Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 27, 1897, Image 1

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    Portland Library
With a New Summer Ad.
The Gazette Does Job Work
With a New Summer Ad. .
, The Gazette Does Job Work
NO. 574
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At (3.50 per year. $1.25 for six months, 75 ota.
;r three monint, strictly in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
THIS PAPKR is kept on file at E. G. Dnke's
Advertising Agency, 64 and 85 Merchants
Kxchangs, San Francisco, California, where oou
raots for advertising oan be made for it.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 11 p m. daily except
Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 1:30 a. m.
Leaves Heppner Junction 3:40 a. m. and ar
rives at Heppner 6:10 a. m
a Hpokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:45
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Jnnotion 8:15 p. m.
and Umatilla 9:15 p. m.
Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 5:05 a. m. and Heppn r Junction 6:10
a. m. and arrives at Portland 11:45 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9 p. m. and ar
rives at Heppner Junction 8:80 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:40 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leave) Umatilla 12:40 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 1:47 a, m. and at
Portland 7 :5C a. m.
For farther information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. K A N., Heppner, Ore.
OTTXCX-AJ. directoet.
Going East?
, FIRSTGo via. St. Paul be
cause the lines to that point will
afford you the very best service.
, SECOND See that the coupon
beyond St. Paul reads via. the
Wisconsin Central because that
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering the Union Depot there, and
its service is first-class m every
particular. i
THIRD For information, cail
on your neighbor and friend the
nearest ticket agent and ask for a
ticket reading via. the Wisconsin
Central lines, or address
Jas. C. Pond,
Gen. Pas. Agt.,
Milwaukee, Wis.
or Geo. 8. Batty.
General Agent,
246 Stark St.,
Portland Or.
United States Officials.
P.esident .........William McKinlev
Vice-President.... Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of State John Bherman
Secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Gage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary of War Bunnell . Alger
Secretary of Navy John 1). Long
Postmaster-General .....James A. Gary
Attorney-General JoBeph McKenna
Heoretary.f Agriculture James Wilson
State of Oregon.
Governor W. P. Lord
Secretary of State H. K. Kinoaid
Treasurer Phil. Metschan
Bopt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
. ( G. W. McBride
Senator, j, H MiUjheli
,, J Binger Hermann
Congressmen 1 W. ft. Ellis
Printer W. H. Leeds
!R. 8. Bean,
F. A. Moore,
C. . Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
Circuit Judge Btephen . Lowell
Prosecuting Attorney H. J. Bean
Morrow County Officials.
Jnint Senator '. A. W. Gownn
Kepresentativa. J. Brown
County Judge A. G. Bartholomew
lomralaeinnere J . U. Howard
J. W. Beokett.
t iLrir J.W.Morrow
" Sheriff K. L. Matlock
T..nm Frank Gilliam
Assessor A. C. Potteyl
Burveyor.- J.W..Hornir
Bohool Bup't Jay W. Shipley
Oroaer B. F. Vaughan
D.rcw.i towm nrnmuK.
k. Thoe. Morgan
' Cnmniimm..'. Goo. tenser, Frank
Gilliam. Arthnr Minor, E. J. bloetun, al
I l-l.t .1,-1 .n.l .1 k Hlmnm.
ii W. A. Richardson
Treasurer' 1U ."W1"!"
alarahal A. A. Boberts
Precinct Oflleer.
nf.ha Paana W. K. Richardson
ronitable.:... N. B.Whetetune
United State Land Officer,.
... niT.Tr OS.
J. P. Moor, uHZ
A H.H.. heoeivef
k nki.ni rm.
H. Wilson ReglsUr
, J. II. Bobbin K''
G. A. B.
aeUatUxtnlon.Or.,tn leet Batnrday of
-arh month. All NUnu r Invited to Join,
ii ui u.ii. C. G. Fi'uDA.
Adlntaut. tf Commander.
Dr. P. B. McSwords,
City Drag Store,
H. W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. 4
tj. m. & t. p., u. & a., v. Ft. w. tit c,
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton St.,
Office in tbe
City Hotel.
While you a.eep yonr subscription paid up yen I
oan keep your brand in free of oharg.
Bom. P. O.. HeoDner. Or. Horses. P B en left I
nouiiier: cams, same on ien nip.
