OFFICIAL PAPER GET IN AND RUSTLE With a New Summer Ad. The Gazette Does Job Work GET IN AND RUSTLE With a Naw Summer Ad. The Gazette Does Job Work FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRl DAY. AUG. 6, 1897. NO. 568 SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. rOBUBHED Tuesdays and Fridays BT THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At $2.50 per year, 1.2S for mi months, 75 eta. tor three moncna, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made. Known on Application. THIS PAPKB ie kept on tile at E.C. Dake's Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 Merchants Exchange, San Franoisoo, California, where cou raota tor advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N. LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 11 p- m. daily except Bnnday arrivina at Heooner Jnnotion 1:30 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junciioa 8:40 a, m. and ar rives Ht Hennner 6:10 a. m k Spokane Express No, 4 leaves Portland at 2:45 p. m . and arrives at Heppner t unction sua p. m. and Umatilla 9:15 D. m. i Portland Exoress No. I. from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 505 a. m. and Heppn r Juncti n 6:10 a. m. ard arives at Portland 11:45 a. m. Fast Hail No. 2 leaves Poriltnd 9 p. no. and ar rives at Heppner Junction 8:30 a. m. and at Umatilla 1:40 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umati'la 12:40 p. m. and arrives jit heppner Junction 1:47 a. m. and at Portland 7 :St a. m. For farther information irquire of J. C. Hart, Agent U. H a, ., Heppner, ore. OFriCIAL SIBBCT9ST. Going East? The , Lancashire Insurance Co. IP YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET Three Important Points. FIRST Go via. St Pad be cause the lines to that point will attord you the very best service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Ceutral because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. ; THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest tioket agent and ask for a ticket reading via. the ; Wisconsin Central lines, or address Jas. C. Pond, Oon. Pas. Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. or Geo. 8. Batty, General Agent, 46 Stark St.. Portland Or, Cummings & Fall, United SUte Officials. President ..William MoKinley V ca-l'reeldent UnrrutA. Uobart Secretary of State John Sherman Secretary of Treasary .'...Lyman J. Mage Seomtary of Interior.... ..... .Cornelius N. Hliss Heoretary of War HusseU .. Alger Secretary of Navy John I). Long Postinaster-Qeneral James A. Gary Attorney-tteneral Joseph McKenna Secretary f Agrioultnre James Wilson State of "Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. It. Kinoald Treasurer Phil. Metaohan Snpt. Puhlio Instruction . M. Irwin attorney General C. M. Idleman u . j (i. W. MoBride Senator, 4 j H Mitchell Congressmen... Printer ., PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & 4Q., C. M. 4 St P., C. x A., P. Ft. W. et C, ' . and the O. St. L dt P. Railroads. HATKH SU.OO PRR DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CHICA0. XliXa. Sipreme Judges.... jtt. W. V U. H. 1 I Ringer H (R. IS: I Dinger Hermann 1 W. K. Ellis W. H. Leeds R. H. Bean, A. Moore, K. Wolverton Blxth Jadlelal District. Circuit Judge Btephen A. Lowell Proswrnting Attorney H. J. Hean Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator... ... Representative..... .. .... County Judge A. It. '' Commissioners - J. W. Beckett. . " Clerk .... " Sheriff....