Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 24, 1897, Image 2

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Senator George, of Missis
eippi, died last week.
place resumed operations; the
Providence Mine at Scranton,
which has been idle for two years,
will resume work at once; the Del
aware Iron Works at Newcastle
have resumed operations, giving
employment to 500 persons, and
the wall-paper factory at Newark,
Del., will soon resume; the Edge
moor Iron Co. bt Newcastle, Del.,
has increased its force of em
ployees; coal miners at Nashville,
111., have received an increase of
20 cents per ton on their
wages for mining coal; the pottery
manufacturers in New Jersey have
agreed to advance wages; the
Southern Railway Company has
put all the men in its shops at
work at nine hours a day.
Craft Being Built at Chicago Will Be tented,
"Knocked Dowa" and Shipped.
A steamboat complete in every detail
will oe built in Chicago, then taken
apart, shipped in seotions to tbe month
of the Yokoo, pat together there and
then ply between St. Michaels and Daw
son City, says tueObioago Times-Herald.
William Chaoe & Co., who booked an
excursion last month at Thomas Cook A
Sou's, bat abandoned tbe enterprise and
returned tbe passage money beoause no
steamer oonld be seoared (or tbe journey
from San Franoisoo to St. Michaels, will
build tbe steamer. Plans were complet
ed this week by tbe Marine iron works
We shall see next June, says
the Oreconian, what the people
The fall in silver is causing think about the course of those
much trouble in Mexico wnere in- persons who haye proceeded here
terest on the public debt is pay- tofore on the DrinciDle that the
able in gold. 0Diy duty or function of the leeia
I o
lature was to elect a particular
A carrier pigeon from Andree man to the United States senate,
has been caught. Andree said in and that everything was to be
a message that he was then eight subordinate to his wishes and to
degrees from the pole. the greed of his gang for office.
Well, now, that's one way of put-
It is thought that wheat wiH ting it, answers the Crook County
reach the dollar mark on this rouruiu- AQe au s way would
coast. It has already touched be different. It would read like
that point in New York. The tbl9: We shall see next June what
farmers are in it. . the PeoPIe thlnk abot the course
of those persons who, "disgusted
with John IT. Mif.nhAll'a oilvor
The visit of Representatives it- Aa .
Hooker and Sherman to this coast Simon pur6( go,d standard b
should be productive of good. ,ican8 in Oregon, and. horrified at
They have seen that Uncle Saras the way Mr MitcheU faad de
money nas not oeen wasted. hnahA" th nnliti nt tha ctota
subsidized and hired one of the
Dun's "Review" for last week most rabid free silverites in Christ-
makes radically encouraging re- endom, who in turn hired a hotel
marks on the prospering condition at Salem and, filling it, as common
of various sections of the countiy, report avers, with liquors, cigars
the heavy purchases, large deals in and something worse, debauched,
Tbe wave of prosperity reaches lone.
Several new residences going np and
more to follow.
The past week has tbe reoord of being
the warmest of the season.
Two business additions to lone a
batcher shop and saddler shop.
Joe Woolery, oar prominent merohsnt,
visited down below and returned.
Carpenter Parsons bas tbe contract to
pat op the residence for T. J. League.
lie is bard at work.
Don't forget that tbe dedication of tbe
lone Congregational oburoh will take
Tbaoraftwill be a stern-wbeeler, 75 Plaoe on Sunday, Aug. 29.
feet long, 17 feet bean, and will draw, The bouse of Joe Haney is nearing
with a load of forty tons. 18 inches. Her completion. The boom of 1897 at lone
engines will be 7 by 23 inohes and she eolipaes those of 1895 and 1896.
will carry 150 pounds of steam. She Mies Hattie SohoSeld arrived from
will be flat bottomed and have two wins Denieon, Iowa. She bas seoared a posi
rudders and a balaaoe rudder. Both tbe tion in tbe Ueppoer publio sobools.
main ana ine upper aeon win De niiea ThB new iodff, hftll in 0our8e of
with etaterooms and she oan famish Lnnat,nHnn Wnnio-u will rani
tbe first floor for his new hardware store.
