.M1 TO THB GIVES THK CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT Northern Ry- OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha -AND J AND Chicago Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. -saw in ll . f EADIIIG PAPEI eriurl! CUBAN WARFARE. Bow the Insurgents Deal with the Spaniards. m CIRC COAST By Settrinar Throws; be Forest They Evitdt the Boldlere of te Crown, Who Fear Belns; Ambushed. THB CHBOIflCLl naki with Ik (nates) tmpipni In the United states. THK CHKONICLB has no equal en the Paolo Coast. It leads all In ability, enterprise and newa THE CHBONICLB'8 Telegraphic Reports are the latest and most reliable. Its Local News tht tallest and spiciest, and Its Editorials from the ablest pens In the country. THE CHRONICLE bss always been, and always will be, the friend and champion of the people as against combinations, cliques, corporations, of oppressions of any kind. It will be Independent In everything neutral la nothing. Ooean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. Fur (nil details oall on 0. R. k N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Obeoon. A. L. MOHLER, Vice-President. Q0IOS TIIVtEl I ro SSciri. Francisco And all rinU In California, vis ths Mt, BhasU runte o( the Southern Pacific Co The grant hluhwHy through California to all point Hast and South. Grand Boenio Route Of the PaoiAo Count. Pullman Hnflet Hleeuers. Seoond-olass Bleepere Attached to express trains, affording superior annnmmrwlAt.lfins for senond-alaM DSasensers. For rates, tiokets, slnepiug ear reservations, elo oall mon or address R. KOKilLKR. Manager. C. H. MARK II AM, Gen. t. 4 P. Agt., Portland, Oregon ORE YOU GOIK& P? It so, be sore and see tb it yoar ticket reads via tub nmm u ....THK.... OUIOAOO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY Tills IS THB Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULUTII, Sr. PAUL, CUIC.vao AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOU III. Their N It 111 LOCAL BQCIBS. The Chronicle Rnlldlng. the: daily Br Mi l, Postage l aid. S6.70aYear. Msttiiiflfelit Track. PiHirls Vrstlhulud liliilng and Weeping tar Trains, and MolUi; l The Weekly Chronicle ThD Grdsl Wceldy in the Cooilrj, $1.50 a Tear (Including nnst'tgn) to any part of the United Htuti-s, Canada ami Motion. THB WKKKLY CHHONICI.K, the brlghtost tnd mnst conitilfte Weukly Newspaper In the world, prints regulnrly H4 columns, or twelve puces, of News, Literature and ileneral Infarma tlon;alsoa mugnlncont Agricultural Department. SAMPLE COPIES SNT FR-E. The Spaniard have repeatedly stated that the Cuban insurgents will not face them in open battle, but retreat after the first few volleys have been ex changed, and that their perfect knowl edge of the country roads and trails enables them to escape. The one great object of the Cubans in the field is not so much to win by fight ing as it is to cripple Spain by draining her resources. The longer they can hold out without giving battle, the more money will be needed to clothe and feed the vast Spanish army. The financial condition of Spain is understood by every Cuban soldier, and they all fully recognize the importance of putting their oppressors to as much extra ex pense aa possible. The Cuban campaign since Maceo ex ecuted his great raid has been purely 3ef ensive, having for its object the above result. Chiefs like Gomez and Maceo have at times assumed the offensive, but only for a short time. These de fensive tactics have proved of more benefit to the Cubans than a series of pitched battles.' The successful work ing of their plan is demonstrated every time that Gen. Wey ler asks for reenfoce ments. Next to Maceo's great campaign in Pinar del Rio, probably the most re markable example of defensive tactics has been those employed by Gen. J. M. Aguirre since he assumed command of the insurgent forces in the province of Havana. Although the other