Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 17, 1897, Image 1

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Portland Library
With a New Summer Ad.
The Gazette Does Job Work
With New Summer Ad.
The Gazette Does Job Work
NO. 571
II r - ttleb - . . I
- 3' r PAPER I
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man;
at tllO per year, tl .25 for six months, 78 cts.
r tares numens, etriotly in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
; Application.
TWa PA.PKB U kept on Hie at E. C. Duke's
a. Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 86 Merchant
uxonangs, Han Franoisoo, California, where cou
raijt for advertising oan be made for it.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Beppner 11 p in. daily except
Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 1:3(1 a. in.
Leaves Heppner Juno-ion 3:4U a, m, and ar
rives at Heppner 6:10 a. m
t Spokane Express No. 1 leavra Portland at 2:45
p. m and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. m.
and Uma'illn 9:15 p. m.
Portland xoress No t. from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 5 115 a m. and Heppn r Jnncti m 6:10
a. m. a' d ar-ives at Portland 11:45 a. m.
, Fast Mail No. 2 leave Portlmd 0 p. m. and ar
rives at Kepuner J auction 8:80 a. m, and at
Umatilla 4:40 a. m
Fast Hail No. 1 leaves Umatila 12:40 p.m. and
arrives at eppner Junction 1:47 a. m. and at
roruano i kx. m
For further information inquire of J. C, Hart,
Agent O. fc A N., Heppner, Ore.
Secretary of Htate
tieorntary of Treasury
Secretary of Interior..
Secretary of War....
Secretary of Navy
PoetuMttor-Qeneral. . ,
United States Officials.
..William HcKinley
....Garret A. Hobart
John Sherman
Lyman J. Hage
. , . Cornelius N. bliss
.....Russell i. Alirer
John D. Long
James K. (iarv
Joseph McKenna
Going East?
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
OTIS PATTERSON. AGENT, , o ott.e o i
Three Important Points.
FIRST-Go via. St Paul be
cause the lines to that point will
aflord you the very best Bervice.
SECOND See that the coupon
bevond St. Paul retirla' xin: thn
Vyisconsin Central because that SEVEN
uv tuwnvo iov ' wuuoiviuuo Willi I
all the trans-continental lines en-
tering the Union Depot there, and
us service is nrst-ciass in every
THIRD For information, call
on your neighbor and friend the
nearest ticket agpnt and ask for a
McClure's Magazine
For 1807
A New Life of 6rant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of
Urant ever published. (Begins in December.)
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.)
Robert touls Stevenson' "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished
(Begins in May.) , . .
Charles A. Dan. '"Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical
years of tue Civil War practically a member of Lincoln s Cabinet, and Is probably better
fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of. this period from his
ticket readlDg Via. the Vl8CODSin portraits of 6reat Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series
oi portrait it is insennea to puDiirn special oiograpnicst studies uuaer toe general Hue oi
MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. . . , ., ., ... . . . .. ,
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. '
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary
talent for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes " stories, given him
Central lines, or address
Jas. C. Pond, " or Geo. 8. Batty, ''
Gen. Pas. Agt., General Agent,
Milwaukee, Wis. 246 Stark St.,
- Portland Or.
Cummings & Fall,1
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
a place beside Poe and Gaborlau,
Baoretary.f Agrioultare .ame Wilson
State of Oregon.
vBeoretaryof State
Bnpt. Public Instruction
Attorney General
. ..W. P. Lord
.H. it. Kincaid
Phil. Metschan
....G.M. Irwin
C. M. Idleman
1J. H
J Dinger Hermann
"W. it.
( K. 8.
... A.
(C. E.
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. St
l, C. M. & St. P., C. & A , P. Ft. W. Si C,
, and the C. St. L. Si P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts.,
cmoAao. ziiXi.
oongTowmen 1 W. R. Ellis
Printer W. U. Leeds
Ha proms Judge 1 F. A. Moore,
Sixth Judicial District.
(lironft Judge Stephen .Lowell
Prosecuting Attorney .II. J. Bean
Morrow Connty Officials.
enint Senator... ... .- A, W. Gowan
Uepreeentative. J. Brown
t!onnty Judge A. O. Bartholomew
" Commissioners J.H.Howard
J. W. Beckett.
" Clerk
" " Sheriff
School Snp't...
,..J. W.'Morrow
.E. L. Matlock
. Frank Gilliam
...A. C. Pettnys
.. J. W, lloriior
Jay W. Shipley
..B. F. Yaoghan
Mr Tho. Morgan
Councilman Geo. Conner. Frank
Gilliam, Arthnr Minor, K. J. Dlooum, M.
