Scrofulajwelling On the Neck and Creat Weakness Caused by Impure Blood -Was Constantly Crowing Worse. "When my son was S years old he was In very poor health and we could get nothing to relieve him. At the age ol 7 years he began to complain of soreness on both sides of his neck and soon lamps be gan to gather on one side and grew to half the size of an egg. We then became more uneasy and began to doctor him for scrofula. He gradually grew worse, how ever, until at the age of twelve years we had lost all hope of his recovery. He be came so weak he could sit up but a few minutes at a time. My wife saw Hood's Barsaparilla recommended as a great blood purifier and we sent and got a bottle. Ws began giving our boy the medicine ac cording to directions and it was nnt lnhv before we saw he was Improving. He continued taking it until he Was in very good health. He it now 13 years 'old and Is well. We recommend Hood's Sarsapa Tllla for all troubles caused by impure blood." 8. M. Silveb, Grouse, Oregon. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists. SI j six for is. Get only Hood's. Take Notice. 1. The sum of live cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever nnrnnaa. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from whlfth ravannn it tn hn riA. rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to In every Instance, Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Now that the great political campaign is over end the winter season again with tus, all will want an adequate supply of CreBb and varied reading matter for the Jong evenings. Cognizant of this the "Gazette has made clubbing arrangements "with a number of periodicals and now offers the following to all new and renew al subscribers: The GAZETTE 12.50 and . Club Rate Weekly Oregonlan, 11.50 lit. 50 " 8. F. Examiner, S1.50 8.75 " N, Y. Tribune, f 1.00 8.00 " Inter-Ocean, 11.00 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle, 11.50 8.75 Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, 11.00 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2 50 Leslie's Weekly, fi.00 5.00 HETH. EP1SC. CHUKOH. SERVICES. Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Clases No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epwnrth League Devotional meet inn at 1 p. m. iPrayer meeting, Thursday, g p. m. ''The Spirit and the bn a any. Tom." The pator may be found at the pnrsonare ad. join ins the church, where he will be K'ad to meet a y w o may d sire to consult him on roliaiona, sotinl. eivio, philosophic, educational, or any other subjects. J. W. FLESH KR, Minister. RANDOM REMARKS. From Sport's Proline Stock of Matters, Personal and Impersonal The Usual Grist It was reported 'that Sport bad gone to Olondyke, bnt "niiy." He'a sti'l on deck and flourishing. He don't fancy liviDg in a country where one most ohop off their cocktails with a batobet for nice months iu the year. Ice cream is a nice thing, too, for special occasions, bnt it no soooess as a regular diet. Si Bennett tried the impossible on last Saturday, and not being able to coDviooe Marshal Roberts that be own ed the town and bad a lead-pipe oinch on it was "apprehended" for a brief period. Si departed on Saturday after noon, bat returned later quite ill, but at present is on the road to recovery. Si is old enough to know better. The recorder will be oalled npon to oterview Frank Jones, Uzz and Owen Freoob, we are informed, npon bis re turn from the mountains. This inter view will no doubt make the oity richer and, it is hoped, tbe boys some wiser It will be based upon a little sorimmsge. on last Sunday evening in which the young men evidently over-matched themselves in selecting Lee Matlock and Doo Rasmus as suitable men to lick. Frank made a bad matter worse by smashing in a door later on. Sport thought that you boys bad passed tbe age