- " Treasurer Assessor ' t " Surveyor... Sobool bup't.... Coroner ntw. nvvfnvaa. u Thos. Morgan O MinnilVara. Oeo. tenser. Frank Oilliam. Arthur Minor, K. J. bloonni, U. it ... .1 3 It Uimiini a. ..... ". . uu..!, iSir. .....A. A. Huberts Precinct Ofllwr. f aha aajaa .....W. K. Kinhardson KEuLr. : . ...... :... wheuton. United States Land Officers. rxiDAixxa, on. J.F. Moon A. S. Bigg I 1 BIIIM AL B.F. Wilson J H. H.J.i.ina Heoalver , A. W. Oowan J. N. Brown Hnrtholomew , J. B. Howard ,...J.W. Morrow ,..K. L. Matlock .. Frank William .... A. C. Petteys ... J. W. Horiior ,.Jy W. Shipley ...B. F. Veogli STOCK BRANDS. While yon aajep yonr snbsorlption paid up yen sen keep yonr brand in free of charge. Bora. P. O.. Heppner. Or. Hones. P B en left shoulder; oattle, same on left nip Conk. A. J..Lena.Or. Hot see. tOon right shoal der; Cattle, aame on , right hip: ear mark square orop on ten auu epui in ngnu Donglaaa. W. M,. Galloway. Or. CattTe. B Den right side, swallow-fork in sach ear; horses, B D on iett nip. Bros.. Douglas. Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, oat tie nam on lefthip. hole to right ear. Florence. L. A.. Heppner. Or. Cattle. LF on right hip; horses F with bar under on right ihouiaer. Jones, Harry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded K J oi the left shoulder: cattle branded J on right kip. also amiurbit in left sat. Hangs in Morrow county. Johnson. Felix. Lena. Or. Homes. elrnleT on left sties; cattle, same on right hip, us der half arop in riaAt. and sulit In F ' Kenny, Mike, Heppner,, " Hranded KNi on lefthiD oattlsst. "-ft sar; under slope on the right ' Leather. J. W. Hennner Or. Horses branded L and A on left shoulder) eettls earns on left hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in right OP MANCHBSTBHi BNOLAND TIS PATTERSON. AGENT. Q" o te Worm icClure e SEVEN s Magazin For 1897 i GREAT SERIALS New Life of Grant by Hamlin-Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of Grant ever puwisneo. ( Begins in December.) , . Rudyard Klpllna'a first American serial,' "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.) Robert Loula Stevenson's' "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson' stlH unpublished (Begins in May.), ' . Charles A. Dana."- "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical years of the civil war practically a member.ot Lincoln's cabinet, ana is prooaoiy better fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period from his recollections and correspondence. . Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpubllsbed. In connection with this series ot portraits It is intended to publlrh special biographical studies under tne general title oi MAKKKB OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. Pictures ef Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN D0YLK, in which he will use his extraordinary talent for mystery and ingenuity which have, In the "Sherlock Holmes stories, given nun a place beside roe and Gaborlau. TEN FAMOUS WRITERS flU 11 W T IDUV ill ,- A.U.- V. wri-il.i.n. ..a.I,,. vu. vlth Ht. ..nuntlnn of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long ago, will appear in mwlu as s maqazinb. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories in the same field as the "Brer Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmbleflnger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McClork'b an oi me snort stories ne win write during tne coming year. OCTAVE TRANET is preparing for the Magazine a series of short stories in whicl. the same ir, althi hough each will be eomplete in itself, Robert Ban Clark Russell characters will appear, : Anthony Hop Bret Hart Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman will all have stories in MoCtuiK'i for the coming year. These are only a small fraction ol the great and important features of McCLURi'g Maoazimk for iyy, me subscripiion pnee oi wnicn is oniy One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. METHODS OF MODERN AUTHORS. Novels Compressed or Padded to Suit the Publisher's Needs. There is now an author before the public whose writings have a wide audi ence, but who has recently been tokl by the critics that his work is deteri orating. This