1 ' Portland Librarj PAPER OFFICIAL GET IN AND. RUSTLE With a New Summir kkS The Gazette Does Job Work GET IN AND RUSTLE With a New Summer Ad. The Gazette Does Job Work HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUG. 10, 1897. NO. 569 FIFTEENTH YEAR SEM I WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At $3.50 per year, $1.25 for six months, 75 ots. tor three monons, Btrictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPKR ia kept on tile at E. C. Duke's Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants Kxonangs, Han t ranciaoo, (Jamornia, wnere oou. raota for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 11 p m. daily except Blinaay arriving at neppner junoiion i:ou a. m Leaves Heppner Janciioa 3:4U a, in. and ar rives at HeDoner 6:10 a. m Bpokane Express No. 1 leaves Portland at 2:45 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Janotion 8:15 p. m. and Umatilla 11:15 d. m. Portland Exoress No. 8, from Spokane, arrives . at Umatilla 51)5 a. m. and Heppn r Junction 6:10 a. m. and amves at fortianu n:4! a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portlund 9 n. m. and ar rives at Heppner Janotion 8:30 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:40 a. m. Vast Mail No. 1 leaves TJmatl'la 12:40 D. m. and arrives at 'leppner Junction 1:47 a, m. and at Portland 7:sta. m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent U. it & a., neppner, Ure. OFPICIAL BIEECTOET. United State! Officials. Pieaident. ....William McKinloy V rn-Preatdent Garret A. Hobart Becretarv of State John Sherman oeorntary of Treasury ..Lyman i. (laire Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. UliuH Heorelary of War Bunnell V. Alger Secretary of Navy John 1). Long Pnatinaater-fteneral James A. (iary Attorney-General Joseph McKenna Secretary f Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon, Going East? IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET to Important rote. FIRST-Go via. St. Paul be- catiBe the lides to that point will afford you the very best service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. . the Wisconsin CeDtral because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class m every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin Central lines, or address - The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP MANCHESTER! ENGLAND OTIS PATTERSON. AGENT. qq oMheet in the Worm Jas. C. Pond, Gen. Pas. Agt,, Milwaukee, Wis. or Geo. 8. Batty, General Agent, 24fi Stark St., - Portland Or. McClure's Magazine For 1897 SEVEN GREAT SERIALS A New Lire or Grant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Lileof Grant ever published. (Begins in December.) Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished (Begins iu May.) Charles A.Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln' Cabinet, ana is probably fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period fi recollectio' S and correspondence. , Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connoctlon with this series of portraits it Is intended to publirh special biographical studies under the general title of .MAKERS OP THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. .,. ... - ;. Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary talent for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him a place oesiae roe ana uaDoriau. ... better rom his Cummings & Fall, UNIQUE WASHING COMPETITION How English Women Draw Visitors to Bazar. In England when society embarks upon some charitable enterprise usu ally a bazar or something on that or der they secure the promise ol a baker's dozen of popular young debu tantes to engage in a "washing compe tition," this feature of the bazar al ways proving"a big drawing card. Each of the fair washerwomen is at tired in chintz, a big white apron, broad white collar and sleeves rolled up above the elbow in true washerwoman style. Each competitor is supplied with a pail, some cold water, two pegs and a soiled tea cloth. On the word "go" jeweled hands are plunged into the water and the wash ing begins. The prize is given to the competitor who shows the cleanest cloth at the end of three minutes, the same being pegged into place upon the line. Points are deducted for overtime and incorrect detail. Said a London belle who recently took part in a washing competition at a select social event: "Twenty minutes of. that exercise every day would give anybody first-rate arm developing ex ercise. It's way ahead of some of the methods In my physical culture class." Something to Depend on. Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm of Jones & Bon, Cowden, Ills., in speaking of Dr. King's New Diaoovery, says that last winter his wife was attacked with La Grippe, and her esse grew so serious that physicians at Cowden and Pant oould do nothing for her. II seemed to develop into Hasty Consumption. Hav ing Dr. King's New Discovery in store, and selling lots of it, be took a bottle borne, and to the surprise of all Bhe be gan to get better from first dose, and half dozen dollar bottles eared her sennd and well. Dr. King's New Disoovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guar anteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottles at Ooosor & Brook's Drug Store. . Condition of Wool. Boston, Aug. 7. The Commercial Bulletin says of the wool market: The market oontinues to adranoe slowly at the rate of about a cent a ' scoured ponnd each week. Michigan was sold at 20 cents and Australian has advanced. Mills are averaging an advance ot 15 per oent on. their new olotbs and are muoh enoouraged. Receipts to date show an increase ot 30,271 bales domes tic and 837,963 foreign. PROPRIETORS' . Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO; ILL.. TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN MACLAREN, All the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the-exception oftwc contributions to another publication wnicn were engagea iroin mm ioiik ago, win appear in mculurbs magazine. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A scries of new animal stories in the same field as the "Brer Rabbit" aud the "Little Mr. Thlmbleflnger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLJNO. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McCLUBS's all of the short stories he will write during the coming year. OCTAVE THANET Is preparing for the Maoazinb a series of short stories lit whioh the same characters will appear, although each will be complete in Itself. ,v Anthony Hope Bret Harte Robert Barr Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell will all have stories in McClcre's for the coming year. ROUGH ON 1 HE SENTRY. FQVDER Absolutely Pure Deafness Cannot Be Cared Two of Kind. .... A preaober oame at s newspaper man tbii way: "Ton editors dare not tell the troth. If you did, yoa could not live, your newspaper would be a failure." The editor: "You are right,' and the minister who at all times and under all olroumstanaea tells the whole truth about his members, alive or dead, will not fill a pulpit more tban one Sunday, then he will Audit necessary' o leave town in a hurry. : The press and the feacMhe SSpoVt iK? ? hf There is onlv one wav to cure deafness, brushes and pleasant words, magnify- The Remedy was au Right, But It Was Rnd that is bv constitutional remtdiee. ling little virtues into "bis ones. The ,v.e" to tht WronS Mn; . ,1 Deafness is oaused by an inflamed con- pnlpjt, the pen and the gravestone are t"" iuiio,ii8 i."iiui union oi sue muoous lining ui iue the day treats of mistaken phllan- Eustachian tube. When this tube gets the great . saintmaking triumvirate." Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & These are only a small fraction of the great and Important features of McClubk'i Maoazine for ....W. P. Lord ,.H. K. Kincald .Phil. Heteohan . M. Irwin C. M. Idloman G. W. MoBride itcnell ermann Ellis .W. H. Leeds R. 8. Beau, -F. A. Moore, C. K. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Ctronit Judge Btephen .Lowell I'mseoating Attorney H. J. Bean Morrow County Officials. Joint Benator .... A, W. Gowan Hepresentative... Brown r...ni. InJu A. G. Bartholomew ' Commissioners J.K.Howard ttovernor. . Secretary of State Treasurer Bnpt. Publio Instruction Attorney General Senators Congressmen Printer..... Supreme Judges (V. W. Mol J. H. Mit Binger Hert 1W. :.: J. W. Beckett. Clerk Sheriff Treasurer Surveyor... Hohool Bup't.. Coroner J. W. Morrow K. L. Nat lock Frank Oilliam A. C. Pettovs J. W. Hornor ....Jay W. rU!ipiy 11. F. Votighan m Thos. Mortran CminnUVnan...'. H?o. tkner. Frank Oilli.m. Arthur Minor. K. t. Olooum, iu. .1.-1 t 11 Mimiin. i .i. W. A. lUdiardson L. W. BriKS M.hj .::v.::v. a. a. Koberu. PreeisetOffleers'. i ...I.. .v.. PnM W. E. ltichardnnn rC.iVhT..." ...rr...... N. B. Whetton. Unltd States Land Officer, rnv nALLU. OB. J. . Moor. UBgister V.hh;. Receiver v.. aniani nu. as m:i Realster 1 ' H liAhii'"'".' Receiver SECBET SOCISTIEB. and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. I AT IX WSJ.oo I S I DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts., CSTICA-O-O. IIjIj. s subscription prlee of which Is only One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. KAWliINS POST, NO. II. 0. A. R. wtatLiini(ton.Or.,th Urt Batnrday of erh month. All veterans are roviwn in join. G. W. Hmith. Adiauuit, C. G. FlJgOA, Cti.mDitr, , STOCK BRANDS. While yoa a.uep your subscription paid up yea Ban keep your brand in freeof charge. Bom. P. O.. HeDDner. Or. Horses. FDoi left I shoulder; oattlo, same on left nip. Cook. A. J. .Lana.Or. Horses. Won riKhtshonl lr. Cattle, same on natit hi o: ear mark aauare I orop on lelt ana split in ngnt. Ilnnirliua. W. M . Gallowav. Or. attle. R Don right Bide, swallow-fork in each ear; horses. It D I on left hip. Klv. Rros.. Donalas. Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle sains, on lefthip. hole I in right ear. Florence. L. A.. HeDoner. Or. Cattle. LF on riuht hip; horse F with bar under on right shoulder. .TnnM llnrrv. Hennnnr. Or. Horses branded I Him the left shoulder: cattle bra ided f on riant hip. also underbit in left ear. Range in Morrow county. Johnson, Felix, Lena, Or. Hnreee, oimleT on left stifle; cattle, same on right hip, under half 3rop in rih ana emit .n leit t Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded ENV on loft hi d oaltle same and orop off left ear; undor slope on the riant Leahey, J. W. Heppner Or. Horses branded L and A nn left shoulder; fettle same on left hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in right ear. Minor, Oscar, neppoer, nr. 4 attle, M D on right hip; bursa. M on left shoulder. Moriran, 8. N., Heppuer. Or. Horses, M ) on left shouldi cattle same on lert hip. Osbnrn, J. W Donglaa. Dr.; horses O on let shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Parker A Gleason, Hardman.Or, Horses IP ob left slMmldnr. Pinr J. H . Ixlnirtiin. Or. Horse. JK eon. nor ted "ii left shniider; cattle, sain on lef hip. Hector J. W.. Heppner, Or. Home. JO ot left s'toulder. Cat tie, O on rWl'l hip. I ft,.rr K. 11. Heoimer. Or. -Cattl W (! on I left hip. crop of right and nmltrbit lu left year, I dewlap; horm w ton n n snoaioer. Thoinpeon, J. A.. Heppner, ur,-iwim,(w mt l...M..v tltl '4 un liift shoulder. j A Campaign Of Education How to Gel it rr A A tbropy, according to Tid-Bits. At a inflamed you have a rumoliag sound or 4na lM rest minister went away ioo certain army post there was a Loudon imperfect hearing, and when it is entire- ing very thoughtful, while the 'editor sentry on duty near the hospital. The oioeea clearness is ine result, ana un- turned to his work and told about the f u)IPIlBnLLELED a To be educated one must read the best literature. The best literature is expensive. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly- ruhilsned at 110 Fifth Avenue, New York, U full of the best things. IU Illustrations are superb; It stories charming; and Its literary departments are edited with con- D- r ki.O....JA Turner K. W., H-ppner. Or. Small capital T r H H IVI Co WOrQS. let slmldr, honm; oaUl sain on left hip I. I . VJ. mw wvwi h ,!,! in both ear. ....... . I WMt(T,hurin.r. W. J . Oallowar. Or.l horse PHYSICIAN and bUHULUH. q.ri.r nrrle JW on right limildr; mills I nunri'T c rrle JW nn right hip and right t e, nn (n il,a Tit Droif Store. n-sr crop and hole in left ar. Hang in Morrow and it Umatilla City Hotel. D.J. McFaul, M. D. HEPrSEB, OUEQON. SOTICE OF 1KTESTWS. t and orrtrr. at thf. nAi.i.Kn.nnF.noN, 1 j Jim Ml. 1W.I7. Nolliv I hrrrhr (Ivell that I the following nmed X'ltler ha nlwl notice of inmate skill. Huch a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be In every 'JK home, U The subscription price of Leslie's ( P nnnm. f) W make the unparalleled ollur of a copy of X Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- V. Weekly one year for only $5.00. s' No such ofler was ever made before. No such offer will ever be made V YY again. Thee two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday Q gilt, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness. Q ' Remit by postal order or check to the X X GA45TTE, fi J Heppner, Oregon. surgeon was preparing to go to bed In side, when he was annoyed and alairmed at the sentry's coughing. His ex perienced car told him that the man had a severe bronchial affliction need ing a strong remedy. He debated awhile with himself and then going into the dispensing-room compounded a powerful mixture. This he took outside to the sentry, with in structions to swallow it immediately. The man refused. The surgeon In sisted, and finally commanded the soldier to take the medicine, which he did with much grumbling. Then the worthy surgeon went to bed, pleased to hear no liore coughing. Next morning, to his surprise, the commanding officer sent for him anil said that the sentry had complained, declaring that the surgeon had forced him to swallow something he thought wits poiRon. An investigation followed, and revealed the fact that while the surgeon was mixing the medicine the coughing sentry hod been relieved, and consequently the remedy had been given to the wrong man. Gave the Servants Away. A parrot In a certain family wns twually kept In the dining-room with the family, but during the winter wai removed to the kitchen for greater warmth. When the winter was past it ugain made its appearance among the family, whom It ainuaed with the uew remarks it nati pitKeti up in uic kitchen. On one occusion, when the bell had been rung for something, the rrot was heard remarking from his age: "Let 'cm ring n(fain!" less the inflammation oan be taken out and tbis tube restored to its normal con- rs- s OfBo.bour. 8 tolO.Mm. and 12 to n:K I 116 MONTHLY p. D) . at realdeoce. Mrs. U. W'lCUS tor J. W. Morrow. Count) rlers, at Hfppnur, I roperty, and 10 to 12. a. m , to 2 lO 5 Oregon, u .uIMil,li: I Outlook 2p nrnnertv 'p. m , at nfflae io the rear ot llorg's jewelry store. First National Bank KSfv: OF HE1TNEB C. A, Rhea, T. A. RHCA. . GCO. W. CONtC. S. W. SPCNCER, President I Vlee President Cashier Ass't Ceshler J(H! JOHNMON, lid. K No, siiiO, for the BWi,, arc. .S, Tp. I S.I U 'A K . W. M. II name the following llm-e to pmv I hi roiithinon ixI.Icim- upon ami cuuivuon S: of riht Mile. Oregon. John R. IVtrrwm. rrtik A. Lnndrll and An. drew M. l-Fttron, all of ti.'H-rrr owon. a. r. s'nii"., A- a Keglllrr. hotice ot Intention. Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York AM) tiKKH t. AT THK TALI KRKiiN, I a June i. Notli la hetehy l"il hat th lollowliig liamiol rttlf-r hu tiled notlr nt hi. liiirnlL.n to mk rnl tirool In soiKMirt it I if his claim. an4 that M pKl III id Inmii l General Banking Eannta "1 Cj Vjr -Iui J WMorr-.t oonty ( l-r.et .nr, )n all pftsof the world- umtun. on Aucut Is, wi. l anpkkw m. rurrr.Ka'is. lid r No mh. for the NWa. aw. i. Tp in, liouirnt and ooia. r HM"K U f.illowll c I hi roiitlttiloo rrilrm Collrtlwta n1 an all aolnu on r nnahle Terms. Surplus and undlvldrd rmflta, IlLmMt-Ofl. Notic Of Intention. The Outlook sill b la 1W, ss it has taB during rach ol lie twenty ve )rs, a History of Oar Owe Ttmee. Is ii. . ...... .til.pUl rlenartmenls Tb uio and riiiiit.ti.ia I unllo" gives s Pompaoi review in iu. ol, uit laii.l. u , I li.t i. aiuirreon John R l'lpr.n, frk A l.ou.lnil an 'jA. r. M'hihk daairial miVemoia of the ilar; baa a Ve teiw.r. . . .1 .... ot riM Mil. Orrjf.n. worlds rof re ; II nuiriw wnu car. Ml Julm I .it i-..tfl,i.h. i.l.llanll.rotilr) and IB SUM MOS'S. NTHR ( ItW I lT rofRT Or THK STATE ol ttreion. lor Morrow t ountr. W. P. tnrl, II. K. Klmld and I'lill. Metarh.n, the Hoard of romnilsslousr, to., Clalnlirrs, vs. . B. Sperry, R. V. Srrv, Srry, th Ore gon Kallmad and KaM. gallon I'oinpanr and V. ('. Thomion. Iielrndant. To J H awfry, S. V. aiorrv and Mperry Delrndant lu th nam of th Stat of Oregon Yon are . . . .. . . Ti,M.nt...l,iMri.,i.lnt,ri of U,. atmneo spare w iue in,.. i " ' l.i. ..... ....... ......I lll.talnra- Us0ri.BsfU0assns.ftns.M.s tmi-Wkly tJatetU is 12.W sn.t the - '.' """" Juir Js Jit.. ! i j ' , . ivwi. iw..,.B.. foreltie rbrful tabla-lalh slxmt OTIit I 11IIiRV I1M1 llI l n a rrguiar ytn-wi v. ia. " r -' a ... , . , , tVJ'l,uii Any one .nUcnUnt f0r u s..d thing.: s4. Io shert. ahas I Inlenllua to nnai . . . I f..ak Itiformatlnn. Criamal llkwrVSIKtB. SI iini. . im Mid pr.-d am I-... 0Blis ha.l trying for year it r'r, ll""''. rnginei tiiawrvaiKio, an4 rras.inal.l titer1sininBt. irsr.r'jr.- t.. o..ef ..j . . . . . . ! . . , a .. a SB I I . ... ... a.. a spwARii rnAriiAH. Weekly l)rg"nio rorii.wi. aii tn j ni- ivginoiot lib lbs Mj Dirib vomna. " l .1 .1..,. .t.,.. Il... tt I I UI SMUtna li regular mage wliiob Bill l l greatly Io (I C.tJfei.KliO B01 SltrBrtiv.oeM. Tt OoUiw k is tt.li.l,l every Hatarday II. noie l..iu..ii. HirMM !" hi ! ,,, .,.r a .lranr4 anil be blilll It rnnilnunu v.t. ai4 rBitttln ol , ' gine SIS". .u I i . 1 -'" j i --- p ffurh. nf H.fpir tit t hrl B f'ibMf , M l" , Mrt)h St. Hlpo. Of , a4 tl L. Mi'. i'i"i". t 14 71 .(. tf. hrrehy re. in rl U ipMr and snsasf Wi eomiilalnl nll aaalnst mtt In lh Ik nulled suit, nn or Iwl r lh Aral dar l Ihs nest term ol in inr nillie1 rnun, to Mini. tar. th.iih flan of Ki i.Umilwr. wn . and II you fall so to Mr and an.aer. f" wain inerort. th ininun will miv loth enun to trsni Wi rni Armani a in mui co-n plaint, Until: for a )u1rraent and d'f4 tat nai von lor ID nm rt V sol lnlf tiiereon from Jnir lai. 