Ported OFFICIAL PAPER GET IN AND RUSTLE With a New Summer Ad. The Gazette Does Job Work GET IN AND RUSTLE With a New Summer Ad. The Gazette Does Job Work FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY; OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1897. NO. 566 SEMI WEEKLY GAZKTTE. fCBLISHXD Tuesdays and Fridays BT THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANt. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At $1.50 per year, tl.25 for six months, 75 ota. cor three monens, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPER is kept on tile at E. G. Dake'e Advertising Agency, 64 and 95 Merchants Exchange, Ban Francisco, California, where cou racta for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leave Heppner 11 p. Snnday arriving at Heppner Junction 1:30 a. ni. Leaves HeoDfter Jnnoiioa 3:40 a. m. and ar. lives at Heppner 6:10 a. m l Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:45 fnfcf'naSast me.PPnOT jDnotion 8:16 D-m- Portland Express No. 8. from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 5:05 a m. and Heppn r Junction 6:10 i. tt . : 1 1 e , ,r , tt t a ... a. m. ana arives at fortiana 11:45 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9 D. m. and ar rives at Heppner J auction 8:80 a. m, and at Umatilla 4:40 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umati'la 12:40 p. m. and arrives at ieppner Junction 1:47 a, m. and at rortland 7 a. m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. B 4 N., Heppner, Ore. OFPIOIAL DIBECTORT. united States Offlclals. ' President William McKinley V ne-Presldent Garret A. Hobart oeoretaryoi mate John Sherman secretary of Treasury Lyman J, (Intra Seorntary of Interior, Cornelius N. Bliss Secretary of War ttussell v. Alger Senretary of Navy John 1). Long Postmaster-General James A. Gary Attorney-General Joseph McKenna beoretary f Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Beoretary ot State H. K. Eincaid Treasurer Phil. Hetschan Bnpt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General. M. Idleman Senators Congressmen Printer...... JG. W. IJ. H. Hinger W. MoBride Mitchell Hinger Hermann 1W.K, Ellis ....W. H. Leeds (R. S. if. A. (C. E. Kean. 'Supreme Judges.... F. A. Moore. wolvenon Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell I'meeouung Attorney 1. J. tte&n Morrow County Officials. ioiut Senator... ... A, W. Go wan Ksnrasentative... J. Brown iotinty Judge A. G. Bartholomew Com mirtsioners J.H. Howard J. W. Beckett. Clerk Sheriff Treasurer Assessor Surveyor... School Sap't Coroner ..J. W. Morrow ...E. L. Matlock ... Frank Gilliam A. C. Petteys .... J. W. Horiior ..Jay W. Shipley ....11. V. Vsnglian ncppNCR Town ovfigbbs. Mtioi Thos. Morgan C "itvilmen Geo. Conser, Frank Gilliam. Arthnr Minor, E. J. Slooum, SI. Linhtenthftl and J. It. Hlmons. H ouriier W. A. Kiolmrdnon Teasarer L. W. Hriggs Marshal A. A. Roberta Preeinet Ollleere. Jnntineof the Pesos W. K. Kinhardson ('mutable N. 8. WheUtone United States Land Officer. TBI DALLXS. OB. J. P. Moor.... Register A.S. Bigoa Receiver i. A naANDc. oa. B.F, Wilson Reglstn J. H. Robbins Reosiver SSOSXT saOCXXTXEIS. KAWUN8 POST, NO. IL Q. A. B. teU at Laxington. Or., ths last Saturday of srh month. All veterans are Invited to Kn. G W. Smith. C. . FtJUOA. Adiatant, tt Commander. Dr. P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Offloe in ths Citf Druff Btor, nr City Hotel. D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OUEOON. Offloe boars, 8 to 10 a. m., ami 12 to 2 D. m . at resilience. Mrs. H. Welch's property, and 10 to 12, ro , to 2 to 5 p, m , at oflio io the rear of Borg't jewelry store. F. ii ID I I irst National Bank OF HEPPNER C. A. Rhca, T. A. RMCA. GEO. W. CONSER. 