Impure Blood Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles and Sick Headache the Results-Doctored for Years Without Relief. " My blood was oat of order, and I be gan taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. It has purified my blood and relieved ma of rheumatism, kidney trouble and sick headaches. I have been afflicted with these difficulties foe years. I am now able to do a good day'a work. Rheumatism has troubled me since I was a child, but I am now entirely well." Miss Pheobb Bai ley, Box 445, Pasadena, California. " I have suffered from the effects of im pure blood,- boils, pimples, etc., for five years. I have tried various remedies with out relief and finally purchased six bot tles of Hood's Sarsaparilla. The boils and pimples have all disappeared since I began taking t hi medicine. I am now entirely cured." Loris' Thomas, 1412 Uth Street, Oakland, California. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purl. fler. All druggists. 1. six torts. Get Hood's. Hnn1' Pi lie feP'Tely vegetable, re 11UUU S fills liable, beuencial. 26c. Take Notice. u ine sum of Bve cent per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of r -y ,v ' w wwiuuiK irvnuui aua uonora. and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of SDecial meetlnm for irhiteur m, 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue Is to be de rived, sb.a.1 be charged for at the rate of Ave . wuo. a ueue ruies wm Da strictly adher ea to In everv InatRnnn Advertising rates reasonable and made known UfJVU JJJIllURtlUU. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Now that the great political campaign is over sod tbe winter season again with us, all will want so adequate snpply of fresh and varied reading matter for the long eveniDgs. Cognizant ct this the Gazette haa made clubbing arrangements with a number of periodioala and now offers tbe following to all new and renew al subscribers: The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregontan, 11.50 .... iy.50 " 8. F. Examiner, 11,50 8.7S N. Y, Tribune, $1.00 8.00 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8 25 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.50 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00 METH. EPISC. CHUUCH. SERVICES. Bandar 11 a. m. arid 8 p. m. Sunday school IU a. m. :ia'ae no. I and Z at 12:111 p. m Kpworth Lewrue Devotional meeting at 7 p. m rrayer meeiiug, i nui-Miny, 8 p. m. 'The Spirit the bn any. Pom." The iwtor mar be found at tna naraonave ad joining tbe oharch. where he will be g ad to meet a' y w o may d aire to commit bun on reliBioua, sounl, oivio. plulosophio, educational, or aoy other aubjcta. J, W. iLEBHKR. Minister. Here and There. Mrs. Johnny Hager is ill BbirtLoro dairy for best milk and cream. 67t( Tbe strike among eastern ooal miners still oootinnes. Bob Hyod left last oigbl for Portland aud the sesside. Conser & Brock's for tbe "Never Fail beadsobe wafer. If. Anson Wright was over from Rhea Creek yesterday. Milk from single oows for babies i tbe Shorthorn dairy. 58tf Heppner Outfitting Co., iu lb old Herreo stand, see adv. a Ranous is still on tbe tort doing a lit tie carpenter business. tf Submit your plsns to Rsnous before giving oat your oontrsol. It Bet peer's sprinkler bss beeo laid o oo aocoont ot scaroily of water. Statements for the Fsmons Slmpl Account File printed at tbe Oaitts of fice. II Wheat is starting al Heppusr at 65 eents per bosbaL This is for the best qnahty. Mrs. John Elder is visiting bar dtagh tor. Mrs. F. O. Baokoora, at Fairview near Portland. Two plows, a barrow and olbr farm implements to traJe for wood. Call on R. 0. Wills. 