of doing foolish things. Wben men propose to oppose the laws of tbe laud and to disturb the quietude of tbe town they should expect to be restrained. It is too bad that young men wbo know better should try to do these impossible things. Sport has gone through it all along with measles, mumps, whooping-oougb and the shingle of tbe strong armed pater familias and is glad to be dooile. It is now a pleas ure to be "quiet." The little fire yesterday evening in tbe Mountain House demonstrated the necessity of good fire protection wbioh Heppner seems to bave. Although Qeppoer fire companies bave little or no organization, yet an ordinary fire does not last long before them. Tbe pressure yesterday wbs fine. Sport is advised that tbe editor has gone to Spokane. British Oolumbia or Olondyke. We hope that he won't run away and get bnsted np in business any more. It give tbe gossips a obance to use tbeir jaws. Some person bat circulated tbe re port that ''Oolorow" is on tbe eve of com mitting matrimony. Sport believes that be is past redemption. CELERY KOLA GIVES REST AND SLEEP -IV 5. 2i A True Nerve Tonic and Blood Purifier Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood, Regulates the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. NEW DISCOVERY- BEST CELERY PREPARATION ON EARTH. BB HAD OJCIvY AT' Heppner, Oregon. BUSIES jS IB Bl-Oct 11 Pretty Good Symptons. Here and There. Shorthorn dairy for best milk and oream. 67tt J. P. Rhea was over from Bbea creek Satarday. t H. A. Copper was io from Mouoment last week. Conser & Brock's for tbe "Never Fail" beadacbe wafer. tf. Milk from single cows for babies at the Shorthorn dairy. 68tf Olondyke baoon, six ioohes thick, at P.O. Thompson Co. 6(39-70 T. R. Howard's family have returned from tbe mouotaint. Oeo. Cooser spent Sanday at C. A Bbea ' on Rbes creek. Heppner Outfitting Co., in tbe old Ilsrreo stand, see sdv. a Ranous is still on the tart doing a lit tie carpenter basinets. tf 8obmit your plans to Ranous before giving out your oontrsot. tf Cbas. 8. Busssl. of Portland, was io Hrppoer on last Saturday. Best stock of harvest gloves in Depp aer si P. C Thompson Co. 5q9-70 Ton need silvsreare. Trade with E. W, Rhea k Co., sod gel it. 669 70 Statements for tbe Famous Simple Aoeoont File printed at tbe 0Ette of flee. Almost a Blaze. About 7 o'clock yesterdav evening the cry of fire brought out a fall and well assorted line of our citizens to tbe building known as tbe Mountain house, opposite the Qsztte office, on Main street. Quick sotion on tbe part of the firemen soon bad to hose cart npon tbe scee and a few moments later a bugs stream of watr was playing on the flimet, wbioh were in the rear rooms t the boose. Tbe owner of the house is ansent from tbe oily, bnt several gentle men are "bsobing" and ocoapy rooms there. It is not known how tbe fire origin Rted, but it seems to have caught in abed room, lbs damage done will probably not exceed 850. An old Dutchman, says an exchange, had a beautiful boy of whom be was very proud and deoided to find oat tbe trend of bis mind. Ha adopted a novel method by wbioh to teat him. He slip ped into the little fellow's room one morning and plsoed ou bis table a bot tle of whiskey, a bible and a silver dol lar. "Now" said he, "ven dot boy comes in, it be takes dot dollar, he's going to be a beezues man ; it be takes dot whiskie, he's no goot, going to be a draokarl ; It he takes dot bible he'll bs a preacher," and hid behind tbe door to see what bis son would oboose. In oame tbe boy whistling. He ran up to the table, pioked op the dollar Bod put it in bis picket. He pinked op tbe bible and pat it under bis arm; then snatohed up the bottle of whiskey and took two or three drinks and went out smaoking his lips. The old Dutchman poked his head nut from behind the door and exclaimed: "Mine Got, bs vas gom' to