at Marvelous. Effects System Broken Down and Hope Al most Abandoned - Health Re stored by Hood's Sareaparilla. ' For fifteen year I have suffered with catarrh and indigestion and my whole system waa broken down. I had almost abandoned any hope of recovery. I pur chased six bottles of Hood's Barsaparilla and Its effects have been marvelous. It has made me feel like a new man. I am able to sleep well, have a good appetite, and I have gained Beveral pounds in weight." Jambs Wilder, Oroville, Wash. " I had a scrofula swelling on one side ol my neck and ulcerated sores In my nostrils, caused by catarrh. I also had small, itching sores on my limbs. I bought three bottles of Hood's Sareapa rilla and began taking it and the sores oon neaiea. My Dlood Is purified, and the scrofula has disappeared." O. D. MoMANUB, Mission, Washington. Hood's SK Is the best-iu fact the One True lood Purifier. Hood's Pill cure nausea, Indigestion, UUUU S fins biliousness. 26 cents. Take, ftotice. I. The sum of five cents ier line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," Hats of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notloes, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notloes of special meetinn for whilmnrnitrw 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments irom.which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five "" moae rules wui De strictly adher ed to in everv lnttannn. Advertising rates reasonable and made known umu 4llluaijlon. K GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Now that the great political campaign is over and the winter season again with us, all will want an adequate supply of fresh and varied reading matter for the long evenings. Cognizant of this the -Gazette has made dabbing arrangements with s n amber of periodicals and now offers the following to all new and renew al subscribers: The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonlan, $1.60 , ID.50 " 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.75 " N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 8.00 " Inter-Ocean, 11.00 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle, 11.50 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, 11.00 8 25 Webfoot Planter, 60c SI 50 Leslie's Weekly, 14.00 5.00 Got. Rea is in receipt ot word from Pendleton that the supreme oourt affirm ed the decision of the lower oourt in the case of Stahl vs. Osmers and Hughes. The latter therefore win the case. In the matter of the State of Oregon vs. Cbet 8argeut, the judgment ot the lower court was reversed, giving de fendent new trial. The Sargent case will undoubtedly come op tor considera tion at (be next term of oourt. G. W. Bea aud Ellis & Lyons were attorneys for the suooessful parties in both oases. Miss Maggie Ad kins departed on last Thursday tor Santa Rosa, Calif., where she will attend sobool the coming school year. She was accompanied by numer ous Heppner friends as far as Heppuer Juootion. Antone Binge and Joe Biber have dis posed of tbeir Heppner store to Jas. Thompson. Mr. -Biber left last night for Portland and he may go to Alaska later in the season . Olint Burroughs tried to lead two horses behind his cart Sunday. The experi ment was a failure. The damage to the rig amounted to a broken dashboard, siDgletree and shaft. Joe Hayes and John Tnrley arrived yesterday overland from Hailey, Idaho, where they bad been wit1' Tbeo. Swan eon's sheep drive. The boys report an excellent trip. Vawter Crawford, our old foreman, is giving the offloe needed assistance to day, wbioh favor is appreciated beyond any expression ot dollars and cents. Willis Bros, have oommeaoed the threshing season by oleariag np Evans Bros.' orop of some 2,300 bushels. They have plenty ot work engaged. The Gazette is sorry to chronicle the death ot the infant daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Stricktaden. The child lived but a abort time after its birth. Charley Jones has red aoed the price ot shaving to 15 cents. When you want a first class shave call at the same old stand. tt. Cross & Blaokwell's fancy piokles and oanned goods, reduced prices, Orange Front, opp. City hotel, Cor. Main and Willow streets. 