Marvelous. Effects System Broken Down and Hope Al most Abandoned -Health Re stored by Hood's Sarsaparllla. " For fifteen years I have suffered with catarrh and indigestion and my whole system was broken down. I had almost abandoned any hope of recovery. . I pur chased six bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and its effects have been marvelous. It has made me feel like a new man. I am able to sleep well, have a good appetite, and I have gained several pounds in weight." Jambs Wilder, Oroville, Wash. " I had a scrofula swelling on one side of my neck and ulcerated sores in my I'.ostrils, caused by catarrh. I also had mall, itching sores on my limbs. I bought three bottles of Hood's Sarsapa rllla and began taking it and the sores soon healed. My blood is purified, and -the scrofula has disappeared." O. D. McManus, Mission, Washington. Hood's Is the best-In fact the One True THood Purifier. liOOd'S PillS fufe nausea, Indigestion, ivuu a ir ins biliousness. 26 cents. '' Take Notice. 1. The sum of Ave cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and soolety and all other entertainments from which revenue Is to be de rived, shail be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher el to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Now that the great political campaign is over and the winter season again with us, all will want an adequate supply of fresh and varied reading matter for the long evenings. Cognizant of this the Gazette has made dabbing arrangements with a camber of periodicals and now ' offers the following to all new and renew al s abac ri berg : The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, 1.50 $3.50 " 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.75 " N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 8.00 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 ; 8.75 Thrice-a-Wek N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 50c a 50 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00 METH. EPIsa CBCKCH. SERVICES. Snnday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ttandny school 10 a. m. niipaee No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. Praye' meeting, Thiirfflny, 8 p. m. 'The Hpikit and the bri e ay. Tom." The pator may be found at tne pnmonare ad. )olnin the church, where he will be m ad to meet a y w o may d sire to con.nlt hiin on rsliaion. antiM. cWio. philosophic educational, or any other subjects. , J. W. t'LEBHER, Minister. Here and There. BbortLorn dairy for best milk and cream, 67 tf J. It Ripley was in from John Day Monday, John McKeroy, of Condon, came in last night. ' Nat Webb came in 8atarday morning from below. Arthur Kilonp was in from Batter creek 8atarday. Cooaer k Brock's for the "Never Fair beadeobe wafer. tf. R. Q. Robinson waa in from Lone Rock yesterday. Mr. Bark, of Condon arrived on this morniug's train. Milk from single oows (or babies al tbe tjhortbora dairy. 681 f A. J. Whs ry, of Elsie, Or., was iu lb oity last Thursday. Heppner Outfitting Co., io the old Herreo stand, sa adv. a Ranous is still 00 the tort doing a lit tle earpenter business. tf D. P. Malooey, of Brooklyn, N. Y., waa io tbe oity Monday. Cbas. W. Brown was over Can yon City last Tie red ay. Babmlt your plant to Ranooa before giving oat your oootrtot. tf W. U. Douglas and wife were In from Batter ererk last Tbarsdsy. J a. E. Morris, of Arlioatoo, 111 la tbe city Ibe first of tba week. J as. Jooes, wife sod daughter. Berths, departed Saturday 00 a via! I at Sampler Statement for tba Famoos Simple Aceoaot File prinUd at tba Ostlte of fice. a tf. F, i, Hallock, of Sampler, spent ftev Mel days among frisodt la Heppoer last work. Two ploat, a barrow aod otbr farm ImDtansnts to trade for wood. Call on R.Q Wills. C8-tf. Fred Brock earns la Saturday from tinmnter. wbers be has beta for Ibe past month. Tbe Uop Oold kef beef at lbs Wei 'BS. Oo Is, yoa Jbtraly doltst, ttd ere tbe toys, tf Pesobrs, atermrluoe and til freite nf Ibe season srrivlnf daily tt the Dfsoie Frval. 