Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 17, 1897, Image 2

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It is one of the most diffi-ult
matters in all human experience
to gaHgp I be editorial woik or in
fluence i.f a iiewppaper, says an
exchange. As a i ale the editor
never hears directly fiom his work
except io a case where a criticism
may provoke a letort. He may
put out columns of be6t thought
, in a political campaign, and get
little estimate of its value except
j through an accasionnl kick from
j the opposition." He may spur his
I wits to their best endeavor in
keepiog local interest to the frout,
and receive no especial sign of
recognition. He may carefully
and t-killfully gather up and pre
sent the developments withiu bis
local field yet aside from the fel
low who happened to be missed,
the public is "silent and silent
all." He may strew with choice
flowers the paths of the bridal
party, bring myrrh and inceuse to
the bier of the departed; bind up
the hearts of the sorrowing, and on
all occasions endeavor to write
"words fitly spoken" which "are
like apples of gold in pictures of
silver" without the faintest ex
General Weylee has resigned pression except, perhaps, a bus.
and it is now likely that Cuba will gestion as to a wrong figure or a
get rid of tins red-handed mur. turned letter that may have ap
derer. Ihe insurgents are too peared in the work.
much for Dim and it seems that
Jacob Coxey, the commonweal,
er, has been nominated by the
pops for governor of Ohio. Of
course Jacob will not stand a
ghoet of a show to be elected, but
a pop will run for office as often
as the people will give him an
the time is not far distant wben
the island will be free. Weyler
couldn't lick a flock of geese, any.
Hon. Benj. Butterworth, com
missioner of pateuts, is living up
to expectations in the matter of
raising the standard of practice
before the patent office. His
Ex-Secretary of State, John latest and most important move is
VV. Foster, has returned from his n order providing that a register
diplomatic trip to Europe in be- gball be kept of all persons en
half of the seal fisheries, and ex- titled to Draci ice before that office.
pressed himself as being entirely and establishing rules uuder which
satibtied with the result of his attorneys may get their names up.
u.p-nnHnnn. in tituiugi,.. ol, tuat register, lu these rules
next October, between representa- Mj. iutterwoith Iib gone to the
tives of this country, England, Mtierae limit of authority given
KUoSia and Japan. him by the present somewhat un
satisfactory laws. He has other
Senator Gorman's little bluff ref,,rra idM wl)iclj wil1 require
about l.u nut l.pinfr pnnfti.t.. l"B sanction of congress before
for le-electicn in regarded jJ they can be can ied out.
Vnnhirigtoii as about the poorer.!
one he eer marie and as inlicaL ExoNOREBSman Bobert J.
. . . i
lug liia deppi-ration. He kno8 Thacewell, of Indiana, ban quali-
tliHt there urn a i-oiiBKierable num. tied as comptroller of the treasury,
tier ot tl. iimmtmIh id MarlHiid who This is the position that wns held
a I. 1 . a .1 . . . ...
jiiieiui i.. Hid uie repiiiiiicniis to under the Cleveland Hrtrainistra.
electa majority of I he legislature, lion by Iti.bert U. Howler, of Ohio,
in orcer lo be Mira that lie cnuuot who obtained some
Seoa'or t Hanoa told Pig Iron Mo
Chmmaol and Mr. J. Tborbnrn Rb
tbHt Mr. H. W. Cot belt would be seated
b) lbereia'e. The percussive elt qnpiw
ot f HDd bis tff may prevail to consum
mate tbe eoti8iroy, batobed !d tbia
state, to rubvert tbe will of tbe people
and give tbe governor tbe chance to
appoint a man tbe people did not want.
Portland Tribaue.
An old miner who bat been in Alaska
8i)8 tbat a large quantity ot frail, pota
toes and other vegetables ebonld be
diifd tliis fall to sell to people going to
Alutka nut spring. Dried onions, es
pecially, are an absolute necessity in
that region, being one of tbe most effect
ive prevention of scurvy. Tbe Hud
eon's Bay company keeps supplies of
dried vegetables at all tbeir posts, and
charge a bigh prioe for them. Now tbat
frnit and all kinds of vegetables are so
plentiful and so cheap, some one might
do well by going into tbe business of
evaporating them. Everything of tbe
kind iu stock here bas been sold, and
dried onions shipped from bere were
sold by outfitters at Seattle to miners
for $2 per pound. Oregonian.
