.V ST I M VJRGO ie3eh:.:: J as. F. Johnson, postmaster at Pendleton, has resigned. The promise of a more lucrative posi tion in other pursuits is given ss the principal reason for Mr. John son's resignation. The editor of the Heppner Ga. zette announces that a silver dol lar is now worth forty-five cents. Have you any that you will sell at that price brother? Inland Em pire. A country editor money to sell ! Do you want to inBult us? denly saw a new light and speedi ly accepted the last proposition made by the United States for an international conference on pelagic sealing in the Bering Sea, and the conference will be held in Wash ington this fall. No better proof could be found that plain talk is sometimes needed between nations just as much as it is between in dividuals. Owing to the election law which enables the democrats to do as they please in that state, the Virginia republicans are not hope ful of accomplishing anything this year, although they say there is so doubt of the state being re publican, if a fair count could be had. Every person Bhould be on watch for the tariff beats, and he should have no hesitation in ex posing them wherever found. It is, of course, expected that the free traders will duplicate the fight they made against the McEinley tariff and endeavor to make senti ment against protection by push ing up prices on everything, but there is a worse class of tariff beats. Those traders who for no other reason than gieed, attempt to raise the prices on goods that will not be affected to any marked extent by the tariff. If we have any in such our vicinity, we should expose him and refuse to patronize him, aud should persuade our neighbor to follow ns in going to the dealer who is too honest to try to add to his profits by putting np his prices ou everything and charging it all to the tariff. It was just such men as they who brought about the four years of hard times from which the country has now happily emerged. Watch them, and show them up. The Country Piths. No man ever paid a higher compli ment to tho country press than While law Raid. At a dinner giveo toe mem ber! of the press in New York sometime ng Mr. Raid wai called upon to reply to (be toast "An Independent Press" and be said the following: "There is no aach thing in America as an independent pres, unless it is oat in the country towos. Yoa are all slaves Yon know it and I know it There is not one of yoa honest opinion. Too Much Me! The use of the surgeon's knife is be coming ao general, resulting fatally in such a large number of cases, as to rho dares xpres an . occasion general alarm. If von einress it. von Mr- am Walpole, of Walshtown, know beforehand that it will not appear In three eafs a 0,' there came under my ieit eve a little motcn arjoui me size ol a small pea. It grew rapidly , and shooting pains ran in every direction. I became alarmed and consulted a srood doctor, who oronounced it can- Nhcer, and said that it ft must be cut out. This I would not U ft7 consent to, having NS - httle faith in the indiscriminate use of the knife. Read- print. I am paid $150 a week for keep' iog honest opinions oat of the papers I am connected with Others of yoa are paid similar salaries for doing similar thiols. If I should allow honest opin ions to be printed in one issue of my paper, like Othello, my oooopation would be gone. The man who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be oat on the streets looking for another job. The business of leading journalists is to distort the troth, to per- 2 vert, to villify, to fawn at the feet of . ing of the many cures made by S. S. nismmon and to sell bis oouutry and ! 