! i 1$ j'AUOtlTTr VIRGO msmssssmm HIS The times this fall will be the best seen for twenty years, else the Gazette is mightily off its trolley. The people are utilizing the first fruits of McKinley prosperi ty iD paying off Cleveland mort gages. Wise people! Quite a number of Oregon and Washington fairs will be held dur ing the coming three months, and as botn these states hate been blessed with abundant crops of all kinds, the management of the var ious fair associations should look to their interests and endeavor to have a large attendance. This can be accomplished through the medium of the press. A few dol lars expended in the columns of the newspapers would undoubt edly increase the attendance and bring good results financially. A trial bottle of this advertising cordial would probably build up the wearing system of a number of our state and county fairs and restore them to health and vigor, Let the various managements give this medicine a trial. year is estimated at o6,6o0,o60 bushels. American rart&eri are in a position to supply this deficiency and wit) receive1 liberal prioeafor doing H. Wheat is now worth 75 pbr bushel and will go higher before harvest ii over. Milton I ugle. Tbe indiana law requiring that prison manufactured goods exposed tor aale should be plainly labeled "oonviot made" baa been declared unconstitu tional on tbe ground that it interferes with tbe right to contract) discriminates against goods of other states and inter feres with interstate commerce. Tbis ie a vexed question In nearly every state in the nnion tbe question of bow to employ the oonviot labor. Statesman. "On the whole, tbe faot remains that it is a pretty poor kind of Spanish ori sis that does not give rise to at least one romor to the effeot that Weyler will be at oooe recalled from Cuba," says the San Francisco Bulletin. If be don't keep well oat of the way of tbe advanc ing columns of General Gtome, be will not be in oondition to be recalled very long, excepting in a wooden overcoat. Salem Statesman. The Walla Walla Statesman says that the republican party is lucky. Well, we should smile! They were always lucky. Nobody seems to be uttering a word of regret at the final depart ure of the Wilson law from the statute books of the country. It is evident that populism and democracy will not again enter the arena together to battle under the same flag and with the same slogan. Klondike or Glondyke will see much suffering this winter. Thous ands will curse the day that they were lured to the icy north by the greed of gold. . Don't get eiofted, friends, end depend Upon Bix-bit wheat too muob. Lets diversify, and intensify, and manufac ture, liaise wheat, bnt don't set all one ben, Salem Henby Clews & Co., the New York bankers, are sending out in vestment guides. This manual is replete with information relating to investments, and is one of the surest signs of returning prosper ity that can possibly come from an v source. Henrv fJInwn' rnnnrta your eggs under - r.. . nn flnnnoa ova r,r.m.AnA H, V, DtBieSman. absolutely accurate ana reliable, their wheat Wednesday for ?5 cents per ClewB says confidence is again re- bushel. Ed. LinsDer sold for this price, storfid. f-RnitftliRts ura Rflflkino- in. and John Crow sold for the same figure , r D .. .. . i . vfistmants and monav in inmnr. mBny 0,nere wonl J nave sold oould they .en i . e ""TV DCVU1CU tuw UtlUUOUUlD LfllUO UUl lively easy and general activity in tbey couId Dot flDdboyer.. Early in all lines of business may be ex- the day the warehouse oompany pected all over the United States, entered into a deal to purchase 150,000 bushels at 75 cents from a number of fnrmpra vhn taflrAil nf nnnlinn. ihnli. Andree, the explorer, has again wbeati but H. F. Pieroe. one of their 1 X A t- A .1! i.r , ... . ..... uocu ueaiu num. jx uiepatuu nnmoer, Dacaea oai ana ine aeal was from Hammerfast. Norway, bbvb called off. Later in the day 73 cents that one of the searchers for Ilerr Andree met the sailing vessel Aiken about July 22, and was in- formed by her captain that one or Her crew bad snot a carrier pigeon between North cape and Seven islands, on the north coast of tbe island, bearing a message And wheat dill booms. Besides the high price for wheat, every thing the farmer