Lichtenthal and J. It. Simon.
It uvinlar W. A. RlcllBnlHOtl
T.-nuAiimr L. W. Hriirus
Marshal A. A. Hubert.
Precinct Officer.
.Imtiunf the PnM W. K. Kichanlnon
(Suitable....: N. B.WheUton
Ultd 8Uts Land omeers.
na DiLui. om.
J. Y. Moor Register
A. B. Biaas Kooeiver
t.k aiiifia. ol
H.. Wilson Ritr
J. H. Kuboins Keosiver
Q. A. B.
wat Laxinjrton, Orthe but Hatnrday of
ai'b monui. All veteran ar Invited u y
ii. W. Smith.
C. H. Ft'gDA.
Dr. P. B. McSwords,
OfBnw In tbe City Drag Store, near
City Motel. tf
While yon aeep yonr subscription paid up yen I
oan keep your brand In free of ehart.
Bora, P.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P Ben left
shoulder; cattle, same on left hip, I
Cook. A. J..Lena, Or. Horses. Won ritrhtshonl
der: Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square I
orup uu ten. idu .put in ngns. - -
Douslasa. W. M . Gallowav. Or. (lattle. SDmi
right side, swailow-fork in sach nri hones, B O I
on ien nip.
Ely. Bros.. Donalas. Or. Rnrm hranderi KT.V
on left shoulder, cattle Sam on lefthip. hoi I
in ngat ear.
Florenoe, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip: horses. F with bar nnder on rinhi
Jones. Ham. HeDDner. Or. Horaaa hntnHixl
rl J on the left shoulder: oattl. brandnd J nn I
right hip. also nndorbit in left ear. Uange in I
uurrov cuuaiy.
Johnson. Felix. Lena. Or. Horaaa. nimlaT nn I
left stifle: eattle. sama on riht hin. nirtu hl( I
snip in riht nd aulit In l.f t ear I
Kennr. Mike. Hannner. Or. Hnraaa hnnit I
KNY. on lefthlD oattla sama and nnm ofl I aft I
sari nnaar slope on in rignt
Lsahev. J. W. Hannnar Itr. Hnnal kranriail
L and A on bft ahnnldart nattla aama nn laffl I
hip, wattle over right eye, thro slit in right
Minor. Oscar, nannnar nr. ftla. M n nn I
ngtit nip; bona. Hon left .boulder.
Morgan, H. N.. B appear . Or. Hnrse. M )
ud inn uiiraiiwi oan la aam on Mux nip.
Oahorn, J. W Donala. Or.t horaaa O un laf
snooioert cam asm on ngnt nip.
Parker k Glaaaon. Hard man (r. Horaaa IP na
lan aooaiur.
Pi oar. J. H.. Laxlnrtoo. Or. -Horsa. JK arm
a ant ad on laf t shooldar; eaUla, Sam on laf hip,
nnder bit in each ear.
Hector. 1. W.. ileooner. Or. Hons. JO n.
an snouiaar. uatu. o on rtgbt hip.
Hoarrv. K. G HaDDnar. Or. Cattle W (' oe
latt hip, orop of riuht aad nndarbtt in Uft year, I
oewiapi n,,i mm n t,on imt eaonioar.
Thompson, J. A., Heppn. r. Or. Horaaa, oc
laTT mm mrr ; miiM. . UB irt .noo laer.
Tamer H. W., Heppner. Or. ftmall eapual 1
left haldet, koraai oattl aaa on Uft tip
wim apiii, is omd amra. , ,
, Galloway, Or.t horaaa I
rialit ahonldari rant la I
Quarter etrcl J W nn rlaht hin auit riabt u a. I
crop and hoi. in Uft ear. llaog in Morrow and
u tnau iia ooop ua.
D; J. McFaul, M. D.
Offloe boors, 8 to 10 . to , sod 12 lo
2 D. ta.. st rralrteoc, Mrs. U. Welch's
property, end 10 to 12, s m , to 3 to 6
p. m , at offios in lbs rar of Borg't
jewelry store.
First National Bank
"-or HErrNER
C. A. ftHCA,
T. A. RMtA.
a rrsldRt
VU Prsl1nt
, Cashier
Ass't Csshlsr
Trusadi i Cc&tnl Bukicg Ensioca.
On all part of the world
Bought and Sold
Collertlnns ntad en all point on
reasonable Term.
Surplus and undivided fronts, Sb.WMI 00.
Notice 0 Intention.
" LaanOrrirs at L0Bai.Owa.
Jul iwh I ?.
