Jiqptf telle M T i I .I, i i 1 iwwiwwewawsjsTtjttj b1., go over there and ibow the (eop7e how miserable tbey are. Pendleton Tribnne. The' following very pointed advice from the St. Louis Republic will apply to Oregon 88 well as elsewhere: "There may be tons of g Id noder the ioe ornst ed soil of Alaska, bat the obanoes are tbst if those wbo rush there within the next few montba would apply the game eDergy and earnestness to their business BiTiirs at borne, however small, their profits in the end would be mnch greater." Brownsville Times. WHAT BPOBT FIXD3- Eczema All Her Lite. Mr. E. D. Jenkins, of Lithoma, Ga., says that his daughter, Ida, inherited a Rrzema. which the usual And mercury and potash remedies failed to relieve, year Dy year buc w uo- with various medicinet. external apww Some Local Notts and Other Tbioiw The Butte Baees. . Sport hasn't been io bis ainal trim this week. He hat not "nosed" aroa'id as much as a firet class reporter -of a good agricultural paper should, if be wants to get Ibe news. Bat be saw some things. Yes. he saw Hanry HepuDer take a drink of water yes, plain water then Spot tackled the beverage and found it to be pretty good truck. He saw "StianDPr" Garrison in town result. Her sufferings were intense, Saturday. How -Hnsi.Der" can keD and her condition grew steadily worse. FEED"UPON "SALT WATER." Counties Living Tbln That Exist la th Depths of the Ocean. The salt of the ea have fed through out all time countless things which have thronged it water and whoae re-j mains now form the rocks of the con tinents or He spread In beds of unknown thickness over liC.OOO.OOO square milea of the 143,000,000 square milea .of the ocean's floor; they have lent the subBtance to build the fringing reefs of the land and all the coral islands of the sea, and there are at present, cations and internal remedies, without on the basis of an average salinity of SCHOOLBOYS IN CHINA. It 18 stated that some of the free silver men want to tud Sec retary of State II. R. Kincaid for governor. What next? The latest news from the CIu.n dyke rpgions are that a rich find of quartz had been discovered along Stewart river, the rock as saying $300 to the ton. The Lot of the Celeatlal Tooth Is Not a Desirable One. While modern educators are making the claim that the ycuths of to-day are held too close to their tasks and over- fond mammas find in the confinement bHrkir g up the wrong tree, of the schoolroom the solution for the write to Sport. He's the all-rmiud mo pallor on their children's cheeks, a n,at belps out people in trouble, patches knowledge of the course of study pur- rtp Inve mBltefg tbat hsve g0De t0 pi(,09i sued by children in China m ghtbeof . , u . j u . nn.v.i. A.i,-.-fl-,n.i loans money, takes up loose dr.nks, eto. sway from Montana and miss all this good fun is hard for Sport to under staid. "Sonppei" is taking cure of the Mullock horses sud may go up to Butte to nesifct in closing the meeting properly. 'In .se infernally fuuny folks who write auoDymous letters to tbe O i tt - are Tbey should All the so-called blood remedies did not seemtc reacnineuis ease at all until S. S.S. was given, when an improvement was at once noticed. The medicine was continuecd with fav orable results, and now she is cured sound and well, her skin is perfectly clear and pure and she has been saved from what threat ened to blight her life forever. 