chiefs have suc ceeded in evading the Spaniards as well as Aguirre, yet his proximity to the cap ital makes his campaign of special im portance. The northern brigade of the province of Havana, under Aguirre and Brig adier Cardenas, is divided into two cav alry regiments and a company of in fantry, numbering in all about 900 armed men. Their field of operations extends from Havana on the west to the limit of the province of Celba Mo cha on the east, a distance of 45 miles, and from the coast south, to a line di viding the province in the center. In this territory are stationed about 14,000 Spanish troops, whose sole, ob- Mrs. Al. Binns is on the sick list this week. Wheat was $1.02 per bushel at Phila delphia on last Saturday. Terrible Aooideut. It is a terrible sc cident to be bnrned or scalded; bat the psin and agony and the frightful dis figurements can be quiokly overcome without leaving a scar by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. For sale by Conser k BrooV. John E. Latbrop writes from Dyes about the hardships to be encountered in the trip to Klondike and the prospect is not pleasing. John says stay away till next spring. Some (or ten, some for twenty and some for thirty years have suffered from piles and then have been quiokly and permanently cored by nsicg DeWitt's Witob Hazel Salve, the great remedy for piles and all forms of skin diseases. For sale by Conser & Brock. Electric Bitters. Eleotrio Bitters is a medicine suited for an; season, but perhaps more gener ally needed when the languid, exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonio and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers, No medicine will aot more surely in oounteraoting and freeing the system from the malarial poison. Headaohe, Indigestion, Consti pation, Dizziness yield to Eleotric Bit ters. 50o. and $1 per bottle at Conser k Brook's drug store. The persistent fall in the price of bar silver baa caused a panic among the producers in Chile. Many of the prin cipal mines of the republic will be dosed soon, and if the price oontinues to fall, ruin will be the only result. MICROBE-PROOF HOUSE. All she Air Sterilised Before Entering lu furnishes the Beat. One of the oldest domiciles on earth is that recently erected at Yokohama by Dr. W. Van der Heyden, the noted bacteriologist of Utrecht and Japan. The doctor's house .is a dust-proof, air proof, microbe-proof building of glass. It stands on the open, unshaded grounds of the hospital of Yokohama. The house is 44 feet long, 23 feet wide and 17 feet high. Large panes of glass, one-half inch thick and about four inches apart, are set in iron frames so as to form the sides of a cellular building block. Of these blocks the walls are construct ed. There are no window sashes, the air escape being through several small openings around the upper pert of the second story, but through which no air from the outside is admitted. The air supply is obtained from a considerable distance, forced through a pipe and carefully filtered through cotton wool to cleanse it of bacteria. To Insure fur ther sterilization, the air is driven against a glycerin-coated plate of glass, which captures all the microbes the wool spares. The few microbes brought into the house in the elothes of visitors soon die in the warm sunlight with which the house is flooded. The space between the glasses of the building blocks is filled with a solution of salts, which absorbs the heat of the sun, so that the rooms of this house are much cooler than those protected by the thickest shades. In the evening the in terior is heated by the salts radiating the heat they have absorbed during (the day. So effective is the system of regulating the temperature that a few hours of "sunlight, even in freezing weather, will render the house habit able. It is only when several cloudy days follow in succession that artificial heat is needed. Then it is supplied by pumping in 'hot air. Dr. Van der Hey den thinks he has solved the problem of a complete germicide on a big scale. San Francisco Chronicle. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE. LUNG TKOUBLKS AMD CONSUMPTION CAM BE CURKD. Aa Eminent New York Chemist aid Scientist Hakes a Free Offer to Onr Headers. WANTED-AN IDft.?&. ; they osr DDhiV- thlne tnn&tjint Pmteftt vrmr ideas : hrtnir von wealth. Write JOHN WEDX BURN a CO.. Patent Attorneys. WaeniOSVOtl. D. C. for their 11,800 prize oiler. The distinguished ohemist, T. A. Slo oum, of New York City, demonstrating his discovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronohial, lung and chest troubles, stubborn ooughs, catarrhal affections, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis ooveries to any afflicted reader pf this paper writing for them. His "New Scientific Treatment" has oured thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible oure. Scienoe daily develops new wonders, end this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are curable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in his American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those oured in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. O., 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office sod express address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direct from his laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bia generous proposition. Please tell the Dootor that you caw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr. Hiok Mathewa and V. Gentry, under the firm name of Mathews & Gentry, are associated together in the barber business in the new stand, two doori south of the postoffioe. They solicit a oall. Shaving, 15 cents. It. A good bicycle, suitable for either lady or gentleman, in fine repair, new pneu tnatio tires, for sale obeap at Gilliam & Biabee's. tf Now is the time to get the Weekly Oregonian, the greatest newspaper ot the West. With the Gazette, both striot- ly in advance, one year, $3.60. No better combination of newspapers oan be mad in the state. The Gazette will take potatoes, applet, eggs or butter on subscription accounts. Any one owing tbis offioecan settle tbeir acoonnts in this manner nd oan't do it too soon to suit us. ' NOTICE OF CONTEST. Land Office at The Dallis, Orkgon. July 21, 1897. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED at this office by O. B. Dowis against B. E. Walker tor abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 4322, dated March 15, 1892, upon the Eji NWJ4 Bee 84 EV4 BWK Sec. S7, township 8, Bouth Range 23 E, in Morrow county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the ' said parties are hereby summoned to appear at thi office on the 24th day oi Sept., 18'J7, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testi mony concerning said alleged abandonment. 3. w. Morrow, county clerk, Is authorized to) take the testimony in this case at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on Sept. 18, 1807 at 10 o'clock a. m. JAB X. MUUKC, 67-78 Register. SPIDERS AND THEIR WAYS. NOTICE. Not only piles ot the very worst i nd can be oured by Dewitt's Witoh Hazel Salve, but eczema, scalds, bams, bruis-. es, boils, ulcers and all other skin troubles oan be instantly relieved by the same remedy. For sale by Conser k Brook. Dan Maloney, who was shot last week at The Dalles by Jake Prabl, a sheep herder, is getting along fairly well and w i. r,r pntmr, this mall may reoover. Maloney was struct tnree - . m i 1 I tleviAas anrf' l at Cuban brigade ana force tnem to a ae- tlmes and' is dangerously wounded. DO YOU WANT THE CHRONICLE Reversible Map? IcIlOWINO ALWAYS ON TIMK has given this mad a national rt'tmlaUon. All r I ' l wuMMMigera rarrlitd on the veltlinld trains without extra charge. Hhlp your ImMkIiI and travrl over this Unions Hue. All agi-iila have tickets. W, 11. MKAII, r.R.tHVAOK, Ueli. A (flit. 