Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 27, 1897, Image 3

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On the Neck and Great Weakness
Caused by Impure Blood -Was
Constantly Crowing Worse.
' When my son tu 6 year old he wn
in very poor health and we could get
nothing to relieve him. At the age ol 1
years he began to complain of soreness on
both sides ol his neck and soon lumps be
gan to gather on one side and grew to
halt the size ol an egg. - We then became
more uneasy and began to doctor him tor
scrofula. He gradually grew worse, how
ever, until at the age ol twelve years we
had lost all hope ol his recovery. He be
came so weak he could sit np but a few
minutes at a time. My wife saw Hood's
Barsaparilla recommended as a great blood
purifier and we sent and got a bottle. We
began giving our boy the medicine ac
cording to directions and it was not long
before we saw he was improving. He
continued taking it until he was in very
good health. He is now 13 years old and
is well. We recommend Hood's Sarsapa
(ilia for all troubles caused by impure
blood." 8. M. Silver, Grouse, Oregon.
Hood's Barsaparilla If. sold by all druggists,
1 i six lor SS, Get only Hood's.
Take Notice.
x. roe sum of Ave cent per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
raunui, ma oi wedding presents and donors.
ana oomiary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
X Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from whfn.h munni la ... h
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
r 1 1 OBTO ies win De strictly adher
ed to in everv instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upuu application.
Now that the great political campaign
is over and the winter season again with
us, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long evenings. Cognizant of this the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodioala and now
offers the following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, $1.60 $8.50
" 8. F. Examiner, 1.50 8.75
N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.50
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00
Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
Kp worth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m.
''The Hpibit aud the bri ' say. Cora."
The pator may be found at the parsonaire ad
joining the churoo, where he will be glad to
meet any wx o may d sire to consult niin on
raliaioua, sourI, civio, philosophic, educational,
or auy other subjects.
J, W. FLE8HEB. Minister.'
Here and There.
See Marls for sky-bine with trim
mings. 58-tf
Lee Howeth was in from the country
Sunday last.
Oeo. Hnfford was over from McDonald
oanyou Sunday.
' Cooaer & Brock's for the "Never Fail"
headache wafer. tf.
Mrs. N. 8. Whetstone is suffering with
so eye difficulty.
For a nobby suit of clothes go to the
New York tailor. 68tf
Milk from single eows for babies at
the Shorthorn dairy. 68tf
Banoul is still on the turf doing a lit
tle oarpenter bnsiness. tf
Ueppner Outfitting Go., in the old
Uerreo stand, see adv. a
Will lite arrived Saturday last to
look after wool matters.
Submit your plans to Rsoone before
giving oat your contract. tf
Oeo. 8mitb sod wife vers op from
Social Ridge Sunday last.
Rogers k Roberts are building the Rhea
warehouse, back ol the bank.
J as. Dart is down from Dayton,
Wash., to visit tbs home folks.
Frank Englemao it reported as being
ill down at bit borne oear lone.
Luther Huston and wife were over
from Eight Mils on laal Friday.
Sampler Ni: Henry Cannon, of
Heppoer, was is town this week. j
Somoler News: Uu French departed
lor bis boms at Heppoer Sunday. .
O. J. Oppsnbslmer wsa among Hepp
act's business mes on last Fridsy.
Mrs. Warren Carsner it reported to be
quits ill st ber boms Dear Wagner.
Statements for the Fsmoos Simple
Acoonot Fils printed al tbs Ostitis of
fice. Marina sad Frank Etsos wars np
from Ibsir ranch below here oo last Sat
order. Tbs Hop Gold keg beer st ths Wel
eoms. Oo Is, yoa thirsty deolisos, and
ses lbs boys. "
Mrs. 8. J. Walker. ol Fortleod, la visit-
Ins ber daughter. Mr. E. E. flewilt,
as hasband.
Feaches, watermelons snd all frails
nf the season arriving daily at tbs
Orange Front.
