Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 27, 1897, Image 1

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    Portland Library
With a Ntw Summer Ad.
The Gazette Does Job Work
With a New Summer Ad.
The Gazette Does Job Work
NO. 565
v or
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON. Editor and Bus. Man.
At $1.50 per year. 1 1.25 for biz months, 75 cts.
or three moncna, strictly in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
THIS PAPKB is kept on file at E. C. Date's
Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 MerohanU
ttxohanga. Ban Francisoo, California, where COu
raota for advertising can be made for it.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Pendleton, Oregon.
he Lancashire Insurance
Reasonable Advances
Made on Clips of '97
At Heppner, Echo, Peodleton, Baker
(Jity, Elgin and Huntington.
Going East?
Train leaves Heppner 11 p m. daily except
Bnnday arriving at Heppner Junction l:SOa. ni.
Leaves Heppner Junotion 3:40 a. m. and ar
rives at Heppner 6:1(1 a. m
Hpokane Express Mo. t leaves Portland at 2:15
p. m . and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. m.
and Umatilla 9:15 p. m.
Portland Exoreas No. 8, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 51)5 a. m. and Heppn r Junction 6:10
a. m. a d arrives at Portland 11:45 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9 p. m. and ar
rives at Heppner Junction 8:30 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:40 a. m-
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:40 p.m. and
arrives at 'leppner Junction 1:47 a, m, and at
Portland 7 :0C a.m.
For further information irquire of J. G. Hart,
Agent O. K 4 N., Heppner, Ore.
United States Officials.
P'esident William McKinlev
V ee-Vrealdent Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of State John Sherman
necrntaryof Treasury Lyman J. Gage
Seoretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary of War :....KuiweU t. Alger
Secretary of Navy John D. Long
Postmaster-General James K. Gary
'Attorney-General Joseph McKenna
Seoretary f Agriculture James Wilson
State of Oregon.
Governor W. P. Lord
Seoretary of State H. R. Kincald
Treasurer Phil. Metsohan
Snpt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
a . 1 G. W. MoBride
Senators ij H Miu,hell
, I Binger Hermann
vongrosauiau J W. R. Ellis
Printer.... ; W. H. Leeds
I B. 8. Bean,
Hnnmina .Indaaa i F. A. Moore.
I C. K. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
Circa it Judge Stephen A. Lowell
Prosecuting Attorney H. J. Bean
Morrow County Officials
Joint Senator... ...
Count! Judge..
' Commissioners,
J. W. Beckett.
" Clerk
" Sheriff
' Assessor
FIRST Go via. St. Paul be
cause the lines to that poiDt will
afford jou the very best service.
SECOND See that the coupon
beyoDd St. Paul reads via. the
Wisconsin Central because that
tine makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering the Union Depot there, and
its service is first-class in every
THIRD-For information, call
on your neighbor and friend the
nearest ticket agent and ask for a
ticket Teading via. the Wisconsin
Centra) lines, or address
McClure's Magazine
For 1897
A New Life of 6 rant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of
urani ever puDusnea. (Begins in uecemDer.j
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.)
Robert Louts Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished
(Begins in May.)
Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical
years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better
fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period from his
recollections and correspondence.
Portraits of 6reat Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series
of portraits it is intended to publlrh special biographical studies under the general title of
makakh ur Txijji uftiUN from Washington 10 iancoin.
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken nnder the editor's direction,
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary
talent for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock tioimes stories, given mm
Jas. C. Pond,
Gen. Pas. Agt.,
Milwaukee, Wis.
or Geo. B. Batty,
General Agent,
246 Stark St.,
Portland Or.
A, W. Gowan
J. N. Brown
..A. G. Bartholomew
i J. 11. Howard
J. W. Morrow
E. L. tVatlook
Frank Gilliam
A. O. Potters
J. W. Horiiur
School Bun't J"T ".Shipley
Coroner..... B. F. Vanguan
" " nvnii mv mrimia.
Mtyor Thoa. Morgan
(J Htnnilmen Geo.Oonr. Frank
Gilliam. Arthur Minor, E. J. Blooum, II.
