Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 30, 1897, Image 3

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    Almost Blind
Scrofula Affects the Eyes-Little
Boy Treated by an Oculist With
out Relief -But Now He Is Well.
"When my little boy was three months
old his eyes became very sore and he was
almost blind. I took him to an oculist
who treated him for six months, and left
him as bad as he was at the beginning.
Finally Hood's Sarsaparilla was recom
mended and I began giving It to him.
In less than three weeks he was able
to go into the sun without covering
his eyes, and today his eyes are perfectly
well, and his ears and nose, which were
badly affected, are also well. Hood's
Sarsaparilla has certainly done wonders
lor my boy." Mkb. James H. Painteb,
Amador, California. Remember
Sarsaparilla s
Purifier. All druggists. gl.slx for 5. Get Hood's.
1-1 ,1 nm are t,le onIy P1"' to take
nOOa S HIUS wlthHood'sSar.aparlU.
Take Notice.
L The sum of five cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Now that the great political campaign
is over and the winter season again with
us, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for tbe
long evenings. Cognizant of this the
Gazette baa made dabbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers tbe following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, $1.50 13.50
" 8. F. Examiner, 11.80 8.75
. V. Tribune, $1.00 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.60 8. 75
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 50c j 2.50
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00
Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
Kp worth League Devotional meeting at 1 p. m.
t rarer iBwiuiK, i nuntaay. o D. m.
'The Spirit and the bri say. Tom."
The pastor may be fonnd at the paraonaae ad.
will be m
may d sire to consult b
lad to
HQ on
joining the church, where he
meet any w' o innv d. aira tn
religious, aotinl, civio, philosophic educational,
or any other eubjacta.
J. W. rLEHHER, Minister.
Here and There.
See Maria (or tky-bloe with trim
mings. 68-tf
Geo. D. Fell has reoovered from 1
reoeut illness.
Conser k Brook's for the "Never Fail'
"headache wafer. tf.
ror a nobby suit of clothes go to the
New York tailor. C8tf
Milk from tingle oowi for babies at
tbe (Shorthorn dairy. 58tf
A. a. Wiles and son departed yeeter
terday for frineville.
Ranous ia alill on the tart doing a lit
tie carpenter business. tf
Submit yonr plana to Ranous before
giving oat your oontraol. tf
Mrs. T. R. Howard and children are
camping oot np near Col well grade.
Statements for the Famous Simple
Acoount File printed at tbe Gazette of
fioe. If.
T. L. Barton, representing tbe Jacobs
Shirt Co., of Portland, waa In Heppner
this week.
Tbe Uop Gold keg beer at the Wei
Come. Go io, yoo thirsty denizent, and
see tbe boys. K
Wheat Is starling at tbe 60 cent mark
tbie year and oar farmers ate very hap
py lo oontrqoence.
Beet accommodation and oourteooa
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
sod Waeb. 8ts., Portland, Oregon.
Mrs. p. B. Mc8 words. Miss Mary Mo
Swords and Mrs. Geo. Conser departed
yesterday (or Long Beach, Wasbingtoo
Those wbo desire to build should oot
forget that C. E. Ranoot, tbe coo
tractor. Is ready to make eettmatee al
say time. 60 tt
There seems to be s general revival ol
mioioi all over the eoaotry. Tbe mines
of lbs United Slates ars receiving much
attention at prteeot
Tbs death of. Donald Mtoleey si
Portland removed from that olty s see
fa! eitisea. Mr. Maeleay was one of
. Portland s most progressive into,
A young man from Batter Creek
wboee name ooutJ ool be learned was
badly roptored while ridiug horseback
os Main street yeaUrday. lie is ia s
dangerous ooJitlun.
Nose of Ilappner'e eitzne bae yet
started for tbe Cloodjke, bat several
bsve the (cr, sad there will, no doubt,
a aoaitxr go (rom bere (a s few de)s,
seta tbs Ueppeer sor. to tbe Orrgtiee.
When lbs (as tele st lbs tltreme
westers bnoedery of Alaakt It bee el.
read rises is Maine. The day eeds
two boars earlier la Hawaii than is
Aleals. Alaskses will call Uesail
"dowa seat.