L. E. Cochran, representing the Ore
gon 8bos Co , was Is town Friday look-
log after bis eoetomere bra.
Beet aeeemnodatioo sed eonrtooos
treatment st tbs Imperial Hotel, Seventh
asd Week, fits., Portland. Oregon.
8a Iter sVerg. who salts Its famous
Baektf! Usobt roods, was bets
ever Rasd. '
Tboee wsa deal' to boild sboold sot
forget that O. E. Reooaft, tbe soo
trsytof, is ready to maks eetlmalee at
asy tlm. t
Crows A Bis well's fancy ptokles and
aenaed soode. redored price, Oraege
fnnl. ABB. Citv hotel. Cor. Mala sad
WUlow streets.
unit usr.
tntH PTaTli
la or., Ju'.r , mrt.
AT lEt-ma
VMf , Oars
VkM railing
h i
t. P. ILUS. f. .
He Talks Aboat the Cloadyke Crass Hepp-
utr Boys to Seek Their Fortaae.
Sport has observed that Heppner has
gone stark orazy over the Olondyke gold
region. Every bit ot information, mis
information and sensational rot aboat
the new Eldorado is seized with avidity
and gulped down as hard faots. The
newspapers are vying with each other
in attempts to tell tbe most big stories
aboat Clondyke, and Beppner'g popula
tion, many of, whom never bad read a
newspaper in their whole lives, are swal
lowing this stuff just like a pig goes after
swill. Why. if tbe proverbial foolkiller
onld come Into Heppner now he
wouldn't leave enough people to popu
late Heppner over again even if they
were to aasidaonsly follow the Biblical
irtjuDOtion with might and main for tbe
next twenty years. Don't think for a
moment that Sport would be left with
tbe ohosen few. O, no I Tbe first
swift pass of tbe stuffed club would
oatoh bim "where he lives" and he
wonld pass to the realms onknown to
well, there's no nse of losing one's repu
tation in making any gneeres about
Sport's future. He is not endowed with
tbat Obristlike disposition which is sup
posed to be a passport to the better
world, and yet we do not like to discour
age ourselves by paiutiDg any dark
pictures. We worked in a foundry for
ten days once and know what it's like.
Sport is Clondyke orazy too.
No ono doubts but that plenty of gold
exists for all. All one has to do is to
eoratob a little bole in the ground, thaw
through tbe frozen earth to the gravel
and then scoop oat the yellow traoa
and paok it off in a ooal oi! can. It is
pretty cold np there and hardships will
be experfenoed bat tben one can get all
the gold he wants in two or three
months and oome borne to the best girl.
Peter Borg will try bis fortune in tbe
Olondyke next year, it be doesn't change
bis mind before spring.
Ben Patterson expects to go to Clon
dyke early next year.
"Mutb" Natter is anxious to go to
Clondyke and will probably leave in tbe
spring for tbat section.
Oreen Matthews is very much Olon
dyke struck and may seek tbe new bo-
Charley Smith is stricken with the
lever ana coming Dut i be actual ex
perience will ever effeot a care.
Leslie Matlock has tbe disease in its
worst form. He intends to join tbe
goldbnnters next year.
Gelsus Keitbly, formerly of Heppoer,
who left for Alaska some years ago, is
one of tbe pioneers on Clondyke creek
and is said to be doing well.
John Dodson, deputy collector of in
ternal revenue at Circle City, has done
well io the Yukon reuioo nt is not
much enthused over the Clondyke.
Cirole City is 300 miles below Dswson,
on tbe Yukon.
The B. C. craze is tame compared
with Olondyke.
Some of tbe papers spell it Klondyke
Aocordicg to the maps Dawson is in
British territory, bat tbe exaot location
ot tbe line between Alaska and tbe
Northwest territory has not been set
tied. Uncle Sam may yet beoome tbe
owner of tbe Clondyke seotion.