Lichtenthal and J. K. Simons. -
border W. A. Richardson
T-eaanrer ;I.WlJH''Jf"
marshal It,jberU
Preeinct Officer.
justioe of the Peace W. K. Kichardson
Constable N. S. Whetstone
United State! baud Officers.
J. t. Moore Register
A. B. Biggs Receiver
B. F. Wilson Raster
J. H. Bobbins
O. A.B.
Meats at Lexington, Or., th last Saturday of
arh month. All veterans are mviiea w r"in
Q. W. Smith.
C. G. Kcuda.
Dr. P. B. McSwords,
tba City Drug Store,
Offloe in
City Hotel.
While yon aeep yonr subscription paid up yon
een keep your brand in free of charge.
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shoulder; oattle, same on left nip.
Cook, A. J.,Lena, Or. Horses, Won rightshool
der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square
orop off left and split in right.
Douglass, W. M Galloway. Or. Cattle, R D on
right side, swailow-tork in each ear; horses, B D
on left hip.
Ely. Bros- Douglas, Or. Horses branded ELY
on left shoulder, oattle same on lefthip. hole I
Id right ear.
Florenoe. L. A.. Heppner. Or. Cattle. LF on
right hip; horses, F with bar nnder on right
Jones, Harry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
H J on the left shoulder: oattle branded J on
right hip. also underbit in left ear. Range in I
Morrow oounty.
Johnson. Felix. Iitna. Or. Homna. eimlaT on
left stifle: cattle, same on right hip, nader half
orop in n"t and sunt ji iert ear
Kenny. Mike. Heppner. Or. Horses branded
K.NY. on lefthip oattle same and crop off left
nnder slope on ins rignc
Leaner. J. W. Heppner Or. Horses branded
and A on left shoulder: cettle same on left
hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in right
Minor. Oscar. Msonner nr. t-attle. M D on I
right hip; boras. M on left shoulder.
Morgan, tt. N Heppner, Or. Horses, H )
1 left snomaei caiue same on lerc nip.
Oahorn. J. W.. Douglas. Or.! horses O on lef
shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Parker A G lesson. Hardman.Or. Horses IP ob
left shoulder.
Pioer. J. H.. Lexinston. Or. Horses. JK oon-
neoted on left shoulder; oattle, same on lef hip.
under oil in eaon ear.
Hector. J, W.. Heppner, Or. Morses, iV 01
left sbonlder. Cattle, O on right hip.
Rnamr. K. (i. Heonosf . Or. Cattle W C on I
left hip, crop off right and nndarbit in left year,
Oewiap; Dorses n von leii sooniaar.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, ot)
left shoulder: eattle. 1 on left shoulder.
Tnrnar H. W.. HsDDnar. Or. maU eaottaj 1
left sbonlder. honest oattle name on left hip I
ith split in Ool b ears.
Wattrabnrcar. W. J.. Galloway. Or.i horses I
Quarter circle JW on right shoulder; cattle I
quarter circle in nam nip ana ngm aire, 1
rnip and hole in left ear. Bangs in Morrow and
U matilla ooanties.
a place beBide Poe and Gaboriau.
IAN MACLAREN, AU the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the exception
of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long ago, will
appear in mcilube's magazine.
JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories In the lame field as the "Brer
Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thimblefinger" stories,
RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McClcrk's
all of the short stories he will write during the coming year.
OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Maoazinb a series of short stories In which the same
characters will appear, although each will be complete in itself.
Anthony Hop Bret Harta Robert Barr
Frank R. Stockton Stanley Wey man Clark Russell
will all have, stories in McClurb's for the coming year.
These are only a small fraction of the great and Important features of McCi.cbb's Magazine for
ivji, me subscription priee 01 wuicn is only
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. McClure Co., New York.
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Offloe bnnre, 8 to 10 a. m , and 12 to
2 p. m.. at reaidenca, Mrs. U. Welch's
property, and 10 to 12, a. m , to 2 to S
p. m , at offioa in tbe rear of Borg's
jewelry store.
