mm ilo TO THE GIVES THE OHOICK Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. VIA OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha AND 'J AND Chicago Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leaue Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For (all details call on O. E. Agent at Heppner, cr address k N. W. H. HTJRLBURT, Geo. Pass. Agt. Portland. Oregon. A. L. MOHLER, Vice-President. QaiOS TI3VE3EI t Snn Francisco And all point In California, via th Mt, Hhast route of the Southern Pacific Co The groat highway throngh California to all point Kaat ana Smith. Grand Hoanio Itout of the Paoifio (loast. Pullman Buffet Hleepers. Beoond-olaes Hleepnra Attaohed toexprMi trains, affording anpenor accommodations for aanonri-olase passengers. For ratee, ticket, deeping oar reservations, to,, oall npon or address H. KOKHLKK, ManaKr, C. H, MARK!! AM, Gen. F. A V. Agt., Portland, uregon HRE YOU GIG ERST ? If bo, be sure anil fee that your ticket reads via Tie Honnwestern Line ....TDK.,,. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY Tim IS TUB Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULDTIT, Sr. PAUL, OHIOAdO AND ALL l'OINTB EAST AND SOUTH. Tliotr Magnificent Track, Peerless Voitlliuled Dining ami sleeping lar Train, ami Motto: "always on time has given thl road a national reputation. All classes of passi'iiKcr carried oil the vcstlhiiled trains without oxtr charge. Hlilp your frclKhl and travel over thl lamoiii liuu. All agents have tickets. W. II. M KA l, F. C. KtVAHK, (leu. Aic.miL Trav. P. At I. Agt. iitti Washington Ht., rortland, Dr. CIIIOAUO Iwaulee & SI. Paul try This Hallway Co. Operate Its trains on the famous block system; Light Its trains by elietrlolty tbrougb oot; Use the celebrated elentrio berth read ing lamp; It nm speedily equipped passenger trains everv day ami mifhl between Ht. Paul ml China-!!, and Omaha and Chicago; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-heateil veatihnled Iraina, carrying the lateat private Compartment oars, library buffet amok Inir tare, anil palace drafting room leeper. 1 arlur rara. Ires retiming clialr pars. oil ilia very beat dining cualr oar acme. Fr hiweel rate to any point in the United Hlale or Canada, apply to agent or address 0. J. EDDY, J. W. CASEY, (teneral Agent, Trav. Pa.. Agent. Purlland, Or. a VI AMI tAPIMItMOft, i TRAD! MASK a. DtSICM. COTIIONli iL Ant.m M-tulli .kx.k a,.. .-KtXD . fi., at.ii.... i,mo. i ..t.nhl, .l..t,,,,, xmtttti.t.l.'.., ,llv ..,. , i (,, i., .,,., ( m p,iie II. A . (.. , HI,,, HI . r.-..i. i.t, iimj,a Mm.a tv mr u.m ia lh SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, rinr.,li. ill..r,li awM ef urn v i t.t mm (,M ai. MUNN 4 CO., SSI NiMl.ii, Me fa,.. itEADSUC PAPER, SSitiFIC COAST THE CHBONICXa rank with k areateat aewspspers In th Cnlted states. TUB CHHONICLK ha no equal ea th Paelfte Coast. It lead all In ability, enterprise and new THE CHRONICLE'S Telegraphlo Report are the latest and most reliable, It Local New th ru'leat and spiciest, and It Editorial from th (blest pen In the country. TUICOHIIONICLK haaalwar been, and alwaya will be, the friend and champion of the people a against combinations, cliques, corporations, or oppression of any kind. It will be independent In everything neutral la nothing, I ii IK m IS g BagfiS ABOUT- AMBERGRIS. Tho Nause ous Whale Product from Which Oomo Delloate Perfume a LOCAL BQUIBS. Exceedingly Valuable Beraoe Rare Fooad Only In Diseased Wholes It Sells for S30 an Ounce Host of It Oow to French Perfumer. . John Ambrose is down to Portland. Brace McAlister was op from Lexing ton on last Wednesday. The Chronicle Rulldlng. THE DA I LY By Ma'l, Foal aire Fald, OnlyS6.70aYear. The Weekly Chronicle Tlia Great-st Weekly ia the Couitry, S1.50 a to B (Ipoludlnn irastiwifl) to any part of ah Cnlted Hiatus. Canada and Mexico. THBWF.KKLY CHItONICI.K, the brightest and most complete Weekly Newspaper In th world, prints regularly 84 columns, or twelve pates, of News. Literature and (leneral Informa tion ; also a mutfiilllueiit Agricultural liepartment. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FRiE. DO YOU WANT THE CHRONICLE Reversible Map? ellOWING The United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Meiico mnic. ON ONK And the Map of the World ON THIS OTHICn SIDK. fiend $2 and Oet the Map and Wei kly t lironli'le for Ono Tear, poaia(n prepaid oil Map and Taper, Abimr.Hn M. II. Am YOUNG, rruyrleter . f. ChrenIHa, S AH f ItAIICUaXAj CAU jl. n u x What Is ambergris? In the " Arabian Night" we are told of eastern beauties whoee checks were marked with moles like bits of ambergris; and in the story of the sixth voyage of "Sinbad the Sailor" we read in the description of the place where the voyagers were wrecked: "Here is also a fountain of pitch and bitumen that runs into the sea, which the fishes swallow and then vomit it up again, turned into amber prisl" That antique author. Kobert ISoyle. considered it to be of vegetable production and similar to yellow am ber; thus it received its name, amber gris (gray) gray amber. Thi and other even mor plausible theories are but indeed fallacies that puzzled savants have set forth when the were at a loss to account for its origin. It is now ascertained beyond a doubt to be generated by the large headed sperm whale nnd is the result of a diseased state of the animal. The victim of this rare 'malady1 may possi bly throw offthemorbificsubstanoe; or finally die of the ailment. The disease is located in the intestinal canal, and some savants suppose it to X. caused by a biliary irritation. After a deep study on the subject several modern scientists have agreod that the disorder is akin to that now fashionable human peril, ap pendicitis, intensified and prolonged in this great mammal, yet that dread ail ment that has but lately been under stood by the surgeons and medical men of the world. It is known that the ambergris whale feeds upon the cuttle fish. This crea ture is armed on its head with a sharp pointed, curved black horn resembling a bird's benk, much like thol of a par rot, only the lower mandible is the larger. This is found as it is too in destructible to be digested--in many specimens of ambergris, ond may often times aid in establishing a neated dis ease. It may be considered though to lie but tin? primary cause of irritation, :is much of the fluent ambergris is en tirely five from the tough little tiorns. Such is the effect in the whale of the magnifled-Hind tremend ously magnified illness which, when itetablished in our own comparatively puny organism, causes an Instant and fatal collapse unless quickly and he roically attacked by the skill of the sur geon. I ue hnbits of the great water mammals, howevir, tend toprolonglife, and their resisting power against this insidious destroyer is eloquent of their tenacious hold on existence. To the conservative whale fisher of New Bedford or Provlneetown, the dis covery of ambergris is as unexpected and as longed-for its the sheeny splendor of the pearl that gladdens the pearl- fisher. Almost awe-stricken are the .ilors when the crv of "umberirris" ia uttered. This is the happy event of a lifetime. The. substance is carefully taken from the bowels of the whale and is packed in casks, if it is in liquid form. or in saeks, if it is dry enough It is then brought direct to Boston, where it is npprniscd by the bond of the largest wholesale drug firm In the city This young man has no enviable task before him in ascertaining the value of the article. He has to examine the fetid mass, which is Komi'times of a rank hiuid slate, sometimes of the consis tency of soft putty, and ngnln, a chalk like substance. That which i more like putty usually is to tie relied on for tnak- ii g the liest market ambergris, nnd ','nuliinlly, as it dries, the only curing process it undergtM-s, the unwholesome dark shade gradually turns to n soft squirrel gray. The Kiilmlnnce