Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 27, 1897, Image 2

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    The president has signed the
sew tariff bill, and now tbe country
will get a rest till December.
Tbat is what it needs.
A recent issue of the Corvallis
Gazette is devoted to Corvallis and
some of its progressive people,
Bro. Johnson is to be congratu
lated on the excellence of this sou
venir edition.
Hon. Bikoeb Hermann has sent
this office from Washington one
of the most elaborate maps of this
Union yet issued by tbe general
laud office through the department
of tbe interior. Aside from show
ing in full the topography of the
United States, as gained by public
surveys, it gives the Indian, mili
tary and forest reservation, rail
roads and canals. Also, in different
colors on the map, are defined tbe
thirteenoriginal states as recognized
by Great Britain in 1783; the pro
vince of Louisiana, stretching from
the delta of the Mississippi river
to Oregon, in a quadrant of a circle
and for which territory the govern
ment was to pay Napoleon $14,000,
000 but did not; Florida as it was
ceded by Spain in 1819; Cali
fornia, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, part
of Colorado and New Mexico as it
was ceded to the United States in
1848, following the Mexican war;
Texas annexed in 1845; tbe Gads
den purchase on the boundary of
ArizoDa in 1853, and Alaska as
ceded by Russia in 1867, through
the offices of Seward. The map was
compiled under the direction of
Harry King, C. E., chief of the
drn ugh ting division of the land
. The Portland Chronicle ought
never to accuse any other person
of having a tendency to linger
near a well-filled sack. Tbe edi
tor of the Gazette knows mighty
well that tbe Chronicle has an aw
fully "itchy" palm.
The settling of the tariff ques
tion alone is a huge red feather in
the cap of tbe country, as it has
laid a solid foundation upon which
returning prosperity will be built
as opportunity is offered to the
new administration.
President McKinley has had
to abandon attending the dedica
tion of the Logan btatue in Chicago,
owing to the delay in disposing of
the tariff bill. He did bo very
reluctantly, is he was particularly
anxious to be there, but, of course,
duty came first.
Mr. TCryan'b recent announce
ment that he expects to spexk in
every county in his own state in the
coming campaign leads to tbe sus
picion that his enthusiasm in re
gard to Ohio is not as great as it
was before that State in its con
vention refused to endorse him for
the nomination in 1000.
The tariff bill, as it now stands,
is not perfect nothing of human
construction is but it is a good
bill, and will be endorsed by all
who believe in a protective tariff,
and will add to the believers in
protection. It will enable many
thousand Americans to get the
profitable employment they have
been without for four years, and
will, at the same time, produce all
the revenue needed to run the gov
ernment. No one man deserves
more credit for this bill than Cnair
man Dingley, whose name the bill
bears. Since last December, he has
worked early and late on the meas
ure, and if the Dingley tariff proves
as popular as its supporters expect,
who knows but its author may not
in the course of time be as highly
rewarded as was the author of the
McKinley tariff. Heie's hoping
tbat Dingley times may be as
prosperous as McKinley times,
and we are sure that Mr. Dingley
would rather see the country pros
perous than to be president.
'Ill Tewamte Owner of Diwni, In tbe ("loa
dyke Kraloa Advlara Prmtpretora Not to
Hit the (iold Fields Before Bpriac.
The owner ot Ibe lowosite of Dawson
City, tbe chief town and supply poiol of
the Clondjke gold mining region in
Alaska, notwithstanding it being to
bie interest to have .people migrate to
tbat point, admonishes all not to go there
ontil spring. Among other things wbiob
are likely to be ot invaluable conoern to
those who oontemplate going there, be
"There are at present shoot 3500 peo
ple in tbe country, and tbat number
is about all that can be accommodated
tbis winter. Provisions are bigb, as it
oosts from 10 to 15 cents a pound to land
good at Dawson City, and it it impossible
to get more provisions in this year than
will supply tbe present population. If
miners rush op there this summer antes
tbey take with them their own supplies,
they will gaffer great hardships. I ad
viae every one going op to take supplies
sufficient to last at least 18 months. Tbe
fare to Dawson City from San Fraucisoo
in $150, and it will cost at least $500
more to transport supplies for one mm
The steamer Exoelsior will leave here
for Alaska July 28, and already all ber
passenger accommodations are engaged.