1 l,,llnalii( aaanait eattlef haa tiad ikiW
his Inlanltna In make RitaJ pna4 In sittm o
a I. rl.lw, aild Ual aatd prarf will ha aa1
h...ra ( eunty riar, Mniw riiiry. ra,
at U pn.r, ur. . asgun mo, iht, ,h,
Pa Nt f.w Sli H'4 r, nd k
w ai IM aw r " aac luif
Ua aamas In. (Iloala tttmant.wi his
aneitauou. rwi.Vaai- ps Sad rutnt.l,mu4
aatd lead. ll:
Jaaa P. tr-orh. e4 Rai.pnar, Or . nrla
ruuaaartr.etVlaauo.il., wtr.i.h hmr-tmr.
U.iKBar. r.. aad t vt U Hi.'U m Unedana, Of,
van ps isirf.
Tkm (laialt do ot elkHI lb
boevetj of soy pre, Ul M U oi
Dlle4 to Ics at tpo tbs Saatk ls aJvsnee
lea el bsrttluv btUt lb nb
Mriber b OtBUos Vaelatbilt Pf tie
ao' t breal fry tot loO.
W saeeU ro its t sty yilpr
t a- - Ve- " j
IAN MACLAREN, All the Action that he will write during the coming year, with the exception
of two contributions to ano'her publication which were engaged from htm long ago, will
appear iu McClubk'b Maqazihs. ; i i
JOEL CHANDLER HARKIS. A series of new animal stories in the same field as the
Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmbleflnger" stories. - , - ,
RUDYARD KIPUNG. - Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McCMJKg's
all of the short stories he will write during the coming year.
OCTAVE THANET Is preparing for the Magazinb a scries of short stories In which the same
cnaracters win appear, attnougn eacn win oe complete in liseil.
Anthony Hop Bret Hart ' : Robert Barr '
Frank R. Stockton Stan toy Wsyman ' ' Clark Russslt
will all have stories In McClusk's for the coming year.'
These are only a small fraction' of the great and Important features of McClurs's Maoazihs for
io?i, me .uuscripiion pnee oi wnicn is only , . . . .
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number, '
The S. S. McClure Co., New York.
An Instance of "Nearness" That Is Hard
to neat.
The close-fisted and the absent-minded
serve a similar use they amuse
their neighbors. The New York Sun
quotes a man from the rural districts
as telling a story of a Mr. Putterby, an
old-time townsman of his,, whose repu
tation for "nearness" was evidently
well deserved. Locally he was thought
to be almost a prodigy in this respect,
but no story of this kind Is so good but
that another can be found to beat it.
One of the coins current in those
days was the old Spanish silver-piece,
which passed for twelve and a half
cents, and was variously called "nine
pence," "York shilling" and "bit." It
was the existence of this coin that en
abled Mr. Putterby to achieve his
crowning triumph in the way of a close
A farm-boy came along one day with
a load of pumpkins, which he was ped
dling about the village at a cent
apiece. Mr. Putterby looked at them,
concluded to buy, but wanted only
half a pumpkin.
'But a whole one is only a cent,"
said the boy. "How are you going to
pay me for half a one?"
"Easiest thing in the world," said
Mr. Putterby.
The pumpkin was cut, he took one
half under his arm, and handed the boy
a shilling.
"Now give me the twelve cents
change," he said; and taking the
Brer twelve coppers from the astonished
... uoy, ae wanted away with his
chase, ,
Dr. King's New Discovery for
Tilts ia the best medicine in tbe world
for all forms of Coughs and Oolda and
for Consamption. Every bottle is guar
anteed. It will oure and not disappoint.
H litis no equal for Whooping Cough,
Asthma, Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bron
ohitta, la Grippe, Cold in tbe Head and
lor Consumption. It ia safe for all ages,
pleaaaut to take, and, above all, a sure
cure. It ia always well to take Dr.
King's New Life Pills in connection
with Dr. King's New Disoovery, as they
regulate nod tone tbe stomach and
bowels. We guarantee perfect satisfac
tion or return money. Free trial bottled
at Conger & Brook's drug store. Regular
size 50 cents and $1.00.
A Campaign
Of Education
HOW 10 Get It (TIT A A
.For 4) J.UU
Hazel, the 4 year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Frauk Gilliam, while playing
around a firs one day last week, her
olothei ignited and the girl reoeived
some painful bums about the banda
and face.
To be educated one must read
the best literature.
. The best literature Is expensive.
Leslie's Illustrated
. Weekly.
f'ub'lsiied at 110 rilth Avenue,
New York, Is full of the best thlnis
It Illustrations are superb; It
stories charming; and Its literary
departments are edited with con-
Such a paper Is s great popular educator. It should be In vry
The subscription price of Leslie's I 4 P nnuro.
