JML TO THE JB AST GIVKS THE OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. VIA OREGON SHORT LINE, VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha AND AND Chicago Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. ft N. For fall detail oall on 0. It. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Qen. Pass. Agt. PORTLAND, OBKQON. A. L. MOHLER, Vice-President. Q0IOIS TI3VI33 I Soix lranolsoo And U point In California, tU the Kit, Hhasta route of the Southern Pacific Co The great highway through California to all points Kant and Sooth. Grand Hoenlo Ront of the Paoifio (kiaat. Pullman Buffet Bleepere. Seoond-cUtsa Hleepers Attached toexpreas traina, affording anparior ooninmodatlona fur eaoond-olaaa paenare. For ratM, tickets, Imping oar reeerratlone, to,, oall npon or addraaa R. KOKMLKK, Manager, C. II. MARKHAM, Gon. F. A V. Agt., Portland, Oregon RUE YOU GOING EgST? If go, be mire and eee that your ticket reads via Ttie Koiitiwesiem Line ....THE.... OUIOAOO, 8T. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THUS II TBB Great Short Lir)e BETWEKN DULUTIf, Sr. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND KOUIII. Tlmlr Magnificent Track, Peerless Vcntlbuled DliiliiK and Klevplug Car 1 rutin, and Hullo: "always on time" haa (Ivan thla Mad a national reputation. All elaaaea of iMiMtiKt-ni carried on Ilia vestlhtilct trains without vit'a charge, flilp your fioiuht and travnl miT Ilili laiuoul Una. All ax fit I hava tickets. W. II MKAI). F. C. R4.VA(1K, (Jen. Agent Trav. r. A I. At ilx W eahlnfton Ht., Portland, (Jr. OIIIOAQO miiwaukes & SI. Paul B'y This Railway Co. Operate ill traim on the famoni block Lights III Irsios by eleotrlolty through out; Use the celebrated eleotrio berth read ing lamp; Ron speedily equipped passenger traina vrv ta and i?hl between Ht. Panl and Cbiogo, tud Omaba and Chlcsgo; the Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul Alan operate steam-heated veatilmled Iraioa, carrying Ilia latest privets compartment ear, library buffnl stank In care, and palace drsalng room sleepers Parlor ear, free reclining obalr Mrs. and the very beat dining rbalr ear service. For loaeel rates ti any oolnt la the l'nile.1 Hlal in? Canada, apply to "til or ad lme C. J. EDDY. J. W. CAHET, General Agent. Tf. Pass. Agent. I'urlland, Or. EADIIIG PAPEIH U ' Mill'. II "aW MaM TRK CHROmCLM faaka with St aewapapari In the United Htatee. TKK CHRONICLE haa noaqoal as tlia PactBe Coast. It lead. aU tn abllltr, antarprlsa and new. THK OHBONIOUTO Talegraphlo Baporta an the lateat and moat reliable, lu Looal Nawa tiia tallest and spiciest, and ita Editorials tram tbe ableit pena In tbe country. THK CHRONICLE baa always been, and al vara will be, tbe friend and champion of tbe people aa against oomblnatlona, cliques, corporation!, or oppressions ot any kind. It will be utdepeadeal la everything neutral In aoUun, The Chronicle Building. THEDAILY By Mall, Postage Paid. Only $ 60 a Yea. The Weekly Chronicle Tha Greatest Weekly in Hit Coutry, $1.50 a to (Iocludlne postage) to any part of aha United Htetes, Canada and Mexico. THE WKEKLY CHKOXICLK, the brightest and moat complete Weekly Newspaper In the world, prlnta regularly 84 column, or twelve pagea.of News, Literature and (lenerel Informa tion; alao a magalHcent Agricultural Department, SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. SHE CARRIES THE MAiL. DO YOU WANT THE CHRONICLE Reversible Map? KJIOWINO The United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Mexico ON K MIDJfi, Flacky Ida Minton and Her Life in the Mountains. The road from Castlow to Anderson ville is through one of the roughest re gions of Kentucky, says the Cincinnati Enquirer. Robberies are frequent, and many a brave man has hesitated and looked well to his gun before entering on the trip. To Mrs. Minton, however, the highway has no terrors. She enjoys the unique distinction of being proba bly