Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 13, 1897, Image 1

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    Portland Library
With a New Summer Ad.
... .
The Gazette Does Job Work
With a New Summer Ad.
.. The Gazette Does Job - Work
NO. 570
'Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
OTIS PATTERSON. AGENT. " o the Be.t In the
Three Important Points.
FIRST-Go via. St, Paul be-
At $150 per rear, tl.25 for six months, 75 eta. CAU86 the liDCS to that Doint Will
' y aflord you the very best service.
Advertising Rates Made Known on SECOND See that the coupon
mii:- oevonn Ht. j-nm ranrla via. thn
lBuuuBiu central Deoauae wai ji. y w.
ma PAPER U Kent on tile at E. O. Oaka'a ""o maaco unwo cuuuociiuuo Willi
I Advertising Agency. B4 and 65 Merchants all the tfans-COntinental lines 61)
Gxohangs, Ban Franouoo, California, where cou- , . ., TT
tta for advertising can be made for it. IBUHg me UD10Q JepOl Were, 8Uu
its service is first-class in everv
0: R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Particular.
McClure's Magazine
For 1897
Train leaves HeDDner 11 r. m. daily exoent TFTTRXi TiV.,. ir.fAi-m.lmn noil
Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 1:80 a. m. ii j i ,i
Leaves Heppner Janction 3:40 a. m. and ar-I On yOXXT neighbor BDCl friend the
I SwtoVExSrWNor. leave. Portland at 2: nearest ticket agent and ask for a
A New Lite of 6rant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of
tirant ever published. (Begins in December.) . .
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.)
Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished
(Begins in May.) - .
Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical
years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probablv better
fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period from his
reooueuuons ana corresponaence.
Ldtlmfua'QTD "eppner imeUoa 8:15 P- m- ticket reading Via. - the Wisconsin portraits of 6reat Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series
Portland Exorewi No. 8. from Bookim. arrivm, central Iinefl. OT address V; " iuuii.u P?V" i"es'i'..i uu. .u u0.oi who ui
. TT till... KJUt,, 1 IT t i.1 a.tn I '
Milwaukee, Wis.
at Umatilla 5:05 a. m. and Heppn r Junction 6:10 jas j. pon(j
Fant Mail Nn. 2 leavna PnrlUnd 8 n. m. and nr. Sn.
lives at Heppner Janction 1:80 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:40 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:40 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 1:47 a. m. and at
Portland 7 :6C a. m.
For further information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. K 4 N., Heppner, Ore. .
or Geo. 8. Batty,
General Agent,
246 Stark St., '
Portland Or.
Cummings & Fall,
neel&l bloirrari
MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln.
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction,
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, In which he will use his extraordinary
a place beside Poe and Gaboriau.
talent for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes"" stories, given him
United States Officials.
P esident William McKinley
V ee-Presldent ...Garret A. Hobart
secretary of State John Sherman
Oecrelarjr of Treasury Lyman J. Gage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Beoretary of War.... Hansel I . Alger
Secretary of Navy .John D. Long
Of the Old Sellable
Gault House,
Secretary f Agrionltnre...: James Wilson ieLuiif.Nmi!! ' ' li7, the subscription prlee of which U only .
One Dollar a Year
IAN M ACLAREN, All the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the exception
of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long ago, will
appear in McClure's Maoazimi. ,,t
JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories In the same field as the "Brer
Kabbit" ana the "Little Mr. Thlmbleflnger" stories
RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McClum's
an di vne anon siories new m wriie uuriug uie coming year,
OCTAVE TRANIT is preparing for the Maqazins a series of short stories in which the same
- cnaracier wui appear, aitnougn each will be complete in itself.
Anthony Hope Bret Herte Robert Berr
Frank R. Stockton . ' Stanley Weyman Clark Russell
will all have stories In McClure's for the coming year.
State of Oreenn
Governor W. P. Lord
Secretary of State..... H. R. Kincaid
Treasurer Phil. Metaohan
nnpt. Public instruction U. n. Irwin
. ...u. m. laieman
. MoBride
Attorney General.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., .
8nprem, Judges.,
( H. 8. 1
....If. a.
tC. K.i
While yon utepyonr subscription paid np yea I
oaakeep your brand in tree of charge.
Bore. P. O.. HeDDner. Or .Horses. PBi.n left I
snomaer; cattle, same on lert mp. .
Cook. A. JLena.Or. Horaea. Won riihtshnol
ttue, aame on riant nip: ear mark aquare I
orop off left and split in right. I
(G. W.