61 tf IJat aeeoeamotatloa tad eonrtsflsa restated al Ibe Iprtsl tluUl.Heventb ad WmK Hta., Portland, Oreg os. Chaiky Jiaee baa redsoed lb rk nf shaving to IS ests. Wb.e yea ol a first rtaw abavt sell tl Ibe aama old aland. Wta-t Is beglootog f' l npn. aerie arret tb.po.tod qnlW eepriakte of waol has, st4 Foasala daring tbe lt ek. Tboee wb" dselre H bo 1 Id tbakl sot fM that C. JL fUaesa, Ik e-e-1 svaMor, is fsady ta aiaks sttale at 9K LETI'EB FROM ALASKA. Abe Joars, a Former Resident of Heppner, Gives a Heppner Friend 8ome FaeU About Alaka and the Clondyke. Abe Jones, who left Heppner last (spring for Juneau, Alaska, and who bite bad an excellent opportunity of observ ing tbe situation with reference to the Clondyke strike, writes jQ answer tot letter from Dr. J. W. Rasmus, in wbioh he gives considerable information that will likely interest many wbo have been watobing developments closely. Among other things of a personal nature Mr. Jones says ; Yours of 24th at band today. Waa a litfle surprised to bear from you. I will iry to answer jour questions the first thing. Tbe strike baa not been exaggerated and only bait told as yet. This is from personal acqaaintaDoee who have just come out for supplies and are going in again. 11 Juneau baa about 2500 inhabitants. It is quite a winter oamp and will be full and running over this winter, for a great many Yukooers oannot get over the summit and . will have to winter in Juneau. Juneau is about one hun dred miles from Dyea. Dyea is about thirty two miles from tbe lakes tt tbe bead of the Yukon river, where you build or boy your boats. Living is a trifle more expensive bere tban in Tacoma, but oan get good board for $1 per day. Board and room in be hotel about $8 per week. It you tre going to tbe Clondyke, pack yoar grip with t change of clothes and oome to Janeaa lor yoar outfit. Yoa oan buy what is necessary very muob better and also cheaper than in Seattle or Portland, and will only get what is actually neoessary. Tbe people below do not know what t Yukon outfit is, and it is comical to see some of the rigs that go through. Your best time would be to start about Janu ary and go down Ibe river on the snow with sleds. Would not advise going in this winter, for there is very liable Io be a shortage of provisions and that would mean trouble. By going down on tbe ioe you would be just as well off as those that go after tbe last of August, and would have all yonr provisions on band while theirs would be nearly eaten op. Tbe winters are all that tbey are represented, it sometimes going to 70 degrees below. Tbe work is done before tbe thaw comes by lighting fires and thawing oat the ground. Yoa first go tbroagh tbe ioe of Ibe creek and keep on down nntil you strike bedrock when you drift in, taking yonr dirt op to be asbed after Ibe thaw- comes. The gmund is fr zen to bedrock and baa to be all thawed out with fires. Dyea will most probably winter a great many inkonerstnd has just been created a port of entry or Alaska. Tell any of tbe boys that feel like Oomiog not to start ouless Ibey have plenty of money to go through, and tbat tbe trip is hell. If yon oome now you will bave to pay from 25u to 80c per pound to pack yoar stoff over the mountain to the lake, bat by going io Ibe epnog yoa oan do II all yourself having plenty of time. It I oan give yoa tny more Informa tion shall be pleased to do so. With kindest regards to til tbe boys and yourself, Yoar friend, Abb Joxbs. r. 8. There it 00 josh tboat tbe trip being bard but everyone seems to get through. Yoa oan get