Impure Blood Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles anil Sick Headache the Results-Doctored for Years Without Relief; , .",My blood waa out of order, and I be gan taking Ilood a Sarsnparillai . It ha punned my blood find relicftsd ine 6 theumatUm, kidney trcubla and bicfe headaches. I have been afflicted witii these difficulties foe years. I am now able to do a good day's work. Rheumatism has troubled me siace I was a child, but I am now entirely well." Miss Pheobb Bai ley, Box 445, Pasadena, California. " I have suCared from the effects of im pure blood, boils, pimples, etc., for five years. I have tried various remedies with out relief and finally purchased six bot tles of Hood's Sarsaparilla. The boils and pimples have all disappeared since I began taking this medicine, I am now entirely cured." Louis Thomas, 14121 lith Street, Oakland, California! Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purl fler. All druggists. i, six for S5. Get Hood's. Hood's Pills ti&EfflLSflP&T ABBREVIATED BEMARK8. Take Notice. The sum of five cents per line will be or shall himself give as a matter of news.) and notlcaspf special -meetings for whatever ntlroosa. - 2. notices of church ahd society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five j. ruies win De smcuv adher ed to in every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known uyuu Mpyiiuaiiiuu. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Now that the great politioal campaign is over and the winter season again with ns, all will want bd adequate supply of fresh and varied reading matter for the long evenings. Cognizant of this the Gazette has made clubbing arrangements with b number of periodioals and now offers the following to all new and renew al subscribers: The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonlan, S1.50 8.po " 8. F. Examiner, $1.60.. i B.T5 " If. V. Tribune, tl.OO fo.od " Inter-Ocean, J1.00. j.2B " 8. jr. Chronicle 11.50 d.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, 11.00 , 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.50 Leslie's Weekly, 4.00 5.00 METH. EPISC. CHURCH. SERVICES. Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school 111 a. m. uiaases no, 1 ana 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. t rayc mevbiiig, i nunsaay, o p. m. 'The Hpibit and the bri e say. Coma." The paator may he fonnd at the pamonaxe ad joining the church, whore he will be glad to meet any w'o may desire to oonsnlt nun on religions, social, oivio, philosophio, educational, ur auy uuicr aaujwin. J, W. KLE8HER, Minister, Here and There. A. Andrews was in Heppner y ester day. BhortLorn dairy for beat milk and cream. C7tf Will White was over from Fox Wed nesday. 'Gene Oilman left Wednesday for Portland. H. A. Capper is over from Monument with wool. Lotber Boston was over from Eight Mile yesterday. Lee Kilboorn was over from Goose berry yesterday. W. B. Findley was op from the Alpine section yesterday. Wheat is 95 oents per bushel io New York! How's tbetT Ranous is slill on the tart doing lit tie oerpenter business. tf Heppner Outfitting Co., Io the old Herreo stand, set sdv, a Submit your plans to Ranous before giving oat your oootraot. tt E. D. Clark was over from Pendleton Wednesday sod yesterday. Eli Keeoey sod family cam io from the mountains Wednesday. J. W. Morrow went dowo to The Dalles 00 bnaioeaa lsst Wednesday. Statements for the Famous Simple Aocount File printed si the Ositt of floe. tf. Tb Hop Oold keg beer at the Wei' cm. Oo Io, yoa thirsty deolceos, so ms tb boys. tt From Sport's List of Happenings Things Teat Shonld Have Occurred bat Didn't. The wealiier is of tte sort daleulated to make one think of the (dtttfe that climate where a foundry is in suooess lal operation every twenty foor boars; where the smelting works