I J. H. Mitchell
I Binger Hermann
W. ft. EUis
.... w. a. teeas
K. S. Bean.
8ixtb Judicial District.
Clronit Judge......;... Stephen .Lowell v
rroaecaung anornej ....u. pwu
Borrow Mnnty umciais. Douglass. W. M .. Galloway. Or.-Cattle, B D en
Joint Senator... ... A, W. Gowan right side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, B D
Itepreanntative. . nniwn on lerx hip.
louijty Judge, A. G. Bartholomew Ely hrnt Douglas, Or.-Horaa branded ELY
Cmmlasioners J.B. aowara on Ieft .houlder, cattle same on leftbip. bolt
CI A J W. Morrow to riht "ur-
Rheriff 'l"".".H.'k.' L.' Matlock Florenoe, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF ob
" Traaanrn'.'.' Frank Gilliam right hip; horses. F with bar under on right
AHr A. C. relieve shoulder.
...... J. w. noruor jonea, Harry, Heppner, ur. Horses branded
....Jay W. Shipley K J on the left ahonUier; cattle braudnd J on
B. F. Vaughau right hip. also anderbit in left ear. Range in
xrFKKB tows otiob. morrow oouniy.
Mot ...' .Thqs. Morgan Jnhnsnn, Felix, Lena, Or. HnraM, nimlaT on
C'Kineiliaan Goo. Conser, Frank left stifle; oattle, aame on right hip, nader half
Gilliam, Arthnr Minor, K. J. Blecum, . M . srop in ri-M. and split 'ji left ear
Liohtenthal and J. B. Simons. .... , Kenny, Mike. Heppner, Or. Hones branded
H enrder -..W. A. Klrhardaon KNY on toft h,p oattl. aame and orop ofl left
T.eaaarer '"'a A hLliSS sarj under alope on the right
""h4 - tM,oww Leahey, J. W. Heppner Or.-Horaes branded
Precinct OBeere. Land Ann ieft shoulder; settle same on left
Jnatioeotthe Peace W. K. Hiohanlson hip, wattle over right eye, three aliU in right
rn.tble N. B.Wbeutone
United States lAad OSieera. Minor, Oaoar, neppner, nr. ttle, M D on
... I ngnt tup; none, non lert snomaer.
I. F. Moore
A. S. Biggs
B. F, Wilann
J. H. Bobbins
The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number.'
The S. S. McClure Co., New York.
School ttup't...
" Coroner
A Campaign
Of Education
How to Get It
3Box3arr ocmniia.
Q. A. B.
Meta at Lexington. Or, the hat Saturday of
.eh month. All veterans are Invited to Viu.
Q.W. Bmita. v;.". ruJA.
AdioUnt. U
., ; . I m u II ....... r- U m I
, Beoeiver I on lert aaoaiaei eetue seme on lert nip.
Oahnrn. J. W TVrnlu Or.t km II Uf
Reclater sliAnldar: nattla ani on rfvht hiti.
iwoeivnr I " . - - I
left shoulder.
Pioar. J. H.. Lexington. Or. Hiireaa. JR eon.
aented on left ahoulder; oattle, eame on laf hip.
mmate skill.
To be educated one must read
the best literature.
The best literature Is expensive.
Leslie's Illustrated
Pub'lsned at 110 fifth Avenue,
New York, is full of the best things.
Its Illustrations are superb; its
stories charming; and 114 literary
departments are edited with eon-
anrW bit in each ear.
Iteotnr. 1. W.. HeDDner. Or. Horace. JO ot
left shoulder. CetUe,Oon right hip.
fl perry, K. 0. Heppnar. Or. Cattle W C oe I
Dr. P. B. McSwords',
left hip, orop off right and undarbit in left year, I
oewiaoi nonea . im im anoaiae. i
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or Hnrsss. o I
Offloa in tb CHjr Drag Store, near crop and h..l. in Uft ear. Beoge in Morrow
IiuviuMni ay . a. saersnsjar. i
Uft ahimldrri oattle. 'Aua loft ahoaldar.
Turner B. W.. Heppner. Or.-MmaU capltel T
Uft sh.iolder, horaeai oattle eame oa Uft hip I
wiui apniiamai
Wa'tmbarmr. W. J.. Galloway. Or.i hone I
I quarter etitiTe JW on right ahoaldar; ealtle I
quarter eiroU J W nn right hip and nalit at-e, I
Such a paper U a great popular educator. It should be in every ' V
The subscription price of Leslie's Is $4 pe nniim.
