Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 20, 1897, Image 1

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    ... . -fl
Portland Library
With New Summer Ad.
The Gazette Does Job Work
With a New Summer Ad.
The Gazette Does Job Work .
NO. 572
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At $3.50 per rear, 11.25 for six months, 78 ota.
tor throe moucns, strictly in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
THIS PAPER U kept on tile at E. C. Dake's
Advertising Agenoy, M and 65 Merchants
Exohangs, Ban Francisoo, California, where con
Tact for advertising can be made for it.
0. R. & N. -Local card.
Train leaves Heppner 11 p. m. daily except
Sunday arriving at Heppner Jnnotion 1:80 a. ni.
Leaves Heppner Junction 3:40 a. m. and ar
rives at Hummer 0:10 a. m
Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:45
p. m. ana arrives at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. m,
and Umatilla 9:15 d. m.
Portland Express No. 8. from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 6:05 a. m. and Heppn r Junction 6:10
a. m. ana ar'ives at fortlana 11:45 a, m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9 D. m. and ar-
rives at Heppner Jnnotion 8:30 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:40 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:40 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 1:47 a, m. .and at
Portland 7 :fil a. m.
For further information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. BAN., Heppner, Ore.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
"Wo I-Id
FIRST Go via. St. Paul be
cause the lines to that point will
anord you the very best service.
SECOND See that the coupon
beyond5 St. Paul reads via. the
Wisconsin Central because that
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en'
taring the Union Depot there, and
us service is Hm-class in every
McClure's Magazin
For 1897
A New Life of Grant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of
Grant ever published. (Begins in December.)
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.)
Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished
(Begins in May.)
Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical
years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better
' fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative history of this period from his
tlCKet readlDg Via. the Wisconsin Portraits of 6reat Americans. Many of them unpubliihed. In connection with this series
Central lines, or address
THIRD For information, call
on your neighbor and friend the
nearest ticket agent and ask for a
Jas. C. Pond,
Gen. Pas. Agt,
Milwaukee, Wis.
or Geo. S. Batty,
General Anient,
246 Stark St..
Portland Or. I
of portraits it is intended to publirh special biographical studies under the general title of
makcks uf i titt uruun irom wasningcon to uncoin.
United States Officials.
Pieaident William McKiulev
Vice-President .....Garret A. Hobart
(secretary of State John Sherman
Secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Gage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary of War ltnssell Alger
Secretary of Navy John D. Long
Postinastor-General James A. Gary
Attorney-General JoseDh McKenna
Secretary A Agriculture James Wilson
State of Oregon.
Governor....' W. P. Lord
Secretary of State H. It. Kincald
Treasurer... (. Phil. Meteohan
Snpt. Pubtio Instruction G. M . Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
ti ' J Q. W. McBride
Senators i j H Mitchell
I Binger Hermann
(tonsTeesmon J W. K. Ellis
Printer W. H. Leeds
!R. S. Mean,
F. A. Moore,
C. E. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
Dlrcoit Judge.... Btephen . Lowell
HroMouting Attorney ....H. J, Bean
Horrow County OfUcials.
Joint Senator.., ... - A. W. Gowan
BepresenUtive.. J. Brown
Cj.nnt. Jn.lm. A. G. Bartholomew
" IViinmleeioners. J. K. Howard
J. W. Beckett.
" Clerk. J. W. Morrow
" Sheriff E. L. Matlock
Tuanr.. Frank Gilliam
Assessor., A. C. Pettys
- Snrveyor. J. W. Hornor
School Bup't Jay W. Shipley
' Coroner B. F. Vanglian
M. -Thoe. Morgan
Cuincllmen Geo. Conser, Frank
Gilliam, Artlinr Minor, t. J. blooum, U
..,.1 J It Ulinoni.
u .t W. A. Blchardaon
Treason -I W. Hriggs
Marshal A. A. Roberta
Jn. nf the hut W. K. Kinhardeon
Constable. N. 8. WheUtone
Ualted States Land Officers.
TBI niT.T.M. OB.
J. t. Moore.... Ki,r
a., ft. Bursa IleoetTer
B.F. Wilson rW"ter
I. H. Kobbins Heoelver
H. W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A I
ti., C. M. A St. P., C. & A., r. Ft. W. & C,
and the C. Bt. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction.
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will nse his extraordinary
taieut lor mystery ana ingenuity which nave, in tne "BneriocK uoimes," stories, given nun
a place beside Poe and Gaboriau.
