Portland Library OFFICIAL GlT IN AND RUSTLE With New Summer Ad. The Gazette Does Job Work GET IN AND RUSTLE With New Summer Ad. The Gazette Does Job Work FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON,' TUESDAY, AUG. 3, 1897. NO.' 567 PAPER SEMIYEEKLY GAZETTE. UBLIBHBD - 'Tuesdays and Fridays BY -THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. Going East? The Lancashire Insurance1 Go. IF TOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET ImDortant At. J.50 TMr year, f 1 tor three montns, strictly in advance. FIRST Go via. St. Paul be- for ns months, 75 Ota. caaSB the 111168 TO that DOIDI Will afford you the very best service. ; Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPKR is kept on file at E. C. Dake'i Advertising Agency, U and 66 Merchant Exchange, San Franoisoo, California, where oou raete for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 11 p m. daily except Monday arriving at Heppner junction 1:30 a. m, Leaves Heppner Junouon o:4U rivM at Hammer 6:10 a. m li Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:45 d. m and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:15 n. m. and Umatilla 9:15 p. m. - - Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 505 a. m. and Heppn r Junction 6:10 a. m. and arrives at Portland 11:45 a. m. Fast Mail No. 4 leaves Portland 8 p. m. and ar rives at Heppner Junction 8: 30 a. m. and at Umatilla 4-.W a. m. Fast MU No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:40 p. m. ad arrivest Heppner Junction 1:47 a, m. and at Portland 9 &l a.m. Fer further Information inquire of J. C, Bart, Agent O. H4N., Heppner, Ore. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Central because, that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is nrst-class in every particular. THIRD -For information, call ui:oua. m. . ,, . j .i a. m. and ar- on your neienoor anu ineuu iub, nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin Central lines, or address Jai. C. Pond, Gen. Pas. Agt., Milwaukee, wis. or Oeo. S. Batty, General Agent, 246 Stark St. Portland Or, Cummings & Fall; ZHBECTOB7. United States Officials. Pivsident William McKinley Voe-Vrealdent Garret A. Hobart Secretary of State John Sherman eeorntaryof Treasury Lyman J. Gage Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Secretary of War., Hnssejl A. Alger Seoretary of Navy John D. long Postmaster-General James A. Gary Attorney-General. .'...Joseph McKenna Seoretary f Agrioultnre -...James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H . R. Kincald Treasurer Phil. Heteohan Bnpt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman u . (G. W.MoBride Benatore J H, MiUshell ,, ' I Binger Hermann Congressmen J W. ft. Ellis Printer y-wH- Leed !B. B. Bean, C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney H. J, Bean Morrow Count Officials, Joint Senator... ... . Kepresentative. County Jndge., ' Commissioners. J. W. Beckett. " Clerk. " Sheriff " Treasurer Assessor Surveyor School Bup't... 't (Coroner . PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable What a FULL Hew DAY'S WORK. Aocam- . OP MANCHBSTBRt KNGLAND OTIS PATTERSON. AGENT. ' qq tg Worm Mclure e SEVEN s Magazin For 1897 GREAT SERIALS A New Life of Grant by Hamlin Garland The first authoritative and adequate Life of Grant ever published. (Begins in uecemner.) Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's sun unpublished (Begins In May.) Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of . this period from his recollections and correspondence. Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this serieB of portraits it is intended to publirh special biographical studies under the general title of MAK.EKS uir the UNiu troin vv aanington to Lincoln. Pictures of Palestine Stories of Adventure A. W. Gowen , J. N. Brown A. (i. Bartholomew J. K. Howard J. W. Morrow E. L. Matlock Frank Oilliem , A. C. Pet leys J, W, Hornor Jay W. Bhipley ...VM. V. Vmghan Birrxia tow orrtoBRS. Tf or Thna. Morgan Cxmniimen Geo. GilHam. Arthur Minor, K. J. blooum, M. Precinct Offleerr. Jostle, of th. Peace W. K. KleWJ Cousuble. N- B. Whetstone Halted State Lend Officers. t Moo iwi.u A. 8." Bum ...V Beomver LA OBABDB, OB. n W Wllaon .'V1,,r J. H. Kobbins., .Receiver sioaiT ociang. UAWLIN9 POST, NO. IL O. A. B. eU at Lexington. Or., the Saturday of ,echmonUi. AU vHwrnnsarelnviUd .to Join. Q. W. Smith. C rvvvii. Adintaat. tf Comnmt.Ur. Gau.lt House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A Q., C M. & St. P., C 4 A., P. Ft. W. & C, and the C. St. L. A P. Railroads. RATES a.'oo PER DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Bts., CiXIC-3-O. ZXjXu. BTOC& BRANDS. While you aep your subscription paid np yen I Can keep your brand in free of charge. Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shoulder; cattle, same on left nip. ' Cook, A. J. .Lena. Or .Horses, Won right shonl der; Cattle, sameon right hip: ear mark square I crop on leiv ana spin in ngau i Doturtssi. W. M.. Galloway. Or. Cattle. B D on right side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, B D on left hip. Ely, Bros .i Douglas, Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle Bam on left hip. hole id right ear. Florence. L. A.. Heppner. Or. Cattle. LF oo right hip; horses, V with bar under on right shoulder. Jones, Harry, Heppner, Or Horses branded ri J on the left shoulder; cattle branded J on right hip. also undecbit in left ear. Kange in Morrow county. left stiflei eattle, same on right hip, undsr half arop in ana sunt ji ten sar Kenny. Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded KNY on left hip cattle same and orop off sar: under slope on the right Ihe 1. W. HeDnner Ur. Horses branded L and A on left shoulder; settle same on left I hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in right ear. Minor. Osoar. neppner, or.-t.atUe, M D on right hip; hone. M on left shoulder. .j ti n r un-. Mil on left ahouldei eattle sameon left dtp. Ox horn, J. W Douglas. Or.; horses O on let shoulrferi cattle same on right hip. Parker A G lesson, Hardman.Or,-Horses IP os left shoulder. Piper, J. H., Lexington. Or. Homes, JB eon eented onleft shoulder; cattle, sameon lef hip. ondsr bit in each ear. . rUctor. J. W., Heppner, Or. Horses. JO left shoulder. ttue, O on rig" nP- Specially taken under the editor's direction. ' A serial by CONAN DOYLE, In which he will use his extraordinary A naannv ivhlnh hflvn In lha 'Mhpr1nrlr HnllTIM11 MtnrieM. civnn him place beside Poe and Gaboriau. . . TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN M ACLAREN. All the Action that he will write during the coming year, with the exoeptlon . of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long ago, will appear iu McClubk's Maoazinr, JOEL CHANDLER HA KRIS. A series of now animal stories in the same field as the "Brer - Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thimblefiiiger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McClokk's all of the short stories he will write during the coining year. OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Maoazink a series of short stories In which the same characters will appear, although each will be complete in itself. Anthony Hop Bret Hart a Robert Barr Frank R, Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell ; will all have stories in McClubk's for the coming year. These are only a small fraction of the great and Important features of McClurb's Maqazinb for 18U7, in e suDscription priee oi wmcn is only , One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November, Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. A