We mak th unparalleled offer of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $5.00.
No such offer was ever made before. No such erTer wilt ever be mad
Main. These two papers mak a most acceptable Christmas or birthday
gilt, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness.
Remit by postal order or check to the
Wa'tenbaraar. W. J.
quarter eirele JW on
Heppner, Orocoii.
Notice of Intention.
Laud Orrics at Tas Dau.sk. Ossoow,
Ana .th. IM4I?
Ai loilowim-nsmad sett ar ha fl lad nntlrw
ifi ma iiiiriiiiiiii vi mat mill proor in support I Utt?f?s V
oi nia ciaim, ana mat sain prooi will oa man I BS I
oator J. w. Morrow, comity elerk, ai Bepooer,
Oregon, on kept. 2Mb, lt7, vis;
Raanrd ntry John Tear. Hd. Intry V. SMal
lorlheNWWKec. ta.Tp llkM. K. W. M. I
H names th following wttnaasa to prnvtl
nn mnuniiniia ra.ll.iio upon sna rullivauon
n said land. Vis: Joarph H. fllslns, Henry
rimna. onn a. nsrus ano Mwara nolle-
way, all ef Douglas, Oregon
.AS. r. giwur..
S 0 IUlaler.
Pwkllskeel tvery taterSay
Notice of Intention.
Lamp Orrirs at Tat Dau.es, Oatanw,
An 4. lw7
vroTirs i nrtttiiY oivx tiut th
1 ' lollowlm a.mail aMII.r kas nlad mHlr. ot
htslntratloa t ttisk flnai pronf In oiprtnf
atari. im. nq inai aii pmol will h wish n
Inre I. W, Morrow, imnty I lark at HauBDar.
urafosi, on papv van, vrn, via .
Hd. Kn'rr Ko. soo for the Ktla. Itac , Tp. I R
H. namaa the fnllnwina wltn.ia to tmi
hi. aniitliiunii ra.til.nna ainsins raltlvauua
ot said land, M. iiwph K. Kll.ltia, slanry
rilhtns. Jakn P Leer. K'lasM Holluasr. sll
oi vuufiaa, uragow.
.a, r.
13 Astor Place
New York
Tbs Outlook will be la 1H97, ss It bss
been durlof each of It teesty seres
rear, a Uistory of Our Owe Tines, I
its various editorial depsrtmeets Tb
Outlook gives s corcpaot retiew tf tb
world's profrees; il follows eilb rare
all lbs Itnporlaol jjhilaolhrople and ia
dostrial DAvatnaaU of the dap ( bss a
couplets department of reltfloos pews;
dvote Bioob spar to tbe lelereets of
lbs b'm: review sorrent lit.ralor;
Tbe rernlar sabennptioa prioe of the
8-tnt- Weekly Ossette is 12 60 sod Ike
recalsr price ef the Weekly Orermlae foralebes rbrtol table-talk sboot met.
is II.W. Anyone aobwpriliisi for tbs -"d tblns: and, ia short, aims to give
OatHts sod pnyirtg for one year b lelomsila, iHrasl trittlB,
ailvsare esa set tmtb the Ossetle as. ssd reaeoosbls eoUnslnmeal.
iy uregoeiaa for ii.wv a.i oi i sot- ru.l.nle. with tbe fiftt fiiflh PolasM.
9 ' I IKa MMf atlll iMfln. I Ka ,,n aaaa
I of Oraton, lor Morrow County.
W. r. Ur1. H. R Klocald
and fhll. W.tarh.o. the
Itoard nl rnmmla.lon.rL
eta. flelotlrTs,
J. B. tparry, K V. Sparry,
epatr. Iba lr
n Railnaul and Nl-
l.tl'in nmny and V,
1 . 1 hnwipw.n, DalaadanU.
To i a. aparry, S. V. rn t j and - apsrrt,
la th nam ot th Plata of Orafon Y ra
baraby ra.(tiirtl In sppaar aud anaaar Hi.
onmpialnl Bixl aaal'..l r., In II. a ebnt
entitlad suit, oa cr t( r. th. Btst dayullh
Pall larra ul th staiv antltlad cturt. ! wil.