The grubstake, like tbe mortgage, is
seduotive. In fzcepMniml case it tar
nishes tbe means of fortune, but is more
generally productive ot generating en
mity, disappointment snd chagrin.
Times are certainly improving, and
there will soon be a show to earn a little
money. A very small and independent
grubstake, even if earned by bard licks,
is better tban going well beeled to tbe
gold district wilb a mortgage on your
life Oregon City Press,
Tbe bop crop, if successfully gathered
will put nearly two millions of dollars
Into oiroolatioo, tbe wheat crop will
bring iu several millions, tbe salmon
pack fifteen to eighteen baudreds of
thousands, tbe trait orop some hundreds
of thousands and an extra session of
tba legislature pearly a million. Will
tbe latter be harvested? Salem States
In Montana sheep are sheared by ma
chinery propelled by water power.
California bas a new grain harvester,
with a cutiii g f rou I of 52 feet, wbich
respa, threshes and sacks 180 bnabels of
wheat an hour. In a thousand ways
the inventer is making more easy tbe
lot and more pr Stable the calling nf
the American farmer. Salem States
'be near future is not possible, bat there
is tvery reason to believe I bat it will be
higher, bbort cops in other countries
and the greatly increased consumption
at boma tbat necessarily follows an
usually prosperous conditions are ele
ments tbat help to Warrant tbe belief in
bigb prices. Farmers oontent them
selves witb tbe thought that their wheat
is in demand this year and tbat tbey
re certain of a goofl price. There ia
every teason to beleive that tbe present
drooping market will shortly revive and
tbat the .recovery will b strong and
permanent. PendU too Tribune.
Is a deep-seated blood disease which
all the mineral mixtures in the world
cannot cure. S.S.S. (guaranteed purely
vegetable ) is a real blood remedy for
blood diseases and bas no equal.
Mrs. Y. T. Buck, of Delaney, Ark., had
Scrofula for twenty-five years and most
of the time was under the care of the
doctors who could not relieve her. A
specialist said he
could cure her, but
he filled her with
arsenic and potash
which almost ruined
her constitution. She
then took nearly
every so-called blood
medicine and drank
them by tbe wholesale,
but they did not reacn
trouble, borne
How the Jnlce Of the Grape I Treated
In Switierland.
The wine in Switzerland is left in the
casks till the following spring;, and it
is here that fermentation takes place
and the mout -is converted into wine,
says the Cornhill Magazine. Tbe
change begins almost immediately;
the liquid becomes turbid, carbolic
acid gas is evolved, a scuta is thrown
up on the surface and the temperature I
rises. A climax is reached; .the inten
sity of the fermentation diminishes,
subsides; the seura settles as a slimy
deposit at the bottom of the cask and
a clear yellow liquid is left above. The
grape sugar has almost entirely disap
peared, a corresponding amount of al
cohol has taken its place, and the sweet
taste of the mout has given place to the
characteristic vinous flavor of the
In the early stages of fermentation
enormous quantities of carbonic acid
gas are given off, and huge fires are
made in the cellars to drive it away.
But at the time I write of (October,
1893), when the vintage was the finest
of the century, when barrels to hold
mout could not be purchased for love
or money, when every cellar on the
lake from Geneva to Villeneuve was
packed with casks of mout, so great
was the amount of carbonic acid gas
in the air that, in spite of every precau
tion, several deaths from suffocation
took place among the workers. In the
spring the wine is drawn off clear into
other barrels, then. bottled; vin ordin
aire is not bottled at all, but simply
drawn from the wood. This is the wine
sold at all the little wineshops with
which Switzerland abounds. It is
Eastern Oregon
State Normal School,
Weston, Oregon.