TAN MACLAREN. All the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the exception
of two contributions to another publication which were engagea trom nun loi.g ago, win
appear in mculurbs magazine.
JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories In the same field as the "Brer
Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmbleflnger" stories.
RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to MoCldrk's
an oi tne snort stories ne win write during tne coming year.
OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Maoazine a series of short stories In which the same
characters will appear, although each will be complete in Itself.
Anthony Hop Bret Hart
Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman
will all have stories in McClure's for the coming year.
Robert Barr
Clark Russell
While yon loop yoar subscription paid np yea
ess keep your brand in free of oharge.
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shoulder; cattle, same on left hip
Cook, A. J., Lena, Or. Horses, SOon rightshonl
der; tjatue, same on right hip: ear mark
crop on leit sou spilt in ngnu
Donarlaas. W. M.. Galloway. Or. Cattle. R D en
right side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, B D I
on left hip.
Elr. Bros.. Douglas. Or. Horses branded ELY
on left shoulder, cattle same on lefthip. bole
id right ear. -
Florence, L. A,, Hsppner, Or. Cattle. LT on
riaht him horses. F with bar nndar on riant I
Jones. Harry. Heppner. Or Horses branded I
ti J on the left shonlder: oattle branded J on
right hip. also anderbit in left ear. Range in
slorrow county.
inrinsoa. Felix. Lrna. Or.-Rom, irlmlaT on
left stifle; cattle, same on right hip, nader half
jrwy iu ti kiu muiiv ji iciv wtvi
Rennr. Miks. HenDner. Or. Horses branded
KNY on left hi d oattle same and oroD off left I
eari under elope on the right
Lfiahev. J. W. Hsnnner Or. Horses branded
L and A oo left shoulder; oattle same on left I
hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in right I
xoxaaoT soczxrxuBS.
Mu si Lexmrum, Or., ths last RatardAy of
frh month. S.U Tetecmns ere inviun w
Q. W. Smith.
C (i. Fduda.
Dr. P. B. McSwords,
Offlr in tbt City Drag Store, near
City Hotel if
D. J..McFaul, M. D.
Uffloeboors, 8tol0 a. ro., sod 12 to
1 n. m . al realdeoee. Mrs. II. V?loh'f
oroDerty. aorl 10 to 12. a m . to 2 to 5
p. n , al oJflos lo lbs rear of Borg1
Jewelry itofa, . '
First National Bank
. -9 -
C.A. Rhca.
T. A. Rut A,
Vl Preslatent
- Cashier
Ass't Cashier
Tram-ts a CtttrJ Euli&g Bsilnea.
Jo all perU ol the world-
Bought and Sold
Collections ade OS alt points en
, fMSooable Tsrms.
Suryios sn4 aadJrMsd frufila, MS.0U0.0Q.
These are only a small fraction of the great and Important features of McClure's Maoazine for
mn, tne subscription priee oi wnicn la oiuy
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November, Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. McClure Co., New York.
square I
A Campaign
Of Education
HOW to Get. It (T IT AA
-For 4) J.UU
After He
Turned Over Only Vive Times
Bill Haw was an awkward, ungainly
young man, whose life was spent on a
Kansas farm, says the New York World.
He lived near the little station of Hack
ney and on one occasion came from a
near-by town on the train. It dashed
up toward the platform at a high rate of
speed. The engineer tried to apply the
air-brakes to stop the train, but they
refused to work. He whistled for the
hand brakes and the brakemen and the
conductor began twisting them as if
their lives depended upon stopping the
Bill saw that something was the mat
ter and concluded that he was the cause
of it. The train was past the station,
and he feared he would be taken past
his home. Standing on the lower plat
form he gave a wild leap off the train.
In describing Bills descent after
ward the postmaster at Hackney, who
had seen Bill's flight through the air,
said : "I thought some one had thrown
o saddle off the train. Bill rolled off
all in a bunch. When the dust settled
down Bill emerged from the confusion
with his clothes nearly torn off him,
bis face and hands skinned and an ap
pearance of terror on his face. He
actually turned over eight times after
he jumped before he stopped."
"That is a lie!" exclaimed Bill, who
had listened to the narration. "' never
turned over eight times. I turned over
Ave times. I reckon I ought to know.
I counted 'em." j
Dr. King's New Discovery for
' Consumption.
This is the best medicine in the world
for all forms of Coughs and Colds and
for Consumption. Every bottle is guar
anteed. It will oure aDd not disappoint.