the only female mail-carrier i.11 Uncle Sam's service who rides horse back fearlessly through the forests with her pouch, which contains the missives which, are the only means of communication with the world, at large to the residents of Andersonville. She is a typical Kentucky mountain girl, active, strong, fearless and very intelligent. She is an excellent horse woman. No animal is too high spirited for her, nor does she need help in mounting and dismounting. With the mail pouch thrown across the pommel of her saddle, she rides fearlessly along the lonely highway, and it is safe to say that anyone interfering with Uncle Sam's mail would have to be a better and quicker shot than the ordinary man, or very well mounted, to stop the mail. Mrs. Minton has been married two years. It was from her own inclination to help earn money that she took the contract to carry the malls for three years. She has now completed e: ht months of ' ' The CM's Reltaloa. . The late Father Stommel, of Doyles town, Pa., who died recently in Phila delphia, was something of a wag, and many instances of his wit are told by his friends. One of his neighbors, it is related, who was not of the same faith as the, reverend gentleman, once pre sented him with a very pretty kitten, being very emphatic in her avowal "that it was a good Catholic cat." A few days later, when out for a walk, she was hailed by Father Stommel after this fashion: "Mrs. II , I thought you told me the feline you gave me was a good Catholic cat. I beg to assureyou that you were mistaken. It is a blue stocking Tresbyterian, and eats meat on Friday!" Negrroea Who Talk Irish. The Irish language still lingers in the Bahamas, among ithe mixed de scendants of ithe. Hibernian patriots banished by Cromwell to the West In dies, One can occasionally hear, it Is said, black sailors In the London docks, who cannot peak a word of English, talking Irish to the old Irish apple women whom they meet, and thus mak ing themselves Intelligible without a knowledge of the Saxon tongue. The hyuiokuuuic lias issued a new chart showing the limits, accord-1 LOCAL BQC1BS. DOGS ON THE WAGON SEATS. I THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE John Tnrley i down at Crow, Lane Faltkfl Canine Gaardiui al Their Ll!(iG county, Or. Will Lee, the wool buyer, left for San Franoisoo Monday night. Is Life Worth Living? If there ia an individual on eartb who is exousable for thus interrogating him self, it ia the unhappy mortal wbo suf fers from materia in some one of its dia bolical forms. Thia is no diffioult oonnndrum, however . Life is worth living by any man or woman wbo enjoya good health, and is not barrassed by a reproachful oonsoienoe. Tbe malarial soonrge, heavily laid on is a terrible one for the poor sufferer to endure A series of freezings, soorofaings and sweats the last leaving one as limp and as strength lest aa a dish rag, are hard indeed, re currina as they do with fiendish regu larity. Hote tier's Stomach Bitters is the world-wide known preventive and curative of this class of maladies, either in tbe form of ague and fever, bilious remittent, dumb agae std ague oake. Used with persistence they will, rely npon it, eradicate disease from the sys tem. They also cooquer rheumatism, kidney and bladder oomp'sints, nerv ousness, dyspepsia, liver complaint and constipation, and renew' failing strength. Maatera' Property. One of the familiar sights of city life in Chicago is the dog perched on the seat of a delivery wagon or with, mi head protruding from the rear of the vehicle and barking lustily at some supposed intruder. The sight has be come so common as to attract but little attention from the passers-by, but only a few years ago ita rarity would have demanded instant attention. Take it around the big wholesale grocery houses down-towa and the majority of the wagons that are backed up to the curbstone have a vigilant four-footed