SCIFIC COAST GIVES TUB OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. VIA ' VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha T AMD Chicago Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on 0. B. A N Agent at lloppner, or address W. n. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Obeoon, A. L. MOHLER, Vice-President. QUIOI TI3VE13 I Stux Francisco And all point In California, via the Mt, Bhast mate or tun Southern Pacific Co The great highway through California to all polnta Kant and South. Grand Boenlo Route of the Paaifio (!out, Pullman Hnffet Hleeper. Beoond-olasa sleepers Attached to nprm traini, affording superior aocommouatlone for second-olaes passengers. For rates, tiokets, aleeping oar reservation, to., call noon or address R. KOKHLKR, Manager, C. II. MARKHAM, Hen. F. a P. Agt., Portland, Oregon THK CHROPnCIJI ranks with created newspapers In th. United States. THK CHKONXCLK has no equal on the PaetOo Coast. It leads all In ability, enterprise and newa TUB CHRON'ICLK-S Telegraphic Reports ars the latest and most reliabla, Its Local News tbs tallest and spiciest, and Its Editorial from th ablest pens In the country . THE CHRONICLE has always been, and always will be, the friend and champion of ths people as against combinations, cliques, corporations, or oppressions of any kind. It will bs independent lit everything neutral la nothing. HUE YOU GOING EAST? If bo, be mire am sue that your ticket reads via THe Honnvvesiern line ....Tim... CHICAGO, 8T. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY TniH IS TflB Great Short Uqc BETWEEN DULUTII, Sr. PAUL, CHICAGO AND AU POINTS EAST AND HOUIII. Thi'lr Magnificent Track, Peerless Vcstlhuled I 1 1 1 H " 'J rains, Inning and Sleeping Car and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIMK hssiilvaii this rond a nstlonal reputation. All i-laiuies ol passengers carried on 1 1 to vcslllHiled trains without et'a charge, ship your freight and travel over this famous Una. All annul have tlrki'ta. W, II MEAD, T. C. HAVAOR, Un. Agent Trar. F. .V P. Agt, illh Washington Ht., Portland, Or, CHICAGO mnwaukee & St. Paul R'y This Hallway Co. Operate it train uu th fsiiiom Woo a system; Light il train by electricity through out; Uses Hi Oi-Mirated eleolrio berth rend lug lamp; Runs aedily equipped paaaenger train every ! and nitftil lietween HI. I'anl nd Chicago, ul Oiuaha and Chicago; th Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operate ntenrn-heated vetdibllled trains, carrying lh latent private compart meut par, library buffel amok Ifttf car, aud palate drafting rooui slec rs. Parlor car, free reclining chair oar. ml 4 he very best diuwg chair oar rvire. For lowest rate la any point in th t'niled HI alee or Canada, apply to agent or a ldree 0. J. EMIT. J. W. CAHF.T. Oeneral Agent, Trav. I'm. Agent. 1'urtlanJ, Or. BO VtASS' HPiaiiNOL oisicmb. copvbiomto a "' "! tart. aM ewnfiMm mt eMi,'' l-l"t,Ha 4 i.ntri, MnHlf i..ttl. ii ImS aM-t ra.'('n iui4 la Met,.. a t mIuii uw. I .i., i.Im. ihnnwh Mui.a In nwt vej to. in ia SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. fceeMir.iti. ih..,(.l. M PUnMIMI a S- r. tna fc Sj s rai a wa I mm Ina A44IM) MUNN A CO., , 31 Mi... a,, k ,k. il P f I M topi ONE OF NATURE'S PHENOMENA. A Bore' geml-Annnal Visitation at Chrklang, China. Twice a year at each equinox the famous tides of the Tsien Tang river, that flows from the borders of Kiangsi, Fuhkicn and Chickiang to Hang Chow bay, attain their greatest height; and a bore of sometimes over 40 feet in height sweeps irresistibly up its shal low and funnel-shaped estuary, often producing tremendous havoc to the surrounding country hence its name, "moneydike," from the amount expend ed in successive centuries on its em bankments. It is seen at its best at Hang Chow, the prefectural city not far from its mouth. Twelve or 14 min utes before it is visible a dull, distant roar is heard, momentarily swelling until the wall of muddy water, tall as the bulwarks of the biggest liner, as