It baa no equal for Whooping Cough,
Asthma, Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bron
chitis, tia Grippe, Cold in the Head and
for Consumption. It is safe for all ages,
pleasant to take, and, above all, a sure
on re. it is always well to take Dr.
King's New Life Pills in connection
with Dr. King's New Disoovery, as they
regulate Rtid tone the stomach and
bowels. We guarantee perfect satiafao
tion or return money. Free trial bottles
at Conser & Brook's drag store. Regular
size oil cents and $1.U0.
Absolutely Pure
Bitten by a Snake.
A man was brought to the oonnty
hospital this morning from the Eoho
neighborhood who la the viotim of a
rattlesnake bite. The reptile struck
bim on tbe hand while he was walking
along the river about smile above Echo,
at 5 o'clock last evening. Ha was kept
full of liquor, and arrived at the oonnty
hospital when very drunk. He is drunk
yet, and unable to give his name. Tbe
Dr.na is not badly swollen, and It is
thought tbe whisky will overcome the
poison. The oase disproves tbe theory
that no amount of whisky will make a
man intoxicated who has been bitten by
a rattler. East Oreeonian.
The University of Oregon.
At Eugene opens Sept. 20. Gradu
ates from acoredited schools who have
completed work amounting to 30 credits
are admitted without examination. In
cidental fee, $10.00 a year; tuition, free.
Complete courses leadiog to Baohelor of
Arts, Bachelor of Soienoe, Baohelor of
Letters and excellent courses In civil
and eleotnoal engineering. Also good
instruction in musio. Board for young
men in the dormitory at $2 50 per week
with lodging, heat and light.
Catalogues furnished free on applica
tion to
Secretary Board of Regents, '
67-tf Eugene, Oregon.
Autograph Hats Mow the Rage with Col
lege Students and Bummer Girls.
One of the new fads that started with
the Cornell university boys is the fash
ion of wearing autograph hats. One
sees them everywhere, for college men
in other colleges have taken, it up, and
have scattered themselves here and
there among the summer girls. The
hats are made of white canvas, with
stitched brims. Names can be written
in ink anywhere on the surface. One
of these had several names of well
known men written, upon it, among
them the man who pulled stroke for
the Cornell eight that won such a glorl
ous victory over Pennsylvania, Harvard
and Columbia in that memorable boat
race at Poughkeepsie.
Bentimentul young men collect the
names of their sweethearts, though
this has its drawbacks, because there is
always the chance that the last girl will
want to know all aliout the other girls
whose nunies he finds written on the
hat before hers. The words are usual
Deafness Cannot Be Cared
By looal applications, aa they cannot
reaoh the diseased portion of the eer
There is only one way to oure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of tbe mucous lining of tbe
Eustachian tube. When this tube gets
A telephone message reoeived Wednes
day evening from Lexington stated that
Potter's barn, near the depot, was set on
fire by a boy and burned to tbe ground,
Sparks blew io Al Windsor's barn and
destroyed it also. Had the wind been
inflamed yon have a rumoling sound i or blowing from the direction it usually
does the entire town would have been
oonsumed by tbe blaze.
imperfect bearing, and when it is entire
ly olosed deafness is the result, and un
less the inflammation can be taken out
and this tube restored to its normal con
dition, bearing will be destroyed forever;
nine cases out of ten are oansed by
oatarrb, which is nothing but an lntiain
ed condition of tbe muoons surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
Don't neglect a cough because tbe
weather Is pleasant; before the next
storm rolls atound it may develop into
a serious diflloulty beyond repair. One
any case of deafness (caused by oatarrb) Minnte Congh Cure is easy to take and
that oannot be oored by Hall's (Jaturrb will do wnat its name implies, ror sale
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
tlSold by druggists, 75o. Toledo, O.
by Conser & Brock.
obarred beyond recognition. After kill-
ly printed, though script makes a pret- ber the murderer set firs to her bed
km hat and looks less like an udvertls- Virgil, tbe 20 year-old eon of tne ronr-
M D on I
Minor. Osoar. neppner. Or. 4attle.
right nip; horse, n on lert shoamer.
Morgan, H. N., Rsppner. Or. Horses,
oa ten snoniusi oatus same on lert hip.
Osbnrn. J. W.. Doaalas. Or.: horses O on let
shoulder; cattle sanie on right hip.
Parkar A fllaaaos. Bardman.Or. Horsas IP on
lrt sboolder.