guardian in them. Most of these dogs are shaggy-coated terriers of one kind or another, without any claim to. high breeding, but with the merit of inces sant and wiry watchfulness. Let any one but the owner lay his hand upon TROUBLES AND CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. Aa Eminent New York Chemist and Seieatlat Hakes a Free Oiler to Our Headers. Tbe distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo onm, of New York City, demonstrating his discovery of a reliable core for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronohlal, Inng and chest troubles, stubborn coughs, oatarrbal affections, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions ' of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New ScibDtifio Treatment" bas oared thousands permanently by its WANTED-AN 1DEA". thing to patent T FrotactTonrweas;tneT Irfni too wealth. Write JOHN WKDt theymay' BURN CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. 0.. for their !, pria offer. Hiok Mathews and V. Qen try, under tbe firm name of Mathews , & Gentry are associated together in the barber business in tbe new stand, two doors south of the postoffioe. They solicit a call. Shaving, 15 cents. tf. tbe horse, wagon or contents and at I timely use, and be considers It a simple R Allen and wife, of Toll creek, were down to Heppner last Saturday. Mrs. Allen bad been ill for some time, but tbe Gazette is happy to state that sbe is recovering rapidly. Yon and Your Grandfather Are removed from eaoh other by a span of many years. He travelled in a slow going stage ooach while you take the lightning express or tbe eleotrio oar. When be was sick he was treated by old fashioned metbois and given old fash ioned medicines, but you demand modern ideas in medicine as well as in every thing else. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the mediolne of today. It is prepared by modern methods and to its prepara tion are brought the skill and knowledge of modern soieooe. Hood's SarsspsriUa aots promptly upon the blood and by making pure rich blood it cures disease and establishes good health. once the dog sets up a savage and noisy protest, in which all the dogs in the line of wagons join. One of these truckmen, when asked why' it was that so many of them had a dog on the wagon, answered: "To Watch out for thieves. ; Yon see," he con tinued, "we carry many small pack ages, and maybe before I get rid of my load I have to visit a dozen places, leav ing my wagon and contents unprotect ed while I go into each house. There are always thieves watehing for just such opportunities, and before I had a dog every little while something would be stolen from my wagon and I would have to pay the loss. Since I have had my dog I have not lost anything. "How did I train the dog to stay in the wagon? Oh, that was easy. I just tied him there and kept him tied for three or four months, and by that time he was on to his job. Then the dogs de velop generally great affection for the horses and stay nights with them. My dog sleeps in the stall with my horse and the animals are almost inseparable. I have tried to take the horse out with out the dog once or twice, just to try him, but the pup set up such a racket when left in the barn alone that I was glad to let him out." Some of the big express companies are now putting dogs in their wagons as additional safeguard. One noticed yesterday had a bull terrier of most ferocious mien on Pity the sneak thief who ever attempts to filch anything from that wagon I He never will get away with it. Chicago Chronicle. professional duty to suffering humanity to donate trial of his infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, bas produced results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are curable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those oured in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and oertain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. 