Tbe town oounoil of Heppner are now
having a blissful experience, not a kick
disturbing their offioial oraniams daring
tbe past week. Has ths millennium ar
rived? Sport bss come to the conclusion that
tbe sprinkling proposition in Heppner
is s delusion snd a snare. When tbe
dust is not bad and when nature does
most of tbe wetting down, there is
plenty of water, but ia the months ol
July, August and September, when tbe
iprinkling wsgoo should be going dar
ing lbs dsytime, not o drop of water is
to be bad. Why is this T
It is said tbat the flume is dry. Wbere
is tbe waterworks? It tbis corporation
oannot supply the water for spriok ling,
beoaase of tbs shortage of water, tbe
town oounoil should look np tbeir oeo-tract-Sport
didn't tbink be would kiok
at tbe oounoil tbis time sod bavs ths
water company increase tbe amount of
water, as per contract, if tbs contract
calls for mors than for domestic pur
It baa been gravely hinted at tbat
this eootraot bstwsea tbs tows sod tbs
water compact is- a eass of "beads, 1
win; talis, you lose."
If tbat is tbe caas tbs sooner tbe town
knows it good, tbs better. This matter
wiu nava to do oeiermineoi sooner or
later it cannot and should not be
If ths water company's pries for aqua
is too sleep and that Is tbs only inpedi
meot io tbs way of street sprinkling at
present, thee next year let ns bavs no
spriokliog. It Is useless to pay (or
something that ws do not need sod tben
have to pat np with dost dariag tbe
bo I months ot tbs fear.
Report baa it tbat Herb Bartholomew,
now ot Troot lake, bas sheared off bis
moataolis sod alert4 s growth of Back
whiskers. Diok Neville sails Ibea
"after-mass" whiskers.
Meedames Co near sod MoS words sod
Miss Mary Morjwords will sooa bis
themselves swsy to tbs seashore.
Tbs Mjoteoe reooa. so far as Oregon
borers are sooreroed, srs as follows
Rao, Joly 22: His fsrlosgs-Flasb-
light won, Bill Uowatd easood, I I
Know third; time. 1:17.
Fin sod s balf larloags Rottalr woo.
Otoerel Coxey t (oo&d, Dixie Laod third
lima, 1:12.
Hall aiile RattUr woe, Tom Toegos
second, Bias sign third; time, 0 13 Y
July 23: five furlooss Tots Toegee
won, Chinook BacostL Miks Race third
Tbrvs furlongs Uill rocks won
Easier Lily eosd, General Slept"
third; lima 0-W.
Jsiy 24, and tbs last dsy at Aaseoode:
Aaaooada beodteep all, 11.000 -II a?
W. woo. Ostler Jos eesoad, Latah tbtrd;
kima, 1 43
Fivs fortongs-I Don't Kaew who.
Do Wood soad( Jim Bieekbsra
Ibtrd; time, 1.01 .
r pntt nverlootnt the pfnpnad font
rS4 latl. l was a fiaaB
1p !
15. VM. 1f.
A True Nerve
Tonic and Blood Purifier
Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood,
Regulates the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys.
HopjjiOLOir, Oregon.
61-Oct U
Bert Haynes Goes to Heppner with His Back
ers, but no Race.
8. L. Morse. Wes Caviness and Bert
Haynes returned Thursday from Hepp
ner, and remarked tbat the game sports
ot that town were absent while tbe
Pendleton delegation were there, and
that consequently no foot race was run,
Bays tne V. An agreement bad been
entered into whereby 8150 a side should
be put up, as a forfeit. The time for the
race was set, there being a two hour
period of time daring which, according
to tbe agreement, it must be run or the
money forfeited.
The Pendleton men were on band and
ready to start their man Hay nee, but
after two boars waiting, tbey left tbe
traak, Tbe Heppner man Matthews
failed to put in an appearanoe.
Tbe Pendleton men demanded tbat
tbe forfeit money be pid over, as, by
tbe rales of racing the Heppner end ot
the raoe bad lost tbeir right to hold it.