8. W. SPENCER, President Vloe President Cashier Ass't Cashier Traasarfj I General Biding Businta EXCHANGE i On H pru of th world B ou e h t a n d b o 1 d . Collection mad oa all point on reasonable Tsrma. Surplus and undivided ProOta. t3l.000.00. Notice 0 Intention. In. Orru a st La damns. Osaoo July 1th XJOTiri ! ri,BT OITEK THAT THE 1 follnwlng named settler hu filed notlrenl his lnlentlon lo mess Snal arool In snnnnrl of his rialm, and that Mid proof will be aisd befnt tunty Clerk, sioftiiw CtHinly, ton. at Ufpur. orcon, on august zeta. ixn, visi EDWARD CHAPMAN. Hd t. No. 'Ml f..r U NU tr, nd ru Nt4 Her 14 and M f W( Km M t I a W K W . Hsnamtfce fiiiiwitiMu.ov.his mtlnuous reaidttK epoa ana cultivation of land, via: 1m 1. french. nf lltpnef, Or , rnarle R, Psusherty, 4 Vlnsnn. r., Mlm)ah hedef, of tUiipiwr. OT- and Levi L. it tail, m linntene. Or. B. F. W IImin. tt?t Keglster. Tbe Oatette does oot qneetioo tbe boeesly of any pereoe, bal it Is com' pe,W to U.-t .poa .b. .eab-i. ajy.se. pi SB Ol nurine),v, wmw.w. vww w-iw- eriber be Curolios Vasdrrbill or tbe mso who tars bis breed by boaeel toil Ws soot raa tbe paper oa aay ether jlaa. ' bT rn Wbat la Hop tiolJ? Best aeab. Off id, rteeaUra, GOIFI EclSt? IP YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET Three Important Points. FIRST Go via. St Paul be cause the Hoes to tbat poiDt will anord jou the very beet service. SECOND See that the coudod. beyond St. Paul reads via. the WiscoDBin Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is nm-class in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via. the , Wisconsin central lines . Or address Jas. C. Pond, ' i or Geo. 5. Batty, General Agent, 246 Stark St.. uen. ras. Age, jnuwauxee, wis. Portland Or. Cummings & Fall J PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, " CHICAGO, ILL.. :. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & y., v. m. a st. r., v. s A., r. Kt. w. s v., and the C. St. L 4F. Railroads. HATES B.OO PER DAY I Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., caiCA.ao.izx. 6T0CE BRANDS. While you keep your subscription paid up you eankeep your brand in free of charge. Bora. P. O.. Hennner. Or. Horsea. P R t.n left nouiaer; ostuo, same on lert nip. Cook. A. J..Lena.Or. Horses. Won rishtahonl aer. Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square orop on terx aua spin in ngnu Donslass. W. M.. Gallowav. Or. Cattle. RDim right side, awailow-fork in each ear; horse, B D on lett tup; Ely. Bros.. Douglas. Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, oattle same on lefthip. hole I u right ear. Florence. L. A.. Heppner. Or. Cattle. LF on right hip; horses. F with bar under oa right nouiaer. Jones. Harry. Henpner. Or. Horsea branded ri J oa the left shoulder: oattl branded J on I right hip. also onderbit in left ear. Hangs in I morrow oounty. Johnson. Felix. Lena. Or. Horse. irimlaT on left stifle; oattle, same on right hip, under half I orop in n w ana sunt n lert e Kenny. Mike. Heppner. Or. Horse branded KNY on lefthip cattle same and eroo off lft ear: nnoer slope on tn right Leaher. J. W. Heppner Or. Horse branded I L and A on left shoulder: oettl same on left I hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in right I IT. Minor. Osoar. Heppner Or. ttle. M D on I nght hip; bone. M on left shoulder. Morgan. S. N., Heppner, Or. Hones, M ) on leiT oouiaei oauie same on wn nip. Osborn, J. W.. Douglas. Or.: horses O on lef shoulder; oattle same on right hip. Parker & G leaaon. Hardman. Or. Hones 1 P on lertsnouiaer. Piper. J. H.. Lexington. Or. Horses. JE eon. nented on left shoulder; oattl, same on lef hip. under bit in each ear. Heritor. J . W., Heppner, Or. Hone. JO ot left shoulder. Cattle, O on right hip. 1 Hrwrnr. K. G. Heppner. Or. Cattl WOn left hip, crop off right and nnderhit in lett year, dew lap) hones W 0 on left shonlder. Thompson, J. A Heppner, Or. Hones, ( oc left shoulder: oattl. I on left shonlder. Turner H. W.. Heppner. Or. Kmall onpltal T I left shonlder, horn; oattl SUM on left hip I sntn (put id not san. Wattenburaer. W, J., Galloway, Or.t horsea I qnarter oirnle JW on right shonlder; cattle I QnertaT circle J w on right hip and right at' . I C"p and hoi in left ear. Rang in Morrow an 0ul"eowiu 10 1 NOTICE OF INTENTION. f AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, I I J June 0. lw.T. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of I blA IttlMiitlfin li niAke flnKl nrratf In antinnrt nil nis cisiTii, ana tnai aaia proot win p mane I Oregon, on Auuii la, inn, vis: JOHN JOHNSON, Hd. I. No. MOO, for the BW!, Bee. ft, To. 8 8.. He name the following witnesses to orov his continuous residence upon and cultlvauon 1 John K. Petanoii, frank A. Londell and An. drew M. Patterson, all of Gooseberry. Oregon. JA. W. M'HIKK. SM-M Register. Notice ot Intention. I and orrin at the dam.fr oreoom, I J June m. 1X07. Nolle Is hereby given that the follnwlng nsmed aeitlar has Sled notice of his Intention Ui Disk dual proof In support of his claim, and thai saWI proof will he mads or lore J. w. Hormw.cotinty riert,at lieppnor, uregon, oa August is, iwi, vii: ANDREW M. PITTKRSON, Rd. I No S4I4. for the KWk, re. 4. Tp. I .. M, J1 innowm, his eontlnuotis resldsnc ui witnesses tn pro residence upon and cultivation of, said land, vlst C harles Anderson, of Flint Mil, nregnn. John It. Peterson, Frank A. Lundell and John Johuaun, all uf Oooseoerry, iiregon. J A. F. MlMlKK. V9 Keglster. The remlar aobMrtption price of tbe Semi-Weekly (J alette It 12.50 sod tbe reiruUr prio o( the Weekly Ore ifopiao U 11.60, Anyone snbaeribinf for tb Oatette end payinf for one yearii advanoe eao set both tbe Oatette and Weekly Oregon ian for 13.60. All old sot' soiibfrs payiof their snbeeriptions fcf 0M y,r adrane will be enlitlodU ' in same Heppner to t'eodletoii via fleppeef' Eobo Htage Line. 1'eranae dtroaa t.t vieiltof l'redieioo eaa save time aod oiortey by taking this real. Br ae qoalbtlnsi Ibe aeoU the prevmas eea lag tbe etage will mas ceneeextoa with f fJ 2Jt. 3 "'clock traia at Vrb for I'eadlefea W. l. lxRt. rniprletor. Walt. TsVft&pena riM between Heppaer sad Moooat, arrfrlpf every ! day etropl Monday asd leavias; every day iipt ondsy. Hborteet and ebeap- t mat to ths ltrtor. E. J. fUxinm, agnt The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP MANCHBSTBRi ENGLAND OTIS PATTERSON. AGENT. s SEVEN A New Life of Grant by Hamlin Garland. McClure Orant ever published. (Begins in December.) Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The (Begius in May.) Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." years of the Civil War practically a member fitted than any other man living to give an portraits of 6ml Americans. Many of them revuuevuoii aim correspondence. XI XfViZS'ZS K'iiS'J:? "F"" jana&nD ur i n r. nniiin inim nurfmiiiruiii MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington Pictures of Palestine. ' Specially taken under the editor's direction. Stories of Adventure. A serial by COHAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary taieui tor mystery ana ingenuity which have, a place beside Poe and Gaboriau. TEN FAMOUS IAN MACLAREN, All the fiction that he will of two contributions to another publication'which were engaged from him long ago, will appear in McClurb'b Maoazinb. n JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series bf new Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thimblefluger" RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McCmjbb's an oi me snon stones ne win write Quring OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Magazine a series of short stories in which the same characters will appear, At, aim lough each will Anthony Hope) Bret Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell will all have stories in McClubb's for the eomlng year. These are only a small fraction of the great and 1897, the subscription priee of which Is only One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November, The S. S. McClure Co., New York. A Campaign Of Education HOW 10 Get it (TIT A A -For DHPflBHLLELED OFFER mmate skill. Such a paper is a great popular educator. It should be In every home. The subscription price of Leslie's Is 14 pe nntim. Ws make the unparalleled offer of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $5.00. No such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be mad again. These two papera make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday gilt, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness. Remit by postal order or check to the Heppnor, Oregon. :ecc3rx3 The VlttlALl MONTHLY Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York Tbe Ootlook will be la 1897, as II bas been during eaob of Its twenty seven years, a History of Oor Own Time. Io its various editorial departments Tbe Outlook give a oompaot review of tbe world's progress; it follows with ears all tbe Important pbilsntbropfo sod la dastrial movements of tbe day; baa i complete department of religions news; devotes tnoeb spare to tbe Ititefeets nf tbe borne; reviews current literature; foreUbe rbeerfal table-talk sboat mii sod things: and, la short, aim to give fresb Information, crigiosl observation, and reaennabl entertainment, Beginning with lb fifty fliftb volom. tbe paper will a a me tbe regular mage tine site, wbicb will add greatly to its eoovroienoe aod atlrartiveoe. Tbe Outlockls pablUhed every Hslnrdsy fifty to iasue a year. Tbe first Uue la f acb moalb it so Illustrated If tgasia Nsmber, aootaioiog about t vice a mtay pages aa tbe ordinary iaenee, together whb a large aamber of picture. Tbe prist of Tbe On Hook la Ibree dollars a year la advene, or lee tbs a cetitadsy. Head for a epeaimea enpy and UlnstraU 0 pmepeotae to Tbe Ootloolr, )9 Astor i Place, Ntw Toik Citv. t Be,tm World Magazine For 1897 GREAT SERIALS The first authoritative and adequate Life of only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better authoritative histoiy of this period from his unpubll.hed. In connection with this series ui"P'"" "" """or general hub oi ui l.mf to Lincoln. in the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him WRITERS write durinor the nomine- vear. with the nxeenMnn animal stories in the lame field as the "Brer stories. tne coming year. be complete in itself. Hart Robert Barr Important features of McCltibe'i Maoazimb for Subscriptions should start with this number. 4) J.UU To be educated one must read the best literature. The best literature is expensive. Leslie's Illustrated Meekly Pub'lsned at 110 rlfth Avenue, New York, is full of the best things. Its illustrations ar superb; Its torle charming; and Its literary departments are edited with con- Now is the time to get tbe Weekly Oregoniao. Ibe greatest newspaper of the Weal. With tbe Ohm tie, both striet ly in sdvsncb. oos year, $.1.60. No better oornbioatinp of beaspapers eao be made la ths slaU. HAVE YOt'H URA1N. Few iralite tbat each eqolrrel det troys tl CO wortb of grain annoally Wskelee's Squirrel snd Oopber Elter mlnatoi is Ibe mnet effective aod eco nomic; poison known. Price redaoed to 80 cents. Cosier A Brock sod Minor A Oa, ageoU, Heppner; J. A. Woolery, asent, I ne, Nichols A Leaob, ageots Lrnngtin. SHERIFF'S 8 ALE. XTOTirr in HFKr.HY oivrw that ifuniR lv and by virtue of an nwntlnn latuwt out of ths l lreiill l onrt nf tin aut nf llriui for Hie l irinily ol Morrow end lo uie dlrerted Slid delivered, upon jndtmeiil rendered sml en tered In ad court on the loth flay of May, eu7, In favor of I. Feldman and W. H. H. Cole, laliillna 4 ewaloat W I. Mill,. A1A. the anm of On