3a per cent., in the 290,700,000 cubic miles of water which makes up the oceans, 90,000,000.000,000,000 tons, or 10, 173,000 cubic miles of salt. Thia is sufficient to cover the areas of all the lands of the earth with a uniform layer jf salt to a depth of 1,000 feet. It seems, says Popular Science Monthly, that the sea was made salt in the beginning as a part of the grand design of the Creator to provide for the system of evolution which haa been go ing on since the creation. Many dis tinct species of living organisms live in the sea as a result of its salinity, and their remains have largely contributed Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon. boy begins his schooling Atdavlieht U'"''1 "dd"" he Otte man. Uo'e s.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable) to the growth of continents. The three be rises, and after dressing as quickly ! uot 8toljt enough to be an available cures Eczema, Scrofula, Cancer, Rheu- h'reat factors in accounting for the sys- as possible he Btarts breakfastless to Prty. " UI " " . tu,lc""5 "uc J school. He is Iriven a task and after it , Nnw Rnnrt .... hn anrtnawt in sort . '.""""V, 11 oecomes me greai, neat, oinuu.r ture, the winds and salinity. The last fentioned becomes an important fac- . . m ... -w . . I .aV A. ----- aaa7ara'v taa wasaw w w w 1 tnht nurt to De told, it ones toes get tor through the immediate and essen- so sore doing wrong they ought to stop Take a blood remedy for a blood disease; tial differences of specific gravity and short. The executive committee of the Oregon Press association officially announces that the nest meeting of that organization will take place at Baker City on Oct. 14th, instead of Sept. 10th, as hereto forest ated. The giving away of coupons or certificates for premiums or prizes by the manufacturers of tobacco and cigarettes will have to be stopped, as the practice is pro hibited by the Dingley tariff law. Most people will regard this as a Btep in the right direction. The whole prize business is demoralizing. If it were possible to make a man like Senator Allen ashamed of anything, Senator Foraker's prompt refutation of the charge made by Allen, that the McKinley vote in Ohio last November was increased by fraud, would have hud that ef feet. As it was, Senator Foiaker'sj bull is completed he is allowed an hour for breakfast. Again, later, he has an hour for luncheon, but he is at his study nearly 12 hours a day, seven days in the week. All this time, when he is not reciting his lessons, he is studying aloud at the' ! ought to go io top of his voice. He is under the eye of his master both in school and on his way to and from school. The lad is taught rudimentary astronomy, physics and natural history, but greater stress is put upon writing and literary studies. "A Thousand Letters," a poem, is the study that forms the backbone of his -tterary education. In it are taught the duties of children to parents, and all such matters. Whatever the study may be history, clussics or science every lesson is learned and repeated word for word. THE ivuRY INDUSTRY. cures even after all else fails. of a rooDd-about way of saying things thut hurt. People shouldn't do things A "D.,-1 "R1--4 T? rr &Axt . , Now Sport has never told half of us news. H9 has vigorous prodding and demands for proof and specification of one single fraudulent vote cast in the state of Ohio, at tho presidential election, drove Alleu into a motion to go into fxecufive seshion. Spn uior rorakcr inaae (Senator Alien blush when he reminded him tbat ho was the first man to slander his native stato (Allen was born in Ohio) by such chargPH. It Means Death to Seventy-Five Thousand Elephant! Annually. One-fifth of the world's commerce in ivory comes to Great Britain, and it will astonish most people, Bays Answers, to learn thut 