Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 13, 1897, Image 3

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    Almost Blind
Scrofula Affects the Eyes -Little
Boy Treated by an Oculist With
out Relief -But Now He Is Well.
( ' When toy little boy was three months
old his eyes became very sore and he was
almost blind. 1 took him to an oculist
who treated him for six months, and left
him as bad as he was at the beginning.
Finally Hood's Sarsaparilla was recom
mended and I began giving it to him.
In less than three weeks he was able
to go Into the sun without covering
his eyes, and today his eyes are perfectly
well, and his ears and nose, which were
badly affected, are also well. Hood's
Sarsaparilla has certainly done wonders
for my boy." Mbb. James H. Painter,
Amador, California. Remember
Sarsaparilla ra
Purifier. All druggists. $1, six for $5. Get Hood's.
Ii i pun are the only pills to take
rlOOa S FI I IS with Hood's SarsaparlUa,
Take Notice.
cLZtiZt 8port, nnmber "'onteeos, bat when it
aaruut " Hotel rt m , I tnmA - Lit V i t
Oid Sport Not Bln Able to be ea Deck,
Apoolnts a Deputy A Fw Items that
will Probably Cost the Depaty's ''Up
holstered Beat."
Hia Koyal Greatness, Sport, having
bad an accident happen to bis important,
carcass, It is bat natural for him to ap
point reoeiver nntil big recovery. Bat
it is feared he won't survive. He was
engaged la writing an artiole about a
certain individual and when he bad
about floished the sentence. "He was
a man of honor and itegrity, always ad
mlnietertiog to tbe wants of suffering
humaoity, a ureat philanthropist, a
christian gentleman and always paid his
deb " Right here is where be began
to get weak and nervous. He happened
to thick that the fellow he was trving to
eulogize owed him an aooouot, and a
just aocount, and before he oould quite
nnisn tbe word "debts," some strange
aud unknown power came along,
"enatohed" bis pencil from bis hand and
broke his conscience. So you oan
readily see what dire calamities often
times befall writers of tbe press for
attempting to magnify a man's little vir
tares into big one's aud pull up their big
faults by tbe roots
Deputy is not capable of filling Old
respect," list of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news.) and
uuwviBiai uirouMKH iur wn&cever purpose
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Now that the great political campaign
is over and tbe winter season again with
us, all will want an adeannJa ennnlv nf
fresh and varied reading matter for the DePnv wi" chanoe Ml " should
long evenings. Cognizant of this the
oomes to making a "bad stand or a good
mo,' the Deputy oan lay it over bis
superior by great odds. But that isn't
what's worrying the newly Installed
deputy as muoh as the fact that when
Old Sport reoovers from bis ailments
(but it is hardly probable that he will)
bis appointee is likely to sutler the loss
of tbe "last rose of summer," or whatever
it is oalled. In that case a good oieoe of
sole-leather and an artist would be
necessary to repair tbe loss, and all this
costs money and heartaches, etc. But
y' j' y"
vivvis" viv
viv VIV VIV -iv VIV
A True Nerve
Tonic and Blood Purifier
Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood,
Regulates the Liver, Rowels and Kidneys.
Heiiati.3r, Oregon.
et-Oct u
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
Tbe GAZETTE 92.50 and ' Club Rate
Weekly Oregonlan, 1.60... $3.50
" B. F. Examiner, $1.60 8.75
" N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, 11.00 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle, 1.50 8.75
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, 1.00 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 60c a.60
Leslie's Weekly, 14.00 5.00
Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Clause No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
Kpworth Leagne Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
1 raver meeting, j nunany, up. m.
''The Spirit and the bn gay. I
1 nay. Com. "
The pa'tor may be fonnd at tha namonam ad.
joining the oliurch, where he will be glad to
meet ay w'o may desire to oonmlt him on
religious, social, eivio, philosophio, educational,
or any otner aubiocta.
J, W. FLEBHKR. Minister.
Here and There.
Shorthorn dairy for best milk and
oream. 67t(
Will Leezer is reported to be much
better lately.
Huokleberries will be a "eoaoe" ar
tiole this year.
Conser k Brook's for tbe "Never Fail"
headache wafer. tf.