overwhelming as a glacier, sweeps into sight round the bend a mile away, Not a boat is to be seen on the lately crowded river; all are hauled up on to the huge embankment and moored fore and aft with a dozen rattan cables, for none but ocean going steamers could stem the current, and even they would need skillful navigation. As the ogre nears, the roar becomes deafening as a storm at sea, drowning the excited shouts of the thousands who line the walls, until finally it foams past in turbid majesty, hurrying to ward the heart of China. The celestiaH have tried to deal with it in every way, human and superhuman. LOCAL BQl'IBS. Born To the wifeof H. J.6trickfaden today, the 3rd int., in Heppner, gir', Mr. and Mrs. J R. Simons are ex pected boms shortly from Silver, Wash. Is Lire Worth Living? If there is an individual on earth wbo is exousable for lbas interrogating him self, it is the unhappy mortal wbo Bat ters from msleria in some one of its dia bolical forms. This is no diffioult oonondrum, however. Life is worth living by any man or woman wbo enjoys good health, and is cot hsrrassed by a reproaobful oonsoienoe. The malarial soonrge, heavily laid on is a terrible one ror the poor sufferer to endure A series of freezings, soorohings and sweats the last leaving one as limp and as strength less as a dish rag, are hard indeed, re curring as they do with fiendish regrj- t 1 L T T 1 , . . ... . lawvy. noeietiers Biomacn Bitters is the world-wide known preventive and curative of this class of maladies, either in tbe form of ague and fever, bilious remittent, dumb agae aid ague oske. Used with persistence they will, rely upon it, eradicate disease from tbe sys tem. They also cooquer rheumatism, kidney and bladder complaints, nerv ousness, dyspepsia, liver oomplaint and constipation, and renew failing strength. The Chronicle Building. the: daily II y Ma'l, Tostage Paid. Only $6.70 afar. The Weekly Chronicle The Grcatist Weekly in the Comlry, S1.50 a h I (luoludlng rwtw) to any part of h Cnlted hUtet, Canada and Moxtca TffR WKKKLY OIIIIONICLK, the bflKlitort and mmt comitate Weekly Newspaper In the world, prints rtwilarly tt-4 columns, or twelve pAtfos.or News, Mtunttiire and Oeneral Informa tion; also a raagul floe tit Agricultural Department, SAMPLE COPIES SENT FRiE. DO YOU WANT THE CHRONICLE A NOVELIST'S BLUNDER. Forgot lie Had Killed Off a Character Had to Iteitn idtate Him. A great master of the art of throwing oft stories by daily installments was Ponson du Terrail. When he was at the height of his vogue, he kept three running at the same time in different papers. His fertile imagination was never at a loss, but his memory fre quently was. He was apt to forget to day what he did with a hero or heroine yesterday. To help his memory, says a Paris letter to the Boston Transcript, he at first noted down briefly in copy books what happened to his men and women, but finding that often he could not read his own writing, he invented a new system. He procured little leaden figures on which he gummed the names of his ehnnicters as they were born. Supposing there were three stories run ning, there were three sets of figures in different drawers. When a character was set I led ofT, the little man or woman in lend was taken away from its com panions and laid aside. One day when Ponson du Terrail was all behind in his work, he set himself to his task without examining the slain. His bad memory led him into a terrible blunder. He had forgotten that he had killed Rocambole the still famous Ro- camliole-in the previous feuilleton. and; to the great surprise of the reader, he made him talk again as if nothing out of the common had befallen him. This resuscitation of Rocambole is one of the most curious things in the his tory of the Romans-feuilleton. tSKMVL. Amis bvUL, Baker City Republican: Mark M. Boyd, foreman of tbe Sampler News of fice, who met with an aooident yester day whereby the fingers of bis left band were badly crushed, is in the city today visiting friends. Terrible