8 determined to give that medicine race for bis daily bread, or for what is tria1'' & &f ?J f ttlJiZ .... ' . . , I days, the cancer became irritated and about the same, his sala-y. Yoa know j began to discharge. This after awhile this, and I know it, and what foolery to I ceased, leaving a small scab, which be toasting an independent press. We are the tools and vassals of the rich men behind the screens. We are jumping jacks. They pall the string and we dunce. Our time, our talent, onr possi bilities, are all the property of other men. We .ro intelleotuul prostitutes." finally dropped off, and only a healthy little scar remained to mark the place Where the destroyer had held full away, A Real Blood Remedy. Cancer is in the blood and it is folly inn-inert an nne.ration to cure it. S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real and to his son-itvluw the remainder, WHAT OUB IXCHANGES SAY. Neither the republican Nation al committee, nor the congression al committee, will have anything to do with the management of the campaign in Maryland this year, but both will render aid in every possible way to the republicans of i"sapreme court's ruling that the I that state. The Maryland republi cans are not disposed to boast, but having licked Boss Qorman out of his boots last year they ei press confidence in their ability to re peat the whipping this year and to elect a majority of the legislature which will elect Gorman's suc cessor in the senate. Secretary Gage is paying es pecially close attention to the working of the Dingley tariff law, which he thinks one of the best the couutry has evir had and one which will rapidly grow iu popu larity as its manifold advantages beoome generally known. The actual administration of the tariff law is iu the hands of Assistant Secretary Howell, who is an ex pert in the numerous complica tions which necessarily arise when a change is made in the tariff, but Secretary Gaga is so much inter ested that be keeps iu clone touch with all tariff matters. Treasury officials say the new law it un usually free from the errors and contradictions which have made so much trouble for those who have lxen charged with the ad ministration of previous tarifl laws. Mr. Samuel C Drgtux, a uiin- ing expert aud statistical connect eJ with the U. S. bureau of labor, is dow on hit way to the Cloud) kr gold Colds for the purpose of mak ing an official investigation of tho resources and conditions of the gold field, lit e i poets to get t Dawtoo City before rolj weather stop travel and will spend the winter tbpr. Upon Mr. Duo ham's report, which will U uadr at early tii-xt year at be can asoer tain tht necessary facta, much will depoiL If ha find gold at plen tiful as it baa la reported to I, thrrt them will I t, wildest tush from the United Static and Canada io tho world't history. If, ou the contrary, be rrrts the find of gold to have lncn greatly fisfk-.-rall, ai d ttdlt tha other si In of the story generally, the Als.Wn fold f icilorucnt will dip out sullenly at it U-faa. Tmnc it on thing about fWre. tary Herman's rtr6l my via omul inaiructiont t AtnU. In Ilsy on tlta seal fuller ira q ileal ion that cannot 1 denied; tli brought lbs gimntneoi of Urrat Itritiaa to lira. I'p to tht path cation of Mr. Hbmnaii'i plait. language Lord Salisbury had d ctine4 emal aagifttinot from tbl givernraeol thai a pnoferenr Fossil Journal : The surpreme court of the state of Oregon met io Pendleton Monday, and adjourned the same (fay after handing down 38 decisions