Tom Woolery returned from below
where be has been for treatment and
takes charge of the M. L. and T. Co.
warehouse this fall.
Grain does not turn out as well as
expeoted but tbe prioe oontiuues to rise
Farmers are jubilant and disposed to
forty passengers with Bleeping and
boarding accommodations. Her timbers
will be oak and tbe planking Georgia
pine. Plans show ber lines to be sym
metrical, though nothing has been sac
rificed to motive power and structural
strength. She will tow two barges.
Tbe cost will approximate $12,000.
All to be Tested Bere.
All the work, even to the plumbing, hold back for dollar wheat.
will be done in Ohioago, with tbe exoep The Christian Endeavor sooial will
tion of fioisbing toaobes to tbe painting, (occur on the evening of Friday, Aug,
Experience has shown that two master 27. Everybody invited. A nice pro
minds designing a steamboat for ship- gram rendered, refreshments served and
ment in seotions, one the woodwork, the enjoyment for all.
otner the machinery, win tan or. oest re- Jske lutiviUer. a prominent farmer
suits. When it comes 10 putting tnem 8nd d9jryroB0 o( Highland, 111., arrived
together they will not nl ana geDerany k Ione Bnd wh5e iooking at onr conntry
a lot or slo and expensive alteration la wi yisit frieD(J. Hfl i(J trByelling
... 1 T ii. - -ill.
required, in me case 01 iui a.oauior, a(m)()( the weflt wjth . vjew
annmi a-int.4 a) (ha madKinnPV fDlll Ka Oak I .
,,, u. .u " looation. lie is very favorably trn-
up on the boat in the Uhioauo yards, all pre8ged with Morrow county
connections made and tbeentire maonm-
Of Mercury!
Mr. Henry Roth, of 1848 South 9th
Street, St. Louis, was given the usual
mercurial treatment for contagious
blood poison. He was twice pronounc
ed cured, but the disease returned each
time, he was seized with rheumatic
oains. and red lumps and sores cov-
"I was in a nor
rible fix" he
says, "and the
more treat
ment I receiv
ed, the worse I
seemed to get.
A New York
specialist said
be could cure
me, but his
treatment did
me no g o od
whatever. I was stiff and full of
pains, my left arm was useless so
that I was unable to do even the
lightest work. This was my condition
when I began to take S. S. S., and a
few bottles convinced me that I was
being benefitted. I continued the
medicine, and one dozen bottles cured
me sound and well. My system was
under the effects of mercury, and I
would soon have been a complete
wreck but ior . SS. S."
S. S. S., (guaranteed purely vegetable)
is the only cure
for real blood dis
eases, lhe mer
curial treatment
of the doctors al
ways does more
harm than good. Beware oi mercuryi
Books on the disease ana its treat
ment mailed free to any address by
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
erj turned by steam from the boat's own
boiler. When suoh a test shows every.
thing perfect she will be difjointei and
packed aboard freight cars for Seattle.
The parts will theu ba taken by steam
ship to fit. Miobaels and there put to
gether by one of tbe shipyard experts.
The hall will be in six sect ione. Sides
of tbe main bouse and tbe upper deok,
as well ns tbe pilothouse, will be packed
ia tbe same manner as fine partitions
from factories wbiob make bank and
saloon fixtures. Strong bolts will serve
Since the matter of eduoation bas
been better provided for, our town hat
wonderfully progressed. Oar boom in
creases, and tbe town is growing beyond
all expectations. As tar as business is
concerned our town is already seoond
in size in the county and with prosperi
ty invading the land, Ione will astonish
this side of the world.
A. W. B.
Ione, Aug. 21, 1897.
Btocks, and especially in wheat, corrupted, bought up or what you ! to b,0J the IHPBr9t9, P"rti '"Rather
and finally intimates that the week will, the whole populist contingent w!l'?1'aJron'iuwh,La the;hoohHi',"
. . . , , , . will hold the gathered seotions together
..v,.,.. v.ui. .... t,.wB.i r,a uw ami cuuuyu i cy u ui icaus iu prevent in -
pnsHod by the groat revival upward the organization of the house, be
rush in 18.). cause bv this means alone thev
could defeat the will of the majori-
i. ! TT ?. 1 f,. .