First National Bank
T. A. RHCA. -
GCO. W. CONttft,
8. w. srcNCtn,
- President
Viae Preeldent
- Caehler
Asa't Cashier
Trenwts 1 GrDcral Buling Basioesi
On all parts of the world
Bought and Sold
Cotlartlons made on all solnu oa
reasonable Ttrma,
Surplus and andlvtded Profits. 131.000.00.
Notict Of Intention.
UiDOrrin at U Oaaai.a. fsoo
Jniv H
tinrtil tl MtkaKY UWIH THAT TH
1 11 at tlaamaJ rtilrr has Bled notice ol
Ms nltiUn 10 make Bnel fml In support ot
his rlalm, and thai said pmot lll t snada
balxra (Aunty fk. Mnrruw 'mioit. too,
at llappoef, Oraaoa. o August JKS. lain, vis:
n R. Wo l l-r tha KU tH iM
a-Ma4aia V laiaay i W
Ha MH I..ll..alut wllnaaaMinprn.a bla
emainunus rwi'leura wa and eulUall0 uf
said land. ls: -
JaaM l. rr-h. M Haffet. Or ,,raf1a .
tia.isharty. ! VlnaiHi if,, Mlc.h kvfc. l
A Campaign. .
Of Education .
How to Get It trr aa-
;For j) JAM
J June an, HwT. Notice is hereby given that I
the following-named settler nas Died notice 01
his Intention In make Bnal prool In support of
hla Malm, and that said Drool win he maile
before J. W. Morrow County Clerk, at Heppner, I WEEKLY
Hd. T.. No. 4 110, for the BWV., See. 5, Tp. 1 1..
K 24 I., W. M.
Ha names the following witnesses to prove
his contlwuous residence upon and cultivation
ol, said land, vll:
Charles Anderson, 01 Eigni Mile, uregnn,
John K. Petrrann, Frank A. Londell and Aa.
drew M. l'ellerson, all of 0lerry. Oregon.
4 Aa. r.
To be educated one must read
the best literature.
The best literature is expensive.
Leallo'a llluatrated
Pub'lsned at 110 Klfth Avenue,
New York, is full of the best things.
Its illustrations are superb; its
stories charming; and Its literary
departments are edited with con-
mmate skill.
Such a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be in every
The subscription price ol Lealle'a lt4pe nniiin.
We make the unparalleled oiler of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $5.00.
No such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be made
again. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday
gift, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness.
Remit by postal order or check to the .
Heppner, Oretron.
More Virtue in a Basket of Berries Than
in a Whole Drug1 Store.
Very few people are aware of the
medicinal qualities of grapes; but these
they possess. The pulp is nutritious,
and the juice contains sugar, tannic
acid, bitartrate of potassium, tartrate
ot calcium, common salt and sulphate
of potassium. Without doubt, say
Scientific American, the woman who
cultivates the habit of eating a great
deal of fruit 1b the gainer of health and
appearauce. The grapefruit, or shad
dock, so called from its' discoverer,
Lieut. Shaddock, or, to mention its soft
Chinese name, pumelo, is highly prized
by those who live In malarial localities.
It is a charming rival to quinine ami,
boneset, and is driving them from the
field. She who eats her grapefruit with
a spoon from the natural cup, or rel
ishes it served as a salad, may gladden
her heart with the reflection that she
is not only pleasing her palate, but
benefiting her health. Like oranges
and lemons, the grapefruit has great
medicinal virtues. If you are of a bil
ious temperament eat grapefruit; if
fever threatens, eat grapefruit, but in
this latter case do so only at the advice
f t a physician, as there may be certain
tendencies which the grapefruit would
only aggravate. The complaint is often
mode that the fruit is extremely bitter
and unpleasant. It is onlj the white
Inner rind which is so, and this should I
be carefully removed.
A Well-Known 'Woman Thinks Her Sex
Will Drive.
Mrs. John Stetson, of Boston, thinks
that driving will be the chief au.use
ment of the coming woman. She be
lieves that the new woman, as well as
the old-fashioned woman, can find few
things in her life more enjoyable than
a spin behind a good horse or team, and
that, if she holds tbe reins herself, she
will quickly learn that it adds immeas
urably to her pleasure.