We make the unparalleled offer of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $5.00.
No such offer was ever made before. No such offer will svrr be made
again. These two papers make a most eooeptabls Christmas or blrthdsy
gift, and will be constant reminders of the giver' kindness.
Remit by postal erder or check to the
True v Story nt the "Publlc-Ile.
Damned" Affair.
One of the very few epigrammatic ut
terances of the multi-millionaLrcs of
America one which has become as fa
miliar to the people of the Eng-lisli-
speaking world as Shakespearean quota
tionswas the "public be damned" dec
laretion of the late William II. Vnntfer-
bilt. Thousands, almost millions, have
used it in one way or another since it
was uttered in the early summer of
1882, and in every political campaign
since that time it has been the theme of
countless amti-monopoly discoursee,
Yet very few if any of those who have
used it couldi tell even one of the cir
cumstances trader which the expres
sion was given to thei public.
To Col. Nate A. Eced, of Chicago, at
present editor of the Banner of Gold,
belongs the sole credit of preserving
the famous phrase from the oblivion ti)
which an obtuse reporter wua about to
consign it, when he rescued it and mnde
it a household phrase, especially with
the populists, and the full story of how
this was done is now probably given to
the public for the first time by one
who was present at the time.
Clarence V Dresser ran a sort of
suburban news bureau in South Chicago
in 1882, supplying all of the papers with
the same matter. lie was ambitious to
become a, railroad editor and never
missed trying to see the magnates who
passed throuyh his bailiwick. Col. Keed
was at that time night editor of the
Chicago News and was a man with a
"keen nose for news." Late one night
in the early summer of 18S2 Dresser
entered the News office with his bundle
of duplicate manuscripts to deliver the
new s quota. Col. Reed met him and as
usual asked what Dresser had that
night. Dresser gave some of what he
considered the best of his news and
then said that he hud tried to secure un
interview with Wiiliaan II. Vuuderbilt
on au important public question, but
had poor success.
"What did Vanderbilt say to you
alxnit it?" asked Heed, carelessly, half
dismissing tlvc interview matter from
his mind.
"Oli, not hing," Dresser replied. "When
1 asked him about the matter, saying the
public would like to hear hi views, he
onsw ered only: 'The public lie damned.'
I could not get anything more from
"What was that?" almost sliouted
Heed, awoke in, an instant to the great
value of the expression. "What did he
suy7 D:d lie say: 'The public be
dimmed ?' Are you sure?"
Dresser declared that those were the
ery wordr. used.
"(lo rlfrht into iny room mid write
every tiling yoa enn nliout thut expres-
lon, cnetl Keed, nt the siinw time
uahing Dresser Into the night editor
Mine) tun. "Mind voir do not iiiIsm u
mint of 11, and make The public bo
damned' utiek out uliove everything.
11 see that you are well punl for it. '
As otm n Dremer entered the mint,
hicli was on the fourth i'.oor of tin
rws ofiiee, Jteed locked the door mid
kept Drewier u (irlminer for the rent of
he night, thiiH at u ring the News u
clean eeoop" on all of Its Chicago coil'
The Interview was published with elr
uuiHtantiul details that morning end
waa soon copied oil over the world.
Kaiiaaa City Star.
Something to Depend on.
Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm ot
Jones & Bon, Cowden, Ills., in speaking
of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that
last winter his wife was attacked with
La Grippe, and her osse grew so Berions
that physicians at Oowden and Pans
eould do notblDg for ber. It seemed to
develop into Hasty Consumption. Hav
ing Dr. Kind's New Discovery in store,
and selling lots of it, he took a bottle
borne, and to the surprise of ell she be
gan to get better , from first dose. aQd I
half dozen dollar bottles oured ber sound
and well. Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Doughs and Colds is guar
anteed to do this oood work. Try it.
Free trial bottles at Ooosor & Brook's
Drug Store.
E. 0.: "Otis Patterson, who oalls him
self "bus man" ot the Heppner Gazatte,
and wbo is a busy and bright man al-
1. VttilZT
Absolutely Pure
The Culvfcrsity of Oregon.