Located on the O. R. A N. Railway
midway between Pendleton and
' Walla Walla. Students admitted at
all times of the year.
First-Class Training School for Teachers.
Voosl and Instrumental Musio taught
by oonipetent instructors. A gradu
ate of the Boston Conservatory bas
charge ot the instrumental depart-
Tli e ladies' Boarding: Hall
Is thoroughly equipped and offers ex
cellent accommodations at reasonable
rates. Send for catalogue.
Addsesa M. G. ROYAL, President of Faculty or P. A. WORTHING
TON, Secretary Board of Regents, Weston, Or.
'jteP one advised her to try drawn off into quaint little class de
ft find fih Wrv nnntarc nnnfaininir lifllf . lito. a.nli
soon lound that she had a real mooa and so served to the unhurrvin Swiss.
remedy at last. She says: "After tak- who drink it round little tables under
ing one dozen bottles of S.S.S. I am the trees on the sunny pathways or over
perfectly well, my skin is clear wooden benches inside the red-cur-
Rogers & Roberts,
Contractors and Builders.
Dans and Estimates Given on Short Notice.
and healthv and I would not be in
my lormer condition lor two tnousana
dollars. Instead of drying upthepoison
in my system, like the potash and
arsenic, S.S.S. drove the disease out
through the akin, and I was perma
nently rid of it."
A Real Blood Remedy
S.S.S. never fails to cure Scrofula,
Eczema, Rheumatism Contagious Blood
Poison, or any disorder of tbe blood.
Do not rely upon a simple tonic to cure
a deep-seated blood disease, but take a
real blood remedy.
Our books
free upon appli
cation. Swift
Specific Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
Iron In Milk.
Cow's milk is almost at the bottom of
the list of the food substances tbat
contain Iron. As it is so important to
infant life, Prof. Bunge haa been led
to experiment on animals to see in
wooden benches inside the red-cur
tained wItc"-' .
Parts of the Physical gyatem Which Never
Wear Out.
In his work on the senile heart Dr.
Balfour tells us that there are two parts
of the human organism which, if wisely
used, "largely escape senile failure."
These two, says the Medical Record,
are the brain and tbe heart. Persons
who think have often wondered why
brain workers, great statesmen and
others, should continue to work with
almost unimpaired mental activity and
energy up to a period when most of the
organs and functions of the body are in
a condition of advanced senile decay.
There is a physiological reason for this,
and Dr. Balfour tells us what it is. The
normal brain, he affirms, "remains vigor
ous to the last," and that "because its
nutrition is especially provided for."
About middle life, or a little later, the
general arteries of the body begin to
lose their elasticity and to slowly but
All Kinds of Repair Work Done-
OFFICE HOURS-Day and Night Leave your orders "Any Old.
Place" and Rog. or Jim will get 'em. o o o o o o o
He haa anything In this line that yon may denlre and you can depend on it you get a
good article when Mat guarantees it.
Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty i
what proportion iron is present in the 8urely ,dilate' Tb7 bcc?me' therefore,
bo returned hi (tin senate.
ScnLATTEn, the liralcr, who lma
died aeveral ti id a since lio Ktiirpd
up t ho natives at Denver with hit-
great lualiig (jmppiiRitiea. Lhh
Cime lo lifrt Hgnin and id creating
coubiderallo attention at ('miton,
Ohio. T. C. Snyder, formerly n
state senator, walking about the
treetH, wag injured 12 yenri ago 8reB8,
notoriety by setting himself tip ns
higher autlioiity ilmn the courts
or an act of congrese, only to tum
ble igtiominouKly off his self-
erected pedestal. Mr. TrHcewell
is n very differeut sort of an indi-
vidual, and will ueiform the duties
Oregonihns can tike special pride in
the cl"Fe attention our representa
tives in onnurees bavd piven lo their
ilmiiR. In nt a Mnii'e iostauoe liar
either Hrimtor McBride or Congressmen
i'nitgne or Ellis been absent (roiu their
disks wben a vote was to be taken np-
uuetivinble "u D ,nl",r,HI,, measure, aa tms
ruqueully Deen the oase with eastern
members who devised txcnsri for sb
peutintf themselves ao aa to dodue
plhoing themselves upon record on
measures opoo which tbey iab to hedge.