Cook. A. J. .Lena. Or .Horses. 90on rtshtshonl
aer; t attle, same on right hip: ear mark square I
crop on ien aua spue in rignu
Dousiass. W. M.. Gallowav. Or. Cattle. R 1) in
right side, swailnw-f ork in each ear; bone, B D I
on len nip.
Elr. Bros.. Donglas. Or. Horse branded ELY
on left shoulder, rattle same on lefthip. hole I
id ngni ear.
Florence. L. A.. Heppner. Or. Cattle. LF nn
right hip: horses. 9 with bar under on riant
t,. ti- ii 1 u u j-j I
H t on the left ehonlder: cattle brauded J on
right hip. also anderbit in left ear. Range in
morrow county.
Johnson. Felix. Lena. Or. Horse. oimlaT nn
left stifle; cattle, same on right hip, under half I
crop in nt and aolit -n left ear
Kennr. Miks. Heonner. Or. Horaaa hnuirled
ANY on lefthm oattle same and otod oft left I
ear; under slope on the right
Leahev. J. W. Hennner Or. Horses branded
L and A on left shoulder; cattle same on left I
hip, wattle over right eye, three slit in right I
Minor. Osmr. nennnar Or. tattle. 1 Dm
right hip; hore M on left shoulder.
TM M tkl t ......... ft. " Wt
on ten sauaiuai tmikM wune on ien nip.
On born, J. W.. Doae-la. Or.i horse O on let
shoulders caul earn on right hip.
Parker G lesson. Hardman.Or. Horaea IP oa
left sboumsr.
Piper, J. H Lexington. Or. Hons. JB eon. I
n acted otiisrt shoulder; oatus, same on laf Up,
under bit In each ear.
Rector. J. W.. Hnuooer. Or. Horse. JO m
leftahoulder. uatue, Oon right bin.
Bi-rrrr. K. G. Hentmer. Or. Cattle W O on
left hip. crop off right and nndarbit in left year, I
uewiap; norms s iyon ien snonifier. I
Thomin, t. A., Heppner, Or. Horse, ton I
left shouldnt rntUa, 2 on left shnnlder.
Turner H. W.. Ileooner. Or.-4tmaH aan tal T I
left sbimldsr, hnrses; oattle same on left hip I
wiin epiiL in nc n ssu.
Wattenhnrger, W. J., Galloway, Or.; horse I
qnarter circle JW on right shoulders cattle I
quarter circle JW on right hip and right aide, I
rrt.p and hole in left ear. Hangs in Morrow and I
umauiia oouuuos.
The Lancashire.- Insurance Co.
OTIS PATTERSON, . AGENT. , qq ot ttie ne-t m tt worm
McClure's Magazine
For; 1897
A New Life of Grant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life ot
vxraui ever puDiisnea. (Begins in uecemDer.)
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial,, "CapUiliis Courageous." (Begun, in November.)
Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. , Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished
toegius in may.)
Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical
years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and Is probably better
fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative history of this period from ills
recollections ana correspondence.
Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series
of portraits it is intended to publlrh special biographical studies under the general title of
mahuks ur itit, uruui trom Washington to Liincoin.
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction,
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary
talent for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes ' stories, given him
a piace oesme roe ana uaooriau.
IAN MACLAREN, All the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the exception
ot two contributions to another publication which were engaged from aim long ago, will
appear in oiuilukk s maoazink,
JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories iu the lame field as the "Brer
Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmblennger" stories.
RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McClosi's
ail oi me snort stories ne win write during the coming year,
OCTAVE THANKT is preparing for the Maoazink a series of short stories in which the same
characters wiu appear, aitnougn eacn win he complete iu itseii.
Anthony Hop , Brat Hrt . Robert Barr
Frank R. Stockton . : Stanley yVeyman Clark Russell
will all have stories in McCmibe's for the coming year,
These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McClure's Maoazini for
io'ji, me suoscripuon pnee oi wnicu is only
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November, Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S, S. McClure Co., New York.
The People Are Principally Span.
tarda Who Favor Cuban Inde
pendenceA Great Market
tor Fruit.
A Campaign
Of Education
How to Get It
First Impressions Received
Visitlnjr Stranger.
by a
, Mi Hit m
For iDj.xjyj
D.J. McFaiil, M. D.
Offlog boors, B to 10 a. m., nod 12 to
3 n. m . at residence. Mrs. 11. Welch's
rrrnnertv. and 10 to 13. B m . to 2 to 5
p. m. , at offios lo tbs rear oC Borg's
jewelry store.