'L al the rat ol IM tar rain per annum. Ui .me nt e I ' elloftM-r lr- ami th ci and ll.hiir.inni of Iht nt. iil for a drrre forrlitn a rvrtal anortga. made, rrutrd and delivered rr d'ltuMlaiiU, J B Mirrr d H V. iarrv, to l.iallilirt.. on th .illoll. rl fmiwrtt lt id In Murmw eniintr. aula 4 rgH, tu-wll a.ioin rtetr ol lh niirtheaal unaMer an1 nnrt hailolth initba4 anailef ul w. t. "iilh half of nnti,ra qn'tl ol San. i, ( hall ol lh Mth)l iiatr nl . HI, .nilhTal quarter of twttthwaal qnarW l ar, i, north t ilMr rd oot!tat iirUr ol See il. norui nu m fMruiaai iurw aria atmin. pm .( qoartff ol tMrthl tivarler ol nr.. S. uilixul unartrf of norihoaat quarter and north hail ot vHithw.l furtr m tme. m, and lh north! qoHr if nitha4 quartrr A a ai. ail In loihli s, oeith rang jr. S W rer.irdad la lh urTtr i1 lha e.Hjnlf rlerk al Mid Marr e.iutr. In . '1'" nl Ur.rty.r I ic IU la mm4 IM. and to Mil M prf- tm ii rvtf lti prtrp.i of mwi mi tn in pai khxiI H Mid ptdgmenl, ltirnis ea, n eon .it.Mifarftia T ht aUKKHH. (r f1 Hp" prmlt Im . ... ,1 . , .at 111 II . n M,.. .1 . .h A I . . i l jii'tiil lh lirt. tiiltled ctiirt, read nd HU4 I Mid Soli on th I.I rt.T of ImI lVI li how a kri'mfji 4 77 AtlurMr lK I'lainiin. The afTci tioii of Uie collector for the objects of his zeal hna lieen ainuiiliigly llust rated by a story told of Rlelingue, French triiirediun who linil a munu for gal liering tugether great tiuontities of old ventiiirnt. nrms and similar an- tin,ue npparutiui. Among his treasure was a beautiful antl Keen-igeo evtoru which hiul liclottged to Philip II., son oi tuiM-mr C'linrlea V. Having worn this sword In a piece in which he Kits -rfurmlng, Mellngue was making his way hoiiiew.vrd hi I'ari one night. The weather was ralr-v.snil he curried sn umbrella. Under iiU loak he lore the precious sword of Philip II. Coming around n corner, Mellngue was suddenly incmued by two siienlt lhie. He was sn eert feneer, ami Viiew that with the swonl he coiiM itikkly beat the rascals off. Hut he eu Id Ui liimwlf: "What! Hetrsy to these rsacals thut ! hate such s precious ptneaaion? No! They might I too much for me, after Ml), and then they would get It. I will kern It out of sight." Ho a lug. he iilticcd litis left liaml nn the hilt of the aworil Inalile hla cloak, ami with the other linnd let down hla umbrella. Willi this nn a wrnm, h saaaiilted the fnolpiula with aucli force snd spirit that be lint them to flight. In tlil t tier the umbrella turned out to lie mightier limn the sword. STARVING MONKEYS KILL MEN. surpassing beauty of the bride, while in dition, bearing will be destroyed forever-, 'ot she was as homely as a badge tenoe. nine esses out of ten sre .csused by ' , ' U, IT , oatarrh, which is nothing but sn inflam- A Serloas Dlfflcalty. ed condition of the mucous surface. "I suffered for three years with salt We will give One Hundred Dollars for WSXiZtTS& oSSl I Pb.i.d.t0 keep a coverin. on Cure. Send for oiroulars, free. them most of the time. The slinging F. J. CHENEY k (JO., snd burning were very severe. Nothir tW Sold by druggists, 75o. Toledo, O. dld me .ny B00(i arjtii r took Hooa,, Fossil Journal: Mrs. H. E. Kennedy BanapHilla. After taking six bottles I and dsughter, Birdie, started Tuesdsy, WM ourea - wood, ue- via Lone Rock for Morrow county to msr, wisno. visit relatives nesr Heppner, snd per- b,, Pnli ... th, f,ori.' f,mi,. baps spend a few weeks with them In e,thMtio. Easy to take, gentle,1 mild. 25oents. . . . Don't neglect a cough because the The atmosphere is beginning to as- weatber Is pleasant; before the nest 1 sums an Indian summer appearance, it storm rolls around it msy develop into having been quite hazy daring the past a serious difficulty beyond repsir. One few dsys. Minnt flnnoh flora ta aaav to taka and -111 rln .hat il. nam. Imnliea. For a.l. "Tbey Sre dsndles" BSid ThOS. BoW- by Oonser k Brock. ol the Cok Texas, Enterprise, wuno vnnng aooui uewnis Ajltue Fossil Jour nsl: Mrs. A. D. Stillman, Ksrly Risers, the fsmous