Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 24, 1897, Image 3

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On the Neck and Creat Weakness
Caused by Impure Blood -Was
Constantly Crowing Worse.
' When my son was 5 years old he was
in very poor health and we could get
nothing to relieve him. At the age of 7
years he began to complain of soreness on
both hides of his neck and soon lumps be'
gan to gather on one side and grew to
half the size of an egg. We then became
more uneasy and began to doctor him for
scrofula. He gradually grew worse, how
ever, until at the age of twelve years we
had lost all hope of his recovery. He be
came so weak he could sit up but a few
minutes at a time. My wife saw Hood's
Sarsaparilla recommended as a great blood
purifier and we sent and got a bottle. We
began giving our boy the medicine ac
cording to directions and ft was not long
before we saw he was improving. He
continued taking it until he was in very
good health. He is now 13 years old and
is well. We recommend Hood's Sarsapa
rilla for all troubles caused by impure
blood." S. M. Silver, Grouse, Oregon.
Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists.
1; six for $5. Get only Hood's.
Thrilling Incident Which Occurred In
Heppner Yesterday No Arrests.
Yesterday morning as the Long Creek
stage was approaobing the outskirts of
Heppner, near Albert Wright's plaoe,
the driver's attention wis called to the
notions of a rather large man short bat
heavy Bet who made straight fr the
;e waving something in bis hand
which looked not unlike a Wiodheitef .
Coming np the large man demanded
that the stage be stopped at once. The
driver being at bis mercy obeyed in
stantly. The whole affair ooourred in
less time than one could tell the Btory,
and when the large mau was through
with the outfit, the driver was very glad
to turn around and coma back to town
where be took on another passenger,
prooeeding on to Monument withont
farther molestation.
The passenger had been' left in some
manner. Unvman phoned np to Tim
Biebee to stop the stage and have them
return. Tim shouted and wildly waved
hie arms to attmot attention but aH to
no purpose. Seizing' a club he was more
successful in his effirls, and
Take Notice.
X. The sum ot live cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever Durnnaa.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
c ints a line. These rules will be strictly adher-
i bum every lunuiuce.
Advertising rates reasonable and madeknown
upon appnoauon.
- Now that the great political campaign
is over and the winter season again with
us, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long evenings. Cognizant of this the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, 11.50 $3.50
" 8. P. Examiner, $1.50 8.75
" N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, 11.00 8.25
' 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World. U.OO 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2. 50
Leslie's Weekly, 14.00...... 5.00
Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Snnclay school
10 a. m. glasses no. l na i at TOlU p. m.
Kpworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
rmer meeting, i nursuay, (t p. m.
"The Hpihit and the bri's nav. Coma."
The paxtor may be fonnd at tile parsonage ad
joining the church, where he will be glad to
mmi tiny w u uiny utunre w uijubuu mm uu
renmouB, sutial, civio, ptuloHoptuo, educational,
or any oilier subjects.
J, W. FLESHER, Minister.
Here and There.
this is the
hoi da p.
whole story of yesterday's
John McCarty ia np from Portland,
H. V. Gates leaves tonight for Baker
Shorthorn dairy for best milk and
cream, 67tf
Asa Thompson and wife leave today
for Desolation lake.
Will Spencer and wife are back from
tbeir mountain trip.
Jack Lake and wife are visiting rela
tives np at Moscow.
Ranoua ia still on the tart doing s lit
tle carpenter business. If
Heppner Outfitting Co., to the old
Herreo stand, ee adv. a
Miss Lena Robinson bas returned to
ber Walla Walla home.
Submit your plans to Rmons before
f Iving out your contract. tt
Mike Rosendorf, a former Heppner its,
was here oo last Saturday,
Mr. O. E. Redfleld is io Portland and
will b aheeot until Friday.
Art Minor and family went out Sstar-
day to camp oo Ditch oreek.
P. O. Bora and family got baok Frl
day last from the mountains.
Geo. W. Smith was op from bis raoob
oo Social Bidge last Saturday
Barney Doberty and Tom Gilflllea
were ia Heppner on Saturday last.
