Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 06, 1897, Image 4

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    oil uo liio
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Salt Lake
St. Paul Omaha
Chicago Kansas City
Ooean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details call on 0. R. 4 N.
Agent ai Heppner, cr address
Get). Puss. Agt.
A. L. MOHLER, Vice-President.
San Fronolsoo
And all point In California, via the Mt. Bhaata
route of the
Southern Pacific
i rreat
nlnt K
The srreat highway through California to all
Urann Bnenlo ttoute
Yinlnta KMt and Mourn,
or tne raaino t;oat. t-unman nnnat
Blaaper. Beoond-olana Hloflimra
Attached to express trains, affording aupenor
accommodation for aeoond-olass passenger.
For rat, tiokata. almping oar reserratlons,
eto,. oall npon or address
R. KOKHLKK, Manager, 0. H. MARKI1 AM,
(ten. V. A P. Agt.. Portland, Oregon
If ho, be mire and see that your
ticket rendu via
rntH t Tine
Great Short LiQe
Their MagnllWnt Trark, I'eerli-ss Veatltmlud
AMiitiiat and Hlwplng Car
lialna, and Mutun
tins lviu this rind a national rrinilatlini, All
i-lanst-a of pa.at'inffrs l urried on the vestlbuled
trains Itiiout it'a rharga. Hlil yonr freight
an t tratf'l out this famous llnu. All agents
have ill ki-li,
W. II 1MB AD. F. C, StVAOtt,
un. Agent. Irnv F. A P. Agt.
Jin Washington HI , Portland, Or.
fpmm coast
THE CHRONICLE rank with Ik frtt
eewspapers In the United State.
THE CHKONICLE baa no equal on the Paetde
Coast. It lead all In ability, enterprise and new.
THE CHttONICL.K'3 Telegraphic Report ar
the latest and most reliable, It Local New the
fullest and spiciest, and Its Editorials from th
ablest pens in the country.
THE CHIIONIOI.E has always been, and always
will be, the friend and champion of the people aa
against combinations, cliques, corporations, or
oppressions of any kind. It will be Independent
la everytniiif nsiiuallnnothina,
milwauiee & SI. Paul iTy
This Railway Co.
Operate Itt tratut on tli famon block
Light lit trtiu by electricity tbrougb
ooi; Ues the oelebratrd eleolna berth raad-
tug lamp;
Ran apedily qitit1 paasenger train
verv it ami aiirhl between HI. Paul
and Cbtotgo, tod Uiaaba tad Cblctgo;
Chicago, Milwaukee
St. Paul
Also ()twi ale leam-bealail vestlhuted
tram, parrying lha laieet rtvai
enro part nival Kara, library biiflel tnok
n rare, aoJ palace drawing room
I arlof far, free redlining clialr car,
and tli very beat diniu rtiair ear
eft lie.
K"f 1-iaeat rate td any polltl in tti
I'nlte.l Htate or Canada, at ply It
stent ar el.lree
V. 3. EII)T.
3 W. CASK.. tln-ratl latent.
Trev. I'.... tn. Portland, Or.
o i a a a
-at M
j A tiAOl MUtftt,
'itl out,
m4 m 41, v
, ff, ttt4teey if .t t
. .. tj H aM I I Haiesfi af pm
M lt ft M e,l,tFa t,m. ,
!, ifc Mt A i
tPi4y fcalrt i
ea ..w.ai a fear I
fra - te a. a &La a
a l .iiitl aw Ireat AaaVvsa
. .WUfcN A CO., .
Ml kfewateat, latku
' t j u i,r r i i
MI tit
The Chronicle Bnlldln
By Mall, Poataire Paid.
$6.70 a Year.
The Weekly Chronicle
The Greatest Weekly in the Ccoitry,
S1.50 a k
(lucludlnit noatsir,) to any part of Mia United
HUlfS, Canada and Mm lea
TITR WKF.KLY CIIKOMCI.K, tli brlnhtest
and most complete Weekly Newspaper In the
world, prints nigularly Hi columns, or twclv
paicKS. of News. Literature and (leneral Informa
tlon; also a tuugiilliciml AKrlcultural Department.
fmprmo9 ft P. rhrtMtlotft
Reversible Map?