Piper. J. H., Leiington. Or.Horsee, JE eon.
eertsd on left shouldar; oattle, same on lof hip.
andof bil In mob eaiv
Hector, t. W.. II d oner. Or. Horses. JO ot
left shoulder. Cattle, O oa right hip.
Rim. K. O- HupDner. Or. Cattle w C on I
left hip, crop off right and anderbit la left year, I
awwiapi winw rf v tm inrt SDOuuier. i
TboinDSm. J. A.. Hffuoner. Or. Horeee. t oa
left shoaldrri cuttle. on left shoulder.
Turner K. W UeuDaer. Or. Haull oen tl T
left shoulder, horaas; oattle same oa left hip
vita spin in dcmb aara.
WatUwbnrgar. W. J., Galloway, Or. ; borm I
quart r cirrla J W on right shoulder; rat Us I
Quartar circle JW on right hip aud right si'' e. I
crop and boU in Isft ear. Hangs in Morrow and I
Uoiauila eoonuas.
Notice of Intention.
Land Orrirs at The Dallis, Oasoon.
Aug. 4th. 1h'i7.
a following-named settler has Sled nolle
of his IntcnUon to make dual proof In support
of hw claim, and that said proof will he mads
oaiore t. w. Morrow, county ciers, at Heppner,
Oregon, on bepL 'Jmh, liwf, vl:
Record entry John Ihit. Hd. Entry No. VtA
tor ihs Nli Her. H, 1 p 1 1 1 u. I. . M.
He oamea the following wltntaoe VI provs I
Bis eontinunue nsmenre npna snn ruinvatinn
nf said land, vis: Jneph H. rilslna. Hxnry
Pllalns, John A. Harbks end Edward Hollo-
all of Douglas, Oregon ,
To be educated one must read
the best literature.
The best literature Is expensive.
Leslie's Illustrated
PubUsned at 110 Fifth Avenue,
New York, Is full of the best things.
Its Illustrations are superb; Its
stories charming; and Its literary
departments are edited with con- u
mmate skill.
Such a paper Is a great popular educator. It should bt In every
borne, IT
The subscription price of Leslie's Is 14 pe nniim. Q
We msk the unparalleled offer of a copy of eV,
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- (
Weekly dne year for only $5.00.
No such offer was ever made before. No such offor wlll'ever lie made W
again. These two papers make a most acceptable Christinas or birthday
gilt, and will be constant reminders of the fiver's kindness. Q
Remit by postal order or check to the
'sjj Heppner, Orocon. J
Ing device. To se stalwart young col-
ege men stalking along with these hate
on gives one tli impreswilon of one of
hone inipevunious individuals who
march tip and down upon the biiHiness
alrtebs with a printed placard on their
b.icKa to the effect that "a regulur din
ner can be had at the Illnnk dairy lunch
for 20 ecnt."
However, the fad 1m growing, and by
fall the white hats will lie bluck.
Published Every Saturday
Notice of Intention.
Lass Omt i at Tni Iulls.. riasooM.
Aug 4. 1-T.
1 1 following namad srtllsr has (lot nntlr of
kla InlanUofl to maka Inal yuxA In supprrt of
hlsslalm. an1 IbataaMI pn.l will be mail Do
lor J. W. Morrow, County link at Hrppiter.
Orvgoa, on iwpt. Jnh, inn, vis :
fid. Pntry No. eno for the XKV4. Hm. js, Tp. I N
it n. e. . m
Hs names Ihs following wllmawe to prnvt
his mntlnuoiis rnidanr upon sod etilUvatto
ol aald land, vis: Jnerfh M Kllklos, Henry
riiklns, J..h p Umy, tuiward Uolioway, all
of liouglaa, (trvgwa.
13 Astor Place
New York
Notice 0 Intention.
UnOn s at U Oars. o '.
jolt 11a i-r
.firTU is srttkT oivr THAT TH
f Liilowltx sIUw baa Bled aMIra of
k. lHl.nl tn L. Ml, S IibI hnl In lUbMirl
bis rialm. b4 that said p"-t will ! kU
batora t.maly .! atintf . trw.
el fl fp'wf, Oinro. o a u ia, n, u
H4 E. Na t tw be au Se end
w M.4t r',M teisasEW a
Ms fiaaM tla Mlowmt wlin.aaw w p bis
roiiiinvnts raadee Spa ad ctlUeios of
Sali IsM. U
mi. f ravb. of ejafenar. Or. tbarlaa
f'a'tsaarty, a4 Vloeoa. Mkwoh b"l-. nf
lbuaf . Of , aa4 lev! U klatt. ..1 iir.ua. Of.
r R, P. Wll"".