At Eugene opens Sept. 20. . Gradu-
waye, wai a visitor in Pendleton today, ates from aooredited schnol who haw
Mr. Patterson was on his way to the completed work amounting to 80 credits
iH J..t.:.i. :. t:a:i. ........ '
uj.u.ug uisuiuis iu uruiBu uoiumoia, on are admitted without examination. . Io-
uumuroa. aooompanying mm were two ctdental fee. 810.00 a year: tuition, free.
young gentlemen from the Ewt, who Complete courses leading to Bachelor of
naveoeen ma guests at Heppner and Arts. Bachelor of Science. Baohelor of
Orio's (another "Pat") at Long Creek Letters and exoellent oourses in oi?il
They are Jesse P. Wheeler, of Pennyan, and eleotnoal engineering. . Also good
. X.,and J. H. Bohenok, of Dresden, instruction in music Board for young
a. . mr. wneeier is a oouoin ot the men in the dormitory at 82 50 per week
rmieraons. uotn toos. aavantaga oi me with lodginn, heat and light.
unrnnian Endeavor rates to come West Catalogues furnished free on applica-
un au excursion, xoey win return irom tion to
O 1 . ' . I a T . I .
oyoaane via iub ureal normern, ana j v Wattow
win siop bi inaianapoiis, where Alvab Secretary Board nf RAni
rj-.i i :i! . "
a niioraou is reaiumg. 67..( Enoane. Oreonn.
Ueafnesa Cannot Be Cared , jobn ,,,. .....
ty iihihi appiioBuoos, as iney cannoi ;.h nh.. tj . .. it. .1 u
o.l, !.' Ji....,, : .u I """"" u. iuo muuiu ui
There is onlv nnn , tr. en r ..fn... hl8 lett nd badly while hewing
and that is by constitutional remedies! board. A physician dressed the wound
Deafness is oaused by an inflamed con- and saved the band.
anion of the mucous lining of the
bnstaotnan tube. V ben this tube nets Don t netrlent a conuh heeanao .ha
inflamed you have a rumolicg sound or weather is pleasant! before the next
I m narfalAf hDarinn anil whan if I a diiIikb
wBsavww "' iusi nun wuou 4 a ouuia l m 1 , . - . ,
ly closed deafness is the result, and un ruuul U,B7 ueveiop into
less the innammation onn be taken out " eenons dimouity beyond repair. One
and Ibis tube restored to its notmal con- Minute Oongh Cure is easy to take and
oatarrh. which is notlilnu hut an inflam. bv Conser & Brock.
An nnnriitinn nf th minnn tHrfdruA I
We will aive One Hundred Dollars for Sb0 Wilkinson was up from The
any case ot deafness (caused by oatarrh. Dalles on last Saturday and rennrts the
that oannot be oared by Hall's Catarrh wool msrket at The Dalles to be very
uuioi Qruu nir utruiifttrn. irpn.
t'Sold by druggists, 75o. Toledo, O.
City Hotel.
D; J. McFaul, M. D.
Offloe hours, 8 to 10 a. n., sod 12 to
3 p. m.
p. m , at offloe to tbe rear of Borg
jewelry store.
Notice of Intention.
Land Orrics at Ta Dau-bs, Oasoon
Ana. 4th. 1x97.
i.1 fiillowlng-named seltUr has Bird nniir I
. Heppner, Oroiron. tj
IS DOUrs, H to 10 a. TO. , SO It lO of his Intention to maka filial proof In support llrrrt; I I 111. MftNTIIt V
Bi reeldenoe. Mrs. H. Wr lob's ol his claim, and that said proof will be made IltLrVLT AlUtl I IlLT
... i in n . m in 1 In ft before J. W. Morrow, county clara, at llepousr,
ty, aod 10 to li. a. m , to i 10 o Urrf on 00 Ki1t ,u. r
First National Bank
Pwkllsked Every tatereay
13 Astor Place New York
Rerord entry John tiny. Rd. Entry ln. (031
lor the NW See. S. Tp 1 1 II !N. E. W. M.
He naraea the miinwlng wltn.asis to prove I
his continuous mldenr npna aad rulM.ellnn I
.. . I A I .... .4 V I I . I 11 ...
fllklna, John A. -Harlhe and Kdvard' Hollo- I
ST.all of Imuglaa, Oregon,
9MO Register.
Notice of Intention.
Labb Orrira at Ths tiAixsa, oo.
Aug 4. tT
i 1 folloaing nad seUUe baa (tail nnttreof
his Intention tn make Sual proof In s"Pl"rt of
hisciaim, and met sail prom win be nana n
foes J, W. Morrow, l ouatr tierk at llltner.