Aooideut. It is a terrible bo cident to be burned or eoalded ; but the pain and agony and tbe frightful dis figurements can be quickly overoome itbont leaving a scar by using De Witt's Witoh Hazel Halve. For sale by Conser & Broch WHY LATIN IS USED. Good Reasons for Doctor1 writing Prescription In Doad Language. "Why doesn't the doctor write his prescription in English instead of Latin?" asked a man of a druggist, whose reply the New York Herald pub lishes: In the first place, Latin is a more ex act and concise language than English, and being a dead language, does not change, aa all living languages do. Then, again, since a very large part of all drugs in use are botanical, they have in the pharmacopoeia the same names that they have in botany the scientific names. Two-thirds of such drugs haven't any English names, and so couldn't bs written in English. But suppose doctors did write a pre scription in English for an uneducated patient. The patient reads it, thinks he remembers it, and so tries to get it filled from memory the second tim?. Suppose, for instance, it called for iodide of potassium, and he got it con fused with cyanide of potassium. He could safely take ten grains of the first, but one grain of the second would kill him. That's an extreme case, but it will serve for an illustration. Don't you see how the Latin is a protection and a safeguard to the patient? Prescrip tions in Latin he can't read, and con sequently does not try to remember. Now for a final reason. Latin is a language that is used by scientific men the world over, and no other language is. You can get a Latin prescription filled in any country on the face of the earth where there is a drug store. We had a prescription here the other day which we had put u originally, and which had since been stamped by druggists in London, Paris, Berlin, Con stantinople, Cairo and Calcutta. What good would an English prescription be in St. Petersburg? K-iooiiNu ur Han uo lABOOED. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE. LUNG TKOfJBl.tS AND CONSUMPTION CAN HE CUBED. A Eminent New York Chemist and scientist Hakes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. IIMUTrn AH IMC Whocaathlnlr. VVHIl I tL Mil llWIt of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Idea ; theymay bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDKR BUKNA CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C. for their f 1,800 prize offer. John Carter and Mr. Dinwidie got in Friday last with a fine lot of wool be longing to Emil Sobarff. Some for tec, some for twenty andl some for Ibirty years have suffered from piles and tben have been quiokly and permanently cured by using DeWitt'e Witob Hazel Salve, tbe great remedy for ilea aud all forms of skin diseases. For sale by Cunser & Brock. Vifoe Kelly and wife, accompanied by Mrs. Bert Boaworth, arrived bere yesterday from Weaachtee, Wash., on tbeir way to Long Creek where they formerly resided. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly left Long Creek last May hoping to benefit Mrs. Kelly's health. She re turned in a very oritioal oondition and may not live to reach borne. Her ail ment is that dread disease, consumption. Reversible lap? siiowmo A Philadelphia Tenement-House Fire De velops a Young Heroine. In January last a Philadelphia tene1 nient house was burned. Two men were killed and several persons were Imdly injured, while others cacaed in an al most miraculous manner. The fourtii floor was occiipitsl by the family of Tho United States, Dominion of J'ii '";. The father and mother S y . a t I n"Hl ' lllivc iVUl imm lit, aua, vnv. ii v Uanaaa anQ i Orinem meilOO children were at home. All were saved ON ONI0 HID1C, thnMiL'h the braverv and coolness of rj no tll(J 0j,wt 0f t,lu m tt mrl f jo, whOHtf Map of the World :;T:,m"tu,,rlony,1,,s,'ri,,,,n,ythcRoc Jenny .ellera waslreFKing the clul dren, the youngest a mere babe, when a cloud of smoke came into the room and at th same time the frantic crieei of those. Ik-Iow reached