Tbis will be her last trip this year. Tbe
Exoelsior goes to St. Michael's, at tbe
mouth ot the Yukon, and passengers
and freight are tranferred to a river
steamer and oarried 2000 miles to Daw
son City. Overland the raule is about
600 miles from Juneau, and the majority
of Ibe miners wbo are rushing to tbe
El Dorado will go tbat way. Tbe cold
weather oommenoes about tbe middle of
September, and lasts till May. The pas
sengers on the Exoelsior will reach Daw
son City about September 1, and will
have to do their prospeoting in snow."
Blood Poison.
Contagions B1ood Poison has been ap
propriately called the curse of mankind.
It is the one disease that physicians can
not cure: their mercurial and potash
remedies only bottle np the poison' in
tbe system, to surely break lortn in a
more virulent form, resulting in a total
wreck of the svstem.
Mr. Frank B. Martin, a prominent
jeweler at 926 Pensylvania Ave., Wash
ington, says:
I was for a long
time under treat
merit of two of
the best physi
cians of this city,
for a severe case
of blood poison,
bat my condition
grew worse all
the while, not-
ZJ T 3f r m. witnsianaing me
cnargea me inree
hundred dollars.
My mouth was
filled witn eating sores; my tongue was
almost eaten away, so that for three
months I was unable to taste any solid
food. My hair was coming out rapidly.
and I was in a Horrible fix. 1 naa inca
various treatments, and was nearly dis
couraged, when a friend recommended
S.8.S. After 1 haa taicen lour Domes, 1
began to get better, and when I had
finished eighteen bottles, I was enred
sound and well, my skin was without a
blemish, and I have had no return of
the disease. S.S.S.saved me trom a me
of misery." S.S.S. (guaranteed purely
vegetable) will cure any case of blood
poison. Books on thedisease
and its treat
ment, mailed
free by Swift
Specific Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
l and by virtue of an execution issued out
of the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for
the County ot Morrow and to ma directed and
delivered, upon a judgment rendered and en
tered in laid court on the 4th day of March,
1HU7. In favor of A 8 Bennett and F. P. Maya,
Plaintiff, and agaiiut Charlea Kiinaeyand Clara
Kimaey, his wile, A. J. Kimaey and Klmsey,
hia wife, Wm. Kimaey and N Kimaey, his wife,
W. 8. Mercer and Ha rah Mercer, hii wife, L. A.
Florence and Ella Florence, hia wife, Richard
Hall and Minnie Hall, h i wife, Samuel Hall
and Mary Hall, hia wife, Wm. Farrel and Eva
Farrel his wife, Ihomaa Kimaey and Nellie J.
Croft, Defendant, for the sum of One Thousand,
Two Hundred Twenty-Three and 46-100 Dollar
with Interest thereon from the 4th day of
March, 1897,at the rate of ttn percent per annum
and Seventy-Five Dollara attorney! feea and
the further turn of Twenty-Four Dollara cost
and dltburamenta, and whereas Is was further
ordered and decreed by the court that the
mortgaged property described as follows
to-wft: The East half of the North-west Quar
ter, the South-west quarter of the North-east
quarter and the North-west quarter of the
south east quarter of Section 18, Township One
(1) South Kange2d East W. M , in Mo-row
county, Oregon, be sold to satisfy said judgment,
uuma ana accruing costs, i win on
The 31st day of July. 1897.
at two o'clock p. m., of said day, at the front
aoor oi ine court nonse lu Heppner, Morrow
Mlintv trannn all .hAK lltia.nnln.
terest of the said above named Defendants In
and to the above described property at public
auction to the highest and best bidder for cash
in hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satis
faction of said execution and all costs, and
costs that may accrue. E. L. MATLOCK,
oherltt of Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated July 2nd, 1897. 558-67.
Eastern Oregon
State Normal School,
Weston, Oregon.
of Oregon, for Morrow County.
W. P. Lord, H. K. Kincaid
and Phil. Metscban, the
Board of Commissioners,
etc., Plaintiffs,
J. B. Sperry, 6. V. 8perry,
operry, ine ure-
gon Railroad and Navi-
John P. McManuh' paper, the
Pendleton Republican, lms made
its appearence, ami a rigbl lively
sheet it is. It is a good republi
can paper and tbe Gazette wishes
it unbounded success. It starts
out witb an excellent subscription
list and this would seem to augur
well for the new sheet.