15,000 elephants have to bo killed every year to keep our markets supplied with the precious substance. Altogether, to keep the whole world in ivory apart from fossil tusks 75,000 elephants are slaughtered annually. Africa is th great ivory country; and in the Congo basin, tbe best hunting ground, there are supposed to be abouc 200,000 elephants, worth altogether about 500,000. The average weight of ivory obtained from a single ele phant is about SO pounds. Tusks weighing about 100 pounds each have been procured, but this is very rare. The most expensive tusks are those used in the manufacture of billiard n; they cost, as a rule, 110 a 100- a tonic won't cure it Our books be will not shirk a plain duty even it be mailed free to must take chauces to save his scalp, any address. Now, if it were left to the Gazette man, Swift Specific " II J ! 1. )JCiUOJD UIOKQ IDI UiO nibu VUOI devil and compromise. 13 at don t over look Sport. Sumo of the newspapers got off on tbe wrong f. ot on nooonot of a little item in Sport's column. Now the Milton Eagle says: The Gazette distinguished itself by nottltti. I.ifn Tnnti.in Pijiti.rflBnn'a ft ' 1 1 1 It IllfcU VUDUbD HIDUmunuu o x T T-m -1 1 1 . 1 . ' nlntnh.. H. H,o- A anA ff ID Bll UrfBOD II HBDieB ilUJP, Ul IWVIU tth the ' qsohI." Heppuer liiizette. sonville, better Hoown as "4tf Jimmy. That Gazette man must be a eorapper. The old eentleman is about eighty years If the Eagle editor indulged in half the of e aud giuoe about 18c2 he has lived scraps tbat Brother Patterson does, . ... . . , Judge Molntyre would now be sole pro- 8loDe " the mountain region between orietor of this nr nt shon. Bauer aoa uanyon uiry. iiisnoianowD A MOUNTAIN PHILOBOPHKK. For a Quarter of a Century a Hermit bat Treats Visitors with Respect, . From Long Creek Eagle. One of the most eccentrio characters consequent differences of level that it produces in different parts of the ocean through the action of evaporation am rainfall. CANCER OF THE TONGUE. How It Btarts and How It Snouia B Treated. Malignancy in any part of the body is very often a provoked malady, says the Family Doctor. For instance, now frequently a malignant tumor of the mamma is ascribed by the patient to a blow sometimes, perhaps, errone- the Family Doctor. For instance, how correctly. Epithelioma in the npper lip is a very rare disease; in tne lower one it is very common, lhe structure of the two lips is identical; the pipe of the smoker is equally in contact with both ; but the lower one is mova ble and is often bitten or otherwise marred bv the teeth, which is rarefy wus rot tbe editor at ftnnrt'a ftRsintftnt. hut hA haa orarinatAd mountains. Perhaps when he was and none not to Clondyke but to the young and gay, some fair one io a mo hayaeld. The editor was mighty wratby went of loving coquetry, which he took over what he termed to be a reflection in earnest, played him some Cupid's WHAT Ol'lt nXCIIANliKM HAY. Joninin Miller, the poet of Hierrss, bus if. Hi" to tlis ('l.ili(l)ke mines to seek Hold, lie goes as a ootunioo miner and will write lip bis eiperienoe. tie took passage in the steamer Mexico Milton Ksule. The rich gold discovery at Cliind)ke is the tnlk of the town, aod few weeks ill see quite few I orllnndttrs on their wy to the gold fields of Alaska. It may lie wen enniiuii ror ttmse who hsvs no mplo) men! here to eml little time in Ilia venture, but those having em ploy mrnt had better remain where they ate, for all is nut gold that (-litters." Mi have only heard from those who Inn k it rich, wail till iieil stesinrr and we rosy hear from Ihosa that didu't strike