raises or pro duces is going skyward. Hurrah for the farmer! PoruLisM means well. It is the result of discontent. It cannot flourish in good times. There is no UBe for it. It is dying faster than it grew into existence. The smiling fields, the advance in wheat and wool, and the song of the many factories which have resumed operations since the new administration went in, make the calamity Bhiicker very sick. The First Eastern Oregon die trict fair will be held at Prairie City, commencing Sept. 27. The management promises a grand display of Oregon products and a arge attendance is expected. The Gazette acknowledges the reoeipt Lpenkiog of a complimentary ticket. It has been reported to the fed. eral government that British ves sals aro landing passengeis and freight at Sknguay instead of Dyea, the latter being a port of entry and the formor not, in di rect violation of law. It is intimated iu Washington that if Canada IuhihU on repeals on Ametioan miners going iuto the Clondykc, the government wil prohibit Canadian and British oflicials going to or returning from that country over American tor ritory. i It is a great thing for this coun try, now that there is an exUting gold standard of value, that whil we have an abundanro of silver, $:.2l,(KK),000, in the treasury, w Lave so limited it that wo lav the use of lotu money metal without fear of the depreciation o either. The most encouraging foaturo of the rejHiitu allowing the return of buMiiesa activity is that the come from small as well as largo ilacs. When every community finds itself bumly employed the profowttioual agitator finds his oc cupation gouo the country proa- porous. Tut manufacturrrs and the farmers are now engaged m a race to at who (.ball slow the greatest evidence of prosperity. Come to think, that was just what the re publicans claimed Uat year that prosperity io manufacturing and prosperity in farming went band in land. was being offered. Baker City Repub lican. Representatives Tongue and Ellis have returned from Washington, and, while not 'communicative on the subject of federal appointments, say that tbe Ore gon congressional delegation have not yet deoided on any recommendations. Probably they are waiting for tbe arrival of John B. Mitchell, whose influence seems so potent with President Mo- THE WATER $CESttO$. i '. i v - Aa Eo:l Being Made to Economlae la the Water Supply that All May Have Knoach. The matter of tbe water supply for Heppner and tbe duty of tbe Heppner Light Water Go. towards the town have been the subject of discussion among our people tor some tidie. T be president o! the Company, &tr. H. V. Oates, being io towni an informal meet ing of the oouneil was held od last Wednesday evening at which time Mr. Gates addressed tbe body. Mr. Oates stated that lb present shortage of water was entirely unneces sary and was Caused by waste, extrava ganoe acd abuse of privileges allowed by the company. He said that tbe oompany proposed to stop tbis, and that already suoh progress bad been made as to oonvinoe him that every inbab itant, using water legitimately, oould have enough for all purposes paid for and allowed by the rules of tbe com pany, and that there would be a reserve of water of sufficient quantity to sprinkle tbe business portion of Main street. He also discussed tbe purpose of the oompany and tbe relations tbut tbey intended to maintain with the town, olaimicg that this was a mutual matter Mr. Gates said tbat during the next year an effort would be made to increase the supply of water so that all legitimate demands could be met. Tbe import of tbe remainder of Mr. Gates' talk appears in the following wbioh formed the body ot a oirodlar distributed yesterday ainong the oom pany's patrons': Tbe season is very dry. Nearly all sources ot water supply are drying up and W9 find everyone even those who are not regular patrons depending on us tor their supply at a time when we are exhausting every resourse to supply regular and legitimate demands for city and patrons.' We are now supplying water at tbe ratio ot 90 gallons per day to each person in the oity a greater amount than is used in any ot the oom -meroial cities. This establishes the LITERARY NOTES. 