W. B. Irwin is back from B. C. and
tba Sound where he spent bis vacation
Ike Besey and Cha. Johnson were
dawn (mm the monoUlui last Saturday.
Statements for the Famona Simple
Account FU printed at the On-tte of
floe. If.
Willi Br. broke tbir thresher ye
tr.iy sod wero In to get some repairs
for esme.
The Uop Gold ke,r befr at the Wei
eoroe. Go le, yoa thirsty dentins, sod
see the !. "
resebee, waternirlone and all traits
of the sesson striving dully at the
OrsogeFr.nl. 6 HI
Mr. and Mr. W. E. Bii dpartel
last evening tor HitnpW to visit Mr.
end Mrs. Ne. Jim'.
fibfrifl Driver, of The Delia, was here
over Hnodav. Mr. Driver U a proroioeot
enn.1i.lut fur U. H marshal
It'ead mJe Inm whM bet fl -nr
at Mrs. LuriVs bakery. Fur sale
tore of I'. C ThMiipenri Co. 2 3
IWet eeeommolatloo and enartsios
treatment si the Imp"'' Hntl,Hver.tb
end Woeh. His., Portland, Oregoo.
W.l,l,,n Rhea and Oreeo Maitbewe
went beerbnntiof Balordsy aod Sao
.t.. m in the Blue. No br ere
Tfcnaa who desire t bnihl should not
fnrt thai O. IE-.
Ir art of, le reedy l ke
any time.
Cmee A Block well's tsnry Vkles and
sensed wle. rednred ptUf. Drang.
Ffo. PP. City Mel, Or,
Willow etrrete.
it. tL.took an I family reloroad
ealar.Isr froej the moooteiee.
doctor a4 Itrr fbiW?
tUit wtt out.
Teaoher's institute begins Aug. 30.
Andy Rood was in from Hardmao
Ben Swaggart oame np from his ranch
Chas. P. Johnson is oyer from the
John Day.
N. R. MeYnv was over yesterday from
John Balsiger was down from the
Blues yesterday.
Geo. Conser leaves tomorrow for the
coast to j )in his wife.
F. O. Buckman and family have moved
baok to Heppner.
Harrison Cummmgs was iu from
Hardman on last Saturday.
J. P. Haydou, the pioneer traveling
man, was in Heppner over Sunday,
Jake Young was in from Gooseberry
yesterday preparatory to threshing.
Baths down at the Jones' barber shop,
25 cents. Orville Jones manager, tt
Jadge Bartholomew leaves this week
for M. E., South, conference, to be gone
a week.
Some fine quartz can be seen at D. A,
Ourray's barber shop, taken from tbe
Blues within 25 miles from Heppner.
Married At tbe Palace hotel last
evening, Mi. Miles H. Otis and Miss
Emma Langswortb, Judye Bartholomew
Mrs. T. W. Ayers, jr., aooompamed
by 6. P. Florenoe's two little girls, de
parted last evening for ber home
A party consisting of Mioses Berth
Cate end Lena Bbea aud Messrs. Jesse
Stewart and Fred Hart Sundayed over
on Bhes Creek.
A True Nerve
Tonic and Blood Purifier
Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood,
Keguiates me JLiver, noweis ana lvianeys.
H3jp Oregon.
Stop that oonirhl Take warning. It
may lead to consumption. A 25c bo I
tie of Sbiloh's Cure may save your life
Sold by Oouser k Brook. x
Every new subscriber of tbe Gasette
from this date, May 25, 1807, will receive
ae a premium a book worth alone the
price of tbe subscription. tf
Ben Swaggart wants to rent COO acres
of farming land to somt good man for
two years. Will furnish implements,
teams, eto. Address him at Lexington,
or call at raoob, 73-4
A poem "My Creed," written by Lue
Vernon, formerly ot Heppner, appears
ia this issue. Vermn bas written some
very creditable things sinae bis
first effort in that line ten years ago.