lightens in weight and the fascinating odor de veloiw an odor almost indescribable. ke the blending of new-mown bay, i he damn wonly fragrance of a fern opae, and the fuiutcst porsible per fume of the violet And to whut iw is amlorgrl put? It is nn iniriKM'tinblt' ntticle with fine h-i funiera, as it is need to ghe mt Two Arnica the Regular and Irregular. To wbicb would yon prefer to belong? The regular, undoubtedly. The irreg ulars ere, admittedly, the moBt numer ous, but they are in a very nndesirable state ot no-discipline. Hosteller's Otomaoh Bitters will sooo remedy this want in a disordered liver or bowels. Biliousness manifests itself in yellowness of the skin and eyeballs, sour breath, farred tobgae, morning nausea, discomfort in the vicinity of the liver, vertigo and siok headache. Hosts ot people suffer thus. These signs of insubordination to the governance of bealtb, together with an irregular con dition of the bowels, are soon regulated by tbe Bitters,' wbiob also overcomes malaria, dyspepsia, rheumatism, neural gie, nervousness and kidney trouble. As a means of obeoking premature decay, hastening ooovalesoenoe, and mitigat ing tbe infirmities of age, the great tonic is without a parallel. J. D. Kennedy, a former koight of the gripsack who used to make Heppner for Fleieobner, Mayer & Co., was here on Tuesday laBt. He ie in tbe mercantile business in Ellensburg, Wash. "J. D." looks very familiar and one conld hardly realize that it has been years since he "made" Heppner, as tbe commercial men express it. There Is Nothing so Good. There is nothing just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds, so demand it and do not permit the dealer to sell you some substitute. He will not olaim there is anything better, but in order to make more profit be may claim something else to be just as good. You want Dr. King's New Discovery because you know it to be safe aod reliable, and gnaranteed to do good or money refunded. - For Coughs, Colds, Consumption and for all affections of Throat, Chest and Lungs, there is nothing so good as is Dr. King's New Discovery. Trial bottle free at Oonser & Brook's. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. HE HAS HIS TROUBLES. : Trials of Measenger Boy for tho Tele- ' graph Company. A telegrhaph messenger probably sees as much of the other side of human nature as a doctor. One told an Atchi son Globe writer recently thatawomaa never opened a telegram without turn ing pale, and, when the message was not alarming, they looked disappointed. He delivered about two death mes sages a day .four birth messeges,a great many business messages, and once in a great while a love message that makes him tired to carry it. He carried one recently to a young man in town that read: "How are you to-day darling?" The answer went promptly back bj the boy and was to this effect: "I am Detter, love. He once carried a mes sage of death to a colored woman, and after reading it her emotion overcome her to such an extent that she caught the messenger in her arms and soundly boxed his ears. Another colored woman refused to open or sign for a message, but walked the floor and beat her breast, and screamed, supposing it an nounced a death. When all the neigh bors had come in, one more venture some than the rest read the message. ' It was simply a notice that the woman's sister would come up from Leaven worth that evening to see her. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE. LONG TKOUBLfcS AND CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. Aa Fminent New Tork Chemist and Scientist Hakes a Free Offer to Our Headers. WANTED-AN IDEAoTr. thins; to patent? Protect yonrtdeaa ; theymar bring yon wealth. Write JOHN WEDDKR--BURN A CO., Patent Attorneys, Waahington D. O, tor their $1,800 prise offer. Oov. Res has returned from his trip to Nebraska and Kansas where he enjoyed himself immensely with rela tives and friends. A "CLEAN" SHAVE. 