an)llilni but hard luck and poor living Portland Chroniole. The prospeots are that the hop crops alnna of Ibe Willamette valley will bring Io the growers lhe maitniflci tit euro of aboal Iwo million dollars. Ibis, Inken together -at lib the prospective g.xnl price for wheal and shipable fruils, mean Ihal several millions of il.tllara will be tnit la Ibe pockels nf the stf ricaltnraluts ol Urrgoa this fall. Ilrowosville Timet. The amal ol one steamer front Alaska Willi gold dual oa board Is deemed Important enonhl U cliroiilole-yel many aleamer bavt arrived frm Alaska wild no a-iMJ An, and man more will arrive In I tie faltire. Many mn, ..o, whogws Norlb with high hopes will 0'Uiie lioma broken in health and for luua-end rnany one will Deter attain sea lb (.it,) ,pene (, 'a , rtjrr Ket away fr..ru now. There are the dark lights o Hie pilars, but not for that reaaon the lr wnttby .f lha study ol tirlimt ol the Yukon San Francisr-a H ill. tin. weight. Ivory dust nnd shavings are used by eon feet iouers to stiffen the more ex pensive kinds of jellies. The scrnpingi are often burnt and made into a paint known an "ivory black, worth about 20 a ton. emit sparks like a piece of flint when struck with st'el, and is principally uhco. in muklng artillelul teeth. LONQ AND SHOHI LEGS. Irregularities In Laud Divisions Una to the Manner of Slearuremelit. It is a diuuioiily arceptHl theory thut a mini steps three feet, and many a truct of land ho been ' atenied off liiHteiul of iiieasnreil with a chain. In the west they obviate the difficulties of survey by the land being divided into sections, but in PeniiKylvaniii much of the property, especially in the mountains, muxt still be described by metes nnd hounds. In one of the com. ties in western rennHj'lvnnin, anye tin' Washington 8tar, are two brothers, one of whom is tall nnd lank, tbe other short nnd fnt. Many years ngo they purchased a tract of mountain laud culling for a milw mpinre. They divided lhe Inlxir of liieiisuring it, one stepping ofr one aide, the other the other side Then they fenced it In nnd were ix-r fectly sat isfleil until recently when suit wiik brought Id recover a considerable trnct of (he Intnl. F.nch brother aworo that they knew the measurement to bo right, and told how it bud lircn done I hen, as the spectators saw the short legs of the one, scnrcely lung enough to reach the floor when he tat in chair, nnd the elongated extremities of the other, there i a general laugh, In which the Judge nnd attorney joined tHn surveying. It was found t tin torn' line was mile nnd half long, and the ol her onl" " ' - mile, Tha rhambraald' Tips. A plrosliig story la told by the crown prince of Germany, who, with bis brother, was recently with their tutor at the hotel of the t hutra (lu Hhin When the tm.tr paid the bill he oflrrrd a money promt to the clihttilx-nnnid who, honetrr, rrfii-ed lhe gift, puiiil lug to a nolicr Hint tia were fortnddre 1Im tntorr xplnined the situation to the elilesi pupil, who lhen nMin went out with his brother ami Umght a very pretty bnnHli. This he save to the maid, saying that,"as It waa mil nioiwv slie could nut rrfuap H," Aa Uie young princra wer aleying at t lu holrl In rvtgnilo the tnr.nl did not know that the ilmior of the brwM h will triilbly ixt rniHTtir of (rrnuuiy some day, A STHICT SAUUATARIAN. ' mil' il d dlart (,f ruuney ot lito r,re,iUi,,,n It, fmalilU eonnty will n.sks l iitiira b..in, and II it estimated It l this se...u' prodnei will bring lu liMi.i,- lVt.iS.-t..n Tribune. j l'n in Mimoiim al ere It araa anp . .., , lha people ba ! drlvtn by tuv,.n ..f direful cslawiliet Io the . rif i f d. .