53-tf CELERY KOLA 6IVES REST AND SLEEP 1 "if W W SB" A True Nerve Tonic and Blood Purifier Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood, Ti T 1- J Tr 1 rujuiiiitjs mtj ijiver, .ouweis unu ivianeys. NEW DISCOVERY; BEST CELERY PREPARATION ON EARTH. gas BE HAD ONLY AT' l-Oct 18 FOR YOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates. Peaobes, watermelons and all fruits of the season arriving daily at the Or stiff Front. 64- tf MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY METH. EPI3C. CHURCH. BKRVIOES. Holiday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Clauses No. 1 and 1 at 12:10 p. m. Ep worth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. raycr meeting, j nurmiay, s p. m. The Spirit aud the bri awr. Com." The pastor may be found at the parsonage ad. Joining- the church, where he will be glad to meet any w' o may dsirs to consult hiin on religious, social, oivio, philosophic, educational, vr any otner aaDjct. J. W. r'LEBHKR, Minister. Here and There. Hark! Hear the Dingley- bell! Of old men bard times. 'Tie ringing the knoll; . Sweet masio in its chimes. Jobo McCarty is np from Portland. Emit SobarfT is over from Hamiltoc, T. R. Lyons is down to Portland this week. Shorthorn dairy for best milk and orsam, 6?tt Oa Mitchell was op from Rhea oreek yesterday. Ed Rood was In from Eight Mile yesterday. Albert Bollinger Is over from Jobn Day "towo." Cooser t Brock's tor the "Never Fail" headache wafer. If. Barry Hayes was lo from the Matlock raoch yesterday. Milk from single oows for babiet at tbe Shorthorn dairy. ' 5Htf Tom Davidson wilUhip some cattle to Omaha io a few days. Ranooi is still on tbe tort doing a lit tle carpenter business. tf Jobn M. Drown, prominent sheepman, is over from Rock oreek. Andy Ttllard and family are spending few days In Jones prairie. Submit your plans to Uenoue be tors siring oat your contract. tt Ed Holland was np from from bis Leslngton ranch Hatorday. Billy Jooes nod family are over from Bally Creek, Melbsar ooaoly. Billy Rise visited Arlington lest week nod toood lbs town prosperous. Mm. Ike Eanie io visiting bsr toother, Mrs. Putter, at tbe Psoland rauebtbis week. Joe Eskelsoo was lo from bio Social KUgo raoeb yesterday. Us has good orop BtateroniU tof tbe Pamoos Simple Aeeooot Iile prtnUd at tbo Osteite of Boe. " Ralpb Hwiaboroo visited Eogeoo last week, Al Emerooa'e little son rotornlog witb bio. Waa. Begbea, who recently onJrfot aa operation for eppeedtmtla, M recover log rapidly. Ray nod llsrvsy MrAlialer sod Cbes. Johnsoe ore ronnmg a uod loeo.lry op lo lite limb-. The Hop Oold teg beer ot the Wei one. Oo lo, )oo Iblrsty, ood toe tbe boye. Mr. ood Mm. Aody Hproolee are over fm Le lli, tbo mU of I, ood Mm. Boolnek. M.earWtbe Cetee ood Mm. Mufgso, of fUad IMUe, were the goeels of IlepBoef riods flstordsy last. Tbe street sprinkler be bee going lots week, ottb relbef leJilfeteet sis r, '. oo tbo sspply to be UUd. Beat nnitsll"Oi sod onnrtnoos aratect Ol Ibelavpeftel llaWl.Heventb 4 Wash. Ht , retllaad. Ort"0. Tbuee b delre im HiUl ebewU farce that O. K. U ". tbo S'O Ira., lo rea'f to ke Heee ol gay tte. 9! Two Sciences That Are Clonal? Related and Necessary to Each Other. Probably in none of the sciences, ap plied or pure, is a knowledge of higher mathematics so essential as astron oiny. Certainly none involves so much mathematical labor. The method of the least squares is one in almost con stant use by those engaged in astro nomicul calculation, and the amount of labor often entailed by this process is enough to make the head of an ordl nary citizen awim even to think of One of the most extensive least square solutions ever made, says the Pitt burgh Dispatch, has recently been pub lished by Prof. Schur, ot Qoettingen, The helionietric triungulations of the stars in the cluster Praesepe (the Bee' hive) gave rise to a series of 74 norma equations, involving 74 unknown quan titles. The solution of this set of quantities wna effected by Prof. Schur in ten weeks by menna of the usual Gaussian method of elimination. Prof. Schur comes to the conclusion that no other method by successive approxi mations is to be compared to tbe Gaussian method, even though it might seem to promise a saving of labor In advance. Prof. Schur mentions as the longest least square solution he has been able to And in natronomlcal liter ature a geodetic adjustment made by Ilaeyer, in which a set of normal equa tions with C8 unknowns was success fully sol red by the famous computer, Daae, in three months. Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no. work other than plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet prices of any person under Ibe snn in tbe line of druggists' supplies, blank bonks, bank work, ooanty work, or any sort ot book bind ingwork that yon bave heretofore sent away lo get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not a charity ooncern bat it yoa will give ns a ohanoe we will see that yon are satisfied in every particular. Bay your goods ot home. Remember that Abe Linoolo said that when one bought goods away from borne tbe foreigner got the money ond we got tbe goods. Bat when tbe goods were bought at borne we bad both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are witling to abide by it. Wben the printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call np 'phone No. 8. 660-tf KNEW ALL BUT ONE. cp or Ed Palmer was np from bis ranob neat Lexington last Saturday. His orop was entirely destroyed by grasshoppers this year. Ben Swaggart was np from bis Juniper ranch Saturday, leaving io town some of bis fine, bome-oured bacon. 0. E. Ranous has been awaided the contract of building the lone I. O. O. F. ball and will begin tbe work at onoe. W. T. Hatten bad one of bis feet severe ly bruised, down at Sorivner'e shop yes terday, while shoeing a horse. Hon. H. Black man, collector ot in ternal revenue, was in Heppuer over Sunday witb his family. Will Spenoer and wife are making a tour of the mountains and will visit Sumpter before returning. Ben Patterson is nursing a bad eye which is csosing bim a great deal of in- convenience. Get your clothes made by the New York tailor. He oarrie a fine ejection of foreign sod domestic woolens. Can fit yoa up in tbe latest styles. 58tf REPORT OF THE CONDITION Of the First National BanTe at Hepp ner, in the State of Oregon, at the Close of Business, July 23, 1897. RESOURCES. Latins and discounts $147,3t5 fiO Overd'ftsseoured aud unsecured 6,145.89 U. S. Bonds to secure circula tion 12.500.00 Premiums on D. S. bonds 875.00 Stnoks, securities, etc 18,201 51 Banking-house furniture, aud fixtures 3,88144 , Due from National buuks (not I reserve agents) 68,239 52 Due from State Batiks sod Bankers 22,103 33 Due from approved reserve agts. 47,674.09 Checks and other oasb it ems.. 41 53 Notes of other National Banks 3 000.00 Fraolional paper ourreuoy. nickels and cents 17180 LAWFUL HONEY RE9KKVK IN BANK, VIS: Legal tender notes 18,34r00 U. n. oertits of deposit tor leasl tenders 81HJ00 Redemption fund with U. H. Treasurer (5 per ceut. of circulation) 502 50 Clifford Cooper and another teamster are In from Tbe Dalles, via Canyon Citr They left for tbe Jobn Day today and from there will make a trip borne. One Giiess A Whole Kngilah Heglment Mad Qmtlooahle Character. The story is told of an Kngllsh mil Ilia regiment whose reputation was none of the best that on one occasion a detec tive from Scotland asked to tie allowed to inspect the rririinent to discover if possible If a certain malefactor were in save them the ranks. IVrnilasion being given, tlie j CISC. in for every yellow ticket every package of Schilling's Best tea. Don t send coupons ; for something Total 8349,900.21 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid iu 850.000.00 Surplus fund t 12,000.00 Undivided profits, les expen ses aud tales paid 17,791 63 National Bank Notes out standing 11,250.00 Due to other National Banks. . 