with a (all ist of bands never shuts down (or re pairs) where strikes never osoar among the operatives; where fntihbfeoly ralcS high-handedly over the hosts without protest from the latter. That's nearly as bad as the Klondike olimate. Low THlard is mnoh disturbed over the news of the sale of his horse, Sinner, by his jockey, AlvaBoyntoo, np in Mon tana. Low claims that no antbority waa given to sell the horse. Steps have been taken to recover the animal. Mike Roberts writes dowo from Butte that the raOes up there are a bard game to beat. He thicks ot trying another hard gatiio Klondike; Wanted Dogs for Alaska, (jail 6b Fred Bartholomew at the Heppner Oat- filiDg Oo.'e place, Herreu building. Canned dog was an artiole noticed down Main street last evening. A combination ot flies and maoge bad taken all the bark off of bim, and a tin can and a small boy knocked most of the bark out of the car. He was a well- barked dog. Fred Bartholomew is carrying a dis figured nasal appendage. Sport bad warned bim not to taokle the fellow but to no use. Oh as. M. Jones, the well known bar ber oi Heppner, a reputed citizen of many years' residence, and one of Sport's friends, departed laBt evening for Klondike, via St. Michael and the Yukon. Mr. Jones has a ticket to Daw son and the oompany from whom this was purchased insure his sate arrival at the destination, together with 1500 pounds of "bngpsge. He ezpeots to reach Dawson by Sept. 15. Sport is not Klondike struck but Charley will make it all right. If digging gold is not up to bis liking be will shave and shear the boary Klondikers to a hand some finish. For Bale Two sheep, guaranteed to live on lnoe ourtains, sheet music, Ga zette editorials or any old thing. See Herb Bartholomew. The Trout lake party, consisting ot Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dunn and children ana Mr. and Mrs. Heib Bartholomew and children, arrived from Trout lake on last Wednesday, all feeling jubilant except Miss Elise Bartholomew who unfortunately is suffering from an at tack ot fever. The party had a splendid time, enjoying fishing and excursions to Monnt Adams and io the oaves. It was the opinion of the party the gen tie men members thereof that nature bad endowed that oountry with most everything necessary, inoludiog natural refrigerators, but that the wise Dame forgot that they were of little benefit itbout a brewery attaobed thereto. Dock Shipley desires Sport to say that tbe lower end or town possesses some very obnoxious members of tbe dog family thai may meet a violent eod. Sport suggests to Dock that a bad dog belongs to tbe other fellow, while to tbe latter tbe oaae is much different. Binoe stealing of water sod wast ot same has been stopped there i a sur plus in the reservoir. If Heppner bsd sprinkling water she would ba all right. Sinner la tbe only Oregon borss that ha distinguished himself lately op at Butte. Oo the 17th be won 1 1' alt mil dash in 0:49)1, Dili Land seoood and Easter Lily third. Mutual oo Sinner paid 113550. CELERY KOLA 6 VES REST AND SLEEP Si t. (.,. Jf? It? '. VM. .?'. A True Nerve Tonic and Blood Purifier Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood, Regulates the Liver, Rowels and Kidneys. NEW DISCOVERY; BEST CELERY PREPARATION ON EARTH. BE HAD ONIKAT' Hoi3ixo.3:t?9 Oregon.