Toe Gazette is in receipt of a
copy of Carter's Monthly, a maga
sine published at Wichita, Kansas.
Mr. Carter will move to Chicago
in the near future and the Octo
ber issue will be published from
that point Mr. Carter is getting
out an excellent publication and
this papet wishes him success.
Toe long and tediously dis
cussed bill for a new tariff has
at last been disposed of, having
passod the sonatn Saturday by a
vote of 40 to 30. Tho bill has
been signed by the president and
is pronounced one of the best and
to out important measures the
country Las had in many years.
Not with Good Grace.
AcoordiDg to tbe reports of Long
Ureek people tbe telephone line between
Heppner and tbat plaoe is not what it is
crnoked np to be. It may be' all tbat
it is propped op to be, however, na it is
said tbat tbe poles are already begin
ning to lean and tbe work ot bracing np
bag oeeo. commenced. Cbeap things are
generally dear tbiugs in tbe long run
Pendleton Tribune.
The above item was dipped from tbe
Pendleton Tribune. Any suob remarks
regarding the Heppner telephone line
on the part of Pendleton certainly come
with very poor grace. If Pendleton conld
not see ber way clear to build a line to
Grant county, she certainly bas not tbe
gall to ridicule any one or any oompany
tbat does. Tbe Heppner telephone line
is all ritfbt, and is b?isc put in first
oIrhb condition.
Now, Pendleton, tbe proper tbiog for
you to do is to build your line or cease
cranking beoause Heppner mustered
the courage to connect with the interior
by telephone. Long Greek Eagle.
The best and surest indications
of the financial condition ot the
country are usually obtained from
the reports of Dun or liradstreot's
commercial agencies. Reports
from both these record-keepers of
the financial status of things show
that all lines of bun in ess havn,
during the past month, been great
ly improved. Their reports bIso
show that business failures have
been surprisingly few during the
same period, and all information
at hand from the various sources
that could possibly affect the busi
ness interests of the country indi
cate better times and the return
of permanent prosperity all over
the country.
Ir IH a "low down" thing ou the
part of tho great business firms of
the PBttt to have ordered their
western representatives to resume
tho making ot loans on farm prop,
erty at low rates of interest, just
aa the pops aud "anarcraU" are
preparing to make "scarcity of
mouey" the chief cry of their fall
A ltFMCTIoN in the tariff on
coal by the Wilson bill was fol.
lowed by a reduction ia wages
amounting to fearly aa much per
too at the reduction of the duty.
That act cut down the coal tariff
33 cent per ton, which is a little
more than IVtiJent Itatchford
claims at Laving taken place in
1803 ia the reduction of wages.
If 33 cents reduction in tariff cult
down waget 23 or 30 cent per ton,
would the removal of the entire
daty, at urged by Mr. llryan in Lit
pech lu eoiitjrcm of JLnt
A special from London under
date of July 23, says that Andree,
who Bailed in a baloon from Spits
bergen recently, had reached the
north pole on the 15th inst, a car
rier pigeon which was caught near
the north point ot Tom rose island
bringing a message ot uowt upon its
wings. Another pigeon arriving a
few dayt later bore the inscription,
I 1 1,1 llf i A It IS
"hj n.iuoj, v. men agree ex-
actly with the geographical loca
tion from which the London ex
perts believed they might bear
from Andree about the time the
newt of his passing the pole reach
ed them.
. riiFrrv toiuh m th.
Wast Kdllnr MrWaaaa Thinks of Hum V
dlrtoa tirntlraira ot tn be TrastraV
ia r.nitor niciianne' new I'rtttlleloo
paper, I lie lUpntilk'an, appears a general
talt-nient of wbat purports tit tw feots.
In emmrotion with tbe Tribune, and a
history of bt relations witb that paper.
IVrtaio IVmiMno gentlemen are scored
beautifully In Mi Manas' nioet vigorous
English. On paragraph ot bis salute
lory rant like Ibis:
"After try NKetil eiperienra wilh
Rullxray and Furnish aul their allies.
it is my J.nl.roml if tbey were aainta
in heaven they wnnlil strip the bark
from the T're of Life and soiaguls It
into nmi rut rui "
John will make Ihttne hottl vittt lbs
Hpuhlico, an J loose ho Lire stepped
on bim tan well eipol il.