Campaign Of Education HOW to Get It (TIT A A fop4J.UU Mtllllllllllm DHPfiBBLLELED OFFER Dr. P. B. McSwords, fi PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. City Drag Btorf, B. K fl Hammer. Or. Cattle W 0 on i left hip, crop of right and unoerhit ia left year, I dnwlap; hones w V on win. snoniuer. Tbompson, 4. A., nlpnr, yirjn'trm. s oo i l .k..u. MiilA 1, L.rt .hiitiMnr. H,nn nr. fimau eaoiuu i lorses: eatUe same on left hip bulb a w.n,lrM W. I . Galloway. Or.i horses I onarlar eirole JW on right shouldar; cattle I Office In Ibt City Hotel. nfsr tf nuartar circle J W on right hip and right si 'e, I mm and hole in left sax. Bangs in Morrow and Umatilla oountit. D.J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPSEB, ORE00N. Offlo boors, 8 to 10 . ro., snd 12 o 8 p. m, al r-wiiD0, Mrs. H. Wrleh' property. iA 10 to 1. in , to 2 lo 5 p. m , st offloe to lbs rest of Borg jewelry store. First National Bank OP HEITNER C.A.RHEA. T. A. RHCA. GCO. W. Corset"., s. w. srcNccR. . President Vie Presle-ent Cashier Aes't Cashier Tnisidi I Gcnenl RmliEf Baanea EXCHANGE all parts of the wortd- 1 r I Hd t. No Wit, Bought and Sold. O I his mnlln onus NOTICE OF INTENTION. AND OrriCI! AT THE DAl.I.F.B, ORROON, a Inn. an Ihu7. Ncrtlp Is herrhr given that the following named settler has Hied notice of kit Inlatiltnn 111 mill filial ttrOOl 111 BIIIlOn fl his claim, end thai saKl prow WfcfcKLY Wiui. . p. . Oregon, on August la, in, vis: JOHN JOMKHON, Hd-B. No. 4IO0, for the BWfc, He. &, Tp. 1 8.. U ?lt. W. M. He names the following wltnesM to prove I his enntlnuoiiB rasidance upon and cultivation I ol, said laud. VIS: ( harlrs Anderson, ol Right Mile, Oregon, John . Ketarsiin. frank A. Lundvlt and An. drew M. frttetson, all ol tMnK-lrry. rjm. J AH. F. MOOKfc. vm lugiswr. Notice of Intention. AKD OmrF. AT THit PAM.Rrt ORKGOM, I J June!. wt, Noilr Is hereby given that tbs Inllnwtlig-liamac aalllsr ha. man nours d4 hit Intention u make flnal pruol In support nl his rlalm. and Ihal said prool alll tm mal twtorej W. ktnrrow.l nnnty Clerk. at Hrpitwr, orrgon, on Auit is. vi ANDKIW M. reTTEKMOM, Wit. for the KWV tve. t. Tp. I A, To be educated one must read the beet literature. The best literature ,1s expensive. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly Pnb'lsned at 110 firth Avenue, New York, ii full of the best things. Its Illustrations are superb; Its stories charming; and Its literary departments are edited with con- mmate skill. 8uch a psper Is a great popular educator. It should be In every home. The subscription price of Leslie's P nnum. We make the unparalleled oiler of a copy ol Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $5.00. No such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be made again. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday gift, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness. Remit by postal order or check to the Heppner, Orecoiis The MONTHLY Outlook Published Every Saturday IJAstor Place New York Collation ssed on all points on raasenahle Tsrtns. Surplus aa4 andlvMed ProBta. I II. tWO 00. Hottct Of Intention. Lap Orrn t at La IIMIki, n",,,i, .nnrt ta BlktlY niVRt THAT THK ... . . . . 