io Eastern Oregon cases. In the Gilliam couoty osseof H. C. Strickland vs. Oeide et al, the judgment of the lower oourt was affirmed. Mr. Strickland bas therefore won his oase la justice, state and supreme courts. His suit was for damages from Oiede & Summerfield, whose sheep bad trespassed on Striok land's onfenoed land. remedy for every disease of the blood. Books mailed free; address Swift Spe cific Co., Atlanta, Ga. The decision of the supreme oourt at its reoeot session iu Pendleton on the homestead exemption law, is one of great importance to the people of the slate. This law was passed by the leg islature a few years since bat bad been declared inoperative by suoh a number of the oiroult courts of the state that practioally no attention was paid to its existence, if business transactions, bat aw is valid, puts the proposition in an en tirely dinereut light and allows every ree holder so exmptlon to the amoaol I 81,500. Elrfin Rsoorder. The dispatches announce that a big war will soon be on between the sugar trust snd Arbuokle Bros, tbs big coffee roasters. This Is oansed by the sugar trust going into the o.ifTde trade, and now the Arbuokle Bros, propose to delve into the mysteries of the sugar reflniog basinass. The people will drink, laugh aod grow fit while such a war lasts. Brjwusvills Times, Oregon gets five plaoes on Reed's bouas committees, Mr. Tongns being no tbs srld lauds c immittee ami Mr. Ellis oa lbs alcohlio commutes. These com mitteeships are in addition Io those post tnns previously announced. This is good ss fsr ss it goes, but lbs facts r- m iio tbs SHin. O'eg o bas not bnen giveo proper rsoignitios by lbs speaker. Ws should be on one or mors of tbs great cstumitt, HUtesmso. Tht alleged olaim of 0rblt to a seal Id tbs scoats has e ist the gaisral tax payers something aside from tbs ex psoseof tbs Uls UgUUtivs flisct and lbs I'ms to lus psopls by res io of an loo. The following outgrowth of lbs Cortwttt pure bans is from the Onn. i awa a a.m. t grMMiooai ntcom: "iors oomg do Iji-cllno, Ilia squats proomdi to eno ider lbs resoliilios, s follow ' K- olveil, tbl I here b allowed snd plJ ut John Irwin, jr., lata oler of the Com mittee oa rrivileges sod Elsctioas, from lbs eoutiogenl fund of fhs senate, 700, as eopenaiioD (or bis services in lbs prepsrslioo of lbs Appendix to Ken is Eliot Ion Cas. ant born 1 by ooi- oarrent solution." HUa 8 talesman, Tbs rorllaod Oregoelao is 'drank" lib s lvoeitlng "lbs gold tars." The mpretaloo Is sgsla gaining groasd that lbs sailor of lbs Orsgooloo is oa the ave or leiug nit reason. At ooe lints aal yesr Ibis impreMloa breams quits oar at bal was sonawbat ramoved by ihs s.I i lor taktof a trip umib sad Io lbr parts of the cono'ry snl rlurniD ilh olhof Ibtqgbls apparntoat Ihao mai or ' ins g u tars." llowaver, baek la lbs SHlilnrlal bsrneas bis old kabit of Iboagbt has Mltl'Dsd sa l II Is aimlntly sg'svat4 by coo titlona, aolil bis ravings oa frae Mlaags and aeinat saas wbs differ with bita la plaloa are suah m .i raua nasy to lonttl Mr. He .11 sanity, and Ihs boll.f i 1. roiug genaral ibrongHniit lb 4U that ba baa goes daft fn.n bla lavotlot It Ibis oa surijot. "(lDla is Is ens.lsa sl.Mrly silled." deelared ihsaa,snj i nay provt Iras ia I be saMof th brilliant ediltr of lbs Part tnJ spe, wbM sdnorlal sslu sre sow stl'setlag siUatioa beu of beir paliiiea, billarnaaa, gman. law prnal rflslinat si.4 balre.1. Issaa't oplnhs snaaU U s basbte fhaasdsM With IblS Sill' Dsleas SS- eompatie.) ty a twnrs afTIITl of lbs soraoD Uia eipreMln II tit lbs 8Vt Ibat lbs sail pars-m Is I mi lb sad tos sail I lb "g M susda I" as I Owbell 'of Cslls-I Niaus !, wbsl ter ll sjaopls ( Orat WSSt 1)11 Of D.il, Slid f b rsl t4 Doa) Jm M.uos of tblngS saliusal wbM mils lbs OrefMi CO " . 