, lie it a brother of
lUt. Frank C. Adkl.a, formerly ot Feo
dleton and now t f Dsjtoo.
Al Hotmrla ba rio4 tb pnaitloo
of rllr meratial of Ilfppoer and baa
toroed o.r bl "pr raosder" and other
prerogative t" bl S'lerraaoe, Mr. Jnha
lag.r, who will hereafter lake charge
of lb boy when Ibey got obatrepwroo
aad effoad tb digiotty ot lb law.
A. N. Fuater, who bad bia arm badly
awt! by trad toe angle lal Moo
day. by lb "blow r fT bnrellag. I
lb PaUe bl "d report! a a-
ting aloeg a wll as mold b elpeeM
t'ulraa siult.a nl nrn will lelvr
fra, bia arm ty ! bave ti
U ni.t are ! if tn.'Ud awat
Batba down at the Jones' barber shop,
25 cent. Orville Joors manager, tt
Fwot, ope. Citf
WjJlgW Btffftl,
Ma a!
A- J
was:c stamps, save up
your Sciilmg's BestytMow
tea-tickets, and send several
guesses for that
word in one envelope.
Schilling's Best money
back tea, at your grocer's.
Rules of contest published in Inrge
advertisement about the first and middle
of each month. Al$
Heretofore the Qazette's job depart
ment has tried to do no work other than
plain printing. However, this ebop is
now prepared to tackle anytbing in any
line and will meet prices ot any person
under tbe sun in the line of druggists'
supplies, blank books, bank work,
oounty work, or any sort ot book bind
ing work that you bave heretofore sent
away to get done.
Tbe Gazette abop is not a oharity
ooncern but it you will give ua a ohanoe
we will see that you are satisfied io
every particular.
Buy your goods at home. Remember
that Abe Lioouln said that when one
bought goods away from borne tbe
foreigner got the money and we got tbe
goods. But when tbe goods were
bought at home we bad both money
and goods. This is good dootriue. We
sre williug to abide bv it. Wbcn the
printing drummer comrs to torn, re
member it and call ip 'phone No. 3.
Tlila la Vrtir Oi'i I unity.
On receipt of tn cMitu, nmh or Ht.-iii
a fcrerotin sump's will bo limited of tin.
most popnlnr LVtir-ru unit hay iever Uirc
(Kly's ('r.niii l:.'i',,i) sur.'icinut to dmion
stralo the fvv .1 :i."i!. ol the lcniurfy.
ix y jii;or:H:i.a,
C(i V.t!v.-iiU.,rw Yuri City
P.ev. John Vn iil, Jr.. t min n: I'u!lt,Mi:it.,
recommended Kly's ( rn;'iii I'xi'iu to me. I
can empliiiNlr. i lii.t tt'n.oiui ul, "It is a posi
tive cum fur !:; rh if rf padirecten."
Itav. Fraiu l-t W. I'cule. l'attor (kbtrulprea.
Cliurob, IK'lcca, Mcut.
Fly's Creiim Bn'm la the aclinowleded
rurn for enlnrrh and coii'nin no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, GO cents.
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
groceries and auppliea ; yon want sub
stantial gents' furnishings. You oan find
what you want at T. K. Howard'!. . .
T, 1. Howard
Main Street, Heppner. Oregon.
rotrarszs, 1070.
A Boarding and Day School for Boys Under
Military Discipline.
. TSa 20ih arotwliT Ilia lirxwnt Rianammt luaiiia Hai-t.
Ihia inatllniliio llionmalibr miiiiii1 lir Ilia mnll. aori I.
14. 117,
and moral irainin uf hia. Tlmrunnh iri aralfn tor any eollra" r
MMminai'nooi. imiMMMiiiiwii h ral. Wi I'mnt, MhmIib.
ik'IU lrtilnlt f Tn-hnolun, Hiala t'ni'cnliira of ( alifoitiia. Ilnvon.