'I'rav. f V. Agt. 'Jl Washington Ht., Portland, Or, CHICAGO In ate & St. Paul S'y This Hallway Co. Operates its trains on lbs famous block lam; LI a lit Us trains by electricity through out; VM Hit celebrated eleotrio berth read ing lamp; Bant speedily equipped paeaenger trains tverv day and lirht between Ht. Paul and Chietgn, tad Omaha and Chicago; tht Chicago. Milwaukee St. Paul Alao tiperatea ttean-heaU.1 vt'tlhilled trains, carrying the latt private compartment rata, library titftvt ma inf rare, tnd palace drawing room let pert. Parlor tart, rree Milling chair tart, nd the very beat dining ebalr tar tervire. F'r Iot rates to any tlul ia Hit Ttilted Mai. Canada, apply to agent of a4lrM u. j. i.nnr, J. W. CAHKT. Uet.er.1 Agent, Tiav. I'aaa. Agent. Portland, to BAftailNOt. The United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Mexioo OK ON JO HIDIO, Q And the Map of the World ON THIS OT n it: II SIPK. Mend 93 and Get the Map and Weekly t hronli'le for One Tear, postage prepaid on M ip and Papa AKDRRHfl M. If. d YOIJNO. frostl-ler a, r. Oventole, SAB rKANCMOtlCAs. wm n n u I j X 1 J m in TUHOCGII CARS, TO Ht. PAUL M1SSKAPOLI8 nri.UTu FAKOO ni'TTK HELENA Ttrkctt Issued to all Points In the United Htatrs and Canada, QUICK TIME TO Ultll'AIHI WaaHIKtlTo I'SLTIMoMt Sit York llvrru All other I Oman points I Kaxsas City in tht i Ht. Jih East and I Nr. Lut'it Koilthcasl lltMTuR Uo Un IVpl rnnaeoliont al Ht. Paul, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Omaha, HI. Ism! and oilier proml- clsive fight. The Spaniards hold all the towns, which are strongly fortified and have each a permanent garrison of from 100 to 300 soldiers to protect them from de struction by the Cubans. Operating field columns are sta tioned at the towns of Guanabacoa, Mines, Jaruco,Aguacate,Ceiba,Mocha, Madruga, San Jose de las Lajas and Sta. Maria del Rosario, in all nine columns, averaging 1,000 men in each. The local guerrilleros that have been formed recently will probably increase the active field force to about 10,000 well-armed and equipped men. The remaining 4,000 are scattered in the smaller towns and forts protecting sugar factories and bridges. The railroad is also in possession of the Spaniards, enabling them to concen trate their forces at any given point in the district within six hours. With Havana aa their base of supplies, the Spaniards have all that can be desired from a military standpoint. For 11 months they have planned combination and surprises for the purpose of en traniilngthisinBlgnlficant little forced 000 Cubans, who are poorly armed and often have been without ammunition, but every time the Spaniards have been foiled. The Spaniards, despite all reporU to the contrary, rarely attack unless they are supported by other compsnlea or rre sure that they outnumber the enemy. The Cubans, through their excellent system of scouts, are always well In formed of the movement of the enemy, and lrt suth case they quietly break camp and march five mllea further on. outside of the trap. Occasionally tne hpanlarda succeed In overtaking them tnd a fight ensues. The Cubans usually throw out twa companies In rdtirmlah line atftt retreat under lt protection; for aa long at there la a line to face, the Spaniards will tx very cautious aliout advancing. I have teen six men bold a Hpanlah column of 1.500 In check for more than an hour by firing upon them from tht woods. The Upon lards, fearing an am buarade, would not venture Into the for est. In faol, this fear of being en trapped Into an ambush Is an Important ftM-lor of the avtua! warfare In Cuba, and la the real resa.ni why Weyler la hitvlng such bard time of It In tht Plnar del lllo hills. The Cubalia, should I hey slop to glvt battle to their eiirnitet In the province of Havana, would aoon find themselves In a serious pretlkament, as at the first