On every vote tsken on tbe tarn tall,
eaob of I bse men auswered mil 011
and voted "ab" on every measure whiob
was in the Interest of the Americau
system at different ages. He finds that
the younger animals contain much
more iron than adults. In a guinea pig
or rabbit ono hour old, for instance,
there is more than four times as much
much less efficient carriers of the nu-
timent blood to the capillary areas.
But this is not the case with the in
ternal carotids, which supply the cap
illary areas of the brain. On the con-
lew York Weekly
Ir line
of this important office in the same mHnofHOlurer, laborer i d farmer. The
cateful and thorough manner that reputation for having ne of the
heeetred his constituents in con- besl w,,,k," !"-' conBreste
tieing fully snstainea ny loose auie men
Oregon City Enterprise.
iron as in the same animals two and a xrarv- ,cs? lar.K, f18-,
half months old. Ho infers from this reta'n, tlelr Prlstine elasticity, so that
that a long-continued exclusive milk lhlo( pressure remains normally
diet is not good for babies, but should h!fhcr th,an within the capillary area
L .imt,i of any other organ in the body. The
1 l.l VIJ tl. ULr. 41.. .a l,n
t InnS I vtJlcuItA Viwu iraciiD fv.uft wiuo nvv
1 open, the Drain tissue is. Kepi Deuer
rrlma Donna and Clergyman. nourished than the other tissues of the
In the "Life of Karl von Oerok," a iwvtv
rwW m i i ..... r. wNAKE.
man diutinguiHhed as a poet and as a
minbiU'rof tho Gunnel, an incident is
given which ilhibt rates not only his Tho InaecU Torture the Rrptlle to Death
kindly spirit but his quick wit: and Strip the Skin from tho llotljr.
lit; was one luy walking in Stuttgart. -That ants can actually kill snakes is
carrying an umbrella. At the same la hard thing to bulievo. There ia irre'
time the prima ilcmna of the Stuttgart futable evidence however, that they do.
opera troupe was tripping along the and scientists have discovered that the
sidewalk, without thut protection snake has hardly a more dangerous recocnizes the fact that the American neonle are now anTiVma tn mv
Suddenly rain enemv. The lartre red-brown forest ant I., . . . . . , . . m .... ...
Farmers and Villaoers,
Fathers and Mottiers,
Sons arid Daughters,
All fhp Pamlln
iiii diiu I unmy.
With tbe close of the Presidential campaign THE TRIBUNE
aguiiiMt the weather.
. ...
so ue lias not walked without a
crutch or cane since that time. The innovation of the nary de. Tbe deoisino of tba supreme court.
Without solicitation from anyone part meut, that our naval vessels ,on,P8,l,n he "'etary of state to
Mr. Suyder visited Schlatter. He must be put to a better use than "? "."" D" " " "lu
I I In nai at 'AaaArai IS'iiaTf Irt llntflrnnr I til .
lias bow laia asnie bis crutcbea oemg maae io serve as attractions ,b nna iUities will thereby be re
and the caue. His recovery ia the at seaside fashion resorts, will Dot dnrd about IIHOO a year," as tbe court's
talk of the city. I please the young dancing ofGcers decision aays to Mr. Kincaid thai be
who have found pleasure in posing dr" " "' ,non
i!. i - - . I w-
. !,.- !... U lnuiiurea as are oir.rij a.iiuon.ou m,
"IDE vast resources of the coun. . , ... ,', tatnie.' It apprs that the gov-
trv ares aonree of wealth tn H.p mot' rj-anU. up or the loi
m.n ,J ia,i.n ..... If.... . h" ,BU to " our navy made as lowing items: Salary, authorised by
I ..fit, m a .u!t .1 m. tM r.iaat tn I lha anhalirnlim AlFUafl nrlaUila tlilnanlnP
views, aim new worm is ifemine . ... ,r. ... . ,.., KM. doniM,io
.a t.t ... . I nrn umiir, luno una urin uitu m ' '
Willi opportunities waiting to tel . . . .. n animal onmmiasioo, I'iM; trustee mule
taken advantage of b the man of K ... . . . ' nbool, 1250; tra.te. reform aohool, 250;
""W ""J""1'" " "'vv Ifii.enira aarlom trustee. 1100: aopertla.