First National Bank
T. A.RMfA.
' OtO. W. CONttrt,
Vlee President
Ass't Cashier
Tru&Ms l Gfccral BaakJog Imvx
all part ot U world-
Bought and Sold. fti2.
Notice of Intention.
m vrni i it nn uallis, usrooh.
All. th. 1M!H.
following; named erttlrr has fllod notice
of his Intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
M'lore. n. Morrow, county clerk, al Heppner,
urrgon, on eepi. ns, iwi, vis:
Record entry John roue. IM. fntry Mo. W&
lor the WVH, Hee. w, 1 P Ills U, E. W. M.
He narnM the following wllnraae to prove
m enntinnoue nwovnee npoa snu eultlratlon
ot said land, vU: . Joaeph II. fllsltn. Henry
riiklos, Johs A. llari.t and Edward Hollo-
way, all ol Kougta. Orrfon,
JAS. r. MiMlrlK.
WHO HliUt.
Notice of Intention.
Lasd Orrit s at Tas Dallis. Ossuow.
Ant 4. I".
11 lnllnwtnt nameil saMtlef has (led notice of I
hi IriHMitloa V make final prmrf I support of I
M.risim, ami mat earn pmui win he made i
fiira J, M'. Iliirnis, Connty t'lerk at Heppner,
wrwfoo,ea er. sua, iwi, ris:
lid Entry "o. eelor the KEU. See. m, Tp, I
To be educated one must read
the best literature.
, The best literature 1 eipenslve.
, Leslle'e Illustrated
, , Weekly.
rubUnhed at 110, ITIfth Avenue,
hew York, is full of the best thltigs.
It Illustrations are superb; Its
stories charming; and IU literary
department are edited with co ti
re mate skill.
Such a paper is a great popular educator. It should be In every
The subscription price of Leslie's Is 14 pe nnum.
We make the unparalleled offer of s copy ot
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi-
Weekly one year for only $5.00. &
No such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever he made W
again. These two paper meke a most acceptable Cbrtatinsa or blrlhdsy
gift, and will be constant remludera of the giver's kindness.) y
Remit by postal order or chock lo the
y Heppner Orotzon. Tj"
Pwbllshed Every Eaturdsy
13 Astor Place New York
Cotlectione at ads ea ail potn
rwaaonabl Tsnne.
Snrplut and ttndlvhled Trents, ESt.OtX) 00.
i HoUet Of Intention.
Lawa Ofni a at L Osaat'. .
VOTtrit t nrURY iYm that ti4e
(Hlliwtne nam irtllw kM let entw-w M
hia ttiiaiiitna la laaae taal wwtl In eittrl nf
hi. rlalnt. and that 14 Pta4 Will t !
kwtnraioaiitr '!. trw mintt. r-
at llppi,Jre"H. en lt, ir, vis
Hd E an rllf Ihetl'jsrH and
fcinriMkll'itiiHlf)It .
H aawta th. Mluwln will.. n I.. ( hi.
ftuiUawoM netdeore epnn aad mlUtaUoe of
said lent.
II Vriv4l at H'fln, Or . I darlr R
r..lrtr. ot M"' ' Hwjah Rtr. nf
B.iM(. Of., sn4 Lerl L. Hi it. ni (iiH.w, Ur,
. .. l.
tax It Mdater,
Lrma Hork mf ! Hi ptif al
To'eloek, a. n T a, TbqrUf ,
ao4 Hatarda;; arnvee at e'loek, p,
am,, Monda;, Weleel; aad Frtd,a.
Will essks (nesMii'ii wlUi brsnebtrsia
ba oWired. fare II, tar-k F
Freigbt H at pt pantxL J. II.
Bel lea brock, riop. t Harry
Wertea'l dmt etore. '.
the tnllawlna? wllnew to orova
nla fwiitlmmua rwal'lwnre ii(mn im rultmuna
nl aald lati-l, VU; JMvpri N. rilklna, llaary
rilkloa. 4ba P Uuy. KdwaM Hollowar. all
t lMtif las, urron.
ja r. jiixiKK.
M0 kcflstar.
Tbs Ontlook will be la WJ7, as it baa
been during eaoh o( Its tweet" seven
rears, a Uistory ol Our Owe Time. lo
Me villous editorial department Tbe
Outlook give a eorupiflt review r( tbs
fid's prograwsi it follows wilb rare
II Ibe Important bilnthropio sod is
daetrial moveroenU of the day; bae a
corn pie t department ol relitfioue news;
devotee mncb space to tbe iulareele ol
tbe bnme: review eorrent lltiatare;
of Hreiron. for Morrow Count.