Hundred, 1 aetity Two and WVIm Imilars In I'. H. ..ld niln with Interest thereon In like rM rln st the rate of Kishl lr eent per annum Iron, the rh day of April la7. and the further sum of Halite Ikifian poaisand rttslMiraemeii'S In whl h lut(inenl II as ardeeae lv the court that the i.ri.ue lt sttarked la aaid action a"d herelnalier de wrllied. to wll anmh half of the H.uth kaet QiurtM of Krlt.n I and Ibe North f ij'iaf ter of Herllon Si slid Ihe Mmth Half of the On th-Weel Onartef ol Hrrdoi W an-l ll.a V)el Hall of the evmlh Y.mn Oilrb-r nf Herllo n. and lhaah Half of the e.,.uh it gustier of eeeilim ui, all l W.wmlilp nna II, snlh ranre tl east Vtlllametle mer'dtaa. Morrow enonly, Otmjihi, let ! In aeil.ly said li1( ment, eiaia and aerrninf e'a. I will, on Halnrday 1st Slat day nf Joly, at 1 orlmk p m. of said day si ths Iron! dmer tn lh ennrt bones In HeiiiMr. Morrow rnumv. "t.itl. aell all Ihe rlM. line and Inureal ol the said W, j, aalln In snd tn ths slnv dMc rltMHt bmnerty si 'ililk aurtlon tn v tns nuneu and mi i.ii'ie. nr h la hand Ihe a or iia tn te arii lied In ths Sailalatloa nl s ld eisoutloa ad ail aoeu and -' I al atay accrue. V. U MSTUM K. h1!Vo MorrtMt comity, (itr,,n Palad ion ft. imn. m NOTICE. A tb nrrrNiR rrr WARRAV1 t0 1 lateced oa of Wf.,1 A ! Tn A. leuV III he I4 e raeniailai el Ihe elty Ic nt.t I ,mtrm fcrea m Iheae warrant will reaaa from date uf this IMrtWe. 1. W UK l. . Hefner Cur Trrurer. OatsO.ely THE ARMY KATI0N. Experiments to Produce a Con centrated Food. Nothing- Found to Take the Place of the Old-Fashloned Batlon of Bacon nd Hardtack In Sulta able Bulk. The recent experiments of the United Statea government to test the value of a concentrated army ration have quite naturally proved a failure They were instituted by the secretary of war with a view to reducing; the bulk and weight of food without impairing its nutritive functions. This appeared to be necessi tated by the fact that the American army is more in need, of possible Im provements in this line, in view of the heavy, tedious and long transportation of supplies across the plains and through districts that are incapable of affording the proper amount and qual ity of food in times of emergencies. The German army, for example, when moving in umall bodies always pur chases supplies on the inarch as want ed. The same is true of the French, Russian, Austrian and other European armies, but. at the same time the sol diers usually have in thoir knapsacks what is called an "emergency" ration, generally sausage or preserved meat of some kind The soldiers of the Jap anese army in the late war with China carried an emergency ration of rice in a little tin case strapped to the top of their knapsacks. The reports made by the different military departments to which the questions were referred are interesting as bearing upon the Value of food prod ucts generally and on tl. physiologi cal questions Involved in the digestive and nutritive processes more particu larly. Theoretically speaking, it would appear that the problem had been solved regarding the amount of food necessary to sustain life and the varieties of sustenance that gave in minimum compass the greatest amount of nourishment. All the observers agree, however, that the old-fashioned ration of bacon and hard-tack in suitable bulk is the most practical that has ever been sug gested. The quantity of food neces sary to keep a soldier in good condi tion is fixed at 22 ounces. The latter amount is increased for obvious rea- i sons to 20 ounces. When the theories were put to a prac tical test the result was as might have been anticipated. Various concen trated food tablets were employed in Colorado, but more than half the men who were victims to the experiment became candidates for hospital treat ment. The following extract from the report speaks