68-tf. The Uop Oold keg beer at I he Wei ems. Oo Is, oo thirsty daoisaos, and see tbe boys. it Pssobas, wslsrnielooa and all froits of tbs seasoo arriving daily at the Oraogs FrcnU 64-If Cbas. Tfft sad wife arrived Ibis morn log from Walla Walls and may locals lo llsppeer agslo. A big rale ooeorrad op towards lbs foothills yastsrdsy, bat si Hrppoer tbs dnsl was barely settled. Mrs. Wbstetooe, who bas bete so fir ing qolls severely wiib nb affect ioo of Iba eyes, Is Improving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Richardson aod Mr. and Mr. Ell Koay are snjoiiet lbs ttoaolalo rrtrtala Ibis wk Bt aoonmmodatioB and ennrtaooa trsslresot al tbslatparlal llMsl, Kevertib and Wash. His., Irtlod. Orrgoo. Charley Jnore baa redaed lb rU of shaving to 13 ela. Wb.a Joo wsol a Oral cla shave tall at tbs same old stand. If' Tfcnas who doalrs lo build sboillii to forg.l Ibal C. E. Ro, lb a-a raptor, la rady lo make astleja'aa al sty lime. ' Croat 4 BlackwvU's fsacy plcila and tsoa4 go'. radncaw twangs f Mat. ttBO. Cilv botsU Cor. Mala and Willow al rests. M-H Evert Hf Mbeeribw of tha Oatatls Irnrs hs dale, May 25, 13HT, will rv . a a eramtnai a book vortb aloe It ' trkw of IU subsodptlnB- tf SPORT'S COLUMN. Local Notes and Other Things The Clon- dyke Fever Abating. The Clondyke fever is not bo furious w as it was two or three weeks ago. During this epidemic Heppner bas famished one violim for the Clondyke Cbas. Smith. Others had tbe disease and threatened to fly to the North pole if they couldn't get there otherwise, bat most of them have returned to their normal conditions and have resumed tbe contest for viotnals and raiment. It's wonderful how these things go in trenks. Why IasI winter and spring everybody was wild over RoBeland and he mines up io B.C. Now yon don't bear a mnrmur. There's just as good mines in Oregon as tbe world ever saw, and don't you forget it. John Dodsoo, formerly of Pendleton, has written to bis brother Howard at Portland, saying that be is the owner of a claim on the Clondyke on which he has 20 men working at $15 a day, making a pay-roll of $9000 a month. He offers Howard and another friend employment at 815 a day, and pay their expenses to Clondyke, if they start at onoe. says tbe E. O. Sport had an idea'tbal John was neputy collector oi internal revenue up at Circle Oily. Sport goesses that John runs both without much diffioolty. Tbe official duties at Circle are probably not very arduous, and so John combines busi ness with pleasure. When he's not ped dliog revenue stamps and whiskey licenses he can be resting up by wash mg one nuggets. Bporl needs some "rest" himself The Troat lake people must be dead If not dead they are sleeoini? orettv well. But bow they can rest so well amid the- blaok flies and mosquitoes, Sport wots not, whatever that means. Sport did get word indirectly about tbe orowd making a lot of ioe cream in one of tbe mammoth ioe oaves, near tbe lake. Tt's a wonder Herb Bartholomew didn't pre-empt that cave and - start an ioe faotory. Over near Susanville one mining man Is trying to oorral the whole earth by hiding men to looate olaims for bim. mis prompted some wag to mike a re location on one ot these claims as follows : "Notioe of Location. Notice is beie by given that I, the, andersigned having oom plied with ell the requirements of Chapter 1, Title 57, revised statutes of Snsanville, and my usual customs, have this day located the following described mining claim, v!z: Beginning at a point here tbe arc of the orbit, Venn, inter sects the Milkv Way, thence North lo where the cspcant bineots the North Slar, thence West wtb a slight curve Inking in the Aurora Borealia lo a blue spot in the sky, thence Ronth to tbe second afar of tbe Southern Cross, thence East to the place of beginning. "T have located everything on Ertb and I want tbs biggest portion of the