0., 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and tbe free medioine will be prompt); sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell the Dootor that you saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr. NOTICE. A good bicycle, suitable for either lady or gentleman, in fine repair, , new pnen matio tires, for sale cheap at Gilliam oc Bisbee's. ' Now is tbe time to get the Weekly Oregonian, tbe greatest newspaper of tbe West. With tbe Gazette, both strict ly in advance, one year, 3.60. No better combination of newspapers can be mad in the state. f r - Tbe Gazette will take potatoes, apples, eggs or butter on subscription aocoants. Any one owing this office can aettla thtnr acoounts in this mauner eW do- it too soon to suit us. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Land Office at The Dalles, Orkqon. July 21, 1897. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED" at thia office by O. B. Dowia against S. E. -Walker for abandoning his Homestead Entry " No. 4322, dated March 16,' 1892, upon the E NW'iBec 34 E(4 BWK Sec. 87, township 8, Bouth Range 2 E, in Morrow county, Oregon, with a view to tbe cancellation of said entry, the Bald parties ars hereby summoned to appear at thli office on the 24th day of Sept., 1897, at 10 o'clock a. m , to respond and furnish testi mony concerning atd alleged abandonment. J. w. Morrow, county clerk, is authorized to taka the testimony tn this case at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on Sept. 18, 1897 at 10 o'clock, a. m. ' JA 1. MOORE, 67-78 Register. THE NATIONAL BANK OF HEPPNER, located at Heppner, in the itnte of Ore gon, is closing up Its affairs. AU note holders and others, creditors of said association, are therefore hereby notified to present the notes and other claims against the association for payment. ED. R. BISHOP, 55-7ri Cashier. Dock Matlook and Ed. Smith are ovei to MoDuffie springs, where the latter is endeavoring to get rid of s severe at tack of rheumatism. HOW KEROSENE IS Something About a Bemarkable American Industry. How' many housekeepers, aa tney fiT their lnmim with kerosene oil or theif Terrible Aooideut. It is a terrible bo- summer stoves with gasoline, have any tng to the numerous reports received nt oideot to be burned or scalded; but tbe idea how these oils are made? And yet me united htates hydrographic office,1 PBlD 80(1 Buy oa tbe rrigbtful dis of the enormous ice fields encountered tlgurements can be qniokly overoome by mariners in those waters during the without leaving a scar by using De Witt's aw n'y vv V6k? yea"o0f 1892 and Witoh Hazel Salve. For sale by Oonser JO'JJ. BAVI flip iVlllihlnrftnn Cln. Ill .1 . ....s,u fliigi LDL , ON Map of the World OK TUB OTHER BIDS. Pond $a and Get the Map and Weekly hronlrle for One Tear, postage prepaid on Map and Papa, ADDRKsa M. it. . Yonno, rtoarteta a f. Owealiia, - nVtiMLiWftajDCA, JftRTIIIflcN nun iiiii t 11 U s npiiJin i) I AL'iriU i THROUGH CARS. TO Hr. PAUL MINNKAPOLI8 DUI.U1U (Alton Hum: HELENA Tickets leaned to point In theUoiUd Hiatra and Canada. QUICK TIME TO . Cutfaito WAeiltmiToH (Ultimomi N'a Yo llvrrauo a a'lailMOL sIM4 Ml j- TflAOl Mailt, Disiceia. COPvaiGMTa ia m.m e . ft awl ewiriMs ewe ?, IMM e tM" e All other fOsUN points I KAKea ClTV In th Nr. Joatri K.aat and H. Ijiiri Honthrael (.BomToH Union IVpol ronnecllnn at Ht. I'aiil, Minneapolis, Kanee (My, Omaha, Hi. liiinta anil other (immi nent poiol BagK rhcoka l through to destination nl IN tela. Tbntnab llt kela In Japan and China, via Taeom and Northern IVino H(m. ship Company' line. these reports agree in describing the iwcuergs seen during these years as co lossal in height and extent and herded so closely together that any attempt to force a twssage through the main body of the drift was attended by grave danger, many vessels being more or less damaged by collision and two