Oregon, on Kept. nh, UW7, vis:
Rd. Entry No. D0 for the Ut, Sac 3s, Tp, I H
H . a. w , at
Ha namaa the following wllaeawe ts pro..
hU ronUnuous IMMeara uena aivl raltl.allna
otaaM land, vis; J.reh f. Iliklna, lUary world's Dmirreae : II fullows witb care
riiklna, iakm V Utuy, Kdeard HolUiwar, ell I . , .in , , .
I ol uougiae, orrgoa. i n iu. muiui.i puiiauiurvpiv i.u is
leotsplele departmeet of religious news
Tbe regnlar obaonptioB prtoe of lb deeotes mora, spare to tbe hilar eels of
Semi-Weekly Uaaetla Is 12.60 aod tbe I bone; reviews eorreot liteiainre;
OTirt 1 MrakRY mtki VHAT She rvnUrprif-ol tbe Weekly Oregonlas foraub-w ebafol UWe-lalk sbool ob
C. A. RHEA, 1 - "Veal-ant
T. A. RHCA, Vloa Preel-ent
OtO. W. CONtCR, . Caehler
8. W. SP1NCCR. Asa't Cashier
Tnosadj a General Bsikiog Bttsinea.
Ob all parts ol ths world
Bought and Sold.
Collections mads on all points en
reasonable Terms.
Surplus and sndlrldad rraa, II 1.000,00.
Notice Of Intention.
I ..n nmri . La OBABtiB. 0S'K1.
The Oattook will be la 1W7, aa it has
been daring each of He twenty eeveti
years, a Uiatory of Oar Owe Timee, la
l La vartooa editorial drparlmeela Tbe
Outlook f ivee enmpaet review of the
I of Oreann, for Morrow tounlr.
W P Ixwd. H K Kliwald
and Phil. M.iar-h.n. the
Hoard nf rmmlMloners,
etc , llalnUITs,
i. R. Biwrry, a. V. Sperry,
aiMrrv, the tl
(on Rsallriawl and Ma.l.
gallon f auipany and P.
Ha naa
I Uia Mlnwlng )
eontlauoua Mldewee Bpna calatlon ol
..lalaivd. via: ,
IN loiiotfh.c nn4 ur u tl &0. Ad? on ioWritlB lot It 4 ILIom: aod. Is nboft to u
bis rial and that aaid "" win t-aade QaMtte aad paying for om year li '"b lnforatka. rrlfioal uUervettoe,
ZS?M:','Um' advaacea..M U-h Ike O.telt. aad wd re.eoa.bl. edten.lnm.at.
EDWARD CHPMAIi. Wfl)f Orrglak fr 13 80. ill old St. Bilo, wt,b lb. Bft, Cf.b tuUe.
si a aMt lblitVs and "i eE1 . i. .i . ..
MM"sUfis-itMJJ,,n"" W'"- "7" IN paper will a-oe Ike r.f il.r a.(a
7.....-" I " lMvnnw. viMx eti.ivafleii .
lb e-e 0 IBoe)iB wmro win aan grvaiiy to ne
r-IuT,.",- rl V lnM M t-.h Bt.r. M 1 . I" ,w '
..waa4ieUliai.7i;.orJM to retdlerti via Hepped- OuUotk la pabliehed avert Ralnrday-
r mZ!!L. I Fbo Htage Una. !'ara..pe dtir.es m . , ' . . .
Vtallinf I'radiatna Can (av Ure and M5" amtm M
la seek kvla la aa lilaatreled Meg eaiae
Noaibt, anlatlaf sbenl twlra t Btssy
peg- ee Its ordinary Uaoae, lofeiaef
wKk a laf re snntber ef pwliirae,
Tbe prist ef The Oaliouk ks three
dollars year la kJver.ee, ot Was Ike a
eawt e day.
fWad (of a spMHSMa fff sal Mleetret
. Ihomtiaon. IMrndanla.
To I H. Mtrv. a. V. nuerrv and - . Sirt.
la the name ef lh Bute nf Orrann Y.iu are
hereby required In .hl-rar and Stuart the
fvimnlalnl fllad aaalnat ton la Ilia aKova
eniltl-4 suit, nn o b-f r. the Rial daynfiHe
IK li tmrm Ol in .mimi-O rourl, lo- II
Mondav. Ih eth la. ol a.BtM.i. mr.
and II juu fall so to aii-ar and aca.r. Ins
am monm. ma t.iattiitff. mil ai.iv tnlbe
rMr. iw (ram imkih Irmiivl d a m!I eo-n
plaint. K ill rnf a li.".n and A"
inlrnitMlnr ll.a sum f inn and Inl.r.