sound of the firing all the Spanish eol- (Miina hurrv to the arene,. ana uie Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Uloers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfeot satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Cooser A Brock. Walla Walla Union: Messrs. Thomas tnd Jobn Lyons ot Heppner arrived in the oily yesterday on a visit to their par ents and friends. Tbomss has been appointed, by president MoKinley, townsite commissioner for Juneau, Alas ka, and will leave in a tew days for his new situation. He is t law partner of Congrssman Ellis, of Oregon. Catarrh oured. A dear head and tweet breath tecured with Shitob't Cstarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector tree. Bold by Conser k Brook. x Condon Globe: Att'y John Lyons left on Wednesday's ttagt for Walla Walla to bid farewell to bia brother Tom, wbo will ttart in a few dayt for Alaska. Marked Differences In Habits, Tastes and Characters Shown. We find as marked differences in hab its, tastes and Characters among spi ders aa among human beings. Some kinds prefer always living in houses or cellars, not seeming to care for any fresh air or out-of-door exercise. Mr. Jesse tells of two spiders that lived for 13 years in opposite corners of a drawer which was used for soap and candles. Qtihers delight in making burrows in the eart)h, in dwelling under sitones or behind lie loose bark on trees, and others live under water. Many never leave their webs, but patiently wait, hoping some Insect will become en tangled in the snares they have set. Others dash, about and seize upon every luckless insect that crosses their path. The most adventurous of all are those that sail out into the world on one of their own little threads. Darwin tells of encountering thousands of them many leagues from land when he was taking his" famous voyage ill the Beagle. He says: "The little aeronaut, as soon aa it arrived on board, was very active, running about, sometimes letting it self fall, then reascending the same thread. It could run witlh facility on the surface of the water." In the bright autumn weather, if we observe closely, we may sometimes see some of our own small spiders ascend to the tops of tret, fences and other high objects, rise on their toes, turn the spinner upward, throw out a quan tity of silk and sail away. They can be seen plentifully any fine day in Oc tober or November, before the cold weather, on Boston common. They grasp the silken thread with their feet and seem to be enjoying themselves as much as the birds and butterflies, Margaret W. Leightoo, in Appleton'i Popular Science Monthly.. THE NATIONAL BANK OF HEPPNER, located at Heppner, in the state of Ore gon, is closing up Us affairs. All note holders and others, creditors of said association, are therefore hereby notified to present the notes and other claims against the association for payment. ED.' R. B1BHOP, 536-76 Cashier. Thb Boss Feed Yabd. The first feed yard the teamster strikes in Heppner is that conducted by William Gordon , next door to the Heppner Gazette ranch. Mr. Gordon is accommodating, has a good yard and abundant facilities to take oare of stock in first class shape. His puces are very reasonable. He has hay and grain for sale. Has lately added a car load of baled timothy. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the County of Morrow. The Oregon Mortgage Company, Limited, a Corporation, Plain tiff, vs. Berend Poppenga and Ella Pop penga, Defendants. To Berend Poppenga and Ella Poppenga, de fendants above named. In the name of the State of Oregon: You art. nereDy reuuireo to appear ana answer or otner. wise plead to the complaint Sled against you in the above entitled suit on or before the first day of the next regular term of the Ciroult Court for Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: Monday, the 6th day of September, 1897; and if you fail to so