sky. "Located this the 1st day of June, A. D , 1897." This was duly signed by the locator ana witnessed by "My best man, Moaeg " Pretty good shot, isn't II T The Heppner horses fared ss follows at Butte: Angost 2 : Seven farloogs Lalleb won. Clan Campbell second, Viking third; time, 1:32. Four and a half furlong' Hteptoe won, Dig seonod, Cotton third; time. 056. Angost 8. was a "watterland." Ango't 5.: Five furlongs Pat Mor riaaey won, J ne Cotton seoond, Llnville third; lime, 1:02 The Oregon horses baveo't made tbeir owners rich so far. 8 port is sad when be ssys tbst Hepp ner mnat endure ths dnstr streets the remainder of tbs summer. Hs proposes lo hire a Chinaman tomorrow lo do a snmmer's cussing for bim. 8 port is loo mad lo talk for himself. CELERY KOLA GIVES REST AND SL W It A True Nerve Tonic and Blood Purifier Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood, Regulates the Liver, Rowels and Kidneys. NEW DISCOVERY; BEST CELERY PREPARATION ON EARTH. iV3V BE HAD OIVIY AT c?oKr Hoipian.or, Oregon. ei-Oct is It is alwaya gratifying to receive testi monials for Cbsmberlaio's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and wheo Ibe endorsement is from a physicisn It Is especially so, "Tbera is do mors satis- factory or eff-ctivs remedy that Cham berlaio's Cbnllo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," writes Dr. R. E. Rbey, pby siriao aod pharmacist, of Olnsy. Mo.; and as bs bas naed ths remedy la bis own family and sold it io bis drag store for sil years, bs should rerlaloly know. For sal by Onnaer A Brork. UeppDsr's lams bas gone abroad la another eooro. Th New Tork Raa ss : "Al Happner, Or., there is bead composed entirely of womsa wbiob farni'brs musio at eloratious lo riser bv places." THE BALM FOHK SCHOOL. Prograin as Carried Out by Mrs. Plckard's School A Pleasant and SacceFsfnl Term. Tbe Balm Fork School, with Mrs. S. A. Piokard, teaoher, closed a most sao- o eeefol term oo Ibe 81 alt. The follow ing program was rendered by tha pupils aod tbe entire sohool received tbe highest encomiums ot praise from those who had the pleasure of being present. Both teaober and pupils -deserve great credit for tbe manner in whiob tbe school during the term bad beeo con ducted aod the Gazette takes pleasure io presenting the program io fall: Opening address. Clara Hamilton. Hong and flag drill, 8ohoo. I salm of Lite, ooncert recitation. Class. Tbe Looomotive, oonoert reoitatioc, Class. Music, song. Bohool. Prion of a Drink, recitation, Qeorge Hamilton. To Girle, recitation, Bsrtha Oopple. Rird Song, duet, Maggie and Lelab Hevlnnd. Guilty or Not Omlty, reoitatioo, Essie Hevlnnd. Partnership, reoitatioo, Clara Hamil ton. Frog Song, solo aod chorus, Frank Hamilton and class. Hen With One Chicken, recitation, Lee Hamilton. Eliz-tbelb Jaoe, reoitatioo, Bertha Connie. .Those Evening Bells, duet, Bertha and Henry. Bachelor's Sale, reoitatioo, Heory Piokard. Jemima Brown, recitation, Clara Hamilton. Tbs Robin, dnet, Bertha aod Lee. Nobody's Cbild, recitation, Maggie Hevlnnd. Scatter Heeds, song, sohool. Playing Mother, disloeoe. Clara and Lei ah. Tbe Uoat and tha flwinir. recitation. flenroe Hamillnn. ' Io the Starliubl. duel. Essie aud George. Somebody's Mother, reoitatioo. Frank Hamilton. The Housekeeper, reoitation. Essie Hevlsnd. Tbe Blnrk Cat. dialogue. Heory. Frank and George. Grandma s Letter, recitation. Berlba Ooppls. Jut Like Uther rolls, reoitatioo. Le Hamlltoo. How Johnnie Books His Pieoe. dia logue, sii pupils. The Drunkard's Child, song, Clara Hamilton. Ths Bool-blsck. reoitation, Heory Pickard. Tbe Honrs, dialogue, sobrnl. Bailor Rooe, dust, Lea and Heory. Goodly, closing song, sohool. BADLY HUKT. FOR YOU! 31. A. tierking Meets With an Accident and Becelves Serions