1 , mjj. ft aaaaa ipim" -" - - - ! I.rilovtng fclnl.i.Mairke Snal pr la eupt-Tt m kis rlslm. sad ha said " '' Wlot. c-nlf lf. Hum rmiutrirr., lIlWARll CH AfK AN, Urn BaawailhaMlnwInS !' hi hmiiiwit - eod luiiosi mllu H'W-'. Of. th.ftas tWn.hartS a V Inarm, l, HW-ajaSI Baailar, n BU?t anif. aaSM Iba fnllowtng wHtwaae in prove nous raatdenr upon and coitivailoa of. said land, vU: ( harl Andarsnn. of Right Mile, Oregon, John K fatrraon. frank A. l-undall and John Johnsun. all U mtn.'yurHK vm eitr. The remlar sabeortDttoo prin of tb Hrut- Weekly (issett is 12 50 sod lbs rtwular prir el tbe Weekly Oregoniao Ull.W, Anyone soWrtl.tof for tb Oaaatle sod psyiof one ytarii felt anew cm l U4b Iti OsietU st.4 Weakly Orefooisa for 1180, All old tofc- sorttwr psylaf Ihelr sobewlpfrotis fcl one year la a lvan will I- aliU4 l lb aarea lUtiDoer lo I'eodletoa la lUppe'- Fcbo htsge I.ine. t'erenpe 4'troos pf tailing I'eedUto aa Ssv time b1 mHay by lekteg Ibta lent. liT a qnaiiiting lb utU the prKm o tag lb atara aid tnaka rno"rej with 1 o'clork train M bo for IM)Mon (ISoe 4 Oily lrog Mora. W. I). UJ, rrnpilt.r. " TU rl...lla doe Bnt alln lb boaa.lt of any fo. M om tUd to l4 !" t4f seee tilaa el jbp". . ... r ii.. v ...(.. t. ill at ILai a ebe erM ble bfesvd by bnaset WiL J WslL TUitupswo rooe stage Ulweas OB eey OIIaf Utpef aOd Ban a !, arriving rvwry W tanno4 roa lb tPf plea. tf 'day efnaf Moaday aad leetleg every 1 gay eioepl Hna lay. Hbortawl sad limp wist is np ooW! l Bflb. Df 1 f'Mttff. b ra s4 mete In tke Irler!"? gt. E. J. M oi The Outlook will be lo 1W7, s it has been dorlng each ol He Ueoty Mn years, a Uietory of Our 0a Time. Io it tarlouv editorial drpartmeeU Tbe Outlook gives compact review ol lb ortd'a DmareM: II follows witb cere all lb important t bilaothropifl sod in rtnatrlal mnTmrnt of til 1TI baa S complete depar tiDfot of religions oeB devotee mnch Spar lo lb iulereets ol lb b'-me; reviews eorreot litetatore; forol.be rbrful table-talk stxint nib bd tiling: sod. Id sbnrt, aim to give freeh lol'irmaMoB, original observation, sod reanabl eoUrtainmeot. BegiBBing Hh b flfty flftb volume, lb paper will Kxumi lb regular mag tin sit, vbtab will sxl l greeny to us OoOtetiirUO Bd BllfSftlVaOe. Tbe Ootl k t poblied tvery Hstar Jay fifty to leene year. The Orel teen lo esab moo IB i so Illoetraled Usgagio N amber, eoatamlng about tir a maey hum a lb ordinary Uaue. t galbi Mb large aumber of .irtnrM, T, fatiaaof The Outlook is Ibre dullart a year la slratice, or lee lbB s pant a day. Hat, J or a (eiraa copy ad illnetraL M. prleli l Tb OntVx.k, M Atf'f I tr, N "k Citv, SUM HONS. N TIIR CIKCt'lT COURT OP THE STATE I of Oregon, lor Morrow County. W. V lord, H. K. Klnrsld and I'hll. Mrtw han, the Hoard ntrommlHloners, etc., rialnllfls, vs. J. B. Hrry. H. V. Hjrry. niwrry, tne goit Railroad sod Navl. gsilon Company snd I'. ('. Thoinon, IMrmUiitB. To J. H. Huarry. . V. fiwrry and perry, OefpiiflanlB: In tlis name ol the rum ni iirrgon: ion era prvl.y rriiirad Pi acia-ar and answer the coinplalut DleO against ynu in in amv entitled suit, on or Ivf ra the Aral day of the licit W-rtn ol lh shova enlltlail court, lo-wil: Monday, theathdayol Ki-iitamtiar, inn; and II you tail so to ai-er and answer, for a ant tlirra.il, the plalnlln. will apply to the court In srant the rallal damand d III aatd eon. plalnl. Uiwlt; ror a Juogmani ami oarraa asaln.l yon lor the Bum ol n and Interest tliaraon lrfm July isi. iswj. ai ina raiaoi aism fiar rani par siiiium, the sum ol l sltornars aa and lor Hi roala and rilaliiirM-tneiiU ol this iill : and lor a darra loia. I.hiIii a eertaln inortgaire msda, aaarutail and delivered by drtan.ianu, I H Bprry and a. V. Krry lo plalnllMa. n the lolloaliis real pfwrty situ atad In Murrnw aoiinlv, cula ol Oregon, Pt-wll: Miiiih hall id th nortliaaal ioartar and north hall ol the Bnniliaaat Musitar ol ar, M. aoiiin hall til aoiilliaaal .ii"ar ol Haa. J I. Waal hall ol lite aoulhwaal quaiur ol (h, ;l, ainiihwaai a,oart-rot northeast (uartar ol itae. rt, north ra.l liartar ol soulliaaal iiHartaf ol Haa. l, tHnn hall crl normaaai unaru-r aim aouin- aaal qnartaf of northeast tiarir ol hae. Ml uiliaaat atiarlar ol noriitaaal unarvr ai IMtrl li hallol aiHilliwaal quarter ( Mi. . Slid the ftortlieaal ioartar rl aniitliaaat iiiariarol "c m. all In luan.hlii , sitti range p , R, V ra-irfled Ih Ilia mr iM Ilia efiinlr piaf B m sai-l Mormw pooiily, In rVk "C" nl Mortsasas at -area tj. Al slid 4 sod tnsellaaid pram- aoo ai-piy tha iiwaaa.it i sain taia w ina ai Htenl ol tal.l lndglnabt, alUriia)S' laaa, eaUI and dt.tairarmenta 1 hi. o m mini. It tervail upon J oil purauanl In an ontav of Iha Hon, aiaplian A Uiaall, ludte irl Iha alan nlll-t rift. III .'la and sniarad la said soli ') dtr ol J i'r, M1. pHiiWN a) hFUririJ', 14 TI AtUirnats lot l lainllfta. England Farmer plUhed. Lest some one should think an Aroostook farmer's life too free ana easy, tne rarKnursi corrwpuuucui. m the Fort Fairfield JJeacon gives mis account of an average day s work dur ing the potato-digging season: I went to bed at 11 p. m. with the conviction that I must get up at 4 a. m. Clocal time). Awoke when the clock struck 2 and dared not go to sleep again ior fear of sleeping over. Jumped out of bed at 4 o'clock, ran to the barn, dressed myself as I went, and fed and harnessed four horses; ran to the house anu vise the old woman (for good reasons farm . ... . i , 1 ers wives often Bleep wun i.ne nireu girl through potato digging) ; ran to the spring and back twice; greased the double wagon; mended a check rein; unloaded four barrels and a basket of potatoes and dumped 16 barrels; 6, woke up the crew; 5:30, breakfast; 5:33, ran to the barn again, got the horses on the wagon and started for the factory; 0, arrived at factory, horses steaming, two acres of teams ahead of me; everybody swearing; 0:30, lit my pipe; 7, gave some of; the boys a lesson in careless language; 8, lit my pipe again; 9, went into te boarding house and tried to buzz the cook; 10, told a big yarn; 11, stole a bottle of whisky; 12:30, got unloaded, full as a starch factory, and ran the horses all the way home, arriving at 1; had a row with a Frenchman and forgot to eat dinner; 2, chased four Arab peddlers out of the field, then hauled potatoes to the cellar till 7; 8, had supper, unharnessed and cared for the horses, went to the spring twice more, shoveled potatoes in cellar till 9:30, got a chance to kiss the hired gul twice; 10. went to bed happy. QUEEN VICTORIA'S BOSS. She Had One In Mrs. Mus.ens, House keeper at Balmoral. Queen Victoria has just sustained a severe loss by the death of Mrs. Mus sens, who, from time immemorial, had been her housekeeper at Ual moral, says the, London News. Though unknown to the public at large, she was an Im portant personage in the eyes of every body connected with the court, as she was one of the few who had the cour age to "talk up" to her majesty, mid even on occasion to deliberately "boss. her auguBt mistress. Once when the queen wanted a certain maid to whom she had taken a fancy detailed to the care of her own room, Mrs. Musst ns remonstrated In the strongest fashion telling her majesty that it was q'lite out of order, and she really must Lot spoil the servants by taking undue no- tin nl '- . H" n na gave away, and "dear Mrs. Mussel's' won the day. She was a topical per sonage of her class, gowned iilway black silk, lnce-trimmcd apron white rap, with corkscrew curls. and the queen were excellent friends, and her majesty used to deli jht in be conversation. She also stood high I the favor of the roynl grandchildren who used to seek her out us soon thev arrived at the castle. Jlut to the world at large she was a holy terror and with the servant snd memliers of the household she was Infinitely more exacting and imperious than the queen herself. HERD OF IRISH BULLS. Borne Mixed Metaphors Credited to Bon of the Emerald Isle. A collection of Irish bulls wns pul lislietl recently by a conteniHirary. Here ore some of them, from House hold Words. A certain politician, litely condemning the government for IU