Rtlph Beoge, J as. and Albert Willis
nd Frank Smith were ia town Satur
day, bavins gained t 1 ax .off by tbe
thresher breaking down. It ie like tbe
negro's "mo' raio mo' res' " Dice for
tbe hao.ls bat tough oo tbe owners.
At tbe Citv Bakery oao be found all
kinds of fresh bread, eakes, pies, bons
and everything nsunlly fonnd ia e flrst-
olass bakery. Choice groceries, fresb
vegetables, fru'.ts and watermelons will
be kept constantly oo ssle at thie piece.
The Billf Mrrow rlip, that wae
bought under protect by Henry Depp
oer some time si f r 9 eente -nearly
all lleppoeritoe remember tbe traanec
tioo wee eil to-Jsy to ft- Wilktoson
for 10' eente. J. O. Wiliiami e... Lie
Ohp for 10 aeute to Mr, Jjhnsoa, the
Chicngt bnyer. Thee ere gn. price
Gathered ' by Sport in His Rounds This
Sport wants to impress tbe editor ot
the Gazette that be will get mightily
lioked some day not far distant. This
will be s cue that will admit of no
We have fine prngpeots for good times.
No one denies that. There are big crops
and big prioes; gool prices tor every
thing, in fact. There is also an immense
crop of fine ten-pound babies just being
harvested. Now it tbe editor gives Mo
Kinley credit for tbis there will be trou
ble from more than one soaroe.
Eli Eeeney will lose his membership
ia tbe Neaversweats if he doesn't oease
worrying about bose-oarta and tbiugs
that are out of bis line. A Ne vers west
who does more than breathe now is a
disgrsoe to the order.
Pbd Simons will have s whole lot of
trouble id explaining to the same order
wby he went 250 miles through tbe hot
sun for recreation.
Heppoer's streets are being dampened
Id tbe middle oc the Main street, while
a whole lot of less privileged peop le are
endarins the dast at both ends of
tbe thoroughfare. Sport was always
oatofluok. Often be has bad to take
water when he didn't want it; now when
it is desired it oan't be bad. May be
we will have better luok oo the water
qnestion in tbe next world.
Montana isn't doing a tbiog to tbe
Heppner horses. No winnings ot im
portance have been made lately.
The Only All-Bail Boute Without
Change of Cars Between Spokane,
Eosslaod end Nelsoo. Also between
Nelson and Bossland, daily except
Leara. Arrive.
8KX) A. M Spokane 61 P. M.
lHK) A. M Rowland :0 P. M.
:10 A.M Melson r. ai
ITaaln on1 all Kftotnnftl IaIcA Dointjl.
Pas4eniera for 'Kettle Kiver and Boundary
Creek oonnect at Harom witti stage daily.
Now Prepared to do Any
Kind of Printing Don't
Send Your Orders Away
'Till You Get the Gazette's
Heretofore the Gazette's job depart
ment has tried to do no work other than
plain printing. However, this ebop is
I nnnt iipanar.fi kn tanlrl. nnvfrhiniy in anv
Close connection at NeUon with steamers for . .,, , .
line HUU win meet yru-.en ui nny yersuu
under the sun in the Hue ot druggists'
supplies, blank books, baok work,
oounty work, or any eort of book bind
ing work that you have heretofore sent
away to get done.
Tbe Gazette shop is not a oharity
ooncern but it yoa will give us a ohanoe
we win see mat yoa are eauenea in
every particular.
Bar your goods at home. Remember
tbat Abe Lincoln said that w'oen one
bought goods away from boas tbe
foreigner got the money and we got tbe
goods. Bat when tbe goods were
bought at home we bad both money
and goods. This Is good doctrine. We
are willing to abide by it. When the
printing drummer comes to town, re
member it and call up 'phone No. 8.
50)- If
W. B. Johnson, Newark, 0., says "One
Minute Cough Care saved my only ohild
from dying by oroup. It has saved
thousands of others suffering from oroup
pneumonia, bronchitis and other Serious
throat and laDg troubles. For sale by
Conser & Brook.
