rn! Librae OFFICIAL PAPER GET IN AND RUSTLE With New Summer Ad. The Gazette Does Job Work GET IN AND RUSTLE With New Summer Ad. The Gazette Does Job Work FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUG. 24, 1897. NO. 573 s or SEMI WEEKLY-GAZETTE PPBUSHID Tuesdays and Fridays Going East? IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP MANCHBSTBRt ENGIvAIVD OTIS PATTERSON, AGENT. qq q tt. b Worm THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY, f OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At $2.50 per year, 11.25 for nix months, 75 ate. for three moncas, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPER is kept on tile at E. C. Hake's Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merohants Exchange, Ban Francisco, California, where cou roots tor advertising can be made for it. 0. Ft. & N.--L0CAL CARD. Three Important Points. FIRST Go via. St Paul be cause the Hues to that point will afford you the very best service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Ceutral because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. THIRD -For information, call azine McClure's Ma For 1897 SEVEN GREAT SERIALS Train leaves Heppner 11 p. m. daily exoept oanoay arriving h nuppuer .uiiuuuii iwn. iu. ,. J a J iL Leaves Heppner Junction 8:40 a. m. and ar. OH VOUf neighbor ana friend 1116 triKnH.eExpr:No"ueave. Portland at 2:45 rarest ticket agent-and ask for a p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. ticket reading Via. the Wisconsin portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpubliihed. In and Umatilla 9:16 p.m. , nont,. linoo JJ,.M of portraits It is intended to publirh special biographical studlei Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane arrives Central lines, Or address MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. etCmatilla5;05a.m.and Heppn r Junction 6:10 n p.., n. - SBattv. . a .- .-i Dd 11:45 A New Life of Grant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of ttrant ever published. (Begins iu December.) Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished (Begius in May.) rharla. A ra. "Ba-nlWtlnni nf War Time " Mr. Tin n a was for three of the moBt critical years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative history of this period from his recollections ana correspondence. connection with this series studies under the general title of m. nnr! Arrives at Portland 11:4a a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 8 d. m. and ar rives at Heppner Junction 8:30 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:40 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:40 D. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 1:47 a. m. and at Portland 7 n. m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent u. H ., lieppner, ore. Jas. C. Pond Gen. Pas, Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. or Geo. S. Batty. General Agent, 246 Stark St., Portland Or. OSTICIXrrIiaECTOiaTr. United State Officials. P'twident William HcKinley Vine-President Garret A. Hobart Secretary of State John Sherman Secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Gage Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Hliss Secretary of War Russell X. Alger Secretary of Navy John U. Long P'Mtinaster-Qeneral James A. Gary Attorney-General . . Joseph McKenna Secretary t Agrionltnre James Wilson State of Ornrnn. Governor ?. W. P. Lord Ranratan of State H. K. Kinoald Treasnrer Phil. Metsohan Bopt. Publio lnstraction G. M. Irwin itinmn General C. M. Idleman ., " ( G. W. MoBride nenarors j. H. Mitohel H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C B. di Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C., and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. RATBS a.oo PRR DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts., CXZXCJU3-0, IXiXa. Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. Stories of Adventure. A Berial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary talent for mystery and ingenuity which have, In the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him a place oesiae roe ana uaboriau. TEN FAMOUS WRITERS TAN MAnl.AREN. All the Action that he will write during the coming Vear. With the exception ol two contributions to another publication wmcn were engaged irom mm long agu,wiu appear in mcci.ure b magazine. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories in the tame field as the "Brer Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmbleflnger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to HcClvsi'b an oi tne snort stories ne win write auring me coming year, OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Magazink a series of short stories In which the same characters will appear, although each will be complete in itseit. Bret Hart Robert Barr Anthony Hop Frank R. Stookton Stanley Weyman will all have stories in McClvbe's for the coming year. Clark Russell Congressmen Printer ;;.?' (G. W. Mi 1 J. H. M uinger He W. (11. I I Binger Hermann 1 W. K. Ellis n. ijeeus R. 8. Bean. U... a livlnl I 1 . A. MoorS. K I l.' ,i r .. 1 . .... c. VT UlTVrHJU Sixth Jsttlelal District. fircnit Jmiae... Stephen -. Lowell 1'rnaenut.ina Attorney H. J. Bean Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator A. W. Gowan Representative. . . tinnly Jadaw.. ' Ciommiesioners., J. W. Beckett. - " Clerk " Sheriff " Treasnrer Hnrveyoi .. rtohool Bup't... (Coroner J. N. Brown A. a. Bartholomew I.R.Howard J. W. Morrow E. L, Matlock Frank Gilliam A. C. Fetters ....... J. W, Ilornor Jay W. Shipley B. . Vanghao wwnaMwa wiwm nvvr nana. .. Thoe. Morgan I'.nnllmm Ooo. Conner, Frank fhltiens, Arthnr Minor, K. J. Bloonm, . it I 1 I U lltmnn. i.. .W. A. Richardson SIT.'' ""..L W. Bring Preeisct Oftleerp. .v.. n W. K. KiohardKin Ualtxl States Land Officers. ni mi I M nl. J. . Mwn H-gistef A.8.11im . a nsAsfna fTtki. B.F. Wilson Sf. l.H. Riibbina Keoslver KAWL1N8 108T,M0.II. O. A. R. Lmnirtne. Or-the last Saturday of err, mnnU.. AlfTatei are Invited in Join. W. BmitK 0. G. KogOV AdlaUAf. . U BT0C& BRANDS. While yon keep yonr subscription paid np yea can keep yonr brand in free of charge. Bora. P.O.. HeDoner. Or. Horses. PBco left shonlder; cattle, same on lert nip. Oook. A. J.. Lena. Or .Horses. 90 on rightshonl der; C attle, satneon right hip: ear mark square I crop on leit ana split in ngnc Donvlass. W. M.. Galloway. Or. Cattle. R D en right side, swailow-fork in each ear; horses, R D I on ion nip. Elv. Bros.. Douglas. Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle same on left hip. hole I in right i Florence. L. A.. HeDDner. Or. Cattle. LF on right hip; horses, F with bar under on right I shoulder. T . ir tl 1 1. T7.. A J on the left shonlder: cattle brauded J on I right hip. also nnderbit in left ear. Range in Morrow county. Johnson. Felix. Lena. Or. Homes. clrrlsT on left stitlsi oattle, same on right hip, under halt I amp in ri""1 ana sunt j left Kminr. Mlks. HepDner. Or. Horses branded I RNY on left hi D oattle asms and oron off left eart nnder slope on the right Leahey. J. W. Heppner Or. Hones branded L and A on left shoulder: cettle same on left I hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in right I sr. Minor. (Hoar, nennner. Or. tattle. M D on I right hip; hone. M on left shoulder. u u m nnnnM n. n.ua Mil Reomver I on lert snooiaet oanie same on lan nip. Oshnrn. J. W.. Donalas. Or.: hones O oa let shoulder; oattle same on right hip. Parker ft Gleason. Hardman. Or. Horns IPoe left shoulder. Piper, J. H., IieslngtoB. Or. Horses, JE eon. I seated onleft shoulder; oattle, saueoo lef hi onder bit in each ear. Hector. J . W.. Heppner. nr. nones, 4J leftshonlda. Cettle, O on tight hip. P perry, K. d- Heppner, Or. Cattle W O on I These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McClurs a Maoakiki for 1HU7, tne subscription priee oi wmcn is oniy One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. BURIED IN THE DEBRIS. A Campaign Of Education ; HOW to Get It (T C A A For J) J.VU AN UNPARALLELED OFFER left hip. crop of right and nnderbit in left year, I w von urn anoniuer. Commatvlar. I dewlaoi ho Thomiiavin. . A.. Heppner, Or. nones. I OB I left shooldrr: eattia. 