1 MoClure's Magazine tor September will oontain a new ballad by Kipling a dramatic personification ot Bogi'istl rule In Egypt. There will also be a humor ous itofy by Robert Birr, reciting tbe disoomfiture of a Haw York oonndenoe man by a kindly but ingenious and res- dlute oowboy. Miss Susau E Blow, whose recent artiole in The Outlook on the kinder garten in the United States has attract ed very wide attention, contributes to the eduoational number ot Tbe Outlook (August) a paper on Tbe Kindergarten Ideal, whiob oaonot fail to interest all edaoators, as it touohes many points of great importance in child edaoation. $3 a year. Tbe Outlook Oompany, 13 Astor Plaoe, New York. Lady Cook's "Essays of life," an Eng lish work, as well as her other publica tions, are attracting great popularity and In donsequence meeting with an immense sale. The American Mr. Hebern, 7119 Euolid Ave., 111. agent is Chicago, eastern uregon State Normal School, Weston; Oregon. ONLY. STATE SCHOOL N , EASTERN OREGON Located on the O. R- & N. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla. Students admitted at all times of the year. - First-Class Training School for Teachers. Yooal and Instrumental Music taught by competent instructors. A gradu- ate of the Boston Conservatory bas charge of tbe instrumental depart ment. 'Flie IacUes Boairclingg Hall Is thoroughly equipped and offers ex cellent accommodations at reasonable ' rates. Send for catalogue. EIGHT MlliE NOT iS. Addseas M. G. ROYAL, President of Faculty or P. A. WORTHING TON, Secretary Board of Regents, Weston, Or. FRANK ROGERS from tbe explorer, addressed to tbe Aftonbladet, of Stockholm, Kinley. Jacksonville Times. which reads as follows: "Eighty two degrees passed; good journey northward Andree." Congressman Tongue did not get borne on Friday as was expected, but be did oome on Saturday morning. At tbat date as tbe train pulled np at the station the Hillsboro Cornet band struck up a number in welcome to onr towns, man, and as be. wearied and dusty. stepped from the platform be realized that he was at borne, since voioes and faces familiar bv an aouuaintauoe c( thirty years pressed forward for a hand shake and a weloome treating. Mo was on the order ot exercises; faot that some ot our patrons ere abus ing tbe rights and privileges of service. We have enough water for all and will use all we have, but are determined to stop all waste and tbat Consumers shall have just and like treatment. For tbis purpose the information and instructions herein is supplied. During the season of 1897 the whistle will blow daily at 6 o'clock, p. m., at which time irrigation may begin. It will blow again at a o'olook, p. m., when irrigation must oease, except that in the higher distriot north and along Main street to and west along May street tbe patrons may use the hours between 6 and 8 a. m., and no other lime. Extravagant waste ot water through sink waste pipes for any purpose, or where the evident intention is to water gardens therefrom will be considered sufficient exouse to stop all servloe. Tbe hours designating the period dur ing whiob water oau be need for irriga tion do not establish any right for two Very hot weather. The sound of the header and thresbe r is beard. Mr. White, ot Lexington, is threshing on Eight Mile. Born td tile wife ot E. C. Asbbaugb , July 8tb, a son. Squirrels are not so numerous, as tbey are going into winter quarters. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Hauler were visit ing on Eight Mile a few day ago. Fred Koigbten was hit with a broken singletree on the arm, inflicting an ugly wound. Tbe fruit trees that were stripped ot their foliage last season and put out leaves again tbat season, are not bearing tbis year. Grasshoppers are plentiful io this neighborhood. Tbey are stripping tbe orchards in some localities ot leaves and fruit. Some bad oases of Klondike fever on Eight Mile. It is coDnned to only a few individuals. Tbe disease does not seem to be contagious. Mr. H. Leathers and Miss Cramer, of Hardman, were married last Sunday, nCH13) U. tu. Jones, J. r., omolaticg. May tbeir lives be perpetual sunshine. E. M. O. Eight Mile, Aug. 12, 1897. J. J. ROBERTS Rogers & Roberts, Contractors and Builders. Flans and Estimates Given on Short Notice. All Kinds of Repair Work Done mhsv. OFFICE