answer or otherwise piead, for want thereof, plaintiff will take Judgment against defendant, Berend Poppenga, for the sum of (450.00 together with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 1st day of December, 1895, and for the further sum of (50.00 attorneys' fees and for the costs in this suit, and plaintiff will apply to the court for a decree of foreclosure and sale of the following described mortgaged premises, to wit: TheBWUof the NEand the 8 of the 8 WW and the NWU of the HW1A of section 19. lownsmp 4, touin oi range m, c. w. m ana ror the application aftathe proceeds of said sale of Come to the Gazette office tnd get t decent lot of envelops printed. Government envelope look oheap, tnd besides you cannot get your business oard printed thereon. tt The Gazette has a scholarship for sale, good for one sohool year at Bishop Soott Aoademy. Drop in and see about tbis it you have t boy to educate, tt Pnt a quarter in yonr pocket and don't spend it till yon get down to Low Tillard't. Finest liquort tnd cigars. Near city hall. t See those new Russian Tan ahoet down tt Llobtenthal't. Latest styles, best quality, reasonable prioes. You cannot do better anywhere. tf property to the payment of the judgment and cons herein prayed lor against ai Berend I oppenga. This summons is published by virtue of an order made by Hon. Htephen A. Lowell. Judge of the above entitled court on the 2Hrd day of JUly, 1H97. JLLiLilS L.IUINB, 61-77 Attorneys ior riainuns. Come in and subscribe for the "Oazoo." Now it the time. Yon don't want to miss t whole lot ot good, hard reading that it now b'nng published in oar "Only." SUMMONS. N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for Morrow county. Rothchlld Brothers, Plaintiffs, vs. Robert Krlck, Defendant. To the above named neiendant, Robert Krlck: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the om- , plaint niea against you in me anove entiuea cause ef action on or before the first day of the next term oi tne anove entitled court, to-wit: Monday, the th day of September. 1N97: and If you fall so to appear and answer, for want tnereoi, tne piainun win use juagmant against you for the sum of $111, the costs and disbursements of this action, and for the sale of the proiierty belonging to you heretofore at tached in this action, and will apply the pro ceeds of said sale to the payment of said judg ment, costs and disbursements. This summons is served on you In pursuance of an order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered in said action on the 2lst day of July, 1W7, BKOVYN & RKD FIELD. 64-77 Attorneys for PlaiuUrA. MANAGING A Sick headache can be quickly tnd com pletely overcome by using those ftmout little pills known tt "Dewitt'i Little Early Risers." For isle by Conser k Brock. FURNACE. Properly Pa tient points lUrf.ate checked through (i destination (junrrt, ,M ,hM ,h,ir rrw helming rtmttbrra would tell In such a case. But 7 A nl tta kela. Through Ik sets Itt Japan tnd China, via Taeomt and Northern Pacific ktesm ship ('-tun party's line. Per full laforraaliim.llmi 0Mda,nip, ticket, etr , nail tm or wntt i W. C. Am A. D, Cmi.m. Atrt V I' llj. AeaMlea I sm. Aft. The I'ellea.Or. Portland, Or by retreating rapidly under cover of fire they tmrn place themselves beyond reach of puran.lt.-llis) t Weekly, Grant County Neai: By mint ska of the mail oletki, presumably, the mail from Portland was tent through by way ot Heppner for a few dayt lately. II reaobed here eighteen boon earlier than I! tt bad corns via Baker, Comt to think of it, what ia tht nse, or whert is tbt economy in tllowiog mail tor Grant county to ttop for' twenty-two boon in Baker City. Ktrl't Glover Root Tea, f ir Conitipt Moo ll't tbt beet and it after oncg it yon doo'l tay to, return package and get your money. Bold by Comer k Brook. I Tom McEwin brongbl to Baker City Thursday two gold ban, valued at 17500, from tbt North Polt nioe. What lr. A. B. Halter ays. Buffalo, N. T.