11 ' Fossil Journal: The band of thieving gypsies that beld op Harry Reed be tween Arlington and Condon, fortunate ly did not pay Fossil a visit, but passed on throogh Morrow oonnty to Pendleton, out of which place tbey vamoosed pretty quickly upon learning that war rants bad been sworn out f r tbeir apprehension. There are 43 persons in the band, and tbey travel in 8 wagons with about 40 horses. RUSSIAN WOMEN. Not Lobs; Ago They Were Treated Tnrklah Wonri Are. It is curious to think what a short time it is since the emperors of Russia treated their womankind in the same way they are still treated in Turkey, In those days the czar chose his wife from among his subject nnl he was never considered his equal. The mat' tor was arranged Iu this way: On acer tain day the nobles brought their young daughters to be looked at, and sue who took the e tn per or 'a fancy wa forthwith chosen to be his wife. The priiK'i-sHS were, kept with the sryue strictness as eastern princes, nml marriage ouly changed tln-lr place of resident, but gave th-m no more f reedom. They were allowed eccaslon ally to be present when guests were re- reived, to whom they would hand a cup or wine ond then setire to their apart ir.ent, there being a suite of rooms at the north side of the palace reserved ceeially for them If they were ill the room was dark eued before tlie doctor wa admitted, and he was not even allowed to feel their pulse, and when they drove ou the windows of their csrrlages had ilrawn curtains. The first czarina who emancipated herself from this state of slavery, snd so Instituted a new and happier ers for Hussion women, was the twuutiful Na thalie N'er.vsrhkl, the seoond wife of Alexis Mlrharlntit4'h and the mot hero leter the (ireat, and her triumph was w hen sue obtained her hiiclitil' con spnt to drive v.lth him in an oim-ii enr ringe to t hu ruoiiualery of Trollsky. t proceeding which at the tlm ores sioned a great wstnlal Naturally, when the lluian princes iicgan io intermarry with other Ku rojiesn royal fn mi lira they were ohllgei! to hreat their wives dinVrrntlv, but it wa a long lime lirfore th court of UumIs became sa civilized ss the rest of Kurope, Mom rrul gisr. Mosey la troaia. Here la "a strange true tsle," with the scene In Georgia, near the flourish ing town of Covington: A few years ago a negro woman Ih Ing near Coving ton lost a sod, by death. A week or so ago tbs woinso bsd a dream In w hich the son Sesred Io her and told her that if she would go Io a cei-sIn comer of the houa snd dig she v juld find a fist rork, umlrrnesih whlc she would find a lot of sitter money. The woman awoke and ws so much wrought up over the viaion that she srnuartl some of tbe family sod went al one Io the lrigmtrd pnt snd legn to dig. Ko.ni the rial r k wsa reached snd re mo nl with trembling hand and blgh tMt'latinn. A amall tm was ra veslrd; this wa taken out snd opened, snd, to the wonder sod satonlahment of all preartit. It cotilaltird 30 silver dollars. Atlanta ConatittaUoa. Mn. Ilawra II Apm of the "nrw wmiwn," me U.ly ir.urrct.tl an old story litem Ut? lay sImmiI Wra. Juliet Ward Howe tl. ruay or may nut la Iru. Al all rvetita. It wa wmih reaurm-tlnir. Tbs inry gvvatnsl Mr. Howe wsa one fins runn ing walking down IW oo lreet, t,. Ion, when h tort frirnd who a.ke.t brr bow lr, llime waa. "IH. Ilwr" levalnl Mrs, Howe, vfisy. Then, at if amldrnlj mollerUrg herwif . "Ob, tv' suits wl. Tut sur. I rwtDtiriber aewiuf Id h rooming psper that hw prraideU sl turns SinUrf or other lost en ning " Althr4 br Aa, "Duos UbM k gr rassjsd tbs kg tntwist. "It md ttv"ld the i !, -htrt It Is toofreb'a Bow.