Injuries. M. P. Gerking tell offot a load ot lot wood, up in the mountains yesterday, receiving serioas injuries. His right forearm reoeived one broken bone, his left band was mashed so that tbe member is now useless, bis f oe was braised and disfigured, while the contusions on bis body were numerous and painful. It is evident that Mr. Gerking narrowly ea- oaped a worse fate. Dr. Hunlock reports Mr. Gerking ss getting along as well as one could ex pect. Fall end winter novelties, ooDsistinii ol tbe finest and tbe lutes woolens, im ported and domestio clays snd fauoy worsteds, plain and lanoy obeviots and oassimeres, specialties aod confined styles of suitiDgs at the' New York tailor shop. 68 It Norman Kelly inform! the Gizitta man that Mrs. Kelly is visiting io lows, a sick sister preventiog ber from pro ceeding on to Vermont as soou as she expected. Some wool weut VYeduesday at 9j oents, but ot late little "ot that article obsoged bauds. Tbe market iu tha East is good, bat buyers are not doing anything io the West generally till pres eut stocks are worked off. Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates SOT1CB OF CONTEST. Lto Orrn a atTss Dlib. rtstan. i ihitom o. a ain k lk- (or ln1'inl- til Hnna)vt Xnirr 4171. A i4 Hn-h IV !rj, lir.n (h f KWUtwr Mf'tai,iw 17 ni,lp . eonih Kn T r. in xnrro rmimf, rm, nn a In lh mnrvltolton nl hM enlrv. th I Ihl oft on in if "I . loo rlnrt m , lo t"iiM ( a m, r. p'. 1 1 nrtwr Tttls Is V"f Oppw1M On roeciU of ten cna. easb or si-. a gtaaroo Semj.U will taalUd of (lis wi'l i-ipolnr CaUrrh and Hay Ftvtr Curs (Elv's rraia Halm) aaf9ciat to dmwa StralS Ibe gfwt t4 U mody. ely nitonir.i . &: Wsrrra M , Tail City IUv. John TUM. Jr . i4 r.e . i Fa'la, Moot rsoniB"l4 I It's I reiM 1 m Id u wil.-if Us Hiss tits cT f-f ralrrh if Bl d Fly's Cfm f s'w tbs iiswWH tA y lajrvt drsg Itios, 60 estfa. Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment bas tried to do no work other tbao plain printing. However, this ehop is now prepared to tackltt aoytbiug in any line and will meet prices of any person under tbe sun in tbe line of druggists' supplies, blank books, bank work, oounty work, or any sort of book bind ing work that you have heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Gizlte ahop is not a charity concern but if you will give ns a olmnce e will see Hint you aie satisfied iu every particular. Buy your goods at home. lUuieniher that Abe Litn'uln said that when one bought goods away from homo the foreigner got tbe money and e got the goods. Lint when the goods were bought at hme we had both money and goods. Tbia is good doctriue. We are williog to abide bv it. Wbeu the printiiig drummer comes to town, re member it aod call up 'phone No. 3. 5ti;)tf August 31st is the last day of the $1000 missing word contest Schilling's Best tea is wonderfully fresh and fine. Rules of contest published in large advertisement about the first and middle of each month. aj.S A protectorate is about to be estab lished over Hawaii by Ibe Uoite l Sii.Uk. CIIUKCH ANNOUNCEMENT There will hs oo servioos at ths M. E. church tinoday moroiog next. Ia tbe evening there will be services as usual. Go Friday evening, the 1.1th tost, tbe 4th quarterly conference will be held io Heppner. A fall atteodtnoa of mem bers is requested. On KuinUy following cimnioiiion service will bs hold iu Ibe M. K. church at 11 o'clock, a. m. AH are iuvited. STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY ! You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! B CT IOU DO WANT LOW PRICES groceries sod supplies ; yon want sub stantial gents' furnishing. Yon oso find what you want at T. It. Howard's . ... MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED I T. Howard Alain Street. Heppner, Oregon. THE