( ir. I,r I ansiD ls!k of .r,(.r.iv, la a.tt.i,l4 thai II, f.keM S! hait-at II.M eae.Mt J,. 0"i.M) in;, f mfl.,t prmcUrtt tiid the tin !ai,t. I. .Hers are fuoe Itnni la a fair wty Io rreovar llielr di inra(in it.. Hieh a flbdiii.a f ll.lntfs onglil a, , 4 allowed Io .i f in i.I4 liii.nri. Veal nnglllo hurt; bnt aa4 il. p it Or lii, t .ijH, k llrjio, T.lltaa A . J tese. Hsi'y l Taa aua.U Uaeailna aa aU4 by a Malaa arnter. A car of tin is on I ttrictnc in Kb- Ixtih olrriwnr is rr.rte. from We Aiil'orn, Me. farmer h.w. mt. mi l iM ill Inn ln i(-I.Ul wtioakri fur Die .n til dm I. vim I lie fui.i Ii.g riim lay lt lJe h i wife and rhil.lren Io llie reiiH lrry. ,l ftrt Ik llatly rrftw lt lei lhe learn, arguing U.at II woul I a am to rw-eltv reoiir f.r such thing on I lf .tMtli ,lay, but be flnnl ty atu't Ui lhe n itiU.r Hut be wuuiii thiuk H otir and let ban know tMUur uay. remrrkiig u.at he aouM j my or It In the p.i-ftM'nir. Satonlny th ririthtatr ralle,! and lhe fsrmrr d Ihal be m.lrte. ami prarl ovrr lhe lur.U. r and none ! the cn I m,.n lha It would W h bam lt let Ibe U-.nn, b'H lt.nl t,e hrvM.-r must lul y f il ird .'! wtrk Uv f-tllow mg Ho Hie ne'irhUir uri Hie Irum Io g I the en iery on unJir. fsvipf for it Facts are thut the nartv referred to what disappointment in bis life led him the case with the upper. Thus longr . ... . I it j 1 -1 t a ti, ti n to hnrv h man f n the wilds of the conwnuea lrruauun nuu muu' UO f L fsij. jlo M ,-.(. i 1 . . , mation oi certain parts me umgur being a conspicuous example may, in a goodly proportion of instances, lay the foundation or be the earlier steps of a very terrible disease. Grant this, and it will be seen how essential it is to watch such chronic glossitis very close' ly, to allay irritation, nnd more espe cially to avoid all irritating applica tions. Thus, if the patient smokes, if be takes highly-spiced food, he should be directed to discontinue or greatly modify these habits; if he have rough and bad teeth, the defects must be cor rected. In treating fissures, ulcers, etc., nitrate of silver or sulphate ot copper must especially d avoiuea The mouth should be washed after each meal ; boracic add or bismuth lo- t ions may be used. on bis character, and (Sport's bad bard work to fix it up. Our friend. hose short tbongb brilliant career will go into tbe Gazette's eventful history, tbongb it nir.y out thunder down tbe sues like an avalanche off ot Mt, Hood, had a fight with onr old, esteemed and mututil friend, John Demi John. John was in good Oghtirjii trim aod won out on the first round, and bis antagonist did tbe settling up with Judge Itiobnrd son. It it said tbat Ibere are some people o town aronod whom a chicken bas no more show than an ioycle in tbe eternal firet tbat bum below. Now Les Mat iuua nuu xuui it'ien do ii ot belong to tbat class. We insinuate nothing against tbesa gentlemen. Of course Ihey might lake a ohioken and then oousult the owner ss to whether or not it would ronke a good try, and then wind up by asking Ibe owner around to chicken supper. Hoy Uenoetl tays that rhiokens don't rootro b'gh bnt that sport om't get then As be told this poblioly we might at well nieel lhe allegation io tbe tame manner and eay bere that all chickeot above nine feet are tafe. There are plenty of fowlt that are inosntions enough to seek lower altitudes. Bay tlaodera Hporl. The side wnlkl in Ueppner are rank. Nearly all ol the boards are loose and the nsila protrude everywhere. New walkt will have to be laid in the very near future or Ilaymen will hare In take to lhe atreett. The