is true, says E. W. Bask in the Forum, and it is not strange that it should be so. He is a man who as a writer shows the highest art in his work, and his earlier books demon strate this fact beyond a doubt. But he has come under the influence ot the dollar, and now writes what is caied "to order." Not long ago a magazine editor approached this author for his next work and found him just starting upon it. "I would like it," Baid the editor. "What will you pay for it?" was the author's first question. "now long will it probably be?" in quired, the editor. "Oh, I can make it just as long or a short as you want it," said the obliging author. Then he added: "It depends upon the price. I can make a 40,000- The True Remedy. W, M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, III., "Chief," says: "We won't keep house without Dr. King's New Disoovery for Consumption, Coughs sod Golds, Ex perimented with many others, bat never got the true remedy until we used Dr. King's New Discovery. No other remedy oan take its place in our home, as in it we have a certain and sure cure for Coughs, Golds, WhoopiDg Cough, etc." It is idle to experiment with other remedies, even if tbey are urged on you as just as good as Dr. King's New Dis oovery. Tbey are not as good, beoanee this remedy has a record , of cures nod besides is gaarnoteed. It never fails to satisfy. Trial bottles tree at Oonser & Brock's drag store. ten POWDER Absolutely Pure Geo. P. Fell sod wife will spend the next two weeks at Thompson Spring, near Prairie 0ity , Deafness Cannot Be Cared By looal applications, as they cannot word story of it if you like, and then 1 re80h ,ue diseased portion of the er. it will cost you $6,000. Of I can spin it out to 60,000 words and that is real ly what I ought to have to let the story tell itself, but then I will want $7,500 for it. Of course, if you can't pay more han $6,000, I can trim it accordingly." SHERIFFS' FEES. Laxity Will be the Besnlt of the Supreme Court's Recent Decision. In reporting the doings of the su preme oourt at Pendleton reoenlly the Tribune says: "In the oaae of Z leth Honser vs. Uma tilla county, the decree of the lower oourt is reversed and the writ dismissed. This mesas that tbe sheriff oaonot col lect any money from the county for ex- There is only one way to oure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is oansed by an it. named con dition of tbe muonus lininu of the Eustachian tube. When this tube gets penses Incurred in the county and can inflamed you have a rnmDlug sound or only oolleot sotual and neoessarv ex- lmpeneoi neannir, ana wnen it is entire- ,t, ui:j . .u. -a uiuu xi V i v, OlVi V 1 1 I A. I J VIUDCU Ur'tllUCDD 1U IIUTJ 1 CO III V. UUU UU" I did not enter into the Question, li was less the intiRmmation oan be taken oat mat snerius win not simply a matter of price. You paid so much and got so much. If you paid a little more you received a little more. It was Anthony Trollope over again. ESCHEW OVERINDULGENCE. A Campaign Of Education HOW to Get it (TIT A A For q J.yjxJ - Mtttin ..Kegisksr ,. Uaostvsr . KAWUNS POST, SO. IL Q. A. B. Mu at Lexington. Or., the last Batnrday of hm month. AU vstsraos are unw " li HI ul.k ('.. J. FlIUDA. Adlntant. Vt Commandsr. Minor, (taoar. n sooner Or. I ttls. M D on right hip; bursa. U on Isft shoulder. Morgan. B. N., Hsppnsr. Or. Horses, M ) on len snoniaw eauis sams on ion nip. Oshors. J. W.. Doaalaa. Or.i horses O on let shoulder: eattls asms on right hip. Parka ft (liseeoo. Hardmaa.Or.