1 Precautions Which Might Be Adopted for the Safety of Customers. Nothing is easier than for contagion to be conveyed from a diseased to a healthy skin during the act of shav ing, and many cases have now been re corded,, says the Medical Press, prov ing that diseased processes have in this manner been propagated. Probably the readiest manner available to the barber for preventing such untoward occurrences would be by sterilizing his "instruments" by means of heat, either by steam or boiling water. Eazors should be made so that their handles would not suffer from the exposure to highdegrees of heat, and tie rule should beenforoed that in "no case should any of the "instruments" be used consecutive ly without having first been submitted to the sterilizing process. Under this rule, then, each customer would be sure of having a "clean" shave in more senses than one. Of course, also, on the principle of a "fresh it of tea for each customer," a freshly scalded-out lather pot should be included with each Bhave. Unless these or similar pre cautions be carried out in barbers' shops, cases of the conveyance of in fectious skin disease from customer to customer cannot fail to occur. The distinguished ohemist, T. A. Slo- cum, of Mew York City, demonstrating his discovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronchial, long and chest troubles, stubborn coughs, catarrhal affect ions, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions ot wssting away, will send THREE FBEE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New ScibDtifio Treatment" bss oured thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional duty to Buffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible oure. Science daily develops new wonders. and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produced results as beneficial to humanity as can be olaimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and toon sumption are curable in any climate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those oured in all parts of tbe world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. 8loonm, M. O, 98 Pine street. New York, giving post- office and express address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direct from his laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell the Doctor that yon saw this in tbe Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr. Hiok Mathews and V. Gentry, under the firm name of Matbewa & Gentry, are associated together in the barber business in tbe new stand, two doors south of the postoffioe. They solicit av oall. Shaving; 15 cents. s tf. A good bicycle, snitable for either lady or gentleman, in fine repair, new pneu matic tires, for sale obeap at Gilliam St Bisbee's. tf Dr. John W. Basmns , of the Redlieht has keg - beer on draught the Hop Gold. Beat ot liquors and cigars in atook. V ' Tbe Gazette will take potatoes, apples, eggs or bntter oo'Bubsoription aocounts. Any one owing this office can settle their acoounts in this manner ud can't do it too soon to suit ns. NOTICE. Notice of Intention. Land Office at The Dalle's, Oregon. June 22nd, 1897. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TUB following-named settler ha Sled notice of hla Intention to make final proof In auppoitof his claim, and that said proof will be made before . W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on August 7th, 1897, via: MARTHA C. HOSKIN8, Hd. E. No. 3999, for the Sft NWJ4 and V BWJ Sec. 1, Tp6SK26E WM. Be names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Benjamin H. Parker, I. F. Ward, Nelson Cumpton and Samuel Ensley, all oi tiaroman, uregon. JAS. F. MOORE, 656-67 Register. SHERIFFS SALE. Terrible Aooideot. It is a terrible ac cident to be burned or soalded; but tbe pain and agony end tbe frightful dis figurements can be quickly overcome without leaving a scar by using De Witt's Wiloh Hazel Halve. For sale by Cocser & BrocV. Geo. Conser got back from Cloodyke on last Wednesday, well pleased