A sorest player la Nw York as being
prsleed to the sktee beeaflae be eas bold
s ante (r VIZ seconds. There are ones
Is this eoantry wbo have bald aoUs fur
10 years sod tbes rerelvej osly a "eoas
tag" If tbs matter wee ever meatkd
st all.
The Utooeer Tt let hues Co. Lae S
barb wire eervlee Into Leiiegloe sod!
. Inee. Tbe 'pbucee work well. Tbe j
OMteess (iota U peer to lees is ell of
twenty eniies. This ts sedooHedly tbe
ofet hee of its sled Is the ootid nr
World, si Weal.
By That Baay Reporter, Sport News Notes
and Bard Facts.
Well, the streets are yet nnspriokled,
bat that condition of affairs will not last
long. Sport bad a long "wah wah" with
Lee Cant well, the boss teamster of the
Heppner Transfer Co., Wednesday, and
Lee is very oertaia that la the very near
future he oan do some business with
Heppner'a dusty thoroughfares, having
borrowed the hot air pump from the
Palaoe Hotel Co , with which he will
pomp the necessary amount of dampen
ing. This is the best news that Sport
oonld give.
Speaking of the water company, they
must be awfully bad people. Their
deep well putnp'tok every drop of
water oat of Pap Minor's well and now
the water is "rotten" and not St to
drink. They pumped all of tbe water
out of tbe Gazette's well one hot, dry
summer, but this year they were good
enough to pump it baok again. That's
horse and borse." So tbe Gazette
doesn't kick.
Why, that water company must have
a set of pings and valves that beat the
world, for it they don't like you yon
won't' get a drop of water, while your
neighbor baa more than enough for all
purposes. They don't do anything in
sight, bat they mast have a set of un
derground wires which they work like a
fresh "girl graduate" does piano keys.
That man Ennia must be a hard oase,
and a pretty shrewd ope, too, if half
what Sport hears about him is true.
One thing that the water company
don't do, even if. like the town of
Heppner, they fail to keep their con
tract, they don't sanction this stealing
of water wbicb is going on pretty gen
erally. It does not hurt tbe water com
pany. It (alls 00 tbe poor consumer
wbo hasn't any cbanoe to steal, even if
he wanted to do so. Suppose the Ga
zette man and a half dozen of bis neigh
bors stay at borne all day Sunday and
turn the water loose on tbe oabbage,
potatoes, squashes and tbe like, what is
the result? We have used more water
than the wbole town oan legitimately
get away with in twenty-four boars.
That night the supply of water is short
and muoh kioking is heard tborughoat
tbe corporation, lathe water oompany
lo blame? Not 00 your "tintype." This
corporation has oorna and bunions like
other people, but Hive satan what is
coming" to bim.
People who want to be honest in tbs
oss of water for Irrigation purposes
should join in ttoppiug this purloining
of water.
Nearly every person io Heppner has
something to say about that celebrated
oontraot between tbe town and the
water company. After all we plebeians
gat in oar opinions, and tbe matter still
remaina unsettled, then tbe lawyers will
get a ohauoe at tt.
j-no wan a wane water oompany are
having a big law suit with tbe town us
at present. Tbia sort of thing seeing to
be a oatoral result.
What ever beoame of that $50 jug of
water that was sent down to Portland lo
be analyzed? It woald be e terrible
blow if Sport should get a few oanoea of
apriug water Into bis system.
No person in Heppner is better able
to make an xplanation that is consider
ed an "ample sufficiency" than Bro.
Harris, of Gilliam ft Bisbee's.
Harry Myers is tbs only person in
Heppner wbo has taken any "Trix"
lately. Harry ia ail rigbl.
The racing at Butte, Montana, so far
as tbs Oregon horses are oonoerned, ia
as follows:
July 27lb: Three furlooga-Red S.
won, Harry N. aecond, Loo Watkins
third; time, 0:35V,' Wben Red 8. is in
good form he's a ''oreokerjack."
July 2Stb: Four furlongs Leora woo,
Bill Howard second, I-Don't-Know tbird;
time, 08.
A True Nerve
Tonic and Blood Purifier
Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood,
Regulates the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys.
Heppner, Oregon.