VY. t. Urd, H. K. Kin.. Id
end fhll. M.t hmi. Hi
Jfcard nf 'omtnlssloners,
to., riaiiitirfs,
J. B. Bperry, R. V. Hprrry,
eiwrry, me trre-
(nn Kallnwl and Karl
satliin ( miiny and r.
Tbe regular abeoriptkio prme ot tbe
H-rnl-Weekly Uasett ie IX.C0 nd tbe
rewolar prkw ol tba Weekly Oregoniaa laraiebee ibe-rfal Ul.l-talk abonl mea
U 11.60. Aayooe obanribiaf I- th 'd tblngs; and, to (bort, aire to give
Oaietl aad paylnc lor on tear i r'"b iafornalloa, rrtginal ihervtloo,
atlvaooa raa get Urtb tba (JsielU an 4 ! reaaonsble enUrlaiomeat.
aren .a a akea Ba alt IB. a I
kiyurgrroiasior .!.. iuioiasar rVglBblng with lb fifty fliflh folnms.
rrttwr paiiog meur suueeriaiioiie i 1 1 ,, . ... ,. .
.;,' ,. , . Pfr will a-ame tbe fegul.r n(
tbe earn
sioeait. wbioh will add greatly to II
jt etilMiA aad aitrartlvoei. The
Ontbst k U pabliebed every HalnrJey-
Bfly g Iswnae year, Tbe Crel issue
la cb oath U an !llntrtd Msg alio
Milk troa sisgie
U obartbors dairy.
bsU at
Heppner to TeodleHow via ntpatt-
Febo hue 1 4tia. l'erenw d"troM ol
! viaittnf iedl4a ea ssv lima aad
mooey by taking llie ronie. liy ae
i qoeJtiting Ike a-U the previrm vea-
leg tbe etega will snake r.rueMKei wilb Kaenber, ar.atining ationt twine as nsat
9 ..', t.k l.aia al e lus f aullalnn I
OfTiew at (Jilt trine- Mora. W. U Lot. M ,b "" J ". togefbet
fmpnelnr. I wilb a large a umlr ol ptrtnrew,
Walt. Tbomrj-ow ton etue MsmsI priee oi li.e UuilooE ta three
nmii aad Mowasa-nt, arrtviag evwvy 4na, or leee Ibss
day ia-pt Mtwiday aad leaviag wvery tm, "
day MewrtHaaday. HWteet nd ebp 1 Head for fmmn epyeaj ill oetrat.
at mate to U.a ietenor. E. i. fcloeoaa, eU pro feel o to IU Oatlrtok. 13 Aalot
' lllao. Kew loikCtlv.
Thnmiwni. Itrfrndanla.
To J. H Huarrr. H. V. Huarre aad
in me name m tne KtaUinf Orwcon: Too are
hereby raoutrwd lo si.poar and anseef tlx
eoinulaltit fllwl aealnsl you In the elmve
enlllliNl suit, nn or iwl r I ha Rrsl rlavnfllia
nasi larra ol ine ttmt sntitim eourt, l wit.
Monday, the tth dar of Rtunthar. mtl :
and II ymi tall so lo si rcar and sn.war. for
went Iberaof. I lie plalmlttk will apply tolhe
conn to srani me renal iinianl n In said eon.
plaint, to wll: tor a tndsmant and darrwe
acaliist you lor the sum nf Pi and Inumt
Uiarenti from July let. at the rale ol eight
par rani par annum, tlx aunt fit l i attorneys
laws eod lor the roala end dletiuraamenie nf thl
suit, end for a drne lorerlnaiii a rartala
mortaea mad, eieruled and dllrMl by
dafniitanu. J R S-rry and a, V. i-ry. Ui
plalniin., cm the Inilowlii raa I pmrly eil'i-
ata in Rnimw entiiiir, etaie ch (Hatin. wwit
Houtri hall ol lha ruirilit iiiartr and north
ball itt lha amithaaal analta nf kae. ju, arxith
half o( a,Hilhaa eoertaf t.l Cm. a,, wasl hall of
Uie Ki'ilhwaal qualb-r of Mar. I, anith waat
auarWof nnrthaaai quartar ol kan. ri, mirth-
aaai aiar'r m iitnaaai nwrvi af
x-'th kail M aartaaaat suarw and aulh
eat qiianar nf nnrthaaai ,,nariar of ear. ai,
a,H,t hwl cinartar irf noftliwaal niiarwr and
RuMta half al aixilriwaet 'inartaf of Mae. m. end
lha n'lrthaaat oiarf Af ennthaaat qiirf nf
i. ell In low.,. I, ip a, knit rai jr. E w.