recent policy concerning the In come tax, is rejiortid to have said: "They'll keep cutting the wool oil the sheep that Inys the golden egg, until they pump It dry." "The glori ous work will never lie sceomplishi-d until the good ship Tetmiersnre shall The True Remedy. W. M. Repine,' editor Tiskilwa, 111., "Chief," says:' "We won't keep house without Dr. Kiog'B New ; Discovery for Oonsnmptioo, Doughs and Colds. Ex-j perimented witb many others, but never got tbe true remedy until we used Dr. Kiog's New Disooverv. No other remedy obd tnke its plsoe in our home, as in it we have a oertain sad sure cure for Oonghs, Colds, WhoopiDg Cough, eto." It is idle to experiment with other remedies, even it they are urged on yon as juat as good as Dr. Kiog's New Dis covery. Tbey are Dot as good, because tbis remedy has a record of oures and besides is guaranteed.. It never fails to satisfy.. Trial bottles tree at Oofieer & Brock's drug store. &AKI.10 FOYDER Absolutely Pure ; The University of Oregon. : At Eugene opens Sept.' 20. Gradu ates from accredited schools who have Condon Globe: Jobn Lyons returned home Saturday, bavicg visited Heppner completed work amounting to 80 credits day or two on tbe return trip. ; By ths are admitted without examination. Io- way, some of tne boys think Jobn is cidental fee, SflO.UO a year; tuition, tree, preparing to desert tbe ranks Of single Complete oourses leading to Bachelor of oassedness tbis fall and we might add Arts, Bachelor of Soienoe, Bachelor ol that we think so too. ' Deafness Cannot Be Cared By. looal applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the err. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that if by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an iti named con dition of tbe tntiflous hning of tbe Eustaobian tube. When this tube gets iiiflamed you have a rumolisg gonad or imperfeot hearing, and when it is entire ly olosed deafness is tbs result, and un less th inflammation can be taken out and tbis tube restored to its normal con dition, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by oatarrb, which is nothing but an inflam ed condition of tbe mucous surfaoea. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case ot deafness (caused by oatarrb) tbat oannot be 00 red by Ualra Uatarrb Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY A UO., Cirsoid by druggists, 75a. Toledo, O. 1 in and She Letters BDd excellent courses In oivil and eleotrioal engineering. Also good instruction in music Board tor young men in the dormitory at 82 50 per week with lodging, heat and light. Catalogues furnished free 00 applica tion to J. J. Walton, ' Secretary Board ot Regents, 67-tf Eugene, Oregon. Mr. Frank Mitchell, of ' Hillsboro, speDl Sunday and yesterday visiting friends here. Mr. Mitohell is manager ot Wilson Brock's drug establishment in Hillsboro. Prof. 8. E. MoOlure, ot Eugene, a member ot tbe Mazamas' sooiety, while making the descent of Mount Raoier, Thursday, lost bis footing and fell a distanoe of 800 feet, killing him instant ly. During tbe fall his body bounded about 40 feet to tbe edge ot the cliff and lay within 12 feet ot tbe face of the mountain. Had he fallen over tbis preoipic ina body would have dropped two or tbree miles and lo all probability would bsve disappeared into one ot the hugb crevasses wbicb seam tb moun tain at that plsoe. bas keg beer on draught the Uop Gold. Beit ot liquors and cigars in took. tt Tired, Nervous, Hleepless Men and women how gratefully they write about Hoods' Barssparilla. Onoe helpless and disoouraged, having loBt si faith in medicines, now in good health and "able to do my own work," because Hood's Sarsaparilla has power to rioh and purify tbe blood and make tbe weak strong this Is experience of a host ot people. . . Hood's