-Horsas IP on eftatioaklar. riper, J. H., Lexington, Or. Horses, JR son. I ssnted n- left shoulilari oaUM, sasas en 1st hip. I ondsr bi tn mob ear. rtaotor. i. W., Happosr, ur. Horsas, 4V m Isftshonldsr. CatUs, 0 right hip. flutmr. K. Q. Hsntmsr. Or. - CtUs W O on left hip, crop ef right and undflrbu In Uft ysar, dmrUuii hnnaa W Con Mt shoulder. Thompson, J. A Uappner. OrHnrsis, f oe 1 Tomer K. w . Hsvimsr. I)r. Kmail oapiaal T borsaai eatUs sams oe ton kip I DHPflBBLLELED . -. . I WsHMirmrswr. W. J.. Oallowav. Or.i hnrsee I PHYSICIAN and OUHUcUH. I qoanor mi iW on right shonlderi catUs I quarter e'rcle JW ua right hip and right at e. I - I- .w. r!i. nn filnra. near crop and bole in toft sar. Hangs la Morrow and I City HoteL " D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREOON. Offioe boors, 8 to 10 a. m , sod 12 to 7 n. m... el resldseew. Mrs. U. W'lcb s NOTICE Or 1STEKTI0X. f AND OFFICE AT THE DALLKH. OREGON, I U June , in. Motlre is herrby given that Ihs folio Ins nslrenl srlller haa Sled notice ol his Intention to maks flnal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will lis mads belors J. W. Morrow. County Clsrk, at Uspposr, To ba educated one must read the beat literature, The best literature li expensive. Leslie' Illustrated Weekly I'uhUsned at 110 rifth Avenue, Hew York, Is full of the best things. Its Illustrations are superb; Its p storle charming; and its literary departments are edited with con- tj mm ate skill. Such a paper Is S great popular educator. U should be In every '' boms, y Tbe subscription prion of Leslie'e $1 P nnum. q We maks the unparalleled offer of a copy of 4 Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- j Weekly one year for only $5.00. No such offer wss ever made before. Mo such offer will ever be msds again. Tbess two papers make s most acceptable Christmas or birthday .J gilt, and will ba constant reminders of the giver's kindness. , ) Remit by postal order or check to ths ' 'T' y Heppnor, Orccon. property; eod 10 to 12, a. m , to 2 to S Oregon, on' Au.ust (a, U p, tn , si omoe Jewelry store. la tbe rear of Borf't First National Bank Of I! EITHER C. A. MHCA, T. A. RMtA. . . CtO. W. CONtCN. s. w. s'tNccn, President Vie Preelsrent Ceshler Ase't Cannier Tmsfti I Gfatnl Biilia? Easlttst aj ' - -.----- - . Oe ell nans of tbe world Bought and Sold. Collections mads en all solnis en reasonable Tersae. Murplus end nndlvMsd Proflts, 1 .11.000 OO. Kotict 0 Intention. Use Orrn ittU ?.. Ossos . Jul, ih tf! JOHN JOHNSON, Hd. . No. muo, for tne VH, lee. 4, Tp. I tL-li K .W. M. Hs names Ihs following witnesses to provs bis eontlnunus rnsldsnce upon sua cuiuvauo ol, said laso, vis: t harlrs Anderson, of Eight Mils, Orego John It, retorsnn. Frank A. limtvll and An draw at. rsltoisoa, ail ol Uo.rirry. orrson. 4 AS, W. il'W'Ra, Met Itoglaiar. Motlce ot Intention. I AND OffI S AT TH E D AlXtt OKEOON, I t June 3. lsvT. Notlr M amfcy glvsa ibal the follow lug aaiwsd seltisv aas S too el- of nls liiuuliou In siaSs Snal praol In suppnrt ol his claim, sml UmI said proof will be mads bvfcxs 4. w. Morrow, (xxmly Clsrk. si Heppner, Urrgnn, 0 august la, Wi, vwi ANUKIW M. FITTBKMON, IM K No S414. fiw lbs NWia. s-r. i,Tp SC., H. ' p.. w. PS. He asae ls muowing wn WEEKLY I VO MONTHLY a Outlook Pwslliaed Every taterday 13 Astor Place New York The Ootlook will be la 17, as II bag beeo dorlBf recb of lie tnsoty seven yssii, s Uislory of Oor Owe Tioiee, Ie lie various editorial drpartmeols Tbe hta M.(iniM rnr pua and euluinwa I OaUnnk vitss S oompaet rsvie cf lbs 4. said toad. vl: I n.. I laarlaw Anderson, or gigni Mils, irrvfnn, i worm s progrwasi is innu vuu tin o4J",'" Ull ibe la.port.ot pbilsnthropio soj ... Idoslrisl Boveniseig ot Ine osyj dm dHnpieis uvirimni ui wvwp. The rsrulsr labaonotxm prtoe of Ibe detoiee niocb epecw K Ibe U lares is ei Hetal-Weekly Osselte ie 12 60 sod tbe MM reviews errw01 ma.srs; . ...... I . aa a I ,l.a a.isk J lk leVanft lef If Aatnat I a SB I I nWUww UMI IMI mVIW ! f'tll Mi" ex. a.te fas ft V 1. ft Y fil V TH 1 I I II ft I TWM Utftf VIP VI UW r srv m i VI I i i.Mi..wing nam4 if sid rui u . a.b.00 soWnblcf fo lb I m4 tblnfs; sec), la short. els to give 8U31U0XS. v th