be a bolitioiaol" Baker City Democrat. A letter reoeived by her parents in this city tells ot tbe bad look of a Baker City girl wbo was one ot the Baker Oity delegation to the Christian En deavor convention at San Frauoisoo. The young lady, shortly after her ar rival in 'Frisoo, formed the acqunint- anoe of a nioe appearing young man and was invited by bim to take a stroll about the city. The young lady think Baker City Girl's Bad Judgment. FOR YOU! Now repared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart merit has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop is ing that she was in good hands, consent-1 now prepared to tackle anything in any Congressman Ellis, wifs snd cbild, arrived this morning from Washington, D.O. Two plows, a barrow and otbr farm Imnlsmsnts to trade for wood. Call ou R.G. wile. ea-tf. The Uop Gold keg beer at the YTel enms. do ie, yon thirsty deoiseot, sod see the toys. " Mr. aod Mrs. This. J. Ms tlock were Aomm from the Uiotoo orrrk ranch oa Isst Bstarday. Psscbse, water nieloei snd sll frails tJ tha on srrlvlnf dally al Ibe Orsefs Fnnl. Ed. A. Kelson, tbe olJ stag d'lv.r of Bremer's primitive days, was la from Condoe oB lest Friday. HomsmaJ. breed. eskae and pise msds sad for salt by Mrs. P. C Tbom peon's store. lafsttlflf font ootflt tt OonAiU, rWl for;t to aa ttm tre fraater from P. C Tboipoa Co. Wi TO Bot eeemno4stl"Q snd tenrtMias trsaloeot at tb Imperial Itel,Bevntb tad Wash, Bis., Portland, Orf ChsrUy Jonse fcss rJoe4 tbe .rhe if .bstlnt to 15 eeeie. Wbae yea wsnl t first rlast sbsvt tall at Ibe same old sited. Tdom b desire t beil4 toonl-l est fnrtl Ibtl O. E. lUeeos, Ibe ene Irator, ks ras-iy It taakt tttimalee tl tty Unit. ' ("torn A 111 ok foy Mcklre ar.d S.ooaJ goods, rtluJ rtfcee, Ofeeft Fmet.cpp. Ctly Ixrtst, Of. Mala snd WUW sir Ml. Fvwy e.w tefceerihar OstHe from late d.u, ? . Ial. ' All propositions msds by E. W. Rbes k Co. io tbis issue are for( cash Irads only. ' 669-70 Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Borg and ton, O'oar, left yesterdsy for a several weeks' visit In tbe mountains on Ditch creek. J. W. Bailey, editor of tbt Portland Roral Spirit, and a candidate for State Food and Dairy commissioner is In the oity. Pap and Art Mioor, with their re spective families, bave returned from lbs mountains. Ditob creek it taid to be all right tbis year. Cord wood it 125 per cord io Ibe Olnn- dyke regions. Thermometers that re gister from 60 Io 80 drsresi below lero can bs bad fret. Geo. T. Newman aod B. Jnlis Meyer, tbe taller of tht wtll known firm of Fleck an- tteio k Msysr, were among Heppntr'i visitors on last Friday. Pspfiimoos aod wift have returned from Silver, Wash., where Ihey eojiyed Ihsmselvot Immsorely. Wm. Baark tod family art prospering op Ibtrt, Pap Io forms tbt editor of Ibit paper. It asked the question "Have you got a stomaobr it would be safe on gen eral principles, to answer "Yes." Bat, if yoa are sort of it, that is, it you ever feel any distress after eating or any pains ot whatever description in the re gion ot tbt stomach, yoa have got something more than an ordinary stom sob; in other words, yoa have got diseased stomach. Tbe ttomaob is powerful muscle, and the proper remedy for t tired muscle it rest. Try tbt Shsker Digeativs Cordial, for tbis pro doot only onntaina digeeted fond, wbicb will nourish tht system without any work on the pari of tbt diseased organs, bat it aids tht digestion of other foods as well. Yoa oan test its vslue io yoor esse for Ibe IriUiog tarn of 10 cents. Ssmple bottles at tbis priot are carried by all druggists. Lsxol is tbe best medicine for children. Doo tort recommend it io plsoe of Oss- tor Oil. A gardener near New Wbatrom, says ta exebangs, bat bit npon a novel method of getting rid of a neighbor's cbirkeos, which bad dons misohiet io bit garden. Ms wrote a