her cars. ON Tim OTIIKIl HIDE. Bend $3 and Get the Map and Weekly hronlcle for One Year, poaiuge prepaid on Map and Taper. ADDIIRM M. 1. rt YOONO, rroarlster a T. rtotanlcia, BAJi VBAMC1HU4 CAk 1 MI! . nutouuii CAHS. TO (Sr. PAUL MINN KAPULIS uii.irni AHtlO IIIKLKNA I1 lK it Hastily oN'iilng the door, she saw the llniuea leaping lip the stairway toward her. Never hesitating, she closed the door, mid calling the children together forccl theni up a ladder and through n I rap-door to the roof. They were rle ;i!rd high alxive I lie MirrniMiding build liirs, and In-low them the flames were i-ouring with terrible furv. St ill retaining hi T prcsenee of mind llu- brave girl lropixd her brother, a hid of 14, to the roof of the hotine to th" eolith. It was a full of ten feet, but the boy landed safely, and then the gir! braved the fire in her doonu-d home to secure a quantity of bedding. 'his she threw to her brother, who arranged It. on the roof, and then, one by ne, she dropped the other children 1 he infant she took in her arms and l ajicd with it In safely to the bedding Next she broke a akj light In the roof to Ticket. iM.ied to all point In the United h'h M !lr"flr I. and lowering the Htatea and Canada. yUlCKTlMETO. children through it, they ell reached the at reel. OlIlt'AltO WaaHIXUToN ItaMIMOIta Nw YokK Hvrru) All other poluta in lh Fast and Southeast OklAIM Kakka City Ht. Joski-r Mt. Iain ltoHTuN CROSS-EYED New Idea HEADLIGHTS. Fr Pills. Send your address to H. E, Buoklen Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pill. A trial will convince yon of tbeir merits. These pills are easy la aotion and are particularly effective in tbe onre of Con stipation aud Hick Headaobe. For Ma- aria and Liver troubles that have been proved invaluable. Tbey are guaran teed to be perfectly free from every deleterious snbstanoe and to be pmely vegetable. Tbey do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowel greatly invigorating tbe system. Begular size 25a, per box. Sold by Conser & Brook, druggists. Messrs. J. II, Sooenck and Jesse F. Wbeeler, the Gazette' eastern visitors, are taking in Long Creek and surround ing oonntry. Mot only piles of tbe very worst tod can be cured by Dewitt's Witob Hazel Halve, hut eczema, scalds, barn, brais es, boils, nicer and all other akin trouble can be instantly relieved by the lima remedy. For sale by Conser & Brook, LET I KK I.I8T. AT HEITNEH I ETTERS APVEIUlKEU MJ Or., Aug a, lh'J7. Kills, Nanry Owen. Hay. Mr. Lena. Hatters, M. T. Houston Jane. When railing tor these letter plt-ase say advertised. J, P., f. M. for Lighting Railroad Trark an a lark Night. A new thing In track lighting ha Rai-k.lea'1 Aralra Halve. Tbe Beat Salve in the world for Cola, Brnises, Sore. Ulcer, Salt Rheum, Fever Hore. Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblain, Corn, and all Hkio Erup tion, and positively enre Pilr or no pay reqnired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price W rents per bol. For sals by Conner 4 Brock. Hygienic Reason Lead to Abandonment .' of an Austrian Custom. It has hitherto, says the New Orleans Picayune, been the custom of the chil dren attending the public schools in Austria and Hungary to kiss the hands of the teacher on arrival and departure, lhis has now been forbidden by an order from the imperial board of edu cation, which bases, its action on the fact that sanitary investigation has shown that kissing is unhealthful and should not be. practiced, except wheu absolutely necessary. This brings up a very nice point of law to establish when kissing is absolutely necessary If the public school teachers of AuS' tria and Hungary are old and ugly it is likely that the scholars will acquiesce in the new ruling without a murmur. If, on the other hand, the schoolmarms are pretty .young women, like most of the New Orleans teachers, then the big boys in Austrian schools may keep up the good old custom of kissing the teacher, and plead that it was a case when kissing was absolutely necessary