ling public works. 11000. Tula! I43SO.
rONORKSSM AN KLLIS Hunt. Ihe Ihrew tfms, aqpervising punuq
works, S1000: aaylum trustee, I ."MX);
H Mtoaara Ovr al W.lla Walla for a !a? P"aon mapeeior, fo w, aro Vim,u,j
r.a Hoaia. autburised by atatuU, ao it is said tnai
I.. s . I
Coacreasman W. R Ellie soenl Moo- M "
enterprise. The is not the slight
est excuse for able bodied men of
ordinary intelligence to be idle
or to want for all tbe necessities
of life that produces happiness.
People of this class who live upon
cueiuv. i lie wrisc n:u-vnjnu iuib .u i . . , j , . . m , , . . , . .
beiran to fall, and Herr von Gerok lis the sort that is the most fatal to the luolr umt u"m "u uuiuen8 inierests. io mee. ID18 conailion.
oiTered the lady the shelter of his ophidians, and a curious thing about tho politics will have far less space and prominence, until another State or
reinitrUi'd: of anv natural antinathv.
t t T .. t ... . . 1 . - an 1 ,,. j . i . .-i. . i
", triuurr vu on j unr iihiuc,' i 11 nun BOiuu us luc aula caben ai(iiv ut 1 -r. ... , ... , - . .
It is plain to see that you never go to a snake they arouse tho whole com- c.y aoiu.o euuu wm uc Vui luriu, bbu money ireeiy speni,
the opera," annwered the lady; ' every- munitv at once. In platoons and bat- to make THE WEEKLY IRIBUNE nre-eminentlv a
iHHiy niiu.vB tuaii 1 Bui uie ii nti lug niii it vuilons me uii:e icuows sei upou inc
at the Court theater. Now it U my turn reptile, striking their nippers Into its
to ask to whom I am Indebted for the body and eyes at thousands of points at
.... .......I ...(... 11. I u 111 1 -...lt- I.. .Ut.. I
)-iinriiiiiii ui ru uiui'iiiin. (nice. r rui'iujy aim uuuuirrwTuijr in tins I.
"Your question clearly proves that done that the snake has no chance at mwiesung, inoirucuve, enieriainiDg ana lnaispensauie to eacn member
all of escaping. It ia like a thousand
... .- - uj.innH.uii, -uu a - Vv. .... -... .ww " . u . w '"VW u v. .wuiiuuuvr, UU til DtiUbUCl kJIQlO V7L
nbrella. Though entire M rangers to attack of these tiny creatures on this Nati()DR, demftDd B renewal of the fight for the priDCiplea for
it'll other, they had a pleasant chat, comparatively enormous reptile is that i TntI. iuD piuvioiui
ftur awhile the reverend gentleman they kill it for food and not on account which TH E Till 13 UN E has labored from its inception to the present
day, and won its greatest victories.
Every possible effort will be
National Family Newspaper,
you never go to church." w as the reply,
"for all r')IiU)Ua people know that I
n try 11,,, (M,.f 'MIHtOr m thm town "
I ol orr run, lor Morrow county.
W. P. l-or.5. H K. Ktnc.14
and Phil Mrtwhan. Ihe
Hnar1 ol Onmmlwluti.ri,
ttc, PlatDtlUa.