Pills are the best family 0 tharlio and liver medioine. Gentle, reliable, sure. Dufur Dispatch: In the Cloodjk region notices are posted to the effeot that any person caught stealing will be banged and tried afterwards. Tbe tariff on a telephone message be tween Heppner and Long Creek is 60 cents for esob massage. This is cheep eoongb. ' uny ar : sum lbos. Bow er, of the Orooket, Texas, Enterprise, while writing about DeWitt't Little Early Risers, tbe famous little pills for ,eirk headsohe and disorders ot the stom ach and liver. For sale by Comer ft Brook. Don't neglect a cough because tbe weather is pleasant; before tie next storm rolls around It may develop Into a serious difficulty beyond repair, One Minute Cough Cure is easy to take and will do wbat its name implies. For sale by Conser & Brock. Long Creek Esgls: Nels Msgonsen was over from Ueppuer early tbis week. E. Minor snd family, and Arthur Minor, wife and little son, are enjoying tbe pleasures of camp life on Ditch oreek. W. B. Johnson, Newark, 0., says "One Minute Congb Cure saved my only child 'mm dying by oroop." It bas saved thomands of others suffering from erou p pneumonia, bronchitis And other serious throat and long troubles. For sale by Conser Brook. The crescent wave on Cretan shore, The cross of Christ goe down; The Turk are helped by Christian power Who bombard fort and town. Columbia' eagle hear nor heed Poor Cuba' piercing cry; Then let us drown the shameful deed In Bperry' "Llnwood Hye," For sal at tb Belveder saloon, E. U. Sperry, proprietor. tf Mr. Ralph Minor, of Salt Lake, Is visiting bis relatives here. He will probably locate in tbis locality, A Keaiarkahle Care forChrnal blarrhiae. In 1RU2, when I served my country as a private lo Company A. 167tb Peno- Long Orerk haple: Bert Hargenl ..iy,0i. TOuoteer. I oontrsoted chronic aail from one end of the land to the roe io Monday from ths bead of Little digrrhoe. It has given me a great deal other, and with a cry of 'Victory I' at Malheur river, where be i running sheep . troube ever since. I have tried a eurh step she take shall plant h-r ban- ,or n M. Thornton, ol lone, Morrow L,,,,.. d.fr.0. medioine and aev.ial county. I prominent doctor without any perma nent relief. Not long ago a friend sent me a sample bottle of Cliaraberlaio'i ner In every city.town and villngelnthe United Kingdom. An Irishman, In the midst of a tirade against landlord and capitalists, di'rlnred that "if these men were landed on an uninhabited laland they wouldn't 1 there half an hour before they would have their hntids in the porkrt of the naked sbv ages." Only a few weeka ago a Ire Don't thio your blood with aaseafra II miitt lilna.maaa! lint aid Na. " I I v.ll r"i. . ...1 tl!...tw... I..J. t. na.ltl'a T.iltta F.arll I w'-i "- -" IUID VW 4 BP I J BJL v-w I a - Risers, tb famous little pill for con- stlpstion, billousoee and stomach Iron- hies. Tber ar tinrelv vegetable. For hirer at a big meeting gave utterance sale by Conser h Brook. to the following: "All along thn 11 ti the trodden tiath of th future w ran an the footprint of art unarm hand. An orator at one of the university unions Iwire off the pnlm of merit when he d.i'liired that "the llritinh linr), whrther It la roaming the dmerta of India or climbing the forest ot Can ada, will not draw In It horns or retire Into IU shell." and after Ibat I bought and took a B0 cent bottle; and oow I cao say tbat I am entirely cured. I eadnot be thankful enough to yon lor Ibis great remedy and recommend ii la all suffering veter an. lfind:,iibl writ me. Your grate- folly, Hsnry Htelnbergar, Alleulown, Pa. Hberiff Livingston has sent a deputy .... i II..U- in Maaiifv Iha man an n ,! I. ir.n,. .w ' u.l.ll..n,. . k ll L poeedtobjBck llemblet.lb.n.orde,.r, u ""-'" and if 00 