M . rx.K.lxl la tl, Blhra l Uia fount alafk nf
saM .r..w piiiiy, n rV'k ':" id J'iftaee
el iwas . Ill and 1-14. end In sail aald rm.
Uweand t'1 y lb prnraMe of eaid sale In the
amnt id aald lodsinaiit. alfalfa! laae. nwis
end rlislHiraamante.
leleewtawMma leemad sms rmrwnanl
In an nrdar of lha Hn. ii.h A Uwlt,
Jvlaa'd Ike e'arre aatltlM enurt, rnaa end
entered la aald eoll 'lal day rf inly, I Ml
RKnaa a ttrnrik.f i
HTt Allnritvys hi I'laii.tll,
A man who recently ba returned
from Key West, Fla., says the first im
pression a stranger gets of that place
at tne present time is that the city has
gone on a perpetual holiday spree.
Bunting flies from almost every house
top, and the colors are about evenly di-
viaea Detween "old glory" and the em
blem of the Cuban republic. Peonle of
all classes and ages wear pins or other
syniuoia bearing the motto "Cuba '
libre," and if Uncle Sam would only nod
consent or say nothing at all about it
the 15,000 patriotic inhabitants of this
seagirt isle would skip across the chan
nel ana tack the queen of the Antilles
to the star swindled banner without
sny more fuBs. "Castillo del Morro,"
or Morro castle, is only 87 miles from
the government dock at this point, and
our swift cruisers could cover the dis
tance in a little more than fouT hours.
The defenses of Havana are obsolete
and out of date, and a-Cuban colonel,
a member of Uemez' staff. orenlv de
clares that anyone of our armored ships
could pass the fort and take the city
without-difflculty: that is, as far as the
land defenses are concerned.
This far southern city, lyrnir almost
within the tropics, is the only town of
importance below Mason and Dixon's
line that was never under the stars and
bars of the confederacy, The popula
tion is about evenly divided between
white Cubans, colored Cubans and
white Bahamians. There are not more
than a score of real American families
resident on the ieland, but notwith
standing this fact the great mass of the
people are loyal to the union first and to
Cuba next. It ts curious, though true,
that of all the houses, dwellings, stores,
hotels and other buildings that dot tbe
island from one shore to the other, not
one of them has a dhimney or anything
that will answer the purpose of a chim
ney. Handsome residences and lowly
hovels ere alike in this respect, and
irom no eminence, gazing out over
acres of roofs an all sides, one is at once
struck with the wnt of something to
complete the symmetry of the picture.
Wood and coal or fuel of any kind are
unknown quantities, as the tropical at
mosphere furnishes at all times of the
year all the heat required, and foroook
log purpose sticks of carbon are used,
which are sold by peddlers, who hawk
their wares about the streets.
There are fww stores, as we under
stand such things, and no markets.
Signboards in Spanlah will tell you
where a barber shop Is locatl or Where
to buy coral ornament. There are not
more than half a dozen real stores con
ducted on the American plan In tbe
whole Islnnd.
Instead of a market there Is a dally
uctlon near the government dork,
where everything In the way of provis
ions, furniture ri fruit is knocked
down to the highest bidder. Itrtrmnaa,
alligator pear ami pineapples are. the
commonest articles of nunrhaae. and
here dhipa from Jamaica, Culm ond
Nassau, In the Bahamas, unload their
cargoes and dispose of them at ruinous
rates rather than risk a voyage at this
time of year to more northern ports.