Nra Rambo and Mary Sambo,
To Nra Hambo and Marv Ramon, delendanta
in ins namaoi tna maia 01 ra on; ion are
hereht required to appear and an.wer Ihe com
Melnt Bleu ac'lnat ran in tna anov uniiwi
nit. on or belr ihe neit term ol the above
tntllled court, to-wlt:
Mondair, Iheathdayoi ilemrr. n;
the ragged edge, boat about hard M7 w"" w"- ba'mi stopped
eonaeuts to call aa eitrs seaaiooottha
times andliredict cal.milt do ao rtbere for a day abil. en root, fro I'S-lalor. to meal b. r.qutr.ment..
t. nes anJ predict calamity, do so WMMngto bl. UbI, , h hoB, BaMt apr-ar. tb.l tb. governor pre-
wholly from choice; they are (- ltpp0,f ,Li M0 E(lfc A f.r. l0 .nff.r th. "W than to call to
moths in the Social fabric of the ufstls Walla Uolo reportar waa glvm "lb" ,D" Wlalors lo eitra tiwaioe.
Country. aatatervlrw. Tb. Cnloa says: ,b- "i,h ,b Co,l-U
Is Lit nsoal affable manner, Mr.
Ellis an. wared all qilliaa and
rather InplinrJ lo la ealbnaiaatio io
HrcntTAiit SiirnnaH is again si
liatUk in the state department, LfMos o ba ootlo..k f. r oetter time.
sin! Ins u-it INtrd declaration that i ir .. a,t, h. -.on ran aea
He la "la tba dal" with the Uoibetl
loroea lo do not de.ira an e lira ae.
loo, for they rtahta tbat ooa would
e(et tbs ri-srtialoi's fT rt to fore
l.imarlf in the Hulled Htates aenala aa
Ihe reprraanlative ot tba opla ot Ore
this government would tl. guar- tv,..fld,r. ta'tba e,ri vt lb. paople. e. and ' "bl prow lalal Ita him
J".- the ..eculio,, , Tb. a;r,.r,ff t.,1, ., ,o bring - Jf. "
the deciaimi of tin atbilrator ho
will pas oil the ronlroverny be
. . . i
wien Japan aim llaaan alior
Hint hi bullxine ia in tip toj
(i.iliti.ni. He an) a his litlh ml.
iug ainl irat did hiia iii lull l
ft'.il thai if the iallu-r lu Waall.
iii.-t hi t inaiiis as pleasant as it
IinsUpii for several days hs will
Hoi y aaay again this suininer
Hirrittrji Slierinaii sa)s he tloean'i
and II you fall o In annear and aniwer, lor
want tnereoi, tna fiemnne win arpiv toina
ronrt lo Irani the rrllel demanded In tha com
plaint, Uvwli: Yot Judtmoxl and derrre
telnet yon lor Ihe mm ol and Intrml
thereon at tna reieoi riini per rem per annum
intra Juir tel. iw: me nra oi put ani are !
torneTe' Ir and the roeta and dlibunem-mta
ol tliUinlt; and lor derm torecloelne a rertaln
mortras. male, aieruted and rjellrerrl by
ton to Dlaltittfta on Ihe following, drerrlb-d
real proiwriy iiuaien in Morrow pouniy, aiata
ol tirrenn, nvwit. ine anuineaet quarter oi
. M) In lownehlnl north ranee It. a. w, sc..
recorded In the om -a ol the roitntf rlerk ot
Morrow ronnir. on Ihe 17th day ol Mairh I"mu.
In boo "l" ol Morrirear. pear 477. 4T and
it re ml are and apply the
mreeaK ol Mid eale In the parmeut ol eald
electric needles In him at once. The
anake soon becomes exhausted and dies
Then the anta set harder at work.
This may seem a strange story, but it
Is true. They begin to tear on the flesh !
in small pieces, gradually stripping off
tho skin and working inside of It. Not
until they have carried away every
thing except the bone and the skin it
self do tbey leave it.
t he effort to bring this superior re
frigeration within tbs reach of small
consumers haa taken two direction I
the production of small and inexpensive
automatic machine and a ayau-m of
aupply of the refrigerant from central
lUtion. The tint ha tailed hitherto,
becauta the balance of couttantly vary
ing pressure, temperature, strength
ot solution, etc., I too complex a mat
ter for purely automatic regulation.