with bis trip. Beports have it that he weot no further than Spokane. Some for ten, some for twenty and some for thirty years have soffered from piles and tben have been quickly and permanently oured by using DeWitt's Witoh Hazel 8alve, the great remedy for piles and all forma of skin diseases. For sale by Conser & Brock. frank and uiaude aloan were over from the Butter oreek ranch on Wednes day last. llMnifl WJ nintiency and lusting Uiilit.i'.'s to very 0IMn- Al I rill I I! I "eetlng scenU. It ia a curious fact Wholesale 1 mJU'jy 11,1, hnt the keynote or basis of "nose- Halt's Ct gay " or "Imuqiict," ns liuniWKf rchlef oally, aotin ruuouau caus. TO Hr. PAUL MINNKAPOLI8 nW.UTU KAU(ll) HUNT. HKLKNA Tickets Issued to all point In the United males ami Canada. QU ICK Tl M E TO , satif Chicaoo l All other fOauiu WaaiiimiToM -mints ) Kamba City 1'At.nxona y In the V Ht. Jtrn Ni Yoa East and Mr. Loi'is DvrrAU) J Houtheaal i IIomtoH Union IVpot connections at Mt. Paul, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Omaha, Hi. l,nula and oilier promi nent point Bagnaie oh.-ckJ thmngh to destination ol I to let. Through In kete to Japan and China, vi Teoome end Northern Paclfio Hlaani snip Company's Una, For full Information, lima earl, mape. ticket, etc., oall on or tnU W. O. A t.t k at, A. D. I'll aLTo, Al N V. Hy Aset.tlen I'a.e. Agt. ThIellre,Or. I'urtleii.l, Or odor tire raHcd, la not, aa one might htippoae, the nttur of pnnlen flower, ni'ithcr the penetrating bnlantna. These are Inilia-N'iiNahlc, but are not the rroiindwork. That lnU ia Aiwa v one of the four animal odors, I. c, bhiImt grls musk, obtained from ainiill nmak deer of Aaia; civet, from the rivet rat of India, and ens I or, n accretion of the cantor beaver, and now a'moat tibaolele in the perfume trade. The pure and separate tincture of any one of these odors U too Intense and mrrful to be tolerated. Like all atilietanrea of thfftn kinds, it must undergo a alow decomposition, till the remainder mm ee very little tolntility. Hven then they contain a virtue which cling per tinaciously to woven fnlwlca and not bring sMiluble In weak alkaline Ive Is at III to tie detected in the material, after pnaaing through tbe aevereat Intatory ordeol. They are, therefore, of great alue to the perfumer, and are three aential foundation In almost every formul Aa amlierprla is the moat eoatly of the animal perf tin ire, the bouquet eon taming It are of the moat eirnalve kind. How's This I Ws offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ball's Catarrh Oure. F. J. Cheney k Co., Props., Toledo, O. We tbe undersuned, bave known F J. Cbeoey for the last 15 years, and be lieve biua perfectly honorable in all bnainesa transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West k Trnsx, Wholesale Drnggists, Toledo, O. Waldiug, Kinnan k Marvin, Drnggists, Toledo, O. atarrb Cure is taken inter- g directly npon the blood and uiuontu surface or tbe system, fries 7.V. per bottle. Bold by ah Drnggists, Testimonial free. FLAT f-ttl MKt inc THING. Use Wide Shoes and Ton Will Be Able to Walk Erectly. Not more than two men in 100 walk erectly. This observation cornea from a man who is a crank about the benefits of wide, fiat shoes, says the New York Press. He declares he has made notes and knows what he is talking about. He thinks that the "two men in 100" wear the same kind of shoes that he wears, which look like those used for walking on water. This man also be lieves that the percentage, of women who walk straight is so small that it is not worth considering. The whole trouble he attributes to shoe. He says men and women were never intended to wear shoes at all. It is his observation that "when the foot is flattened out and the toes spread the natural movement of the body is to straighten itself. This he attributes to certain muscular action, and he has a chart to prove it. When the loot Is compressed by a shoe and the toes jammed together there is a sympathetic tension on the whole muscular and nervous system which draw the body forward or bends it. It ha been noted iu hi calculations that person in bathing costume on the beach walk much atraighter. It is also u notable fact that the Indian, who run barefooted on the plains, has tbe proud est kind of a walk. II 1 as straight an iron pole. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. THE NATIONAL BANK OF HEPPNER, located at Heppner, in the state nf Ore gon, is closing up it affair . All note holders and o hers, credit- rs of said association, are therefore hereby notified to present the notes and other claims against the association lor paym nt. ED. R. BISHOP, ooo-yo cashier. Thb Boss Feed Yard. The first feed yard tbe teamster strikes in Heppner is that conduoled by William Gordon , next door to the Heppner Gazette ranch. Mr. Gordon is accommodating, bag a good yard and abundant facilities to take care of stock in first class shape. His prices are very reasonable. He baa hay and grain for sale. Has lately added a car load of baled timothy. tr. Gome to the Gazette offloe and get decent lot of envelops printed. Government envelop look oheap, and besides you cannot get your business card printed thereon. tt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER ? and by virtue of an execution issued ont of the circuit court ot the State of Oregon for the county of Morrow and to me directed and delivered, upon a Judgment rendered and en tered in said court on the 9th day of Septem ber, 1896, in favor of Clara A. Cobb, Plaintiff, . and against Morris I). Long, Linnie Long, his wife, F. O. Bucknum, Belle E. Bucknum, hla wife, C. A. Hughes, L. Hughes, her husband, H. ' J. Faust, aniel B.Brown and Brown, hla wife, Defendants fm the sum of Three Hundred Seventy-One 85-1(10 Dollars w 1th interest thereon at the rate ol eight per cent per annum from the 1st day of March, 1895, and the further sum of $2185 and interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from March 1st, 1894 and Fifty Five Dollars attorney fees and the sum of Fifty-one 75-100 dollars costs and disbursments. Whereas by said decree and order of sale it was directed that the following described real property In Morrow county, Oregon to-witr I he East half of the Bouth-west quarter and. the West half of the South eaat quarter of See- In On to be sold to satisfy said Judgment, cost i One (1) North Range 26 Eaat, Saturday. 'Never Fail" beadaobe wafers at Con ser k Brook's. Tbis medioine will ours any kind of a beadaobe in short order. tf. Put quarter in yonr pocket and don't spend it till yon get down to Low Tillsrd's. Finest liquor and cigars. Near city ball. a See those new Russian Tan shoes down at Liobtentbal'a. Latest styles. best quality, reasonable prioea. - You cannot do better anywhere. tf tion 28, Township W. M.. and accruing costs. 1 will on TheSl-tday of July. 1897. at two o'clock p. m., of said day, at the front door of the court house in Hennner. Morrow county, Oregon, sell all the light, title and in terest of the said Morris D Long, I lnnle Long, his wife, et al., in and to the above described property at publio auction to the highest and best bidder for cash In band, the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution and all costs, and cost that may accrue. E. L. MATLOCK, Hneritr of Morrow county, Oregon. Dated July 2nd, 1897. . SUMMONS. TN THE 1 of Oregon, Come in aod subscribe tor the "Gazoo." Now is tbe time. Yon don't want to mis a whole lot ot good, bard reading that is now bsing published in oar "Only." Any person who is interested in British Colombia should writs to W. H. Horlbort, general paaseoger agent of tbe O. U & N for copy ot Pt Doosn's lit tle "booklet," "To New Bonanrtland." It Is well worth tbe trouble. 