T. W. Morgan was In from Eight
Mile yesterday. ,
Milk from single cows for babies at
tbe Shorthorn dairy. 58tf
Glondyke baooo, sis ioobes thick, al
P.O. Thompson Co. 609-70
Heppner Outfitting Go., in the old
Herrea stand, see adv. a
Rsnous is still 00 tbe tart doing a lit
tle oarpenter business. tf
Ernest Piper was up from bis ranch be
low Lexington Monday.
Jas. M. Ilsger is np at Pendleton
lookiog after bis rsocb.
II. D. Randall, of Olex, Glllism coun
ty, was in ton Monday.
Submit your plans to Rsootis before
giving out your contract. it
Best stoek of harvest gloves in Hepp
ter at P. O. Thompson Co. 5t9-70
Floyd a Thomas has bought bslf inter
est in ths Orange Froot business.
Tbers is yst soma wo. io ths wars
bonss at Heppner which is unsold.
. Henry Jones was la from bis littls
Batter ersek renob on last Saturday.
Ton Deed silverware. Trads witb
E. W, Rhea k Co., sod gel it. 669-70
Statements for the Famous Simple
Aooouot File printed al tbs Ossette of
fice. If.
Two plows, a bsrrow and otber farm
Implements to trads for wood. Call on
R. a Wills. 68-tf.
Tbs Uop Qold keg beer st the Wsl
00ms. Oo is, yoo thirsty deoiteas, sod
ses lbs boys. If
reaches, watermelons and all fruits
of lbs seesoo arrivtaf daily al lbs
Orasgs Front. 64-tf
Dorosmsde bread, eskea sod pies
mads sod for sals by Mrs. Lseser at
P. C. Tbom peon's store. tnH-10
ever see him coma down Main street
minus his purse or other important ap
pendages, just pour out a few rays of
compressed sympathy from your heart's
cold-storage, and pass on.
Deputy is informed that Herb Barthol
omew who has been sojourning with a
party of Heppnerites at Trout Lake the
past few weeks bad quite a misfortune
happen to the most important part of
bis external anatomy one day while de
scending Mt. Adams. Some of tbe
boys say tbey thiuk Herb has lost bis
reason, but that isn't it. Worse than
tbatl Unless some kind friend will send
bim a gunny sack, be is likely to earreas
s big tree witb bis bsok until everybody
e'se has left tbe camp.
Tbe sprinkling wagon seems to be on
the siok list, as it has not been seen
wetting the streets for some time. Of
course when there is no water you can't
wet, but it seems that tbere is more than
one way to do the same thing, and for
tbe past few days some of our good citi
zens, bent on a mission of humanity,
bave taken a section of boss from the
boss oart and are doing it tbs old-fashioned
way. : -
Marshal Roberts informs Deputy that
tbe street ear drivers of Heppner are
going to bave a grand pionio and bar
beooe'en tbe 81st of nexl February.
Andy Cook - was over from Butter
creek Saturday. '
fjleri Morrow and family ere out on
Ditch oreek for an outing.
N. A. Leach returned from the Wag
ner section on last Sunday.
. Harrison Cnmminga was down from
Hardman on last Saturday.
Jo Bannister was in from Hardman
00 last Friday and Saturday.
A. Andrews and daughters were up
from Alpine on last Saturday.
W. T. Fell snd wife, of Pendleton
arrived io H-ppner this morning.
Born To Mrs. Oliver Andrews, Wed
nesday, Aug. 1Kb, 9-pouod boy.
Jaa. F. Johnson, postmaster at Pen
die too, came in on this morning's train,
All propositions mads by E. W. RHs
k Co. in Ihis leans are for osah Irads
only. 6G9-70
Mrs. Alex Thompson and little son
ars enjoying tbs pleasures of Long
Beaob, Wash.
Do yon want teaspoon, tablespoons,
and other silverware Toa eo set il
al E. W. Rhea Go's. B69-70
Born To Mrs. William Fntx, Sunday,
Ant. 8tb, a fine 12-pnnnd boy. Mother
and babe are doing wall.
W. R. F.rwio, who has been ith
Minor k Co, for sime lime, is teklog
his sommer vetioo over in B. O.