If.VII l
The regnlar subecnpticiD prto of tb
t)em(-Wekty UstetU is 12 60 and lb
regular pric ( tbe Weekly Oregoolao
Ull.W). Anyone sabwrrtUog fur lbs
Gasott and paytrjf for on year is
sdveorx r t l4b the Ostelt antl
Weekly Oriotilse for t1.5a All old ta--
erfibwre paying (half abaorlpttofls fcf
oa year 1 eit aie will hm eatttlf-J W
The Oeistte doe not aa-jHoo tbe
koceslf of scy pereo. bet U k som-
f.aiia.1 io lesiet mf lb Saab , a ) SBe
ulsaaf bar1po, blbf lb tit
Mrtber b Cwraelia Vasd-fbi!l or the
bo ear Lie bread by b"et toU.
't ettfK4 ra) lb pet' ! tbef
rlaa. K
Wkat I Hop Ooi4T Heel
arta e st aUeaUr.
Tbe Ontlook will be la W, at il has
been dorlng esob of its twenty sevea
years, History of Oar Ova Tinea. Io
it virions exlitorial drparlrneots Tbe
Outlook gives a ooupset review o( lb
werbi's progrees: il follows wilb ear
all lb Important bilabthrnio and la
daetrial p"mDt of the day; baa a
complete deparlment ot religion aes;
devote fsnob spar to tb lot eras Is of
lb borne; review eorreal llUralar;
fsraiahee rbewrfal table-talk about ntee
and things: and, la short, alms lo give
freeb ielormailoe, rrtgioal ilrvalloa,
and reasonable entertainment.
tieppuev lo feodletoa via Ileppaer
Eeborllege Lice. I'srsoa dewtrooa of
rtallisg i'eadletno cart sate lima eod
money by taking Ibw ftiole. Br a
qialbtioa lb agaols ih prevkia seta
lag I be sts-e will (pake eaaaeettnft wllb
3 w'ctort train at hriM f't f'eoilleioti.
OiEoe al Oily ifog Mia W. I), lyuau,
Walt Tboojpeoa rsac bet
Ilerpfter sad Moonnvacl, arriving rvwry
day ctoept Mnodsy sa4 leavieg every
day eieepl Paeday, Rborteial a4 S beep-
eel roste bo lb IsUrmt
rVginhiog with lb Bfty fliflh tolome,
lb pr aill aasam tbe fegnlsr
sio site, wbteb will add (reslly to It
navemene aad allrarliveaea. Tbe
OaUook Is pabllebiKi every Hat ur Jay
Cfty tao issue a year. Tbe flrtl act
to ab tnoslB t so I!luslriJ Uiasiisi
NatBtr, Soelainieg about !! as essay
page a lb ordinary leeuee, Ingatbvt
Kb large eBber of ptrtnr.
Te pneeol Tbe Onllnnk I Ibre
dollar year i advaaea, nt tee Ibaa a
Bead lof SfMowia epf ail Hlaetral-
It THE flRrnr Wit' RT Of THE tfTATE
oi oron. for Morrow County.
W. P. lord. H. K. Klneald
and fhll. Motai han, lha
Hoard of Cominlaalonsrs,
rir , Hisiiitirrs,
t. B. aperry. S. V. Hpry,
nrry, the Ore
gon Railroad and Nail,
gallon Company and P.
( . 1homiaoii, lirlmdanla
To J H. Hiierrv. H. V. Hiwrrr and Nucrrt.
fripooanis: -
In lha name of the Hat fit Orvsom Yon are
hrby reqnrl to aiiear and anawer the
ii.UInt tlvA egalnat lug In the alxi.e
entitled soil, on or M re lha Brat day of lha
nesi wrm oi ine anova miliar ronn, lo ll
MhikUv. thaSth dav of Mrtlanilar.
and If you fall aa lo stir sod , tor
want ihereof, lite pialntins will apply to lha
court to grant lha relief demand d In aald raft
plaint, lo-tH: For a Itidsment end derree
egalnat you tnt the Sunt of o.i end Inlarxt
tharann trot Jmy let, IWi. at the rata of eight
per rent par annum, the Kin ol l si eltrnet.