- 6l-Oct 18 TO JUNEAU. Heppner Loses One of Its Best Young Citi zens and Professional Men. Mr. T. B Lyons, who has been asso ciated with Congressman Ellis in tbe praotioe ot law at Heppner, under tbe firm name of Ellis A Lyons, departed Wednesday for Juoeaa, via Walla Walla. Some time ago Mr. Lyons was appoint ed commissioner of tbe town site of Juneau, Alaska, but business here de terred bim from takiDg bis poet at once. Mr. Lyocs has made toady friends here who feel that his leaving' is serious loss. His maintenance of business principles, though always fair and hon orable, bis frank and oandid manner, his fealty to bis friends, his impartial treatment of all, won bim a place in oar hearts that will not soon be filled. He was aooompanied to tb train by a large number ot Heppner people. All wish him unbounded success. Mr. Lyons' suocessor will ba Mr. G. W. Phelps, ot Tbe Dalle. Mr. Phelps is an energetio young lawyer who comes well recommended. He will nndoabt edly earn the confidence and esteem of oar people. SPOKANE FALLS & NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SnEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All Bail Route Without Change of Cars Between Spokane, Bossland and Nelson. Also between Nelson oni Rossland, daily exoept Sunday : Leave. Arrive. A. M Hpokane 6;40 P. M. IHlfl A. M HnmlRnd 9:40 H. M. 8:10 A.J1 Netaon r. m. Close connections at Nelson with rteamefs for Kaalo, and all Kootenai Lake points. PaHannvni-n fnr'Knttla Klver and Bmirjdarv Creek connect at Marcus with stage dally. Gee. FOR YOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Yqur Orders Away Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates W. B. Johnson, Newark) O., says "One Minute Cough Cure saved my only obild from dying by oroup." It has saved thousands of others suffering from oroup pneumonia, bronchitis and other serious throat and lung troubles. For sale by Cooser & Brock. To Care Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic lOo or 25o. If C. C. C. fail to ouie, druggists refund money. tf FARKWKLL BANQUET. la Uoaor of Mr. T. R. I.yuas at the Palae Hotel. Oo last Wednesday evening Mr. Geo, W. Cooser, oasbier ot tb First National bank, of this plaoe, gav banquet at tb False hotel In honor of Mr. T. R- Lyons on th v ot hi departure to Alaska. It was splendid affair and was muob so joyed by all. Tber wr present: Mr. and Mrs. C. E. lUdflsld, Mr. and Mis. F. K. Bartbol omw, Mr. and Mr. H. W. Bartholo mew, Mr, and Mr. Wo. Duno. Mr. and Mr. W. E. Brock, Mr. nd Mr. Otis Fttroo, Dr. P. B. MoSwords, Mis Etta Minor, Mwin Jo William, R. L. Hyod.T. R. Lyoos, and Oeo. Cooser. FELL OFT A HOUSE. Gelnxer Severely Hart Yesterday at lone DUIoeatloa Reduced. Yesterday at loo Geo.' Qeinger fell off house while at work, dislocating bis left shoulder. H waa at one brought to Heppner for medioal fttten tioo. Drs. MoSwords, Shipley and Mo Faol redoued the dislocation and Oeo, left on last nights' train for lone much relieved. Tb Gatette reporter waa unable to learn just bow tb aocideot oooarred, but Mr. Geioger is eoofident that be bad pretty bard fall. II will doubt lea recover rapidly. A New Flna. Sam Meadow ba taken io a partner io lb blaeksmithing business io tb person of W. P. Batten, who was for merly io tb smploy of W. P. Scrivener, ot tbi oily. Mr. Uatteo has many friends in Heppner and surrounding oouolry wbo will bestow their patron ag opoo bim io bi new quart-. Meadow k Batten will b strong tm In tb blacksmithlng and horse shoeing, business and tbey raapeotfully solicit liberal shar ot public patron age. This arm guarantee all work to b (trlctly first oIsm. Ulva tbm call 571tf Mr. G. W. F helps ba gone to The Dalle tor a few day but will soon re turn to take np the praotioe of law in Heppoer. The new, firm is Ellis & Phelps. jLi u:;ust 31st is tlu la ;t day of the $1000 missing word contest Sciitiugs Best tea is wonderfully fresh and fine. Rules of contest published in large advertisement about the first and middle of each month. aj8 Heretofore .the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to taokle anything in any line and will meet prices of any person under the sun in the line ot druggists' supplies, blank books, bank work, oounty work, or any sort ot book bind ingwork that yon have heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Guttte