Quirk sales and small profits ser.ni to
be the prevslllng idea with them. As a
consequence Key Wrert Is, perhaps, the
greatest banana ami pineapple market
In the world. On almost any day one
can aer ii re an enormous bunrh of
bnnanns, ripe or green, at from ten to
fifteen cents, and ran cart away all the
luarloui pineapples be enrea to purchase
at one, two or three rents esrb. 1)1
rertly oopslt to the harbor dorks, on
the farther aide of the Island, and far
ing Cuba, la a large dancing pavilion
railed Ia Briaa, where Monday and Krl-
ly nlghla and Aaturdny afternoons
pulilir danrea are held. It has Urge
broad rr remiss rrverbaiklrg the ers,
Wlilidi make Itlretl roiiirnndes, and a
ronimodloui dancing hall within, where
tboae who desire ran trip the light fan
taatle to their hearts' content iion the
payment of a small fee. Tbe very ttret
jieople attend theae dnnrra, and mnv
gv simply for th promenade or to
amoke or rtiat with friends, but alioul
anyone tep even so miirh a toe iiui
the dancing floor a dark-skinned Cubnii
Is Immediately at hand with a prof
ffrrd hat Into wblrh a coin must be
Tli ere must b at k-smt S.oori refugees
In Key Weat, nonnrmliataiila aad exiles
from their homes, whodnre not return
under tha present Bpanleb rule, and
who must await the aolution ol 14. e war
problem one way or the othef tie lure
they ean return and resume Un-lr tu-r
fill orrupatlrrns.-hlrago Chronicle.
Deafness Cannot Be Cored
By local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion ot the eir.
There ia only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of tbe muooas. lining ot tbe
Eustachian tube. When this tube gets
iDflamed you have a rnmDlizg sound or
imperfeot hearing, and when it is entire
ly closed deafness is the result, and un
less the inflammation oan be taken out
Bnd this tube restored to its normal con
dition, bearing will be destroyed forever;
nine cases ont of ten are censed by
oatarrh, which is nothing bat ao inflam
ed condition of tbe muooas eurfaoeb.
We will give One Hundred Dollars tor
any case of deafness (caused by oatarrh)
that cannot be oured by Hall's Catarrl
Cure. Send for oiroulara, free. ;
F. J. CHENEY & (JO.,
tSTSold by druggists, 75o. , Toledo, O.
Walla Walla will renew her races this
fall with four days sport beginning on
Wednesday, Oot. 20, and running until
Baturday, four days. Tbey will bang
$2,000 ifa parses, and give visiting horse
men a oordial reception and guarantee
them good sport and tbe payment of
their winnings.
Small precautions often prevent great
mischiefs. De Wilt's Little Early Risers
are very small pills in aize, bat are most
effective in preventing the roost serious
forms of liver trouble snd stomach
troubles. They onre constipation and
beadacbe and regulate the bowels. For
sale by Oooser & Brook.
As typhoid fever is usually more or
leas prevalent at this season of tbe year,
tbe following test ot tbe parity of water
is worth trying, says an exchange: Get
a nickel's wottb of nitrate ot silver at
tbe drug store ond pat it in a tumbler
ot water trom yonr well. It the water
is pare it will remain dear, it impure it
will tarn blae, if very impure it will
tarn muddy. In this manner yon will
know if tbe water you. drink is pare or
whether it is impregnated with germs ot
8tnnds at tbe Head.
Ang. J, Bogel, tbe leading druggist oi
Hbreveport, La., say : "Dr. King' New
Dieooyery tbe only thing that cure
my oongh, and it is tbe best seller1 1
have." J. F. Campbell, fmerohant ot
Bafford, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's New
Discovery is all that is claimed for it ; it
never (ails, and is a sure onre tor Coo
sumption, Coughs and Colds, I cannot
sny enough for its merits." Dr. King'
New Discovery for Consumption, Cough
and Cold is not an experiment. It ba
been tried for a quarter of a century
od today Hands at tbe bead. It never
disappoints. Free trial bottles at Conser
Brook's drag store.
A Kansas man wbo simply oonld Dot
get harvest bends, says so exchange,
pat this siga upon bl fence: "Harvest
and wanted. Hired girl blonde and
genial. Cabinet organ mosio io tbe
vening. Pie three limes a day. Three
poop of sugar with every oup ot onffee.
Hammock, feather beds, or leather di
van at yoar option tor deeping. Hit-
ig hour 9 o'clock in th morning.
Three boar rest at noon. Come one,
come all.
Chamberlaiu' Colic, Cbolera and Diar
rhoea remedy always afford prompt re
let. For sale by Conser k Brock. ,
H ime of Ueppner's siJewalk are iu a
wretched condition. Th walks on May
I reel, leading so roe Willow creek, need
pedal attention. Banister to Ibe
walk acres tbe oreek would add great
ly to tba lately ot children wbo will oon
be compelled tooroe several lime daily
on their wy to aad from ohool.