The United States, Dominion of
Canada and Northern Mexico
O Anal tb
Map of the World
ftnnd $3 anil Out the Map and
Wei kly hronli ln f ir One) Year,
lotaf(rt prepaid on M ip and I'ayjr,
M. II. rt YOUNO,
far. PAirt.
K Altai)
Tirkett Uni to all point lo the United
titatra ana Canada.
ClIU'MXl All other (IU
WAaniaitTtm p-ilnt I Kfta ClTV
MaLrtwoiii V to the hf . J net r a:
Naet TuM Kaat and r. Ufia
ltvrrLU J hontbeaat I IliwroM
I'nl.in Ieot rnnnectlnna
al Mt. Paul, MintieaH.i,
Kama City, Omaha, Ht.
Iiill and ctltirr protDl
Bent miul ,
!)a?aai pli-rkad tbrongh to deatinatino
l tli let.
Through tii lei In Japaa and China, via
Taeoma and Nitribern I aiiOd Meant'
ahip Compaay'a Una,
Knr full lofornialtiHi.tlme car la, map,
lii krt. eti., rail oti or na
W. C, At.iaT, A. I Chuimii,
Aif N P. Hy. Aael.tlen Pa. Al
lhlle.t)r, Portland, Or
to Snrmise That Bia
Bad Been Hart. I
L. C. Meachump, living above Homer,
La., on the edge of Arkansas, is a groat
hunter and has a fine deer hound, Don,
of which he if justly proud. A lew
days ago, says the Philadelphia Times, j
Mr. Meachamp was going squirrel
hunting, and in order to keep Dan at
home bo was compelled to tie him p.
The hound whined and begged, but,
finding his master was obdurate, he at
last lay quite peaceably before the ken
nel al! day.
At five o'clock in the afternoon, how
ever, when Mrs. Meachamp was be
ginning to look for her husband's re
turn, Dun became so unusually restless
that she went out to see what was t he
matter. In spite of her repeated ef
forts The could do nothing to pacify
him, and at last, to her utter astonish
ment, he broke the rope and bound! d
away over the fence and irto the woods.
He wa gone probably a half hour when
he came running back panting and al
most breathless with his master's iiat
in his mouth.
Mrs. Meachamp became at once
alarmed, and, calling her son, they set
out to find Meachamp, the dog ail the
time bounding along in front and lead
ing the. way. At last they came upon
Mr. Menchamp lying helpless in the
woods, where at precisely five o'clock
he had fallen in a little ditch and
broken a small bone in bis leg. The
dog's knowledge of the accident at the
very moment of its occurrence seems
almost incredible, but tht truth of this
is beyond dispute.
TtiminKpw- mm MfcH'S BLESSING
Charity's Reward The Place Where It Is
Never Cold.
There is nn old lady on the West side,
white-haired, benevolent-looking
woman.whose 00 years of life have been
filled with good deeds, says the Chicago
Times Herald. She is always doing
good, and the worthy poor always iDd
in her a friend in need. It was during
the first cold snap this winter that she
heard a poor widow, an Irishwoman,
with four small children, who were in
need of clothing to protect them from
the cold. The next day, with a large
bundle of clothing, she visited the com
fortless rooms of this unfortunate fam
ily. The mother had gone out, but the
children were there, and this old lady,
whose charity ,w-U is of the practical
sort, proceeded to dress the little ones
herself, beginning with the youngest,
a mere baby. She was just fastening
the last button of the dress of the
eldest girl when the door opened and
the mother walked in. She was chilled
through, tired, and discouraged from
her failure to get work. It took but
an instant for her to grasp the situa
tion, and when slim looked into the
kindly face of the benefactress her eyes
were filled with tears.
"God bless ye, mum, for your kind
ness to my little ones," she said, "and
may ye never go to a place that is cold "
"My good wouian, replied the old
lady, "imrhapsi the reason I do this is
to avoid going to a place that is hot."
It' a Gallant Show When Abdul Ilamld
(ion to Prayer.