A ithout conatant skilled attention the
We turnlsti "Ttie Gazette" and "N. y. Weekly
Tribune" one Year lor $3.00.
all Order to
O...I. arrow m H-
- - ' - i . .
II k.i .1.. Ihinfe nf ll.a mumi lima. r u.
n-teelluiT I I f0 lli'l.k H will little
- i . . . . i t . ,
eneol lbei.nl .au pil-i.?- aakaj tbe In the luaeenary ai iu. g.H-u.o.,
I . it.. l.l. L..i...k .1 II..
rimrtff. eollrge IU HBOlie ii'w "-""' "
-So. I da i.nl. for I hrleiv lbs ro W w.-.H apl.i are tiug eiadtea. rru
ill he i neprrorie tn.l they will find lib ball o. S B maii app.a irer iu in
hal I not frew ilt-r It'! lh i-tweHary la tUa apiius Ibw proMS'""ti
I . S iS i at- ..I. .
II le uroitclum l.t Invik aa iaJoeirtr .a g we O anin an in i'i"w .--r-
Ht lb way. thai remind ma ..filia arae.fr red wilb OntulWe aart.lr
bar! Ihal ret.railaiiwJtM.l asved ll.a bogt. A pfoil" t aoivea itia-
Inrlag tha laai mpl.n, la wbicli b it lo tbta p.l l, bow does II is
diea.i.te.1 lo illuatraU bow ei'ver and lUmauh lb iotr aoJ lisia iirsirac
r--- - -- --- i ... .au
.k..i I.U anilie. iiteamk aal la lbs Spnes r o uia
think ll.eia is an)thiiit in that L f ,b ( () w,,u U(l1l i8bl-i, bold that ess are de-.td
Sti.if alaut Mii.iatir H,aall h. L.ii.e ar.a with that kinJ of artfumanl iulba If baik. out uf abtth a new
I... i .. i l ,l...i..l I..... nuniliiiiii'a la tba aprieg while
" I ...... ..I . . - .ii . a. I i... I
al...... II-... i ....I .I..I . will! Whea sek4 abeol fe-leral ppHnl-I KlBais Siena m-i i"w v.u
--" " '- w... . .......... 1. ...I
I.. I. ,. e.i.1 . tl,. ".SMS a tbi !!, air tiiusail IDl lug piac a ib i.w rv
has Ueu ralae.1 cier the . ...L. , , .uut i. .bmuJ ht auaui
. . aa jei naii a itw iwt dmi, ueinu..i - - '
as UCSUM S..ma act Mlh ba,,,-.. IM cr. lo alat BMialba. Ibia caeat.oa aoWad. S Utier
tLs Jpties La i fauaa.1 M toUtar vTMas. ador Flatobr E. Wil- rmdy tba ia sow knows cas ba
Bwall V. consider such a rv.oraelo h r-rr.aUy t Milwl. aod Ix.ai v1 fr iba deirwf Uoa or law woolly
" ' - w - i . .. .... a
avoid fulura ttouUr OilUas M r--r at Jtt-B. pbl. aa4 lhl I iaa rwaaoa r. iaa
! PMMr.lm-al ha taa let baa a1 lrrl ataiy l ma ou a aauna.-
h ll.a I'e i lU'.-a nii IU a tll.l.b uJeHrrtdal
Tl ea'eaitt I bufa'i'l'r at
r vel al tb.lt bou la llifBaf TuoaJ;
udement. tl-rnr.. ;eeeand rtwta.
lhl e.immnne e aerved t.pon von In pnreil-
I. ,.,-, . ....... ,..' m ..w-lf.
Jodie ol the arm eniiiled mnrt, atada mn"
tiered In takl lull on the 3iel day ot Jul, l-7.
BK'.WN a ari.riiri.iv
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Hnrc r
machine work unaatlafactorily, while -.w.. .
the relatively high coat of plant, fuel. All these can be procured at Thompson A Binns, Lower Main Street
and cooling water. In operating on a lleppner, Oregon.
araall arale, defeat, economy. tw nti.m. a ..11 ..lnt -,.a o. . r-k ... ..... ..
