TO THB JB T OITES TH1 CH0IC1 Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha ' ASD I AHD Chicago Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ooean Steamers Learn Portland Every S Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For fall detail! oll on 0. R. k N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pais. Agt. PoRTLAHD. OBIOOH A. L. MOHLER, Vice-President. QUZOK TXIVKXI t San. Franolsoo And ell points in California, vie the aft. Bbesta mil o toe Southern Man way Pacific Co te all THE ClilSlS. OF THE A mm CIFICCOAST THB CHBONICIS raaka wMk aewapepars la Ui Ceiwd State. THJC CHRONICLE ha no equal aa Mm Peel a coast. It lead all In ability, enterprise and urn THI OHBONICLaTS Talaaraphle Baporta an be latest and moat reliable, lu Local Naw the rallest and eaieleet, aad Ita Editorial too toe ablest pana la Uii oonntry. TUB UHUONICLB nualwnya bee, and alvara will be, tha Mend and champion ef tha people aa acalnat oomblnatlona, clique, corporations, or oppreaalona of any kind. It will ba Udtpudaa la truruung ntutral la nothlaav LOCAL SQUIBS. Tha area tdahwa thronah California po&ta Bast and Sooth- Grand Boenlo Boot f tha Peolflo Coaat. Pnllmaa Ballet Blaepere. Beoond-olaaa Blaapata . Attaohed to expreee train, attnrdinf aoparior ooomaiodatlana for aaoond-olaaa paawnaara. For rataa, ticket, limping oar reeervatlont, ato eall npon or addrae B. KUKHLKR, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM, ean. r. A V. Agt., Portland. Oregon HUE TOa 6QIKG EflST? If so, be enre end eee tbet yoar lioket reads via lii Hortriwestern Line ....THE.... OHIOAOO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THI Great Short Lirje DETWEEN DULUTII, St. TAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND BOUT a. Thtlr MMtnlAnant Track, Peerless Veatlbuled Dining and Sleeping Car Tralua, sua Motto; ALWAYS ON TIME baa tlran thli road national reputation. I ol passenger carried on ilia tralna wltboul ulr charge. All anger carried on Ilia etl billed Hhlo otirfreltht and trarcl oer title fatuous Una. All aieut har ticket. W. R. MIAD, F T. MVAOK, Uan. A ml Trer. f. A V. Aft 2M Washington St., Portland, Or. CHICAGO Plilwaiee & St. Paul B'g This Railway Co. Operates its trains on lbs fatuous block tern; Liable Its trains by eleetrlolly tbroujrn oot; Usee Ibe celebrated eleolrio berth reed ing leap; Reel speedily equipped ptaaenger train every day aod eight between HI. Peal and Chicago, tad Omabt aod Chlcsgo; Ibe Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul Aleo operetee) t teens-htaUd est I bo led trtlas, carrying Ibe laiaal private erapertmeat ears, library buff! soma lot cars, and paJace drtvlng rooa sleepers. Ferler sere, tree reclining chair Mrs. aad tae very baat dioloi ebeir ear semes. For lowest rates la any pole! la Ibe United Stelae or Canada, apply to Meal or tdJreee O. J. EDDT. I w. riar t Tree. faee. Agent Portland, Or. T11K0C01I CAR8. TO DUI.UTU FAKIR) HUT I K U ELENA Tickets luiied to all points in tha United mates and Canada. ,4 VSASS vU 1 a m 4 Imhi. kw aeteaia. COeaioHTa a. at, 8CIINTIFI0 AMCIICAN, a. , VaTi MUMaj 4 CO., Ml !(,, a t arkv, m0 .m n,Mn i. I W i la. ATltHTt TKIATIO t MAIL n In an a M-in.ii BT HARRIET B. OBCVTTt Robert Strong', reported millionaire, stood in the bay window of one of Chi cago's mansiona one brilliant ennshiny December morning. There had been a light fall of anow the night before; the breezes had played with it and dis tributed it moat unequally. The mil lionaire was watching bia enterprising young neighbor oyer the way, who in habited the poorest house on the street, and who was out ahoveling snow from his sidewalk. Mr. Strong was in a meditatire mood. Although surrounded by every evidence of wealth and luxury he did not look nor act like a man who was perfectly sat isfied with life. He had been pacing up and down the room more like some caged animal than like a prosperous member of the