The conditions are favorable for $100
wbeat at tbe seaboard before the enow
flies and proepeots are good for tbe
Paoiflo coaet sending grain all over tbe
world this year. Tbe countries that are
generally considered a source of supply
are preparing tbis year to import mil
lions of bushels. Iodia, Australia, the
Argentine ooantry, Chile, Franoe and
other places tbat generally have a sur
plus mast get their grain from us. As
tar as is known, the United States and
Russia will be tbe only supply countries
tbis year, and from what is now known
Ibe orops in Russia are poor; France is
far short ot ber average and will have to
import largely. Tbis country will send
grain to India, Australia, Cbile and Ar
gentine as well as to England and tbe
Continent, as we always do, and also
send tn Cape Town and snob places,
wbioh India and Australia upply nnder
normal conditions. Ashland Tidings,
Frank Hollaed U up from bis Using,
lot ranch today.
frl Ml I BIMT a tinri K-wv m m m
prrtrtit i trr .id ,t,tr fLJJ all.
1S91, lea, the miner. ay , u.p!oy. r.,r:,,,:,r;",: D lllO
Oent at a I ? r an
t, tIU Mua
The oonntry baB gone wild over the
great gold discoveries ot the Clondyke.
Companies are forming in every part ot
the United States, whose destination is
tbe wonderful gold fields of the ioy
north. Witbiu a few weeks there will
be an army of adventurers moving from
all directions toward tbis oommon point
whose number will be io tbe teus of
thousands, 8ome will reach tbe anal ot
their ambition and many will fall by
tbe wayside pbysioally and financially
ruined. It is a perilous journey, a dan.
geroue undertaking. Untold hardships
and privations muot be endured before
tbat far off land ot riches can be reaobed
and there ia no asturanoe of suooees af
ter tbe long and hazardous journey Is
ended. Only tbe looky few will amass
the fortunes tbey imagine so easily
graeprd. A few may succeed bal to tbe
mauy it means tbe same old story of
disappointment and misery. No man of
family and of moderate means; no work
iogman upon whose labor there are de
pendent onee; no person, whosoever,
whose power of physioal endurance ia
not cspable of withstanding tbe severest
teat, can effort to attempt tbe journey.
Tbe risk is too great and the chances ot
socceis too limited. rendletoo Tribune
Every town bas its different o! esses of
oitisens. Borne pull on every string Ibat
will benefit tbemaelvee and their neigh
bors, and sometimes if tbey do not see
ratio1' for thtmselvee lint do see that
tbeir oelgbbers will be benefitted, pull
just as bard. Others never pull nnless
tbey ran see tbe direct beurfll to them
selves and sometimes let go it tbey think
their neighbors will (mi equally bene
fited. Tbey are too selfish lo be of any
benefit ouleide of simply adding one to
tbe population, and consuming tbe
amount of food necessary for tbeir ex
Uteltre. Regiater.
Tbe farmer of Umatilla cotiaty are
aaanred of a great yield of wbent thai
will eel! for good price. Il Is estimat
ed by eooservattve people who bate a
fairly accurate knowledge of tbsaoreage
and ot wbal tbe yield per acre will pro
bably tie tbat from 4 DtiO.CJt) to S.ouv,
OtiO buabels will be barvealed Ihie era
ou, and there seems little reaion lo
doubt, at Ih prtaeut lime, Ibat from 50
lo 60 eenU per botbel will be lb price
realued probably lb vrag price
will be a much as 55 wots. Ibis
mrane Ibat lb ooantry will be enriched
Ibis season by wbeal aloae lo tbe eiteet
of at least '2 aW.OOO, and tbat lb el
profit lo farmer will be bo Im tban $1,
M.0t0, allowing Ibattb coal of pro
duction Is U5 rents per baibtl. Tber
tr about 13,000 inhabitants to lb
etiauly 70 per eeat of whom are eogtgrd
In terming. Tbl would tiv la cvtry
mas, woman and ebild belonging to lb
agriaoltural population a traction Us
Ibaa 1133 and Increase tbe per eapiu
wealth ot lb eoonty t?0. Add to Ibi
t&).000 aa soeooet of tbis eao ' ehp
of wool a-ul il will b reaifily aeder
I.h wby Umatilla coQuly people ar
reasonably ear ot good llotea Ibis (all.