7,108 27 Individual doposits subject to - check v 239,535.05 Demand certificates of deposit 12,155.26 STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY ! You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! B UT YOU DO WANT LOW PRICEg groceries and supplies ; yon want sub stantial gents' furnishings. Yon osn find what you want at T. R. Howard's MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED I IT. I&. Howard Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. THE ART OF BREWING- CURED Happy BY SUN BATHS. Recovery of FaraJytla Thtwagk a Resort te Ktposare. The liveliest passenger on board the steamship City ot Peking was Hum phrey Kendrlck, of Lo Angeles. He had just returned from Japan, says the San Francisco Chronicle, a country that be loves, because a few years ago it com pletely cured him of paralysis. When Kendrlck found that he bad lost control ot bis liml he determined to spend all the money be bad to get re lief. It was easy enough to tell what bad brought the paralysis upon him, for the first stroke came soon after be had a bad tumble on horseback. The animal fell In such a way aa to retch Kendrlck squarely beneath It, severely wrenching and straining bis spine. Kendrlck found that be was much bet ter In hot weather, and this led bim to go to the Hawaiian Islands. He waa so much belter there when It was hot that ha concluded to go to a still warmer place. Homebody told bim that the south coast of Japan In summer waa tbe place. For many months during that hottest of hot summer Kendrtrk engaged in a most unique attempt to regain ble health. For days at a time be would lie positively stripped to the skis In the hot sand on tbe seashore of Japan. He got ao that be rather liked It. As tbe days pasted be kept getting better. Then be took to seeking- elvrciee. A donkey was secured and Kendrirk, stark naked, would ride the animal up and dnw n the liearb. It was almost too hot for the beaat, but Kendrirk did not seem to mind It. The reeuli was complete recovery. Kendrlck came berk feel Ing like a nrhoolboy and mora Infatu a ted with the country of the Jape. detective, acconianied by the adjutant of the regiment, made a tour of the varl oua com rxtnies, front rank and rear rank. When the official had got to Uie lost man of the rear rank of the rear company he stopped suddenly and gazed earnestly at the rather embnrrassctl warrior. "Why, you anrely have made mistuke," exclaimed the adjutant, In- Ulgnsiitly, "w hy, you hae pitched on tbe bent man In tbe battalion. lie has l-een with us for more than 20 years, and he la our pattern soldier. His arms ar. a mass of good conduct iNulges, and la Is the example of all that Is beat in the life of a soldier. ou surely do not know hlin?" "No," replied the detec tive, "I do noW-but 1 know all the other," t HE CHANGED HIS MIND. rrartag for Death, the Lever Strvff lei AgeUMt It Wbea Meaee4. A curious ease of nervous hallucina tion is reported In tbe !.ondon Tele graph. At Bordeana recently a hyster ical Frenchman visited tbe tomb where his beloved waa laid. Carrying a lighted candle and kneeling by ber coffin, be eg claimed passionately: "Would 1 could diet Would I could die! Juet then tbe wind doted the dnor and t-ttingulshed the light. The bereeed lover who bad just prayed for death rushed fur the door; be could not open I'i be tore at it, koorked, kicked, struggled, calling loudly for belp. No answer, only tbe utter silence and darkness ot the tomb. lila wish to dia was forgotten. He sank lown and wept; bis tears were not for his beloved, bat for blro-lf. He felt tbe pane ' hunger; be thought of his candle and rut It Into four porta. He ate tbe first quarter the frat day, the aecond quarter on the aerond day, tbe third on the third day, and tbe last quarter on the fourth day. No more. and be mutdleof starvation. He made one uire uVtirie effort to oiien tbe dour, when It suddenly opoet and tbe keeper of the cemetery SUmd before biro; the sunlight blinded him, aad He fell from etbeosilua. He bad been there Just four hours. Rules of contest published in Isrgt advertisement about the first and middle of each month. Ai8 Total $;M!),000.21 Htate or Oiiwiox, Coi'nti or Momiow, j I, George (Jonsor, Csttliier of the ubovM named bnuk, do solcniuly swear that the alove statement is true to the best ot ray kuowled'ge and Micf. liico. Conkkk, CsHbier. Subscribed aud sworn to before me this 81st day of July, 1H07. E. Ij. Fhkkland, Notary Pulilio for Oregon. Correct -Attest: J. B Natter, 0. A. Ithes, T A. lilies, Directors. For a oobby snit of clothes go to the New York tailor. 