1 oa Uft shoalder. Turner R. W.. Heppner. Or.-Amall eapltal T I Uft hip Dr P B McSwordSi n"nb""" I. I . U. V4'l .ith aplitibo4l..n. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Ciy WaMenlmrger, W, I quart r eirnle J W Galloway. Or.t homes 1 right shoulder; ealtle I Oit.no in the City Hotel. Store, new tt niianer circle J W on right hip and right We, I crop and bole in left ear. Range in Morrow and tmalilla otiuntise. D.J. McFaul, M. D. UEPPNER, OREGON. Offloe boom, 8 to 10 a. m , and 12 to 9 n m al resident. Mrs. II. Welch's property, sod 10 to 12. a m , to 2 to 8 p. m , et offioa in lbs rtar ot Borg't Jewelry store. First National Bank -j-of H Errs eb C. A. RHCA. ProaHant T. A. RMCA, Vloa Proalelont GEO. W. CONtCN, Caahlor B. W. SfCNCCN. Aaa'tCaahlar Truseds i GtDtn! BukiKg Buiwa. EXCHANGE Oa all earts oi the world Bought and So Id. ColUHVwe Be4e OS all points oa mannshle Ti Surplus tad undivided fronts, ISl.WW 90. Notice of Intention. Lakd Orrirs at Tns Dallis, Oskoon. Aug. 4th. 1'.r. X'OTirK IH HERFIIY GIVEN THAT 1 HI lollowliig-named settler has filed notice I of Ms intention to mass nnai proof in support i iirri v ol his claim, and that said proof will he made VlLLlLl before J. W. Morrow, eounty rlerk, at Heppner, I Orr-gon, ou Brpt. atri, 1W7, vis: JOH P. LOL'Y, Record entry John louy. Hii.FntryKo etU&l lor the K WW Itee. i, IP II H it. E. W. M. He aemee me following wiinreave vt prove i MseontlniioMS residence Ue sod riiltlr.llon I .1 Mid land. VU: JiMth H. rilstna, Henry rllSliie, John A. Ilarhke and kdwsrd Hollo-I way, all of Uouglaa, Oregon, tun. w. ji'Rr.. v0 Hrgtster, To be educated one must read the best literature. The best literature If expensive. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly. Pub' lined at 110 fifth Avenue, New York, is full of the best things- Its illustrations are superb; its Q stories charming; and its literary departments are edited with con- ij inmate skill. p Such a paper li a great popular educator. It should be In every ' V, home. XJ The subscHptlop price of Leslie's t4pe nnum. q We make the unparalleled offer of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- V. Weekly one year for only $5.00. $R No such offer wu ever made before. No such offer will ever lie mails o( again. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or blrthdsy o gilt, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness. Q Remit by posul order or check to the H GAZETTE, Y Heppner, Oretron. u' The MONTHLY Outlook Pvkllsked Every Ssturdsy Notice of Intention. Lana Otfui at T Du.s., Oskiok, VOTfR t HrRIBV fllVF.S THAT TBI il lollowmg Mml srtller has Rla4 notice nl hislnfenttan Pi make (nal prwrf In support of hltrlllm. ami thai said pmd will he Cna.1 l bite J. W. Morrow, County t lerk at Heppner, Orgva,en N-pt. ih, tiwr, vis: JOHN A. RARHEB. H I Rmry No. lor the 'IV s Tp, I 1 U. K. W.M. HenenMe Ihe lollowlog wllneMee to prove hi. malliiumis MJim avn snd rulllvallna ol said land, vlt J.aetki M. tfiiln., Hnry ri kii.aiohe F l-ouy, Mwerd Hollows, all o. Oren. MruonM, mm kitr. 13 Astor Place New York Notice Of Intention. Mud urn a T t.4 oaasae. iHsm V'rTl' l II"T il1 THAT THE 1 Ljini,uuli.lll.rliullel lrii Itls iitnlki la aaa inal r"H In .np1 14 1. 1. rl.lm. and that sal. I pmn will be snade I .mot f I Wr. Mmm IVraBlT. f'. a4ll.ppn,uriM.a9iauolM, law?, isi EliwAhU I HA I'M AN. M4'. Ho S-mII. th1'tt aMarvj w i;,i .