Teachen' Emmnation.
virTKEi ntarar invrw that tf
A a lha porniM nl ei.tlii an esmiHitia
all parwme a bo mar il.awteal.M ae rendl
tee las, ha. nt lha e hl i.l tl, I. n.unlf
a ... I alaU I. Mala awt III. .!!(.!.. was. thananaly,
ar hl a,aar1f!t,4Ml lhara.il li HoCf a a!!
Ilr etaal".tl'H al II. mrt hmiaa al llaua,
iHanln. H"a1ir, Ihi llth
I i-f Ibis KmI day of hut . m
m m Y w amrt et,
laal yi . Mnfrww I n
Any Me dewiring to belld either tl
er bsra will task aoy by al.
tag ee tbe OaistM tfSos 67 if
1' Kaew Ills Im.
' Mies M Now, Hamilton, you read
Ui lesson Ui tf first and thrrt tell me
with the elosM book, what yon read.
llamQtnn (readlne') Kr llm cow,
Can thi evrw run? t an the row run as
swiftly as th horeeT No. the rm
run more swlfily than tliec.w. ((.'Ins
rg tin tbe tvsik to tHI what hei bS
read) et onto lis row, Kin hr jlb
Iris ran? iwirher life stieranmti. Kin
d row do up de borwe frariln'? Naw,
da rrw ain't In tt W d k'rrae-10
king Win ftrmlnsry UevW-w,
i - .
Msess, H
!lMne a Uis reel lenra, not only of the
ImmIv, Ihi t f the besHt It Is a lsa I
the affectum to untuld and develop, fi
lrr rhlldrew to love and Irani lo e!ey In
frrf buelNMwi and wife tf t'rd riml tisr'
together anil flisae life a) I Iraalrg. I l.t
ol)nrt ol all a4i,Ution sluld t to t
hsinvy at home; II are not py
tlirr", w ranriot ! bipy elarwbrre.
It Is Ids Wet pro'il of the ,rior nf
fsonly tni Ut s a happy fiMsldt
It Lvuis CU) lV,u,m ral.
a. .
Absolutely Pure
at 8t.
Strange Case ot a Carpenter Living
Louis, llo.
John O. Satte, carpenter and builder
at St. Louis, has been awake 25 years.
His last slumber came go many year
ago that be bag forgotten what it is like
to lie down al night and awake refreshed
and rejuvenated. Sleep is an unknown
quantity with Satte. He either lie up
on bis bed and gazes oa tbe star, or, it
io a restless mood, takes long walks in
to the oountry, returning at daybreak to
begin work iu bia little shop, just north
ot tbe house. His neishbora call him
"Tbe man who never sleeps."
Satte attributes bis sleeplessness lo a
noise wbioh continually roars in his
bead like a oataraot, At times it sound
like tbe buzz and whirr of wheels saw.
ing their way through beayy timber.
Again the Bound resembles esoaping
steam, but at time they mingle in a
horrible deafening roar.
Owing to tbe noises in his head, Uutte
doe not hear readily. He say that the
ringing in bia ear was caused by an
overdose of quinine whioh was admin
istered to him in 1872. He took 52
grains at one dose, and when be awoke
next day be heard a noise in his head
which has remained there ever sinoe,
keeping bim awake every day and night
for 25 years. Suite is 70 year old. He
carries bia age graoefully and does not
look tbe worse tor bis long siege ot wake
latnees. '
The "lliorollet's Beit Friend" ie
familiar Dam for DeWitt'a Wltcb !lgsl
Halve, alway ready lor emergencies,
Wbile a tpedflo tor pile, it also inataot-
1 relieve and cores eats, bruises, salt
rbeum, eczema and all affnotlnn ol th
kin. It never fail. For Kale by Conser
Practise Eounomy
In baying medioins in other matter.
It ii economy to get Hood' Sarsaparilla
because there Is more medioical value
in Hood's Sarsaparilla thau in any other.
Every bottle of Hood' Sarsaparilla
oon tain 100 dose and will average,
taken aoeording to direoliona, lo last a
month, while other last bnt a fortnight.
Hood' rill are tbe only pill to take
with Hood's Ssrasparilla. Easy and
E. O.: A. O, Bartholomew, oonnty
adg ot Morrow couoty, i in the oity
from Heppner, on bi wsy to Oakedele
to attend tbe cburoh conference there.