Otis Patterson was stakeholder. He
refused to give it op, saying be did not
wish to get into any trouble over tbe
matter. Mr. Morse stated that several
Heppner men ot standi, g declared tbat
tbe forfeit money belonged to the Pen
dleton men, owing to Matthews and bis
backers having failed to keep tbe terms
of tbe race agreement, but the best tbat
oonld be done was to secure back tbe
original $150 they bad put up and come
Tbe reason tbe stakeholder in the race
above referred to did not give up the
forfeit was because the Matthews back
era served notice of warning tor bim not
to do so, unless all tbe money put up in
his bands was returned Io respective
betters. Tbat being the case be did not
feel incliued to lay himself personally
liable and get into litigation over tbe
stake money.
Miss Hayde Wilson and Pearl Frank-
lyn, accompanied by Squire Bowman,
oame over from Grant county on last
Friday to visit Joe Woolery and family,
at lone, but found Mrs, Woolery and
children and Mrs. Julia Bradley all
ready to etart to McDuffie springs. As
the yocng people were oo tbe eve of
visiting the famous health resort, tbe
party at onoe left for that place, arriv
ing at Ueppner on Saturday evening.
leaving early Sunday morning for Grant
Mrs. Fred Bartholomew end little
daughter, Fay, returned from Golden
dale on last Saturday morning without
having seen Trout Lake. Tbe party
were detained near Gnldendale by tbe
illness ol Mamie Dunn, who took tbe
measles about tbe time of their arrival
there. The experience at the Golden
dale camp oonvinoed Mrs, Bartholomew
and daughter that camp life wasn't de
sirable. Tbe lemainder of tbe parly are
now at Trout Lke and are nc doubt
having a fine time.
All, or your share of it, if you find the
missinsf word.
Schillings Best tea is not only pure but it
is -because it is fresh-roasted.
What is the missing word ?
Get Schilling's Best tea at your grocer's; take out the Yellow Ticket
(there a one in every package); send it with your guess to address below
before August 3 1 st. . ..
One word allowed for each yellow ticket. -
If only one person finds the word, he gets one thousand dollars. If
several find it, the money will be divided equally among them.
Every one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping
babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one
envelope will receive a charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it.
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
groceries and supplies ; yon want sub
stantial gents' furnishings. Yon can find
what you want at T. B. Howard's. . . .
T 1. Howard
Main Street. Heppner, Oregon.
Was Perfected by the
Production of
Preparing for a Debate.
At Wagner on tbs 4th two ladies of
the Oregon Secular Union delivered
some leotures sod wound up by giving
oat s challenge to tbe Christian people
to disouss oertain snbjfota pertaining to
tbe truth of tbe bible, etc, with tbeir
leader aud debater, B. F. Underwood, of
Chicago, who tbey were willing should
meet anybody tbat the Cbristiao poopls
might choose to put op against him. Tbe
eborch people were perfeotly willing to
take op ibe challenge, end st onos tele
graphed to Eld. J. T. Moore, who Is now
living at Bentonvllle, Ark., asking bim
if be wonld meet Mr. Underwood io
disoussion at Wagusr. Mr. Moore re
sponded promptly tbat be would, snd ar
rangements are oow being mads to bavs
tbs diaonasioo oome off as soon ss pos
sible at Wsgner. Elder Moors bas es
tablished a very enviable reputation ss
s defender of Christianity against tbs st
taoks of infidelity, and two years ago
tbis summer beld a diicaisioo at Wagner
with Mrs. Kate Kebm Smith, a lady hav
ing a very blgb standing among lbs "Free
Thought" peopls ss debater sod lecturer.
Ia tbis disooeeioo it was very clear)
shown tbat Elder Moors was a man of
ao ordinary ability and proved himself
able to meet ths best material tbat infi
delity coolJ pot op. Ths religions peo
ple of Wagner ars willing, at any rats,
to have bim meet Underwood, sad ws
bope that all tbs arrangements eaa be
perfeoled to bavs tbs discnasioo corns off
soon. Mr. Moors writes tbst bs will
come st any tiros sod Is ready to diacnas
ths following propositions:
1st. Tbs liibls is of Divine origin.