board of trade. It is time thatHobbes was here!" he was Baying as he walked up and down, making an occasional pause at the window. "Why doea he not come? I am anxious to know ray fate. Wealth or poverty which is it to be for the future? That fellow over there shovel ing snow for exercise works on salary, and has no business care. I wonder who is happier, he or I? How we are hampered by our environment! I would really like to take a shovel and dispose of those drifts still reposing undisturbed on our front steps. The exercise would do me good, but what a shocking thing it would be! The servants, the family, the whole com munity would be shocked, inexpress ibly shocked! A hundred dollar bill would hardly induce one butler to so far compromise his dignity as to shovel snow. And if I should do it! I have half a mind to try him with a bill and see what the effect would be! He is fond of money. A hundred dollars so easily earned would be a temp tation. I am curious to know what he would do! The experiment would probably result in his giving notice, and Mary would be sorry to lose him. I wonder when I saw her last? She seldom takes breakfast with me. Last night I came home late; she had gone for the evening and came home later still! Yesterday did I see her yester day? Yes, we passed each other in the hall and said good morning and good byl We had an hour together Sunday, blessed be Sunday! Mary and I are on the best of terms we have not quarreled for ten years! I thiuk we love each other. But we are both so busy. She has the care of this great bouse, and company, and society! I have business interests, and the club, and a little politics. So our home life gets lost somewhere. I wonder if we are any happier than we were in the old simple days when we lived for each other, instead of for servants and soci ety! Was that the doorbell? I shall not breathe freely again until I know whether that sale goes through. If the deal goes against us my Ood! It can't go against us! If it does I shall be ruined! If Hobbes would only come! A man needs nerves of steel in these days to bear the strain of busi ness. If the deal goes he will come even that, the price of his infamy, was gone! tils life had been a failure from first to last a miserable failure! Measured by the highest standard it had always been a failure even though his check had been good for million! Measured by the lower standard of worldly success, to-morrow men would write upon bis brow fall ...... t T . . . .1 .. . 1 I ii.i The United States, Dominion of I should he continue to live when life had lost its value? With a sudden re solve, born of self-contempt and de spair, he stepped into another room Do yon want tesspoona, tablespoons, and other silverware? Y on oan get it at E. W. Rhea A (Vs. 569-70 IS J. McAllister has been sppointed postmaster st Lexington, Morrow, oonnty, Oregon, says tbe Oregoniao. ' Long Creek Eagle: Miobael Cbiari, who owns a ranob on tbe Middle Fork, is supposed to bsvs been lost some time ago in the Greenhorn mountains and possibly ferUbed. He went opto tbe mines at Qranite in April and started to return about Jane 1st. He left bis employer, expecting to be absent but a sbort time, and was seen afterward on a trail leading to this part of Grant coun ty, bat to date be bas never turned up, neither at bis home on the Middle Fork nor at tbe mines. Considerable in quiry has been made abont bim, bat no trace of him can be fonnd. Terrible Aooideut. It is a terrible ac cident to be burned or soalded; bat the psin and agony and tbe frightful dis figurements csn be qaiokly overoome witboat leaving a scar by using De Witt's Witob Hazel Salve. For sale by Conser & BrocV. Clark Wood, of tbe Weston Leader, bas retired from tbe editorial department of that paper. - Tbe Leader is now in tbe bands of L. S. Wood, local editor and Homer Beatbe, foreman, who promise to keep tbe paper up to its former high