llMitaiiB fmta inly let. I""i al Ih rale nt alshl
t rnl m annum. Iha aim nl 1 1 w alt.rtn.i
lw and fr Iha rtiata and dui.unninia nf this
Suit, and lor a dairva lr.orl.at a rvrlal
anorleaaa aaada, a.-ruled and dll.d br
4.lu.UuU. t N iit and B V. Pty, U
pininiirr. m me nontniitf rel pr,-rlf SUM
abtxS In (mmi ntunlr. bum ,J nmua t all
Sw.uib ball id Iha nftl.-.l tjwriM and notih
ball l Ilia aiHilhaaat aiulr of jii. snulh
kail of a-xll.Ma. uari r.f am . m l hallo
uie aniihaal amiur ol B. it. annihi
juarw i4 Mairlhaeal j-iaftf of IW i, noltli
eui quarter nf hiII.. umibi nf h
amai nan m smiiiwi nimrter and amtlh
aa-i quarter nl a-Mll.-n.l quarter n Km
"'"H qnartef il nlix quartef and
n.itb ball nf ewulhvrat quarn-r nf a, m and
Iha n'.MHrul quarivt nl uiiwaat qiiarirr nl
an in Manama a. a-iia renr y, I
M . fw.lH In the (.Wle nf IImi r.m.,l( rw.( nf
aid M'n-rnw mnnlf, In B-.S -I" nf M.l..
l- in. in awl'M and lnaflald b.w
im.... ai..iy iha pt,rmM aald aaia in Iha
aai axanl nl aald 1'idsawnt, albnat loe, as
1 nia nmn.ns n, a..al nt, ynj airiant
aa aa m Iha Hmi i.t hn A !.
'tn ina imt. afllilfK ..-tf,, mmAm an
.a tar Ml le aald anil an ih. IM 4ar n .iy mr
rriiwb a kri-rirf li,
77 Aliorn.i. lot rtaintirts.
SBotMiy by lakteg ihie real. Hy aa
rv- Aaaatta doea not aaeelioa the I qnalt.llna the aeeoia f he prwvion,
hoeealy of any pereoa. bat IIUi - mM. fc!l!50.,,,t,,W,,lb
poeaaiy v ' ( J n'rloog train al a bo o 1'an.lUliiti.
pelted to leete apo. I be aak-.a advsaaa (ftm aXj 1f0( siore. W. I. Umo,
plea el ssbaeriptioa, wbelbrf lb (no- 'mprtor.
aaribew be Ooraelioa Vaadetbill of U ' 1
miut bi braad by LoBeat loiL Walt. Tbotureoo runs state Lelwea)
We eaaaot roe Iha pepef oa say aOn I Ileppeaf and Moaotaesit, amvtpf every
oaf esrvpt Hoaday aad leavlaa? e-rary
day eieeiyl Rnnday. Hbovlaal and (beep-
Al l.nat a Hlval.
Km long the little busy tin
Will own, with manners meeker,
He ts arllpeid In Industry
Hy the active onVe-eprker.
W alilngton Hlar.
mi orrcbt wai iil( i.if.ii.
quiet. Wool Is selling at a lower figure
down there than at Heppner.
Confidence men at Portland tried to WiM M' Kw
play a game on Jobn W. Ambrose, of I ! i( folly to build upon a poor founda
tion g Creek, R few days a ago, but Jobn I tioo either in architecture or in health,
was to sleek for them. He reported A foundation of sand is insecure, and to
them, four iuvfiumber, to tbe police and deaden (y my to ma by narootios or nervs
the wonld-be eharpers are now in tbe oompounds Is equally dangerous and
bands of the law. It won't do for these perceptive. Tbe true way to bailj op
Portland Jays to try to monkey with the health is to make your blond pure, and
east end of this state. They will dad rich and nourishing by taking Hood's
themselves lo the soup every time. Sarsaparilla.
A Hrmarkalile Core forCbroale Dlarrlitra. Hood's Pills set easily sod promptly
Io 18(12, when I served my eountry aa oo tbe liver and bowels. Cure sick
a private lo Compsoy A, 107th Peoo- beadaobe.
lyaoia volunteers, Ioontraoted olironio
diarrhoea. It has given me a great deal E. Watdmann, representing a Port
ol trouble ever sione. I have tried a lend commission house, and T. II Smith,
dozen different medloinea and seveisl representing C. 8. Moses, the 'Friaoo
prominent doctors without any perms- wool merobant, were in fowa Saturday .