very significantly on some very essential and striking facts: "A company of the Sevcuth Infantry, at Fort Logun, near Denver, was de tailed and furnished with condensed rations, cousisting of coffee, soup, bread and bacon. The coffee and soup were in small tablet,, which, when placed In boilin? water, were ready for consumption In two minutes. The bread was In small, flat rakes, the weight and hardness of a brick, but when moiatened swelled out like a sponge. The bacon waa'onipreaaed and only needed to be warmed In a fry-ing-pun. The soldiers started out with ten days' rations, but tbe campaign wav brought to an abrupt end after four days of 15-mile mnrcbea. The food nor, only did not satisfy the hunger or give strength, but seemed to Irrlttite the stointu'h. After the. first meal, two of tbe i nlinted men had to be placi d under tbe Burgeon' care. At the end of the second day 30 of the 70 men in the company were ill, and on the fourth day the whole command wtrt Into camp, and couriers were sent to town for hard-tack ami ordinary coffee and bacon. Koine of the soldiers were si li- outdy ill with a stomach complaint, and were confined to the hpltal for sev. rr8l days." All this goes to show that not only very much is to be learned regardifg laboratory feetling, but that we are alho far from the proier appreciation of nature's complex requirement" In fo.xl taking. Thus far the human lslxna tory, with Ita multiple, Interdependent, and complementary mctliixla, bad a monopoly of Has own In fixing the proier alnmlarda for digestion, aaaim ilution ami aulmequent growth. There la a natural lnw pervading tbe whole that mutt not lie violated by too radii-nl attempt at modification or iuiprote menu The atotnoeh must earn ita living In IU own way, as by aneli purely pbyrio- logical effort In bringing each and all of U ineruaniral, Vital and rhemletl funi'tiona Into play, It ran best ma'o- tain Ita lienltb, aetivity and UM-fulnea. No prrp.ired or concent rated food rr.n relieve It of any or all of Ita netivlt.ra In that gradual eonvrialoo of a legiti mate quantity and quality of food that const it utre a natural and perfect dl gvation. In such an aapeet a moderately full stomach la winiethlng mure than a feel Ing. I la work most, m dietrll.titue rather than reairlcllve. It must be healthfully distended with fixid bull y etiotign ia occupy re plwea; ctli r wise, Ita inoet Important function I bumpered, while for Nek ff merhanl ral stimulus the Intsllnr become stagnated lolo almost bnJple Inaetlt Ity. Hence It la eaty to see bow (lie e. perinienl failed and the victim ld the anaJly of outraged ph y.looK,rsl lews. Ho far, at least, th re l but sum- eieot reason, ! ran a tnan lrnmea a soldier that his aUimach should t pur seie' around a desiccated soupU.le let or that It should wrestle alone In mine dark t-jroer of an accom mod sl ing fold with eoma argfy and glared aiOUOilhi-lrl. MfdlraJ Jteeord. The flood of the Tiber In winter carry everything before ihem. Th tnoat t'lUUtfialal harre and dure Uve Wo tarried awar 1 I La pjtrv forft et tbe wstrr, REASONS WHY Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrho a Remedy is the Best. 1. Because it affords almost instant relief io oase of pain in tbe stomach, Colic aod cholera morbus. 2. Beoause it is the only remedy tbat never fails in the ' most severe cases of dysentery arid diarrhoea. . 3. , Beoause it is the only remedy that will core cbronio diarrhoea. . , i. Becauee it is tbe only remedy tbat will prevent bilious oolio. 5. Because it is the only remedy that will cure epidemical dyseutery. . 6. Beoause it is tbe ooly remedy tbat can always' be depended upon in oases of oholera infantum. . 7. Because it !b tbe most prompt and most reliable medicine in use for bowel oomplaluts. , 8. Because it prodnofs no bad results. , , . 