lost. Some of the bergs are high and per pendicular, end are regarded as of re cent origin. Others are known to be old. Their character ia such that they could not have been formed on low flat lands. Scientists believe ther. .M high mountains in the A - e VVal- tlnent. What aa Kiprrt Hay of Insomnia. Sir JaiiH-s Crichtoii Browne, the fx- pert on brain iliserwiw, hold;, that in HOtnniii U not ntUMided with such dis- UMtrotis C(H)Hiii('ni'eK as is commonly uppomd. It is not us dangerous us he solicitude of the sufferer. He sttg- cts Una the lralns of literary nu-n. who are the most frequent victims, ac re the trick of the heart, which tukes a Aoin of a fraction of a second ttfu r each beat, and so manage to get x hour ret in 24. Some brains, in rntr of insomnia, slivp in sections, different brain acctiona going off duty In turn. Kxporlere Aeaaalt lluer Name. Puritig the .luuicMon trial In London, he Ntciiogrtiphie report nt had n hard urn with the Itorr iiumr thnt rume pplng off the tongues of the vvlt- iichwk. in one Inwtntico a place in men- lioni'd whieh npiM-nre in the ilriKwitlona n" Van Ulthnnuia WinkeNpruit. The licnnt.1 the r.t ruing Standard re-porter got to It whs Vun Nit llitnklMvinkcl Sprint; the dlol gentry modified this ton Nit lioorlswlnkrl. whlld the Sun aitnplilkrd It to Van Oudtahhoorn's, am) Ibe lcnlng News lioldly mnde one foor- umt wonl of It, thus: anoudtacha- wanawlnkle. The rest of ihe retmrtrn. lik prudent men, declined It alto gether. For full Information, tim far. la, map. tickets, etc, fall on or writ V. O. Aut, A. l ('mat-rot, A if I N I'. Hy. Aaal.Gen laa. Al Th.Pallea.Or. Portland, Or lliclieplor line o SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, t-siwui-t iiiiarSajBt, kta W.-4 eiwtl. av I rtllMMM Aa , MUNfcJ A CO.. Ml rta, H,w t Ml OUCI 0 to Ee PiUft, Mini k ktm Nii'ipta ft ... tTXAUIItt Dtitti art" aho mcunTon la Tb lll-a Jailf 'tpt at t 43 a. u. L I'orlla ! at 71W a, tn. What tat go to I'oelland, tep tU at Ti-a Ielle aad lake a trip down th tVlaiBos yoa will aajoy it, BJ t BJOOay. W. C AILAWAT. Oefl AfL John Oochran, of lone, was in town Wedneeday and made tbe Gazette an ap preciated oall. Some for ten, some for twenty and some for thirty years bave suffered from piles and tben bave been quickly and permanently oured by using DeWitt's Witoh Hazel Salve, tbe great remedy for piles sud all forms of ikin diseases. For sale by Oonser A Brock. Miss Iffle Matlock, ot Portland, is visiting ber parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Matlook of tbis city. Old People. Old people wbo require medicine to regnlate tbe bowels and kidneys will find tbe trne remedy in Electric Bitters, This medioine does not stimulate and contains no whisky nor othsr intoxicant, but acts a tonio and alterative. It aots mildly on tbe stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the performance ot tha funotions. Eleotrio Bitters is an excellent appetiser and aids digaslion. Old People find it jnst i- sotly wbat tbey need. Prios fifty cents and fl.00 per bottle at Consor A- Brock's VP Interesting of the ,, u,. product. After leaving th crude stilU It apenrs agnln In "sweetening stills. Drag Store. Green Mathews is preparing his store room Id tb City hotel property (or lbs fruit and grocery stand. Not only piles of th very worst t od can b cured by Dawitt't Witcb Hi sal Halve, but er terns, scalds, bores, bruis es, boils, ulcers and all other skin Ironble can b ioataotly relieved by lb aems remedy. For sal by Oooser k Brock. Haw m Train Sweeaa At AUaar lutcrtsting result of an Inreallga tlon of th effect produced by s railroad train on the air through which it move arra preaenled at a rroent meetlnjr of lb St, uni la Academy if Selene by Prof. . E. Mphrr. Itapprarathat mo tion Is communicated lolheatmoaphere ninny fi t t away, no that a large amount of air I drag??"