IV'natlvaiiia, Hljufo'it ami IMilll. Jliiniia Tanalion tl.llnm walwima
rn.maio IS a. m. rot ralaliwiia and otW iii(o,nialli, adilrnw lli
rni ril, 4. W. II1LU M. II., I'm
oi rvin. is.
'ortland, Onoo. V. O. drawrr It.
Was Perfected by the
Production of
And now tke entire world
h'noivs this verfect product
As the Star Brewery beer
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Waahlngton St., Pertlane", Of
A New rirai
Sam Meadows baa takeo io partner
0 Iba blackamltbing Dusineea 10 toe
person of W.T. Uattrti, bu waa for
merly io the employ of W. P. Horiveoer,
ot thia city. Mr. Ustteo has maoy
frieoda in Uvppoer and aurrouodiog
country wbn will bestow tbeir patron
age opoo him in bia new qiartea.
Meadoaa k Hatteo all! ba strong
team in Iba blaksroithlog and borea-
sboelng busioesa and they raapeclful!)
solicit a literal share of pnlilio patron
age. Tbia Arm giia'anteta all work to
t strictly first claee. (tire them a eall
Hept. Ut, C. C. Hargent will
opto Iba ftlodM rratanrabi. ood
rimiiia and lad Ira' parlor in rouoinMioo.
A firt-clnM bltarMik will be emptor ad
and tbe beat Ti rent tul Ibat the mar
k-t affunla will be aervett, day or night
During eoorl jnrora and (libera atUn.1
lug will tx Soarded and lodg4 totTt
etnta per day. A fre 'bna to train.
la Care I'MMlifalloa tnrtttr.
Take Caacarata C'aodf Catbsrtlfl. Jm
ot I'ni. If C. C. C. fall lo fine, droggieta
refund niooey. If
1 j
Io fact, soy person, or persons, reaidieg within
lbs rlty limits, or cmnty II.01U, bo shall ba
eanghl riding, or walking, by tba store ot
1 1
UfM WllbMt Kmrn.
Ose of lha things which InvrnUwa
would lika mirh Ut awmptbti Is ttta
pmdKlUn of light without brat, Na
tyr proa by the eamplof tbe fire
fly and the glowworm thai lha thing
ran b dene. Ftprrtmrnta at !!
I'njxral lbtilit In llrlin ha lly
turn fl - hat bad King tn twlirl
titltuwt diit liiraurriiriit lit tba
trmpraiiir-lliat the light ratial
trtit. a fiiaal 4i.l k Km. an .Iwl.U
aa4 ll.y are dang-rr.nly a-aat-d if fl(ff,r, t.-a ibrourb It. ia from
an4 by dtay lo ta b-w One r rniel by rr y bill bat. Tbla a"rda
Miaate Cnngb C'tifa wold brleg imaj. j with the lw that we rn'iat ,k U
d.aia raliaf. Fof sa'e I f C"aar A . eWrt'ity f"f 0 imlutlnn f ih r.r'..Uto
f 1
1 1
Wiihool stopping al lb above mertinad stifa
III t oolitted by Iba Cl'y Marshal that Iba
onlr plaea in IIppnr yui rau bny...,
T (1
Is al Iba Mlore of MINOK k (V). Oar eatlre
line moat gi lo make room for tall stwk..
1 I
I 1
1 1
This) company carries dry goods, groceries,
hardware, boots aod shoos, hats, gents' far
Diahion, eta Large shipment of new and
soennd band furniture, which is being sold re
gardless of coat They have also hardware,
wall paper, carpets, lounges, spriogs, mat
treaties, all these at half price. Look for the
sign at Herren's old stand 00 May street, next
to Talace hotel.
At the old stand, bave the usual
spring outfit of
lleaide the thousand odds and ends that are too numerous to mention.
Mail tfcK Ut first National hank RulMlnf.
You can Woger Your Sox that You
aro Always ot Homo nt ....
Oa Mais Htreel, ia City llot.l Iln.lding.
f by try lo pleaee all. Fiaa alub rooiM la euooectios.
Tho GAZETTE, $2,59 A Year fpr CASH.