Mr. Bartholomew is a republican South.
ern Methodist, a somewhat noteworthy
combination. He formerly resided at
Milton In thl oonnty, Heppner, be re
ports, is booming under th ioflueoo ot
good price for sheep, wool and grain.
A Beaarkable Care for Chroale Dlerrkow.
In 1802, when I served my oountry a
a private in Company A, 107th Penn
sylvania volunteers, I contracted obronio
diarrhoea. It bat given m a great deal
of trouble ever tlnoe, I bv tried
dozen different medicine and aeveial
prominent dootora without any perma
nent relief. Not long ago a friend sent
me a mple bottle of Chamberlain'
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy,
and after that I bongbl and took a CO
cent bottle; and now I cao lay that I am
entirely oared. I can oot be thankful
enough to you lor Ihi great remedy
od recommend tl lo all suffering veter
an. If in doubt wrltem. Your grate
fully, Henry Hieinhergar, Allcnlowo, T.
Hold by Conser k Brock.
Huberts i; Itigby, ot Jamaica, Iowa,
bought 6V K) bead of stser ia Ibis vlcln
Ity, wbioh tbey will (hip to Easter
Tetter, Hall-ltheuin and rtema
The Intense U bin and smarting. Incl
dent to thees dlerasns. la Instant! v allayed
tr antilylng CbamlMirUlu tye ana
Hkln liitiii.-tit. Many very bad caswi
have been permanently cured by It. It
la equally efficient Mr limning pure ana
favurttJt remndy fur wire nipples,
chspie4 bands, chilblain, frost biUw
ml chronic eorw eye, w cu. per box
Dr. ('1r' (odlUoa I'ewden, are
just what a horse ned when in bad
condition. T'tnk;, bUtua purtner ana
vermifuge. They are not IihhI but
medicine and the best In nse to put
boras In prims condition.
cents per package.
't put
Mr. H. I. (iarriguee departed Tues
day f.r Miltoa lo visit her ller.
Tbe 111 raoe meeting ot Prineville
Jot kty dab bsgio on Oct. 28, and eon
tlnoe Ot dsy. A purse of 11.050 baa
been raised nd tbe eeiiion promisee to
be lively one.
He not deceived! A coogh, boarinsea
or croup are not to be trilled with. A
do in time ol Hhiloh' Cur will tav
yon much trouble. Hold by Conser k
llrotk. y
H. Wilkinson, tbe wool man, cam np
from Tbe Dalle Tuesday morning.
II joa bits ever sesn Utile ohilj in
parol y em ol hooping eongh, or tl yon
hsvebssn nnnyd bytcooitant tick
ling In the throat, yon ean ppreeUls
th taluaolOoe Minat Cough Curs,
whlflb give quick rellel. Hold by Con
ser k Brork.
T. L. I'artletl, ol Ha Frinoiseo, wa
bare Tnaedsy.
Dr. J'ibn W, Ilasron, ot tbe lUdlmbl
ba keg beer on draught lb Hop
1 OolJ Best ol liquor aad eigari In
took. II
e I lae el eaiee eae
tl raa ke rwra ay a ylaaaawt
ra. rty wktrfc Isei.iiaS lu
aaniy Iota Ins eaatrita. tie.
leg ! a 1 1 aike4 it gle
Ely's Cream Balm
C. J. Wilsoa, ol loas, was doing bus!
In tbe metropolis Toesdty.
Is a kMtwMtad ts he Ik ev-4 i,ioar. sat f
Iwl awk. 4 Is Ha4 ea4 Hay faaat al ail
swlav i ntaa a4 n.anaw tee eal I wee is,
etar pa a a4 li.Samw.ao.-a, ki laa tmt.m, pttm
faaa tna mWu. f r-aa awrfa, ,a.uu taa aaaa.
af al -i. rnim" uHrarravakiii.
AX I MIslaliSH Wsreae kvaal. Hew !
t'urelhst cough with Hhllob's Cure.
Tie best eougb euro. Relieves eroap
promptly. On aalllioe bottle sold Issl
year. 40 doss lor Uocla. Hold by Coo
er k brock. f
I). A. Currty, forraetly el I'sadleton,
ba ops tied np IS eeot barber shop ia
IhsoldstaaJ on tbe Mallook corner.
Work (Ifk'tlf lrt I. Call on bitft.