- - .... - - - -. t . . ....... kiiiwii auM umn nranuee
nd ran money ad time in maklnf tbe eectlou witb trarelln tat a.
I r Irre in terplnf wild Ihe time.
- I I I !
Allorneye lor I'lalntlrra.
i.u...i it
beceaasry to i
ai. l e Mtii.lirittiotia, , Mr. Haaall
haa aiilliollt) In taia.l the tla ntr
Hawaii a( any liuio h Uiy fj .
IS TttK riRi'l'IT itM RTOK Till (TATf
I arf in-.r, ir Mrm rouniy.
Ihe Mar Nrewery tomany,
I lalnlllt,
B.nt. i KrV. rvieodenl.
In H..tn liri. k irtednt
In the nemeol Ihe aide ol Oerfoa- Yro are
f.err reoi.r. Inapiver and a..aer the rm
plalnl Plrlaeal'et mi In Ihe enMOert
anion, on or ltire the flr det ol Ihe neil
term ol Ihe ahote entitled rm.rt. tn.al:
M iii.l.r Ihe tlh d. ol ro.mhrr. I
end II ton 'alt eoloenawer. Iiraan tru-renl.
Ihe plaintiff eill late Indeowi.t eeelxat yow
4 Ine I'm ol I 't the roaia and rli.riiira
menta .4 th.a a-tin'., 'd tor the aaleotihe
S.rwrtf hel.wif in to o hrenle liar-had
n ihie ae hn; and atllanpIT the pw nl
aid esle to Ihe r Mteiil 1 1 aaid Juilfmanl, eual
in, nnvofmriiu,
Tt-la emmn la arrr4 apon Toaj n pnren.
ol en .rnr ol !! ti hen A l"rll
Juteen tna eenew enlitlrd mml, made and
er4 I Mid tvtl'w. on tha ! t ol J?,
iw sk'.w ji hiurir p.
l-n ttora)t iiw rlrU7.
J. ..MM
Are 'rrr Irnrtj rapMlf.
Hneiwae nam and Ua.r
Irt a . earrf thee In r
le pet... ..ff cw thea
Ta i rJ id with say dr'a ol tvrUta
1 whalla J tk-SKt bl wUl bais , im r-wv m imaae, dju.
A flf are Whlrb Iraiea.trale tb Fawee
at the Saw.
..There I not mora thao one peram in
each ten thousand who ha anything
like the correct idea what an Icicle
forty-five mile In diameter and two
hundred thousand In length would look
like. It l ala true, ay Ihe M. linl
liepubllc, that there la no nexvaaity for
one bring pnitUUnl wllhaiuind that
would enable hlut to form a correct
conception of uch a gigantic t Under
ot tee, tor there U no probability that
anyone will ever live to arc an Icicle
even half ao Urge, yet It la InU-rr.Unf
to know that Mr John Ikr lid. the
great axtronosnrr.tia.-d n.-h an 111 via. j
trillion In one of hi article oil Ihr In
tensity of tbe a ill's heat. AtVr plving
the iliauictcr of t!i grr.il bla.'.in orb,
and a cJcuUUjo on U. amvvjut ot
heal radiatol by euU iwiure fl ot lu
Imtntiiau auifaca, hs cUm4 by taylng
that If It wcrv poaaiblc for sa U-U la
fortv-& n.U' in iKatiK Vr au I two
bsu.lic.1 thotianud niiW kwig to nlutigs
Into th sua great burning ea of t a
ltwoal b BeliwU ayt.d atuarly
eoBnw4 mi io It vaixrf.U lt tha
ca aravrod of'tUna. Ku h sa kiUa
woM coatala mor W lhaa ha -r.icd
I on te, ri.fr and Ia'jc ot t'.e L'tltod
1 State during tita rt w baodrwd
yrr; It l would fcr the avwr.
Mie.ruri nuuntrr and fa ktitvh wmuUI
ta a!ut tir to n' b to U.w I
mmm mm
r.wei.i. r, .....ijjj :.:.r.
m a . r
1 1 I .