shop is not a oharity concern but it you will give us a obanoe we will see tbut you are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods, at home. Remember that Abe Liooulo said that when one bought goods away from home tbe foreigner got the money and we got tbe goods. But when the goods were bought at home we bad both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 3. BflO-tf STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY ! You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! This Is Your )ort unity. On receipt of tii conts. cimh or atmiais, a oueroUH sumple will be mailed if tho imiHt jKipuliir CuturrU and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cri'niu Palm) snHlciatit to demon strate tlio !uprit of the remedy. ELY MtOTIlintS, 60 VVunvu Kt., Kcw York City. Rot. John Reid, Jr.. f Cir nl Fulls, Mout., recoinmi'iiili il EIV. Crctitu I u :i Io me. I can einlia.i4i L:m stnti nu nt, ''It la a posi tive cure fur ruturrh ii Un.ul hh ilireoled." Itev. Fraud W. Pim.R l'nitor Central I'tia. Church, lleU'ua, Mont. Fly's Orcimi flului is the acknowledged euro for rnlnrrh and contains no uwrciiry nor any injurious drug. Trice, 60 cent. B UT YOU DO WANT LOW PRICES groceries and supplies ; yon want sub stantial gents' furnishings. You oan find what you want at T. R. Howard's. . . MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED! IT. R. Howard Main Street. Heppner. Oregon. THE Ml OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY. rOVXTDXT), 1070. A Boarding and Day School for Boys Under Military Discipline. Tie Whh jrKarunilrr Urn iirawirit mnrmtomrtit Imtinn Hoiit. II. lm7. lliia inatitniliio lnialily r-piiiH-) lor Id mriiil, Kn I, rlill anil mnntl training nf ba. I'liorotwh pri ariit on lor miy polk ur winntifln whiHil. ttrtj Iimim t iiina-ni i Vl. Wnt I'oint, Mwww'hn. HU InMitote of Tm-hnolon, Hut I hitrin of California. Oron. I'"liay Ituii. Htnufotil uml llrtiill. !liirin tamiion tiniUir l-mii In mltlo IJ a tn. Kc.r pallo-tia anil oiImt liifoiniatloii. aililrraa tl.a fnnriiiaj, J. W. iULU M. I., h.rtlainl. Vr-m. I'. U rlravar 11. I rViK. II. Judas RicbardanD earn io yettrdy from rnland pttilri wber his family ar esmpleg . Ptsohe. watermelno and all froit of tb oo arriving daily at Ih Oraog Front. W tf Him Fonts, arena pan i1 by Ik F.o ia' lilll dsotilrf, ba gnn to tb valley for tb sonner. IV t aceonimodatioo and oonrtiO treatment l lbs Irxprial t!olnl,Hvvntb od Waak. HI., Fortland. Oregon. tfbeat i g'liaf at. 70 eots Io lirpp Br. Tb Maura market i boomlnj an J New Tort will sr tt wheat Io a w day. Tb wbo delr to I uild should ot Utwt IL1 C. K. lUonu. tb "0 lraHr, M riy lo mak railroal at ay tituf. WHf CroM 4 Blarkwali' fsmy pickle and oo4 good, rdord nttr, Orng Frnot, opp. City Cor. Mela and V.tllow lrfi. Mlf Tb avaJbrf liM bm Biwtiat Imp liaJlbpast audio thefmoma- Irr ki Dibbling at tb lit) mark a it H bad bait on It. l iHitis iol;cnb cf lb It'talW frt,ta tbi dU, M 3S. I''. ' a pfmlu a bouk w.ih alo lb pin of tb (,tflripio. It AttbaCitr Bkry t fvnaJ all kiad of frvab bfd. . pi, bent .ralhiaa BSfiallf fo4 la flrsl- .i k.k.r rhouw tnttitni. frb labUa. fa t I'"" "l t krH CvfclMil7 oo Ml !. A drowning man woold bav llttl nas for a method of rrru which would rvqnir day. A dyspeplio dneeo'l want lo bulbar wilb a remedy that it going to lak wek In abnw Ita U n fl -ial tffecl Th Mount Lbam n Shkrar of- farloc a an'ter lh nam of Hbakrr I)igraiva Cirlial wbk b yields Immediate rlif. Th very first doa prove bflf)eul io rn'iat ; and It Is owing to Ibrlr onb a i di d eoofldene in i, thai they bav Ql 10 etotbollla on tb nia'kal. Tbra ean b bad thronb sat d'Oggit; and it will repay lb am ctrd lo lovtat tb trilling um Broaaary to make a trial. Tb Htnir Daat)v Cnrdial telle by lealiog lb ati inarh atid aiding