The exhilarating effect of the swift
action, the bracing air filling the lungs
and sending the blood dancingthrough
the veins, the trout-like pull on the
lines that communicates to the reins
woman something of the spirit of her
horses, the absorbing interest felt in
overcoming the little difficulties of the
road, in negotiating abrupt turns and
in meeting and passing other vehicles
well, there's nothing like it, accord
ing to this enthusiastic horsewoman,
nnd if it is an "old woman" who started
on ine anve sne win come home a
'new woman" physically.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhoia
Remedy Is the Best
1. Because it affords almost iDstant
relief in ease of pain in tbe stomach,
oolio aod cholera morbus.
2. Beoauae it is tbe only remedy that
never fails in the moat severe cases of
dysentery and diarrhoea.
3. Because it is tbe only remedy that
will care cbronio diarrhoea.
4. Beoause it is the only remedy that
will prevent bilious oolio.
5. Beoause it is the only remedy that
will oure epidemical dysentery.
6. Beoauae it is tbe only remedy tbat
can always be depended upon in cases
ot oholera infantum.
7. Because it is tbe most prompt and
m3st reliable medioine in use for bowel
8. Because it produces no bad
9. Beoause it is pleasant and safe to
10. Beoause it has saved tbe lives of
more people than any other medioine in
tbe world.
The 25 and 50c sizes for sale by Con
ger & Brook.
$ j!i(
Absolutely Pure
Tbe "long distance" into John Day
works exceedingly well, bat it it difficult
to talk to Prairie City on account of the
kind of Instruments nsed. As soon as
new ones are added this part of tbe line
will give as good servioe as any other
An exobanse says tbe editor of tbe
Wilmar, Minn., Argus lives in a house
looated between a Methodist ohurch
and a danoe ball. One evening reoently
there was a gathering in both places.
It being too warm for oomforl in-doors
the editor sat on the yeraodu and took
in tbe situation and this is what be
heard: "Let us pray all salute we
beseeoh thee to join hands and draw
near circle to tbe left listen to ns all
promenade kneel before tbee and bal
ance all present yonr petition grand
right aDd left for Christ's sake seat
yonr partners." The editor was more
tban saddened at the degeneration of
tbe village and went off and joined a
baseball club.
Makes Him Feel Yonng.
"For some time I suffered with great
Did You Ever weakness ana was not able to walk. I
Eleotric Bitters as a remedy for conla not sleeP Di"h,B Dd did D0 bave
your troubles? It not, get a bottle now
and get relief, Tbis medioine has been
found to be particularly adapted to tbe
relief and care of all Female Complaints,
exerting a wonderful direct intlnenoe in
giving atreogth and tone to tbe organs.
If yon have Loss of Appetite, Constipa
tion, Headaobe, Fainting Spells, or are
Nervous, rJlecpIeas, Exoitable, Melan
choly, or troubled with Dizzy Spells,
Eleotrio Bitters is the medioine you
need. Health and Strength are guaran
teed by its ubs. Fifty cents and $1.00
at Conser A Brook's drug stors.
Long Creek Eagle: It is reported
that tbe Bonanza mine will be sold
within a few days. Tbe prioe it ii said
will be $700,000. Tbis property was
offered to Portland parties about two
years ago for $150,000, bat tbe flnre was oines and some of the publishers threat
an appetite. One day a friend ad
vised me to take Hood's Barsaparilla and
I did so. After taking five bottles my
health was wonderfully Improved.
Hood's Barsaparilla baa made me feel
yonng agaio." H. Ketas, 821 Yesler
Way, Seattle, Wash.
Hood's Pills are easy to tuke. 25otB.
Tbe Southern Illinois Press associa
tion has adopted tbe rule to omit tbe
title "Dr." In speaking ot a pbvsioian,
says an exchange. Tbis is a retaliation
upon tbe Southern Illinois medioal as
sociation tbat expelled two members
beoauae tbey advertised. In Ohio tbe
dootors are fighting proprietary medt-
deemed too exborbitant.
Now Is tba lime to get the Weekly
Oregooian, tbe greatest oewapaper of
the West. With the Oaiette, both strict
ly io advene,, one year, $3.60. No better
combination of iapepers eaobe made
la the state.