61-Oct 18
Now Prepared to do Any
Kind of Printing Don't
Send Your Orders Away
'Till You Get the Gazette's
Estimates. ,
Heretofore the Gazette's job depart
men! has tried to do no work other thao
plain printing. However, this ehop is
dow prepared to taokle anything in any
line and will meet prioes of any person
under tbe son in Ihe line of druggists'
supplies, blank books, bank work,
oounty work, or any aort of book bind
ingwork that you have heretofore sent
away lo get done.
Tbe Gazette abop is not s charity
concern but if yon will give at a ohanoe
we will see that you are satisfied in
every particular.
Bay your goods at borne. Remember
that Abe Lincoln said tbat when one
bought goods away from borne tbe
foreigner got tbe money and we got tbe
goods. Bat when tbe goods wers
bought at home we bad both money
and goods. Tbia is good dootrine. We
are willing to abide by It. When tbe
printing drummer comes to town, re
member it and call up 'phone No. 8.
The Oraut county murderer, Jack
Hamblet, bas been spprebended at
Boise City, Idaho. Sheriff Livingstoc
will leave at onoe (or the prisoner.
Groet & Black well'a fancy piokles and
canned goods, reduced prices, Orange
Front, opp. City hotel, Cor, Main and
Willow streets. 53-tt
Canuing Blackberries and Haapbcrrles.
Select firm raspberries, and pat them
into e ooleuder, which sink gradually
into a pan of oold water, Lifl and
drain. Arrange neatly in oold jars, then
fill with cold water, adjust tbe rubbers
and place Ihe lids carelessly on top.
Do not fasten tbem. Flaoe a little bay,
straw or eioelsior in the bottom ot an
ordinary wash-boiler, on whioh stand
the jars. Poor into the boiler sufficient
oold water to oome nearly to the neck
of the jars, cover tbe boiler and bring
alowly to a boiling point. As aoon as
tbe water reaches boiling point lift each
ar carefully and aorew on the top.
Stand oat of the draught to slowly oool.
Strawberries snd blackberries may be
oanned after tbia role. Mrs. S. T. Rorer
io August Ladies' Home Journal.
Oet your clothes made by the New
fork tailor. He oarrie' a fine selection
of foreign and domestio woolens. Oan
fit you np in the latest styles. 58t(
Our Clondykes are in oar wheat fields,
hop yards, orobards, forests and pas
tures. Let us work them, and tbe re
tarns will be certain. ' No element of
speculation here. Salem Statesman.
Feaobes, watermelons snd all (rails
of tbs season srriving dsily at lbs
Orangs Front. 64-tf
Noah Bauer, a oooviot at Miohlgao
City atate prison, bas mads a written
ooofessioo wbicb if proved troe, will
have tbe rffeot of giving Rev. W. E.
Hloshaw bis liberty. Henabsw was con
victed two years ago sod sentenced lo
life Imprisonment for the morderofhis
wife st Belleville, Hendricks county,
Iod, near the old borne o( tbe editor o(
Ibis psper. Tbe trial of Hiosbaw was
ons o( lbs most sensational lo ths his
tory of lbs stats. According to Baeey
ths real Borderers of Mrs. lltnabaw art
Jobs Whitney sod Gay Van Teste), In
dianapolis men.
Foaail Journal: Among tbs members
of tbs Westoo bsnd, which was psid t2)
snd sipeneee to play ia Fendleloa on
"Bryan day," ws noticed tbs diminntivs
Prof. Henry, formerly of Ooedoo, blow
log bit clsrinet as Iboogb bis lifs de
pended 00 it. Eieept lo Bombers, tbs
Wrttoa band has 00 percentage over tbe
Foatll bad, sod Is tbs bees is decided
ly weaker.
Tls Moool Lebanon Shakers rteeotty
performed a great deed of Charity, al
thoogb It was not 1 reigned as a charity,
bring nothing mors sor lees Ibao an ad
vertising scheme. It, bows ver, retailed
io creel good Jut tbe earns. Tbey tavs
away l.OdO bottles of their digestive sor
dial to thoee toflrriog from stomach de
rangements. It wet so sffwltve is ear
Ipg thoee bo seed tbe itmedy tbat they
were load la their prsiee of It end Is
wee a, ear es s Urge dioaod fur tha to.
dial eat at ooee created. Tbe dreggiate
of tbia liws have Mile boofct Ibal Ull
shoot II. Difeelivs enrdiat sralS so
appetite, Sldt digestion sad bring aoool
s rapid iorreaae In B-ab snd strtegth.