riRrriv rnrT or the static of orrion. lor Moreaw Coontr. W. P. I-ord. If. K. Klnrald and I'hll Melsrbsn, the Hoard nf VmnltafHMrs, SIC-, I'lslnUfT., s. i. . "r. . V. Hrry, ' "iwrry, ms rs gfin Rallrnad Slid Navl. allm t4imeany snd I'. ('. Thompson, ilpnUntS. To I a. Siwrry, . iMIendsnls: . In Ihs nams of Uia Slat of Oragnn V. epsrr; and lrry You are arMy rtinirwl In atiar aad answer las enmnfaliit Bled against ton In lbs ihm entitled suit, na at Urf rs th Srat difollli sliots viilltlMl rouri. In alt; Don't Allow Tour Wheel to Bun Away with Your Head. ' Moderation in cycling is as necessary aa in everything else, and particularly so because it brings into play new sets of muscles and blood vessels In certain parts of the body which nre entirely unprepared for the usual strain. The fascination of bicycle riding is the strongest objection to the sport, on account of the danger of over exer tion, and for this reason those who take it up for improvement of health become so invigorated and d.ilightod with the exercise thut they who should be the most careful are generHl)y the cnee who overdo it. Euttring violently into any exercise is bad, and sa is cy cling, for the reason that it gives the heart more to do than hus been custom ary; but, of course, by going into the exerclBe gradually, the heart grows stronger and is prepared for exertion As for the lungs, cycling cultivates a good hubit of deep brea'hi ng, and does n greut denl to btreiigtlien the muscle of the buck. . There in no ot hr exereia that is so quieting to the. nerves and which nttho hiime time brings into piny so nicely and so gently the iminv parts of the body without giving violent work to soinw particular set of muscles. Cycling induces those to take outdoor exercise who have never tnken It be fore, and is the lx'ct rxerclKP that enn lw tuken; but let fho leginner In-ware of overindulgence mid pel-Hint In the pleasure and mi f mens of moderation. CHARLEY HOYT'S SPEECH. lis Made One by I'roxy In the Course of Ills Legislative C areer. The sebolnr in olit!rs Iiiin ronii odd exerieneea and is m a iik1 i.m to get lots of fun ii it of them. Intel, y Jl.iyt, the playwright, is a member of (lie New llumpaliire legislat ure. Ticking In Itoatou the tiij.r night, miyn the 1 roy Times, he related an incident that took pine In lila mliti(ul career. He said that he never mode, to his kuowle.lge, oiore than one siiceeHsful sM-ech, that was when he wiut eiKlerivorin," to get a crrfi'in iiienHiirr, culling for a large appropriation through the lioute. had been delayed ns long as Mmthli, but when the Unit came a bright yonrg lawyer opnmcd I tin meas ure, at larking Mr. Ilnvt In a moat snv nfe mantier mid making many wraon al ell'miotis. Mr. IIo)t res onded very briefly, but the attnrk had hern so flrre as lo arouse symathy, snd the measure was carried. Meeting one of his rollengtiea the next day Mr. llojt was naked whut action lie was going lo lake about the abusive eiiecrh. "Why. nothing," repoiideil Mr. Iloyt, 'Are you going to stand calm ly by and ln iiiMiiltrd In this tnanner?' the p iittenmn u-Ui il. "I don't exnetly see tthat I ran do," rHiirnrd Mr. Ifoyt, w llh a litt'e tiioie than his usual drawl. "You are, I wrote that aMceti and poll the man I? lodi llvrrU." AN HONOHAULt VEGETABLE 1 VIUOCU UfniU DtJD 1TJ IIUO A CO 1(1 Vf UUU UU" I . ef less the intiRmmation oan be taken out I eonn y' and this tube restored to its normal oon- Xhis means union, Hearing win oe aeBiroyea lorever; urea ineir neoks rnnning op expenses nine oases out of ten are ososed by on themselves. The new law is no jail ed oondition of tbe toucans surfaceb. Bnd ,be ,aW8 Bre 10 oongeqnence feebly We will give One Hundred Dollars for enforoed. The bill patting sheriffs on a any case of deafness (caused by oatarrh) salary should be renealed at the earliest mat cannot oe ourea