-I'rbJlHoQ Trlborj
Mr. Ennie, a brother of Ike Ennis
wbo baa been employed tbis summer on
tbe telephone line to the interior, called
np this office at Prairie City a few days
ago to say that be bad been having a
splendid time at tbe hot springs near
Get your .clothes male by tbe New
York tailor. He oarrie a fine selection
of foreign and domestio woolens. Can
fit you np in the latest styles. 58tf
Father Briody was bere Sunday lasl
and held iservioeg in tbe Catholic
church. Ha will be al Heppner again
on Ang. 20th, tbe last Sunday of tbat
.'VI .
i a. aV 1
ELY'S CREAM BALM Is posit Wararo
Apply Into tn Doatrtla. It la quickly atworbwl.
emta at Proi-frltta or by mall : aamplfa lnr. by mall.
KLY BHOTIILHS. M Warm u, Nw York City.
Ration Company and P.
ThotDDBon. Defendant.
To J. B. Stierrv. 8. V. Bnerrv and
In the name of the State of Orecnn : You are
hereby reauired to antiear and anawer the
complaint filed against you in the above
entitled ault. on or bef re the rJrat day of the
next term of the above entitled court, to-wlt:
Monday, theflth day of September, 1897;
and if you fail so to appear and answer, for
want thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to tho
court to Rrant the relief demand d lu aaid com
plaint, to-wlt: For a judgment and decree
against you for the sum of I'-WiO and interest
inereon irom Juiy in. iwi, at tne rate ot eigne
5er cent per annum, tne sum of $150 attorneys
ees and for the costs and disburaementa of this
suit; and for a decree foreclosing a certain
mortgage made, executed and delivered bv
defendants, J B. Sperry and 8. V. Sperry, to
plaintiff's, on the following resl property situ-
aieu in morrow couniy, state ot Oregon, to-wlt:
soum nan ot me nortneast Quarter ana nortn
nan oi me soutneast Quarter ot Hec. w. aoutn
half of southeast quarter of Sec. 20, west half of
the southwest Quarter of Sec. 21. southwest
quarter oi norcnwesi quarter ot Bee. 'a, north
east quarter of southeast quarter of Sec. 30,
norm nan oi norineast quarter ana south
east quarter of northeast atiartnr of Sen. 80
southeast quarter of northwest quarter and
north half of southwest Quarter nf Sep.. 29. and
the northeast quarter of southeast quarter of
Sec. 30, all in township 3, south range 2 E. W.
M., recorded in the ottlce of the county clerk of
said Morrow county, In Book "C" of Mortgages
at pages 132. 113 and 134. and to sell said Dem
ises and apply the proceeds of said sale to the
payment of said Judgment, attornes' fees, costs
and disbursements.
This summons is served unnn von nursuant
io an oruer oi me non. eiepnen A. IOwen,
Judge of the above entitled court, made and
enierea id saia suit on tne 2ist day of July, urn
64-77 Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
M. ot Oregon, for Morrow
W. P. Lordi H. R. Kincaid
and Phil. MeUciian. the
Board of Commissioners,
etc., Plaintiffs,
Nye Rambo and Mary Bambo,
To Nye Hamboand Mary Rambo, defendants
In the name of the State of Oregon; You are
nereoy required to appear and answer the coin,
plaint filed against von in the above entitled
suit, on or before the next term of the above
emitted court, to-wlt:
Monday, the th day of September. 1897:
and if you fail so to appear and answer, for
want thereof, the plalnlitla will apply to the
court to grant the relief demanded in the com
plaint, to-wlt: For Judgment and decree
agatnac you tor the sum of W0 and Interest
thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum
from July 1st, 18W; the sum of tlttv dnl'ara at
torneys' feea and the costs aud dtsburnenrtnta
ot tumult; and for decree foreclosing a certain
iiiongnge, mane, executed ana neiivered b'
you to plaintiffs on the fnllnarinv rinwrih'..
real property situated in Morrow county, State
oi uregou, io-wu: ine soutneast quarter ot
See. 30 In township 2. north ranratft. K. W. M..
recorded In the ottlce of the county clerk of
morrow roomy, on me mn day ot March. 180,
in book "D" of Mortgages, at pages 477, 478 and
47D, and to sell said premises and apply the
proceeds of said sale to the payment of said
jtmituieiit, annrueyi .ees ana coats.
This summons is served upon you In nursu
anrA tn an oritur of Hnn Klunhan A I
Judge of the above entitled court, mads anH
euiereu to tnm sun on the 2 1st day of July, 17,
M-77 Attorneyt lor Plaintlmj.