standard. TRICKY SHOPPERS. Ladle Who Bob tha Millinery Stores ot Deeig-n- "That lady didn't come here to buy: her 'maid' ia a small dressmaker, and she's after designs; I know her." This was the remark of a saleslady in one of the large shopping stores, says the Cincinnati Enquirer, and, on being asked for an explanation, hha said: "It is quite a customary thing for so-called ladies to go shopping with their maids, not with the remotest in tention of buying anything, but with the purpose of seeing the latest fashions and copying them at home f.fterward. Ladiea will sometimes get these 'small dressmakers' to accom pany them on these thieving expedi tions; then, with their heads cramful of the most delicious notions, hie straight to some cheap mart, buy silks, velvets and other materials needed, and 'dish up' exact counterparts of the models they have seen. "When it is considered that for Paris models leading firms often pay a big price for eacb gown, it will be seen that a direct infringement of the copy right, so to speak, is most disastrous to them. It is the custom of firms who have been taken in in this wny fo keep what they call their exclusive models' strictly secret. These are never shown in the windows, and are only brought forward to customers who are well known and trnt(V A New Dlh to Him. Corn calls to mind the duke of Marl borough's first experience with green corn on the cob. The incident was re- Some for ten, some for twenty and some for thirty years bave Buffered from piles aod tben bave been quickly and permanently oared by nsing DeWitt's Witob Hazel Salve, tbe great remedy for piles snd all forms of skin diseases. For sale by Conser & Brook. The Chronicle Building. the: daily Br Mall, Poalace Paid, Only $ 6T 0 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle The Grtit:st Wctldy ia Hie Comlrj, $1.50 i fa (Including poataft) to an part of aha Catted Maw Canada and Maxtco. TRR WRKKLY OHKONICI.K, tha brtKhtMt and moat eomplnte Weekly Newapaper In the a-orld, prlnu ragularlr 84 eolumna, or twelre par ft, ot Newa, Literature and Oenerml Informa tion; aleo a mag tIBcent Agricultural Department. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FRE. Every known plant is ooossionally in habited by its own peonliar aphis or. plsnt loose, says bd exchange. These carious insects breed with wondertnl rapidity a French naturalist proving that a pair of tbem will, witbin six weeks, produce five generations, or a grand total of 6,901,900.000. DO YOU WANT THE CHRONICLE Reversible Map? SHOWINO Canada and Northern Mexioo O OH ONK SIDK, Aad tha Map of the World ON TUB) OTHtn BIDS. 8on4 92 and Get tha Map and Weekly bronlcle for On) Tear, poet age prepaid on Map and rapes. Apr a ana M. II. d YOUrfO, rreaeiela A P. Oh alela. AX rEAMCUBUCt CAk N 111171 MEN H WOND RS OF SCIENCE. LUNG TKOCBLtS AND (XMnSUMPIION CAN BE CUBED. Aa Eminent New York Chemist and Kcieutiat Bakes a Free Offer to Oar Keating. WANTED-AN IDWten. thing to patent? Protect yourtdea ; theymay' bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDKR-' BURN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C. for their J1.800 prise offer. The distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo enm, of New York City, demonstrating bis discovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronchial, long and chest troubles, stubborn coughs, catarrhal affections, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away; will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader ot this paper writing for tbem. His "New Scibntifio Treatment" bas cured thousands permanently by its timely use, and he considers it a simple professional dnty to suffering humaoity to donate a trial of bis infallible oure, Soienoe daily develops new winders', and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, bas produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are curable in any climate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," tiled in his American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those cured in all parts of tbe world. Tbe dread Consumption, uninter- niDted, means speedy and certain death Simply write to X. A. Sloonm, M. C, lated by a gentleman who happened to 98 Pin e Btreet New York, giving poet- 1 ! 