Kvcry Fruity the Motdem Sunday.
ot course these inorihuud sea mon
sters that comprise the Turkish navy,
lying inoori'ii stem and stern, moored
lor a hizen yeurs, impotcut as turtle)
on their buck, within the orolden horn.
fly the crescent aud the star. The ma
rines put on their whitest trousers, and
perhaps they give n bumibh to their
arms; u wild sort of march, well
i hiyed, sounds from near the Turkish
admiralty, ood the band and troop
oomo ktriding up the hill. Everybody
!n the city, except our own military
ituuciir, who, 1 am told, generally de
prtvc this brilliant ceremony of hi
presence and the uniform of his queen
ia going to the SeUmlik, the rultuna
drive iroiii lua pnlai-e to bia mosque, a
distance of about 200 yard. You pns
leverni regiment of cavalry and in
roniry, winillug up the hill to Yildlf
Kitmk, nnd by the time you are re
ceived, In small pavilion oiniwtite the
inoaque aud juxt outside the imlure
gutea, by a glittering nlil-de-cmiip, t he
widen urving road ia filled with troops.
IM. kit - . .
i or immune a in ironi or you, und the
palace galea to the left. Hurdly hate
you awallowed your cup of coffee U-
lore the Iwml of more approaching
regiment are heard. They tue
II fine fellotva, and they advance
with the queer poluted parade-atop
taught them by their German instruct
tolled Carreary I Nat fto roanaaaa aa II
Was Revered Year A fa.
Pnnlt tiotea are cleaner than they
i mil to W. It la the policy of the New
York Imnks, wty tin New York Sun, to
aend their eoiuil notea to the I lilted
M.tti-a trraaury to be deairoyril aa aoon
aa a aiittli ient number aveumululra to
juatify It. Hank In the weal aend on
t hole Imtche of toiled IVrw 1 otfc Hot
to their crreHmleut bank In thui
lty, and the laiik that recelvra them
aorta them out and aend round rach
little batch to the bank by which they
rre Uaiird. Three aorted itutca are
tlwn ecnt to the trraaury to b tie
Mroved and other Imm-I In their place,
New York la time a a rt of diHt for
n.ili'il nml ilninniri'ii mil' a in ii Iran
Kane, 'Hie iiriittttir prrneaa for liank
note ha I ' n iletrloprd of late
tear Hint the pmi rtiini nt baa adopted
this )1ut of frequently tlcitrottpg
unled tiot. a and re iuitig good one.
Alex Cornell tas to from Galloway
N. A. Leach was np from L zingtcn
on yesterday.
la Lire Worth Living?
If there ia an individual on earth who
is excusable for thus interrogating him
self, it is the unhappy mortal who suf
fers from malpria in tome one of its dia
bolical ( forms. This is no difficult
conundrum, however. Life is worth
living by any man or woman who enjoye
good health, and is cot ' barrassed by
a reproachful oonsoienoe. The malarial
sconrge, heavily laid on is a terrible one
for the poor sufferer to endure A series
of freezings, soorouings and sweats the
last leaving one at limp and as strength
less ss a dish rag, are hard indeed, re
onrring as they do with fiendish regu
larity. Hostetter't Stomach Bitters is
the world-wide known preventive and
curative of this class of maladies, either
in the form of ague and fever, bilious
remittent, dumb ague atd ague oake.
Used with persistence they will, rely
upon it, eradicate disease from the eys
tern. They also conquer rheumatism,
kidney and bladder oomp'aintt, uerv
niiBDeBs. dyspepsia, liver complaint and
constipation, and renew failing strength
Tbe drowning of Mrs. Anthur Ham
mond and ber daughter, May, at Port
1 ind on tbe evening of tbe departure ol
the Elder for the Yukon hat been
chronicled generally through tbe North
wot press. Tbe ladies, in company
with n man who proved to be tin notori
ous Mclver, went out in a boat to see
tbe Elder start on tbe journey north
ward, and were oanght by tbe wbeel of
ibe J-imore while she was maktog a
landing. Molver escaped. Tbe Ham
monds formerly lived at Pendleton. The
husband was in California and was at
once notified.