It in now in nrdnr for tk y wi cnoicu oi a united states
lamity howlcts and fraud criers to BTenator; Thl8 19 the WRy the
charge that the fanner is now re- JourtmI wouK1 Put il 11 is not R
coiving the reward for his treach- I1681'011 f electing Mr. Mitchell
ery in voting for McKintey and re- or " other raan- Any re'
furtinff tn Minnort iSrvan. II,. fr. PUUIlcnn wl" 8U11 "e Journal.
n.er's friend, in that the trusts and We shft11 800 if the P00I,le Prefer
l.lutocrats have raised the nricos Rtinrc,iy revolution to quiet
of whe.it and other farm products Bubra,HBlou to mPr'ly
I TI.. ii- 1 1 . il
in ordor to pay him for hia vote. , .lua
of Jim Stewart, a Section Hand,
From the E. O,
Jim Stewart, middle-aced man. tin
peie airnoiure. married, who had been emoloved as
"This is not an experiment with us," eoUon hfta Ariinalo met with a
snid William Q. Nourse, nnnager of the ,erribie deaia last Wednesday night at
aiarine iron nor us yesteraay. "iDree ihst nlars
IL ,!!. 1 l l I
miUlus ago we umn jubi hucu a sieara- KBnarAina ia the nartioulara related
er, me uoa noranzo. tor Mexican waters, , Bn Ewt Qregonian representative,
and shipped it 'knooked down.' One of HfaorD, if;.f.4 j ..
our mon, wnn me a.ms.BDoe oi iwo iir- ... f. h.OA hoAn mBWln hl. tn
A a! . . A .il I "
norani nauves. pat n ...gemer pericuy he Mction hon(,fli He ,ajd down npon
within thirty days. . twitnh -n.i nn...i . frmoht i;n
inn rni i p in ifn i.ayn. I . . .;4M . .. u;
Eastern Oregon
State Normal School,
Weston, Oregon.
Located on the O. R. & N. Railway
midway between Pendleton and
Walla Walla. Students admitted at
all times of tbe year.
First-Class Training School for Teachers.
Yooal and Instrumental Music taught
by competent instructors. A gradu
ate of the Boston Conservatory bas
charge of the instrumental department.
1Alio Indies' Boarding Hall
Is thoroughly equipped and offers ex
cellent accommodations at reasonable
rates. Send for catalogue.
Addsess M. G. ROYAL, President of Faculty or P. A. WORTHING
TON, Secretary Board of Regents, Weston, Ore.
How a Tailor Got $100,000 for a Suit of
Clothes A Strange Story.
Tbe rise in the Le Roi mining stock at
Rossland, B. C, brings out a story in
wbioh Jake Yenzel, a German tailor is
the prinoipal character.
He was suspicious of tbe sudden for
tunes made by tbe pick and the pan of
the prospeotor and preferred to slowly
swell bis bank acoouct by sticking olose
to tbe needle and thread.
And yet by the application of this
same needle and thread diligence Yenzel
had this same bank account increased
out of all proportion to his modest needs
and his wildest ambitions.
One day gve years ago be sold a suit
for $100,000. He didn't know it until
recently, when a miner dorpped in the
shop and happened to mention tbe rise
is Le Roi mining stook from a par value
of 1 oent to a par value of 800 cents.
"Vy!" exolaimed i"enzel, "a shentle
mens git me vita hundred shares of dot
stock vife years sinoe und I make hira
one zuit. I baf dose bapers in my safe."
Le Roi is still homing, and Yacob
Yenznl bas refused 820 a share tor bis
5000 holdings.
Rogers & Roberts,
Contractors and Buildera.- -
Plans and Estimates Given on snort Notice.
All Kinds of Repair Work Done n
OFFICE H0URS-Day and Night Leave your orders "Any Old.