Mi ll It ins Dame t.r a Mieiabw fee-
loroil. Jsat tbe thing f chlldres.
The B't of e eoliieg affray st Pea
lies, irouk suooty, la wbicb )ttsg
Btsa asmed Cable, fmta rrinevUls, was
probably (alatty stabbed ia tbe 11 by
a aaa Boated Both, was 'pbooed la
from J"l.s Day Ibis efuraooa. The
st-tnff is la pertsil end tbe would be
lanrdt r may bate deo SppretiMded
ee ws g to jrt.
Tire Ceaaet Injur the RhopaU, a Hardy
Tree of Colombia.
There is a tree of Colombia, the
Khopala odoratA, of the order I'rotta-
ceae, w&leli prtHouta, says an article
quoted in Current Literature, a moet
remarkable power of reaiatenee to Are.
In the dintrict of Roiimait is customary
every year, durius; the dry aeaaon, to
aet fire to the plaim in order to de
stroy all the dry wewla that, during
rains, might interfere with tbe growth
of the young and trndVr vegetation.
Thlt periodical ronflafrraJion naturally
produces the moat disaehrou rnV-le
upon the trees, which gradually dlaap-jx-ar
without being; replaced, since It
is difficult for an old tire to reaitit,
and still more to for a young shoot
of one or two years. A aingle tree
forms an exception, and that la the one
above mentioned the KbopaJa. Small,
distorted and aoraTgy, aod having a
wild and deaolate appearance, thia tree
not only doea not Buffer from the fire,
hut derives profit therefrom. It grsd-
uaJly eatAhllahra lUrlf In local it Ire
abandoned by other trees snd lnatlla
lUrlf therein. Ws have here a very
typical reee of a survival of the fittest.
It, alone capable of resisting fire, wit
neaaea the diaapjirsxance of Its rivala,
end la awn to gradually encroach upon
an elwaye tixre extruded domain. Its
miipUnce to fire ia due to Its bark. The
external portion of tbe lattrr, niore
thao than half aa ln h Wii. k ami
formed of dral rella and fllwra, e'ta
like a protective Jacket with rct
to the hk) re central and living rta,
and thlt a knurrs Ite triuin4i In its
'IttHf for ekiatence eealnM Are.
Meters X lmmm What Mae Have Ut
Trtoa la Vala t Itm.
Nature ia doing for California vine
yardtata what they long and frultlrealy
trM to do for tlwinai lvre. It is re
ported from niany localiUra that the
tihylloiera. the ntoat acriout j-at Ui
haa ever attacked the tinea, la dying
oiL Tbe eirls bate tried "every
renvIj to stey the progreae ot thle
lit but without avail, aod ais year
aTo the viney arriitta of the ftonoma and
Napa veJIryt plowed op all their vines
and replanw-d tit ground with rralat
ant etock. Tbe mperts believed that
all non-reiaiaut vine were doomed
to destruction by the phylloxera. But
riwrts neve recently come to tbl state
Inspector of orchard petta that a ins
tetiaJ falling off In the ravagre of Ue
fieet bas lie a noticed fur some Uni.
Vines onra affect)! by tt are bow at
tnoet free. Tbe toapertrtf baa begqii
a thorough loeUf aikn of the pleat
leg phenemena. lis thinka some as
uraJ enerry of the pt has sppvered
oe that some oVa)ly diaries baa al
tsuked the phylloxera arid l extermlii
a'iriftk V hete-vrr la the rauae.tbe re
et.lt will dMaa fix at gain tut the viae
yaffle ia.
waste stamps. Save up
your Schilling's Best yellow
tea-tickcts,and send several
guesses lor that
word in one envelope.
Schilling's Best money
back tea, at your grocer's.