through with about 250 from bere bat is rttber too close figuring to salt me. Would have to do til yoar own packing and build yoar 00 boat. Boats cost tboat f 100 tt tbe lake. A. CELERY KOLA 61VES REST AND SLEEP A True Nerve Tonic and Blood Purifier Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the- Blood, Regulates the Liver, Rowels and Kidneys. NEW DISCOVERY; BEST CELERY PREPARATION ON EARTH, F6E HAJO ONLY AT Heppner, Oregon. ei-Oct u JOAQUIN MILLEK. A Biographical Sketch of Oregon's Poet From the New York World. Oinoinnatus Heine (Joaquin) Miller, Ibe New York World's speoial corre spondent to tbe Clondyke, has a world wide reputation as poet and author. He was born in the Wabash district of Indiana, and before entering his teens accompanied his parents to Oregon. As t youth he was a miner in California, but abandoned mining iu i860 to study law. This did not prove to bis liking, and tbe following year he was an ex press messenger in the gold miniDg dis tricts in Idaho. Two years later be was editing tbe Demooratio Register at Eugene, Ore. Having been admitted to tbe bsr, be opeced t Inw offloe in Can yon City, and in 18C6 was eleotcd judge of Grant county. II was bile filling tbe judgeship that he began bis literary career and earns to be known as Joaquin Miller, asiog that nom de plume to bis first two col lections of published poems. He is alleged to bave selected tbe signature beoaase of bis sympathy for Joaquin Murietts, a Mexioeo aconsed of brigand, age, and in wbrse defense be published a paper. White touring in Europe tu 1870 be published his first volume of sustained verse. Tbe work was every where oommeoded. Returning to Amer ica, he engaged in journalism In Wash ington, D.C., remaining there until 1887, when be returned to California, wbers be haa since lived tod earned tbe title of " Tbe Poet of Ibe Sierras." He is ibe antbor of tereral volumes of prose, inoloding Tbe Danitet," wbiob was successfully drtmatizsd, Bis best known poems tre "Songs of Ibe Sierras," "Songs of lbs 6oo!ands." "Songs of tbe I Desert," Songs of Italy." "Collected Poems," and "Songs of Ibe Mexioao Seas." Tbe most popular, probably, of bis many pieces of poetry ars ."Tbe People's Song of Peace" tnd "On Rous seau's Isle." SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON & FORT 5HEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Without Change of Oars Between Spokane, Rosslaod and Nelson. Also between Nelson sod Rosslaod, daily exoept Sunday: Leave. Arrive. 810 A. M Spokane 6;0 P. M. 110 A. M Rom ano. A0 ". M. 8:10 A.M Nelson 6:15 P. M. Close connections at Nelson with steamers for Kaslo, and all Koo'enal Lake points. PaeneDKera f r Kettle hlver and Ponndarr Creek connect at Murons wit i stage daily. FORYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing- Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates W. B Johnson, Newark, O., says "One Minute Cough Cure saved my only child from dying by croup." It bas saved thousands of others' suffering from oroup pneumonia, bronchitis and other serious throat and Inog troubles. For sale by Conser & Brook. An Alabnma murderer addressed tbe following note to tbe governor: "I wiab yon would grtnt me t 30-day re spite. I am short on religion. In tended to get it last week, but was too busy." D. A. Herren was in town Monday from bis Willow oreek ranob, Robt. Beard, Jack Mills, aid Misses Ivt tnd Elbrt Swtggart returned Sat urday from a two weeks' oating tt the Teel springs. Cross A Black well's fancy pickles aud osnoed goods, reduced price. Orange Front, opp. City hotel, Cor. Main tnd Willow streets. 