lb digetlOa nt fMf 1. Laiol b th Itoat uimI,m fi.r tbil- ro. Doctor raO'immnJ It la place of (al.r Oil. TbaHoaihtfo Pari rilrnd irpay ba doldl Mil tteitt from all tslioB oo it I Oragio, at oa fat for Ibafooad tp. Is naw of lbs fafll lhal oar paoula bav baan fvora wilb bnadaul erup. II I ii,6,tntly ipl 4 lbl lbs tat fair at 8i will bar a bHt stto1ane tbta tvar b1ir. ' a ,1 lav. av .lo1 I A m I av. k If M m M hnri ft fs 1 lf li viail this graat ItialltHtn nt "blob lb pai i la of ln ultra bs fa ia lo t prooJ. tM popoUr tin of retimed bat rlu"J I bo (art so aa la aasbl all Wl PO nf IM grdat dtaplavr Mh lb tad at Salaa. Tl Fair onaa l"pi 3-b and mm OI. A h ero tf Hrnry Iltbma, of Foi valUy, was la towo yaalerday. baring aocotnpsniad bi dsotfhters, Mis Laoa and Mr. Hn- on, to tbi piaea. Mr. Hltoo lart tor bar bom la Tb Dalla last ntgbt, Dal Miss rW-btn will mt bar bum ia Ueppnar. Geo Vinoant wis rvr frnm Oalloway laat Wadoaaday. aakln Vt ar llalloona. Voiin-n nmUr the nrrintnta. or war balloon, uml by th- I'-iitiah gorn mrnt, and alko ilu axuna .nrt of lb" roj- Ing of tbe tialiiMiiia. Tl.ry work Ik had built in 1 1 v for tba purixw. rtirr are about '.'.i vtomrn rngugaH, nd all earn good wttgr. Thry are nuMitly the talvra aiul daughtrrs of al dirra, and have all brrn cntrfu'ly tralnnl by tha i-rlntrnilrnt rf tb txOlonn (It-r1mriit. The making ft tha balloon raiilras a rry ilrll-ata Intirh, ona thin Aim of bullcx k akin hiving lo l laid otrr snothrr Willi tba graa'rat rara, Tb rnda of tbe lopra bav alo lo m votrn into e a h olhar wilb rttraordiaary drftnraa. taatal4 WMbaV klallaa. ILwkall. a drtlata rranlta roik ris ing only TO f't boa tba ara, llao Jraland and Uia )trilr, la to ta ml 0 Enr'iah wataorologlral s'atlon. It !) JV tuilaa fmm land, tb nraraal point lo It baing H'H ltand of M Kild. IV) intla sy, nd Itaalf ti4r!y too mil's from lb main group r.f tl If.brMaa. Rorkall la In tha path of lb eylonta diaturtMinra on tb Atlantic, and Ilia station thrra woubl gi I ro'ly warning of surn app''la bing Brttih coaaf TO B i CUAPP I OIIU CYCLISTS, J FRC FTH A UlVfJ, LIU. H ft E H u ft . MINOR CO. v 1 1 HLOIP GOLD Jlnd now the entire world h'noivs this verfect vroduct As the Star Brewery beer On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Waahinoton St., Portland, Or. IF YOU WANT FRUIT J AKS HGE CREAM FREEZERS Glgar. ayrnp, barvaat glova, or Oalriob feather dnatar; also socn othrr tilings, don't lorget to call oo. TCiiOAiijsorc Co., HCPPNCR'S HEAVIEST IMPORTERS. la feet, soy paraon, or pran, raalding wttbln lh city limit, or county hmiU, who shall b eanghl riding, or walking, by tb lr of i 1 1 Wiibonlalni ping tl tb abova tnt)tioaal lor III ha ac4itad by ll.a City Msrabsl Ibat lb only plae In llappnar ya ran buy ., ! LIES' UW Milk fr m iaii ! T;. IttuSUftUciinr. ff bWaa al fell SpaaUfe Baawlbaa. Ika 13 Oil iirraartail aurtai.ti.a, rut ltiljUii aUml an lt ffbw g. Mai Into a paat with on ogtir nf ra-r and a irif of tairaJay; a 'hi a il!i of paprika. kif a Utfil tit tu--wl muUr4. no lablraiafMl of Mrr" 1ngr. Ub'rifaaoaM t-t o.l yolk et tw bH j.fd rfn. t.d tatt. tfg. Hutf U.n lia t t-d. ao-l rpraaxi wit, tU fMtaj ri f r rr Umlbatctwiipwl wklt It'uk.tU'l'i i'b tarrvw till. llvurwf rv-. t t 1 11,1, 0 i I ft ;: i IE T CDS' I al tb Mtor of MINOR A CO. Oar atir he nii go lo Osaka room for fall tok S IT i MINOR & CO. HEPPNER, OREGON. i t :; i ft ; H K 'A 7f ft '1. r i ft i j A. 4 Heppner Outfitting Co. Cull on. FRED. BARTHOLOMEW At this popular stand and k'ct K()0(s at hall the old prices, ract. FRANK McFAHLAN'I), Mgr. You con Wooer Your Sox that You nre Alwnys nt Homo nt .... F Welcome Oa Uia Htral, in City llotal Limtding. THE BEST WET GOODS In tho MARKET. tbay try to plaaa all. Fib slab rwoi In f nni tioa. 0-:t:. GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH,