Liioil lio ilMo TO TUB GIVES TUB CHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. VIA OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA EADBHG PAPER! SUFIC COAST THE CHRONICLB rank with ate (reateal aewspapers In the United States. THIS CHRONICLE haa no equal n thPac!fte Coast. II leadi all In ability, enterprise and news, THE CHKONICLK'B Telegraphlo Report are the latest and most reliable, It Local New tb tallest and spiciest, and It Editorial from tb ablest pens In the country. THKOHHONIOLB has always been, and always will be, the friend and champion of tbe people a against combinations, clique, corporations, or oppressions of any kind. It will b Independent In everything neutral la nothing, Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha AND AMD Chicago Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leaue Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For fall details call on 0. R. & Agent at Heppner, or address N. W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Oregon A. L. MOHLER. Vice-President. qu-xoxs: timu i TO $?Jcin Franoisoo And all point In California, via the Mt. Bhasta route or the Southern Pacific Co The (rent highway through California to all point Kant and South. Grand ttoenlo Route of the Paoiflo Coast. Pullman Buffet Hleeuer. Beoond-ela Sleeper Attached to eipreas trains, affording snperior aooommndations for aeoond-olaa passengers. Fur rates, ticket, sleeping oar reservations, to., call noon or addraee R, ICOKHLKR, Manager, C. II. MARKUAM, Oen. F. A P. Agt., Portland, Oregon DUE YOU GOIHG ERST? If bo, be sure and see that your ticket rendu via He Honnvjestern Line ....THE.... CUIOAnO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY TIIIH 18 TUB Great Short Uqc BETWEEN DULDTII, Hr. TAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND BOUllI. Tlu-lr MagnlnVeiit Trai'k, Pi-t-rli-a Vcstlhuled Dining and Weeping Car Trains, and Motto: The Chronicle Building. HE DAILY By Hall, Postage raid, $6.70aYear. " biwi dUHN MORIARTY. aid to Be the Tallest and Strongest Ma In Eastern Maine. John Moriarty, known all over east ern Maine ea "Barney Kelley's Giant," died in Oldtown hospital recently of typhoid fever, says the Lewiston Even ing Journal. lie na Deen ior nesnjr two years employed as construction hand on the Bangor & Aroostook rail road, and later on the new Afihiana branch) where he became sick. Moriarty stood 6 feet 9 mchea m his stocking; feet, and generally .veighed 240 pounds. Had he been fat his weight would have been enormous. But he was very lean. "Why," said Uarhey Kelley, "you could feed the giant on porterhouse steak and eggs and he wouldn't gain a pound; but he was an awful tough man!" His arm were very long and he had hands as powerful as the paws of a gorilla. All over his body the muscles stood out in lumps and cords, and his strength was immense. He could do as much work as two ordinary men, and on that account his services were al ways in demand at more than common wages. He was especially serviceable as a derrick man he could turn the heavy crank all day without tiring. An ax was like a toy in his hands, a cant-dog like a walking-stick. He could up end and shoulder a small log or piece of timber that two ordinary men could barely lift, amd in every department of hearty manual labor he was a very Hercules. Many stories are told of the giant's mighty strength. Once, when two saucy woodsmen "guyed" him about his towering height, he seized them by the shoulders, one in each hand, and knocked their heads together till their teeth rattled and they were two good sized men. At another time some toughs came into a barroom where he was and pro ceeded to "clear the place ou t." Mori arty took them, two at a time, and pitched them half way across the street as though they were so many ninepins. LOCAL BQC1BS. Give us rest on Clondyke. Heppner is crszy oyer tbe Clondyke mines. Mrs. D. E. Gil man baa returned from her visit below. Thar is Nothing so Good. There is nothing just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds, so demand it and do not permit tbe dealer to sell yon some sabstitnte. He will not claim there is anything better, but in order to make more profit be may claim something else to be just as good. Ton want Dr. King's New Disoovery becao.Be yon know it to be safe and reliable, and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For Coughs, Colds, Consumption and for all affeotions of Throat, Chest and Langs, there is nothing so good as is Dr. King's New Disoovery. Trial bottle tree at Oonser & Brook's. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. Canyon City News : In hopes of find ing a profitable market, the Smith Bros., of this valley, will ship two carloads of their Grant county borses to Eoglaod sometime during tbe summer. Terrible Aooideut. It is a terrible bo- oident to be burned or scalded; bat tbe psio and sgony and tbe frightful dis figurements can be quickly overoome without leaving 8 scar by using DeWitt'e Witob Hazel Salve. For sale by Conser & BrocK THE TRUE STORY OF ELIZA. Which rormed ths Basis of One of tho In cident of "Uncle Tom's Cabin." The incidents which formed the basis for the story of the escape of Eliza, the slave mother, with her child, across the Ohio river on the ice, which is fa miliar to readers of Mrs. Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin," were told by Rev. S. G. W. Rankin in Hartford re cently. The incidents came within tbe personal knowledge of Mr. Rankin, and he said that he gave them to Airs. Stowe and that she used a younger woman, who escaped at nearly the same time, to complete the picture and make it more attractive and dra matic. As Mr. Rankin tells the story, his fa ther's family, living on the bluffs on the river, were well known as in the business of helping runaway slaves, and slaves knew them as friends. It was one Christmas week that Eliza, a stalwart negro woman, came to the Rankin house in the night, having brought her husband across the river in a boat. He was covered with ice from the river, the night having been intensely cold, and the man, who was not as bright as Mrs. Stowe's George Harris by any means, had fallen into the water in getting out ol the boat. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE. LUNG TKOUBLKS AND CONSDMPTION CAN BE CI RED. As Eminent New York Chemist and scientist Bakes a Free Offer to Oor Headers. Tbe distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo com, of New York City, demonstrating bis discovery of a reliable cure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronohial, long and obeet troubles, stubborn oonghs, catarrhal affeotions, general deoiina and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of bis New Dis coveries to any effected reader ot this paper writing for them. His "New Scibotifio Treatment" bes oared thousands permanently by its timely use, sod be considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate trial of bis infallible cure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, bas produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion tbat lung troubles and con- WANTED-AN IDEAr. thing to patent T Protect yonr ideas ; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDKR BUilNA CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. 0.t for their $1,8U0 prize otter. Hiok Mathews and V. Gentry, under the firm name ct Mathews & Gentry, re associated together in the barber business in the new stand, two doors south of the postoffioe. Tbey solioit a call. Shaving, 15 oents. tf. A good bicycle, suitable for either lady or gentleman, in fine repair, new pneu matic tires, for sale obeap at Gilliam & Bisbee's. " tf Geo. Conser, ot tbe First National Bank, is taking in tbe mines ap on the British border, this week. He is accom panied on the trip by Hon. Henry Blaok-man. HARD Oregon TUSSLE WITH BRUIN. ALWAYS ON TIMK has given Ihl road a national reputation. All ilana.'l ot iiasemiger carried nil Ilia vestlbuled trains without etUa charge, hlilp your (reluht and travel over tills (mucins line. All annuls hav Ursula. W. II MKAI), f. C. HAVAOIC. (lull. A vent. Trav. V A P. Agt. fld Msahlngtnn HI., Portland, Or, The Weekly Chronicle Tha Greatest Weekly h tht Comtrj, $1.50 a Yes (Including postage) to any pan ot i United Hiatus, Canada and Muxtco. TITK WKKKLY CIIKONIOI.K, tli brightest and most complete Weekly Newspaper In ths world, prints regularly 84 columns, or twelve pages, of News, l.ltorstiire anl (letieral Informa tion; also a magnificent Agricultural Department. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FRiE. DO YOU WANT THE CHRONICLE Reversible Map? CHICAGO Milwaukee & SI. Paul B'y This Railway Co. Operates its trains on tlx famous block system; Light its trains by eleotriolty through out; Uses ths oelebrated eleolrio berth read ing lump; Kan speedily equipped paaaenger trains every day and aitrht between HI. Paul and Cbloagn, aud Omaha sod Chioagit; ths Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul & Also operates steam-heated veetihnled trains, carrying the lateat private compartment cars, library biiffet smnk Ing rara, and pal art drswing room sleepers. Parlor ears, free) reclining chair cars, M tha very best iliiilug chair car service. For loaeet rates to any point in ths I'nlieil Wales or Causd. apply to atfotit or sllree 0. 3. F.HDY, J W.CAKKT. General Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or. 0 iPiniiMOl. IliRI A mm OOPVIMOMTa A a. , ,,,n. It, el.hw. a MM.. e ,. aM, I 4 M,' fsi m.s ! a W 1,4, ..m.. - !.,,., Mm. A (U MM BIIOWINO Tho United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Mexioo ON ONI0 HIDlfl, Q And tha j Map of the World ON T1IH OTIIKH BIDS. He nd $2 and Get the Map and Weekly t tironlcle fir One Tear, postage prepaid on Map and Payer, ADimiMBj M. It. rt YOITNO, ProarteMr a f. Oiraitlels, SAJI fkANVlaaM CAU Banter Attack a Bear with an Ordinary Jackknlfe. . J. C. Hearing, who was hunting and trapping in the Blue mountains, a few miles west of Ulgin, met with a little ad venture with n bear recently that might have proved lather serious to him had il not been for the intervention of one of !iis dogs, says the Portland Oregonian. !Ie was engaged in setting traps, and as he had corndderable weight to carry he had no weapon with him except a jack knife, and on hie rounds his dogs dis covered the winter quarters of a bear in a big hollow tree. The bear was at lome, and was pretty much alive, as sub--ierjuent events proved. As bear peltsare' luite valuable, Jake was quite anxioui to secure this one, but was afraid that if he went to enmp, a mile and a half dis tant, bruin would iweape, so he lashed his pocketknife to the end of a stick and attempted to cut the animal's throat. He only succeeded in inflicting some pain ful flesh wounds, which so enraged the brute that it suddenly came out of its hole, and was almost on him when one of his dogs mnde a sudden onslaught on the animal's rear, which diverted his attention long enough to enable Jake to dodgft lx-hind a tree, nnd the dogi soon made it bo tropical for the bear that it was glad to take refuge in a tree, where they kept it until a gun was procured from camp, when ths animal was quickly dispatched. PICKED UP IN THE STREET. Some for ten, some for twenty and some for thirty years have Btiffered from piles and then have been quickly and permanently oared by using DeWitt's Witob Hazel Salve, tbe great remedy for piles and all forms of skin diseases. For sale by Conser & Brock. Fliia was vprv relioious and verv de termined, and had planned to send her europtioii are ourable in any climate is husband ahead to Canada, intending to proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis Amerioan and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from tbose oared in all parts of the world Tbe dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and certain death Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. 0, 98 Pine street, New York, giving poet office and express address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell the Doctor that you saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr. join him with his children afterward, The husband was sent along and Eliza crossed the river to Kentucky that same night, returning to her mother. She fixed a date, two months ahead, when she would again come to the Rankin house. True to the arrangement, she crossed the river one night in Febru ary, when the river was in a treacher ous condition, carrying her young child in a shawl strapped to her back, The ice was in broken floes, and Bhe carried a board with a rope attached to it by which she passed from one cake to another. She got across and was sent to Canada to join her husband She still had five children in slavery and said to the Rankins that she was going back to Kentucky after them the following June. On the June day in question she appeared in Mr. Rankin's ' garden, .Dr. John W. Rasmus, of the Redheht, bas keg beer on draught the Hop Gold. Best of liquors and oigurs in stook." tf Tbe Gazette wili take potatoes, apples. eggs or batter on subscription aocounts. Any one owing this office can settle their accounts in tfas manner and oan't do it too soon to suit us. Notice of Intention. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. June 22nd, 1897. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on August 7th, 1897, viz: MARTHA C. HOSK1N8, Hd. E. No. 39V9, for the Stf N W and NH 8W4 Sec. 1, Tp 6 8 R 26 E W M. Be names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Benjamin H. Parker, J. F. Ward, Nelson Unmpton and Samuel Ensley, all of Hardman, Oregon. JAS. B. MOORE, 656-67 Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE. Canyon City News: Tbe question oil extension ot tbe telepboos line from this city to Barns is beiog agitated and it is thought that either tbe Heppner company or looal capitalists will build tbe line within the next few months. THE NATIONAL BANK OF HEPPNER, located at Hennner. in the state of Ore gon, is closing up Its affair-. All note holders and others, creditors of said association, are thTffnrA herphv notified tn nrnsent the notes and she was disguised as a man and and other claims against the association for oont Dfrnaa Vio rivgr wViotb kVia mnilp paym nt. 1.11. tt. aionur. How's This! We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case ot Catarrh tbat cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We tbe undersigned, bave known F. J. Cbeney for tbe last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions aud financially able to oarry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Waldiug, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, sotingdireotly upon the blood aud Oiuooub surf noes of tbe system. Prios 75c. per bottle. Sold by ah Druggists. Testimonials free. to Be n . illlC RT S THROUGH CARS. TO Hr. PAUL MINNKAP0L18 DUl.UTil KAROO UPriK UlKLKNA Tickets Issued to nil points In ths United Htat-s and Can ads QUICK TIME TO. Chicago 1 All other I Omaha Washiniitor points IKakranCity lAt.TlMoMn V In III i HT. JoftsrH Nl YoHK Fast Slid Mt. Lul'IB IlTrfAU) J Southeast i IlosTo Union IVpot connections st Hi. Paul, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Omaha, Ht. Ism! and ether promi nent points Batruage checked Ihroagh to destination ol Hi lets. Through lii kels In Japan and China, via Tarioma ami Northern 1 ariOd Hiestn sbip Company's line. Illaiksnillh Finds Ills Tool MtigK"t of Pure Hold. Curious tilings Hoinetiinen lmppen In the gold beuring regioim of the north went. The Itluekfoot ( liluho) News tells of a somewhat reituirkuble cxxrience which occurred to a bluckKUiith at that town latclv. The Hinit h, whose name Is Farmer, hud In his shop a grindstone which he wished to "tjipcr off." For this purttow n, Hmall hI one wbh requisite. Ho he went out of doors and mnde wnreh for a atone of the right sie a nd shape. lie found one somewhat smuller than it lien's egg, and returning to hi shop began lo smooth down the edge of the grindstone with it, lie hud not ViiiiHttlied" long liefore he thought that the titoiie worked rut her queeriy, and w hk, in fuel, too aoft to grind tin' stone. He took It to Ii'ik anvil and broke It hi half, and then he found that be had. pieked up a ntiggvt of pure gold, I'nfortiiiiatelv, It won a rather email nugget, lie wilil it for $J.2 cent, anil though thia was a very good price for a H-lible picked tip In the street. It wan not wealth. B. M. Herman, of tbe Black Butte mine, one ol tbe largest properties in Grant county, says the mill pat in by Sso Fraooisoo parties bas prove! a fail nre, end the mines canunt be operated any mors this season. Tbe machinery whs pnt in last year at great expense being bauled over tbe mountains from Heppner, 100 miles. "Tbey are dandies" said Tbos. Bow ers, ot tbe Crooket, Texas, Enterprise, bile writing about DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for sick headache and disorders ot tbe slom- scb snd liver. For sale by Conser 4 Brock. Canyon City News: Ths tariff ot tbs Blus Mountain Telephone Co. betwseo Canyon City and Heppner has been fixed at tbs modest sum ot ninety oents for a message. No one cao object to this amount, tor it is considered very reasonable. For full Information, time cards, maps, I tickets, etc., call on or write W. C. A t.t awat, A. I. CnistroN, Agt N P. Hy. AaaMlen Paa. Al. Thsliallee.Or. Portland, Or "Tic fa Itlor Line t- ( t I'sle., SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, i v.," ? i Haa h atr tbM ft - ft P'' f I AttSM sM rrwHttlt n ! U A sMS rnx A4tftffM MUNN 4 CO., . t ..4 ,. . . ..,. (It PATH NTS TBIATIO BY MAIL e-fc , t 4 r . h , j4S I U CV hi U a. tv.... , tft a?.l I l'k.r, w If VI i t PIK Mitt I Um Nuiritk ... STEAUsna 'Dilltt Cltf 4V0 'HtCULiTOn lsveTti lmiee dally (rierpt Huni) I H t-'i a lu. Ia PtittlanJ si 7h a ru. M hen tn go in I'oiilaaJ, i p otf at Ti.e Pallt an, trip ito tl.e OolnmUa; yoo will ejy It, so J save Bey. W. a AII.AWAT. Oeaeral Afssi Wanted-Jn Idea SS r"ii n j -t a t J'"'" 4't'i tv ft)fv h t Mt 4", rt tt. -O Walt tang for n Hrlnst. On IJtiirt l hill In llridgrton, N. J., there stnmU a houac Wtwcrn whoee walla la hidden a quart tnittle of the tin rent applejack. The liottlc bn a rested there for :iu years, and has, neeortling to the old story t.rtd, rietrn yeam more to etnv. When tlie liouae was Imilt, 3U vrnrs ago, a quart bottle w n filled w 1th "juek" and tightly willed and phietrrcd in the wnlt by a man who had the botiiw' bullU The Uttle is not to W taken from iu dark reeeas until the eon of the iniiti who iilncetl It there for him Im come M venra of dire. I he "lwv I now :v) jrnra of sgr, and in alt thee years ha kept true to the promine made In the data of Ma youth to hi fnllirr not to touch the bottle of applejack until he reachea the hnJf--rftury mark ill life a journey. ImIs Kanolem'a rretlells. iorrriniiiilcut of the New Yrk Hun chIU alt n'inii to the fuel that In hia 'K'-clln lniii i.f a M Itiiet.-r to Pranee" Mr. W axlilMirn aaya "I wan MMiiewhal aurprieeil tn tirnr hi m Na- mhiii 111 ) remark I hut It tlMXictit qmin could li4 hold Culm, and that the rcBiilt would 1 that, ah would wm rittce ail her noldtrrs aud aprnd all her rmmry and them ! the tnlai.d la the rod." A llenrtlree 1 1 pvriment. The Inert tell this atory to ahiw the trials of a country doctor In Pranr. A young phtairian arttlrd In a com. Hume, who piirer he attended for tru dollar jer annum. One night. ann after hia arrival at thia r.ldorado, lie ree-led sn urgent auu.niona Ut a pal ii til wht Im-tl at a (Itataiic of ala klloiiic Iris fr.nii the lllaite. Ou rrax'h big the rottnire - It waa then tl p III. -he the limit loerd and l lilx A- linguiaUrd. In rrpy to Lis knocks the d.xir was opened by a sur!y rwaunt, who laiighinfty Infonti'd aim that liter) was tin IPneaa la the bouae, but that his wife had wished to aee if. when nntne waa HI, he would com tf sent (r! lli- uiifottunate licln-.v-ai.i-v d ad ftoin uk two'k. and rititdy nn ilei fi -.!iiC - M mat l.r.1. tvlJ 1 Not only piles ot tbs very worst kind can bs cored by Deaitt's Witob Hazel Halve, but eciema, scalds, boms, bruis s, boils, nleers and all other skin troubles esn b instsntly relieved by the asms remedy. For ssls by Conser k Brook. Ifcick Vsngban 'phones over from Prsirls City tbat bs will not return la Heppner till September, her way to her former master's planta tion and hid beneath the currant bushes in his garden. Here she wasdis covered by her oldest daughter, a girl of 17, and at nightfall was hidden be neath the floor of her old cabin in the negro quarters. Sunday, after dinner, her master and his wife went several miles away to visit a friend, and Eliza, following the example of the Israel when they despoiled the Egyp tians, took blankets and household goods to the amount of about 200 pounds weight, divided them Into bundles for the five children, and started on an 11-mile walk to a point on the river which she was to reach at two o'clock Monday morning. She had been told to bring nothing but the children, but she had so overloaded them with the packages that the small cr ones gave out, and she was obliged to carry one child a little way, a bundle a little way, and then go back after unother child and another bundle, un til she was so delayed that the river was not reached until six o'clock in the morning, and the boat that was to carry her over was gone. It was very foggy, however, nnd by walking about a mile and a quarter in the shallow water of the Kentucky side of the river, to throw off the scent of the blood hounds, she reached an anti-slavery man's house, where she remained all day. "That morning," sold Mr. Rankin, "when we expected to have Eliza and her children safe in Ohio, after the fog lifted, we saw 31 men on horseback, with dogs and guns, across the river, bunting this defenseless woman with five children, after a reward of $1,300. Communication was opened with KTiza during the day snd she was told what to do. At nightfall Mr. Rankin, dixguiHed as a woman, with a party of young fellows, made a feint on the Kentucky shore, a few miles farther up the river, and gave the negro hunt ers a lively chuae, they suppos' lug they had track of Kliza.. The hunters were evaded, nnd at the same time a t runted boatman had ferried the woman and children arroaa to the Ifnnkin house, where she remained in hiding for two weeks, bring finally tuken to the (Junker settlement In a loud of flour and bran. She escaped to Canada and lived for years there with her husband and six children. 656-76 Cashier. Thb Boss Feed Yabd. The first feed yard tbe teamster strikes in Heppner is tbat conducted by William Gordon, next door to tbe Heppner Gazette ranch. Mr. Gordon is accommodating, baa a good yard and abundant facilities to take oare of stock in first class ebape. His prices are very reasonable. He has hay and grain for sale. Has lately added a car load of baled timathy. IT. Oome to tbe Gazette office and get decent lot of envelops printed. Government envelops look obeap, and besides you cannot4 get yonr business card printed tbereon. tf NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution issued out of the circuit court of the State of Oregon for . the county of Morrow and to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and en- terea in saia court on tne tn a ay oi Septem ber, 18, in favor of Clara A. Cobb, Plaintiff, and against Morris 1). Long, Linnie Long, his wue, r , J. uucKnum, Bene n. uminiim. nis wife, C. A. Hughes, L. Hughes, her husband, H. J. Faust, "auiel B. Brown and Brown, hia wife, Defendants for the sum of Three Hundred Seventy-One 85-100 Dollars with Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 1st day of March, 1895, and the further sum of I21H5 and Interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from March 1st, 1894 and Fifty Five Dollars attorney fees and the sum ot Fifty-one 76-100 dollars costs and disbursments. Whereas by said decree and order of sale it was directed that the following described real property In Morrow county, Oregon to-wit: 1 be East half of the South-west quarter and the West half of the South east quarter of Sec tion 28, Township One (1) North Range 26 East, W. M., to be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and accruing costs. I will on Saturday, TheSltday of July, 1897, at two o'clock p. m., of said day, at the front door of the court bouse in Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, sell all the right, title and in terest ot tne sain Morris v iaux, i innie Long, his wife, et al., In and to the above described property at public auction to the hlehest and best bidder for cash In hand. the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution ana all costs, and costs that may accrue. J L. MAJ1.UCK, tsnenn or Morrow county, vregon. Dated July 2nd, 1897. 6e-67 "Never Fail" headache wafers at Con ser k Brook's, This medioine will oure any kind ot a headache in short order. tf. Pat a quarter in your pocket and don't spend it till yon get down to Low Tillard's. Finest liquors snd cigars. Near city hall. a SUMMONS. , See tbose new Russian Tan shoes down at Liobtenthal's. Latest styles, best quality, reasonable prioes. Ton cannot do better anywhere. tf Oome in and subscribe for the "Gazoo." I Now is tbs time. You don't want to miss a wbola lot ot good, bard resdiog tbat Is now being published in oar "Only." Any person wbo is interested in British Colombia should writs to W. H. Hurlburt, general passenger agent of tbe O. R AN, tor a oopy of Pst Donan's lit tle "booklet," "Tbs New BoDsozaland, It is well worth the trouble. 60-tf. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or? THE STATE of Oregon, for Morrow county. Rothchild Brothers, Plaintiffs, vs. Robert Krlck, Defendant. To the above named defendant, Robert Krick: In the name of the State of Oregon: Yon are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled cause ef action on or before the first day of the next term of the above entitled court, to-wit: Monday, the 6th day of September, 1897; and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the sum of $141, the costs and disbursements of this action, and for the sale of the property belonging to you heretofore at tached In this action, and will apply the pro ceeds of said sale to the payment of said judg ment, costs and disbursements. This summons is served on you in pursuance of an order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered in said action on the 21st day of July, 1897. BROWN & REPFIELD, 64-77 Attorneys for Plaintiffs. NORTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1668.) Published Weekly Portland, Gr. Parkles's Araira ealva. Tbs Best Salve) lo ths world for Cats. Bruise. Korea. Ulcers, Salt Rbeom, Fever Sores. Teller. Chacpel Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Hkio Erup tions, and positively cures l'lies or no psv required. It is guaranteed to givs perfect satisfaction or money reiunuea. Pries 25 cents per box. for sale by Conser A Brock. Caoron City News: Tha Bloc Moun tain Telephone Oo. now bas "talking boi" In this eitv. Tbey arc at pteeeot nsing ths lin of tb otber telrphnu company between Canyon City tad John Day, but eiprcl to string wirs ot their own. MiTltX . All persons indebted in Botes and so- counts due lo Nobis k Co. am rrqueeted lo eottis forward" and settle same soon as faawibl. Ws still coflllone business ami will sell goods as low as can bo bonght anywhere tn tt stale, Nosli k Co. lleppn,Of.,JonaS4.,7. If. IWa-Near IMpplef springs, July IT, lo lbs wife of T. P. Ornhara, a 14 ponod boy, ' Connlle millions f gr hoppers were blows aemes Hhertnas roasty Rasdsy by ie from the toa'bwmwl .ia lha klora Observer. The air was falUf Ibem.bigh op. ard tbey eon Id sly Us with lbs ksJ eye visa tbs sen's fays strnet thasm. tWk beadarna sea b quickly sr. J coca nlrlely evereoiB by wtnf Ik" !nvn ttitiie i III known a "IVwilt's Littt Karly B,m " For t by Cr , I'rpcl. ' ELECTRICITY KILLS THE TREES. tt trss Alterfced to tb Branches Dtv tb roll-. In Franca great care is taken In lo cating the wirea that carry high-ten-a ion electric currents, whether used for light or for power, but In America the thing la done more simply. o one bothers himnelf about what It to be found at the side of ths wire, and it passes among the branch of ths tree and across thickets, unconscious of tha damage that it may do. Now in many towns, says tha Cosmos, it has been otiaerred that the trees la ths cur rent dwindle and die. It baa also been observed that that death of the tree Invaxlalily follows tbs rainy season; tli leaves being then soaked with moisture, become ,wd conductors, and lead the current J own Into ths trea from the wlr. Ths wire, to be sura. bars been Insulated, but ths protect ive layer haa been quickly destroyed by tbe friction of the branches and the line become lave, producing thus results that U would hav been well to stol.l. And the electricity is tha only thing that ran lie accused of thin. It suffice, lo convince onearlf, to com pare the condition of tb trees trat rrd by wire with that of neighbor ing Ire, It has often heo notioed tbst in a storm all the tree through which wire ( die In a few bourn, while ths surrounding ones srs no touched. This Is a very nerious sotira of complaint, and i-aiiae sums law auita. One whenTnatrtir waa timing with bis daughter and her family at her home In Burgundy he took care to dip In a glaa of water the cherries that ere nerved for draarrt and then to wip them carr fully with hi napkin be for putting them in his mouth. Ills faatidiouanesa amused ths peopl at table, but tb scientist rebuked them for their levtty and dltourcd si length a ths dangers In rni ro!r and ant max'tila. A few minuti l.itrr, in a fit (f aletraetion. he u.Mriity irj tU g!ft In whkh he la. I WesUcd I ),t ber ries snd drank tits water, tuicrwlics tul Caveats, and 1 rade-MarVa obtained and all Pat-J eat busmea conducted (or Meeraars Ft fa. i Ou omci is OeeosiTt, U, a. eavtsiT Orr ict and vacansrrur Daunt in in lua tana Uuec rttnot from Washinf too. Send model, drawing or photo. With deserlp ttoa. V adriaa, ii pairataU or not, Ire ol cnarf. Our tee not due till patent Is second. a BiaMLif. - now w vvuis niflBn, wun ml el iiatii th U. 8. sad loriu com coat stot Irs. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Asm tATtsif A me (. WfcaMINtTAfl. B. A. at DEVOTED TO irr Agriculture, Dairying ' Live-Stock and Turf. Worth Its weight in gold lo every farmer and breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: 12.00 PER YEAR. Bsmpl copies frrsj Baral Spirit and Oscette both tor 3.50, cash, at this offloa. HEPPNER, Attorneys ot Low, All busloe attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDINO. OREOON WHITE COLLAR LINE. J, n i I ii' n I a nrnhtn lli'An nnrl 1. .III II III Ill's l I I III 'I III! I uhuiiiuiu linu ' iiTnT m nil ianip uuuiu"iiuuuiiu mm u - -a Ikmn TULTDONE, BAILET GATZET-iND OCEAN' WIVE. in i7 in Leaving Alder fltre! lck, Tortland, for Atnria, Ilwseo, Lrng Beach. Oceas Park and bcotta. Lhreet annneeiioo with Ilwseo steamers and rail road; also at Young's Bsy with 8aaor Railroad. TUtiBPIIONIl lea re Portland T A. at. Pally. eaeepA Saodaf. Uaves Astoria T P. M. Ily, airefd eondat. Leave rortlaad If. llly. Snndey. SalMrdaf niehl, II f. M. Imhi lilnrla Itall. a atS ai A. a., sci4 Sunday and Monday. Sunday nlfht, 1 t, U. . OOHAN WA.VB Uave roetlaiwl and ruMflinn to llen. Tnevlay and Thura.iT tl S A. M. SahiMo at Sunday atanlal ( P. it. P. at Ut llaar We.ila; and frl.laf 7 A. at. oa Sunday stlgnt al P, Eifje tVlf Ii Ei3m4 Dfstiwtioi M ttv.n Free d Ltpftst tot Safety, Speed, Cue tort. Flearar, Travel on tb Telephone, Ulley Cataert and Oeesm w ,t THE PALACE HOTEL BiVR, J. O. BOROHICRS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars I U I!, d hir tc the tfHi'ti I "