-Geolii-rrom my personal knowledge, gained In observing tht effect ot yoar Shiloh'i Cart la eases ot advanced eonsampttoo, I am prepared to lay It la the astst remark sbli reroiJy Ibat hat iver been brmight to my ttteo lion. It hit eertalely laved many from eotiiamptto. Bold by 0osr k Brock. TtAOf tsstta. Biticat. COVIIICHTI v ' ' iktuvetj Heft t t IMi SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. attff lMe Un. ,.ll. ef I.., kMaei , b.t- fmmy. .! c-vmimm eh( 4 tiaesl MOOIMIIM SiUiwsS MUhai A CO., I Ureases.. w fefe. (iTI.. IV I 1111 111'P If .... tTCAUBM omit cm" 4 'Ktcvurot" The Osteite duet hot attest!. tb ttoteely 4 any ferma, bat M It m- 1114 lo lestst apoa tbt taa '.a aJvta llaa at mUerltia, whelh the ant esMUf t Cianllni VaadribUt ef tbt tw wba tarta Ml be est ty bnaeel tll Vt tenaet tnm lae ptt aa ear alber (1st. ' tf la The Italic dalle (eieept Nttnda?) at K O a. as. Ia I'i!aa l at 7) a. in. Whaa fna gl Pl Head, toB) (iff at TM la He end lake a trip dia-a I ha Cttlarnbte; hi aid ea)y It, aa 1 tavt tuttey. W.C. A1LAWAT, Oeaeftt A eel Vanted-in idea 5 rnwt mi ee a, u . f- aw at . eM m4 mi ,4 1.. Ihm4 ta.w w. Aa II teesnesl lilta. "latclah, I gwlne as yo' to anuddec nt drnt ermetln mdara dat yo" gib rrte tea' erk w en I done b en alrk wkl de iMiy,M Then yon bave anoihrr attack, have yott, Jr ?" ".Not, 'sarkly, sah. tt I dona rtrap fner f .If down W w,ll, a ah, aa' Pom da way dat pwdah pufTorm In de case e merae't, I got der right ter fliik dat rf I drsp It do it iU well hit gwlne bring dai pi-e ler de snffaoe In er1nui to' eern.la, aah.M-lloetow Courier. 1 rra rristaea Taka one rupNI of anned eoen, tnaati Ana, and for each cupful allow an egg and a bait ant a tebleepnnnful ef milk rrrtHun. lrl lal the eggs thnnMigrv ly, thrn ad I Ihe i n by drg r. 1 htt tie lranftlif sail and t w aul lal.le. itiful tf twrHHl tnitW-r, fee piet ieieeirh B'r lr hold Ihe lnr.l tenia lotretbee. CKk on a ll grwdle.-4 la- e-luneU Ktfirer ' lie Ksiew tier. ;ife-Td y.a put that baltea la a pi era where t would Aim! It tht first tl.lng la Ihe tiMtrtiirgT Huabaad-Yea, d- er; I ptlt It It m? Iraaaeri ket.S, Y. Tvtanae. "Cao yon tell what ert ot weal bar a any eipecl tbit meathr wrote a aob teriber lo tbt editor, and tht editor ra plied ai f.dlowi: "II It my belief Ibat tbt wealber Beit moBlb will ba very m nob likt yoar loWriptioa." The en eirar wondered tr aa boar what tbi editor wti driving tl,wbea bt bappeaat lolhiakof Iba wot J "ossstlled lit aealia iba required tmoaal the aeil NOTK R, let Mneh Trouble W hen derstood, A properly managed furnace thould be touched but twice a day, early in the morning and late at night. It is econ omy to put on a full supply of coal and arrange the dampers to control the fire, rather than to control It by means of the fuel used. After thoroughly ahaklng down the furnace in the morning, put on a small amount of coal and let this burn up, to give t body to the fire. Then 111 the furnace full, let the gaa burn up, and close the dampers. A toon as the house is thoroughly warm, close all the dampers tightly. If the fire haa burned down very low In the night, put on coal and a little wood. If neceawery, be fore you shake It down. Open all tht dampers and let tbla come up to give a body to the new fire; and then fill it up with a little more coal, shake It down and fill up the heater. Never poke a heater fire on top. If the weather li warm and the drafta of the heater are strong, do not shake it In the morning, but deaden It by allowing the aahet to remain. Empty the ashes under the grate, however, every morning careful ly, and keep the beater and the prem iere around It brushed free from ashes aa you would a parlor etovt. Tbis will prevent the fine dust of aahet ilftlnf into the hot air plpei and being blown tipsrtalra. If the hot-air pipes are care fully brushed out