5Htf Was Perfected by the Production of HE OOP O0DCJ BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY. ronrsrs, 1070.; A Boarding and Day School for Boys Under Military Discipline. Tie JtHh rmranlr the prwent itin,mmt tmn, rVpt. 14. 11, . this inatllnllna Ihimmalilr niii.wil lur Hi mnll, I, iiliyaiial and amral training "' !x' Tkrimh ri arnt "ii for anj ril!i- nr rimitlAa whiml. tira-luataa at prwont i-i al. Wt I'oinl, MaaMvlin. artte Iratitnte ft T"fhnoly. Hiaia tnivaraitira ahfottim. Ortvun, I'enaylvains, HtatifoM ana IIHiill. Iliinns vacation tiiHUtra mma ma font 9 in I'J a. pi. for rataUwna ard other intixniatlon, anilrrae Ilia Prinrii!, J. W. HILL, M. Portland. Onf.00. t. O tlraw.r II. 61 hVui. It. And now the entire world Knows lias verect product As the Star Brewery beer i On draught at all popular saloons H lalarWwl Raaeies ef Marrlaa. In speaking of the remrda of the pmtinWal eurf of the pmtlnc of Maryland, from lJT w h revolution, now pnrfd ta Anne Arun'leleounty. he l'.elttore la says: "The historical alte of IHeae nd rrvrds Is Inestimable. It ta te-lteved thai til fit her elate In thy union has sura records of family his U.ry showing the manner of living srmirg the revipla of UaS colony as far bark aa tV years ago. In the wflia, familb ran ta trued ) k from father ta aoa fjc a reniary, 1 he roort rrnl Wail a eoftte-rutig tnnwra of ir anal aetaUe make a complete ethibit cf the cbarartef of b'ium bul.l ftinti- lure, kitchen lmlerornie, farm Mio alls, euu feed by the early tetUert and aar deawi4ais during the first een tory and a baJf of the cly. From th Uiitige e ran read mwh of the habits and cMtnws rt th people. 1; & t NOTICE! V- I TO B CUAPP ft ft a ( 1 GYGLI5T5, i CDC CTr n GID, LIU. J la fact, say person, or persons, reaiilisg witliln Ibeelty limits, or ooanty limits, nbo sball be sagbl ri'lieg, or wslking, by the store ft 1 CO. Wltbool slopping at tU alma matilii.sad slots III he noliOed by the City Marshal Ihst the only plseato lleppnsr y-a can bay fte the BUfbl reaerteea. Dr. Liddeire ro mlng leteea were crowded beyond rtearrlpllon. It waa his pride and r-ie.t that he ciii fei hie patieni s polso, look at bis mngue. sound hlin with aslethoeope,wriWBls learrlpt'on end porket hie fee la a space of I'm. vary teg from two to live minutes. One day an army ban waa sttowa Sato lb eoneulUng mora and ua4rate what night termed the lasUbUntotts prwM When it was oo pitted the itKnt shook tsee with the dortot and seiJ- -I eavpe elally glsd H rot you. e I have of tea btard my ftbr.C'oJ l orrtr. speak ot hie old friead. Dr. llddl!." -okatr earlalnvd lh or. -Are jow Dirk ForMters oaT" "l em. air." J dear fl!r." tsctslavd tbo dnrtor, "Clnf thst freariptiow t tba flrt. pWsaa. nj :t rlc'W a ftnd tUI BM wktt Is I, m w m IT 7. :4: r 1 t i le al Ibe Htre of MINOH k CO. Oof entire Use meat go lo make t m f it fall stick ( 1 :; V 1 1 ft 'ft A STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. Heppner Outfitting Co. Cull on .1 , r FRED. BARTHOLOMEW At this popular stand and get goods at halt the old prices. Fact. FRANK McFARLAND, Mgi w SIB IT KT ! MINOR & CO. HEPPNER. OREGON. V V ft "eV 1 H V :.;t;'xO At tie oll atnod, bare (Le usual pring outfit of FARMING UTENSILS, HARDWARE AND CAMP OUTFITS, Jcsidna tba IboosaDil otM and etuis that ra Ux) numeroaa to tntnUoD. Cat 1 1 tin GILLIAM & MS1SEE, ti"t In yirat Hallnnal Hank Hntltlng. You can Wager Your Sox that You nro Alwoys at Home at .... F Welcome Ue Mala Htreel, iu City Hotel Building. THE UEST WET GOODS in tho MARKET. fbey try to pits all. Fiotslob roose la eoaDactloB. TOW TIIXAKD. Prop. Tho GAZETTE. $2Ao A Year fcr CASH,