Moors affirms; Underwood deoies.
2od. Tbe Bible is wholly of bnmao
orlgio. Underwood afBrms; Moore denies.
Srd. Tbs religion of Jesse Christ is
cnodacivs to tbs soligbleoment, morels
sod happiness of mankind. Moors af.
firms; Underwood denies:
itb. Isadellty Is OonJuoite to the
enlightenment, morals sad beppiseas of
mankind. Underwood afflrms: Moors
Besides this thousand dollars, we will pay $150 each to the two persons
who send in the largest number of yellow tickets in one envelope between
June 15 and the end of the contest August 31st.
Cut this out. You
won t see it again.
rovtrszs, 1070.
A Boarding and Day School for Boys Under
Military Discipline.
Tt 20th year nndur the irnaent aiannavmant bKini rWt. 14. 1V7.
TtiU in.titotinn U thomtiibfy tnid lor Ilia moiilnl, mm i I, tihjiileal
and morel training of boy. Thomtuih tri'nt rm fur tn, mllri. ur
riMilifle K'hixil. OnktoaUKi at lirwxnl in Wt 1'tilnt, MwMuiha.
wtta Institute nf TwhoiUjr, riliil Uni'orailiM of California. Urntun,
He-nay Wan ia, Hlanfonl ana llHilll. Dunns vamtiiwi Yiaitnra walooma
from to I'J a- 01. for ralalo-na and othor infor ration, adiima I ha
fhnmpal,. W. HILL, M. II., Portland, Oras'm. P. O. drawar II.
ei-tfctrt. 1.
And now the entire world
Knows tus perfect product
As ths Star Brewery beer
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portions', Or .
m Rir.vr.i ktq
1 J UJ I tJUlU I Urn V
Heppner Outfitting Co.
Cull 011.
Is feet, asy persoo, or persnns, resldleg wit bin
ths elty limits, or oooaiy limits, wbo shall bo
oaogbt riding, or walking, by tbs store of
Witbosl stopping at Ibe above mentioned ek
wtll beautified by Ibe City tfambl that the
only plaes la Ueppner yoa can bay
Jobs Uaghes' shild, IS ssnotbe old.
died iel Basdsy mors In g la Haystack.
D. A. Corray bas repapered his barber
shop oa Ibe kfalioek corner, Improving
tbs sppoareoos of bis plaos very ranch.
Newt WbsUloos has boa iiform4
tbat a pesetas of $S per mootb bad bars
allowed bim. Uis application bad bora
pssdlaf sioos
J. B. Beall, of Portlasd, rebrsewotlog
Palta k Oreodor ff Co of Castoa, III.,
aeaafeotorers of efrisaltorel lapis-
Btaals, was Is Beppaer yettarday.
Jobs E. Lalhrop, el tbs E. O., wrile
Dr. afo".word, of tbis plae, ibat bs
will Uses lor Deweoo, al Ibe avolb 4
is Hi , QiMii) t era I, oa ibe slsof, EMr,
1 IM lwt of this Wf.
Is st lbs Store of MINOR a CO. Oar entire
lias roual go Io cask room ft r fall stock.. . .. .
1 1
1 J
I i
1 1
At this popular stand and ct goods at hall
the old prices. Fact.
Qir,LlaiY2Vi: s? HIHlSIi
At tbe oU staod, bava tbe usual
spriog outfit of
UoaiJea tbe thousand odds and sods that are too numerous to tnfDtioo.
Pail Itemr to flrat Paltonal hai.l SnlMli,.
You can Woger Your Sox that You
nro Always at Homo ot ....
Os Mala HUeot. la City UuUl Boildiag.
fby try Io plea all. Flee slob roosts la foasertlos.
LOW TIlVIfAkI), 1'rop.
Tho GAZETTE, $2,50 A Year for CASH,