performances of onr Oregon hortea at Untie are as follows: July 211'h: I'soiug.'itf, oUi-Ctehal Is won, Argoreat second, Fellfsre third; best lime, 2.011. rive itirioogt-ur. McAllister woo I'at Mnrrisey second, Joa Ooltoo third; lime, 1;02'. Jtny sum: ra uregoo Dorset won pluce. July 31.t: Free for all trot-Klamatb wop, Carlya Came teennd, Keulocky I'nloo third; beat time, 2:1.1V- trick from which cause be deoided to de vote bis life to lonely philosophy. Per haps bis romance has tbe tame sad an twer at tbe inquiry of tbe poet, Lord Byron : 'Who Is yon mlianthrope shunning mankind? From the plalm to the caves o( the forest he flew. There, howling, he tells hts complaint to the wind, Whose echo returns In love's last adieu," Tbe sequel will show, however, tbat "19" Jimmy docs not bate mankind, though be shunt tbe abodes of civiliza tion, borne thirty years ago BobiDscoville waa a basiling mining town with a live population ana many oasiueHs nouses ot respectable proportions. Jsmet Difllo waa one of the first settlers and looated a placer mine, which be bas worked eyer since. At Ibe plifoer minea beoaine less bountiful and richer olairoa-and quartz mines were found some dlstanoe from Robinaouville, tbe aole population finally became "49' Jimmy. He was mayor, obiel ot polioe, fire department, postmaster, preacher lawyer and doctor, all io one. Here, witb bit pett be bas resided io bit cabin for nearly thirty- two years. He alwsyt kept the mail ana ackaget ror tbe minert, winch were left by tbe passing stage. Always a bucket of water and a pot ot but tea were kept ready for weary travelers, but for over thirty years be baa never visited Baker City aod bat twloe called at Prairie City. ONLY STATE SCHOOL IN EASTERN OREGON i Located on the O. R. & N. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla. Students admitted at all times of tbe year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vocal and Instrumental Mnsio taught by oompetent instructors. A gradu ate of tbe Boston Conservatory bas charge ot tbe instrumental department. Tlie Iaies' Boairfiijtig: Hall la thoroughly equipped and offers ex cellent accommodations at reasonable rates. Send for catalogue. Addsess M. G. ROYAL, President of Faculty or P. A. WORTHING- TON, Secretary Board of Regents, Weston, Ore. i ,:z FRANK R06ERS J. J. ROBERTS Rogers & Roberts, Contractors, and Builders. Plans and Estimates Given on Short Notice. All Kinds of Repair Work Done- 0FFICE HOURS-Day and Night Leave your orders "Any Old. - Place and Kog. or Jim will get em. .. o o o o o o o THE NEW YORK Merchant Tailor. Patrogize Home Iodustry. Has opened a first-class tailoring establishment in Natter's bnildine next door to the gallery, and carries a fine line of Foreign and Do mestic Woolens; is a practical tailor and cntter, with many years of experience. Makes suits to order in the latest styles. All at reason able prices. Cleaning and Repaiii Done at Low Figures. A. WEINBERGER, Proprietor. Inlood's i lire ih'K iii-Miiat'De, l4 Mv time In the mnmh, coated Kf III tmiKiie, kk in the itoiruirli, III S duirm and Indlfi-illon. Io m not wrakrii, bul hv tmile ffwr. 31 rtrtt. Th only lUlt Io Uki with llood SuMpum. It U iIiiji gralifing to reoWv teti nioniala for CbamtwrUiu'e Colli, Cholera and Diarrboea Itrrueilr, and when Ibe tin) reeraeDl la from a( b)irian II la fleoill a. ''There la mi inorttali. (m I'trv r rff-ctive remedr that Cbain rwrUin'a ('holle, Cbolera and Diarrhoea It. medy," writet Ur. H. E. lloW, phy irian and harmariiit, of Olntjr, Mo ; and at be bat ned lha remedy In bia own family and IJ it in hit tlrog tlore