Monday, Ih.Sthdayol i.Uigtal. 1W7.
nd If yne f.U ao lo spiral and anaaar, for
want Utmt. th plaintiff, a III apply to th
emirt to (rant th f.itat damaad d In a. Id
plaint, town. rf a )U'l'i..nt and drrraa
aaaliMt y,Hi r th. sum u uu and lnlat
tharaon from July I at. Imj. .1 th. rata ot .l.ht
Crraiil tmr annum, in. nm nl i ti.llornx.
and Inf Ih tmta an4 dl.liurMaM'nt ..( 1 1. 1.
aH aud fc a darraa li.raiiu.lo. a rartaln
mrl.... mada, aruta. and nallnra.1 t,y
datan.t.ni. J R Si-rry and V. f 'ry. to
plalnllrl.. n th. ,.lll( fl pnwry .lt.
.UmI In Morn, nunntf. Mat irf ,...n W all
IbMilh hall M Ih a.rttbaaa( ,arlr, a'4 Iw.rth
hall ul Ih m,fhaaat quaita ul uth
hall nl SiMilhaaaS HaHar nl ay a p hall nl
Ina eaaihwaat nuarlaf nf mr t, aaihal
anarun al n,wthaal quanat ul Sar fl n..fth
aaal uarlaf nf -iilha. ,,ia'taf nl sar i.
nnn hall nf aurthaaat nariar and a,uth
aaat .nanrt of n.,ril,a.t ,,an., u m
nlaaat nn.rlar o amib.nl u'aaitaf and
noflb half ol uuihw,M uartaf ojat and
th nwtnaaa quartaf ul ,M,il,aaat s...f irf
a ai. all la townahlp , ailh lai.f jr. I w,
rwn.oaq ,a ina umi M lb. r.,nl, riart nl
The Beautiful Consort of Ferdinand Who
Heloed Columbus.
Isabella was a lady, she was a queen,
and, above all she was an autocrat.
Gracious and gentle in her manner,
says R. Ulick Uurke's "A History of
Spain," she brooked no opposition from
prince or peer, and she soon made it
known and felt throughout Spain that,
although she was the daughter of John
II. and the sister of Henry IV., her
will was law in Castile. Beautiful,
virtuous, discreet, with thuthlghost ex
pression of proud dignity that is seen in
a peculiur simplicity of manner, with
a hard .heart and a fair coutenttnee, an
inflexible will, and a mild manner
something of a formalist, more of a
bigot Isabella united much thut was
characteristic of old Custile with not a
Bttlu thut was characteristic of new
Spain. And if her boldness was in
herited from the Cid, her bigotry waii
bequeathed to Philip II.
No mnu can reud the history of the
times without being struck by the enor
mous personal Inituenee of Isabella,
An accoit)L,hcd horsewoman. u tireless
traveler, IsiMatigablc in her uttctitirm
to business of state, the queen wtlh her
court moved about from place to place,
swift to punish crime anil to encourage
virtue, boldly eomiioslnthediltVrctiees
and compel liii;: the sttbiiiksinn of rival
nobles, frowning upon the laxity of tho
clergy, ib'tiouiicing the heresy of the
people and laying a heavy bund upon
encmictof every tlcjrrce istid cvllilocrsof
every das. In Atululusia the unuccus
tomcd and unexpected pn-senee of the
hoverelgn was everywhere productive
of peace and order. V.vvh In the remotest
dint rlcls of tiulieia the royal Miwer was
felt, liver fifty fortresses, the strong
hold of knightly robin-re, were rer.ed to
the ground, and one thousand live hun
dred noble hlhwHyincu were forced to
fly the Ulii"(loiii.
Wealth and ignorance sometime po
bend in baud. To a Jewelry store ia a
email town there drove up one day a
handsomely dreswd lady, who entered,
and, after some prelim I miry flourishes,
asked for a dozen souvenir Mxxina. "A
doAen siiuveuir ssmiiis? ' rrp,'atcd the
clerk, In natural surprise. "Yea," re
plied the Indy, placidly, "a down sou
venir spoon U eat snuvenirs with,
you ko iw. My dstighlcr makes Ih-bu-tif
nl atiuvrnlra." 1 he clerk turned
pale, and exhibited a tray of orange
spoons, on w venture. She selected a
dozen and carried them away, and tbe
elark U stiU wondering' what aha really
Deafness Cannot Be Cared .
By local applications, as they cannot
rpsoh the diseased portion of tbe ear.
There ia only one way to oure deafness,
and Ibst is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness ia onaeed by an it. flamed con
dition of tbe muonua lining of the
Eustachian tube. When this tube gets
inflamed ynn bave a rnmolicg sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is entire
ly closed dffnfness ia tbe result, and un
less tbe irjflnmmntion oan be taken out
and tbia tube restored to its normal con
dition, bearing will be destroyed forever;
nine esses ont of ten are censed by
oatiirrb, wbtcb ia nothing but no inflam
ed onudition of tbe mucona anrfsoes.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
auy case of deafness (caused by oalarrh)
thst oannot be Cored by Hall's Catarrh
Oure. Send for oiratilars, free.