Ml OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of If aks l lbs question "Hsvs you gol stomscbf il would be safs oo g"o- eral priooiples, lo answer "Yes." Dal, it joa are sots of It, Ibal is, It yon aver fssi aoy distress after sating or aoy palos ot whatsvar description lo the re- gloa of tbs atomsch, yea Lavs gol something mors Ibao ao ordinary atom-' sob; ia olber words, yea bsvs got a dlseaaed stomach. Tbs stomach ia a powerful mnsfde, and I ha proper remedy for a tired masde Is rest. Try tbs Bbskar Digestive Cordial, for Ibis pro diet fmly eoolaios digaaUd fund, bleb II nourish tba system withool aoy work oo Iba pari of Iba disaesed organs, bat II aids Iba digeatloa of otber foods as well. Ton eaa lest its value lo loar ass for tba trifling sera of 10 csnla. Hampls bottles at tbla pries ars esirlad by all drngglat. Lsiul la tbsbsl mod ioi a for cbild re a. Doctors rreommsnd II la Uoe of Cas lor Oil. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY. rCVXTSZS, 1070. A Boarding and Day School for Boys Under military Discipline. TVi 10th year omlr the prewt nKnaremrrit bt-cins Kept. 14. Imfl. Ihis tn.lHollon lti'.ri. hly r.ui .l I, r llm irrniKl, (iiri I, i hiaual and moral Irlntnn( hitm- Tlmrunich .mi rl . fur any rolliva r rientifle whiml. Hr liwlm at irM-ni I )al', Wnl I'uli t, Wwwflm HI. ir litnte f Ttrhimlimr, Hiln tnirrr4l nl ( lifuima, Mriron, l'nliWania, Hiw (n'lt ami HHull. Dunim TuraCon Tlailim wrlti mm fnmtfin 1'J a m For ramlivna id uhrr tiifuinuilli.n. anilr.w ill l'nnpil, i. W. II1LU M. II., l'i.fll.ii.1. Orsa. V. O diswor II. SI Hntt. IS. Trot. Jay Mhlplef aid fsosily snd IUv Fle'ber. bts lw ehildrra aod oIm, U( Ibis mora In f for lbs moorilaioa lo rj y a few days' ootleg. It v. flvsbsr's family arrived froa Dar ab'ot two WrrBSSgl, 4i V NOTICE! H :: ft ft i i 'A TO B 5H0 I I B CYCLISTS, i PP&RS, ETC. 4 m:otp Goro Arid now the entire world Knows this verted vroduct As the Star Brewery beer On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY C0AIPANY. 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. IF YOU WANT FRUIT JARS I6B GREflM FREEZERS la fael, any person, or peiaons, reatdlog wilhlo cl l limits, or oouMy limits, aha shall m eaa. hi riling, or walking, by tbs slots of MINOR & CO. Withool atplnf si lb mIkiV marilluoed slots III ! aolioed hf Iba City Msr.h-I ibal the oaly pises lo Heppner m can bay t LADIES' IM jpukvxe Fills i mmn 0SW 4 FORT SELPPiRD EED MODTiW UILWlYS Tla Oaly Clans of IbMalsad M 5Un sst t uadsy . t AH Hall . Bms Wiiaoal Cars Bftnn r'p'.ic, 4 yloa. Also btlwaaa p i!i, d0y ifit J l I ' LJLi J Mr. i. f.Jwes, fofsaarly of npper, tt'O s 'M ..: ..... ZX m OV.iKHIl:ilf Mb-, aMwwr. wr lt:.J t)zzz&&i-3 tw,t,t7BifivMfi.M uizzzmtz: 'AS s p. :; m at asr Is al lbs Hiors of MlNOlt k CO. Oar atlta llo most go lo tasks rival for fall stock..... . ALL : Li SHOES AT H y, H t j ft ; ft M V I t Cigars, syrnps, tjarvrat gloves, or Ostriob feather doatsrs; also soma other thing, doa'l forget to call oo HCPPNCR'S HCAVICST IMPORTERS. OO., HEPPNER OUTFITTING CO. COST I ft MINOR & CO. HEPPNER,' OREGON. " - t . :: Thiai company carrioa dry rikkIb, grocarUa, lianlwar, Iniuta atd slxxs, Lata, Ruta' for. fiihliinira, (. l,nTfi9 sliiptiif nt ot dcw &Dil btoiiiI liaml ftiruitur-, which is Ix-ing oIJ re Knr(lli'a f cost i h-y havo also harJwarp, wall fmwr, raK, lnui.(jca, aprinjja, mat-trfssf-a, al! Ihr-af at half ricn. lKik fur tbs ai-n at llfrr-o'a oM ttaud on May atreft, oast to I'aUra hotel. FRANK AkFAHLAND, Manager. You con Wogcr Your Sox thnt You ure Alwnys ot Home nt .... Welcome Oa Mala Rlrsst, ia Cily Uotsl Bailllsf. THE REST WET GOODS In the MARKET. Iby try to piss all. Mas olob rootas to ftrisaaclloa. XOW TlWvARD, Prop. Tho GAZETTE, $2,50 A Year for CASH,