60-it. CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATB for Morrow county. Rothchlld Brothers, flaintitl's, vs. Robert Krick, Defendant. To the above named defendant, Robert Krick: In the name of the State of Oregon: - You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against ynu in the above entitled cause ef action on or before the first day of the next term of the above entitled court, to-wlt: Monday, the nth day of September, 1K97; and If you fall so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the sum of $141, the cost and disbursement of this action, and for the sale of the property belonging to you heretofore at tached In this action, and will apply the pro ceeds of said sale to the payment of said Judg ment, coat and dlsburai-menta. This summons is served on you In pursuance of an order of Hon. Htepheu A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered in said action on the 21st day of July, IW. BROWN & R EDFIEI.D, 64-77 Attorney for i'lalntlffa. Vswtsr Crawford has porobased lbs Matlock lot, near the Christian oburcb, and will shortly begin lb ereetion ol a dwelling thereupon. Not only pile of Ibe very worst kiod can be cored by DHl's Witoh Us gel Halve, but rem, scalds, boras, broil boil, nicer and all other skio trouble can be ioatsotly relieved hy tbe earn remedy. For ) by Conser k Brock, Mim Elisabeth Matlock departed on last Tuesday for PorllanJ, Hillsbore sud Eugene, on a visit. Hh will be abaeot aevaal weeks. Hackle' Antes Salr. Th Best Hlv In th world for Cot, Broift, More. Ulcers, Halt Rbenm, Fever Bore. Teller, Chapped Hand, Chilblain. Corns, and all Hale Lr op- It la uac.l more In Prance than nJ po''""l ' )' or an 1 he Kegiilaior lino In tlila country, civet leing rtenlvely iiimhI fur a retainer In American-made Ierfumea, Mott of the am!ergri II hlpd, therefore, to France, her II find a rvady demand. M. Iula I. lol-ltrinor rat. pay required. It is gnaranleett to give iierfeel satisfaction or money refund!. Price 'ii eeol per boi. For sale by Onset M Brock. Iciita ago in ew ll.iiiilur umt urte three nilloni t npr Y. FATFOLKSfji. DUCIO IfW-HI I4n m W V I cr';:r:r,;!;r.hi:,T.Er'-. (Srn 1 - f' r . sii t. . I v i ' I tverta! Ma. I - 'l.l 44 IL I aL , 1 ftt PiH 4 l-turU Nati'ilim f oTEAuma omts cm" aso 'novum' Leave The mile daily flepl Hiin.lav) sis 4.1a.m. Lest IVrllaoJ al "DO av IU. Whe yn (it In I'oMUn.l, lp t IT at III Dalle and taka a trip d.iwn Die l.liintil; you aill r.j,.y it, tlJ T mJey. w. a Al LAWAT. General Agent PATH UTS TRIATIO By MAIL rkfea i w iVanted-An Idea -ZEr 'tit. .i I examine randulalra for ndnniiai.ui I i I lit I nr. At one tune the coniiiiil.n i r vrre Jeremiah Msmiii, the able I l ivMrr III the iitt Mr. riili.iaii n ! tnoiNir lnrudirr of the lar. Of a ri liiiii nndiil.ite !.i prenrnted biluailf for ckaiiitiifllliin, Mr. M illard telle tli.i t. y In hla tiok. "Illlf a Century with I ii.l,-' a and lir! IV a on awkward young luaii. and I le f limillMiet .feeded tJ eam inc him Ibiie: 'What l uojltT The vjndiluli' dccrilHl II. How Is It ifHirrr' "In tar'ona waja." Itliiitratr." "Mr, Meii pi t hia by high feei Mr. 3u'lnan I v ii iirr. and Mr. "Mop! rlo ;" t 'id .Mneii "1 I think ran a.'.m l t'.UU brother ?ul 1 1'"" K. Campbell ws over from Butler creek yesterday. II I bolJmg his wool clip, which i bow at Ueppaer, for belter Afire. KOTICE. All peraoe indebted In tote and ae- eoiiiiU du le Noble k Co. are rqttelt lo Sow f rear J nd sell! same a anon aa paeaibla. W atill rontion in buaine an.1 will sail gw,l a low m fa be U'ngtil an) here is I ha at at a, Notts k Co Ueppner. Of ., Jao W7. tf. C O. Warreo and wtf were la Hepp ner WeJaeelsy last. Mr. Wrr i oae ol tbe old Urns Umaisaer eJ be aomvran Strrs bee. Htrk tteederb raabatiirkly and com pletely overcome I y aslng Ihoee farano inn puis snnaa as "twiirs Mine Farls KiKr," fot t't t Ptw k I I'ryel, , It I said that a dog in Milliken, Mich., possesses and uses daily a full set of artificial totth. Tbe dog ia very old, and it 1 a family pet. When it lost IU teeth recently it owner, according to the story, had the local dentist make the animal a full set of teeth, and they are said to be a perfect