number of cards: "I am likely Io be shot," "Keep meat borne," "I've been scrs'ohing op my neighbor's garden," etc To eaob of tbes esrds bs attached t thread and at tbt other end a ksroel of eorn- Tbt bens swallowed tht corn as d relumed homt labeled with the cards, tvtry oot having a sign banglog oul of its mouth. sd, and together they went out for a walk. Daring their perambulations the young lady entrusted tbe care ot her purse, containing all the money that she had and ber return railway ticket, to ber esoort. Her. male companion is still taking oare ot tbe parse and its contents. Fall and winter novelties, consisting of the finest and the lates woolens, tm ported and domestic clays aud fancy orsteds, plain and fancy obeviots and oassimeres, specialties and confined styles of soilings at the New York tailor shop. 68-11 Quick! The sooner you begin to use .Schillings Best tea., the bigger your chances at tha Siooo offered for the miss ing word besides the ex tra prizes for the most tick ets sent in. Schillings Best tea is at your grocer s. Rules of contest published in larg advertisement about the first and middle ef each month. aii STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY line aud will meet prices ot any person under tbe sun in Ibe line of druggiBls' supplies, blank books, bank work, oounty work, or any sort ot book bind- ing work that you bave heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Ghzstte shop is not a charity concern but it you will give us a ohauce we will see that yoa are satisfied in every particular. Buv your goods at home. Remember that Abe Liu Polo said that when one bought goods away from borne the foreigner got the money aud we got tbe goods. But when the goods were bought at home we had both money and goods. Tbis is good dootrine. We are willing to abide bv it. When tbe printing drummer comes to torn, re member it and cull up 'phone No. 3. SfiO-tf The girl who gives way to a desire to gad about the streets, to cultivate tbe acquaintance ot young men, and to sot simperlngly, is layiug a foundation for a useless life after, and when married she will develp Into a shternly goaslp, if no greater misfortune befalls her, tays the Eugene Journal. It is the girl who loves borne and helps her mother who wlus the model young mao aud beoomet an ornament to womanhood. Tbe girl wbo does this aud devotes some of ber lime to reeding snd strives for tbe grade (if menial culture, commands Ttt esteem and respect of everybody. You Don't Expect 6oods for Nothing! B UT YOU DO WANT LOW PRICES groceries and supplies ; yon want sub stantial gents' furnishings. Yoa can find what you want at T. R. Howard's MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED I IT. M. Howard Main Street. Heppner. Oregon. THE ART OF BREWING Was Perfected by the Production of BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY. "OTJ1TXXD, 1QTO. Boarding and Day School for Doy$ Under Military Discipline. Tm hh rr nnlr Ui tiiwMtit mniiinit!t ln-slnn Hejit. II. i hi. in.mnilon ta innroii. my iiil"i i'T mi rrrniai, riri i. A too of Oeo. Ttrry, of Lobs Rock, t yoong mso, esmt in Booday to gel Tbt Jonesa Bssrobligbt ttvs that oot miner bat worked 45 feet ot bis elaim aed tskeo oot 190.000, bat Ibe stmt paper did ool meotioo Ibttmoant Ibt hundreds of miners dido'l Itkt oat It's oot ool of many wbo mskst a rich ttrlkt, tod be gstt advertised, wbilt 17. ihiml anil moral (ruining of lxy. Thorounh rti urtit on for knjr roll)' or rimiiiBa M-hool. r Hint at iitwni 1 1 rule, wmi mini, m nMwitn. Matin i titota of TwhnoloM, Hmm I nivrmiin of ( uliloinia. Hnwin, l'"i'lini, Ktwifii'd anil MHtill. During mention lltor wli ma from S in Vi a. m. For ratalotrna arid oilier information. anlrNi Ilia I'nnoinal, J. W. H1U H. II., I'irllaul. Or-,.n. P. O drawer 11. Sl-tVi. IS. Ami now the entire world Knows