for if yeart, be ttmald cerlaloly know. For tale ty Cvnter Itrork. llrppnir Outfitting- Co., Ilerreo ttand, nee adv. in lhe old a EC 4 -th l rup. TaMaa txaiail. V-9 In lm .ti1 I friirf 'wrftj aevcr mm ri.V'H mrM BAI M In pMlllvveaiv. Arir iuu ih e.atriit, i i qui' l hnfil. W mill ) IHwrirlMa t h Binil : Mtnple inr, hjr mail. Rl.T llllol IIHIK. M Mama hu. New lotkt il. AN OLD PLOT. Bat In Thla Cm Mew Ilerolnw We VTw-mV KM. Young Btory-writera are apt to begi a literary career by telling', in aome form or olher, the story which follow. But it must have taken a real genius to make a cow the heroine. Thia particular atory is attributed by the Philadelphia Time, in which we find it, to a Texas locomo tive engineer. The engineer woe running his train at full speed, when, he says, his atten tion was attracted by a cow which scrmed to be coining straight-down the track to meet the train. He put bin hand on the valve and puffed out three sharp whistles. Still the cow came on, bellowing at every step, and acting altogether in an unusual manner. Aa much from curi osity aa anything elw. the engineer slowed up and Rent the fireman ahead to sec what was the niatU r with the cow. No sooner did the ow ree that the '-IK'ed of the train was thickening, and that the IVnnn was ;;oiiig to invewti I'utc, thnn t.l,e turned and ran straight bark down the track, ttoppingnow and then, looking oxer her ahoulder anil switching her tail aa much aa to aay: "Come on!" The man followed, and by and by saw the cow atop ahort at a high trestle, lioing up, he discovered another cow which had got herself faatened In the treatlework aquarely acroea the rail. Aa toon aa the animal waa released, the two cow a lost no time In scampering nway. The Bool oa Ibe Other root. In buoter'a lore there la an Idea that tha jackal la the llon'a provider; that ne iocaua the game ami takea the lion to it. ThU tiipcratltlon haa nomore foundation than it found In the fart that after a lion haatlaln bia quarry the .iniaaia always attend and wait the con. elusion of the repast, in order to pick Every new tnbseriher of Ibe Osteite from tbit date, May 25, 10?, will receive aa a premium a book worth alone lhe price nf lhe subscription. It SIOKVNE FaU-S 4 NUUTHKEX NELSON 4 FORT SHUTAM HID MOUNTAIN HtllMS The Duty All Kail lloute Vlutum! Cheng 'f Cart IVIwwn HiMkanr, llotalaed and Kelson. AIm Itetweea Nelson an I HustUnJ, daily ticet l fuaday : I Sl'itXOSS. is THr. i iHcriT rorar r TDK state s oi urviriiti, tor M.irrnw t ouniy. w. I' lr l. H H. kln..l, " ii.l I'hlt. Melarhan. Ilia ttrri l VmtniialfitHra, l , I'lalulllla, Sta Kamha ainl Nary lawho, kp(piltlanta To N amlian Marv lUwbn. ilrlriiilanla In lha hama of the atata il Otin. )onare herahf rr.uinl In appear eM anewer lha ran. fiUliil ri;it aralnil n In tha ala anllllr-t ml in or .. iha neil lena ol lha aline nulled rnnrt. t all M n..lt. lha ib .lav of ar'tamtr. I SOTICE OF COX TEST. x Laud Orrn a at Tat DtLt. Osaoos. JlllV il. W7 al Ihlaomra hf O. R. towla efatnal a. a IS altar lur alnlnnnf Ma Hnmealewl Inlry . tr.1. .t.-l Varrh l i lha .', w Mrs""!" r.uiiiiii.,si"iih Hang St E In klnrniw fount?, oreana. wllh elaw In lha ram-allatlnn nt aal't aulrv, lha aalil rlea ara harlv aunimniiad In amr al Ihl mtM-a no tha 14th dav ot apt . mt. at loorim k a M , to r-i-iiii1 anil Inrntea teat! atony rtinrarnlng aahl allraa. atoimHiinietit t W Morrnv, rotittiip rivrk, ta anlhorlml U lata lha tret I more In I hit reaa at hianfnraat lli-Mmrr, iireaoo, oa e.t. la. I1 at Ifln rhirt a m. 4n w. ait a in a, ; rs fciaicr. n. II nii (all an In srorar at. iniati. for r fitalnl, l.i It r u,lm-l anil tlerrva a anl Iheranl rmirl lu gratil lha lha tilaliuirta olll eital tteman4a1 ai'l In Iht 4 lit lha rent. I! THR nl rri ' w ai liai- S4C IP. M II V tUaaasjA .... w '. M tit All luteal Ir It. I lioa antirart nna at Naiano with at maw bar ' taaio, aut all ..