lees and I' if the enata end dl.liuraeniania nf Ihli
soil: end lor a darrae forMliaing a certain
mrf(Be eneda, eieruted en-l dellvarwt hf
itefeii.Unta. J R Nrry end ft). V, bperry, lo
(naltnm. on ine following reel prorf y suit
ii in S'ltmw roniitr. aula of ir.m bwll
aotb hall id Iba fwrtthaaat quarfer end eorth
hall nf (he ewiihaeet uuailrr i4 nan si. a., nth
half of awilbeesl, nnarlaf nf Sec ai wael half of
tbe eonlfcwaat iiarlcr of ear l, eHilhee4
qiMWfM ntninwaa. f)iiarlcf ol n. tumh
aai qnartef tel eooiheaai uuarie-r m ne.
nnrtaj ball nf imrtfieeat uuerier enf a.iulh
Mil llll.rl.f tj I I.M .. ..a .ti nM, Ml
emiiheeaf quarter nf ourtheael qnarler end
north half of eoulhwret qiMrir u4 m. I end
tbe norfheat snerief of ei,thet sarter rd
nee. ). ell In lowMhlp s, emtb renga , a w
M , tr-len' la tne urnr nf Ine ennlv eievk of
aald Morrow mnniy. In h..i ; i4 M te
al pages I (I, IU a no 114. ent lo eel I eal-l y-m
laeeamt si ply the we.t U eald ante so Ihi
pa, rce.il aaid lodgment, albrtneji laaw, celts
and dietHireeieania
1 bis nnMHs Is served tina ynw aniraoant
a en octet e4 (he Mn. ie.hee a Isiweli
J'l-1t Ihe enilile4 r..n rl, med end
entered IS aald (nil the 7! at day of I ily. mn.
ri n a siiiriifh .
177 AUut aeys bej riaunUSa.
A dispatch from Galveston, Texas,
dated Aug. 16, says: Mrs. Kale Gall
gber, for 12 years a sohool tesober ot
tbis oily, was found today with her
tbroat oat from ear to ear and tbe body
dered woman, bar been arrested and
ooufessed be committed tbe crime to get
money to spend on a variety actress.
Chamberlain's Oolic, Cholera aud Diar
rhoea remedy always affords prompt re
lief. For sale by Conser t Brock.
Fred Book is bsok trom Sampler, and
feela muob better over tbe trip.
Jamaioa (lows): Express: Tuesday
Qeorge Roberts started for Heppner,
Oregon. It is bis intention to buy a
large number of oattle there aud ship
tbem bere. lie was aooompanied by
Henry Ridenour.
Has Helped Mother.
"My mother bas been sfllicted with
oatarrb and stomach trouble. Bb bas
taken a number ot bottles of Hood's
Ntirsnpiirllla and bas derived great bene
fit from it. We always take Hood's
rjarsaparilla when we need a blood
pnritier otid we find Hood's Pills a
remidy for siok beadaobe." Mrs, Min
uie Spriggs, Oakland, Or.
forgetting to Ante Urged aa fjronad for
llreeklog a Will.
At tbe HlKbt Time.
Io the full tide ot summer outings
witb its flow of pleasure seekers and its
During the conUvtt over the will of I crowds of sportsmen everywhere, there
Hood's Tills are the only pills to take
with Hood's rJarsaparilla, Esiy and
yet elllolent.
John II. I lank in, who wan known in
Militics m "Tiiwarora" Huxkin, ono of
the witiM'sM'i gave lttliiiony to aliirw
that failure to projierly piny the game.
uf poker la an evidence of Inwiii'tv, wiys
a New York l'iHnit'li In the ProviuVwr
Journal. Mr. Ilnnklii left an etuti val
ued at over $I,()II0,(MK), moat of which he
In ijiieotlietl to bio bon. II la (latiglit.T
lliil grsiHli'biltl oonteeted the vi!l.
n Jinn in K. Colin said Mr. Ilnxkln war
vrj fond of poker and waa a wy cure.
ftil player until t-lie aprlngof when
lie Ix-eutiie earelees, often holding his
nnU ao Uiat the- other player could see
I hem.
"Did he ever forgrttoaiit.?"
"(ih, fmiucnUyj and others did It
for him."