4 1- a : .. 'iL .r .1 . . 1 . - travel in tiie same ti ttui witu wiu uuw: Hiok Mathews and V. Gentry, nnder the firm name cf Mathews & Gentry, are associated together in tbe barber business in tbe new stand, two doors south of the postoffioe. They solioit a call. Sbaving, 15 oents. tf. ' A good bicycle, suitable for either lady or gentleman, in fine repair, new pneu matia tires, for sale obeap at Gilliam & Bisbee's. , W Now is tbe time to get tbe Weekly Oregonian, the greatest newspaper of the West. With tbe Gazette, both strict ly in advancb, one year, $3.60. No better combination of newspapers oan be made) in the state. the day he arrived in New York. It was the Newport train. Presently the duke went into the dining car to get a bit of luncheon. It happened to be in the green corn season, and he no ticed that nearly everybody in the car office aod express address, and the free medicine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instunt advan- age ot bis generous proposition. riease tell tbe Uootor that you saw was eating the corn from the cob. lie rDi8 jn the Gazette, published at Hepp- nau never seen auymuig line oeiure. Oregoa. July 9-7-1 vr, lie ooivu I'll v. ti 1 i vviiau lb wun, vii dered a portion, and, receiving it, bit Tbe Gazette will take potatoes, apples. eggs or batter on subscription accounts. Any one owing this offioecan settle their acoonnts in this manner nd oan't do it too soon to suit us. Notice of Intention. Land Office at The Dallks, Orkoon. June 22nd, 1897. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THJt following-named aettler has Hied notice of his Intention to make final proot in support of hie claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on August 7th, 1897, vlr.: MARTHA C. HOSKIN8, Hd. E. No. 39119, for the SH NW4 and Ntf SWJi Sec. 1, Tp 6 SK 26 E W M. he names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viu: Benjamin H. Parker, J. F. Ward, Nelson Oumpton and Samuel Eusley, all of Hardman, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE, 656-67 Register. into it as he would bite into an apple. He had attempted to bite into the cob and had evidently received a shock- too great a shock to try the experiment again; for, upon being told that . he must spread butter, salt and pepper on the corn and bite gently, he perversely took his fork and patiently picked the kernels, one by one, from the cob. NOTICE. 00 rpHE NATIONAL BANK OF HEPPNER, 1 located at Heppner. in the state of Ore gon, is closing up Its allairs. All note holders and others, creditors of snid asBOclalion, are therefore hereby notified to present the notes and other claims against the association for payment. 1SD. K. BISHOP, 555-76 CaBhler. Old People. Old people who require medioine to regulate tbe bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electrio Bitters This medioine does not stimulate and contains no wbisky nor other intoxioant, but sots as a tonio and alterative. It sots mildly on tbe stomaob and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to tbe orgsos, thereby aiding Nature in tbe performance ot tbe fanotions. Electrio Bitters is an excellent appetiser and aids digestion. Old People find it just ex actly what they need. Prioe fifty cents and (1.00 per bottle st Consor & Brock's Drag Store. Old-Time Doctors. In the 17th and 18th centuries doctors earried canes with hollow beads, per forated like a pepper caster. These contained aromatic powders, and when entering a sick room the doctor would strike the cane smartly on the floor and apply its head to his