Science is going too far, anyway, when it finds microbes in kisses and tries to establish a quarantine against them Kissing goes by favor, and not by law. When the kisser 1b in love and the kissee lrf pretty, it is always a case of abso lute necessity, not amenable to Austrian or any other 1'inH of laws. GOV. TOM JOHNSON. A Stubborn Patriot to Whom Thla Conn' try Owes a Great Debt. In a storied burial-ground in Fred crick, "in his narrow bed," sleeps one whose name never fails to stir the heart of the old Marylander with lively emo tions of admiration and affection uov. Tom Johnson, that audacifms and stub born patriot, of whom John Adams said that he was one of four citizen of Maryland and Virginia "without whom there would have been no revo lution;" although, in affected acorn of him, a British officer, writing to hi people nt home, had assured them "there Is no need to be alarmed by all this noise in the colonies, which is main ly mode by a boy named Tom Johnson." "That pestilent rebel" of the British war office, writes John Williamson Talnier in Century, was the trusty, loving friend of Washington, whom he nominated to be commander-in-chief of all the armle of the united colonies; member of the first congress, and of the convention whioh adopted the con titution of the United States; first governor of Maryland, and an associate justioe of the supreme court; and he was twice urged to accept the portfolio of secretary of atate. He was in hi day the first citizen of Maryland, and in all the colonic the revolution dis closed no wiser, stronger, sweeter char acter than his who joined the fortitude of the warrior with the foresight of the statesman In the temperament of an eager, dauntle boy, GRUB CAUSED GREAT LOSS. Tbe distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo- oam, of New York City, demonstrating his discovery of a reliable cure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronohial, lung and chest troubles, stubborn oongbs, catarrhal affections, general decline and weakness, loss of fiesb, and all conditions of wasting away, will send la. KJi una- bui TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for tbem. Hi "New Scientific Treatment" bss oured thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional duty to Buffering bnmanity to donate a trial of bis infallible onre. Soienoe daily develops new wonders. and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, bas produoed results as beneficial to humanity a can be olaimed by any modern genius. His assertion tbat lung troubles and con sumption are curable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed iu his American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those oared in all parts of tbe world. Tbe dread Consumption, unioter runted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Sloonm, M. 0., 98 Pine street, New York, giving post- office and express address, and the free medicine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell the Dootor that yon saw this in tbe Gazette, published at Hepp- oer, Oregon. Jnly 9-7-1 yr. Hiok Mathews snd V. Gentry, nnder the firm name of Matbews & Gentry, are associated together in tbe barber business in the new stand, two doors south of tbe postoffice. They solicit a call. Shaving, 15 oents. tf. A good bicycle, snitable for either lady or gentleman, in fine repair, new pneu-. matio tires, for sale cheap at Gilliam A Bisbee's. tf ' Now is the time to gel tktf Weekly Oregonian, the greatest newspaper" of the West. With the Gazette, both Btrio lv in advancb. one year, $3.50. No Better1- combination of newspapers oanbe ade in the state. Tbe Gazette will take potatoes, apples, , eggs or butter on subscription aocoants. Any one owing tbis office can settle tbeir.' scoounts in this manner end can't do it' loo soon to BUlt us. Notice of Intention. Land Office at Ths Dalles, Orkoon. June 22nd, 189T. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has died notice o his intention to make final proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, ou August 7th, 1897, viz: MARTHA C. H08KIN8, Hd. E. No. 8999, for the Stf NWJ4 and NH 8W 8ec.l,Tp68R26E W M. Be names the following witnesses to prove bit continuous residence upon and cultivation olsaid land, vii: Benjamin H. Parker, J. F. Ward, Nelson Cumpton and Samuel Enslej, all of Hardman, Oregon. . JA8. MOORE,. 656-67. KeglsteK- SUMMONS. NOTICE. THE NATIONAL BANK OP HEPPNER, located at Heppner, iu the state of Ore gon, is closing up Its affairs. All note holders and others, creditors of said association, are therefore hereby notified to present the notes and other claims against the association for payment. ED. R. BIHHOP, D0-ft asnier. Thr Boss Feed Yabd. The first feed yard tbe teamster strikes in Heppner is thai conduoled by William Gordon, next door to the Heppner ' Gazette ranoh. Mr. Gordon is accommodating. bas a good yard and abundant facilities to take care of stock in first class shape. His prices are very reasonable. He baa hay and grain for sale. Has lately added a car load of baled timothy. ir. Come to tbe Gazette offioe and get a decent lot of envelops printed. Government envelops look obeap, and besides you cannot get yonr business card printed thereon. tf TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE -tATK of Oregon, for the County of Morrow.. The Oregon Mortgage Company, umitea, a corporation, nam tilt', vs. Berend Poppenga and Ella Pop- penga, uetenaants. To Berend Poppenga and Ella Poppenga, de fendants above namd. In the name of the State of Oregon: Yon aren hereby required to appear and answer or othcrc wise plead to the complaint filed against yon in the above entitled suit on or before the first! nay of the next regular term of the (Jlroulti Court for Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: Monday, the 6th day of September, 1897; and if you fall to so answer or otherwise plead., for want thereof, plaintiff will take judgment against defendant, Berend Poppenga, for the sum of $450.00 together with interest thereon at; the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 1st day of December, 1895, and for the further sum of 150.00 attorneys' fees and for the cost, in this suit, and plaintiff will apply to the court for a decree of foreclosure and sale of tho following described mortgaged premise, to wit: The 8 WU of the NEand the Stf of tft svvana uier-w oi tne ot section township 4, soutn ot ranges, a. w. m ana iof the application of the proceeds of said sale oB . property to the payment of the judgment andl costs herein prayed for against defendant Berend ) oppenga. Tills summons 1 published by virtu of ars order made by Hon. Hteplieu A. Lowell. Judge ot the above entitled, court on tne ra ty oi July. 1897. ELLIS & LYONS. 64-T7 Attorney lor rialntiRfc "Never Fail" beadaobe wafers at Con ser k Brook's, Tbis medioine will oars any kind of a beadaobe in short order. tr. Pat quarter in yonr pocket and don't spend it till yon get down to Low Tillard's. Finest liquors and cigars Nesr city ball. a SUMMONS. See those new Russian Tan shoes down st Liobtentbal's. Latest styles, best quality, reasonable prices. Yoo cannot do better anywhere. tf Come in and subscribe for tbe "Gazoo." Now is lbs time. Yon don't want to miss a whole lot of good, bard reading tbat is now being published in oar "Only." Any perion wbo Is interested in British Oolambis sboald writs to W. H. Harlburt, general passenger agent of tbe O. It & N-for copy of Pat Don an' lit tle "booklet," "The New Booaoxaland." II la well worth tbe trouble. 60-tf. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for Morrow county. Rothchild Brothers, Plaintifls, vs. Robert Krlck, Defendant. To the above named defendant, Robert Krirk:: In the name of the State of Oregon: You ar hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled cause ef action on or before the first day of tho next term of the above entitled court, to-wit: Monday, the 6th day of September, 1H97; and if you fall so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plain tilt' will take judgment against you lor the sum nt $141, the costs and disbursement of this action, and for the sale, oi the proerty belonging to you heretofore at tached in this action, and will apply the pro ceeds of sstd sale to the payment of said judg ment, costs and disbursements. This summons is served on yon In pursuance of an order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, J saiga of the above entitled court, made and entcc4 In said action on tbe 21st day oi July, 1W7. BROWN 4 REDKIEI.D, 64-77 Attorney lor Plaintiffs. Mil; UU U VJ '-' Pendleton Tribune: Union IVpot connections at Ht. Paul, Minneapolis, Kan City, Omaha. HI. IjiiiI and other promi nent pmul lUtfwage rhi-cked through to declination ol ticket. Through ticket to Janao and China, via Taooma and Northern Pacific Htesiu- bip Company' Una. Wen put into am ice on the Now York slitorof th Weaton Leader, went hum Nrw Haven A Hartford railroad on th oa's train with lb intention For full Information, time card, map, ticket, ele., eall on or writ W. C. AuwT. A. I. Crui.To. Ant N I', Ity. At. Hen Pass. Agt. Tbs PallM.Or. l'ottUml, Or itw "air line liyer in-iween .ew ork nm' Itoatou, nay the ftoatonTraiiacript. It la the croaa-eved headlight, an In tention of Col. N. II. llrft, of the elec trical depart nient, and it ia said to V audi a succepa thnt it will 1 supplied na niM-cdily aa iMwaible to all through liiel trains on the rond that run In I lie lilght. Stiiwrin tfinlctit Oatrnndcr ex plains the uao of the two hratllighta. which are act "croaa-eyrd. ly a the rye are act In aoine rrva of o arranging bis affairs Ibal bs will be able to aom lh position ot oily di'or on tbs East Oregon uu. NOTICE. All persons indented ia Dotes and ao omint du to Nobl k Co. Br requested lo coin forward and seltls same aa or iirerlse- aoon aa paeaibla. W still continue in Diisinea atiii win en goon aa low aa n M Ml i iiiiiiir PIDUCCO CATFOLKSf! p wa f4 k i , r - m - i !.-' 4 ,,,.. .wv 1 VTk - ' .- I Ul It Hie MK rwftUu4 1 Mora N.vifjitioa fa. eTJcM-EXtai 'Mitts enr" avo -ricvuioh" Leave Th Ialle daily (eieepl Hun.lst) il s I'i a tu, Ia PortlaoJ at 7i a m. VI hea ynn go to Portland, lp iff a Th 1IU' and tak a trip down lh Onlonibi; you will enjoy it, uJ ? money. W.C.AILAWAT. Oeeerat Agai rrd prraona. They are art thua ao txoM anywner in ina lata. that rmh is ill thiow a light acroa the, , . ni ? L oihrr - rsy. The light on the right ; ilf'''""'f' r 'J,B 24' "' hand aide la thrown over the lefl, and ! .... , . , "T, , thnt on the 1,-f i er th rl,rht. lth..1 beadacba sao tqoifkly and com- U-en found that this arrangement , pleUly by nting tho famous of great adaiitge In throwing a light ""I P' knows aa "Hewitt t Little around a t une. The single headlight Early Kiaer. For le l7 Conner k hitherto in use thine atralu-ht ahead n..h thrn the loromothe I turning a curve. lb ftehU, or vhntrer in alongside of , v It Tboma. rDrInlio R. C th track upon which the train in dnah-, Wr, A (., nf Uroy. N. Y- la Iu town irg. are iiiuuiinatcii, tun tne ran ahead 1 hi . s as w- ,.. I BiTiiars tur aren tv a all 11UIHWU tll IUUU (w1-,i PATItNTI Till ATID BT SnAll. ... on f ,. , ,nm I (. .,. i, i . (,,,,. ,4 . -k mm IstiM Ji'm Hivni Hi in, r ..t k. I ff the nioment re In total darknraa. With th two lighla art it makea no difference which way th curve turns, for one ir the other of the headlight Il luminate the thay. A hnirdn i-r i it IUmioii nuinl rl aiioiiig hi-r patron inntiv gentlrmrn of thr ni'-.ln jl iro(.