9. Beoause it ia pleasant and safe to take." 10. Because it has saved tbe lives of more people than any other medioioe in the world. Tbe 25 and 60c sizes for sale by Con ger & Brook. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. Next Sunday, August 1st, will oloBft present oonferenoe year at the M. E. oburch, South; also the pastorate of O B. Howard for the seoond year at Hepp ner. Did You Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, gel a bottle now and get relief. Tbis medioioe has been found to be particularly Bdanted to the reer ana cure of all Female Complaint exerting a wonderful direct influence in diving strengtb and tone to the organs. If you have Loss of Appetite, Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Mleepless, Exoitnble, Melan choly, or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Eleotrio Bitters is tbe medioioe vou oeed. Health and Strength are guaran teed by its use. Fifty cents and $1.00 at Conner A Brook's drug store. Lee Cantwell and J. T. Mitobell have returned from tbe mines on Vinson oreek Both are sanguine over tbe prospects io tbat locality. J. T. Cant well, father of Lee, has a claim wbiob he It opening np aod from which good retornt are expeoled. Don t neglect a couh because tbe weatber is pleiissot; before tbe next ttorm rollt around it may develop into a serious difficulty beyond repair. One Minote Cough Cure is easy to taks and will do what its oame Implies. For sale by Conser A Brock. e Ltaie word from I ortland states that William Hughea it getting along nioely since hit operation. W. B, Johnson, Newark, 0., says "One Minute Cough Curs tared my onlyohild from dying by croup." It bas saved thousands of othert tuffering from orou p pneumonia, bronchitis and olber serious throat and long troubles. For sale by Cooser A Brook. Prof. Tom Morgan wat io from Eight Mile yesterday and left bit dimensions for the "only" Heppner flstoo before de parting. Charley Jouet bas redoced tbe price of theving to 10 cents. Wben yon want a first class shave oall at the tsme old stand. tr. Andrew Hood wat down from Hard mao oo last Tuesday. Harvest la in full blast In bis neighborhood. Don't thin your blood with taaaafraa or poiano it with blue-mast; hot aid Nt ore by osit.g Dew it ft Little Early Iliaer, tbe famous little pills for eon ttipation, hillousofst aod stomach Iron bles. Tbey are pnrely vegetable. For ssls by Conser A Brook. Epb Jaoobs, representing Koho A Go was io Heppner on Tuesday last. Tetter, Hall-llheum and Iktema, The Intone Itchlna- and smarting Inci dent Ut theaei lUwaM-a. is Instant ly al lay ed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Kkin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally rfflt lent fur itching tiile and favorite remedy for sore nltitilee. chapped band, chilblain, frost bites and c lironlo aore eyes. M eta. per box lr. t ears londllloa I'awdcra. are just wnai a norae iieeia when In Insi condition. Ti'td blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the Ixwt in ue to put a bora) in prime oimdllioo. Price M cents per package. Mllllam Hagliee, who was taken to Portland to bve so operallol per forme. for apn.linill, I reKiri) to be in a erHiral Condition, but II is hoped be will tnrvive Ihe surgeoa's blade ar return to Heppner eouod and wall. CATARRH. ita i' i,.x LOCAL DISEASE eat Is tlwfraf easts sad 44!iMJ i v'"'a. - ll fan la iwrad If ( el eet Is si.iiad rarny tela ike aii,a Ha. ssftaVk iutudM gives Ely's Orearn Balm Is srkanwtMteMl In ha I ha ml lanmaeSj aes fny hiu aiar.lt, 4 la IIm4 d liar Im .1 a. I feiiia. l at.4 m i.a. tfea a aalr a r-a, aiiars km sr-d U.S. mum, kea tfca eiM, pfm tee the aeM Urm en..ta imwm tl.. rfiv.,Mi-..l fnr S"a at ivteue t.f a ..4. Ill JUt'laH., M trvia4fSf , ink POWDER Absolutely Pure Our good friend, J. W. Ivey, lef I on the N. P, last week for bis