Aa Eminent New York Chemist and Scientist
Vakea a Free Offer to Oar Headers. '
The Pope Insisted That Nude Statue Be
One. cf the most curious instances
of the struggle between tut and pro
priety is shown in St. Peter's. The
writer, says the Troy Press, was ram
bling through the great cathedral one
day when he suddenly came upon an
enormity. It was the superbly sculp
tured form of a beautiful woman, the
head, hands, neck, tinkles and feet sep
arate masterworks of art. The word
.L.,. i 1 ...! .1 1 iT i . m
ocyuioic in utcu ouiiiuiy, lur uie tursu , ,. ,
. , , . . . , , general deoline and
tin petticoat painted to represent mar
ble, but so ill in color and drapery line
that the entire statue seemed disjoint
ed and at war in its component parts.
"Si signor," said the guide, apologet
ically. ' "It is the impossible. Very
true. But what can be helped? The
sculptor he make beautiful model nude.
It will not do. It is on the pope's tomb.
The pope, he comes to see his tomb
two, three hundred years ago. He say
no. We will not have such thing, lie
tell the sculptor to put on the drapery.
The artist, he say no it is impossible.
Then the pope call a workman and he
say put on the clothes on the figure.
The workman not an artist, only a
workman, ne put on the tin petticoat
and paint it. The pope satisfied. He
die and is buried in the tomb. But
everybody wonder two, three hundred
years at the figure.'"
Terrible Aooideut. It is a terrible so-
nident to be burned or scalded; but tbe
pain and agony and tbe frightful dis
figurements can be quiokly overoome
itbout leaving ascar byusiug De Witt's
Witob Hazel Halve. For sale by Conser
& BrocV. .
Messrs. Sam Eoois sod Tom Ingram
are back from tbe John Day, having
completed tbe work on tbe Blue Moun
tain Telephone line in that direotion.
thing to patent 1 Protect yonr Ideas ; they may
brine you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDER
BUHN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington,
D. C. for their prize otter.
Some for ten, tome for twenty and
some for thirty years bave soffured from
piles and then bave been quiokly and
permanently Cured by usiog DeWitt'n
Witob Hazel Salve, tbe great remedy for
piles Bud ail forms of skin diseases. For
Hale by Cuueer & Brock.
Jan. J boson bat ret urued from bis
trip to Payette, Idaho, and Wallowa
valley. He it very mnob. impressed with
tbe Payette country at a cattle teotion
and may locate there in tbe spring
Ike Pbipps remained and, with one of
bit brothers, will embark in tbe tbeep
biiBinett in Ibat locality neit year.
Free Pills.
Send your tddret to U. E. Buoklen
ft Co., Chicago, and get a free eample
box of Dr. King't New Life Pilla. A
trial will eonviuce you of their merit.
Tha pilla are ray lo action and are
particularly rftVntivA in the enre of On.
slipattnn and Hick Headache. Fiar Ma
laria and Liver trouble that bave been
proved invaluable. They are guaran
teed lo be perfectly Tree rrnm every
deleteriona aubatanoe and lo be timely
vegetable. They do not weaken by their
action, tint by giving tone toatomaeh
and bowel greatly Invigorating the
system. ltegiilar ell 2o. per box. Sold
by Conaer A Brock, druggists.
Miet Eva brlana returned home from
Mooinotith on I tat Sunday. Mist Brian
graduated at the Normal recently with
high honor.
Not. only pilet ot the very wortt tod
rau I cured by leitt't Witob Hazel
Halve, but eiii-uia, tcalde, born, bruit-
ea, boil, nicer and all other akin
trouble ean be inataotly relieved by
tbe tamt remedy. For tale by (Voter It
Wm.J toe aud family bave departed
tor tbelr borne, Vlfll, Malheur
oiionty, formerly Bally ereek.
Physical Needs of Those Who Desire to
Excel In Ice Racing.
The typical speed skater has a short
body, capacious, round chest,- with
well-developed back; his thighs are
strong and very long, as are also his
legs. His feet are large and flat. His
weak points are his calves, due to the
long, flat skate to which his flattened
foot is so closely bound. The large mus
cles of his chest are not exercised, and
his arms, held lying idly along his
back, are unused except in an occasion
al spurt, when they are brought down
and swung straight from the shoulder.