HOURS-Day and Night. Leave Your orders "Any Old. Place" and Rog. or Jim will eet 'em. o o o o o o o B 00TS AND SHOES THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS AT LICHTENTHAIv'S Be ba anything In this line that you may deMfe and you cdn depend on it you get a good article when Mat guarantees it; SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing Specialtyi WHAT OUR RXCHANGKH SAY. Tbe Canadian government often shows an enterprise which our own govern. ment might well oopy. It bas made application to tbe authorities at Wash iogton to be permitted to build a telegraph line from some point on the ooast of Alhska to Tagisb, aorots tbe summit of the mountain range, nearly 100 miles. If it is the purpose of Can aila to oonatruot a telegraph hoe to Dawson Oity, and to do it tbis fall, its enterprise is one wbioh deserve to be highly commended. Tber is no good reason, now tbat the Yukon valley is assuming such business importance, why it should not be oonneoted by trl rgraph with the outside world, so tbat wo may kuow at all times what is going oo there. Congressman Ellis was at the Terklas hotel, l'l rtland, 8aturday and Hun day, and it is said that lie was tbe busirtt man io Oregon, and the bold teeming ly tbe most popular one in tbe city Tbe delrgatioo ot those di-tiring to de- Vote tbeir servloea to Uncle 8amual was there In fores, and the boll boys re ceived tip for carrylog eards np to CougrwMiroau Ellis' room until tbey thought they bad a small section of lb Klondike. Aod yt they rereivod no atUfanioo, for until the balance of the Oregon ooogreMiooal delegation er rive no recommendation ill v m In, Th Dalle Chronicle. lb county judge in Oregon er not rrqulred to givt bonds. Thi is erou omiMlon. Tli very officer of lh coun ty wbo I at lb bead of tta buiine affair, and bo ba io bit bands large ly lh direction of lh management of Ilia vaet property inlereat of widows ad the orphan. I under no biudiug obligation, miUid of bn own properly aod bia own Poneeienc, to aet boaeatly aod deal fairly. It it happen tbat be ba neither property nor ponneienr, then lb Uipayer and tli property of eaUle run I ufT-r. lb legialatqr at it oeil aea.ion slionlj by all mean dt continuous boura unless tbe lawn re indeed tbe wbole matter was an inform- quires it. Every lawn should and must al meeting which wa without cere- have water to keep it in good order, mony. Mr. Tongue entered bis private but to use a sprinkler to run more than carriage where bis son and daughter five minutes at on plaoe is a waste of were waiting and drove home. But be water and does injury to a well kept stopped there only long enough to put lawn. In paying for use of water on A Bare Thing for Yon. A transaction in whiob you can not lose is a sure thing. Biliousness, eick headache, furred tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by I constipation and sluggish liver. Cas-I oarets Candy Cathartic the wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonio are sold by all druggists and guaranteed oure or money refunded. O. 0. 0. are a sore thing. Try a boi today ; 10c, 25- 50o. Sample and booklet free, tt off dusty garments for within a half bour he was iu bis offloe and at bis desk I bard at work. Mr. Tongue will not be able to take a summer vacation. U will stay in Oregon till December, giv ing at leu t ion to professional business aod looking after those matters of legis lation in which the state will be in terested at the neit session ot ooogress. Ilillsboro Independent Hon WHY TIM KM ARB (iOOl). Which Tut democratic aecitiun tLat trust and )rotcctiv tariff go Lam! io Laud it oratwbat weak. dihI y tbe fart that traiU Dtrer flouriaLrHl io the I'tiitod Slalci as tbfjr di 1 during tU three )fr of ( tie late drimMratia (inff, which' Lu La(.pi!4Cs, ' ' i Point From HratUtreeta Talent Io all. "llra.litreels," wbicb is reoogniied as a most conservative publication, sum- marue the buiine aituation: "1. Tbat tbe crop er gooj. '"J. That Ibe price of wheat and OJt- tou ba o greatly advanoed a to ponr core of million ot dollar into tb lap of tb farmer, while lb prio of other (taple ha advanced in sympathy with these. "3. Tbat short crops in Europe, In dia and Argentina aur a command of thru bigh prirea d iring tbe market season. "4. That merchant everywhere are repleninbmg their lot'1 of goo. la a tbey hav hot doo for i-Ti-ral year pat. "5 Tbat In o ineiiei ee raiuoad earning every tie re alio improvement. "6 Thai there are already ign of revival Io industry, tb manufacturer beginning to anticipate lb new demand for good. "7. Tbat onr oorl for tbe laat year bav b -no o eoornimialy In eioea of oar Import to rank n vry bea ily a aroditor nation - a adilion tbat doe Dot f aaranree proaperity but io leads ntroogly to belp it. 