tins nertect nroduct As the Star Brewery beer On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Waahlngten St., fortlane Or. bit oppe lip dressed from a bad eot re- tbonaaadt spend everything tbey bavt eslved tl tht hsoli of a frat'iout eayase. Io get ta tbt Cloodyks, remsia a few II required several stiohet to close op y tars, sodarsbsrdthlps and fttoro bores tht woond. with a brnksa dowo oostllutlon tod IV,... M.i. n at lk fill. k. fanful all ""' a' - kinds of freeh brsad, eakst, pies, boot Lawiaf at f3-70 snd tserilbiog mnally foond la a first- class baksry. Choice groceries, frseb vstfsiablee, froilt aod watermalnot will be keit eoostaoily on salt at Ibis plaee. m 77. W. B, Joboson, Newark, O., ssyt "Oot Minute Couib Cart std my oely child frm dying by oronp." It bat tsved tbooasodt ofolhert tofiVrieg from troo p itsomrolt, broerbliit ted ol bar artoos Ihioal and loaf Miblea. For tele by Coossr k Brock. Uaars. J. II. Hrbeoek tad J. Pallet ann U baalar d'tarlr1 laal avaning for th !. vie Mpnkane, Cbirato tod fedUnapoli. Tht toong mat thoroogb ly anj iy4 IbMr waster vieit ted Iht 0tli brtpae Itsl Ibey may raioro to Oragno to loesie. II Is alws)S rliflo n raeive taall sVMilatt fw Cbaeinaflait'sCritif, Chelera tad 1)1 arr boas Ramady, aod what Ike etdorsameiit le from pbyslrisa It la seieialty s. fcTbare it sx more ssMs far lory w sffatUvt fare ad f thai Cbau barliiD's Ckulia, Cevlara aod DiarroAM IWmady," wrM-t Dr. R. E. Iby tiriss ssd pbarmarlal, ef Ottay, Me.; sad es be ks saal iht fmt la ait nee faral'y and M II la bis drsf !e px3rjDC.:xj! W 'tf NOTICE! A local poet, tayt Iht Jackeoovtlle Tlnias, mailad ot a poam tbis week en- titled: -Why do I livsT"' Wt esooot ose tbt rootribotina. bol wt ceo answsr the ooouodrom. Yoa live simply le tease yoa ml your verset lolctd of brinf log Ibem. Fioa, esw, fall cresm tbeeet constsnt ly ro band tl ttort of P. C. Thorn paos Oo. m-i& 3. W. Vsoshso tod fsmily btvt re- lorosd fiom Ibslr ooiing It Ibt mono tains Bread msdt from wbaal fjonr at Mrs Latr 't bakery. For sals al ttort of f. C. Tbom ptoa Co. tV-9-70 Call ea E. W, Rhea k On. aod fl parlifalart of Ibair esw tilvarwtrede psrttrt. It wtll loUrsetyoo. tSZ 70 Boy year dry goodt sad farolsbitg giodt of E. W, Rhsa k Co , and gel t 1st pet test rte Ibkttoaeecb per. tbsee. Ibeeetltketa will be redeemed by tbm with Rngar Br. Irlple-tlatt titvsveare. tC3 70 E. W. Rhsa k Co. art boey epeelag op Ibslr at fell g'KxU. Tea tea mskt a ssviog ef lea pf teal all pirbae from ihaet. This applUs le all dapsri. mi.U nf tht store sieapl fmeariae. la faet, toy person, ir parsons, raeidlng wit bin the eity limits, or county limits, wbo shall lie eaogbl riding, or walking, by Ibt ttors ot TO BICYCLISTS, SHOPPERS, ETC. t, At the old Btaod, bave tbe usual pring outfit of FARMING UTENSILS, HARDWARE AND CAMP OUTFITS, IWkles tie thousanJ odla and euilt that are too numerout to meotioD. Oeall on. 0 ' J t MIKTOI & CO. I M t s i nit km Wlthoot atilnt al Iba aUiVa mentioned store Bill t nrli8rd t) Iba Cny Mtrabil ibst the only plate Io llappner yoa rn bay Is l Ibe Htore of MINOIt CO. Oar sstlrs lint most o to mska room for fall stock.. ... . 1 m w V 1 1 7f ilLL UW IS IT COST ! I MINOR & CO. HEPPNER, OREGON. GILLIAM & lilSBEE, Natl Door In flnl National Kank Hull'11". Heppner Outfitting Co, Cull on. FRED. BARTHOLOMEW At this popular stand and ct goods at half the old prices. Fact. FI1ANK ALeFABLAND, Mgr. You con Wager Your Sox that You ore Always nt Homo ot .... Tf Welcome Ot Hale btrsct. io City Ut.l Soildioc THE BEST WET GOODS in the MARKET. Hay try le pltaas all. fist tlob ronest la coaatetlea. TOW TIWvARD, Prop. aai. f. an years, I U r.l I srlaislf beo. Tot will bst a s tad tteok to teia-1 Tho GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH1. sea prairiiara a .... . ,w prwtiu,tj.,.--ti .rtyiivt.or. i frvw. COO 7J