Well, that U hardly proof of innan
It jr. ald roiiiuw-l for the son. "To
forget to ante U not tinimtiHl In a game
between Ameriean gnntlcincn. Did
Mr. Ilaakin frrget to play bla hand
whrrt the wtber players had Uielr ante
is unhappily always something, to bap
pea that mars its enjoyment. The right
tbiog never seems to happen at tbe right
time, and every sportsman soil athlete
knows Uiat ao accident is apt to tbro
bim out just when be hopes to do bis
beet. Bursitis, braises, burls, soreness
snil stiffness from sudden cooling off,
sad very often rbenmutism or neuralgia
pnt In Ibeir worst strokes of pain, even
when it is tbe hottest. Ht. Jacobs Oil is
most acliv la Its certain oure ol all
the troubles at tbls time.
Ilea Pitt er ion has accepted
linn witb a drng Arm over at
a posl-
Th Crook County Journal, at Trine-
villa bas changed bands, Hugh Oourlsy
becoming editor and proprietor ot the
a --.in m e i m
"Tbey are dandies" said Tlios. Bow.
en, of tbe Crooket, Texas, Enterprise,
while writing about DeWitl's Little
Early Risers, the famous little pills for
sick beadaobe and disorders of tbe itom-
acb and liver. For sale by Conser A
A. M. Patterson and Jubo Johnson
mailt proof before Clerk Morrow
Weduedsy, each swearing to lb roai-
deno ot lbs other. Their other witness
was Frsnk A. Lnndell.
or poison II wilb bin mast; but aid Na
ture by oeibR Dewitt'a LI I II Early
Risers, lb famous little pills for eon-
stipation, bllloiisoee aod stomach trou
bles. Tbey sr purely vegetable. For
... . . . . .i.i.i. mm I aala ! Ooneeir A ilroflk .
-inn lie mrgei ui ldk uia wuitiinga r I '
fill, lio.1
A llemarkable Care forl'hroalr Ills rr hire.
In 1W2, when I served my eonntry as
a brlvala in ('nmnaos A. IR7th I'.na.
IWltbinyoor blood with sasaafras tylUDU voluolwe, loontrscled ebrooio
Mr. fob n al(i tbnught thai the old
man a ttal.it of let ling liia falea U-elii
fall out of hie mouth without noticing
It Mas another eliU iwc of feeble-mind-
Coogreaimsn Ellis retarned
Wedneedsy Iroto Portland.
A Hoy's letter.
'1 he Forlliiglilly voiirbea for the gen-
ulnriieta of tbe follow ing r strut from
"A lk'a Utu-r to Ilia Mother:"
"I am glud I hate a new staler, but
wiah a lie bad len a Uiy, Seems to Ine
if the lord roiililii't l ate eebl a lioy lie
Niiglrt at evoat bent a MHiy, e e e
Can't I bate grldille rakes Urn days I
ibm't have aalal? You always unrd to
let lti. e e e T,ere la lute of g.me
bere. There er nili e in the lion and
rata In Ui learn, and rblptntitika In I lie
woods. I am gxlng Ut bring bmne one.
la a Ixiy a pig if he la helel
three limes? I liven If Un ) are small
hel4iig aud tbey Inelat 7"
diarrhoea. II has given me a great deal
of trouble aver since. I bav tried a
doyen different medicine and several
prominent dootors without any perma
nent relief. Not long ago a frieud sent
m a ism pie bottle of Chamberlain's
j,()ro Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy,
and arter thai I bought and took a DO
cent bottle; and now I can say tbat I am
entirely cured. I ceroid b Ihsnkful
enough lo yon for Ibis great remedy
and reonnimeiiil it lo all suffering veter
ans. If in d;iihl writ me. Yours grate-
Tetter, Halt-lltieutn ami teine.
The Intense Iti hlug and smarting, Inc i
dent to tbeeei dlneam-a, la Inatantl v allbytxl
br at'iilvlnif l,liamer Iain's Eye and
Hkln Ointment. Many Very bad raaea fully, Henry Htnlnherger, Allonlowo, Pa.
hav been permanently rtire.1 iiy it. It Hold bv Ootiser A linx k.
Is iwinaiiy mrlent for lu iiing plies ana
a favorite remedy fur euro nipple, I (leo. Rider came over from Long
cbapi4 batuls, ihllblalna, froet l ite Crk oo lal Friday lo attend to som
ana i nrowo aorw eye.. ,.. per ooa. hl.11M, tt.H..Pt. ,.,.
n i ii iiisiaaaaweaaawi
Dr. Cadi's ('mlltUa Pewdrra, are
Juat what a horaei nwl. when In bad
condlllon. Tonir, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They are not food btil
tiie.n In and the N-et In uae i put a
boreei In prime rvrti'Utloa. Prh e Z"i
tents p-r pai kagn.