working- Suc re as. The old notion that southern worn en are languid, feeble folk ought to be dispelled by the act of four women In a auburb ot Macon, Ga. A house took fire during the night and the neighbors gathered to help the inmates in saving their effects. Four women carried a large upright piano front the parlor all the way out into the middle ot the atreet unassisted. A fox and a hunter together stalked a partridge near Tyson, Vt, the otter dy, but each unknown to the other. The bird alighted In an apple tree be hind the barn, and the hunter tiptoed around one aide of the barn and brought the bird down. Hut as lb bird dropped the foi, coming round tbe other aide of the barn, aeied it and was off with hi dinner brfor the hunter could appre ciate what had happened. Tbe tail of the craw fish serve that animal aa en oar. lly peculiar Jerk Of the tail the animal ran retire from a datigeroii object with almost Inrredi hie swiftness. The tail I much more r fleet he In moving the animal back a aid than forward, a singular Instance of adaptation In II situation, for by means of Its tail It ran withdraw Into its bole with such wiftnea a In an Instant to plm-e It out of danger. The latest story uf a wonderful gold find In Alaaka I of a lake whose led I literally je deep w ith gold dual. The lake la l.mal )rd long, 4n0 Jarde wide ami ISO fer deep. It la fed l.y water fniut a planer, and lis only cutlet la a little atirant two feel deep, but of Incredible aw if in, .. The aeaay f the aand w hUh era lupluin brought to hraltle recently allowed i. Ul 114 a ml.ic jartl. and vn Ihla Imuh a niaa aloiie rotil.l, take out It0,ooua)rar. Tbe big white Mimiae recently altot In the Maine wo, .U by a Mr. Sargent, ot (.rafloti. ha grvatly Interested natural i a well aa It IsUiaunly while liiix rrr aeea In Maine, and very few bat err been .eard .l e last where. Tbe naluraiwta aay It ta, nf eniirae. Hot slmnye U.t thrr altowld be an albme tiae, teawltii g tnm a ferak of lilurr. M w U il'r ajol i-tiM f !l'tm K J i tic at.itu a but uihuii iihmi, vl.,:! ihwwae are a gi-eat r-f"; . all Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all fat-J eat busiassacaadacMd lor MoeiasTf ftf. Oua Orrtct I OeeeeiTg U, a. Partav Orriec i4 w caaserur patent ia la tua tuaa Uwx remote tram Wa.hiofloa. .... band modL drawing or pnote. With onrrlp lloo. Ws advwa, U patenubl or not. In ol diarr. (mr I ant due till paiaot sisacBrra. S PasieMLtT. to vnun runu, M ot aa I th U. & Bad teraiga stnt bea. Addreia, c.A.snow&co. aWAanaa. AarSrsaWB a Ska law ak, sk Prt-mit'k'i'ri'iT - " in NORTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 18M.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. at DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth II weight In gnld to every farmer aod breeder la Oregoo. SUBSCRIPTION: 13.00 PER YEAR. Ham pi copies free.) Rural Spirit sad Oitett both for $3.50, cash, al this offloe. AttorneyH it Law, BEFFNER, AU bosinea attended to lb a prompt an J satisfactory manner. Notaries I'nblio and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BCILDINO. OREOO!! WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Fucrct Sound Navigation Co town THIi'DONE, BAILET GiTZET AND OCEAN WAVE. Lfiot Alder Hlrwel Ik-ek. PoHUa.1, t.w Astnrla, lleaoo. lg Beaeb. Ooeea l'ark aad inaneotia. Ihreet onDeelK. wtib llwe aUamer ead rail road; alee al Toocg Bay with Heaabors lUilroevL t'ilU HI' XX C ZV ZJ Uar rortlaM T A, M. Pally. ttrH mdy. Leave AMrta t r, at Pally, itri4 Bnaday. Iallr.seei4nn4r. Salnnla fclthl. II p M i. rw... . at at A. al , arit Saadat and Moatr, m4ai tliht.l r. a .-7 OOBAN WAVH taaves Portland sad ma dtrart t llwacn. Twin and Thnnklay el s a at a.i,,M.. 1 a Lsaves llaare W,aadaj and rt.lay at I Si, M. Ua lay night at 71. to Safety, Spawi, Co fort, Ineamre, Travel a Ik Tf teptwsa, lUJIty Oatierl aa4 IV WT Leave fottisnd I P. M THE PALACE HOTEL BAH, . J' - OROinHS. Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.