Mies Martha Neville, whfis teaching
school al PoHtarj I, arrived In f!pper
bis morulas f' s visit Io bar paresis
on Willow ers-k.
Mee Mshls OoMrv baa returned from
SvtalttoThs Dallee. Her slater. Mrs.
Johnson, who resides in Tbs Dalles,
esma with her for visit with br par
Mrs. Bhnrte and Two Children Are Suffo
cated in a Burning House.
Our neighboring town of Arlinton is
draped in mourning. On Tuesday night
a fire broke ont in the residence of O.
A. Sbnrte aod ere tbe family could be
rescued from tbe burning building,
Mrs, Sbnrte and two children were suffo
cated. Mr. and Mrs.. Shnrte were resi
dents of Heppner about 10 years ago
and bave many friends and ac
quaintances here who were pained to
bear of the terrible misfortune. Mr.
Sbnrte was a number of years ago one
of the teachers of tbe Heppner public
sohools. Tbe East Orgonian gives the
following aocount of the holocaust:
"Mrs. O. A. Sbnrte and two ohildren,
a boy of two and another of eight years,
lost their lives in a fire last night at
Arlington. Tbey have relatives at Wes
ton, and Rev. O. W. Barnhart, pastor of
tbe M. E. ohurob at Arlington, passed
through this forenoon on bis way to
that plaoe. It is bis mission to break
tbe sad news to the relatives, who are
Mrs. Wishard, mother of Mrs. Shurte,
and her son and daughter.
Last night about 10 o'clock, Mrs.
Sbnrte and children retired, her hus
band remaining up nntil a half hour
later. All slept np stairs. When be
went to bed he put out all to, lights
In about an bonr he swoks, for what
reason be does not know, and deteoted
the smell of smoke. He ran diwo
iteira and foaod tbs sitting room abtazt
He hurried to tbe kitohsn aod turned
on the hydrant. Qing outside, he se
oured tbe boss aod kicking io tbs wio
dow iu frool of ths bouse, be played
Tbe Southern Paciflo railroad company
has deoided to sell tiokets from all
stations on its lines io Oregon, at one
fate for the round trip. In view of the fact
that our people bave been favored with
abundant crops, it is oon6dent1y expeot
ed that the state fair at Salem will have
a better attendance than ever before,
and in order to give all an opportunity
to visit this great institution of whioh
the DeoDle of the entire state have rea
son to be proud, this popular line of
railroads has reduoed too fare so as to
enable all to see one of tbe grandest
displays ever exhibited at Salem. Tbe
Fair opens Sept. 30tb, and closes Oot.
Now repared to do Any
Kind of Printing Don't
Send Your Orders Away
'Till You Get the Gazette's
E.O. : James Hager, one of Morrow
oounty's successful sbeepgrowers, was
iu town Wednesday. Mr. Hager resides
in Heppner, but has a large ranch on
Willow oreek, where bis sheep aod wool
bring him wealth. He brings tbe usual
report of good feeling in Morrow county
on aooouot of better prices, He has in
terests iu this oouoty also, near Adams,
where be owns two farms, a- d grows a
wheal crop alternately upon each. Tbe
quarter eeotim oropped this year will
bring bim 6000 bushels of good grain.
Al the City Bakery en h fonnd all
kinds nf fresh bread, sake. plo, hnne
snd vrythln aerially fonnd In first'
etaas bakery. Cbme grooris, freeh
Insetting foor outfit tor Clondyks, veyelehlea, fm.ts aod watermelons will
don't forget to gel an toe sreaa freeter
from T. C Tbtnpeoe Co. GC9-70
Best sMossmodstloa and eonrteeos
trestmeol si ths Imperial nUl, Seventh I
and Wash. His., Portland, Oregon.
Charley Jones has rsdsoed lbs prk-s
of shaving to IS seels. Wben yon
want first class sbsvs, sail al tbs earns
old si aod. tf.
Tnoas) who daelra rw bsttd saovkl o
pl4 thai C. E. Raaons, ib
tnwtor, Is rvdy to oaaks estimates at
ay time.