Place" and Rog. or Jim will get 'em. o o o ' o o o o
He has anything In this line that you may desire and you can depend on it you get a
good article when Mat guarantee! it.
Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty!
"An Kit all tliia talk about the
raiHC of wool," hhjh a pojMicratio
I I l i .a ...... I
paper lUl)imiio. at UOHOlmrg, "lui8 H,.cni unwarranted sneerins at Con-
your it sold no higher throughout grMiimn Tongue and Ellis on the part
KaHtcrn Oregon than two yoarti I"0"' PP" l',s not tuml to entab-
,, . ... 1 Huh IIS ill.nnl.. . n h, ..P !.......
nL'o. Huh hIiowh tin nttnr inn .on. ' """'
I'iiw'ii nn jimmm, uiir uun u Harmonize
ctraliility of tlio poocratio brain
six men who know bow to handle tools
anl tackle, one of our experts oonld put
tliia boat togrthor in leas than ten ditys
at Ht. Michael's."
It is interesting to note tn oonneotion
with building and shipping a steamboat
R.0OO miles to southwestern Aluska, that
thn Marine Iron Works last year built
the complete machinery for sixteen
deep draught propellers now trading OD
the AnmaiP. Three mouths will be re-
quired to coimlruct the steamer for the
Ynkmi, ami sh will not tie takmi up
until spriug.
with that paper's profrased desire for
nn t.i R nilfnt inn i,f fuit Unit iuli.i , ., . ..
- - " " uaruiony iu me party." ins ooidine
simply notorious, retorts tho of mir delegation iu the l.iwer houxt for
Crook County Journal. A Warm ,n" ',i"o ' Hpakr H-d in enromitten
Spring Siwrthh who untie such a
Uumler aa tins would fired ofT
tho reaervation.
aiiaignmnnts is alMiird. Corvallia
The growth of protection Bonti-
nicut has been evidenced in many
The Imm-s of Ilia country pre are
making the old bull of the Portland
Orrgonian very uncomfortable IIhnm
lays. Ths way tbe old h-sal roars
Wlipn the hxa atintf lilm la In.linfnm in
ways during the pant special Hes- thoea at ImrI thai be has takan ao uuah
iou of congrona iu the diMCUHHlon pl'-amire io eliaamg anrota lot dnrtng
of the tariff bill, but no more hi" ""nli"l wi f 20 tear or
clearly thau iu tho reception ac ro"r"n
cordel to Senator McLnery UH)U a hii m uoou
hi arrival in New Orlcntia after a Altwniion U ell. to an adv-rtm-
long fight on tariff principle, in '. amli"r oolumu, e(thII..Im
r.ngiun ami iiuinM t, nll.'u, or Tort
land, Oregon. This Itmtilnlloo has
prnbably aduoaliHl more young mo and
women for bntloe, an I found Ihem
employment, Ibao all the ehool in tb
Northaeat. Mia llolinee, m ad.lition
tn being aealated by an able eorp of sii
teanlief. ulir ber entire lim In the
npbull.lmg of tliea, liool and every thing
which he stood shoulder to shoul
der with the groat protection lead-
era of the country.
His bead was severed from his body
ss dearly as though amputated with a
A brakeman saw something on the
track whloh be took to be a bnooh of
paper. When the oar was nearly upon
tbe object, be dioovered to bis horror
that it was a straw hat and that the
prostrate form of a man was upon the
track. A. stop was made as soon as
possible, but not io time to prevent
Stewart's death.
No one knows much about Stewart,
ho has not been employed on Ibe seo
tion long. Ho far as known he bad no
relative. It was simply the cane of bo
other unfortunate, drunken man and
Aitarkril Jrk Prahl the Hoeon.l Time, and oarelees enough to make his bed upon
the Utter nt tn Kill. tbe railroad Iraok
from The Dnllfi Chronicle,
Tuesday afternoon about 3:4) three MY CltKED,
Uietol sh it, flrod 111 Uilick kUCOPMlno.