little pills for Miss Ids Fotwine and Mrs. Disoswsy, besdaohe snd disorders of the atom- of Pendleton, left a lew days sgo for a oh "d liver. For sale by Oonser k trin n Qan Fr.nni.nn and lh Tnumlla BfOOk. y - Vallev. Thsv ex nee led to make moat of th. innrnaw nn their wheel. ! "d Mrs. Flunlook Bnd Ohildrsn, veiejeo ana iua moaiee, ana naipn A KruiarkableCnre forCbroalo Dlarrhiea. Swinburne left Snndsy for a months In 1802, when I served my country as outing In the mountains. Thsy wept a private in Compsoy A, 167tb l'eon- with sll the neoessary equipments (or sylyaoia volunteers, I contracted obronio pleasure end comfort, having a tent and diarrhoea. It has given me a great deal sn abundsnos of bedding and provi- ! trouble ever since. I bs7S tried a sions. Fishing tsokle, guns and pistols dozen different medicines snd several snd a nnmber ot other eteetrae , were prominent dootors without soy perms- smong the "deliosoies" . tbey eerried nent relief. Not long ego a friend sent tb them. . ..nl. Knllla nf Phamharl al n'a I e u.ver.iy .r 0r... IJOUC, VJIluiera suu nniiuum inuiauj, a . ' . r, . snd sfter tb.t I bought snd took a 60 At Eugene open. B.pl. 20. 0rada. k..i.. .-A i . h.i I m frora cordiled schools, who hsve entirely cu'red. I osnnot be lh.okfui completed work smountlng to 80 crtxlil. .. . . , . ,, . ,.,,. ere siimiiieo wnoout txsminsiion. IB- enough to yoa for Ibis greet remedy ... . sod rsaommend it to all suffering veter- cidental fee, f 10.00 a year; tuition, free. n i...ii ti.-u-i .. . i iiuuiuiriH uuui i a sua ius iu uauusiiur u a sns. jrinuouot write me. xouragraie- . . , . " . . : fully. Henry Steinberger. Allentowo, Te. UKOT 01 ,f 0,eow' Sold by Oonser k Brock. "uu """""s " instrnotloa in musio. Ilosrd for young lie Hols.pnle, who is well known msn in tne dormitory atrjoo per week tbrongbout this pert of the slate, wss with lodgiog, test snd light. srrested for thefl of a Irnggy bsrness at Cstslognes furnished free on applies- Fortisnd a few days sgo. A short tins "00 to stnoe, yoong Uolsappls enlisted in lbs I J. 1. W altos , cavalry at Fort Wella Walls, from whioh Beorstsry Dosrd of Kegesto, be recently deserted. F.ogene, OregoB. Ilei hf Id Trhdl'I'Mt Via fi'(Sr- . ' . t . l. -t -. ... ni"n-i by takli g Kite KB'. I'r as a rU enoti'b I an tllntiialed Msgssls inallitin- lb ill l. rfvol Ing th rU will k rnrineinn WU 1 MVloek irain si 1U !' IVimIMou ji, Ixrn. The Oattie doe et qist'o the boeeaty uf eat pt: bat tt le enm- !Ud to iwt Bpeteee-;B slrssee 0,r,, llf j,,, rUtt, plsaef sebrt,Aio. heiwr ine.enw. -ri,.fiVir. . , . aentax be CovbIIoS VaeJeibilt or lb ,. " " ' " ' msm eke bis N,l by l."- trL I W'slt, Tborr.t-B ron slags IMWP.B We estasot ran the pr 'K Mowt, arriving ry If i day ift M4ay end Usvisg ev.ry 4f iH.r.tiieJ1f. MK.rt an I eliaf t-t.. i. it,.- ii .I lt tte.1 Urf r mat M lbs lnlrmr, li. I. Horuia, esrtb. fue 1. iMsbre. , ?,,,t- NatulM-f, enslaitilng sbtil I in as s ay (age S the of.linary im, lglht erib e large Bus.Wf ( ptttnt. Th I'll nf The (tatMik Is three J. liars a f In s1vnn, or lne Ibae s rt a day. rtn4 for a rHHiis e p asi inirt l tir ri to lh On'bcilr, IS , I'larw, ew Ym rJit. Ttachin' Examination. NcrKBis fiiMsr ive if that k lha ..iua. al .! s ."ilit.. nl i ra.m tl.tr ar tfcattMiv m eanvll dla lw leav h .4 lha i H.Md fri Ihl C,,i1l m UI l.n.1 le iul IH'liloa. IK .!. r famA iwfii, len.tr.t lhra will h.,ld Mih. II ! atiuu at U4 trt how at Hrl foar, nniF eianaiv. Mf Ilia, wi, l-il UiM Jod 4a r al As . imt i JaV w. afltntT. bnol Spi.. at.ftro C Asy nss dWln Id bind enbr e bM or bars will male s&ottsy by eall l os lbs Ueitte tltica. S7t( llrde nf Klnilaae Warhlae flavor la Maa ). Rrx-ent Sihicr state that great ilev Bnlation la Iteing wrought In both Janan and China by linuienae lunula of monkeys, w bleh hsie Wrn ilrlien down flora Mm foreata and ravine by the unusually rohl wratlier and besoy anowa. Ileiliif ileiirivrl til ine uauiu larana of sul at,tig on bcrriea an I root the starling inwukci ate raiag It g outlyliig mountain ilmlr i I unl ilc uoring eri.i. I.ieri lh ntf green I I'tii Ul raini snd then the ti'irib-a s.f , pre fartlirf Into the ellji incnu, AniuiHi riikualiaaii, In 1 1 ... r n v I K trn il", the grralr! dulliuge liaiflice d.