post of duty in AlsBka. The government, urged bis early departure on acoount of the pres ent rush to that territory. We hope Mr. Ivey may drop upon one ot tbe great fortunes of tbat riob oountry, says the Portland Tribune, ' and to this ths Uazette says, "amen." , Tired, Nervons, Sleepless , Men sod women bow gratefully they write about Hoods't Barsaparilla. Once helpless and disoonrased, having lost all faith in medicines, now in good health and "able to do my own work," because Hood's Sarsaparilla bas, power to en- riob and purify the blood and make the weak strong this is experience of a host of people. Hood's Pills are the best family ca thartic and liver medicine. Gentle, reliable, sure. An Atlanta man named John Smith is . oalling upon all the Smiths io ths world contribute towards a magnificent house, to oover ten soret, in oommemore tioo of tbe name. Eyen then it will toaroely scooramodale the family. "Tbey are dandies" said Thos. Bow ers, of tbe Orooket, Texas, Enterprise, while writing about DeWi tl's Little Early Risers, tbe famous little pillt for sick headache aod disorders ot tbe stom ach snd liver. For sale by Conier A Brook. Wedoetday last Heppner shipped eight ' oars of baled wool, destination Boston, and three oars of sheep to Port land, Intended tor tbe Cloodyke. 'Last tommer one of oor grand- ohildren wat sick with a severe bowel trouble," eayi Mrt. E. G. Oregory, ot Frederiokstowo, Mo. "Our doctor's remedy bsd failed, tbeo we tried Clisra berlain's Oolio, Cholera tnd Diarrhoea Remedy, wbiob gave Very speedy relief." For sale by Conser A Brock. Mrs. C. E. RedBold made a score of 52 at tbs bowling alley yesterday, wbicb gives ber ths undisputed right to claim Ilia ohampioothip of ltdy bowlers ot Heppner. Ot Wells' toore ot 54 bas oot been equalled in tbe Heppner alley so tsr. Oeo. Armstrong, wbo Is nowrnnniog tbe popular saloon on tbe Matlock cor ner, baa put in lbs Hop OoM drsugbt beer. Milwaukee and Hop Gold bottle beer, fins liquors aud oigars always on baud. John Durham, assistant mixolo gist. Call on tbs boys aod get your beer by glass or quart. 63-tf Chas, E. Fuller, son of Mrs. Foor, ot Weiser, Idaho, a former Heppner boy, Is bare visiting friends. The rreace ill wave on Cretan shore, The cm of Christ to down: Ths Turks sr helped by Chrtstlsn powers Who Uiniliard fort snd town. Columbia's rati hears nor heeds I'oor Cuba's piercing cry; Than let us drown three shameful dcds la ftperry't "l.lnwood Rye." For tale at tbe Belvedere ealooo, E. U. Hperry, proprietor. If Mat Hogbea was down from his Wi' low oreek ranch several dys this week. Lone flock siege leaves Heppner at 7 o'clock, a. ni Toeedays, Thnrsdayt, and Hatnrdays; arrives al 6 o'lock, p. a., Mondays, Wednesday and Frida), Will make connection with branch train when desired. Fsrs 12, each way. Freight cent per pound. J. U. Belletibrnck, Prop, Office at Harry Warrea'e drng store. tf. Is New Tsrig Uw Wbicb baa jiisl been signed by Ibe president, msy be sppronriatety eon eilered an Ioduilrial Declaration ot Independence. An offinial teit of tbe law baa J tat bee a published by Ibe American Protective Tariff Leetae, aod ebotild be carefully eiamiaed by every eiluen. 1'rot.otlonlsl ought lo bare a few copies of this law for distribution. Five Copies will be seat In sny aJd'eeg for ten eent. Ask for tloosmenl No. 90 and addree W. f. Wasemeo, flen'l Heo'y, 1.15 Weet :1 1 Ntreet, New York. Yon may buet tbe world over and you 111 but find another medieiae e-l to 1 Cbmbelia'e Colic, Cbolera aad Pier- fboea Itemeily lof bowel eiimplainl. II ttple. i pleassal, safe aad rliall. For sale nsef A Brock. la-bt Meting sad II. E. Warrea wtre Ifotu Eight Mile test Jay, D. A. 0 if ray, formerly of Peadletoa, t npened np 13 seal lrl shop la the oi l Stand nrt the Ms'l'rf-k corf, Wo'k ttrkttf S't cttte. f;l pn him. If