oy tinu s uatarru oppottonity. Cure. Send for oiroularn, free, . i F. J. CHENEY A (JO., d'-Sold by druggists, 75o. Toledo, O. The tariff on a telephone message be tween Heppner and Long Creek is 50 cents for each massage.' This is obeap enough. Don't neglect a cough becaose the weather is pleasant; before- tbe next storm rolls around it may develop Into s serious dtfllculty beyond repair, Ons Minute Oongh Oure is easy to take and will do wbat its name implies. For sale by Couser & lirock. ' The steam sobuooer, Young Amerioa, is being outfitted at Portlaud for tbe Yukon. The Uulvernlty ot Oregon. At Eagene opens Sept. 20. Gradu ates from aooredited schools who have completed work amounting to 30 credits are admitted without examination. In cidental fee, 810.00 a year; tuition, tree. Complete courses leading lo Bachelor ot Arts, Bachelor ot Soienoe, Baohelor of Letters and excellent courses la oivil and electrical engineering. Also good instruction in music Board for young men in tbe dormitory at $2 50 per week with lodgins, beat and light. Catalogues furnished free on applica tion to J.J. Walton, Heoretary Board ot Regents, (!7-tt Eugene. Oregoo. A Uemarkable Cur for Chronic Ularrhona. In 1HC2, when I served my country as a private in Company A, lOTtb Penn sylvania volunteers, I contracted chronic diarrhoea. It has given me a great deal of trouble ever since. ' I have tried a doen d liferent medicines and several prominent doctors without any perma nent relief. Not long ai(0 a friend sent me a sample bottle of Cbamberla'n's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after that I bought and took a 50 Politics and religion g it btdly mixed at Cobarg, Lane onunty, the other day when Politician Tom Vanghsn, one ot Lane oouoly's represeutalivea to the late disgraos at Salem got into a con troversy with Prenoher N. N. Mathews And gave hhn a lashiog for saying that Mitohell was responsible for tbe bold up. VaaKbao is an ardent admirer of tbe ex senator and will not allow bis good name assailed, says the T.-M. "Uoole" Tom is all right. He is one of tbat kind cent hrittle! snil tints I can aaf that I am entirely cured. I oanoot be thankful of meD wh', ,re ,rn lw ,bmr ,rieD'U enough to you for this great remedy and recommend it to all suffering veter ans, if in doubt write me. Yours grate fully, Ufjnry Hteinberger, Allcntown, Pa Hold by Couser A Brock. Via rialm. an4 hl Sal ttwl will nawt halnre Counts rWrk. Mortow atf . tgon. SI Bf p'it,wroa. on Angus . lg7, tii pv no csr, Oaieile and paring lor one ysar it s-1 tsar eaa f both tbe Osteite aes Wwk'r Orrfoetsa tot 1 fA All old (at 2Z-&?WZt"lt Wis enbipilot,. ftf Hs aaatas iw-wh inn,i -,. DB( year IS liTn sm is a M,ti"usMdMM spon au4 alUaka M I ' g . t nl l . 1 lw, lii t , " to, ls.r.r, t , sod I SH U H saU. jl ' . Uf. tbe Tbe Oaaatte dHi eel e,netloej bnwaaty of spf . re, bel te-1 aw4 U) iMle. po 4 vw , )m c,f Klof. W. U. lJMV eebaerlsJltoi; betb Ibe enb. propn.Vay. tin t,nt to I'eedietoa via flppor f'sho ote lna. I'tmnae 4toet Vtalling I'sadlaana eaa esse tlwia aad eoqay by tekieg srtss real. By aa qnaintlaa Ike ts the ptsrvmae eve- lef Ibe Megw Will Btabe csiiiassnw ersth 1 - rlwl reisT at f. 40 fn rdtwM eerib-g bd Ooraeltwe VeaeVrbtlF M tbe mi wbe eswae bke be4 lf SMei . VTe eeswot we tbe fvt oa aay ether ' .... ff ' ". I " Wbet at'BF 0M? IVaA W Ml eartb. rfcaeal rUeebera. Welt. ToAolpaAej faae ta Werea-a Tlppf sad UoaaaMtiL arrlrlof ewe da eiot Moevdsy ae4 reetlaf wwery day ef sept nalsf. flbnrtawl es4 edep end roeU Ie (be lsrnr. egaflL fresb lafofssslloe, rrigiosl obeervetioe, sad rsaaneaUs enUrf ainmsct. IUftenlo wttb tbe fifty fiiflb vol ems. tbe pspsf UI aawatee tbe rsg aler assge lane wbirb will ad J greatly Ie tie eoavettw'tMte eed attrerllveeeae. Tb OttlVak Ie pa U is Led every Ssturday fifty lea teesee year. Tad first (es'ne tm ess