every acaaon, there will be lees trouble from the "dust, of the beater." A good furnace connect id with a cold-air box which furnishes r.n abundant supply of fresh, cold air remain one ot the most wholesome as well aa the cheapest method of heati a house In modern limes N. Y. Trib une. Any person wbo it interested in British Columbii ibould write to W. H. Harlbort, general passenger agent ot tbt O. R A N., for a copy ot Pat Dontn't lit tle "booklet," "Tbt New Boninuland." It it well worth the trouble, 60-tf. mi Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat eat business conducted for MoeiMSTf Vets, oua Omei is Oeeosivg u, a. rsvcNV Ornet ud e can an ure paunl is ksS tua loss Uwsc head model, drawing or panes- wllk aWrls- Atlne. w e eivue, u patentable or sua, ire w kiMA (Kir us ant due till natem Is serereo. A riemirr, " Hw to Obtaia Psteau," wits cost ot eamela the U. S. aod turcica CMtatne. at free. Address, c.A.sriow&co. LOee. sart av Ornet. WssHieevea. O. C. NORTH PACIPIO Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1M9.) Published Weekly at Portland, Or. DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth Hi weight in gold lo every firmer aod breeder lo Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: W.00 PER YEAR. Ham pie eoplrs trie.) Rjrsl Spirit and Osteite both tor 13.60, eaab, at this effle. n" n rr -Trrzy? m -nrm tsit wm w AttornevN nt Law, HEPPNER, All business attended to lb a prompt and aatiafaetory manner. Notaries Pnblie tnd Collector!. OrriCE IN NATIONAL BANK I3UILDINO. i l t ORKOO!! All eettoea indeMed la Boles tnd ta- aantt dot le Nubia Co, are rtqneated lo f. it ward end aettte isms as inns a taitda, Wa ilill eonliane la business and Will Sell gmvll as tow at a ba bnaght aa where la Iba stale. NVblb a llei pner. Or .Jaeeit, V7. tf. Tarter Oltra. grand tbaaellor ot lbs Kakgbtt al Pvihist ft the dvala at CHasToet, M la Uva ally froat LaslraeJi. Hi r1 l Milloa la visit tlerralet k4g tre, sod will Mara Hal or J af .evaateg ta aae4 with Pm4Mm KaiatBte. ar' w) 4aa?aw JF0Q&L Aeonvenlcfil floor covering forclothea cloaea ia the marbled, enfutwied eloth sold for various um-s. It la readily pnt down and f.tted. Many closets are sel dom stepped Into, ami aa thnrv la at lesssl but iriflinar wear, lis durable qnsJ lllea a-re not f rated. Closet floors to covered may easily be) wiped over with a damp eloih every morning, thus at coring all looa dust. N. Y. Post. .- j ttaeea Tlelarla'a Jsfclle." 1 ' The I'narUah court fete In honor I tba queen s Juhilea will bia tt Buck ing-bant palace Jursell with aresvpUon tn relatives ami furvlgn fVtysJlles, lev lav ftslkMaed by a banquet at Ihe paleca to Uia diploniatle corpat. fa the fuilow log day Ihe qtteea will atteml a tpertaj ar ir hi Weatmlnster stIey and state receptton at the pslartv The Itutlnder of Ihe week will be filled w receptions, a garden fvsrty. balls, royal taiertaiDmenia amocg tba public era errs and embaeews and a state banqnet tt 'Jsilsor castle. Tba rsyesl a rn Loadnn bss ea fjr mey yesra let peeled. ... , . WHITE COLLAR LINE. 2 Columbia River and Pugct Sound Navigation ft siftsm TfiU'uosE, im unm id ocas Leaving Alder Hlreet IXk. PnHlsnd. fi Atnrls. Ilwean, Lrwg Beaeh (Wis Park tad Nibcotla. Direel aonneetmn with ilneoo etestaera sad rail road; also at Toaog'i Bay with Heaebort lUitrnad. TnijiiriioivM Leaves rortland II. Paily, eteH auM.y. Itmtm A .torts J P. M. taily ssrept an ads 31VIL.X3TT OATZBTIT Leaves Portland l f. M t-.ur. strep. s,,n.ur. aatuMs, i-i,t, urn 1. alt l A. MeirefA Sunday and MMMtsy. Sueday kiht.j p. M Leaves Portland and wee dlrwt ui lle, Tneadsv and TUveads? mi u a......-., , M Lea't Hare) Wednesday and PrMay si I at A N. On iiadey sklstlp V Pel Salety, S, I, CneainH, Pteaeaes, Travel ea Ihe Telefkane. Ball. ,.,wr, mm4 ttnmm -i THE PALACE HOTEL BAH, J. 0. 13QIlOili:ilS. Pro).. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.