! along with the train. A rruttar dinger arim-a near a swift- running train from the tendency of th moting air to topples prraon oer, and at the same time to rontniunlral a mo tion of rotation to the body, which may cat tee It to roll nrnVr the train. Youth's (Y lit pa li km. rnaaala ( Iraa In the er l Ihe cone n in pt Ion of Iron, iwr luhabitdut. : For (ireat I'.rltain. 4i potHtil; jw-lrium. 310; t olisl Stt-e, sxi; Cerinany. M4; rMeten. 170; France. US; A ti atria, 4.1; fi..!n. Hi Italy. 12. and Russia, 1 poiinda. N. Y. Pun. Tb t'aaal toaraa. Mr. Crealbrad-Why la It that alncr yo rr nominated for an office you ba been drlnklntf ao heavily? Mr. Creel heed -Can I l helpnl, m a few miles from Chicago, at Whiting. Ind., is the largest oil refinery in the world. Naphtha, benzine, gasoline or kero sene, the last often called coal or il luminating oil, belong to the same family. The three first named being lighter oils, do not require nearly so much handling to bring them to per fection as the kerosene. This, of course. Is easy to believe, but when it is said that from the same crude oil, after all tbe lighter oils have been distilled out, wax is mnde so closely resembling the product of the bee as to deceive even an expert, and that it is used In chew ing gum factories, candle factories. laundries and even in candy factories, one is often met with a polite look of doubt or an Incredulous shrug of the shouldeirs. Yet It is so. It is possible to go yet further, and ay that hundred nf homos In Whiting and Chicago will be made comfortable thia winter by the refuse that adheres to the bottom and sides of the "stills" after even the wax has been pressed out. This ref use jnakes a good coke, Is easily lighted, and la warmer, cleaner and cheaper than coal. Ilnndred of tons aire re moved from the stills daily before they sre "charged" sgsin, and hundreda of those who use this fuel do not know that It was once crude oil, dng In the Ohio fields and piped on to Whltlnjr. The carbon used In electric lights ia also made from thla coke. Nothing Is vastrd. As the most common the keronene oil Thb Bosa Fbbd Yard. The first feed yard tbe teamster strikes in Heppner is that conduoted by William Gordon, next door to the Heppner Gazetto ranob. Mr. Gordon is accommodating, bas a good yard and abundant facilities to take care ot stock in first olsss shape. His prices are very reasonable. Be bas bay and grain for sale. Has lately added a car load of baled timothy. tf. Gome to tbe Gazette offioe and get a decent lot of envelops printed. Government envelops look obeap, and besides you cannot get your business card printed tbereon. tf SUMMONS, TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TWE STATE. 1 of Oregon, for the County of Movnv. The Oregon Mortgage Company, j.irauea, a corporation, riain tiff, vs. Berend Pnppenga and Ella Pop- peuga, v eienaanis. . To Berend Poppenga and Ella Poppenga, dar fendants above named. In the name of the State of Oregon ; . You ares hereby required to appear and answer or othen wiie plead to the complaint Bled against youi in the above entitled suit on or before the firs day of tha next regular term of the Clrouitt Court for Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: Monday, the 6th day of September, 1897; and if you fail to ao answer or otherwise piead',. for want thereof, plaiutiff will take judgment; against defendant, Berend Poppenga, for the sum of 450.00 together with interest thereon a the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 1st day of December, 189S, and for tbe furthetr sum of (60.00 attorneys' fees and for the casta in this suit, and plaintiff will apply to Mia court for a decree of foreclosure ana sale of tks following described mortgaged premises, tto wit: TheSWMof the NEk'and the 8 of thw 8WU and the NWV of the 8WU of section vr.. townanip , soutn or range ', u. w. m., ana ion the application of the proceeds of said sale oft property to the payment of the Judgment andl costs