Notice ot Intention.
j June an. Inv7. Notlre Is herehv liven
that the followlng-namad aattler has Bled nollre
H his Intention in make Anal proof In support
ol his rlalm, snd thai said proof will ba made
helms j. w. Morrow, (.onntv ( lera.at rieppner,
urrgou, on anguw is, lev., vis:
Hd K Nn. Kit, for the HWi, H. 4. Tp. IS,
It. II E. W. M.
He namee the following witnesses to prove
his rnnilnunus residence upon and eultlvaUoa
ol. aald land, vli :
t her lea Anderson, of Eight Mile, Oregon,
John K. Petereriii. frank . Umdell and Jufca
Johnson, all ol buuesberry, Oregon.
iaa. r. moors
S'ASS keclater.
Published Every Saturday
13 Astor Place New York
kef later.
Tbe Oasetie does dI qaeatioii tbe
Tbe regular sobeonptioo prio ot th
fcVmi-Weekly Uaselte is I2.W and tbe
regular price of tbe Weekly Orfgonlaa
la 11.50. Aoyone aoUonblog for tin
Oasetie and paying for year it
advance rae get both tbe Osteite ens'
Wkly Oregoelaa for S3.&0. All old sat
eertbev payleg their enbawviplMme frf
om year la a4vatM will be e!itl4 U
thaewa .
The Outlook will be la 1897, as it hss
been daring ecb ol Its twenty seven
years, a History ot Oar Own Tim. Io
its various editorial department. Tbe
Outlook gives ore past review of tbe
world's progress: it follows with car
all Ibe Important philanthropic: aod in
daatrial uovmaBts of the day; baa a
complete department of religioua oawe
devotee much space to lb Interest of
lbs borne; reviews correal literature;
farotab tbrfal table-talk about kii
ed things: aod, io short, aims to give
fresh leformaMoo, original obwervetioe,
aed reasonable entertainment.
Few iraliae tbat ecb squirrel des
Irovs tl 60 worth ot grain annually
Wakelee's Squirrel and Oopber Eiter
tnlnatoi is Ibe moal effeeiive aod eoo
notnioai poison known. Priee red need
to SO oo la. Co riser t Broek and Minor
k Co,, egot, fleppner; J. A. Woolery,
agent, I -oe, Nichols st Laeeb, agent
Bat Has Not the Intelligence to Kindle a
.Vive with Them.
No creature but man has ever made
use of fire. An African traveler, Indeed,
has told a story of nix-a making a thiev
ing raid on a camp of native, and cur
rying torche to light their way; but
this story lucks proof, and is not ac
cepted aa true by .oologlata.
There la, however, Buys the Youth'a
Companion, in tbe rliilntlflphia zoologi
cal garden a monkey who has learned to
acratch matchea perfectly well. Ttt
aceomiilishuient he is willing to exhibit
on any oceoalon. He haa learned to hold
the mutch by its middle part, so thun
hi nng.ra are not burned by being too
near the flam, and ao that the ruutcli
will not break by being held too near tin1
other end.
Thia fart Involve another, that he U
aware which end haa tbe sulphur, and
uoea not attempt to acratch the u-uiul
phiired eud. He has furthfrmon
learned that a rough surface la better to
scratch the mutch on thnn a smooth one,
tnd his eare lu looking for the roug'i
plnce la very diverting..
Hut with all tlu-ae- intelllgvueea, t!
uionkry has no notion of kindling an
other fire with the one that he hiut
rauaeil by the friction of the innU h. He
simply leU the mateh burn out, and If
be lighta auother, dm-a It for the plea
ure of seeing It burn.
Thla monkey's keepers, and the men
of wiem e who are enjierimentlng with
hi Intelligence, hoe to corn mun lent
to liiuieteiittiully an Idea of fire making
and lining; but from the moment they
am eeed In dolngao If they ever do suc
ceed it will tie neeesiaary to keea
mthea out of hla reach.