They say that they catch less wind
held that way, and that the position
is restful to the tense extensors of the
back. This is, no doubt, true, says
Popular Science Monthly, but the re
sult is disastrous to symmetrical devel
opment. This type of figure is seen at
its best in such skaters as the Dona
hues, McCormick, the old-time profes
sional, who still skates a fast race, al
though now 40 years of age, and in
Wilson Breen, a professional, who has
been a winner of much gold and glory
by means of his long legs and power
ful thighs. The conclusion that speed
skating alone is not a good exercise
to develop a well-built, symmetrical
man will be patent to anyone who re
views the facts. If indulged in it should
be, as done by Mct'ulloch, in conjunc
tion with other forms of athletics which
brine into nction the muscles of the
arm, calf, shoulders and chest.
Spent Venn at a Botel Without Speaking
to Anyone.
A year or two ago a well-to-do gentle'
mun died in a New York hotel. He had
lived in the hostelry for years, and yet
not a soul Knew him personally or any
thing about him beyond the fact that
he pnid bin bills promptly and regular
ly. He chose to muke no acqufiintauces,
siiys the New York Advertiser, and was
satisfied to appear to the hotel manager
ns "Xo. CI, K," or by whatever numlier
his room designated. The hotel man
agement bad changed several times, but
he lived on there, a calm, unruffled ex
istence. As a guest such i ninn is a
Jewel, and, aa may reasonably be sup
posed, he win not likely to be harrassed
by unnecessary attentions. When he
died and it wot found that he was a
gentleman of independent fortune the
nenspnper, of course, making the dis
covery some people marveled for a day
or two, and then forgot him. I recall
the incident now only to illustrate that
in a great city like this what appears
to be the most public life may in reality
be the most exclusive.
Tbe distinguished chemist, T. A. Hlo
cum, of New York City, demonstrating
bis discovery of a reliable oure for Con
sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis),
bronchial, long and chest troubles,
stubborn coughs, catarrhal affections,
weakness, loss of
flesb, and all condition! ot wasting
awBy, will send THREE FREE BOT
TLES - (all different) of bis New Dis
ooveries to any afflicted reader of this
paper writing for them.
Hit "New Scitntifio Treatment" bat
cured thousands permanently by itt
timely use, and be considers it a simple
professional duty to suffering humanity
to donate a trial of bis infallible oure.
Scienoe daily develops new wonders,
and tbis great chemist, patiently experi
menting for years, has produced results
as beneficial to humanity at can be
claimed by any modern genius. Hit
assertion that lung troubles and con
sumption are curable in any olimate is
proven by "heartfelt letters of grati
tude," tiled in bia American and Euro
pean laboratories in thousands from
tbose onred in all parts of tbe world.
The dread Consumption, uninter
rupted, meant tpeedy and certain death.
Simply write to T. A. SlOonm, M. C,
98 Pine street, New York, giving post
office and express address, and the free
medicine will be promptly sent direct
from bit laboratory.
Sufferers should take instant advan
tage of bis generous proposition.
Please tell the Doctor that you saw
this in tbe Gazette, published at Hepp
ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr.
Hiok Mathews and V. Gentry, under
the firm nauie cf Mathews & Gentry,
are associated together in tbe barber
busineet in tbe new stand, two doors
south ot the postoffioe. They solicit a
oall. Sbaviog, 15 cents. tf.
A good bicycle, snitable for either lady
or gentleman, in fine repair, new pneu
matic tires, for sale cheap at Gilliam St
Bisbee's. - tf
Now is tbe time to get the Weekly
Oregoman, the greatest newspaper of
the West. With tbe Gazette, both strict
ly in advance, one year, $3.60. No better
combination ot newspapers can be made
to the state.
Tbe Gazette will take potatoes, apples,
eggs or bntter on subscription aocounts.
Any one owing tbit office can settle tbeir
accounts in thit manner end oan't do it
too toon to suit us. .
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at Thk Dalles, Oregon.
June 22nd, 1897.
lollowlnjr-named settler has tiled notice of
hla intention to make tinal proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on August 7th, 1897, vi:
Hd. E. No. 39U9, for Ihe Stf N WJ4 and N4 BW'4
Sec. 1, Tp 6 S R 26 E W M.
he names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Benjamin H. Parker. J. K.
Ward, Nelson Oumpton and Samuel Ensley, alt
of Hardman. Oregon. .