1 and hr virtue of an Ainrtitlnn ImiiI nut
of the Circuit Court of the Htata of Orrgon for
the County of Morrow and to ana dlrvrtvd and
delivered, upon a Judgment rendered and en
tered in aald court on tin 4lh davnf Man-h. IHW7,
In favor of Julia E. farntl, MalntllT. and against
Kamuel I. Oerklng Martha A. llerklng. bla wits,
Jantra R. Nunaniakrrand Maria B, Nunamakrr,
his wile, H T Anderson and E. D, nd. 1.
fendants for the sum of Hevan Hnn.id Eighty
m and Vino Dollar with Intrrest thereon at
the rat ot eight per cent per annum from the
4th day of March, 17, the further sura of Fifty
Dollars attnrney'a liwi and the sum of Fllty-
TWO and Hy llll miliar r,nll and i1Ulniramiita
W hen-aa by said dire and order or sale II Was
dlrrtst that the following iWrthed real
prtiierty l-wlt: The Mouth half ol the North
east quarter, the feith tweuty-Hv () acre of
the North-veal quarter of the North-rmt quar
ter of Section il Township leouth Kanga H
and the Wm half of lha North-wast quarter nl
Section IS and the North half nf iha North-east
Quarter of Hertlon 14. Town, hia , South
hang 2. Rat W M., alt In Morrow county.
Oregon, he sold lo satisfy aald (udg aiant, coats
and accruing costs. I will, on Haturaay.
Tha ant day of July. 17,
al two o'clock p.m., of aald day, at the front
dm.rof lha court hniia In Heppner, Morrow
county, Oregon, sell all lha rtghl, litis and In.
tereat of Ih said hamiu'l I. iters lug,
Martha A llerklng. el al.. la aud to
Ih ahov dearrlliMt prnparly at i.iihllc
an. II, .u to the highest and best bidder for
rash In hand, the pr.xee.ls la k applied lo Ih
eaiisiai-unn oi aai.i rierutlon ami all coats
calls that may accrue k. I. kUTUM'K
I of Oregon, for the County of Morrow.
i ne uregon Mortgage company.
Limited, a Corporation, Plain
till, va.
Re rend Popenga and Ella fop
penga. Defemianta.
To Herend Poppenga and Ella Poppenga, de
fendants above named.
In the name nf the State of Oregon: Yen are
nereny required to appear aud answer or other.
wiae pieaa to ma complaint Died against yi
in the aimve autltled ault on or befnm the first
lay of the next regular term of the Clreult
court tor stnrrnw County, oragnn, to-wlt:
Mondav. th th dar of Hentemlier IMU?
and if you fall to so answer or otherwise mead
for want thereof, plaintiff will Us tudgment
against defendant, Barend ropprnga, lor Ut
sum of . 00 together with Interest theraon at
nratnl tan per cent par annum from th
1st day of Deeetnher, Iwft. and for the fnrfher
sum of .) on attorneva' feea and for th coata
in tnia suit, and plalnttir will apply lo
court lor a decree of foreclosure an.i sala of
lollowl; g dracrlhed mortgaged pramlae. to
wn- ineewiaoi tn nr.Uand lha sunt h
wtaaml th NHU f th hwu nf section l.
township 4. south of range 2ft, R. W. M., and for
ne application oi ine procemla of aald saleot
property to the payment of the ludttne-1 and
ooais herein prayed for against delendant.
perenn oppenga,
this summons Is published bv virtn nf a
order mad by Hnn. etephen A. Lowell. Judg
of th ahov entitled court on th I.ird day of
uiy, IT. ai.lll i.iijn,
M T7 Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Hherllt nt gnrma rMti.1 nM...n
Dated July jud, pw;, V7.
Cummings & Fall,
Ot lb Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half Nora wewt f th Union Depot of C, B. A
.. r m et r . c. a a , r rV w. a t1..
and Ih C ft. L A r. Rlrnada.
Cor. W. Madlsoa and Clinton Its ,
CIC9A20, ZX.Z.
frRw snbsenber ettbeOaaette
(rrm Ibie date, Mat 33, l$r7, will rc4ve
m prtrulum a book wertb aJooe Ibe
price of tbe subscription. if
Located on the O. B. & N. Railway
midway between Pendleton and
Walla Walls. Stndents admitted at
all times of tbe year.