Dent relief. Not long ago a friend sent
me a sample boltle of Chamberlain's "Tbey are dandies" said Thns. Bow-
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, r, of ths Crocket, Texas, Entsrprise,
and after that I bought and took a 60 bi,a writing abont DeWitl's Little
cent bottle, and now i ceo say tbat I am Erly Risers, tbe famons little pills for
entirely oured. I eanoot lie thankful ,,ok headache and disorders of ths (torn-
enough to yon f.ir Ibis great remedy ob and liver. For sale by Ooossr k
antl rannmmntiil il In all amf.4ti --.- I BfOCk. e
r fpi?(T
ans. If in doubt write me. Yonragrsle
fnlly, Henry Hlelnbergnr, Alle ntown, Ps.
Hold bv Coiiaer A llrnrk.
on lasi naioruay vt. Ainriwiini a wsi
railed to Lower Eight Mila to see a Mr.
Blake, wbo is seriously ill witb dlseaae
f the liver. Tbe palled la reported as
Don t tluu your blood with sassafras
or poieon il wiib blue mass; but aid Ne
tire by osit.g IV wilt's Little Early
Utars, tbe famons little pills forooo-
tlpation, hilloneneea and sloroach Irnn-
lee. Tbey are purely frgelable, 'For
sale bv Oonenr A limek.
What tw IlP Gold? Ikel lf ra al mete to the latonr, . J. f J'nej, j C ptoapaetoe to The Oellooi, 13 Asl ty
..rto. tvekl etaeebere. r-t- i flaosi, S.w l. 0iv, t
Teachm' lamination.
NOTt'tIS HIM.r IV tlUT '
Iha ym't-aa nf .('( ln, ,4
ad fwrarms abaaiaf nS. ita.iM aa eaa'll.
.'a n lnall In. al ikia nmialy
aa4 aia and III. 4itnaa thiwini.
b4 nlaUl llw.n.4 ni l b'.i4 a S".l.
lie aian. al li.a mmn b. al M.paw,
otsflna WndnaarSar. S'NJ HI.
Ibte IM ear nf a " . In
'-a T w srtlrllY
Rr baid Bnpa , Mrn I a .
Aey dawiiiag In kniid eitkar a
bone of bare will Rtake bvy by sail.
H aa b GMl eff.ee. fTt
"Kotiny, w bel le that tigljr brut peel
ti.nal ffW? Ih-hI f.K? All IW g.
fat aey to lirr la 'Mi It him, ll.-iiiity,' an'
ehe'il Jump at )vr frostt and Irar )er
Wiriilpla- lllo B IjMiti.iifil piii ra; J rr
rouliin'1 lrat iH-raway Willi ai'rntal.ar
an a l'Chiel kir.r,e intuit. ciul.
yrr like tu s; ne ibi II T' X. V. Truth.
It VI anld He If lag.
Ah rinilii-lil itrrn'B roiltiBi'l ofire
gae the full. lug rt oiiiinriiilatl'in 14
a fi-Mlrtnan who pnixaw In awrar an
afliilntil after listing elrra.ly .worn an
aflxlatlt In ea lly a roairurr erne In
lb eoiirae lit th Bll. "Nrvrr," ye
niarkrd ll.e ipireti'B niunarl, "mnr sn
afTi'latil when )iir preiloua Bfl.daill
lo Ilia rotilrsry rtfrri la in KMeabin
of lh ronrt. Ilwiijw, rny frlenil," b
B.I1. .I. "that would I It lug "
tba Ibaata iHabbawt.
The new lik aleatnshlp, fh Itivrn
flin of M Itarlb, aa lamtihrd al M
Itrii'S il k rd A.'mirsl t ul'iinliaii'l
who has s h gh rpiie M i I iri.cli
nsial nMh'iiiiiM, a aai.l i I a firw
Ul.riir In the Mas. Iiil, lira tf this lie
ln'rnt;M. ar d b ba .cj.tili'i Ilia
m If ui i i'i ni t i 'bih tf M j. .an re
.('. ! I I i di an I nan I. t m i.ml
td f.if a I ii rial ! ..f Hi. ...- a; an'
,! In- ili! iii ii' M t'-ar'n
. tin mean' the 0it tt n ' li apply
ii. riUf p;irt;p: lo ri" csi on, but
' t. 'of ,re I'.e ril art ha I s a,ade
I j 1 1 tform lb dw'y of cJ !!'- II
f. .f.f!;n; fa II a new I Ihey ar
rmffll d'i- 'n ifnlti' fi iei it n. in
is. r..ri f.f M f'in's rt jriwniB In
d.'s'e i bet be t. l-rew aisrkf Jly w
T. A. and I. 8. Davidson, of Missoorl
and Nebraska, respectively, oonslo's of
the Davidson Bros., of Eight Mils, are
bare baying cattle for eastern tnarkste.