-jw-m.)iTe Lifw. VALENTINE KILLED LOVE. f ia iaa A rarmer DlatnherHa nia Daoskler Bcraosc of av Cemle One. James Martin, a well-to-do farmer, recently died, leaving will by which he disinherited his only daughter, the re sult of a disagreement about a valentine 50 years ago, says a Bsllietville (Pa.) special. It was . few days before St. Valentine's day, 60 years ago, when tbe daughter asked her father for a new dress. He refused to buy it for her. Tho girl took her father's refusal much to heart. On St. Valentine's day Mr, Martin received a valentine ortdressed to him in his daughter's handwriting. It was a rough caricature, represent ing a miser counting and gloating over bis money. He at once took his daugh ter to task for what he considered an in sult. She denied that she sent the car toon. There lived In the neighborhood another farmer who had treated a niece living with him brutally. Martin's daughter said that she nnd this girl had purchased each a valentine and thatehe (Miss Martin) had bought one entitled "The Honest Farmer," while the other girl had purchased the caricature to send to her harsh uncle. In addressing the enevelopcs the valentines, she said, became mixed. But in spite of explanations Mr. Mar tin would not believe his daughter, and from that day he never spoke to her. She soon married and lived on a farm adjoining, -and, although the old man was on the most familiar terms with the husband and cIi'ioVl.., !:e never no ticed her. He died the other day, leav ing an estate valued at $45,000. By his will he left his widow $30,000 Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon. ONLY STATE SCHOOL IN EASTERN OREGON i Located on tbe O. R. & N. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla. Students admitted at all times of tbe year. CRUSOE'S ISLAND DISAPPEARS. Reported Blnklns of Joan Farnandea Land bf Volcanic Action. A few weeks ago a veusel putting in at Lisbon after a trip around Cape Horn, reported the destruction by vol canic action of the Juan Ferinandez island, f amoua as the scene of "Kobin- son Crusoe." The maeter claimed to have seen tbe catastrophe from the deck of his vessel. The report was not given credence at the time by scientific men, and many denials were printed in papers and magazines. But CapU l'owells, of the British ship James Kerr, ahfeerts that the story is generally be lieved by seafaring men all over the world. The James Kerr has recently arrived from Newcastle, N. S. W., where she was laid up four months on account of the coal mine strike. Capt. Fowells met a very large number of master mariners there, and says that the. de struction of the island was a matter of common gosisp among them. The captain himself has not paswed within sight of the inland since 1889, when he secured a photograph of it from the dwk of his ship. He says that some of the captains who arrived in Newcastle while he was there verified the report, thta, the island was missing. provided he survived his wife, the farm' er's own daughter. If the son-in-law died first, then the money was to be di vided among his three children. To his daughter Mr. Martin bequeathed "a package to be found in his trunk, tied with a green ribbon and sealed with green wax." When this was opened it was found to be the unfortunate valen tine that had caused the estrangement of the farmer from his daughter half a century ago. N. Y. Press. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vooal and Instrumental Music taught by competent instructors. s A gradu ate of tbe Boston Conservatory bas obarge of tbe instrumental depart ment. The Iadies' Boorcllris: HaU Is thoroughly equipped and offers ex cellent accommodations at reasonable rates. Send for catalogue. Addsess M. G. ROYAL, President of Faculty or P. A. WORTHING- TON, Secretary Board of Regsnts, Weston, Or. FRANK ROGERS J. J. ROBERTS Rogers & Roberts, Contractors aod Builders. Flans and Estimates Given on Short Notice. OFFICE HOURS-Day and Night Leave your orders "Any Old.. Place" and Rog. or Jim will eet 'em. o o o o o o o MILK A NUTRITIVE. nldotfS Humiliate the itomaeli, rouse the liver, cure bilious- I I nest, headache, dlziiiiens, III S our tnm,h, conitipiitlon, Si I I t. l-rlr Vi crnti. Hold bjr (II drugirlMi. Tli onljr nil! Io ton with Huud'l H4npr!ll SPOKANE Fi'lS i NORTHERS NELSON & FORT SlIEPPiRD RFD MIENTA1N RAILWAYS The Only All-Bsil Route WilLonl Cbsngs of Csrs Between Hpokane, RoseUod snd- Nelson. Also between Nelson sol Rosslsod, daily except Sunday : Mil A. M Hpnkan S.lo P. M. lint A. M II. ind a Ml M 10 A.H Mlauo 145 P. H. Clna ennDwtxm t NoImiii with attunon for I ImIil ami all KikXmmm lka nointa. I'MUMMta-nr ti r'Kirttl hlrar bbJ Pimndarr I t rava rtttinacl at Suraai with ataaa daily. A Medical Man Who Existed for Thir ty Days on It. A medical nian expresses the belief that a pci'bon could live for any length of time and take heavy exercise all the while on no other food than sweet milk. His conviction is the result of personal experiment. He wanted to establish the fact that persons convalescing' from sickness may grow stronger with no other nutri ment than sweet milk, and that they are not obliged to take "something solid" to eat, as so many people imagine. He holds that many a convalescent has gone into his grave as a result of over taxing his weak stomach by putting solid food into it, and he maintained that the old belief as to bread being the first essential of human life is shown by his experiment to be erroneous. His test was to live 30 days with only sweet milk as a nourishment. In the whole timehelot 5 pounds in weight, but no strength. lie even attributes the loss of weight to the warmth of the weather and to excessive exercise on the bicycle and the daily manipulation of 10-pound dumbbells and other heavy weights. He took more exercise than usual ia order to test the thing fairly. On'the seventh day of the experiment he ran several fast races in a skillful manner, but was beaten In each race, On the thirtieth day 4ie again pitted himself ngalnst the same runner and got the best of his opiionent, which cer tainly would tend to confirm his state ment that he lost no strength during the JO days' tost. He drank four pints of milk daily for the last week. He thinks a healthy prrson should take alKjut Av pint of milk daily w hen no other food Is leing taken. His tract Ice was to drink milk at Intervals of two hours during 1he day, commencing at seven o clock in the morulnjr snd con tinuing until t-n at night. After that he would take no more until the rx-x morning. St, Luuls roht-Dispatch. THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS AT He baa anything In this line that yon mar desire and you can depend on it you get a good article when Mat guarauteei it. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty i ANIMAL WARFARE. Moak' of Afrtew papaad Tpwa Thalf Kamhara sad Ularlpllaa. The condition of the life of the aim key in Africa are siifuclrntly curious without reference to their acquired habits, though these are nndoubu-dly due to the dangers to which the nature tbi c-ivpmrueol thai a roofer anew ' M f " 1 'It I "M r 1 u,,,.io, .ha..t Asa,,. .feitJPi f.b-:rrvr;;r;ki as Amlaa I list inlfttrti it J .t ., "Jl jjvu nfo..l U.ltrfr T -w.mJtuUuf Ma pall u4., r ..'I'irT Vin.TfT'i... J .'"'"'""lwi Notlct of Intention. Laud Orrus T Thb Dlli. Ohoo. Ant. Ilh. In'I? XTIu-.,!.l!RF?Lf?,.V5N. I!'1T of "ary n which they live ex of hi Intention to mak Snal proof In iupport os tnrm. The difTrrrot Scie of ol bit claim, n.l that idpr.wi will U na.t baboons, w hich are found commonly ix-iora i, w. M.irrow, county eirrt, at llcpnnar, . , , ., . Orrieoo, on Kept, wife, iw?, via: lover tbe whole African contiucnt, are JDI1S P. LOI'Y. all by nature dwellers In the open coun Rrenrtl entry John I-nuy. ltd. Rntry Ko. SOS I try. Tbey find their food on the ground, w, ... " p. w, v w. " . M . I mil whslKav (hl K lnuli nr .r In Io llnaln. (Iliuwi In nrnva I --a isoirs, ii u usually in places wdicd or ford little hel trr or protection. Though strong and well armed with teeth, they are slow snlmals, with little of the moo key agility when on the ground, and not iiartit-iilarly active even when rlluibiiig sin ng iocU. In a ra'ky "kopjr of the south, ssy tbe Siertator, of tbe cliff and river H nam hi contlnunua rxldone upon and rulUvatlnn nt mm ini. Til: joarpn r. rilllna, Hcnrv Vllkln. John A. Rarhka and kdaard Hollo- y,ll ol iKnifiaa, Urefon, JA. P. MOORR. kattr. Notict of Intention. Lass Orrus at Tss Dm. Oasuox, Af . IWT XOTt W HtRIRY OIVIM IHaT 1HI i2l!:"w!,iW of Aby.s.nla and the Nil. tx.bu hUclalm, ni thai al4 proof will ha Biad ba for J. w. Miwroa. luonly lark sl HVppnar, JOH! A. BARRKE. ltd. tmry Kn. no for th HIV Sac. 3A, Tp, I N a..w.l Ha bam th Mlnwlnf wllnaaaa la prnv nia mniiniHni rrai.lanxa upon rnlU'attoa of aaM land. VI hn P I Of iMMIfla, (ItTfO, i.mrvn w. rutin. Hanrv rutin. John P liuy. AdaaM Hnlloaat. l J A A. P. MinRR, aWautrr. SOTICK OF COS TEST, Las rtii at Ts Du. Ooo. July ;l. !?. powpiAir Mviit rskn niTnarn t al ihitt.mr ii. S iv.-u aaalnat a. K alkr tt ii.l.nlf hi Hlmatr. (nlry So. ... d.ir4 lrrS . l;. U(-.n th ' t k aae r U.an.hlp , amiih I s, la Mrro nHinty. tra.in. an ! la Ih raiKliailiHi nf aatd anlry, tfca aai.i paplta an aavff atimmofwi aa at I thl lHtt oa th l h iter of a-pt , a. l Itailnl t at. In wanmt a"d In.i.uk Wall atony aonramln a 14 ailad aa'1 oir.ant i w Norma, manly rlart. I nihai4 ta laaatha WaMfaoay la Ihia ra alkMomraal Marpaar. ltoa, a tapt. la. It al io a n S v Ja P. Mast, ? 'S Rafilr. i tn- r.nnsa - v,: -!ryhVVAa k0L cad rt rnr m hai i taaa.ni.-a-.r.. ApfJy U anal'i I h. ,'- ' a Ci I"a-riw r a 1 1 a,a i, I, a v ) IMvlUa4MllM4ill,MUtaj. . . '.a tsrica. Ih"y sre safe enough. Ilut the rdrn sbsndon thrae entirely lo lovsde the low ei.iintr). Uurlng the Abyaala isn epriiti"n rnndueted )y lnl Ns pl-e of Magilsla Uiry regularly rsmped near our rnptntiim nu on the rnat an Mole the grain on wblih the rsolry boraes snd tnii!