Abe Jones bas been made a speoial
collector of customs at Dyes, while
Clyde Baling is making $10 to f 12 per
day packing over Chilkoot pass.
a. N
here i kis for Ye
A transaction io which yon eao not
loe ie a snre tlilog. ISilioosnew, sirs
heeilsiibe, furred tongue, fever, piles
and tb(iusnd other Ills are caused by
conetipalitiu sad eluggish liver. Cue-
enrols Csndy Ca'lisrlio, (be wotn1erl.il
new liver siirnnlsnt and intestinal ton io
ere en, by all draggisle aud gnsrsnteed
to ears or money refunded. C. 0. 0
are a sore thing. Try a bii In Uy ; li)e..
25. 500. Hniila i)J bo"ktrt fre. If
Foster Gets His Arm Crooned While
H anil line a Traetioa Engine.
A. N. Foster was the victim ot a bad '
aooident yesterday, out oo Eight Mile,
wbile handling a traotion engine of tbe
Aaltmau-Mlller make.
Mr, Foster recently bought this en
gine, a second hand affair, from 0. II.
Dodd k Co., through Alv Leacb, of
Lexington, tbe agent. It was not Id
good repair nor was it op to oontraot,
yet Mr, Foster was eompelled according
to the terms of that instramenl to give
it one day's trial. Ia briniiing it from
tbe depot it rao off tbe Torn Morgan
bridge, damaging tt oonsiderably, neces
sitating repairs. Yesterday moroing
Mr. Foeter started with his nolfit for
Eisbt Mile, asing team of horses to
gonle the engine. He was acoompaoled
by F. M. Breeding, of Hsystark. About
four milee tbis side ot Cliff Jones',
wbere FoeUr exported to thresh, tbe
blow-off" pipe borst. Foster at once
threw off tbe steam, bat the boreee b-
eame frightened and io Indetvnring to
get off tbe engine, tbe full force of 90
ponods of steam wee tbrowo on, break
ing the drive ebaio, one bd striking
Foster oo tbe right arm, oesr tbe elbow,
crashing it terribly. He wis brought
to towo at ooce aod Drs. McHeorde and
Mol'aul called to attend him. Tbe
elbow i-.lnt was fonnd Io be badly
mangted, enmerous Urge pieces f bone
being taton from the wound. It ie
loubtful If tbe arm ten be ssved. AI
present the patient ie resting ae well ee
eoiild be etpectod et tbe Pslsre hotel.
Quick !
The sooner you begin to
use Schilling's Best tea, the
bigger your chances at that
$iooo offered for the miss
ing word besides the ex
tra prizes for the most tick
ets sent in.
Schilling's Best tea is at
your grcer's.
Rules of contest published irl tnrge
advertisement about the first and middle
f each month. Ail
Tor CaXo?rti
r.l.V'rRKAM IMI.M IsafMMtMvseni-
annlT inlo Ihs nnsliils. Ills quick lyslisnrrwd. 60
emits at Itanratsla or hf msil ! ssinples Inr. bj null,
KLY WIOTIIUKS. Wsrrea Bu. hsw York I'll.
iroTj-xroxD, 1070.
A Boarding and Day School for Boys Under
Military Discipline.
T BKh u nmlse lh M
This inotlUiliirn s tlionxislilx eiil.l lur ll trn-nul
resent msnsinent rnttinn Heil.
r eniliimi lur I lie Itn-nUI. I, Mir
ThoriMMh liri i "ti for stiy riipe
II, l-7.
Sort I, lirsicml
pientiflif rh.H.I. Hnklruilsssl itrewnl in Tsle. Weal 1'i.ltil. Msawhn-
Inniitaleof TThnoli. Hms t ii'r.m of ( slilnimn. Ora,
I'e-nnvlvMiia. Miwlonl nf JlHiill. llunns fsrailton l.ll.r wolra.ma
fnwiSIn 1 s m Kor rslalina and lwr lnti.'nill..n. arttlreas Ilia
l'rtrriil. . W. HILL, U. ll . t'ortliuwl, Oroo. t O drsw.r 11.