Cross k Bl ark well's fancy rtosls and
sanoad goods. isdnrsJ prk. Orange
Fmet, cpo. City Wsl, Cor. Main end
Willow streets. &tf
Every e snUsriber of lbs flesetls
(rosj lb dU, May 33, 137. will rtvs
a premium a book wodh stone the
prVe f the ober(piln. tf .
hs kepi constantly on
ssts al Ihis n'aoe
waste stam ps. ' I Save
your Schilling's Best 'yellow
tea-tickets, and send several
guesses lor that
word in one envelope.
Schilling's Best money
Rules of contest published in l;irge
advertisement about the first and middle
of sach month. a 16
noon tbs nanes and suoceeaea. ns
thought, in putting out tbe fire. Heiback tea, at your grocer's.
. . . I , i L - I -
OOnllDusa 10 inrow water on toe emir
wsy until be was sure oo firs remained.
All lbs tine Mr. Shnrte wondered
why bis wits and sons did not Oome
down stairs, as bs ha 1 awkoad them
when bs discovered Ibe fire. He lonksd
up Ibe stairway sal niticed that ths
opper part of ths liooss was full of
smoks. Hs ran Io lbs rsar of lbs house
aod ssw thai it was afire. Hs elimbed
upon ths kitoben shsd aod kioked in
tbs window at ths room wbers his sou
was slsepiog. Bleak sm ke p mred ont,
snd bs oould not enter. Frantioally bs
roshed to tbs front of ths bonis aod en
deavored io vain to climb upon lbs
portion. Al this tins n hired girl, Mlas
Nsllis France, jumped from n window
and savsd tier lifs.
Tbs firs department and oitlsens now
arrived, snd fonod Mr. Hbarts nearly
ersxsd from n realisation thai bis family
was lost. Ladders were plaoe 1 upon
ths port i 00, and as soon ss posslbls fire
men eetered the sleeping rooms occupied
by Mrs, Shorts sod children. B ith lbs
latter wers fonnd to bs dead from suffo
cation snd tbs mother lived but a few
mlnntes after being brought outside.
Mrs. Sbnrte was bsld in moob sateem,
sod lbs awfol death of herself aod
children is sad blow to lbs sommooi
ly. Ths bosSsnd is nearly ineans from
grief. Hs is prominent man at Arling
ton, being manager of lbs J. W. 8m. lb
mereaolils boo."
Heretofore the Gazette's job depart
ment has tried to do no work other than
plain printing. However, this shop is
now prepared to tackle anything in any
line and will meet prioes of any person
under the sun in tbe line of drnggists'
supplies, blank bonks, bank work,
oouoty work, or any sort of book bind
ing work that you bave heretofore sent
away to get done.
Tbe Guzstte shop is not a oharity
ooncern but it you will give us a ohauoe
we will see that you- are satisfied iu
every particular.
Buy your goods at home. Remember
that Abe Lincoln said that when one
bought goods away from home tbe
foreigner got the money and we gut tbr
goods. But when tbe goods were
bought at home we had loth money
and goods. This is good doctriue. We
are willing to abide bv it. When the
printiug drummer com,ea to Iowd, re
member it and call up 'phone No. 8.
Fine, new, full cream cheese constant
ly on bund st store of P, O. Thompson
Oo. 569-70.
Bread made from wbeut Hour at Mrs
Leezer's bakery. Fur rale at store ol
P. 0. Thompson Co. 50-70
Call on E. W, Rhea k Oo. and get
particulars of their ne silverware de
parture. It will interest you. 509 70
Mr, and Mr. Burroughs bave gone to
the mountains to enjoy a several weeks'
outing io the au!e of tbe slanting
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
grooeries and supplies ; yon want sub
stantial gents' furnishings. Yon oan find
what you want at T. R. Howard's.
TT. R. Howard
Main Street, Heppner. Oregon.
Was Perfected by the
Production of
A Boarding and Day School for Boys Under
Military Discipline.
iiraMnt mnmmit l-mi Hrnt. H. I W7.
Tie XHh ondtr Hi
Ihia innlltntlon a ttiornuahfjr riii'l Iur Ida nirnlal, tori I. ili)niral
Bfin moral iraunns' "' nor. 1 lionHinli pro, aral on for any colli or
riMillfto M-hool. (Ira tmitxa at i.rwm I 1 Wt Point. Mamrliy.