.I,. .r.t.1 It 11.- rn.r nf r..l,rl J lM Vernon,
IB biii biii ui ihu pivaavuvji uiiif BiiiBtiii
rirei wreeis. wuere n was iearoe.1 mat ne vour oiil.aaTe Tour..ul.Ta rour oul
Pu Maloney had beU shot by B young I am tired ol heartni (orarer and ay
fellow 21 tetrii of aua. uamej Jaok The in old tong from th pulpit mil.
I'raht. Muloiey t takeo iutu a room It eeemt to m llkeaielllth cry
baek of the lUldwia aaluoa. and Dr. Thli telltnj a man that h only thing
ll .iii.i-. ... .iu.1 .o.n.l i. ",n,lnPnhr ""
l'irli. An examinali.in dmcloeed that
, ... , . i . . ... Tar nnlilr, far better, It aeemi to roe,
on bullet bad trunk bitu ibint two ' . . ....
ncbes below tbe left nipiila, ranging
TtiK farmers of the country have
been tho liret to feel the improved
condition of buainemi. The pro
dtlcta which they havo had for sale that cans 1.1 loth atulent alvanre-
tiavo ateadilf rmen iu alue all 0' 'nl "nf" irovi.le.I. The
" . a
along the line, and the increased r,I,m,1, Jrim-nia.
fkriilillata txJ llllitWt lialaa AilliiA .linll 1 ' '
' ' '" v" braeehe. a ftoarwi in lU-k-kenlB.,
iy into llieir HHketa. "Iira.l-1 rnmnebtp. Htirtban.l. Trpewrit.otf
BlreetB, IU epeakltlg of Hie prea- and Telegraphy
cut condition of the American far. Tb ""I'"" C.IUg m a fhrteiian in
mer. avs: Tli American bltU ,"",,"m - ..! only the
i MJ t,. i ... ........
' I ella.r III that ltl1l)tktal ltilptj... In 1 U
tunily toreapa-iUigo a elte of L,r. Tbe .fi.e.,.al .a given mueii
th) reward of laixtr for ear a tbighl In lhe boo, hi f
ia now ptoinieed liiiii." '' pwvi.U t ami a-mfrt
laiii heitu al a low t. Tb n,l
tear l bliee ,U,reMl.,a Lm Im
TIUI"rr.rrt bi11b th co. lprM.eJ niH.a lhe n.ln.ls f all neoeeeiiy
UlliliB Ol PtlJeoCit of return ! " p'iu-i .in. aiim and never la II
rt.inriehiiig btuii.eaa in ila Meat hl'laf9 ' "' ' lh work .f
f..ll.,.i l,i,, """0H college been .o
- K " "
Ma BtatrmeiiU: lhe llnlchinaoo
i,U Menufartiirmtf C. . at .ir. rMW-a, .
waia, n,u, mil inunie on. w i . , . . , ,it i ... .... ... .,ni,u M...
.-wuv. .... w.'v.i Hi-,.,, ri 11 - - r -
J.ieiiearJ. The wound is identic il
uu thai lint killed I'.xildout U(flolJ.
He a taken to a rNini iu the ltMiugea
building, where he le belug 0rel for
lr. Ilollnter Informs n li lhe bullet
probably lolled in llin rigbl kidney
III pulea ha bea at all nig III, hoi
ba fiioet woodertnl vitality und has a
BgLliog rhano for hi life.
The trouble, it eenia, bg in at Cam
Piairbs Waah., Ut 4'h of Jul over a
borae ri.', au.l w4 ieiiev, VelerJay
bv M oloney when he ran aonwui Prilil,
word leading lit til i. the lalt r lielng
glten br M il hey, who elrovk Prahl.
Tliie b-iug oyer, Moloney agvia rac
I eios Prahl at lh UaUIwiu oormraud
ka.k d bUa d iet. A, rral.l g l op
be pu kvl uo a rot'k aadwarur l Ma
loney eot to e iu any nearer. To 11
lr r'Hiina.l l adnea when Trahl
p-ille hi plid an I flrt, with lhe re
m''i ie..
ACier the shooting, l tahl walke np
iVwl alrel Io Ilia Wiarman corner,
f.illoeed el-eely It t' in.tal.1 Hill, who
ealltd tttia him titcurrea.ler. Prahl r
i.IIh I tbal if he wa an ertV'ef be would
, and Puk Uotman, wh" M l""fc
it nt ef Id window fum Iwrieii's
i.ffl,, an I who knew fraM, ealled mil
Io ll in 1. 1 anrrenler that 1 1 all eae aa
effl.ee, Prahl Ihrew hia pMto dnwa
To tell a man to av to in other,
To tend hltn up and down thee' the world
and walked ooietlr Io lh Oily jail. Tb
IWarei Ca If (Vlhvlie, th bil ! ' l"rehae yeeter
Willi o.ratle; Ibe woolen rtlw.n, M , ,b ,Ml , . rv,. It i a 3H, Ivor J..heia Arm. A
mill at the aauiA place have re- iily and p.Miiiy nn lb kidat jfirUt'o . Work ifPiillirg. Pa, make.
BUHie.1. tintiftinit thi-irlltin lre. of Iwwel. eleaaaiog h enllr i '"' ' h'H"U elle. Prahl
emploje. that bight wmk i like- ,u1 eb.a. i" "
I ll . ; . ii. il l r, fchi1l fvneHi'ati. and .l-! nl fefned Io rakf any
,;, a. , , . I"" b"Ml I'Mbnl ;iWiltWBB-r-tM lh. BfT.ir.
ikuiHDg wiu ai i.irmiugiiam, ai., u. C.Ully; t-0 rest. MdJ
amiounccB a reautnption of woil; la J guar a ale J lirtr by all Jreggiale.
the U'jwird Harriaon Iron lo,at l(
i. 1 11.. .ii.l 1 "
...rmer. Aia., um iucrr.n,, n Milk egU M.g f. ...tM .
fufi", 164 lh pipJWollB At tLAtllUtfbvrlbedatr, ft,if
4 A
e -e
Heeklnir and tavlng hit fellow brother.
To put hltn ofT Imm th beaten track,
Out Into lh hedge ol aln and ihatn
Tn tcarh and tell to th rapttee thar
Th bounty and glory ol Virtue nam.
To rcarue lh ttarrlng on from death.
To rearne lh tinning on rmra crime.
To preach lh gipel ol preeenl help
To the weary one on th ihore ol time.
To mk oul thM whom th world Inrgela,
To plant a Bower on a naraelee grave.
To hide the erring on tn heart ,
And trengthen It with a purpoa brar.
II a man dor thl. 1 dar affirm
Thai he ran afford, to forego all ear
About going In hivn,aiid gl hi tthot time
To th work ol grlllng bla nelghtmr there.
It i always gratifying to reoeiv teeti
luoniat for Cbamberlaio' Colic, Cbnlera
and Iharrhoea IlemeJy, and when lb
endorsement is from a pliyaklau It
eaiieclally en. -Tbere ia no nmr ealit-
l lory or elTct!v remedy that Chain
berlain' Cbnllo, Cholera aud Diarrhoea
K-medy," write Dr. It. K. Ibibey, phy
aiitaa and iharmcil, of Olney, Mo.
and a be ba need the remedy la b
ota family and sold il In bt drag tnr
foe en year, be ahonld certainly know
For eal by Coneer A Bntrk.
IHotlci Of Hearing of Final Account
in Tint rortTr i'ocbt roa momkow
1 1 miAir, .tile ol nrwnn. la
th elall m. I 'aa-H. d'rl
to It I Weekly Tribune
- r trr. "i -
tiest to uiKe alter ainner; nBBJv j
prevent distress, aid disc's- IO I 1
tion, cure constipation, n fl I I J
Purely veKtable; do not grlpa m m m
or eauie pain. Sold by all dniKRiKt.. 25 cent..
rreparea only by C. I. llood A Co., Lowell, Maui,
Farmers and Villaoers,
FatMers and Motners,
Sons and Dauohters,
Ji nil the Family.
With tbe close of the residential campaign THE TRIBUNE
recocnizea the fact that the American ceoDle are now anxioua to civ
EeonomlraL liu 1: i 1. ' j 1 : 1. 1. m. . ... ....
Cook Wasteful mum? Well mum lut5lr lluJO "'' uubiuubb iiiiureBin. 10 meei mis conuuion
that' on thinpr I'm not. Why, every- politics will have far less space and prominence, until another State or
thin,rln the catin and drinkin' way that National occasion demands a renewal of the fight for the principles for
connea down from huimtairn I make a , . , ,v TnTn. lVC, , , , . . .. . ..
point of fiiniahin' up mjwlf, mum.- which THL TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to tbe present
Hartford Time day. and won its Greatest victories.
T'rnrtr rvauiVdo cfTnrf trill ha nnl f.irtVi and mnnan fpontit anz.nl
The F.Dl.n.tlon. .. , r w. . ..... 1 1 "tijr olcui,
ne Womaniaacli'liiKionanamiar to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a
Sho Jg thnt why mm ore alwaya , . . . . .
iNational family Newspaper,
hupffinjr a doliutlon nnd boinfr cauphl
by a nnn.ro? Wnnhinfjton Tiinea
Hotlce of Intention.
I.ard Ornri at La Obakpr, Oaaaow.
Auenat JiHh. INH7.
iDllowlnir tiam.! aott ltr bin tiled not
nl hit liilonUun hi make flnal nnx.t In aunu
nihil claim, and that aadl proof will ba mad
before 1. W. Morrow, t'oimtr Clerk, at Heppaur,
i'rcon, on iirwiiier a, tmi. vu:
IM. K. No. Mil, fr lhe N' NWV and HE'i
NWW and HI V. NK'i Ore. Kl tn 1 8 H K W M.
He iianira the following wltiiraf tn nrov
bla rofittnitima real.li-iire upon and rultlvallon
of aatd land, vlt : Kill Vlnaon, Ihavid I'rvalry.
Troy rhlpi and lliiitli Tjlrr, all ol llpppnrr,
b. r. w iijon.
7S M Kee liter.
interesting, instractive, entertaining and indispensable to each member
S We lurnlsn tug Gazette" and N. Y.
TrlDune" one Year tor $3.00.
Addreea all Order to
nr oreeon, for Mormw t onnty.
W. P lid. II K. Klmald
and I'till. Mi-lai'lian, the
lizard nf ('nnimlMlunvr.
lr., I'lalniirli,
Hr Rawbo and Mary aUnibo,
To Nye eamlm and Mary RmihIni, drfundanla:
In lli nam of lh Htal ol or .nn : You are I
nri-i,y r"inir.i I,, mir and an.ner the eoin.
plaint ril,-. I aialnat mil In Hi ah untiiinl
nil. on r Mn lha m-l Irrin nf lh a!f I
eniiii,! nnirt. lo-wtt-
X.tiiday. lh iilh day of eVplmiU r, lt7;
and II you fall an tn iimi a id an.wrr, lor I
waul lhere.il, lh plaliiilrla will appl Io lh I
rourt to iraui me n-itn ilnnaii.ie.) hi tueenin
l.lKlnt. I., KM p,,r I'l.Ulnrit and ,le
afaitiat yn. ..r lh (urn nf m and lnlral
lhrpn at lh r.ienl right per mm pr aiuiuio
In. m Ji.lv l.t, the .'1111111 Ml dol'ataat-
lortiera' leea and lh r.la and dl.hnrarnienU) I
ol Ihl.auil. and for dm re lnrrl,ii( a ivrtaln I
liirt(AKF, mala. fiIp1 and delvrv.l by
y..il l ulalnlina nn lh h.lln.ln di-rrlh-d
rvl rr,..ny ailnalnl In Mnrmw mnnlr. elate
ol tirra.m, ln-wll- Tli a.,iiilirat q iartrr ol
w. '. In Inwn.hIP 1 north ran .'4. B. W. M .
tvrnr.lol In lh titi.- nf lh miittty rlrri nf I
norm r.Miiilr. nn lh ITth day ol Man h. Iwat.