-,iuu Oiiedaywhen opiating iin one of Uicin lie lrtle forth In great gU-e: "Vat you dink, ilogtar? t haf twen to dot hiaiui, I'lid tile I ait to go up und rut a Inaji' l.ulr I are Itmrple buata of de d"f tot. Ik-i nm lkjrl.r fctorva, utid d re taa IVh'for I'ii nut d tig I tin for Id in tine dwr? years, In marpU I'uik c.f dot! Van p my vtfl In Pf' t'te:- I dy i trad. lo do bminr with lb drag By raiting Anions Diamonds CoaB tloa Was Created. A nnlesnmn in one of the big Cheat nut street jewelry atoren recently lost a i ...... ! I j.ninn.u ttvrntitfh . vrrv'nr- Clark Wood, I .jdent, Mj-a the Philadelphia liecord. The aaleaman bad taken the diamond out of the big safe and was counting them In the rear office of the More, when the arcWent occurred, lie hail spread the atone out on a large sheet of tiaaiie paper and waa sorting them In the bright light which came dow n through a glaBk) light direcUy above him. In the woodwork w rounding the glaaa in the ceiling aa Inalgniticant grub worm waa working away Industriously. The man below knew nothing of the existence of ths worm, nor did he reali the part it waa ahorUy to play in hi affair. Suddenly the worm broke through the outer aheii of the wood awl fell plump upon the her t of tiasue prr, m attering thetlia- ntouda right and left. The aalesman worked for two hour In gathering tip the Uny precloua atotir am! then found that four of th atoni-a were tilt tnla-ittg. Th'a meant $11 or f;'0 to him, for thai waa what the hl ntooea wnre worth. He neter recovrred them, hul he threw the grub worm Into the stove and waithrd. It turn with fiendish alifn tion. Oeo. ArmtroBf, abo I now rooniog Iba popular saloon on lb Matlock cor ner, baa pnt ia lh Hop Oold draught beer. Mtlwanke and Hop (lidd bo til beer, floe Ittinors and cigars always at band. John Darbam, aitanl tuiioh 1 11. Call co lb boys, aaj gel year beer by glee ot qoart. fA-tf rnaC R Prlnoner have a fair proportion of "happy answers" rrwdtted lo them. Of the, irhapa, the Ust kn wn are thoM of tb man who. whep aakesl if h pleatled "guilty or not guilty," r piled that be .-oulila't nay until he bad beard 11m evidence; Or.d U bl nr fpnnss of ths prisoner to IH usual qirMtioa befor S'ncci "Have ytt W read Iu lh Cbteago Chralcllhl to r. prtaowr. tom aeti ii . k.. . kr-M bar.,1 ,. U,M pr"'-"l i-i your "II" toed entirely of wonea a tu b faroieh- rs mini at cclebra;ip is aearf.y p !, Mt rvbarf, tery kind of your Umor, ard If It' quit agreeable the court I iboulJ lik to asy 'food rmtf ' Caveats, and Trs de-Mar Its obtalrwd and all Pat- eataaeteouctdfar MoinTC ft, i Ou Ome is Oeeoivg U.S. PavtwT Orriet and siciawruti satcatia ks tM t-aa Uc rsmoi from Washington, band nodsL drawing or phnta with eVserlp tioa. advise, U paienubl or not, lies o( srr Our ia sM da till patent I ncsni i siswirr, vsrnii, " cost ol aaau i th U. S. and Honuga Cotr ant Ir. Ars, C.A.SNOW&CO. BkSar -- IsV S I T . II . . fP SJ j 1j"Bj"ll'"'k1 --- - ------------ - . - NOHTH I'ACIFIO Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1669.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. at DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth !t weight in gold to very far mr aod breeder lo Oregoo. SUBSCRIPTION: 13.00 PER YEAR. Ham pis Oopie fres.) Raral Spirit aod Gssett both for 13.80, each, at tbi ofBiw. QEPPNER, Attorneys ct Lcivv. All bnsinaas attended to its a prompt anJ satisfaetory manner. Notaries Pnblic aod Collector. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDINQ. I t t OREOOH WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Piit Sound Navigation ft Stetfs TED110NE, BAIIXT GiTZERT AND OCtAS WAVE Lsseing Aider Htreel IX-ck. TortUsd, for Astoria, Ilwaao, Loag Beach, Ore Park aod Naneotta. Direct aorineeiKio with Ilwaoo uf BBd rail road; alM at Yoong' By wiib Seaabors lUilroad. T-Zi-PnOTCB Leave forttand ILK. Daily. arept Sunday. Leave AMarta t r. M. Dally, rfi Sunday. Xlk,Xt9V OATKDnT Leave rortlnftd r. M fallf. se,4 .laf , Salarday night. II f w, Una Astnrla fl1 a ! A. sir-p4 Sunday and Monday. Sunday algal, I P. M ooi.rvx WAVE tave rortlaad and runs dlesrt lo ltar, T'iUf and Tauraday a4 I A M aatMav at f at Lea Ilnaee Wdneday and rrVlay nt lai A. M. On Snnday nignt at r. M. C-ffifa ti Riihti IVstiuiioi Ui Efifk Fro if trpri fat Batety, t-4, CiMtMrt, rlencnr. Travel Ike TtfBorte, Ihiller llalseet and (ireaa re THE PALACE HOTEL BAH, J - QOHl-RS. Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. IN . rtt 1 III It. i . m .,.14 !- till, 4 y , a 4-i liih ii.