avaelb Is aa ISIastraM MagMiee lleeiber, awUinleg- sboatleteeM tnsSf page ee Ibe ordtnsy lasuse, lagetLev srtffe lefe kastber el ptctnrs. tje prue-ef The Owllor k Ie Ibree eVttlare yeer ia kJvaboe, w lees tbe ceted.y , wd fnf etisetaise avtpy eel lltsstf si- neat (arm f th Moodat. IhsSili ! ol ai.tet,,i.. ; snd If you fail se Ie speaar snd tiam, lot wsnl tbsraof, ths plslntlff alii spply lo Ihs enurt to grant th rallef itcmand d In said ro-n-plaint, lo-wlt, for a )'1r'nl and daw-tee ualnat you lor Ilia sum id V'i And In Wet I tloraoa frma July 1st. ISftj. tt lh rai ul ttsht vrt eatil prr aamim. Ih sum l $l'o ailornrts' lars and lor Uis rws and (tuiiurmnla ol Ibis ull sad for a derre (,.ie. .h, rrrtalll tftotigfttfa Itiada, esarutr.! and dfllvara by tfafan.lanla. I R Srry aud N V. fpwry. tn plaluofls tm Ihs foMnaltf fr prowrtr ailn sld In Mormw reuniv, MSb o nr. iri to alt auuih hall nl lha i,ortliaai unar(e and notih lislfcaflhe ainilhaaal qnall" nf W , a-Hilh hall uf aoiiihmiai ajuartac nl ear ' weal half "I Ibe eoiithweal e,arler ot Sr. 'I, a-tuthaaal uuartaf 4 nnvthwaat tiiartrr of a-. , nortla aal iianf of Bnulkaaat unartff nf mmr SI una kalf of eontiaaat iiartar snd anuth. aat quarta-C uf nnrthaeat iiuanav irt Sa ail, aoull,fai anarUf ol wliil uiarur snd nonbaalfM t,Maiir nf ear. f aad Ue awf1oat qua'tet nl at.ntlieatt iarn nl M , rantnwl a lha amfW lha nnjnlt atafk M j end Cither tllU ('. saa Mormw emniy( in py'S "i ot Hnriaattee si sas Hi. 114 Sn4 l. S"l In sail aali .ftn m asit aa a aa loses Shaw waa over from Creek Wednesday with wool. Long W. B. Johnson, Newark, 0., tsys "One Minute Coogb Cure saved my, only child rrm dying by croup." 11 baa saved thousands of others goffering from eron p I eetbartlo, lioeomonis, bronchitis sod other serious 25 cents, tbioat and loog troubles. For sale by f!nnaar h Rronk. e A Merlons UlRIt ally. "I in fie ted for three years with salt rbeum. Tbe humor was on my bands and I wss obliged to keep a covering on them most of tbe time. Tbe stinging and burning were very ssverg. Notbicg did me any good until I took Uood's Harsspsrilla. After taking six bottles I as o tired." Mrs. ft E. Wood. De- Lsmar, Idaho. Hood'i Pills are tbe favorite family Easy to tske, gentle, mild. Andrew Neal was over from Lone (took Wednesday last, Chas. and Tom Darnell ars hack from tbeir trip lo Prioeville. Tbsy report an mmetiHe biiaineee In pietares ia thsl section. Don't tbin yonr blood with sassafras M Tbey are dandies" said Thos. Bow. or poison it wilb blue-msst; but aid Ns- ere, of tbe Crocket, Texas, Enterprise, inre by using Dewitt a Little Karly I while writing about DeWitl's Lltlle Hieers, the fsmons little pills for Oon- Esrly Kisers, tbe fsmons little pills for atlpstloo, blllonknrss and stomach trou-lsick besdacbe sod disorders of tbe lion). bles. Tbey are purely vegetable. For scb and liver. For asls by Oonser A sale by Ooneer k Brock. Brock. Aaron Templeton was In from Hay- slsck last week. W. E Kshlir wee lo from Dardrasi oo Wednesday last. Tbs Union lias lis Afln.lrrM the Ana soaile Olonl.) Itniua 'iHlrtjr, Th nuf rilioux mi l v li, ii. Home onion iJreaxioii.ill t IIikIn lis t iniiii ului . At lh tlitl'ing Moiil:it.u -ily of Ai iii-uiiiIii Du re la a dining tub n I !! the ,:n I inula Onion aM li l . Ila flial fi-.M vt ii ri- fill ly gii-n with itmtiiguisli l sue I ess, I bit. n the rr lifer of the hull. a the Ai.nion.U SIuikIuhI, Waa n-l a loiu' lalile, wtlh rott-i fur all lln- uu la. At t ii .lu I e ua a In roe a in j, i i(y oiion , Irt the riiiililli- of lli- table v a all arrstr tif lfilifa. bread, friiil- ri ket, ilit ' Teller, Kall-ltheum and ICtieina. The Intense il hlnir and smarting. Inrl dent to these dlaeaaea. is Instantly alUved by applying (JhsinWlulu's Eye and hkln Ointment. Mnny very bml caees have been permanently cured by It. It I equally