-lie. Uhefl Ihe trwilikel flrl earn dw two woiMlciitters wr attacked Slid killiM by Ui' hunger liis lrtied rreal- urea. S.n'T then DUineMnia aae of the killing of i'le living I" olaleU linn ha tieii rIHt1ei, leing eu'd afiirn!y by their efTwie lo siiUfti the IMmdere lt rereef Ihelr prwrly. In i'n-h ees rrt .rifceva by ii'efta would attack mm n-l kill ihem, fliirri rt' vsalallnr) w rrmirril ' bV BtnnWje w unWrjeori Jijnvrre, ihmrH tbvlr lern.l l. ni al "ti ne. enrrem-ea feiiliirir atr-i. Villagvr hae bn pr'i-artug f.ir ineega an by lh!s time vrgamee'l nciik. y It i t are Iq .prrgvj In iw'J. eai it. IB hf A gouj.u..te are tlmt rtnJeriu i Don't tliin yonr blood witb sassafras or poison it witb blue-mass; but aid Ma ura by using Pewltt's Little Early Risers, the fsmous little pills for eon- stlpstion, billousBeee sod stomsob trou bles. Tbey sre purely vegetable. For eale by Oonser k Broek . Mrs. T. W. Ay fee, Jr., and bar lltlls niece, Lsvslle Florenrs, of Pendleton, The crescent wave on Cretan shores, Th cross of Christine down i , Th Turks are helped by Christian power Who bosihard lort and lowe. Columbia's f I hears net heed I'eof Cnhe't ptorrlni 017 1 Tn let ns drown tii shamelnl daeds In Srry'a "IJnwood Rye." For sals at tbs Belvedere saloon, Z. Q.8prry, proprietor. tf Lone Book stsgs lesvee HeptHisr at sre visitiog rslstlves ssd frisnds inljo'dook, nu, Tneedsys, Thursdsyt , Uetpnsr. land Hat onlay a; arrive at 6 olook, p. m . kfnnitav. WilaM.ta mA WmiAwm TeiU-r, Mall-llheum and rxietn. 1 1 , . . ,. .. , s I mass cvdstcihi wnn vrsnsairiii The intense Itching and smarting, Incl-1 denttothrwdleaialiuitAntlyalUyed sre e. rscn wsy. by applying CbatatmrUln's Eye andirreigiii )i eeni per pound, i. U. Hkln (Mntment. Many very bad eases Ballenbrnck. Prop. Offloe el Barry bave linen permanently enred by It. It Wairea'i dreg etore. tf. Is equally emclent ror itcning puna ana e favoritn remedy fr sure nipples, I.ET1KR LlnT. cbapja-4 bands, cbllbUlna, frt bites and chronic sum eyes. M cts. per box. urirns apwrtihid at IlEf f!ER 11 1 1 Of , A nt V. lJU7. fadv's CamdlUeB PswaVrt, SrS Uans.f. M. flsyae, Mr, rtttttns lie Inat what a hortka bnrxls When in bail I Una, R condlilon. Tmlc, blood purifier and vennlfnge. The; are not fond bul mn.lc,lne and the beet In nee to put s bir in prim condition. I'rUe V) tents per pay ksge. Ml, J, C. When railing (or thee letter nlaa y alriiMd. J. f, wiLu.as, f. M. niamberlaln'aOolie.Cbolerssnd LKa. rbeee remedy slwsys affords prompt re lief. For ssle by Onnear k Brorb. CATARRH ?v.V Martha C flosklns maU proof 81 sr day before Clerk Morrow, with Be Perksr ssd Nslaon Com p too as wit- IOC ALDISEASE an I ia nMl 0 Mhs eaS m , . at at a a lSSaai aS afaaaVaVaaVASaaV jjsvsaaVi w raaawawi rj bwstb ll ra h eanal hy pi.ant MMiady wliaa MeyViS St. faniy inm tna 'tri.. Un. f jrw iy eiamrwed I grS EhTsCreaia Ba! a . . ... . . J . J a. Y- BB.. - - - lkaaWtWava AtaVAWeVl I p Mtw 4. Mtik k Cel in TMk4 W J 9 9Vmr ! b J J lllMl DM tOfOlf tliip fOf Z::l'Cu?Z sals, gd f..r nne aebmJ y.r .1 Biebop Ui.t htmu.,HWmm tbldlf rratiwj by to sJufste. tt V. A. Ourrsv, formerly of Pandletoa, baa opened np a 13 eet barber shop la tbeobJelsed a tbe Mai lock career. Woik slrktly ft rat etsas. Call on him. 3il