, Teacheri' lamination.
Noinf i HrttrbY .ivra imt rm
II.. pii,ne.ili ii ,linnl.
ail laatefHiS wKnener nfff ihemaelvee as .enitl
.teiee f4 UarMi. t4 lha n.e.ie of thie r-.rt.ntf
I stale I". ei4.fe .11 111a i,-mm 01. rwqnty,
Wbe4 SMpertntefvleel lhwe.4 will bold e p'tt
lie eiemi'-atloe el tbe emtl bmiaa el U )eer,
ut-. l,.. Wetnealav. Aif tub
i-a'e-1 lb la tnt 41 of Aug.. lee'
7 e J W SftlKEt.
lb bant oeiii,, hWwrww Co
Cbaa Telft bo again bted la Hepp
ner In lha reeleorebt basinees.
Asr oe deeiilog lo betid eitber
E. J. Mo9m, i penepeowoe to Tb 0'.U, tl Aetit boee m bera will task avey by eaU.
Ilaoa, Xtw Tok Ctt. ' lag e tks Obtetu cfSee. CM
Bwietde) la apee.
A a eauay on the prevalence of aol'id
la Jspaa bos bD written by Mr. Pievto
Kukufu. a bative atelielM ten. The sU
t etue tt i.d uvrr tan yraie end oImiw
(fast etiiit'le has tiern on tie inrrtaa
in Jsaa. both actually it.d In -ro.r-le-m
lo 11 total buinlr of deal hs !:i
l sihI I1. Il.e biiiiilwr In pf"il4i
bfj tie '. il.ll on reat Iwd Its highest.
Mr. haiio oWrvr thai durinir tbeeei
years there was a frit ri lo tbeprir
Of IM neeeeesrle of life, la lb ts
4 Japajbe enmen th Sg t llrh
eiirMe I rniet fri'ient Is slerit T-
i the. r'trre'per.-l re; r-r vvi. t'h mn la
SI f otr-trl'''' 'V f w tn u f l.ttul
sukeJd ?tr tV fru'v-5''.b )nr, tul
Ma ire aetisfewa Jl Ky or .
Oeo, Barker i back Irom Hnmpler.
Luis iloek slag leave Ileppnsr at
7o'oloek, a. ui., Tuesdays, Thursdays,
and Hiiturdsys; arrive at 0 o'lock,' p,
m., Mubdays, Weiliieedayi ami Friday.
Will make ronneoiiuti with luanoh train
when deaireib Far ti, rai'b way.
ixitind. J. U.
Om.-e at Harry
Freight eenl per
Bellenbr k, Prop,
Warreo't drng store.
Sew Is Ihe reaeel al aeWs ee
aeOeeel smnefie slweees.
Il tee be tM4 by s inaaeaet
Harris io Chapln loft Tuas lsy fog Iba
East and wilt visit relatives In Indiana
before returning.
baefl Wkb MSff la 4e
e f Wte tbe enem.e. lae.
b.g.1. a i y aibea M gives
Ely's Cream Balm
efbeea.tael.ad b be tbe eyaw Ibomeeb ears for
bweii xee. i, ( ..4 la He4 aad II. r fent -t el
eeawewelawoTfc, Jt eesBfb41 Ebfc4 HaTeeaaTaTaay vWe) fc Oaaal I rwewweeeTaba
are ee.e e4 iel.e,ee.'H.. bee-e U-e
lea Oiet qi.eiN.iae frn ewi'U, i ue the a.ia.e
at are ea t lie. tn M Hn,U'. .r .
Si. I eUtVIMCaibj M Wervea Sweet, w let
A. Curia?, formerly of Peedletoa,
L'tVa1. I b opened op a IS rnl barber shop la
47M-I tb old slaad on lb Msiloek eorasr.
fk sV'bjjTl Wink subtly first clae. Call en bits.
iffermg front
lever, but I
?af Mtvm
sY'i; Work slrh Ily first else. C
W Elisw Usrlbolocnew is sufl
-VV ,,r'1 ferailtenl fl
V1 UeevJ aligbtly tealter.
Dr. John VY. Ilaemos, of lb Iledlisbt
Las eg l-eer oa drugbt-tb Hop
Ool.l Besl if li-juore aad vigarg ta
Hock. II
v 4