"II It atiliita of Trhnol7, hll Uriirrraltm of California. Ilnli.
I'r-lirlaina, Mian find anil Mriil. l)nnn taxation tiaitur fl ma
fromSto I'J a. m. For rataloarna ann oltrr infornialliHi, arlilrraa 0,a
I'rtttmi, i. W. HILL, M. 1'orllanil, (. 1'. U drawtr II.
SI Hooi. IS.
Jnd now the entire world
Knows tins verfect product
As the Star Brewery beer
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Wsshlngton St., Portions', Or.
W. P. Johnson, Sswark.O says "One
Minute Coif a fur saved tnf rnly shild
frofn dviftf bv rnif," f ha eave-t
lrnnands of ners snrTerist from sroa
pseamnis. hrnnrhtHs ssd t)tht sertotis
throat and Iseg nblee. For sals by
CoBser k Broek.
II e alwave grafylsff to rt teatl.
mntiUts for Ctiewitwrlsis'sCnlK Chslers
anl DtarrHoea R.s1r. sod wbs the
eadnrsewieat Is trrtm s physVlssj II Is
sefwrlalty sn, 'Tbers at so men ealla
fsrWy rw fTMve remedy thai Cham
hftftaln's CholiA, Owners and rManHtes
Rm..l7 wHt-e T. R. F- TV.hey. ftV
sHss and phermertat, f O'ot, M".
and ss hs sas ths rwedf la hie
r.t Nml'y anl snl it In fcl Amt enrs
In sli yesr. M HaiM eertalslf kaow,
fnt nit by OtMf 4 !Vx-i.
B. F. Ollbar, of Denver, Colorado,
as old lims friend of lbs Oagatts's frs
rnso, arrived la Ileppnsr this rooming
ssroots Long Creek, where bs bss
eerwpled lb foraoaaosbip of ths F.sgls
offln. Mr. Coltbar la ss all-round
sswepspor eaas of aollnilUd eipsrienr
sad bss owned sad sdilsd several flmt-
slass weekly Jioroals so J will, no dmbl,
proves valostile seqoieilion I1 Ibsnsws-
nsDSf sad jb dprtrniil of thai
Horopter Nsws: Our oil frio-i aod
lor ma r sssorlats la Ibis psper, Mr. F. i.
Helloek, leaves to I ay for llappser, on
borsebark over lbs saonstsisi Io bs goes
a short time. Ws wish bim a pi seal
trip se J bops bs will sooa bs witb as
Diss Jas aod son, OrvilU, hsve
relsrnsd fro their loir of lbs llr) r.
wbers thy plaster d lbs aoaetry far sad
wide with lb fam ! Ilprr's baaU
sees ssea, sa l a Insky rook il was that
Diisesd tbs art it.
to faet, any person, or person, rralding wit bin
h eily limits, or euniy limiu, whoelisll be
esngbl riding, or walking, by lbs store of
-Ttr sol Jaae." wrnls IIHI rWasI
Jimmies to his fibv's sister, "I tbl I
mmA viu asd tell v thai sjs hse got a
baby hopisg lbe fas lioa sill tea yoa
tbs $m pri Bsfya rBsy."
Cigars, syrnps, harvest glove, or Ostrioh feather
dusters; also soios other things, duo't lorgel to
eall on
Wllbosl stopping st IhealMiVe nenlioeed slirrs
III b DotiQed by lb Cny Marshal Ibal lbs
oaly plass la Heppner ya ran boy ,
I! ' I! ST
fs al lb Mtor of MINOK k t il Onr sent
He mail gi Io nske rwire fr fall sl-k ,
, i
i i
. j
Heppner Outfitting Co.
Cfill 011
At this popular stand and get goods at hall
the old prices. Fact.
You con Woger Your Sox that You
ore Alwnys at Home at ....
Os Mala Htreel, In City Ifotei Building.
fby try ts plea all. Fiss slab rooms la coaeactloa.
T-rOW 'rirTv-VII, Prop,
Tho GAZETTE, $2,50 A Year for CASH,