First-Class Training School for Teachers.
Vooal and Inetrnmental Mnsio taught
by competent inetrnctors. A gradu
ate ot tbe Boston Conservatory baa
charge ot the inBtrnmeotal department.
The racties' Boarding Hall
Is thoroughly eqnipped and offers ex
cellent accommodations at reasonable
rates. Send tor catalogue.
Addaeas M. G. ROYAL, President of Faculty or P. A. WORTHING
TON, Secretary Board of Regents, Weston, Ore, .
Rogers & Roberts,
Contractors and Builders.
nans and Estimates Given on Short Notice.
All Kinds of Repair Work Done
OFFICE HOURS-Day and Night. Leave your orders "Any Old.
Place" and Rog. or Jim will eet 'em. o o o o o o o
Merchant Tailor.
PatroQize Horns iQdustry.
Has opened a first-class tailoring establishment in Natter's building.
next door to tbe gallery, and carries a fine line of Foreign and Do
mestic Woolens; is a practical tailor and cutter, witb many years' of
experience. Makes suits to order in tbe latest styles. All- at reason
able prices.
am Rerjaifiag Done at Low Figures.
A. WEINBERGER, Proprietor.
He has anything In this line that yon may desire and you can depend on It you net a
good article wheu Mat guarantees It.
Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty j
Weekly Tribune
Farmers and Vliiaoers,
Fatners and Motners,
Sons and Dauoliters,
All tne Family.
nl IHrfon. lnr Nornm t ounttr.
Th atr Hrvorry t oniainy, j
iiauiun, i
Rnhcrt Krirk. IVfrntanL I
lu Holirrt Krlrk. iKrlni.lanl
In th nam ol th flat il Oron You at
hrty Mintr1 Uarar and anasr tha potn
I'lalht BWhI asalnal In tha alxxa vnllttM
rllnn, nn or lirlnns lha Srat day nt lha list I
Wnn ol Ih aim rntltlnl rourt, i.kts It'
Mimly, thth dar nt Mr-trmtir. M7:
and If tmi (all n Uiamr. lnr aatil thrl,
th t.lalnllft still lake lil.lmnl alisl yit
li.rtli sum nl J id .ia an. I illstmra.
maul nt this ax lliin, and lnr th aalanlth
nroiwnT ninti(tti( in tn hrnatolur alta. hot
in i ri is BJ-Mon. an.l alll
aid aal In Ih pai
and dlshitramvtit
TtiK summons I rvd tifion yn la tmrsu.
nf an oritur nf linn, ftrphm A U.all,
Jutrol Ih iNm nlltld ronrt. snadtand
tt4la Mid acUmi th I'M d nl Jo.
I am. I?
aid sal I.. Ih r-aTtul ol aaj, ludauwnL !
Ih pf"
With tbe close of tbe Tresidential campaign THE TRIBUNE
recognizes tbe fact tbat tbe American people are now anxioae to give
tbeir time to home and buainese intere-U To meet tbis condition
politics will have far less space and prominence, ontil another State or
National occasion demands a renewal of tbe fight for the principle for
which THE TRIBUNE has labored from iU inception ,to the present
day, and won its greatest Tictoriea.
Every possible effort will be put forth, and money freelt swnt
to make THE WEEKLY TBI DUNE pre-eminently a '
National Family Newspaper,
intetesting, instructive, entertaining and inJiepensalle to each niembor
We ush "Be Gazette" and "N. y. Weekly
Tribune" one Year lor $3.00.
address all OrtUra lo
Attortusye lu rialaua.
smlne falls 4 mm
The Only Atl Kail Uot Without
Cbaoge ot Cars DettMaa Mpi4aos,
IUieelssi aoj Neleoa. ilea betvees
5elso sal Roeelaai, dairy sine; I
laiday: .
. ' '
en a W aanka n . M
A M ,. Ua4 s M
tie A.M Xa 1 at r M.
I l.a al Vs villi suiawn ft
n, and all .w k ni
IWssm f-1 a -ii Kinr 4 rmt4mrt
Ctmt at ita alee i.-f
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Arc You in Need of a Saddle
All these can U procured at Thompson A Binoa, Lower Main fitreet
Heppner, Oregon. ' '
M Mr S..W, . 4 Urn 1. a..l tk aarttoh XrmVZtmil U' nta
rrVlkfH"S al'k thtli.