Bosae Beaallile Snueetluas fur tba teaag
The prettiest ey to arrange your
hair? Especially if It la very long, very
thick, and a moat lieautiful color, yet
cannot be worn banging down in braids,
Don't neglect a congh because tbe
weather la pleasant; before tbe next
storm rolls around it may develop into
a serious difficulty beyond repair, One
Minute Cough Oure is easy to take and
will do what its name implies. For sals
by Conser & Brock.
en in every death notioe to mention
name ot tbs attending pbysiolan.
Sampter News: Jeff French, of Hepp
ner, wbo bas sheep near Sumpter, was
in town Sunday.
"Last summer one ot our grand
children wai sick with a severe bowel
trouble," y Mtl. E. U. Uregory,-of
Frederiokstowo, Mo. "Onr doctor's
remedy bad failed, tben we tried Cham
berlain's Oolio, Cholera und Diarrhoea
Iiemedy, wbiob gave very apeedy relief."
For sale by Conser & Brook. 4
W. B. Johnson, Newark, O., caya "One
Minute Congb Cur laved my only child
from dying by oronp." It baa saved
thousands of others goffering from oron p
pneumonia, bronchitis and other serious
throat and locg troubles. For aale by
Conser ft Brook.
Foaall Journal: John MoOrath, the
injured aeronaut, was carried to last
Bnnday morning's westbound train al
Arlington and shipped to Portlsnd
boapital by the people of that burg, wbo
do not need blm any more. It is not
tbooght tbat McUrath oan recover.
Charley Jones baa reduced tbe price
of abaving to 15 oeote. Wben you
want first clae shave call at th lam
old stand. It.
CommiaaioDer Howard and Geo. Vio-
oent were over Satorday from Oalloway.
Don't tbin your blood with eaaaafraa
or po'n it witb blue-mass; but aid Na
lore by nsihg Dew Ill's Little Esrly
Blears, tbe fsmous Utile pill for con
stipation, blllouanew and stomach trou
ble. Tbey are purely vegetable. For
aale by Conser k Broek.
Oao.' Armstrong, wbo is now running
tbe popular saloon on tbe Matlook cor
ner, baa put io Ibe Hop Cold draught
beer. Milwaukee and Hop Oold bottle
beer, floe lienors and cigars always on
band, Jobn Duibam, assialant mixolo
gist. Call on tha boys aod get your
beer by glass or quart. 63-tf
A Kansas City itockman named Yates,
who Istely purchased 20,000 bead of
abeep in Southern Oregon, baa decided
to test tba constitutionality ot tbe Idaho
statute requiring aheap to be dipped be
fore they are driven into thai atate.
Ths crescent wsves on Cretan shores,
Ths emus of Christ goes down;
The Turks sre helied by Christian powers
Wbo bombard tort and town.
Columbia's sag's bears nor heeds
Poor Cuba's plerrlng cry:
Then let us drown these shameful deeds
In Huarry s "Unwood Rye."
For sale at Ibe Belvedere saloon, E.
O. Sparry, proprietor. f
Major Canby, at Vancouver, suicided
by jumping from tbe ferry boat near
heraiiM! vou are too lall for an v thing so I bl bom, on laat Patorrlsy. Deceased
Lone flock stsga leaves Heppner at
To'olook, a. m., Tuesdays, Thursdays,
and Saturdays; arrives al 6 c'loek, p.
m., Mondays, Wednesdays aod Fridays.
Will make connection with branch train
wben desired. Far 12, each way.
Freight i cent per pound. J. U.
BellenbrM'k, Prop, Office al Harry
Warren's drng stors. If,
' Heppner in Pendleton via Il'pP
F.flho Mt see I,n. - I'rene aVatroae rf
visiting J'etdieioo esq esse tim and
money by Using Ihia route. Hf a
attainting Ibe a-at the prevloae even-
boeeety ofeey persoe. bat tt la on- I log ' ' m B3e connexion who
'A ..I.I.Si .aiM al L k am bThSI BaaSKV
. . ... I ft -aw.- It. a-ak vJ a. " t '
Mil IO I Bat fceww waw ..sr. . . . .
plea of snbeerlptkos, whalbir lb snb
acriber be Cornelia VeaJerbUl or lb
ssa wb ears bla bread by boaeal toil.
We eeaao raa lb pp' t
plan. tf
Waal te Hop tiollT 1WI beef rn
tarth. Pie l. ! br.