ESSold by druggists, 75o. Toledo, O.
Here is a straight tip from a newspa
per called "Brains:" "There's only one
right way to advertise and that is to
hammer your name, your location and
your business ao iosistingly and so tbor
ongbly into tbe people's bead that if
tbey walk in their sleep tbey will in
stisctively turn tbeir steps toward yonr
Absolutely Pure
..i i .
The University of Oregon.
At Eugene opena Sept. 20. Gradu
ates from accredited schools who have
completed work amounting to 30 credits i
are admitted without examination. In
cidental fee, $10.00 a year; tuition, tree.
Complete courses leading to Bachelor of
Arts, Bachelor ot Soienoe, Bachelor of 1
Letters and excellent oouraes In oivil
and electrical engineering.' Also good
ioetrootinn in music Board for young
men in tbe dormitory at 92 50 per week,
with lodging, beat and light,
i Catalogues furnished free on applica
tion to :' !
, J. J. Walton,
Secretary Board of Regents,
67-tf : Eugeue, Oregon.
Wheat is king in Oregon this year
and the sturdy farmers are now entitled
to position in tbe front rank. There
was more wheat raised in Oregon tbia
season than was ever produced in the
state before, and witb tbs prevailing
good prices, the farmer now haa a mort
gage on tbe country, '
Don't neglect a cough because tbe
weather Is pleasant; before tbe next
atorm rolls around it may develop into
a serious difficulty beyond repsir. One
Mioote Cough Oure is easy to take and
will do what Its name implies. For sale
by Conaer & Brock.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea remedy always affords prompt re
lief. For sals by Oonser & Brock.
"If tbe promlae of tbe harvest fields ia
fnltllled, says the New York World, it
will be bard for tbeoriats to persusds a
thriving people that tbey need monetary
pansceaa to keep them ont of tbe poor
house." A Kenarkahle fare for t'bmnlc Dlarrhara.
Id 18t2, when I served my ennutry a
a privets in Company A, lG7lb Peon
ylvsnia volunteers, I oontrsoted chronic
diarrhoea. It haa given me a great deal
v-i trouoie ever since, t nave tried a
dozen different medicines and severs!
prominent doctors without any perma
nent relief. Not long ago a friend sent
me a sample bottle of Cbamberlslp's
Co!'". Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,
and after Ibst I bought and took a 60
cent bottle; and now I ess asy that I am
entirely cured. I Cannot be thankful
enongh to yon for Ibis great remedy
sod recommend it to all suffering veter
an. If iu doubt write me. Yodra grate
filly, Ueory Htelnberger, Alleotown, Ps,
Hold by Conaer A Brot k.
oae year la advene will lie entitled U
tine sis, wbinki will add greatly te its
enoveeiettee ted aitrarliveeene. Tto
Outlook ia pebliabed every Malordsy-
Tbe first (esse
lleppner to rudlta via llpper
Ehl Htawa Ijna. lranna daairon lA
f tailing I'endiatoe eta tine end 1 Cfty-t Um year.
.1. ? w to eaek seeetsi Is as Illo.lraUd Magaeiae
qoalntloe lb seete lbs pravmo I
teg tbe iH ! enaeeuKi with Votubaf, Sot ta in teg abnat twlneas BA.aM U-a Hi'l-a. al at..al'lla uf
i n'rlore trein at trbo I'eexlMoa i mn' ? il aeai a. aaadt.
uraae at My Urag More., w, jx Uso, 7 "w . vt mu ui. i!. is. a..,,,
A a Aaneeieen
Wee Very
aaid Wnaar. fwtbit,
I pa UA iai and
4 T nl M.,r1faaa
awl IntatlMM .fHt
Maa, H.ly Iha pt. ,. a.M a In ll.a
pa--.) alaaid t'l-I.M, all,.,M)l , n.u
ad otala,aaanta
T h l ax".. . rvad npn yen p-moanl
to aa r4f r.l lln. i..o m U.a.u
Jad.aul Ina aha ai.i ll.-l ,rt, a.. an
atarad la said Sll nn Iha mt 4a. iA .,' 14
pruwn a ariirirfli
" All.rtn.ri luf llainliAa,
Taaehaw Wit
An Italian gentleman whom I mi-l
While traveling disebax-d a inat da
praved lnspprM-iatlin nf t tie wonderful
vaalne' of the I'nlled htalra, sar i a
wrlK-r In hTlbner a.
He apuke KnglUh very well, for lie
had bm-n many yrara In Imdon, and,
aa we were enjoying the wa isai.l view
betsseati I'iia and Via IU-gglt, lie asked
politely whetlit-r I wn tint an Ameri
can frirta "the atalra On learning
that I was he beg?) d me to trll hint
arniu llili.g of our guverniiH'tit.
"Von b ve a irviilenl of tbertmnlry,
the wlml alatra, la II not?" be Inijulrrd
e arm-ally.
I liiableil nM-nt.
Ve bene! If a man kill-murder,
yni oiidiT-land -Mho trUa him, the
fe.li-ml , rtate r,tiH7
'Tin" stt e..iirl ," I replied, "unb-a
It n nv of In n.n "
Long Creek Eagle; Tbere srsaoms
Clondvke strikes ia the w best fields of
Umatilla county. Some tnau are clear
ing on tbrlr crops as hlgt s 3S,000,
sod It is estimated that fully l(X) farm
ere in IbM ronnty will clear from tbeir
wheat crops t70l0 to 000.
Don I tlno tonr blood wjlb aaasafras
or polaoo it with blne-msee; but aid N
tors by usiig Dewltfs Lit II Early
Riser, tbe famooa little pills forcvo
tlpallon, billonsnr and stomsoh Iron
ble. Tbey are purely yrgelsble. For
ssle by 0nr k Brock.
Long Creek Eagle: K. Y. Jadd
aetlog far II. E. Jo IJ k Root, of Hart
ford, Onon., ptirrba4 last week at
Pendleton, Arliogton and U'ppner nr0,
000 pnaads of wooL Tbs prices for Ibis
lot of wool rsoged from 1) to 9 tents.
Texas will probably have a tilt with
tbe federal authorities, ssys ao ex
change. Under a state law violated by
railway expreaa companies, tbeir per
mils to do bnsioeaa in the state are re
voked. Tbe federal court has issued an
order to oniripel tbe state to allow the
companies to d ' business, notwithstand
ing the violation. Texas will probably
disregard tbe order nf the federal court.
1 Wise Mrs Know
It i folly to bnild upon a poor founda
tion either in architecture or in health.
A foundation of sand is Insecure, and to
deaden sytuytuine by nsrootios or nerve
compounds la equally dangerous end
peroeptive. Tbe true way to build op
health is to make your blond pure, and
rich end nourishing by taking Hood's
Hood's Pills set easily and promptly
on tbe liver ana bowels, utire sick
Tbs cmp bulletin for this seotioo in
dicate that the grain yield lo Morrow,
Oillism aud Wasco oonntie wbert tbe
wbeat orop which is more problematical
than in almost any other seotioo to tbe
elate, tarns ont to be equal to that of
Cmetille county. The fruit crop Is re
ported to be tba beat on reend.
"Tbey are dandies" said Tbos. Bow
er, of tbs Crocket, Texas, Enterprise,
while writing about DeWilt's Little
Early Rleere, tbe fsmona little pilla for
airk besdaobe sod disorder of tbs stom
ach aud liver. For sale by Oooasr A
Trilrr, Kall-Itbenm and iaiema,
Tbe Intel) Ib blng and smarting, inrl
denttOtheeMdlarawa, ta Instantly allayed
by applying Cbamtwrlatu a Eye and
H.In Ointment. Many very bad rear
have ben permanently rtirtl by It. It
is equally emi'tent for t blng plk-s and
a favitiite rwtiwxtv for nlpplwi,
rbapil hands, tdllblaln, froet Idtae
and i hrtiiiio wire ryrw. VI 1 1. jer box.
Dr. re;s (Vnilitlnn Pewdrri, are
juat wha a borne Dambt When In b'l
rmtiilltLin. T, .i.L- l.liaal imrlner and
If he is rm. l,o ran far-l.-n j vermlfugw. T1-y arw 1x4 f'd but
nie.k Inn and the Iwet in ne to tut a
Great exellement prevails al Trinity
Center, California, and v'elolty ovr a
rich strike mad by the Or eves brothers
and Henry Carter la tbe drift slalm on
Coffee creek, lo fonr days tbey look
out three water bnokste ot gold, or
t0no. The Isrseet piece weighed
llOno. Tby expert to make between
ir0,0)0 and iWfiilO out of lbs porkat.
Tbs gold Is eoarae sod , lies between
walls of porphyry, and resembles Dsltsd
old poured in the seems.
liiine frck tge leaves Heppner at
Te'oloak, a. Toee-lay. Tborelays,
aod Hatordays; arrives al w e'lnek, p.
m., Mondays, Wrdaeedsys aod FrUlajs.