nose for the pur pose of disinfecting that member and thus of preventing contagion. A BRIDE FOrt THE ASKING. Thk Boss Feed Yabd. The first feed yard tbe teamster strikes in Heppner is that conduoled by William Gordon, next door to the Heppner Gazette ranob. Mr. Gordon is accommodating, bas a good yard and abundant facilities 'o take care ot stock in first class shape. His prices are very reasonable. He bas hay and grain for sale. Ha lately added a car load of baled timothy. tl. li u I'IPIC in and came back with a revolver. And yet he could not go out of life witout one last word to Mary. Poor Mary! She might Uke It hard! lie would assure her that it was not through lack of love for her that he ended his existence, but what reason could he give for deserting his post at tier side? lie sat down to his writing aesic and took out some paper. "Dear Mary," he wrote, and then words failed him. How could he tell her? lie stared blankly at tha paper, Alter an, would it not be the act ot coward to leave his family alone to tight poverty? Had he a right to do it? Suddenly a soft white hand glided past ina, seised tha revolver and re moved it. "Kobertl Robert! What Is the mat ter? What are you about to dor erled his wife la d la trees. "John told me that he brought you a letter, and then you began to walk up and down the room, craty-Uke, wtth a revolver in your hand! Why didn't you come and tell rue about It? You have bo right to try to War trouble alone. What Is It, Robert, dead lier arms were around his neck, and sum wave cover. ug his iave wuu kiaaca. "It means, Mary, that we are Doorl This house will have to be sold; you will have no carriage, bo diamonds, bo tripe to Europe. I shall not save Dough out of tha general wreck to pay the running expenses of this house for another sit months. We are poor, Mary i poor. Our wealth has taken wings to Itself aad ttowa away There's nothing left, but tha little house your father gate you, aad perhaps two or three thousand to start me la business ia a humble way." "Hut RoWrtt You have bo reason to despair! We have health, strength, the children and each olberl The best glfU of life are still ours! Do von know, Korwrt, have thought some times that it would be better for the children. If we were not Quite so rich? Fer full laronaatioa, time ear de, maps, The poaaeMlon of great wealth lends Reports oome from tbe Clondy ke region that three men, Charles A. Blsckstooe, George Batoher and J. W. Molique, bad frozen to death reoently, while proi peotiog at Cook's inlet. Blackstone was well known in Pendleton and Umatilla county. This chilling pieoe of imforma Mon will no donbt bave a tendency to bring down tbe meroary to a more nor mal oondition of those who bave been suffering from tbe Oloodyke fever. f8r. PAUL MINNKAPOLIS QUICK TIME TO. Crkuoo WaaaiHOToa Haiti uoaa New Toss Hvrr.Lo Omaba Hawass City Ht. Joasra Ht. lxns ft. XI TO All other points la lbs Kaal and KootbiMul t'sloa Depot eoneaeliona atHU Paul. Minneapolis, Ksasss Cily, Omaha, Ht. Louie and olbar promt set potato Bagisge ebrksd through to destination Ol Ik-tale, Thronah tkketa to Jspsa and China, vis Taoorsa ami N on hern rertfia htaatn ship Com pas j 's line. tiokeU, etA, !! ob or write W. C. Auisit, A. IX CataLToi, Aft P.Ky. Aast.UB Pea. Al. Tbe lellee,Or. Portland, Or llic talalor m Pleasant Way of Selecting a Wife Prac ticed In Naples. In the church of Santa Maria Annun- ziata, at Naples, girls assemble once a year for the purpose of being chosen in marriage. On the day of Our Lady, before its altar kneels a silent row of 30 irirls dressed in blatk, and with folded hands. They are orphans of the neighboring foundling asyiuui, and (nee a year those who have reuclied the age of IS have & chance of bein chosen in marriage by any honest ninu whose character is gcod. At the door leading to the sueristy, says the Kiehmonu Mar, stands u gray-haired priest, the head of the