OfTioe al City lfag More.
W. V. Uao,
Walt. Tbompaoa roil stage belweaa
Hettpaar aad Mo)aot, arriving every
day tieept Miioday aad leaving vry
day teept "nnday. Hborteat and cheap
awl eoile to the Interior. F. J. ploenea,
Begianlof witb tbe fifty fiifth volome,
tbe paper will smib tbe regular aaaga
ginesis. wbicb will add greatly Io its
eoovebieoee aed atlrartiveaea. Tbt
Outlotkia pahliahed every Saturday
fifty to laaoaa a year. The first issue
In eaeti month is an Illustrated Magasia
Nouitxr, oaiainteg about twje a naay
page a lb ordinary iaene. W get bar
witb a large ao ruber ot ptctrrra.
Tba pne of Tbe Outlook is three
dollar a year In advance, or lee the a
cent a dsy.
Heed for epeeiaiea epy aad Minstrel-
I pmspeeia t Th Oetkwilr, IS Astor j
Piarn, New iMkCitv,
i and by virtue of an eierntloa laanad out
ofthel lrrult onrt o( the aula of lrrf,n lor
tha County of Morrow and to ma d trai led and
Itelltrerad. upon a ludsment rendered and
tared la said court on ths IK h day of May, w7,
In la..r al I. geldman end W. II M t'.ila.
I'.r lha nun rf One Husdrad, 1 waiitr Twe and
Mil Hollars In t'. a fold iwin wlih Ititenral
theraoa In Ilka sold rln al tha rata of kiatil
Krrant (af inHtim from tba Flh naf of April,
fl and tha Inn lief ana. of rishlea fajian
enats snd fllst'oraeman'S In hk h liidgirtant It
aea ordered hv tha eourt thai the ir,,f- tt
sttarhed In aald aetlon and lieralnalier 1e
arrllvd, In-wH fc.nlh half of Ilia Kiith Kaat
Wu rtar nt section m snd ths Norlh lut (j...r
Ur of et.. tl snd lb fc-tilh Mall of las
eu th WeN gnafter ol Ite-. tl..i W4 and tha Weal
Hall uf tha enuth Baal Vinarler r.f Martlirti n.
and lb BmuH Half of lha hhiIWm vuaner
nt kaeiina U, ail la tf.aesfctj. m.a (. south
ranra 17 aaat lllaiti-lte meridian, M'.rr.,
eounty, Oregitfl, he sntd to satialr said I it'll
ment, enata .nn aerriung a(a. i win, on
Saturday lha Slat der of Jaif, W, al t
r!nr k n nl said day al the front dnnr
of the rnurt hiia In Mej.pi.ef. Worm
rvmatr, I'nem, sail all the rlaht, litia and
Intaeeal nl tha aald w, I. aallna In M In lha
4err1ied t.'fin al pnl.iie a-Ktt',a Ui
In the hlgheat end teal I.I '1 lef kit eaah In haad
rhlhlish, nor fastened up in agraiful
I'syrhn knot at the mvk of the beail,
i, inle near the uerk, Im-atine it la too
heavy, and t-omes tumbling ! n at In
roiitrliirtit aeiuHiii. lively hulr, but
aii emliarrBasnient of rl hea, la it not?
If It vtere ruv hair, aud I were the
dear young girl who flmU It a bother
und a burden, I would eoil It up on lop
ot luy head and wear It like a crown. 1
waa a well koown, popular meo.
Tetter, Ralt-llhewm and Kttrme.
Tha Intense Itching endamaging. Inci
dent to thee diaeanrsL la Instantly allayed
by applying Chaiuberlalu a ty and
Skin Ointment. Many very b caae
have been permanently cured by it. It
is equally efficient for llcUlng pile ana
a favorite retnedv for Bore till't'h.
wouldn't mind tie having Uie effect of chapped hand, cbilbUlna, frt bite
making me lo.k taller, and I would l turonw eon, eye. n eta. per ooa.
stand up very atralghl, and look aa tail . . , ,, .
n. I could. In my oi.inlor, height la a J-PJZ3m 5
n-aiity. and I never rare aU.ul a girl's ',,,, r..nin. blood tmHfler and
la-ing tall, eaeept Io atnilie her. Tall vprmifnge. Ther r fanl but
Is Io ha seplled la the eettelartlnB A
s IdasarulMta as4 U us n4 e.ia met (ear
the a
a- r a.