'H. That tber i every whero among lb farmer a leeliog ol tioprfatne ab!rbhBo iited for veral year pa!." lawn, you pay for what tb lawn re quires, and not for any specified number of hours' servioe. Rule 12 prohibits tbe nse of hoe without nozale, any irrigation exoept during tbe specified hours, uie of hose for otber purposes tban irrigation and extravagant nse of water. Rule 14 prohibits waate ot water through leaky fixtures. We will striotly entoroe these rules and It for abase water is turned off it will not be again turned on daring tbis season. In tb early spring by advertisement in the Qssette we notified end warned all tbat water for gardens would be stopped at auy time. W oaonot any longer permit the nse of water for gar den. It, at tbe end of a abort period w find tbat by flopping waate else where w oau tupply water for garden oolioe ot tarn will be given. OCTY ON f'liONDYKK OlTriT8. ttryfc4y Pay Caocareta Caadv Catbarlie. lb most rect th giving of official bond by tb wnd fl mrdal diecoveey of tb , county Judge. talent Hiiemn. Onegreawmae Kill 111 a food story on Frank J. Talker, wbom h met at Walla Walla. A every on kaow Col onel Tarker for maay year wa a demo cratic war bore io hi s Hot of Wash ington, but a year aga h Ml in with th populUt aoj beoam lUyao up Krter. W bea h met Mr. Klli l i. "I don't kuow haw it I ie otber part of tb eouutry, bat the wv of prosperity be certainly struck Walla Wall Wbl I 7S eeoU, the farmer are all happy, aod, to tell lb train, I don't know wbl elll beeianf a popolni." Kugn !a'wr. TU Europttft short! f tUil tt!s pleaaant aod relrethlog to tb taaU, act gently and naitlfty oo tb kidoej. liver and towel, eleaaalnf tb entire yatem, tlmpel enl.la, fare headaehe, fever, bain i a al onatipalioo aad bit- ioaanea. llae bay and try a boi of 0. C. 0. today; M. 61. t0 ca IM.I and guaranteed t fur by all droggul. It Nat Webb left WedueeJ.y tot Walla Wall. N4 la moeb elated ever tbe Imnte wheat rop and prtee for oae. r mi, .,- . " od pbaraartal, of LwZilirZiaiI J aod a he ha oaed th eVVHHTtri J owe ti'y aed eold II la j " " " J l tale by Cbttor 4 PAINFUL ACCIDENT. J. L. Mis Klncald, of lone, Nearly Severs Thnmn With an Ax. Yesterday morning early, while J. L. let I or fee ay m i FOR Farmers and Villagers, FOR Fathers and Mothers, FOR Sons and Daughters, FOR nil the Family. With tbe close of the Presidential campaign TUE TRIBUNE Kinoaid, of lone, was chopping atove- recognizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to give wood for bis cook bouse, where he was 1 thoir tim in hnms nnrl hnainAoa ininrouta Tn nut ikio I- w vw v hush v. wa v. u U A V akU v B) Uirj VvUUlUUal, nolihrtfl will havoi fnr 1aoB nnaoa and nrnmlnonna nn(;t .tL. Q. misfortune to strike bis left thumb with XT .. . . ,r ...,.... ... . tbe blade of tbe ax, severing tbe bone at IODIU casion aemanas a renewal or ine ngnt for tbe principles lor the large joint, cutting obliquely aotoea, which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present almost severing the member back ot tbe day, and won its greatest victories. first joint. However, Dr. Swinburne. who attended Mr. Eincaid, made an effort to save tbe member. It was pnt baok Io its place by several stitobes and with proper care it may heal and yet prove to be a pretty good thomb. Mr, Kinoaid, accompanied by hi wite, returned to hi borne yesterday. Every possible effort will be pat forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member CGood- Mentors full regular action wna ot tha bowels, do not Irrt- ItS ill? tale or Inflame, but Irav III all th dvllraM dlauilva or. imnlun In ferfwi condition. Try Ihfm. II rent. Prepare only by C L Hood A Co., Lowall, Mu We iiirnlsh "The Gazette" and "N. y. Weeklu irrae one year lor $3.00. A (Mr OAMII i all Onle rs to IP ADVANC1C. THE GAZETTE. at Aa latervlew wlla a Canadlaa OIBfial Brlnt Oal a Few Mar rarU. J. E. Lathrop, ot rodlloe, wbo at Dyea, Alaska, and who I inolioed to report faola aa h find them, write t luK.O. of fmlo: "I hsv interview ! tli Oana liao eu torn offljer, Mr. Melanin, who U Hkagaway, Ibre mile dowo lh bay from here. U tell m poaitively that th Can Han guvarnment will eollect daty averaging 2) per cent on ell outfit taken iota lb Cloodyk, and tbat '.HO mounted plif will patrol. Clothing worn ail month will b exempt. No spirit of any kind can be taken over lh lio. Tbey will b emanated. Duty will b c dlfH Ufcl at I.ak Tagtah, sit mile inland, an J lb euatoni (brr will aooept tb bill of aoy repalabl btuiaea bona in tb elate a voucher. Tberefor, b ar and ba eomplete statement. Doo'l try It toot with tio Canadian officials. Io claaaical laagaag. "it da not weot," bat let every Clondjker mk e flt opa (bowlog aod he will receive fair open treatment. Al Lake Tagisb tbe British roslom boa offle will dedael eoaugb to al low for "grab" ealea la getting thai tar, o lb eo going (a will pay daty only on what he ha at Tagisb." SVMMOXS. IN THE CIKrt'IT COfRT CT THE STATE i 01 orrfon, mt Mormw County. W. I' l-.r,l. II. K KlnmM nil I'hll Mclwhan. Dm Hiiartt ot Cmiii in lialiinrn, fir , I'laiiittlU, v Nv Kamln and Mary BaiuUi, Wl-n.Uiii. To Hjm Hnibon1 Mary Rumhn, iIf(pimUui: 1n lh naine nl lh eut nl Orecnn: You ar hiTl.jr rr.nrtt Io -ar ant anrr lh coin, plaint fllrl (Inil you In lh ahote pntlllrO nil. on or before lh neat Urm ol tb aUit tiillilnt wnrt, lo-all: Momlay, lhAihlayot Hrptdnrwr. I"W7; ami If you (all to to ai'twar ami anr, for nl lhrrm(, tha lalinlHi vlll ailr Io lh court Io iranl Ihe rrlirl traanlMt In the rom Ulnt, 4li Kor uUinctit ami diviw tlnal ynu lor lh mm of ln and Inlcrval thrvon al lha rate of right pt rcnl r annum front July lt. I.': the iirool but dollar at l4irniT lraiid th cota anl dlal.urmtila ol thKinll; and for iln fw fonrloaltif a rarlaln morlr, m.l. van-utnl and drlltarwl h yU to plalulirTa on lha rnlloalni darrtlH rl rotrrty n Murmw rounly, lata ol iir...n, loan The kmihMN qu.rtr iH n ionnip x, nonn rau ;i. a. w. M t A Wl IAXAIS !9PVIARr; rwird-l In th . of th ntutuy rlc rk of W. , A . w rStiJ Morro ennty. on lh rth day of Marrh. I. if !lvChKrf ril1'2'F:r ,1 IT In book -" ol Mori,ra at -a irj. :a an.) If.' ' 1 ' Ltrlkin 4 piHi'ti 7. and loacll aal.f (.ramUM and Bi..l. th V1 nvrinanU hHtitff,, of !! nr.aw.la ol Mid aal tn th wtmti ju.iffmani. aiioriHa icraani ouaia. Ihia ummnn la acrrrd nnoa on la Mi rati ta M an orriar frf Hon rn.nK.it a I ii J .! ol lha i-a entitled rmirt. ntad nA alr4 In ald lult on th it ilar nf inf lT. rnuws a napriiLP. 4-V? Attorn; ln ftalnufa. mw ntirtirejiwifiTTf?Ti s ltJwr cry I rni b ( ,n i v ' v iff m a w A . WJ, 1 1 1 II Iff r In iVnmrirUhin. it t fjRfl:: " ; r. n eaM i(-ujiUlull!UliUUillliliJluU)'UJ LHIUI Ifnil fir? IfyambillN' Tt rt.ti V- It I always gratifying to rteotv teatl rooniat for Cbamtwtlaio's Colic, Cholera and lHarrboo liemedy, aod wbe lb Bjormet I from e physician II U eictlly ''TUer i no more ii frlory nr rJeeti remedy thai Chaw brlalo' Cbolta, Cooler aed Diarrhoea Remedy," writ Dr. R. E. Bby, phy. Oln.y, Ma.; rJy ia hi hi drag lore -rUialy fceov. Km. SCMXOXS. TH nart lT rot eTPf TRI STATE I a oi iPtm, ,.. ..rniw i onnty. lh ur Brvvary uaiUT, flalnll. bert K.i-a ltt.4ht If. i. , LJI lo a. brt Krlk. t".f.n-ao H F i In lh nam of lh aiat of Orvn o trail tA taraht rVird tnafpMr and an.aar Ihaaoin-1 b r ' (1 " l4alet you In lb ai tntlt.ad f! I U f I J e.'il..n, on or r.ira lh (In day ol th a. tl I" If V ' M I 1 Urm nf lh !., nilllit r..,.rt t.L. II II . . '.I Mun.lit. lh, Hh ilit ill an.i.mu las- ll " ' I I i . . i J "l If T"'H o to . Iu n tharant, ma piainim vni tata ) at aal hf lha of J , U anA l I dlahn Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? ra- I fVXrr' AU thN c rrocured at Thoorwio A Binne, Lower Main FtreH and di.hnn.rn.nia. ' Tea tMtWfna ar vail analMM Hk ftrant. ,((. HUH, J . Thl inn.n la n4 nra rrm la a..n.. and a m-my aad IIM la Mttna t-m axil. eo' A l.v.il a-U an a-w nf an at -1-r a4 Hon. iu.lraol Uu aliv anliiil unit Miid a m.4 avtn ea m t 4 m J, Trw ta ten)" im ua THOMPSON I1TNNS