-4 e r ee tpts a i He names th. ..U.,lng llm m lo prove hi. mnilaamie rt.w epos) end rultustkia of "llU imivlt.nl l.p. Of., fa.rle w m,...K.r1r nlilMMi iii. tllrh h1f, tleptHM. Or . sad lev L. B lejt. ol Tlie Oollor.k will bo la 117, II lias been during eaob of Its twenty seven yeart, a Uittory of Oar Owe Times, le Us Various editorial departments Tbf Outlook f ivee a compact review of the world's progress ; II follows witb rare all i be Important f-'blUntrimijIo sod id duel rial novemaata of the days baa a eomplrle Jrpartmrot tf religions news devotes fnorb spat e It the lutereeti of tbs b"tri reviews onrreot llteiatare; IgMe IUm k etage leee ll'i foef at Ta'alk, a. -, Taew.leye, Tbrlaye, Md JlatnlJe.Si ewfltM at 'l"et, f s., Ilondaye, Vda.tsS aedKtKla.s, Will saake .wiUhi ! brareb lai Ua deltl. rare IZ, te-ti wey. freigbl . f' F""d. 11 r.lWotoc rrop. Oma al Merry Warrea't drog ?. t( Wkat is il.F Ik-ldT IWt Sfta. kVee a-t elewakerw. Tbe regular sobaonplion pntm of ttie Horn i-Weekly Uaarlte Is II 80 sod tbs rewulsr crlrw of tba Weekly Oregon iaa WPIehes tDeefim laoie-iaig sooui fi,o la II. W. Aoy oa aatraofibiat for Stu tbio: aorj, io si.ort, aims io give frran loloroiaMoa, rrigioai wtieerreiion, ad reasonable enter'ainment. fUglotilni with tba fifty flifih toIkbs, tba peier will aeenme tba rrgalar maga tine she, whirk will add greatly la Its eaii nee sod e(tfe tiveoese. Tbe Onitorkle pabllbed ery Hstnrday Bfiy two leenee a year. Tbe first Is.e la raeb montti e an Illustrate! If sgatiee Meattier, .slaiaief af ml telress anssy pages fee tbe or finery Uerie, togelber a Mb a large HiiOiln f of isrtnre. Ilia I'Mfeof Tl.s (rtithmk is Ibrea d di are a year la sdvanae, of I'M lhaa a pent a i tf Heed lr a epxMraea saJ IllnetraW eO ptueiwetoeloTbe Oatlik, 13 AetnT t'iarw, Ke Tok Clt. SUM MOSS. N THE CIRCI'ir COURT OF THE STATE ol Oregon, lor Morrosi County. W. P. I-or.i, II. K KlnralT and I'hll. MeUH'han. the Brd ofCnininlMloiiers, mu, rislullfts, vs. , R. Hperry, S. V. Hperrr, Hiierrv, Ihe Ore gon Railroad and Xsvl. fatluu (ompaiiy and V. '. ThomiMoii. Di'Ii imUiiI. To J H. Huerrv. a. V. ewrrvand - Hoerr. Iriennsiiia: In Ihe name of Ihe Hlale of Orrfon: Yon are hereby reiiiird Io epimir end answer tne poninlalnl Sled again.! vmi In Ihe above eulllled suit, nn or Iwl re the Unit day nl Ihe licit term ol ths above entitled court, Io wit Mondav, theaih day ol rk nteinlic-r. . and II you lall so Io apt-ar sid su.eer, lot warn inereof. the i.iainiin. win am.ir to Ihe rotirt to grant the rellnl demand d In esld plaint, to all; ror a judguient and decree sgitlu.1 you lor Ihe sum of jih and lntrt thereon from July 1st, law, el Ihe rate ol eight tMr rent ner snuutn. Ihe sum ol a I ai attorn, .' Ires sod lor Ihe eota at4 'Hl.nf uieiil. ol ibis suit: and lor a derrve loierli-ali-g e rertaln mortg.ee made, e.-f tiled and delivered by dfleinUtiU. J R a-rry and a, V. I-rry, lo planum, on tba lollowlog reel proi-erty allu attMl In Morrow conniv. eieteof iiregou. U, wit- South hell nl Hie nortliMiet quarter and Bond hall id Ihe southeast .iu.it-r of Dee i. sonlh nail ol eoiilhf-foH quarter fha soutriwaH qtierlrr uuerM-r of nor the .art eaei quartrr i-l aoiitftpeal qurtr m north half ol nortbewl (uafir and anutli Md n ,1 fta. mj -utftliaaa . . II. i.J " M I soufhraet iiuarter of novfbef-et iiuartr and rKtrth hail id eoulhwaes quarter nf epe, f eud Strange Story of the Indian Troy, a Dead City. At last the ruins of the Indian Troy, deeply buried in the debris of over 22 centuries, are likely soon to see ' the lght. rataliiutra, the Palibothra of the Greeks, the "city of sweet-scented lowers, so famous in ancient Indian If gend and romance, is perhaps most widely known as the capital of Asoka, the greatest of Indian emperors and the most lavish devotee the world has ever seen. He covered his mighty kingdom, from Afghanistan to the Decan, from Nepal to Gujerat, with countless Bud dhist monuments and buildings of vast rize. His stupendous stupnsor mounds of solid masonry to enshrine Buddha's relics or to mark some sacred spot are found all over India and are almost like Egyptian pyramids in size. His colos sal edict pillars, single shafts of stone over 40 feet in length and beautifully polished and sculptured, ntill excite the admiration and wonder of all who see them. How magnificent, then, must have bten the capital of this great Hindoo king, who was the ally of the Greek kings, Antiochus, of Syria; Ptolemy, of Egypt; Antigonos, of Macedon; Mag nas, of Cyrene, and Alexander, of KpirusI It was already a splendid city in the fourth century B. C. in the time of his grandfather, Chandragupta, the Greek sandracottus, aa we learn from the glowing descriptions of Megas- thenes, the ambassador of the successor of Alexander the Great. At that time tbe buildings "were all of wood, like the palaces and temples of llurmah in the present day. It is a matter of history, however, how Asoka found this capital of wood and left it stone. But before the dawn of our era this great city had decayed with the fall of Asoka's dynas ties, and the smaller succeeding dynas ties, and the transfer of capital else wheres In 400 A. D. the Chinese pil grim Fa Hian reported that it lay de serted and in ruink. Since the Mo hammedan invasion in the; twelfth cen tury A. D. the; very site of this city was forgotten. It was known to be some' where near the modern town of Potna, in Bengal, but most of the expert and others who had deliberately BearchM for it believed that it had been entire' It washed away by the Ganges. Then it will be remembered that Surgeon Ma J. Waddell, who in 1892, made a flying visit to Patnn, found thnt the leading iundmarks of Asoka's capital still ex iMed. He found several sculptured stones and images of tti Asoka epoch lying on tbe surface or built into houses or walls, and thoe, together with the position of the old mounds, many of which still retain their ancient names. enabled him to fix with certainty the limits of Asoka's citadel, and also to Indicate rotiirhlv the possible siteri of iinrticiilnr buildings for exploratory ex re vat Ions, witl.otit which, of course, no cietailt-d identifications could lie de cisively attained. Unfortunately, most of the likely mounds now contain Mo- liRninn-dun graves, for the Mobaiiinuv t'an, invader wpre wont to seize the highest mounds for their residences and burial grounds, and for lenturies they have used tlHtsn ruins us a qunrry for '.heir building material. Still, a beginning lias n w Ix-en made, nnd already ut Patna, where five years ngo no stones of the Asoka period were suspected to tie, there may now be seen pieces tf the well-known atone posts, the so-railed Asoka railings, with their qiiaintly-uirured, nieilullion-like boHHi-s, by hMi'Ii Asoka perpetuated I stone the original wooden fences whlc rurroiiiided tlie sacred Buddhist s)te And cltwe by one msy see, nlxiut 12 feet In-low the present surface, port "the wooden walls" of Pslibothra, wit their niarveloualy weill prewrer.l Bal t'mber, over 80 centuries old. Calcutta LtigliKhmun. MORE DISCRIMINATION. tbe ItUeovery Made by a Maa Wke Waa oa Ihe Alert for aa Affront, Tli ere waa thnt alxint Ms NtUrr ami hia manner which uliowetl that, al though of African descent, he waa fuily aiive to Uie resia-4't due him aa a citi- rin nf the 1'nited Ht-atra and an nual voter at OieSsill. The Mileaifian in the men's furnishing store hualened to learn his wlahea ami vrntuml to wish him "gnoil morning," lo spite of Uia haughty glarr. "What run w do for you to-day T "Yon rwo't do nuflln' inurh foh rue," waa the reply. I come yua trr no soiuefiu' fob jroii." 'Ww -er wetlon t need any help I ain't biokin' fah wuhkl I mine wuh to r " some ttiotiey. I wtanta ter trad an ef anytwHly gits tie Wi' it de iNabirain, I don't reckon It afwlneter be me. Only I dn went no bowln' an K rspla' like yirh 'niagii! I wtia de tiritii-e o' WaJea, an at tie aanm bine I don' want no saaelneaa. All I drairdis is Deafness Cannot Be Cured By looal spplioatioDB, as they cannot reaob the diseased portion ot tbe err. There is oniy one way to oure deafness, and that n by ooBstitotional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of tbe tn noons lining ot tbe Enstaehian tnbe. When this tube gets inflamed yon have a rumDlizg sound or imperfect bearing, and when it is entire ly closed deafness is tbe result, and un less tbe inflammation can be taken ont nnd tbis tnbe restored to its normal con dition, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine oases ont ot ten are caused by oatarrb, wnicb is nothing bat an inflam ed condition of tbe mucous surface. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case ot deafness (caused by catarrh) that onnnot be oured by Hall a (Jntarrl Oure. Send for oiroulars, free. F. J. CHENEY k CO., tlSold by druggists, 75o. Toledo, 0. (Iff I. POWDER Absolutely Pure Grant County New: Sheriff Living ston arrived borne Tuesday and he in forms the reporter that from tbe descrip tion given ot that fellow up in Boise there is no doubt but wbat be was Hutu out and not Uamblit'a ghost, as some would suppose. Tbe reason, bow ever, that tbe murderer ia not behind tbe bars is tbat Oregon's governor would not issue a requisition for him because Judge Clifford bad not certified that J. A. Powell was olerk ot this county. A rather slim preteit, and it may be ac cording to law, but by tbis sot it would seem that a man who oommitta s mur der in Oregon and seta across Snake river is as sate from arrest as be would be in tbe kingdom of Dahomey. Qovernor Lord last Friday appointed W, W. Baker, ot Portland, state dairy and f iod commissioner, "vioe H. B. Luoe, term expired," and Albert I. Wag ner, of Salem, a member ot tbe board of railroad commissioners, "vice H. B. Oompson, term expired." Tbis is bat a preliminary step towards determining tbe rights of the members of the com missions to remain in office. Stands at the Head. Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of Sbreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only thing tbat cures my oongh, and it is the best seller I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of Safford, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's New Disoovery is nil that is olaimed for it; it never fails, and is a sure oure tor Con sumption, Congbs aud Colds. I cannot say enough tor its merits." Dr. King's Don't neglect a cough because the weather ia pleasant; before- tbe next storm rolls around it may develop into a serious difficulty beyond repair. One Minute Oongh Cure is easy to take and will do wbat its name implies. For sale by Conser & Brock. lias Helped Mother. "My mother has been afflicted witb oatarrb. and stomach trouble. She baa taken a number ot bottlea of Hood's Sarsaparilla and baa derived great bene fit from it. We always take Hood's Sareaparilla when we need a blood puriuer and we nnd flood s nils a rem dy for aiok headaobe." Mrs. Min nie Sprigga, Oakland, Or. Hood'e Fills are the only pills to take witb Hood'a Sareaparilla. Easy and yet efficient. New Discovery forConenmDtion. Concha and Colds ia not an experiment. It baa The Pftn of bipping eteamera been tried for a onarter of a century, "knookea down, deeoriDed in an article and lodav stands at the bend. It never Pnbllahed elaewhere in tbia isaue, waa diaannoinls. Free trial bottles at Conaer oriKinte(1 by Mr- William O. Nourse, & Brook's dm. store. of Chicago, it appeare. Mr. Nourae ia taking advantage oc tola plan to ship a E. O.: E. H. Clarke ia back from "earner for tbe St, Michaels Dawson Heppner, and reports a joyful feeling City route. Mr. Nourae ia a relative of over there. Not only nave ebeeo and me ratteraon oroinera ana vieitea ima wool commanded good prices, bu(. there II be a fair wheat crop. Io Heppner aud vicinity about 70,000 pounds of wool yet remain nnaold. section nine yeara ago. CliHiiihiTlalu'i Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea remedy always affords prompt re lief. For sale by Gone er A Brock. "They are dandiea" said Thoe. Bow- era, of tbe Crooket, Texas, Enterprise, while writing about DeWitl'a Little Early Risers, the famona little pilla for aiok headache and disorders of tbe stom ach and liver. For sale by Conser St Brook. Ttioa. Nelson, ot Haluhris, Idaho, formerly ot Heppner, has loveoted a job oase wbiobonght to take well among tbe printing fraternity. It is aa up-to-date affair and the Oazette wishes Tbos. suc cess witb it. Hhiloh's Consumption (Jure cures where others fait. It is the Ins ling Cough Cure, and no borne should be without it. Pie as nut to take and goes rlubt to the snot. S old by Conser k Brock. x E.O.: A. W. Oeisy, tbe special B. anranoe agent who waa injured from a aevere jolt while driving back from Adams, ia atill kept to bis bed at tbe Hotel Pendleton. His Illness baa be- oome quite serioas. Mr. Oeisy is being visited by loosl Koights of Pythias, of wbiob order be la a member. A Remarkable Care forl'bmnle Dlarrkira. Id 1R02, wben I aerved my oonntry aa a private in Company A, lC7tb Penn sylvania volunteers, Ioootreoted ohronio L. Hkibl.e, father ot F. W. L. ttkibhe, diarrhoea. It has given me a great deal ol Tbe Dalies, weut bnoting Id Kliokitst of trouble ever aiooe, I have tried a oouoly last Hnniliiy. Not returning, a dozen different medicines and several search was Instituted, and bl body was prominent dootora without any perma- found lo a can) oo between Biiron'a and I netit relief. Nut long ago a friend aent Crawfurd'a places, about five miles from Tbe Dalles. Don't tliio joor blood witb aassafras or poleou It Willi blue-mass; but aid Na urs by naibg Dewitt'a Little Early isots, tbe famous little pills forooD' Ipation, biliousness aud stomach trou bles. They are purely vegetable. For sale by Conser k Brook. Msrriml-By llv. J. M. Hbnlse, at Jacksonville, Or., Trot. Hogb I Hank ead to Mies Lillie Warmoih. Mil Warmotb Is a niece of Mrs. Geo. Hwsg- gert, and Is well knnwo in lieppoer. er oi a. i), aet ban n )rr f, n,i,ury on de counter an kyab r nf t. yl, eouihweet I m ia i. . o ...rler ol ne tt. north On de fv"e, rf rtey SilIU me. Osaette and paying for one year ia advene eaa get Mb tba Oatelte aad Weekly Oreg nlaa for 3.fA All old tat-1 ernlxra psyleg their aabeoripilons kl oee year la advene will ha entitled U Ike eanaa Meprmet tn 1'endletoei via nppar KeboHtag Una. I'etenee deetroae ef vlsltieg I'eedleloa ear ease time aad money by laiieg Hits mate. II y aa) otialnllpg Ik agent Ihe wevume esea Ing the etaae will me ronneeiH.o WHb 1 or lock train at K tw f" I'eedleion f fflae at (My lrng Mora. W, l. I an, l'ripnel-f . Weil. Thorn ...i rune stags ttww ; fterpeer aad Moaaaae!, arrivtnf every day tiH Monday aad leavtag every day eieept Hueday. hbofteet and ebeap- bawf rti est Mat tba I a ten of. F- J. Hnm. ageat. Ibe nonheaai quarter nf aoihet quarter of i. ell In Inwn.blp . soul ranea m M . r-or.ld la Ibe ofno nl it,. e,,entv nark of said Morrow c-inlT. In hn. '1 "' nl Mrt(aaa 1 Mre l, 14 and IM. and In srll Mid pram. lea sod Sl'Olt Ibe Mi raalnW seld eale In Ibe t menl ol aald Judgment, sttornejs lia. ai. aoo otar.uraamania Ihl. .ununooa Is served ueoa Tne buretianl In a. u..mm nJ lb. II, .m A I . . i . Judsa ol the aterre entitled eoarl. e,a.le end entered la said still nn tba .'!! dat of J'i'. lavj Rkui a hrnriri i, NTT Atkirner. M riainlifJa. Teachers' t lamination. frtii i nrmy oivri tm tt rm (be purp-akanl eabliis an eiamloatiiMi H all para,,... a ho mar fflVf l,,aal,a. a. ren.ll itetae I. laa. bar. l ll,a e. ta.l. iff 11,1. mubty simi eaa. tof .lala si.'l lita ulei-'ieaa ll.araul.lt, arbiw.! wparli.u.n.taet tbaiM4 a III bold a pub It, ftfiatnllHi at tberourt h-aa al Hi-ppnal, npanutf wa.ftanlar, a of IMn. tm'r. ta.1 bl I I tr. e Hi lar nl Am IS . la jaV siiifi y. S. haul Kupt., Moimw I a Ay one deeirlng to balld Hbef a bouse er bera will tueke 'y by eell- teg aa lb OasMdt efnee, 87 if "What do you wleh to tirchaeT "Kr esttlrt.- "Ah, yea. I'm sure we can give you a eatlefai'tory artlrle. fo you waot while abirt or a Jonl ahlrt. "Whut'a daiT" arul Ins band reax bl ninliwitialy for bis liipjaerket, nirrrly aaVe.1 you whether you w anted A bite ahlrt r a colored alilrl." the aalnatiian rrplicl as helgvd lirhlni a rfle ot bat lne. I i iarlel It In tie fs plssr-p sn tin I known II. rm In tie tarotig elo Whul'a de gooil er elvll rights? I sfoee ter 'le theetfr an' dey )as white seat an' colored aeela. f gree lerde reelanr ant atnl dey has 4i ile t iltlwt an' rftlrarewl tiillea. lint when I t nines tub Irr git turns roilnti foh my Ihm k an' yott atmi trie up an' I'll me rial yob bee whit alilrte for wT-t fulka aa' rialore'l aluri f.,h fff ful Vs. ynu'e done got a tie limit, an' dar am' nnfnn' lef fob n ter do, 'r-eppin' tef hire a lewyer." Waabingitin Kiar. The Arevntlna lu-ooLlic la tH greateat raltie rstelng nniniry In rVoit Assrlrsa. teavlr la ls? raised .J.s?0, 0 he4. . ma a sample bonis of Uiismheriaio Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea lUmedy, and after that I bought and took a CO cent bottle; and now I cao say tbat I am entirely oured. I oanoot be thankful enough to you tor tbia great remedy and recommend it to all suffering veter ans. Ifin doubt write me. Yours grate fully, Henry Hleinbsrger, Allentowo, Pe. Hold by Couaer k Brock. Willi Dilskell, son ot Tboa. Driekall, ia laid np for repairs. Wbil "forking" with a tbresber bis left band was eaoght I between a pulley and tba rope, badly disfiguring Ihe member. Tiler. U.li.ltl.eum a.ul Utems. Iw Ftrarsloa Kales lo Ike Uregoa "tats The Intenae Itt blnir and smart Inif . (ni l- I (lnnt tot hoar dlwiu-a, Isliietatitly allayed Tbe Houtbero Vsoifio will make a one bv aidilvlnif C'llMiiiWliitn'S Lye arid If... ..la from all tMiinta ns Iheir linea ..f . i .; ' . . i - - r MKin inntmont. Many very oao canoe , . ,i,. n,. ui.i.f.le .l.inl. l . . .I- ....1 I, a, I II V""W' w. .... . ion larw-ii ar-i ii,iai,.-ii . i t .ii. ij a ... , d Is eouallvi-mt b-titfor lU blnif l.llrt and opeBS on rtepiemoer no aou oinee wo- . . . . I.. a .a t . ,,i.ai a favorite) remixly for sore tnppio, I loner n. Dig uarveei ami a mg lair. hnpte-d hands, rbllblalim, fnmt Mto -,.0 . vluorons. delightful, and oompre- anutiironioaortiry.-. i it-, ywr u. ,,.... .IDO.iu0 f .vervtbing Def. fadi'i CBdlUn rewders, are laming o ins farm aou toe farmer. beta home nr! when In bml (Kurd raoe aod aranaemsota of all kinds. Dr. just Tt condition. blood purifier and urMi.i .itraallnna avert day vertnlftigej. Tliry are not fnod lint I ... . , Tonln, iiiimIIi ina and the brwt In Ue to Put a horaej In prime) condition. I'rli; So cents mr imu kage. l.kT1 KK I.IHT. ETTIR AT IIII'INER AbvrHTisru dr.. Aug. M, r. Rarry. klaln C llardaeli Hrorlra, J L Wben railing lof these tellers f la.ee adtertie.!, J. I'. W iixiaes. I'. Witb th present crop pros p sots aad tba extremely low reilrol rat of one far for tbe round trip, tbs people ol Ore gon oao afford to patronise, the Hie! fair that lieoefits all etaeeee. Popular ad mission of 1") rents. it y, Jamee M. fclnrle. Mr SI. Jlors-To tbs wife ot Oeo. Mulr, ia I Heppner, Aug. 23, a 10 pound boy. CATARRH tea LOCAL DISEASE aad I. esta ol eWs eas3 It aea be raraa) by a inrl aanarfy What leacflwd aailly lei. me anatri Ilea tJf'' ' '",d 1 glvs Ely's Cream Balm Is attnewtadfad In be IHa oanaS ib.a, ewes fi ftaaeii tiAfi. lo4 la Maad sad Oaf I ef a I ra.a.Ha, t ioaa aa.i rlaanaaa Ibe Basal (naara.a, a,,r. e.a Sa4 u.luaaama, a-a-a iheenraa, pma raw lb aaamMaae f .h u..U, raatorae tbe aa..s ef taa'a .aa .ma. I rnaw at lmtt-lm r sa lu.1 kRoiUkfcA, M v srraa awaaa, Hew I es I). A. Otirrar, formerly of I'eadletoa, be ripened up a IS sent barber abop la tbe old stand on tbe Matloek eoraer. Wotk strictly Oral elsaa. Call en him. B II T. II J 'bus-. u. lb woollier'. l b k fioru I labo, ami yesterday bought on heavy clip of wool, ayin7 eeota per potti d Iberefor, Dr. John W. ltsemns, ot lb Itedligbt baa kg loef nil drangbl lb Hop (lul l llt (if liquor aad eigar in slock. II J.O. Willletu is evertioia Ipriag U illow, eajoyiaf a few daye feoteatioo.