63-if Every sew subscriber of Ibe Qtsetle from this dale, May 23, 1807, will receive as a premium a book worth alona the pries of Ibe subscription. tf Qeo. Roberts, brother of Al Roberts, earns In Saturday morning from Jama ica, Iowa. He was tootmpeoied by Henry Rldoom of lbs same pi sea. Peodlelos Tfiboosi Mint Oraos Tilltrd, accompanied by Master Fred Rueeaberf, left oo last aigbt'a Ireio for Heppner to visit Mies Tlllard's parents. O. W. rbelpt, a promissnl yosog at. torotv from Tba DaMea, arrived in Ibe oity Ibis moroiof, bringing with Lira bis "sbingls" sad law library. He will "set Bp shop" tnd naks Heppoer bis fetors boms. At the City Bakery saa be found til kinds of fresh bread, Sakee, pl, boos and everything usually fotad la s first elass bakery. Choice groeeri, fresh vevalablea, frails sod watermelons will be kryt eoaatanily oo sals tt ibis plao. 6C9 7t. Mr. Oo. T. NewmsB. rptaii8g lbs Amerieas Txbaroi Co , of Mo Fraa eisoo, arrived In Hrtpaer rale'dy eicbt. Mr. Nwmas is q.ttia rosiUr. hot bss ba akk sinA h's arrival ottil Thar lav, bat Is Ms able la he onl and lkitg after ll.s Uret 4 hie honas. Tee ft" at Ur o t'erlfis railroad Sompaev bas drotded Io sell liekele froea sll stales os Its line la Orn. at oas fait fur la rostd trip. It w f lb fet that oar psoptt bate ba fsord with tba d ant em pa, i Is e,fiJ"rtiy tpot t m that lbs Uta fair at 8U wfll at a batter sttsoJaos Ibas ever bWfWe, sad la sedae to fa til ta opprr iliy V) VMtl Ibis great titatitt'loa of wfcMifc tba paopls of lbs sstlrs eUW bav r suata bs proas', ttts poptur lies ( One Guess for every yellow ticket in every package of Schilling's Best tea. Don't send coupons ; save them for something else. Rules of contest published in lsrg sdvertisement about the first tnd midrib of etch month. ai8 Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment bas tried to do do work other tban plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to taokle anything in any line and will meet prices of any persoo nnder Ibe sun in Ibe line of druggists' supplies, blank books, bank work, oounty work, or any sort of book bind ingwork tbat yoa bave heretofore sent away Io get done. Tbe QHtatte shop it, not a oharity concern but it you will give ns a ohanoe we will see tbat yoa are satisfied in every particular. Buv your goods at home. Remember tbat Abe Lioculo said tbat when on bought goods away from borne tbi foreigner gnt tbe money and we got th gooda. But when the goons were bought at home we had both motiet and g nod s. This la good doctrine. We are williog to abide bv it. When tbe printing drummer comes Io town, re member it and call op 'phone No. 3, BflO-tf K udftTjX.MjI LV 1 11 1 11 sever CoU .cad KI.Y'H OK ir AM BAI.M Is paattlveeare. Apply Into tba soairlla. It la quickly ahanrtet. m Cents al Dtartflata nf hy snail ! sample inc. Ii mall. KLY UKonitllS. M Warraa tU. New York (Ml;-. CHOKK CHCBBY HEtiD IN HI EAR. Tka 80s r W. R. Me Hater Haa a Utile Kiperieaea Which Will Caaas Ilia U tiaarS His Kara Mars Closely. Mr. tnd Mrs. H. E. Burcbsll tnd Mrs. W. B. MoAllster, of Lexington, were io town yesterday. Mrs. MoAliater brought In ber little son to bave s oboke eberry seed n moved from bis ear wbirh s playmats blew into II with some kind of stubs. Tbs little fellow bad entered some Inooovsoieooe tud dretded tbs operslioo, bat when told tbat if be woold flloob wbils io tbs bands of lbs pbrsleian, lbs sar would bsv to be tskeo off, tbs eberry sesd removed aod then bs would bars to undergo the pais. fol oeeewaity of having It sewed back on. y hen ooovloesd that tacb was Ibe case, ho submitted sod slood tbs per- formancs liks s lillls wan aod It was Dot lonr uotil Dr. Swinburne btd lbs obatroeiioo cleared twty from tba track tbat Istds to lbs Interior of tbs lad's bearing faculties, and lbs boy la now somewhat proud of bis bravery, II Is tlwsys gratify log to reoelvs teati atooitls for CtamUrlaio's Colic, Chelert aod IXarrboes Remedy, aod whea Ibe eodoravmeol Is from a physician It Is sepucially so. There m to more sails factory or fjettve remedy thalCbstn bwrlala'e Cbolla, Cholera aod Iharrboes lUmedy," writes Dr. B. E. IV-Uy, by. sWisa tod pbamariat, of Olosy, M and as bs has sead the remedy a bis own faml'y and Sold It la bis drag etoes fitf ail years, be sboajld rerlalolf koow. Fr sals by 0ise A flm k. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY. ronroiD, lore A Boarding and Day School for Boys Under Military Discipline. , Jt "h nniler Die iirtMnt manatemenl te 1 ma inailtailoii 'e Ihumuwlilv eniiiiiiiaH f n. .m.i -..1 i ..i...i.i and moral triiiinif boya. TbnMth irai aral i.n die an oifj-e or ertentine erhrarf. (imluatesal i.renl i f ale. Weal I'mIiiC Maewhu. ania irautoteor I erhnnlnn. r-B.lrjn. Mlaafofil and MHiill. Ihinna va-li..ii vialUira welo. me Hlala I nireraiiiea of ( allfolnia. rein. renin in I J a. m. fur ralaltiirne arid utlier infurmalliMi. allr rnneiiMl. J. W. HILU M. II., I'ltnlaiii!. Orm.m. f. U drawer 11. tl-bett. I. Ilu 7 I NOTICE! i I TO B cnnpp 01 iu GYGLIS ERS, E I Tfi. & STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY! You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! B CT YOU DO WANT LOW PRICES groceries and supplies ; yon want sub ttantial gents' furnishings. Yoa eso find what yoa want at T. R. Howard's . . MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED ! Is. 3sE. Howard Main Street. Heppner, Oregon. THE ART Of BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of HOTP GODB And now the entire world Knows this verted vrodact As the Star Brewery beer..... On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Ws OUvLlVAI ss BI8BEE, At the old ttand, bave tbe us rial spring outfit of FARMING UTENSILS, HARDWARE AND CAMP OUTFITS, Bolides tba thousand odds and ends tbat are too numerous to mention. Osalt osa. JL. 4 Is fact, aey person, or persons, residing within the eity limits, or eonety hails, 9 ho shall b saogbl nJlog. or walking, by tbs aWirs of tt tixs. tj. v &iA LbukI ta rtilrsadekas rdse4 jw " I . , ,. . tearlatln the latl f af sMtM'lW H .1.- 1. 11 li anaulnvd b tba diaplats tr -u- 1- .t -,Kih.'aJftaaa. ss"S tl St-. ' 4. sUena ' rase4 its isre wssioi ys, a.h.M.4 alHaleai Tf S JjV; I 9 u auJ eiM C l M. J L- A Haw firai Kara Ifeadnos as laksa la a partner Is lbs btarieSJilMiig boaibeee la the pran of W. P. Bat lea, b was for orly ia lbs rmlny of W. P. HorWeser, f eiiy. Mr. Ilalleo baa naay friends la Urpforr tod sormatditf ea b try aba III Ustow Ibelr palro. ass apoe bloj Io bis aw aert. M.vlos A Uatteo will bs a strong trae) la lbs blarkeasilhltg Si.d bea (Ixtelbt boaieeae tod lb rpeltult solioit s libml' share t4 poblt palN! 1e,'Tbls Ortt'taarlnWes tlfoort io U strictly trot slaea. Qio tasi s sal). . . . . tTllf Wit boot stopping al tbeslmte tsenfi'iOed tlore III l 0l8e, by lb City tfarrj. tbat IhS ooly plass is lieppnrr yoa rso bay 1f1 Is ol Ibe Btors of MINOR A O. Oar enllr llOO BlSal go Io Bisk roods fuf fall stw k SHOES IT 1 9, I 'i v. GILLIAM & BISBEE, Kstt Door Io rirrt KaUonai batik Bulldlug. HEPPNER OUTFITTING CO. i? I ALL W .SIK IT MINOR & CO. .. HEPPNER. OREGON. ft goods, sroceries. bate, centa for This ooropaoy carries dry usrJaare, bouts and iboea. DisLings, rtc Lar(te ibipment of new and second htnj farnitorf, which is being told re gardlei of cost Tbey Love also Hardware, wall pajxr, cat pets, lounges, springs, inU treawt, all these at half price. Look for tba sign at llerreu'a old stand on May street, next to i'alace hotel. FRANK AUFARLAND, AUnarjer. You con Wager Your Sox tfyat You oro Always at Home ot .... Welcome THE Os Hs(a Strssl, ia Cat DoUl Baddiaf . . BEST WET GOODS In the.MAfcKE?. Tby Iry to pleats alL Fits slab roosts la soaaactioa. Z,OW XIIIAlO. Prop. Tho GAZETTE, $2,50 Year for CASH.