-'-( ka Buinta I 'ea kattia hlrw aaU PAarAarv tr-et forl al Maretl t ta deiir aaalnal mt (r lha torn i l tea and Interval Ihemin al lha rale ul elghl per rent fer an mi in ImmJul lat. Iw lha t'l Slit dnl art at hwnera li-ea a'l th euaia anil diatHiraewpt nl IhUault . ant fi.f dar'rv fnre-1iatn s refata lnnrta( mat ai-ute.1 a'il 1ilvare It ton tn .llniit nn ilia l.inualiii devrlb'4 rl I'Mlttf aiinatril In Moftna PmintT iata t ttrrg.ia, lieoti lb aouthaaat n 'arirr M m. In Wini,nt son rara .'4 R. W. M rwnnlwt a iha umi nl lha .ut rierk of Mfirnm (SiiiiiIi. n lha ITth da nl Marrh ll In I... 4 "If of V.ft.aei-e al waa tT7. 4" anj IT, an tn a! aaM alaa and atll lha Sl'SWOSS. riHTlT ttt Tnr Till TATK rrann. tf Normo ( oantv. Th atar Krvoar; t tin) pan )t. I '.aliillll, la R'hrl Krtrk. fWfanitant Tn K. bert K rti k l"l.n.aiil Is lha him vl lha '! Ml tlr.i tn are her.IT ilr iftMt snl srta Uie f.ta flelnj Bie.aal" too In IKa iMnj an'lttwt a. Him on oe o.fc.1 tha ttat iav o tM aell term of lha a titui eiMirt. !i. wtl V.in.Ue, Ih tth itae rttnihrr. 14? ami II ll an tn an. U want thereof, tha tilalnUIT DI let I ui! (! aaalnat too, ll.e aura nl ge the ciata as4 diaetiraa Bieeia nt thia a linn. an. fn tha . tl.a fimirt oe.n(ttia tn keratntan atta. at In Ihia aine. an4 oil) B OOTS AND SHOES e THE aLACC TO aET THCM IS AT M. IalCHTBNTHAL'S lie has anything in this line Hint you mar dealre and you can depend on It von cat a (rood srtlols when Mat guarantees It. " SHOES IIN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Strait. Raoalrlna So.ol.it., THIS lew York Weekly m Fill 111 ' - CPxV. taV WirVlfv A" FOR Farmers and Vliiaoers, FOIl Fathers and Motners, FOIl twwZSSai C Ann anil r..l.A ti duiid dim Uduuiitors, fkV ... . raitneramilij. With tbe close of tbe TrfiiJeDtial campaign TIJE TRIBUNE recognizee tbe fact that tbe American people are now aoiioua to gire their time to home and bnaioeaa Interenta. To rot?et thia condition, politica will hare far lette apece anJ prominence, until aoother 8tate or National occaaion demanda a renewal of tbe fight for tbe principle for which THE TRIBUNE haa labored from lU inception to tbe preaesi day, and won ita greatest rictoriea. Erery poaaible effort will be pat forth, and money freely arnt to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a ' National Family Newspaper, interesting, inatructire, entertaining and indiapenaable to each member We inrnlsn Tne Gazette" and "N. y. weekly TrlDune" one Year lor $3.00. I? ADVANCK. THE GAZETTE. oahh Addrass all Ordara la c to u 'c'iii t alt'-rneta tmmnA e.te I trite aii.nmi.ua u aerve. umii tun In uiraii. anr hi an .e. nt Hun ei. a.a I ,!. J i.l of ih wi antitie.1 nmrt, wa-la a'wt a4tr4 Is a''! rill n tt.e 1 t ,i.r nl t kftuwtt a kli'iriri r, A'"raT lot faiinmi anl ntetioreeawita Tt la auatnnnaia ree4 nnn. vm la annne I'm nt an awte nt linn eieen.a a UieeU. emtrant tha ahtw anllllett le'itt u-ta' i "tenrt la aat-t a t -a oa tha 1 m lnol ln4r, tt lot ktl'rlfi n, t-' . . Alttraarl let tir.;t - Do You AV;int a Rig? Uon t You Want a Plac Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse All theae cn U procured t Thompaon A Hinna, Lower Mait Street Heppuer, Oregon. ' Taa-fiUeea ar l aMlai4 ( fteaal N.ee f- tetttlaaj aaJ ak ... ,u eaa ..t Hnia la SMklBf IttaSiU! uk U.u.. m taB frVena kert4 alts Lka U T-lopso & uinns, .