herein prayed for against defendant,. Berend t oppenga. This summons is published by virtue of am order made by Hon. Stephen A. Lowell. Judge of the above entitled court on the 23rd day of.' VUiy, 18W. LHJB8. M-77 Attorneys lor rialntlns. "Never Fail" headache wafers at Oon ser k Brook's. Tbis medioine will cure any kind of a beadaobe in short order. tf. Pot a quarter in your pocket and don't spend it till you get down to Low Ttllsrd's. Finest liquors and oigars. Near oily ball. a Sea those new Russian Tan shoes down at Liobtentbal's. Latest styles, best quality, reasonable prices. You cannct do better anywhere. tf Come in and subscribe (or tbe "Gssoo." Now is tbs time. You don't waot to mis a whole lot nf good, hard resdiog tbst is now being published in oar "Only." Any person wbo is interested in British Columbia should write to W. H. Horlburt, goners! psssengersgent of tb 0. R & N for a copy of Pst Donsn's lit tle "booklet," -The New Bonaozaland." II is well worth tb trouble. 60-tf. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE BTATK of Oregon, for Morrow county. Rothchlld Brothers, Plaintiffs, Robert Krick, Defendant. To the above named defendant, Robert Srirk: In the name of the State of Oregon: Yea era hereby required to appear and answer the ena plalnt filed against you in tha above entitle) cause ef action on or before tha first day of flat next term of the above entitled court, to-wit: . Monday, the 6th day of September, 1897; and if you fail ao to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will taka Judgment, against you for the sum of $141, the costs and disbursements of this action, and for the sale, of the property belonging to you heretofore at tached In this action, and will apply the pro-, cetxli of said sale to the payment of said Judg ment, costs and disbursements. This summons is served on yon In pursuance of an order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered In laid action on the 21et day of July, 1V7. BROWN A REDFIRLD, 64-77 Attorney for PlalnttA. Teaober's xsmlnelioa began is Hepp ner Aug. It, with tb followlog appli cant in attendance: 0ra Driakall Maud Both, Myrtl Uornor, Mr. Ooey. MaUIGla-aoook and Haiti Hcbofl.ld applyiog tor oouaty certificate and A. W, Skinner for a slat crtiflcu. Hackle' Antra Salve. Tb Beat Halt la th world for Cuts, Brut, Hor, Uloer. Salt Rheum, Fvvar Korea, Teller. Chapped Haads. Cull blame. Corns, and all Hkio Erup tions, and positively cure rile or aa pv required. It t guaranteed to civ perfect aallefaclloa or money rvfoodad. Prlc 'ifl reals par boi. For sal by Oeaer ft Brock. cr in the "compound cylinder," which perform the Mine work aa the swect- rnlng stills, but In a newer Invention, snd 1 patented by an outsider, who al Iowa only 40 In each refinery, The "sweeteners" form an Important fac tor in the refining of Ohio oil. Owing to the "compound" before mentioned and the continuous friction of the Im mrnae wire bmahes. which Veep the oil In , mad whirl, it loaea much of It had odor. It I again vapored off, cooled In the condenser boxe and paaard off Into the "steam stills" for the nest process. In the steam stills It Is treated just tbe same aa In the two previous proceas- rs, with the addition of a washing by stesm from perforated pipes psaaing through It. It Is "vapttretf" off aa 1 fore, and now on would auppoae that It wsa ready for use. Not quite. The keroaen oil now paaaea Into th agi tator for tbe final proc. Tbeagiiaur Is a funnel-shsprd tank In w hich the oil Is treated with acid and beaten and blown about by a machine railed a blower ami washed by torrents of tas ter until it roar like the lake In a storm. Every psiilcl of foreign mat ter Is thus etpelled. It Is then pumped eff Into tbe storage tanks for shipping, Chicago Trl bun. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all fat-; ea beuaesseoadacted lor MaacasTt rtia. OueOmeltaOeeeerrtu,. PaTtavomei od we cease, are patent ia ka bus Uaa Ifcuec emote from Waahinr urn. bead model, drama er pnoto with cWrlp tiae. We adviee, if patentable or aai, Irre at ,tni Otf laa aat dne till aettat a eecand. a a)Mt.rT, no iKxaia reteaas." wnn lea of seat ia tha W. ft. aa toraifa caaainee eat was. Addraaa, C.A.SNOW&CO. aaBS mVmm Alfiel. WftftMBaTeftT. H. fi. fat NORTH Ee.CI.fIO Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1669.) Published Weekly at Portland, Or. DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, . Live-Stock and Turf. Worth It weight in gold to vary farmer tod breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: W.00 PER YEAR, Htm pi eopi fr.) Rdrsl Spirit and Ossett both tor $3.60, oab, at Ibis office. .17- u jiTTsiJiS c& 3LTOIsJS iYttoriioxrim tit Law, AU botiosM attended to it prompt and stlsfactory manner. Notaries Public sad Oollector. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BCILDINO. HEPPNER, i i i i , OREOOH WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Puget Sound Navigation (!o NOTKX All arao taJablad ia Bote Dd a eodot dn to Nobl ft Co, ftr rrqnld to some forward and aelll tm as sna a paaaibl. W slill ronttsa la bneinaM and will swll goods a low ft cs b boofbl any wbr la lb suiav, Nobl k On. Ilarpoev. Of., Jas It. "V7. tf. dear; I B.uaht spend m' llm. Wf MmMt9trMtltmi . vl rLJ.?:- 1 JEiti! S 1 au .r Tb anansl iaalitata o( Ifurrew ao. ly for lJl, will begla Aug. ,H)ib. J. U ill tia ih coa- lly lavitad to ATItNTt TRIATEO BY MAIL MAIL , h ii e.a.., t ivkw ', at ')' ( t a a '. t- ' UiM 1 f A rraetaa laa Queea Victoria's roronatloa ring Is rr oat of hr alg at, and I worn by ker rry tvtnlnf. 1 1 la ft band of gold, ooatalnliHT a croaa la niHlea surrounded by w hit brilliants, A nronUoa ring ' aappoaed to raibollt tb weddlrg ot th ovfrtifw wa tha eatlea. Al ttsy JoMvatl td. Sick bead a-u aa b quickly sud coat plelaly ovaraos by aetng too Ibmo Itilla pill knwa "Iwwiu' Liltl Early tHawr," fft J by Ouar k Brock. I m. Joba W. Rnta , of tb lUdlnbl iba k Wr oa diangbt Ih Hop I Gold. lkt t4 Iitt9r aaI etgar la tttxk. If - - - - - Q e..i 4 w 1 Skiaefi TELLTllOM, lAIliT 61TZET 1.ND OCEAX WlVt Leaving Aider Htreot IXek, PortUad, for Aitoria. tlwaco, Long BcIl fW. Park sod Nabeotla. ihrMl aooaeotioa with tlw.oo stasm.r, ,od rail road j alao at Yooag' Bay vttk 8aahor lUilroad. TBiiiirnoiNrx Lasvas Fort land I A. al. Pally, ateept Soaday. Leaee Aalorta 1 1". M. pally, tirvpt uM xJ.A.xrsnr oATsnnitT lare farUaad f. M tlly, er Sa4a. Saturday atrht, 11 P M t, . ' st t at A. it., earept saaday aad ataaday. Suaday aihi. ITS N oa-ajk.Tr wavh lBaaB aNtsrtlalts4 Kt tVsl m ftal ailaaal laS tlBaWMft Tnaavla tA Tft. . at a a.. Uas II. e-. sad rrtday T.T M Ua ivadaf st al M spT aL ' P' " Eagtt Otffifw hhd IVlitiljM BmIi Efvin Fitt of lrmt "tftk the rulibrr out of your Brck Snd I f f SaMy , IpeL CoaUort, riaaenra, Traeal aa th Telephaaa, ftal I ; OeUerl tad Ora a;v i vii s: . nita a win i acvm, ibib gird with on of amusement, Ih llttl on aald. polatlnf flrl to Well and thea to Willard: "If I bad th rtil'lrf aKLTJa-Jr.'SS THE PALACE IIOTET. It ad rl and rid aay." With ihla quirk . -L,VAV retort tha yotisg tailaa walked away T C "HO F? CI TT1?T) Q "T.. ltbftafu.rtedfTioherpreity V-r XV-rAvJ.J JliLlO.-XrOl). fae, il. pea) f isugkta-r trow th """! ' rbief and other utt oerft. 6tll I , . , , ,. . . t'ot lawn cv.eer. KcCDS tllC TinCSt WinCS. Llflliorc nnrl CI " 1 Velt4I&. ftka Eaaw th CbMuiIm. The net tint rVrgt. Willard and Drirt tive Wells sttrmpl to ")oh" any little girls they will wait unoUl do on rla Ia around. The other afternoon Chief Roger. lVlerUtes Pbllllp. Wrlls and I'bllbrkk. Jailer Peer and tlerk Itml wer oa the front porrk of headquarter, whea ft little girt, not more than sis years of age, stood oa the snletaslk In-low liaWning to th routrraatlon. "Ilrllu, liltl one, what er you 'rubber-necking' ther forT aid Willard. "Vea." abided Welle,