foundling institution. By and by a young man approaches him and bund bim a packet of papers. Thcae thv priest reads carefully, and, Wing put- IbhVd, leada the candidate toward the row of girls. The man walks slowly nlong the row at lust be stops; bis choice la made, ontl he stretches out his hand. The girl rises, puts out her hunt! Into that of the stronger by way of consent, and together they disappear Into the aacristy. The ice having been broken others follow, and this goes on until the suitors are exhausted, or all the girls hava r-n choacn. Kngiiaa uomor. A strange society was brought to light during the hearing of a case lie- fore the Thames magtmte. Several men were charged with stealing a watch from a sailor, and were all ills charged except Alexander Fullerton, on whom was found a savings bank book for $215 snd a card of membership of a society with a curious title. It bore Uie following Inscription: "Na tiotinl Liars' saaot'laUon Having Iwrn a member of the above asHoriaticn, and finding you are a blirireir liar than my- self, I intuit congratulate you on re- Hexing me of this card." It muat be gratifying to the East end community, aa well as a tribute to Fullerton a own abilities, that he bad found no one worthy of relieving him of the card. The magistrate remanded bim for Inquiries. A Wealthy Railroad ttramea. A young man in blue overalls and a All persoae iedeMed In notea aod as-1 greasy cap and Jacket Is now employed Mania dus to Noble t Co. are rrqneeled as fireman on the Long lalnnd re.lroad. Oome to tbe Gazette oflioe aud eet a decent lot of envelops printed. Government envelope look obeap, and besides you ennnot get yonr business oard printed thereon. tt SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE I of Oregon, for the County of Morrow. The Oregon Mortgage Company, limited, a corporation, nam till1, VB. Berend Poppenga and Ella Pop penga, Defendants. To Berend Poppenga and Ella Poppenga, de fendants above named. In the name of the State of Oregon: Yon are hereby required to appear and answer or other wise plead to the complaint filed against von in the above entitled suit on or before tha first day of the next regular term of the Circuit Court for Morrow County, Oregon, to-wlt: Monday, the 6th day of September, 1897; and if you fail to so answer or otherwise plead, for want thereof, plaintiff will take judgment against defendant, Berend Poppenga, for the sum of $450.00 together with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 1st day of December, 1895, and for the further sum of 150.00 attorneys' fees and for the costs In this suit, and plaintiff will apply to the court for a decree of foreclosure ana sale of the followi' g described mortgaged premises, to wit: TheSW'Hof the NEand theSViofthe) evminu me i vi 14 01 tne svv4 01 section 19, township 4, south of range 25, E. W. M., and for - tne application 01 tne proceeds of said sale of property to the payment of the Judgment and cos's herein prayed for against defendant. Berend oppenga. This summons Is published by virtue of an order made by Hon. ritephen A. Lowell. Judge of the above entitled court on the 23rd day ot U4-77 Attorneys for Plalntini. "Never Fail" beadacbe wafers at Con ser & Brook's, Tbis medioine will oure sny kind of a headache in short order. tf. Put a quarter in yonr pocket and don't spend it till yon get down to Low Tillard's. Finest liquors end cigars. Near city ball. a Not only piles of tbe very worst tnd csn be eared by Deaitt's Witob Hazel Halve, bnt eczema, soslds, barns, bruis ee, boils, uloers tnd all other skin tronbles osn bo instsntly relieved by tbe ssme remedy. For ssle by Conser A Brook. Long Creek Esgle: Cbaa. Jones and family, of Heppner, were in the oity early this week, being 00 an outing tour io Grant eoaoty. See those new Russian Tan shoes down at Liohtentbal's. Latest styles, best quality, reasonable prices. You cannot do better anywhere. tf Come in and subscribe for the "Gazoo." Now is the time. You don't want tn miss a whole lot ot good, bard reading that is now b'.'iog published in oar "Only." Any person ho is interested in British Columbia sbonld write to W. H. liurlbiirt. general passenger agent ot tbe 0. 