Sl tVlit. IS.
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
groceries and supplies ; yon want sub
stantial gents' furnishings. Yon can find
what you want at T. B. Howard's
T. Howard
Main Street. Heppner, Oregon.
Was Perfected by the
Production of
Jlnd now the entire world
Knows this perfect product
As the Star lire wen beer
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portland , Or.
esllmstee at
kfaia end
The Hoalhero r'ifia railmed eompsny
bae Jeni.leil to Sell tickets from all
stations on He lines ia Oregon, at nee
fuefof Iheronad Hp. Ie viawof Ibefset
that oar Denote have bern favored with
aboodsot emps, II ie ni,8denlly etpaol
ed tbet tbe stale fair at Htlem will bavs
t better alien isnoe thea ever before
and io order to give all an opportunity
to visit litis treat Inslitqiina rt wbleb
Ibe pMpUol the entire etete be ra
ens to t prno I, thie popqler lies or
railroads bee re.aee. the fare en ae to
enable all ee iih c.f the graedest
di.lss ever lhibit.l at Sslem. The
fair .0 fft M'b eud e.e Or I. Ato,
A New fir-
Hero Meadowe bee lekea ie a partner
ia Ibe bUfksmUMng basineee la tbe
person of V. T. Ilatleti, wbo woe tor
oieflr io the employ rf W. I'. rWlrener
f tile ettj. ltr. Ilatteo bee tnsei
frleiide ia IlepfUM and sarrnaodiog
eonntry who will bestow their ptlrns
see npoo him In Lis br ansrta's
Meelowe k lUtten will be strong
Utrn Id Ibe bl sruill.li and hor-
sli'wlng bosiaees arid Ibef rspelfallr
solicit a liters I share of publie pslruo
age. This arm gnaratileee all work to
tie etrirtlr first clse. (iive (baa call.
67 1 It
fa fnl, sot pereon, or ers.n, realdiuf within
Ihseity limits, or onuniy 1 1 mi is. who shall h
eso.hl ridiog, or walking, y Ihe store of
. ... . it.
I'or Oiestiptiiow take Marl's Clover
Tee, the '. I Ultod Taritkr, enrae
heodeh), Sefo, Ereplioee im
Ibe fere, eed eaakee the hel oe elesf ee
fctiiifc; CvuffA fctock. I
Hpt. 1st, Kfl, C C tUrgaot will
open Ihe Medal rssiaaraot, O'kvJ
rtwtiue end I a. I ieV perlr ie ennna'tion,
A first el sas bMsrtv k will Newiployetl
and Ihe ltet Vt reol Ril Ihsl Ibe Mar
ket aff rls will Im erva., day nf ibt.
Ihnlbg e'tu'l uris eed wlbate eilaoJ.
lag "I'll Hir U I d Mt" t 11
ri,ls r day. A tree 'bee to train.
73 fi
la tra r latle arf.
Take Caararale Caadr Cslhsriia. I e
of 'AV. If (". C. C. foil to ro, 4ras'ais
fai4 If
i mi
1 1 h
Withtolsto(pl(if el the eUtve msittinetd store
III It D'ttilted by IbeCliy Marshal that li e
only plsee in lleppner ye ran bay
1 H ' W
Ie el tbe Hmre t MINOIt h CO. Iter satire
line mast gi to aaake ro for fell stork
1 1
r i
i i
1 1
1 1
Cigare. eyrape, berveat glovee, or Oetriob feather
dosters; also some other things, doo't forget to
call ob
TPiiOAiroi CO.,
Heppner Outfitting Co.
Cull on
At this popular stand and get goods at hall
the old prices, ract.
"a al m
You con Wnfjer Your Sox that You
nro Always ot Homo nt ....
F Welcome
Oa ktsie Hlre.1, la U.ty Uulel U.itl ling.
I by try to pleeee all. Fiee elub rowoM Io xse tie.
Tho GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CA$ri,