Will mak fonoeet loo w Hit branch trsln
when drelred. Far fl, rscb way.
Frel-il H enl per pound. J. II.
Ilelleobmrk, Prop. Office al Harry
Wsrreo's drng store. IL
Tiachtre' lamination
Walt. Thomoeoa run eeeew bet
JHaDLirriO Hmmmi, arrfvtt teesy
Jay sxeerA Mdueay aed ieevieg every
I way a.-p. K.anir. riwnr.ee. ana enaep
Wnal I Uuo-tWdt Bt W es)s mete o the I a tor. J. ; at.
arB OaeaAesaewfasre. " j "
wWaa -iea1nataa llv( lu aM s pna-
Ita .aat- !'. Ua a-aa ai n f.
a s.iiw.:,. a, ilia. ivf.
ttb a large aoabe al pertnrw.
' - m. Mm. I av SI a. a a. A I
. amawwi.Auw vauws ss lerwe . i-.i.: U.mi, u '
iVHsw a er hi adeeoee, of lews tbaoii' . T
(Ued fne aefiinae-pf ae1l'ln.i,i. ! Ar ,Wl n l trier
lilm- tbe prr .i '. nl. i.f h'Ulw ?" Ii
esk.Nl, with ratio eviiraiire,nda slight
rnipba.is nn tbe "nf nmrM'."
"Jto, Indwl; the winrd rey la lrld In
tbe slat roorta, be ran Iia ar,ti,ria4
only by the ui l'rd of p.r.1..i,., if
there is i.ne, by (, ..t(,lr' . 1.1. f
cAWr-Oie gotern-n- The prld ht
baa rvrthiti? to do w Itli It."
'Well It'-'f-l my iMiifwtiln, ear-eti-jy,
in Iuly tbe rf-rrn-ie f a
little ij prwloie has pot the fr
oVmlug tnwor."
fclrr I tbtindero t. r,6w th.irnugbly
eirry. i'a!y ti!l t' ! Im the
ff7 P 'la e .f 1 1 , "
U w4 vary 6;l.lf I? get srtpry,
a.d i"i,a:iy ;tU aU s l-w.l'a:y Mr
rt'. 1 tU llin. kuo 1", liut
,, WA u it J auU t..r tf iiaar.
' f y. g'
ki Itn
ox. m. pmeiaelMioTb 0il..l, I) Aeb'b ea w,i m--a,. t,.y U f .11 ; "e -
Star,.r1y t4 l.ur 1'rt.ntr j Sa''d W iflilll
gatiiDK aoTyy Nn fwe ead th
S '. '. I ri. b-i . very Ihi mi, ll,rn
ui !!... it t..n. ,. ii,i
a.i, auvsi a tuiw.
bora In prime rendition. I'rbe Z"t
rrtil -r im kage.
I.ttlle liable Ceeey, ag'd ebot I
years, fall flora a barn eas day la
week aad bio br arm. Iw. Mi faol
we oallad and eel lb frlnrd limb
Iy.og tVeak K.agle: O. H Duelinaod
Jheel Cfteman arrle. Wdnday
miirnltJg rw 1lprme wiih freight.
I. A. Currar, formerly of Pso.JUtoo,
bss opened np a 13 el barber shop la
Ibeoldaisad on lbs Matloek toresr.
Work etrtrll Aral eiaea. Call so htm.
pa k) la aaaaW ef .aa. e4
leans im4, S,a.a.
It as ha aani at a niaat
raawatf WS . M J t m4 "
faat f W. laa . Pea
laf Tt- t -. .
Ely's Cream Balm
h a tB-a 4.aA la ha o. aval tW y en fn
haa.) i aa'-h. f-4 Ita4 "! M.r r al a I
. 4 '. si tiaaa a,
.mm-m W.lvaaa.a aw
efaaaa.' I'fV.a. a l. . t , a W
sVal attUlaiWaateW . l.
!Uv. i. W. Jaokm eant op from
ll.xwt River Hnnday funrniog and bsl I
S-rviea la tb Christian rbnrcb.
Dr. J"bn W. Raerons, ef lbs Redliah!
bss kg Leer on dranghl lbs Hop
Ooll. IWst r,f llq'inre sad elgsft to
stork. . "
Dr. MaFsnl ttt rHl to tbs bed si J
f Oaeer fia'r en Willow ereek Hit
era log. . ....
Tbi Usi'M bS a eeWp'sMp for
e.'a, fi'A tot n- el not i e.r el B snp
Heidi Aa.a Ir.n In ai.H see stfal
UU tl )ww ts a U y le eJtttsU. U