11 A N., for a copy of Pat Donan's lit tle "booklet," "The New BouaDr.aland." II is well worth the trouble. 60-tf. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE 1 of Oregon, for Morrow county, Kothchild Brothers, Plaintiffs, vs. Robert Krick, Defendant. To the above named defendant, Robert Krick: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint (lied against you in the above entitled cause cf action on or before the first day of the next term of the above entitled court, to-wlt: Monday, thetUh day of September, 1M7; and if you fall to to anpear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintllr will take Judgment against you for the sum of (141, the costs and disbursements of this action, and for the sale of the proierty belonging to you heretofore at tached In this action, and will apply the pro ceeds of snid sale to the payment of said Judg ment, costs and disbursements. Tills summons is served on you tn pursuance of an order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered in said action on the 21st day of July, 1H97. BKMWN & KKiiriEl.n, 61-77 Attorneys fur Plaintiff. Backlea's Aralrs Halve. Tbs Best Salve in tbe world for Cats, Braises, Ho res, Uloers, Salt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, aod all Hkio Erup tions, and positively enree Piles or no pay required. It ia gneranted to give perfect satisfaction or money refuodwd Price M cents per box. For ssle by Conser A Brook. 11 An eastern agricultural paper says that dried eggs are being pnt boob tbe market. Fresh east art brnkea and eborned by machinery and tbea evspor ated. It Is claimed that ia tbis form tbey will keep indefinitely sod that when cooked In vsrinas ways with bo! water tbey last just like) fresh eggs. Carrata, and 1 reds-Mark obtained and all Pat-j cat buunei conducted nr Moocaart ftra, , Oua Orr let is OeaoaiTt U, a. Pstikt Orriec and wa ran kiuii natcni ia Im tiiiia laaa Uwt remol lnm ahitig-toa. , bend mudrl, Having pnMo, WHO orvnp tlon. V a adviM, U patraui'l or , lr- ol Uiarra, Uur Ira du tul pairnt Iasrturr4, A raiicr.T, " II" Io Ulstain i'aoat," wltti mt el sain in tha U. 6. and (ureiga coosuia, xtit tree. AUdrtia, C.A.SNOW&CO. Aaa Baaaaie aaaj tat av at aa tea AVM aa ft af NORTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1669.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. at DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth Its weiuht in gold to every termer and breeder In Oregoa, SUBSCRIPTION: 12.00 PER YEAR. 'Sample eoptee free. Iliral Hpirit and Gaaette both for $3.50, casb, at this office. NOTiri to eoms forward and tetlla same armn aa peeaibla. We still continue In btiainaas and will avail goods aa low as ess ba booibt anywhere In tha ataU. NoBLI at IVv, Heppner, Or., Joes C4.V7. If. Long Creek Eagle: H. E- Burt, who earns op from Portland recently en mate for tbe MeDnfr bnt springs, .was (skn Ha Is tieorge 1). Pratt, the ann ot the late Charlea Pratt, the niulU-mll'iotialrw Standard Oil prince. Young Pratt graduated from Amhrret college vuth honor In 1U3. Aa one of the rre- eenUttvce of bis father's ratal, who Is the aecond larrrwt auvrk holder of the l4inj Inland Itajirutvd company, he pro- pftara to learn the milri-ail buliit-e through every grade, fnwn laborer up. Attorneys fit Luw. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. BErPNElt, OFFICF. IN NATIONAL I t BANK BCILDINO. OKKOOM Dtuts cirr" ad "iieuum' Leave Tbe Dalles daily ('leapt HnnJsv) el 43 a. a. Leave IVttlaai at 7 a aa. Wbaa ea t to Portland, ap r6 at Ti.e ball aad Uke a trip dowa the tarfeatxe; yg will esjor il, aaj aavt money. W. C All. WAT. Oeaaral Ageai to make us forgetful of our common humanity. We will move back la to the little houae la hlrh we were so happy, and let tbe social babble float without ua W will live for ourselves and oar children. While you are wtth as, dear, we will be happy whether we are rteti or not" trve eoaquered. The crisis waa past Robert Strong decided lo live, and to so order his fu ture that self condemnation should Bt tw his portion teoar of Ould. Abraham llayward, the famous Quarterly Kevlewer. once thought that be would like to bae an me anrOatora. so he w alet straight lo a plrture deal er's. Selecting a portrait of a raaller la half armor, with features not quite unlike his en, Mr. llsyward made a I14 for It, but deeming the price aaked loo high, he went hie way. A few days later Mr. llsyward went lo dine wtth l4rd Houghton, and was astonished to find the picture In the dining room hewing that It attracted his gaeet'a at tention, lord Houghton aaldi "Very roxal picture, that! tame Into my haa t la a ruskoua way. Portrait of a M lines of the eotnmonweslth rl.a SB Bweator of mine," "Ah, Indeed!' WHITE COLLAR LINE. to Caayoa City last Retordsy by CL I '''' 'n 'be car ho at Morris srrw rHl;s3 Columbia ltiver and Puwcl Sound Naviocilion Tn iaaaae. HhertS Lltiagatoae atari! be- ot . ,,m,v I. ,..!e. and h.m V-IUHIUUI UUU 1 "tt1 1 UIIU UUl ULUlIUlI IU low with bim la charge Taeaday, aad will tara blot ovr to Ibe aeylara ta- tborltiea. Tbe bnaioeea msa who eaaaot sffwd i to aoveriiaa) ia a aewaparw oanauy wladt Bp with the sheriffs tale rolaeja. A msa who eeaeee to do bnelaeee should ga oat of bnsiaeaa. Hick b alar be eee be quirk ty SnJ com pletely eeeenae by eelna I hoe famone little pills knewa aa "Dewili'a UtrW Early R lee re," For tale by Coneee A nnw.1 a Aa eiebenge eery sptty remarka that It la a irond aid faabloaed rale lo re member la Iteteaiag In rwalp, that eat eae wbo alii bring will eerry. part the whJ is put tTMbr. Afu-r hav ing eerwd tie rviUialt apprrnticeehtp la that drpartntrnt, be jumped Into the loooiuoU'e cab and eouiitis-nml stun- ellng roal In (be raauity of a firrnian. I raw aaS ateet. It la difficult, aaa IWIgtan journal. to Hitlnrulh t-rtHe-B lno ami atrrl lul, 1 dry have the same lth and norkmanehlpi Use will ronimotilv show the diff.-rrnoe. To male tlx-ill -tinrlion (tiU'kly plave tbe tool n-oti a atone, and drop U'n II ,tne ,1 lul.-l nltrle arid ( rla of watrr tnuii,' of a l.. If the tool rvtualns cWart ,t la of iron; If of steel.. It wilt show a LI ark et where Unnhr.l with the aeUI. 1 aeae spots ran lw easily rultrl O TV hwn TtlFJ'QONC, BAILEY GATZiRT AND 0CE.W WAVt Usving Alder Htreel U-ck. Portland, for Altria, mo, n... i r-k and Nahroiia. Ihrrel ennneei.oa with jJJzSV"9 . re. m,nd ...... ....m. . . ..ii-i-.ioD won lie C etearnera anil rail n-d; also at Yonn.'s Hay aiih 8eeehrs lUllroa.1. tdiji:iixonii Uate llrtlland J A, , Jialiy, ,!.. Imih A.torta J f. M U7 JtAILilTV OATy.riTi m learte rortland P M I.!T. r.H a-ihrt.r. aaiuHay t.l,M, e w . , al i- A M , I (( Sunday and l.MUr. elaf aiahl. r. a? OOI1AN' WAVU Leave fortland nl WMitWI h. Ilean Tiwertay ami Inqra.!..., i . w ... . l-.e. Laao mwJnP,., .(l4 ,W.y al ? ju A K. v. I'll) ai,afU ,'r't,! 1 " S Fomst Ctfflri W tiki toit.:n U Uin fnt ,f tiyi t v ro SaMy, sd. Cemloft, Meaanr.. T-ar en In, T.'r a,,!,, (i M Wanted-Hn Idea 2H el-a. i WTraT 7 71 7 rr.Ul4 I aUt Wr. Haward; -he waa m lear , Oald. Ir. Jobs W. Iteeraea, at tbe lUdliehl baa keg bear ea drsnf hi the lloa 0U Beat cf loees td itgare ta A Teal tp tkteeea. Thirrea are uslnr a eoetrivsnre look lag like aa ordinary wa'kg etirk, bi u n a an arrange that t y pairif s spring st tl,e han.lle tfce ferule .; prrwl Spstt snd f irtii i e.i I of tprirg r,.p Iht will lake It IJ of tat tl ytff !hl ; THE PALACE HOTEL UAH lOHS. Prop. a a a 1 - il.fl rh. Ttrf lliintf ! i K lf C (hf ltMwf I ! a, iryi.tiarBtaii.rt.rg,thi:- I- mL, 4-ujuors and Ligars. II