miitak bas been mad lo return witb tb prienner. Teachere' Examination. N(ti r 1 iinirnt itvri th? ro Iha (Miri-a 04 a... mi to Miloallua M all paiemie tUmtf nS.l taauiaal. aa as ra. ilatat l"f ta. hart nil tlta av h'aitt o ll.lt euaMly and Mala lrt aiala ar.d Ilia dliflomas, tla county, erharl n.!tit'tit ll.are.,1 lit hold S puta llr eimlalia. at the curl him al lattar, opening Mlnea1.y, Bog. Ill, I-W7, Imta-l this lei day ot i , i" ll JaV SHIPI.RV. rbowt Bopt, M.rtfow lm. Ay ' dawning l'i bnilt enter a bnoM or bar will mk money by eall idiob a0'Hira'v.. tjw 4 Had Maa's t ! tiimena-l Villainy Bleat with Bpaedy lalaliBit. A errirrant In the r'ci-il rivalry re rails an Im idi ut in lil life In the Milk rtter countrv. Mniitana. He we then a t.rUele. and t arrying the tnail t iwet n therattiti and Kurt AasliiitKilne. (ne day l- niet an Indian, ami, ruling aliinir lrthrr, the aoldlrr proffered him a pipe, wbh li tbe refl mail anmani in.-rfullv Aftrr Iravrling tin all the morn nt. Iliey cam t a rrrt-k, an I the Imlinn reined up, anylng that he wtui coliiir down lh tr-fiiii. wlirrrsi Hie mail route M upward. Ho lhv ht-iMiralril, and, ulim Hie aoldler bad iruue el-nit &'l jarda, he turned In his saddle bi wae another farewell. To hla linrrtir. be saw Hie Indian In the art of drawing a bead on him. Qui k as a fieah be tumbled off bia home, uu aliing hia rertiine. ti1 mtiriewi wte flie of the trvai lirroua ifr. Tlw Indian thru fled, with the aol.lirr lu puiaiiil. litn'Mhl til) the IimIiimi and ,ia liorae iiiaiirared from sight. 1 he eolijn r foll'iwail up 1 arrfiily, unUl be stood on the brink of a prrripli, .')" frl In depth. At Uh tK.im lay th Indian and In pour. " died. Tht full birr (pdiaii. In b' turrird atUt h fotgtl truak tUUt liff. end In Ills flbV wgnt 14 ftri'1len, Tr4ter, Balt-Kheurii and iema. The Intense It. hlng snd smarting, Inci- Sampler News: Fred Jimk, a promt Bent basinets man of Heppner, was lo Humptr a tew days tbis week. Lone Rock stag leaves Heppner at dentUthrdiir,iiiistantlyallayd 17 o'clock, a. n Taedays, Thurlay, by arplylng Chaiutierlaln eye ami I i, Hatnrdays; arrive al 6 o'loek, p. Hkin tMiitment. Many very bad ce Mi.d.... U-inl... .n.i havelieen rariently cure.! by It. It ' ' I eiually efllclenl for itciiing pu" - '- a favorite) remedy for aorn nlpi'l'-, I when delreI. Fsr l'i, tacb way. thaji-4 hands, chilblains, frost mu Kreighl K eenl per poaod. J. II. and chronic aore eym. - i ta. yvt a. Dr. Tady's OndllloN Pewderm, Br just what a horwe oml when In r" ... . a t B - JAuKu,l Condition. TIIIC, HKBW yiiniirr u-i venulfug. Tliey are not food but me. tl ina anil th l-el in na 10 pus boraai In Drtin) ctrndltlun. Pr(i 84 cent per package. Bellenbrock, Prop. Office el Warree's drng store. Uarry If. CATARRH kta LOCAL DISEASE a I. IS raaat al easts aa Bta thai. lis (kaaaas. ll nsa ht aara kf aaaaant r-ma.1i wka l at -y 1 lad SW aaroy Vil tht k"Mlia. Ha ll.tll. Sly iurba4 ll We EJy'sCream Balm Is arkMatladaad t W the - "- Naali warik. I ad hi Ha4 aa llty avat al a. I rawed -a. l at. aad Mewas U l paasrr. IKIl aala a4 H.IWiMli, laM Bartt the aaail" Inmt (, ra.loa tawa ataiaBa4asli, PrVatue al tWrlatt a. af aiaii. i, aVKvlat'-it. H " , I'-' limg Creek F.agle". Ths Canyon City Tl'hnns eompaoy bar Baker City almoel wired and ready to eommeee lb Borialraolion ol lhair Ho laward Caayoo City. Tbey bar over 100 sab sertlMrsIn Baker City. Cbamberlain'tCnlie, Cholera Bed D af. rboes remedy always afford prompt r liel. For sal by Onr k Itrotk. 1), A. Ourrsv, for met I y f I'tndletoa, bas opened np a IS eenl barber hop Is tbe olj stand on tb Matlock corner. Work strictly Orst ela. Call en him. 8 If Tb (IsgalU baa B ubolarblp lor ale, good lor on sehool year al Bishop Hootl AeaiUmy. Drop In d about IU f 0t Lr B h 7 I 4'KU, If