rflli'teiit for tU hlng plh-s and a favorite retiMxiy for gore litplies chatitwd hands, liiilblalns. frost Idtei and chronic aore ryi-e. W eta. per box. Dr. (adj's rendition Powdcri, are Just what a horasi tieeils When lo bad condition. Tonic, lihx-l purifier and vertnlfiige. Iliey are pot food but mexlU-ine and the la-at In nae tn pat a horaai in prime cotidliion. Price 23 cents p r kagtt. The r reset nt wsvas en Crataa sbnras, Tbscmss tjaf'-i os down; . Tbs Turks sis helped t C -lso posers Who bombard Inrt and town. " t'olomlile sagls hears not heads Poof full's plarrlng cry; Than let us drown these shsmsful daads In spt rryt "I. In wood gye." For sale at Ibe Belvedere saloon, I. 0. Hperry, proprietor, ( i ae4 S f't lha t ins bS- SMeil ataald f' da-tnsdt. SUuflatiS lans SfaMS snd iHshursamaars Thtt wmtiwi teaarvot fol atiranatt Ie as of l,a Hon, i-.h A laatil Ju'ttsnf ha abnt antltlao, a-la and antaird la aald sail an lha iM itar wf Ju'y Ymn. pMotlk A nloritlh 4 ii AtaufMys luf 1'laluuSa. Uachire' ganlnatton. ime tn Hrsrsv tivtt fair ma Iks kutpaaai a atatlaf aa ean4iMM w all Sataaas tUaif eTaf it.amaal as as raa4t- aaa In taayaa ml laa ekyw.,s at l hta annnty SM staaa to stai ana u lianaai taa aa-aV ,M one rwl f the hall fWtrd 'he I1ag'lnl of the dub In proud ronpn I.Otunras It rmilrd nl a e nf. Itiritirile't l.y a String f I he fr'slilea from Wlilrh lt,i Ma il) f.ilia ila esme fin thai wall hung I lot i.ioHo l mil if ull,'glil. II OMij fl.1 Hfc 1 JM 1.1 Tsrh inmilr wore n pr ti) Niiif'm n er of litile onintis. Th" ton v gfratly rnjoM-'l by ell the j.M ahi rJ lha S't iely li iea te du 11,141. li to r etrsf the 01 .tin Ui th l.ui.i.r an-it iUwBi el n.M!I, The business man who esnttol affoid lo advertise to newspaper usually winds op with Ihs sberilTa sale eolomo. A man who eaee to do buslosss should go oat of business. T. It. Lynns bas reloroe-1 from Pott- laod. txMie lUrb stage leaves Heppner al To'oloek, a. m Toeetleys, Tbarals, snd Hslards;s; arrives al 6 c'lnek, p. oi., Mondays, Wednesdays aad Fridays, Wilt make ronoeetloa Hh Iraneh train ban deal red. rtra 1,n mgf Fflghl 4 eetil par pnand. J. B. Ballsnbrork, Tfop, Offlce al Harty Wsrrea's drtif store. tf. CATARRH ('hsoiherlaio'sOnlir, Cholera aad iMar fhosa remedy al way afurds prompt re list. For sale by Cmser k Brack. flfAfet, as rfo tie lb 51 ftfAbt.'li mtV, raaaa snt-tt,aKei.i itja-a- a..;1 s eb-I ft( (Va 1rm II of.Vll l"a t,a a uaiM laak i.a IIUi Ml. t d . atTt-'JtV l W O'ltJ , V L 'rb U . r n I- i(tv! U" .V'Um VV " 1 fVlt-eely r,f.VSf r, the Aiei n le i llMI Bupi', HtftnS l a I Of ta Oot,l . jiajtil. If t h i f t', laaaaBaaMaaaaaaaaMaaaaataBjaaaaaaai read M..d e-sse oiiiuAs ee r-' U-ei kt eee dwi'a -frf bepd-sfibef a' fi-Ur.e srd ( si f un , it I ja t'e. it J kliaai 1 at! araetjeetee In The OolW. 11 Aefor W of hero -ilk telle Osoiey by eall . 1UI be Al.a, o...Ja u,,u oe J m gh ibne the U t sett SkCow. viii rieaa, !few loik Criv. I fad iMufattts In the east. lea LOCAL DISEASE Sa) It Ik taaetf ef es sag SaSSaS (HaMla) taaagaa. l taw tat amag Nf s aaaaat tamy tu JasiT laat ga Svtiy lata Ua" wll t Pa lljit. rsaMaa,tt(iras EiYsCriiTi Balm a ktanwValiad as be t KaraS Ikonaft cwts f'1 gaaali awk. W4 le II aad aaal Hsy fata at a. af. It. Metlsley bee moved from s xs i ass e sifiisiey use hi I VaivJ MioamenlbaV'i to llappeef. liWl ' KtetYfol! . A. Corrar. formerly r. It s..4 ttaaatrs tlat a aalpsaw a. aiars rata, t' i u4aaaaii , aa t (ha tv-aa "-a. la- 1a IM aaa,hp. f o-ts a4a, la.xai Ik aa.aS ff 'aa-aa t .o hWala al I at. as aaj I- f a a JU.I ktHlMLkS, aS t wiaa etraat, Ptw ta reedletoo. bee epened as a ISeeat barbershop ia IheeUstasd to Ibe ,Msilok torner. Work SO let I T first Mtts. Call oo bim, , The Oaftta) beg a aeMarshlp fog eete.'t-nd lor one seboid y'aMI BiaRttp Bo dl Aesdaray. prop In sad ee start, t tbisif yvMbsve b to stlttoate. U