5,56-67 Register.
located at Heppner, in the state of Ore
gon, is closing up its affairs. All note holders
and others, creditors of said association, are
therefore horeby notified to present the notes
and other claims against the association for
payment. ED. K. BISHOP,
Ofnt-ta tasnier...
Thb Boss Feed Yabd. The first feed
yard tbe teamster strikes in Heppner
is that conducted by William Gordon ,
next door to tbe Heppner Gazette
ranob. Mr. Gordon is accommodating,
bts a good yard and abundant facilities
to take eare of stock in first class sbape.
His prices are very reasonable. Be bas
bay and grain for sale. Has lately
added a car load of baled timothy.
of Oregon, for the County of Morrow.
The Oregon Mortgage Company, .
Limited, a uorporution, riain
tiff, vs.
Berend Poppenga and Ella Pop-
penga. Defendants.
To Berend Poppenga and Ella Poppenga, de
fendants above named.
In the name of the State of Oregon: You are
hereby required to appear and answer or other.
wise pieaa
to the complaint Died against y
e above entitled suit on or before the ni
lay of the next regular term of the Cirouit
Come to tbe Gazette offioe and get a
decent lot of envelops printed.
Government envelops look cheap, and
betides you cannot get your business
card printed thereon. tt
Court for Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit:
Monday, the 6th day of September, 1897;
and if you fail to so answer or otherwise piead,
for want thereof, plaintiff will take judgment
againBt defendant, Berend Poppenga. for tbe
mini of $450 00 together with interest thereon at
'he rate of ten per crnt per annum from the
1st day of December, 1895, and for the further
sum of 150.00 attorneys' fee and for the costs
tn this suit, and plaint! 11' will apply to the
court for a decree of foreclosure ana sale of the
followi g described mortgaged premises, to
wit: TheSWIaof the N Eli and the SV4 of the
dW,and theNW of the SW!4 of section 19,
township 4, south of range 25, E. W. M., and for
the application of the proceeds of said sale of
property to the payment of the Judgment and
costs herein prayed for against defendant,
Berend oppenga.
Ihis summons is published by virtue of an
order made by Hon. Stephen A. Lowell. Judge
ot tne above entitled court on tne ztra aay oi
July, 1897. ELLIS S LYONS.
64-T7 Attorneys lor r lainuns.
"Never Fail" headache wafers al Con
aer A Bfook't, Thit medioine will oure
any kind of a headache in short order.
Put a quarter in your pocket and
don't tpend it till yon get down to Low
Tillard't. Finett liquori and oigart.
Netr oily ball. a
See those new Russian Tan shoes
down at Llobtenthal't. Latest stylet,
bett quality, reasonable prices. Yon
cannot do better anywhere. tf .
Harklea' Are tea Halv.
Tbe Itt Halve in the world tor Cult, I
Ilruiee, More, Uleert, Halt Kbeum, I
Fever Hore. Tetter. Chapped Hand,
Cbil blame, Corne, and all Sio Krop-1
iioua, and poaltlvely core file or no
pay required. It ta guaranteed to tit
Perfect aalisfaotloo or -money refunded.
Price 23 rent per box. For aale by
Coster lirock.
Rev. Greene wilt preach al tbe M. E.
dbarcb, Houtn, no ant Sunday morning
at tbe ntual boor. All are Invited.
All pereotit Indebted In Botes and e
eoonla due to Noble it Co. are requested
lo some forward and settle tame
a ton aa pBMitile. We ttilt root lone in
biiatnawa ati.1 will ll gmhlt a low a
e be Imag-lt anywhere la tbe aula.
Ncsli A Co
Heppuef. Or June .'. M7. tf.
ic IfcuMor Line"!
m . t lMV fmm WE f W
. 4 fmtm JtaMk, W.
V ,bMt,e fte4. - f f
. i t . 0 . . t . t - t I I I i
If e- l i -! ')'
t NM -,
tra Kinfitei ft
..... STCAUxnt .....