In t 'i"nf H,.nt. al I tn, aand
au.l in aril Mi l prnilea and apply
prmwd nf aald l In lh pavmri.t ,,(
jii.lfmenl, allnrneta Imi'1.1 r.l.
Ihia aummniia la ere,l ni.n tnn In enratt
anr in an nnlvr id Men Mfri.h.n A
J.hU nl lh !. i,iuie. e.mrt, tnt anil
eiiii'icl in aalil anil n lh .1 .) ,.f inly. 1"7.
hkhw a kKnrim n.
M Alwvneja tor flaliilirra.
UtHiHi Jr fHfV' L.'eHOIJ
Il f litiitfWtKX. . -4Vt7fl
f lUltOitllll
I w r
a u
iM 7".. A
fl4l .
!!!'!!! ?:fM 9 1kTZSJL
tb mailer
h.i lr la hrh aira lhat INnlar Ranri
nnl. lh rvint ,,l lh lat will and lei
m.nl nl ( il, dr ,!. ha aid hta (nal
rminl In th m M In ! nf aatd ri
le aatd fcalWf . and In enrananre nl an nrdr
lh H.m AO pMrthnlmw. )i-l( of th alo.e
eotltlr.1 murt. aald i,l arv.Hiul will mm nn
r..r kearln au. a44lea va lha ind ,ay n
In. , I" al l rl. t a e . lh em-nttd .lay
nl lh himht mtm nf aald erort, al th
i "in huua In ll.i pr, Mntrvw ewtnly, male
nl !.' IH Wlnra aaid Mm anj pr,a
1 1. Iernie.1 I aat.l rtat war lnl and III hi
.i.it,n. in tttiiif.WMld a.x-u,iul, aal e
teat the Hut
littia at uxurun
Fleitlnr nl lh laal will and .tin..i, of at.
I , II, 4'nin I,
tHtaat At. AA, ! fl
Wbal e ..p tt.,11? nt bevr ra
fib. b 1 1 ! sere,
1 STUB CIRltlT rontT TUB t ATI I
1 ! nirfl. M M' I'nqnlf I
Th ear arewrry I omnany,
a .t.lKfl. I Klrn l.nl
to tl Krt. . Ilen,lahl
1(1 laa name ,.f lb mala, nl , M. Vm . m
n)-i.y miMirrd t ai PMf and ai.anet Ihimn
,iati,l aie.lanlnM y.m In th ai.t entlile.1
a. u..n, ,.n t nei.w lh day ! lh n. l
hie nl lhh.a enlltlnd enurl. t.v II
t,in,lay. lh 'lh lt nl ari.temtM. !
awl II ,. tail In an.orf l,Ka,.l lhi-(t at
lh e alnlltf will late ln.lnu.nl .,.
V tli r.ail and dlahata
menu nf ihia a. ll..n, and h.f the aal u ih
pr. -,i, i-l..n,l-,. In ... hert.,f,ar alt, had
in inia ai
lh r aniiijf will late lu lr
lf e.i.n .j v the
avrUon.and Will .,.! lh ameeMnl
ai.l ea e the pnetnl t aai l Ju.lgtunt, rl
nd diat.nraen.enta.
Thia a.immon. ta a-4 annn yna In t.ean
i, nf an Me til . .n U (.!,- A Inwell
J ...I e n h ahne ,.litle. rHl. . le and
''e-l IB Ml I , It nt lh e la, nl Jmy,
- a Vfiir!ru
AIMn,lo rMUt.
Do You Want ti Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
1 Iorsc ?
AH tlifa tao b procured at Thompson A IMlu$, Uwrr Main Rtrpt
He ppnir, Orfjjoo. '
Tbew foMleeaea r well ar. tainted with firant. Har. ey, Cm- k (ii,i. ... .
and rwa aa.e aanreay 14114 1. etaalnl tb Uun w Ilk I rate, I, ., ' fo,""1ee
rrW la keeping wit tb Urn.
i ) , , ja-