(icirt sniiiisl were ('! bn on r.ed.tUMia of Itii kind I lie) often h'ste tki'ir klroiigholtls for day I'Vrthrr, slid I hi" niestts of Joint tie- fi i.ae fmnt enrnilea In ibe ota-n raun Iry are Ibm i arrfully organised. Their ntlural ettrmle brn Mm etpnaed art the leoianl. the lion, sad the autith rrn Africa and I'sp wild dog. To the Hark of the leard tbey oppuaw aunt' lrt and disclphn. . Saaaaaae Salaal Japane fuah salavl U Inetia-fltlvf and particularly good. To msk It, mil ln rupfuls of cold bo. led a.h, breddd with en rupfol of cvcomlrr ptrV'ra cut Into al eea. Add well tt.a.lc Trench drraaisf and serve ran rri-n Irttitre All Kinds of Repair Work Done- B 00TS AND SHOES THE N Nw York Weekly fillip J m rimie FOR Farmers and Vlllaoers, FOR Fatners and Motoers, FOR Sons and Daognters, FOR nil the My. With tbe cIobo of tbe Presidential campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes tbe fact that tbe American people are dow anxious to give tneir time to come and business intereuts. To meet this condition i i i a a ' pouues win nave tar less space ana prominence, nntil another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the fight for tbe principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present day, and won its greatest victories. Every possible effort will be pat forth, and money freely SDent to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a ' National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member We tnrnlsh "The Gazette" and "N. y. Weekly TrlDune" one Year lor $3.00. OANII Addrta all Order to I1V ADVANCB. THE GAZETTE. . . ail BaaA . Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team Arc You in Need of a Saddle Horse All these can be procured at Thompson A Binns, Lower Main Btreet. Ileppner, Oregon. Th faaUaaaas r aall aalnlal vtth Oram!, Rarnev. Cmak Ollllaai aaA Mk., n4 ea mr, taony 4 Urn In aiak Ing lb rrtloM a Itatmln, tsiaT Price In tepln attt tb tlta, TI-lOiMPSOlST & BTN2STS. ti 8UXSIOSS. I Tt narriT mrar p Till ptati of r-..ii. fn Nnmx lonnif . . r ir.f. it a Aiaeaki ai4 ft II Mtoct,.a. Ih. IbairA l t naiiaaKHr, V . PlalntlSa, a Ufa kaaiha n4 Mary law bo, lMIa.lania Ta fa MaMiM Warf R.athn, SalaivUnt la II, twn4 ha kiaia of lran. Vsasara "h l'4 m afaar a anaaaf I ha aialnt t-i aralnai ana ta tka hnra ami tia4 nil aa af h-Wa tka aall tor a 10 Stan aatiil4 emiri, toall l.a.U?. lh,M Amf fWraa,Ka. t 4 If a tall an In arwaf ! anaaar. fnt aanl tfcaranl. ha a'alaiifta ant atplr an I ha to fat IS NiiH s.ataaHt.4 U tha ma. plalM. VH Poc )w1fi.t a4 Wn aaalaa "a In tka ena , na aaa ihaaana at tka raa mi at(M aM rmmt m (aaaai fmaaJal la. m4 tka a., mt at, 4 mmt, tmmm na I i aoaaa aa4 Slaaa.a m waaaii, (M rrn mmrrmm loawiaaW a aana. I auwta, , , t,llnMl t, , TI Jnl,nU rv 814. TsJis nl ansn liHes of cold cooked jxjlslort, turnij. iring' nesB, beats, cery irj, u,mt it, rut la a .! bo arwl sM fUof4 t'K-kle. alive, esr. kH taHM sad sbrnl.Ud ttlire eTmt a4 rrv ltk tuatotiMiaa drrwlnr Fs!f of vTstor Cr sad Affk. I W IT Wl terJarlef rraaaea. u im tB4 :f sa hwir in enM s jt to roto crlajy T) Ary w'trro Ihoeot.pVv. Ntm tall wltk U'a or aotir Srj.e SKI tbdfil hr I Ikta aaa ttthkal ree. A.LI . t .... w .t. . a mm - " a wia. ajaaa nril u aja ui u i a 4., i t..1a ltfl.. 8V3IM0SS. lUTHt rtarrtT rtirarop Tut mm Th Star flraatrj CoMMar. PlaJnua, ' n Mrt Krirk MefMlnt ta Ku4rt Ktkt iMI.nHanl In I ha aam. M ih. ,,,, lrf ofi t;z,?ZX"", a22S Ui! rr.Vk--,M,, tka plaintiff .in .... " th foil la 4ataMk aa I ha kw.alr( 4arHW i raal 'aatt aaanaaaaf la ' m amai,. aua ml OfaMt. Ill TVa mlkaat aianat al aae v a aaiaaaki 1 axik raa M. a M raaaaM I tA 'a al tka carnal? elarl mi Maarn ,a.. mm tka IHk Sa al Man-k lam l; a faeaa ?. .4 I!, m-4 mm aai aai knM a4 at-r tka r al aai4 aaia k Ik ..raaaat mi toad f i,wanv awfaa, a jaaa4 M Slat-raaawM, ' W f al Tki tuaan ia aeaJ tH1 . . tnrm ef aa i a. mmnm aaj arar,' -m ni", .. tka .7-.7rr.?"" Attor7 in. tmimut SOTICE TO TAXtAVtRX VOTtrp I mmr-m faa I a.,. ' X"taf, t-,m- m. i al H ., - a, a an. I m,J ' I- th-le aaM l21!!!.",,,T Tttaf TSf "a k. I. Ml l nailu. k Mr aa AIMani M PiaaSttA r