Tit braarb train dfl Sot arrive till
tbtt afteraoen, bnl Ibe flue of tbe
delay IU liiD line Cvutd Del be
Hick bead r be f ea be qoirkty and rota-
plrtely overcoat y ait tboe famon
Ittll pill know a 'I-.witl't Little
F.arly Klatrt." For tale ty Cotter A
Le Tb IVstb-i daily f'l l ftomUvl
at e 13 a a. Leave I'uftlaaJ at 7 ft)
a ta.
Wte In) i In tVHUa.i, atra rf at
Tl-e lajii ad I a ftp d-wa the
IViieattH; yoa will tjf .0, aai save
wey, t
t leneral Ak-et,
i i
m !' IWr - a a.a,a
VI ..i'i . , l. . . a,,.-
a-.--. t I . ' I- a et
Ikey rttw III tine itfc4 ky W kit
l b Alaska li'iliaii, after e-arnlr g
many ol the ii-ra of w It . t a Inrn. aoon
I rgm to lite lit t thrm at far a
!: and convenient, tayt tlte Pitt
burgh I)iptch. Their one-eto't bw
toon gi way to two and thrre-atory
trurlurea, and inatrail of I nildllig
brllrr-aki Iter vtbere'er thrre' a t lre
lug, thry tT I tbrir tlrll..igt In
luaifiht row, carefully obtervitf the
building line.
When aa Indian bo ram brk froni
tbe tlatrt apre.ul Uut t)t that the
tiouave cf lb blte men In b'g cite-)
v r ail homtarred, the fbioa ,f esiit
Wring t!. ir o bouara spread like
HJflra. Tb Indiana w-otilj pay ftoat-
taloa to Uie nuaaerkal valvtra, bt t Z. R. Ttom, ipr6tiag S. C
uJ mWI m LttJiWr tut ,kad w,lt A Co.. cf Larof , S. T, U ta low.
t, : ! k.a .v .Jr te
Ur tf hilka tt BUaoWred , Hk tiei'
fv-k IhakSt t. - aa tk aV Js fl r a I k I at 4. A I
rnd thra 4V and J.o. Tbe run U-r 1f- W' Bt-. l4btM
tl.k tr rt rfifr!!y twrW sir nop
thx wbivb tad la the te iiaigbtm , tKU Ileal it li j'lor aaj riait Is
Mr. K t. Vtngbaa betrtar4 trots
Ibe valley a bee tbe baa beea vteitlaf
Blaed fp III Caatoaaer,
Inoneof the lending journals ot Mon
tevideo, the following advertisement
appeared recently: "A very rich young
woman would like to marry a young
man of good family. If necessary.
the will pny the debt of her future
bualmnd. Send answer with photo
graph to I. P., at the office of the lour
nal." The Inserter of thit announce
ment waa no other than one Isaac
Melerxteln, a merchant tailor, who had
juat act tip an establishment In Mon
tevideo. By thit plan he procured pho
tograph of many undesirable custo
Wealda't Keep Unlet TatU th Hums
Wm Moved.
It I told In the Waahington Star that
a correspondent nat occaaton to atop
all night in a west Mrglnia cabin,
where he bad been entertained a year
lr fore. Tbe cabin at hla firat visit bad
faced the road; It now occupied a posi
tion at a conalilerable diaiauce irom
tbe highway and faced the other di
rection. When aaked about tbe change
the owner ot tb cabin said:
"Had trr make IL Dad made aecb a
fuaa 'bout It, my wife "lowed we d bev
ter wove bark, lo' eee, ahe never
knotted the ole man III bia lifetime,
an ahe didn like brln peatercd by him
20 y'ar after be wor dead.
How waa that?" inquired the or
"Waal, the house uater be byar, fore
li ar war any maul, an when dad died
buried 'ira over yonder by them
oak. The road war cut through, an
we rooted the bmiae oier dad'a ,Tae.
He ncter bad cut up none, though be
war a great ravorlrr wbca b lived,
but ben we moved the bouat he utter
come every nlghl to ur bed an' try
to aw'ar at meonly be couldn't talk.
It kin' o' th kled ne to eew the ole nan
when be couldn't awar. but my wife
Vlt-knl erbuut It an I mosed th cabin
bvb agio. Tbt ole in an baia't com
Uick tence, an' I'll reckon be'il bev
bit way; be allut did 'fore he died, an'
Im bala ioa' non) ot bit uppu'untt
Come in and subscribe for theGaxoo."