K L. MStUa K.
ahset;af Morrow aountr. Itr-a-.a
Ited lune I, l-i". al 4
nrrrnEB .itt wa"'s
A M.
1 Hmnt tm
Uh.ta rd. ,
III he r-atd en utl at lha elif leeaa.
nai . a lniat m laaaa) warraata a 1,1
taws from data let this authw
Hei'bftvr City Irauif.
girls wnial mind that thry carry them
settee well, and do hot sloop imrersiie
I' tlr bead forwsrd aa If thry hud lt
something and were ia-rH-lially lak
big tor il. Yon retoeuiU r Trnn) son's
p't lure, do ton nol. a woul ph-ture sut b
aa only a port roulil pmi.l :
"A dauchlar of lha grds,
I'lvlneijr lall, and moal divinely fair "
If lha rofoluil efTert Were lihla-i-oli.
Int. or gave a frrlmg of welM on top
of my bead, then I would braid Ihe hair
lit arveral slramla, and ruaaa II all over
Ilia bark of Wtm bead. I would simply
part It In lb inl'lJle, and avoid fri.irs.
Mid bangs, and Mil curia. rrtme, aad
o'her attempts at deooralwiu In front.
VI bea Lair La a natural wave or ripple
It la very pretty, ami should bar lu
ay, but a wight ba'r I pu tty too, and
gills ekoulT be salltGnl to w.ar 1 1j I r
j hair Is lli ; uiiuie liiUuU.U fur
j t arm. liar pei a' Kouud TaUk.
Hsnla Tr, the Meiloan girl wbo
was banlabed from Honora, Meiloo, five
years ago, because of her wonderful
enree and iiitlueoo over Ibe Mn leans,
left Teias for Ariavma last week aod
was accompanied to Ibe elation by Ibree
armed men who threatened Io abool
anyone wbo tried Io molest her.
Koike la Iks Pshll.
Joog You. of the Dalles, Laa bongbl
ool Ibe Wing Lee laundry on Court
streel. All obligaliooe of Wing Lee
will be ettld by Wiog. Jong Yoq wilt
cnotlaue the lanndry buslaeea al lb
melh In aod the leat In oa to put a same old atand aod soliolt lb patron-
nonsa in pnmsj o"nuii. sis of lbs lleppuaf people. Kvertlhlng
cstnuperpkaga. . .
Pell Hirnlson im over from lb Minor
ad Marled cow camp test, weak.
a 1 a 1 '
I MJiaAlwl
Is a
a Is the ease! at eaMs
Joko Tor,
Heppner, Or.
Dated, Heppner, Or., July 11, r7.
63 C4
Jake Young and family wars io from
Eight Wile Kiilsy last.
Il mm Sa aaen ky plaaaent
raaiinf aut laeii.'iejf
earuf lata im .w.a. ba
Jefj-U Sir aurva u (Iras
EJr'sCreani Balm
Is a. ktaWH la aa lha aval tVanaf ear n
aael i atae'k. r4 ka Mead aad Hr frew af al
fe-aedaa. i aea aed al mn It. a nll' . ,
a-ts eat aes ra4 14 l' e
h a o-a aeaitw inmt aa.4a, iwaea u a.i--s
Sf iaeas-4 - r-eva aa a ln-irasa hf a. U
A. I ItsHl aaavaj a W trrsa Sieaat, kew le
Yaq nay bual Ibe world over and yort
will at Bud another adiiae fijaal Io
Cbauiberlaia'a Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea llstaady for bo. I romplainla. II
ia pUaeaat, safe aal reliabl. For sate
by Ooeaer k IWk. e
D. A. Currar, tornrly of PsaJlebta,
kas noaned ap a 13 eal bartter abp la
lb old siaod on Ihe Mailork rorasr.
Wvtk sutti'f Cfst a! see, Cfcl 00 him.