Rules of content published in large
advertisement sbout the first snd middle
of each month. A10
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas, of Galloway. Given
an Impromptu Reoeptioa The Hoot and
Hoateas Equal to the Emergency.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doug
lass, on Butter creek, was the soene of
a pleasant gathering on last Saturday
afternoon, tbe oooasion being n "sur
prise reception" tendered them by tbe
neighbors prior to their departure (or
a visit to their (ormer home in Canada
Tbe guests presented Mrs. Donglavs a
handsome album, and were composed
of tbe following. ladies and gentlemen:
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ayers, Mr. and
Mrs. Felix Johnson, Mr. and air. Alex
Lindsay, Rev. and Mrs. Vernon, of
Eoho; Mrs. M. D. Long, of Pendleton ;
Mr. M. Cornwall, Mrs. E. P. Day, Mrs.
J. Basiok, Mrs. W. Ayers, Miss Jennie
Bartholimew, Mable Ayers, Ella Avert,
Elnora Vernon and Felix Johnson, jr.
One of' tbe principal (eatnrea of Ibe
evening waa an elegant repast which
waa partaken of with a relish that only
thoee wbo were fortunate eonngb to be
present are capable of describing. Be
fore the guests departed they abowered
blessings upon Mr. and Mrs. Douglass
and wished tbem a pleasant trip to the
East and abundant mcoehi wherever
they may decide to make their futare
.f- ...
MoClure's Megnzine for August will
oontain a dialect poem by James Whit
comb Riley; a characteristic poem of tbe
"rail" by Cy Warmao; and a poem on
what ia, perhaps, the greatest of tbs
questions of the hour, by Albert Bigelow
Oregonian: Mr. John H. Mitchell,
ex-United btalea Bwnator, is on bis re
turn home from Franoe, where be wet
tnmmoned sums wet kt sgn by the se
rious illness of Mrs. MitohelL He it ex
pcoted lo resob Portland about Aug 13.
A Boarding and Day School for Boys Under
Military Discipline.
Tia iOih vaar uncW tti tireaent manaaement twins Hnirt. 14. IWT7.
1 eUieft lur tha nieaial, snei I, yhvalrai
Iht institolion lliomn.h
and moral tmlmn nf bo.
rimiliflo obuol. rlnta at iirewni i
etla Ir .tllnle el lerhnolnei
'narlvania. Slanfmd and HHIiM. llnrinc voealinn viaitiira wel ma
fn-m t In I'J a m Kr ealaliwna and ntlier intinmatlon, addreaa Ilia
I'nneiiial.i. W. II ILL, ft. U., i'nrllaiid, Jno. f. U drawer 11.
M.bei. I.
1 liiirvoali iri ami on lor any coll-" or
at lireaent i Yale. Waal I'ntnl, Maaaaelin.
j, Plata llniveraiiieaiif ( alifoinia. lnia.
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
to suit tbe limes. You wsnt fresh
groceries snd supplies ; yon want tub
ttantial gents' furnishings. You oan find
what you want at T. R. Howard's. .
OT. Howard
Main Street, Heppner, Oregon.
Was Perfected by the
Production of
And now the entire world
Knows this vcrfect product
As the Star lirewerij beer
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portlsne", Or.
& a.
Is (ant, say pereno, or peranna, residing within
theetty limits, or ooonty limits, who shall b
anghl ridlog, ar walking, by tbs ttors (
j . ajf
Tbia oompaoy carries dry goods, groceries,
bardware, boots and shoes, bats, gents' far
nishinKs, eta Largo shipment of new and
second band furniture, which is being sold re
gard test of cost They bare also hardware,
wall paper, carpets, lounges, springs, maU
tresses, all those at half price. Look for the
sign at Herren's old stand on May street, neit
to Palace hotel.
Withoaltlnppina sl Ibe above meoilnned allies
will be notified hy Ibe Ciy Marabal Ibat the
osly plsss in lleppner yon can bay...,
r i mi
It sl lbs Biota of MINOR k CO. Oer esilrs
lies moat go lo make roots fur (all ttoek. ...,. ,
FltUlT JAltS
Oisare, syrope, harvest glovae, or Oatrieb (estber
dnaters; alto soois other Ihtngt, don't lur get to
sail oa
You con Wogcr Your Sox that You
nre Always ot Homo nt ....
Us Mala Htreel, Is City Hotel Building.
Tbey try lo pittas til. flat slob toons Is eoasscties.
row 'nrrvio. Prop.
Tho GAZETTE, $2,50 A Year for CASH.