Now it tbe time. Yon don't want to
mis a whole lot of good, hard reading
that it now being published in onr
Any person who it interfiled in
Brititb Columbi tbould write to W. H.
Hnrlbnrt. general passenger agent ot tbe
0.11 Nfor a oo py nf Pat Don an' t lit
tle "booklet," "The New BootDaaland."
It it well worth tbe trouble, 00-tf.
of Oregon, for Morrow county.
Rothchild Brothers, i'laintifls,
Robert Krick, Defendant.
To the above named defendant, Robert Krick:
In the name of the State of Oregon: You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed aganst you in the above entitled
cause nf action on or before the first day of the
next term of the shove entitled court, to-wit:
Monday, the th day of September. 1897;
and if you fall so to appear and answer, for
wantt'ereof, the plaint 111' will take Judgment
against you for the sum of $141, the costs and
disbursement of this action, and for the sal
of the property belonging to you heretofore at
tached in this action, and will apply the pro
ceeds of said aale to the payment of said judg
ment, costs and disbursements.
This summons is served on yon in pursuance
of an order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge
of the above entitled court, made and entered
in said action on the 21st day of July, 1897.
64-77 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Cavnta, and Trada-Mark obtained and alt fat-;
tot business conducted lr MoetaaTt tit.
Ou Orricf i OeeoliTf. U. a. favisiv Orner
aud caa arrur psiant ta ka UM Uaaa Uuw
mui. ima w MniA.ua.
band model, draw a. ot photo, witb eWHp-
Stlaav Ua adriaa. U Mtenutbi or KiC Ire e4
caane, Uar ta ot aoa nil was ssturto.
i Paate-MV. H"W Obuiia Paiaota," wttk
coat et aaaaa la lha U. & aod lorait CwubUmm
atat traaw aV-dnaa,
IOe. earsa-T Omet. W-ia)Ta. t. C. (
Rural Spirit
Published Weekly at
Portland, Or.
and Turf.
Worth it weight in gold to every farmer
and breeder In Oregon.
Sample oopiea free.)
Rartt Spirit tad Osteite both for
$3.50, ctb, at tbit offioe.
aA.ttorno.viJi fit Low,
All bntincM attended to in s prompt and tatiafactory
Banner. Not arte f oblic and Collectors.
DEPFNER, t t t . t
: ttvuh.
The fuJ'ow u.g announce meet It tent
from Moevow by pTot. 1". I-rUmAaa:
"In eyrd nee 1ta tba aagat as
proJ of bit lmjrial tot fee ty, tLe
efflpertsr oj rnaa4,tbt twfelftk inwrba
tlottl tae-tircal rcncr be b;4 ta
Mrw btwea Atrutt 19 asd K
(newr tty't i ta tke year litT, nsdef lm
ptrotav ( bit Imperial Vraoata,
nrtnd IhtVe rwrge AleuadroalHh.
Pnrthrr il ta.la absmt the or ruixai Ioa
of th rvr,ffrrtt w ill W ptiUathtd al
tatty a date as immmU."
ia River and Piiffet Sound Navicration Co
lavtvlot Alder Htreel lkk. PoHlaad, ti Astoria, Ilwaeo, Long Beteh (v-..
I'atk And reoMa, frtrect eonneeiioa with ll bod w,cnrt and rail
road; also at Yoaag'e Bay witb Feaabort IUlroi.
Uavr)WtlB4 I a. M. Sally. Meapt t4y. Leave Aetorta p. , tmt, tseept e
xiAXbiiT OAT-nnn-r'
leave lrad t f. M tat)f. a,,n.1ay. "aliiMat tilvkl. I M a..
s4 t a. at., aev4 a4y si4 MaaxUt. enlar nl, hi. j f, H.
Leaew rwtiarM and rMIl to T,i tB4 Thrvl.T , n ,,. .. i
Iqpg Ckdt. ti Uhti IHu'j M Fret cl bin '
rr taJety, lr, Oswlurt, timmn, Tfl a ta T.WpaMa. IMWy Cetsetl tad o,,,, ,, ,
- t .. IB t I
'jKeej)S the Finest Wines, Licjuors and Cigars