The cresrent waves on Cretan shores,
The ernas of Christ goes dow n ;
1 ha Turks are helped hy Christian powers
Who hotnUrd fort and loan.
Columbia's eagle hears nor hands
Poor Cuba's plen-lng ery ;
Thn let us drown three shameful deeds
In sparry s "Unwood Rye."
For aale at tba Beitedere saloon, E.
O. Bperry, proprietor. If
Lona Ark stage leaves He ppnsr st
7o'oloflk, a. ni Tuee.lays, Tbtiretlays,
Messrs. Rogers k ItoherK bave oom- Md Hnturdays; arrives al 0 e'loek, p.
pleled the work on lbs aew warehouse Mondays, Wnlneedays and Fridays.
A E. W. Rhea k Co., and are Bow bnal connnotlun with branch train
ly erg-aged in galling the capaelous '"" d-elful. Fare li, rseb wsy.
ellar remly for the large Blocks d Freight J, sent per ponnd. J. U.
goods. Hnlliolirmk, I'fop. DfTiiw at Barry
Tnter. Matl-lllieum and I' irma.
The Intenae It. hlnif and smart Inn Iml- nmtn MOAiiainr, a Dime of Mrs.
di-nttotbmMidiM-ams,lalnatantlyallbynd 14" Ilaliatpr, who has been Vlslling bar
iir applying uamin.rUln s ye and aunt fur several nmnlhs paal. departed
r ' i 1 .11' . .VI i V .. il Monday ereotng fur Hiallle.
IS inally efllrtf nt for t liing idli-e and
a favorlta rmly fir sore nipples, I Cliainbeflaio'sOuiie.Cbiilera aad D ar-
t bapl hands, rlillblalna, fnwt biles hhoee remedy alway sff irds prompt re-
..... unnis: re. rym. , ,. ..a. .... yu, f .ua. A Hr k e
lr. Cadi's ('adltloa I'ewdrra, are
J'il what a home hwla when In bavl
oei. la nr pa kage
Cbaa. Youoggreeo, nf Hilvertua,
T'ltilr, bl.ael tmrlfler and I Marion raninty, wbo wm a rsldebt of
erttilfuga. Tliejr am Dot fund tml !,,,,Bef 17 are egi, is la lbs oily
i"luln and Ihe lil In naw lo put s i- i i. . . , ,, , .
or- In prlin- ctdlll.m. 1'rU X, "loi Uo1' wl,h. 'b oM
ei.ta p. r tnv kaga. e'iiilef and built quite a Bum-
C. E. Kaaona has bean allowed the
ontrar! t build Meve Ilaods's new
br of bouses bare thai are now looked
apofl as tbe ol I Isoduiatk of llrppoer,
I. A. Ourray, formarly of Ptadlaloe,
kas opened sp a IS st bartier sbp la
lbs old sissd on tba Mstloek terasr.
Work (trU-tlf first elaaa. CeJI a klm.
I tl
bee N lbs reee) el eases sod
SaSlis I..I'S sbeafaa.
Il aa be enraa hf e juaMrd
aaMf siwi M i v wi
MImiumu'. Re.
bjn r simiabaemea-s
Of l Cream Balm
fe vkaat.4f4 tn be rn Sa4 ibaanafb awre f"
auvk. I "4 la ta4 a4 ll.r I nn af al
an - dnj i mm . ad u ...e Iba a-anl raaar r,
sm.s aa.n a4 .Samniaia, ana U-a awr.a. b
ia awttaaa ..m ntii, iwimw me nn a
af in .--.( 1 hw a al Inn., al m4
aVbl kMlUlfS S4 bb"-Su-rt,.w r tbll if tilt tt U 7 Id sdl) al. If
Irre to Ibank tba
( their lilieral pat
ronage during lis aieae.ii.ua with lb
Orange r'fil, ao I b ipae tbat tbey may
see Ct lo bewloW inns apt Ibelr (tie
esote. Astone weot below Ktisrd?
The (Ist-lla kas a Scholarship fur
Sale, gnod ff one eabonl y aaf si Biahop
ho. lt Aa.tany, Dn.p Iq aad see about