Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 23, 1897, Image 4

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If I
I ,1
lolTuo iiio
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Salt Lake
St. Paul . Omaha
Chicago Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leaue Portland
Every 5 Days For t
For full details oall on 0. R. k N.
Agent at Heppner, cr address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Poiitland. Oregon.
E. McNEIlL, President and Manager.
8an Francisco
And all point In California, tU the Mt, Shasta
route of the
Southern Pacific Co
The great highway through California to all
points East and South, Grand Hoenio (lout
of the Paoiflo Count. Pullman Hnffet
Sleeper. Beoond-olaa Sleeper
Attaohed to express traina, affording auparior
accommodations for second-class passengers.
For rates, tioketa, sleeping oar reservation,
eto,. oall npon or address
R. KOEHL.ER, Manager, C. H. MAKKHAM,
Gen. K. tk P. Agt., Portland, Oregon
If bo, be sure and see that your
ticket reads via
Tie NQTtHwesteru Line
Great Short Liie
Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vcatlbuled
Dining and HIim-iiIiik Cur
Traina, and Motto;
has given thla rnsd a national reputation. All
I'Ihmki of iHuuHMiKra rarrlml on the vestlluliil
trains without entra charge, hhlp your freight
ami travel over Uila laiuoua Una. All snouts
liava Uckota.
W. tl. MEAD, F. C.rHVAOK,
Uen. Ag'-nt. Trav. P. A P. Agt.
21 Washington Kt., Portland, Or,
Milwaukee & si. Paul A'y
This Railway Co.
Operates its trains on ths fsmoos blook
Lights Its trains by eleotriolly througn
out; Uses ths celebrated sleotrio berth read
ing lamp;
Rons speedily equipped pengr trains
ever? day and night between Kt. Paul
and Chicago, aud Omaha and Chicago:
Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul
Alan opeiatea steam-heated vsatibnled
trains, carrying the latest private
enmpartment cars, library buffel (milk
ing care, and pal are drawing room
Parlor ears, free reclining chair ears,
snd the very beat dining chair oar
For ln et rates lo any point in ths
Toiled Hlatea or Canada, apply lo
agent or ad J reus
0. 3. EDDY,
J.W.CASEY, General Agent,
Trar. Pas. Agent. Portland, Or.
. .
"!. .MM l. ...,..
'" 1 I XMH.Ml.l'WI.n) MM. II,
f"" u' "t ! Mw I tMwiunlm.
'.. "
. ua I i..t, m, f, A44.ii
MUNN 4 CO., .
I Mieadea,, bee? teifc. .
I J l-t I.. I., I f ft t -.
. lk !,,. .fc, tMtl.4, fM l en.- AV
. lll.t - b fkeW w . ten I
' -! Mt-I i I a,, ,e . 1 U 4.,, f V4t
''NilS osaio-a.
I H " I'll 1 1 1 IM I M
THE CHRONICLE raoka wltb Iha greateal
aewipapera In tha United statea.
THE CHK0N1CLB bw no equal on tha Pacific
CoMt. It lead, all In ability, enterprise and newa
THE CHRONICLE'S Telegraphic Roporte art
the lateat and most reliable, lis Local News tbe
fullest and spiciest, and lta Kdltoriala from tb
ablest pens In the country.
THE CHRONICLE hualwaya been, and always
will be, tbe friend and champion of the people as
against combinations, cliquea. corporations, or
oppresflions of any kind. It will bs Independent
In everything neutral lu acini 04,
The Chronicle Raildlng.
Ity Ma'l, Poalage 1'alJ,
Only $60 afar.
Ths Weekly Chronicle
Tha Great st Wce'.Jy ia tha tcuilry,
$1.50 a bi
(luoludlng postage) to any part of Vis Unltod
Males, Cantila ami Mexico.
TUB WKKKLY CllltONIOI.K, the brWhton
nrt most coiniltn Wi'ekly Newspaper In the
world, prints rngularly Kl columns, or twelve
pai,-es,or News, LUnranro anrl Dennral Infunna
tlun ; also a maguillcuut Agricultural IJupartincat.
do you want the
Tho United Statoa, Dominion of
Canada and Northern Mexico
Q And the j
Map of the World
Kiit 9a and (Jet tlio Map anrl
We, kly ( hronliln f.r Ona Tear,
postage prtipalil 011 M ip and I'aaur,
Proprlsler a f . (Tirnnlcle.
Tickets leaned to all pnints In ths Toiled
rilales and Cauada.
All other
in lbs
Keel and
Na Ynag
i HT. Joeal B
"T. Ltit'lS
Union IVpot connections
si HI. Paul, Minneapolis,
Kanaas City, Omaha, Hi.
liula and oilier promi
nent poiul
Hefwage cheeked Ibrongh lo destination
01 Uriels.
Through tu kcta to Japan and China, via
lao.mia ami Norl hern Paclno Hlsam-
sblp Company s Una,
For full Information, time cards, maps,
nraete, etc , ran no or nta
W.O. Ai.hw.t. A. 1. CmsLTo.
Agl N P. Hy. Aaet.Oen I a. a Agl
TbsPalles.Or. Portland, Or
"The Regulator Line"
? h M&l i U.m Nit bill a C
'DAllti ClJt" AS0 'KIGVU1QX
Uavs Tbe lilies dally (egeepl Nundav
I B tl 1, in, Lea PurtlaaJ at J Hi
a m.
" lo Portland, slp i ff at
I ! Iellr aa.l take a trip down lb
Columbia; )ou will t.J .y it, an I av
W. 0. Al l.AWAT.
DeBetal AgenL
Vanted-An Idea
' 11.1 iki,i a a
' a.! .i-y-fi., i 1 ttu
fuW lil4
pLstnltM mi
Reversible Map?
Their Cards Oo Vp with Those of TheU
It appears, from an article in the
Figaro by M. Paul Megnin, that in Lon
don at tbe present time it in not only the
fashion for a lady to provide her lap
dog with a little wardrobe and even a
handkerchief, but to have visiting cards
made for it, too. When a fashionable
lady pays a visit, taking her lapdog with
her, she sends up the dog s card along
with her own.
, M. Megnin Bays he was visiting the
editor of one of the leading sporting pa
pers in London, when the servant
brought in two cards, one that of a lady
and the other ae follows:
: Collie. : .
Asked if he knew the name on the
card, M. Megnin said he presumed it
was some dog fancier. He was greatly
surprised to see a lady come in, accom
panied by a handsome collie.
M. Megnin went to a stationer's Bhop
and ordered 100 cards for his little dog.
lie was again surprised to lind that the
stationer had some ready printed, neat-,
ly packed in pretty little card cases.
How He Wore Hla Wig In His Pocket at
the French Court.
The difficulties encountered recently
by the lineal descendants of that great
man, statesman, patriot and everything
else that men properly hold in estima
tion Benjamin Franklin in having
themselves enrolled among the Colonial
Dames, recall an anecdote of him, says
the Washington Post, embalmed in
the family records of the sage of Mon
ticello, but which, so far as the writer
knows, has never been published. When
about to present himself for the first
time at tbe court of Versailles he was
informed by the master of ceremonies
that a wig was a sine qua non. Now,
bis head was bo large that no ordinary
wig would begin to fit it, and the situ
ation was embarrassing in the extreme.
However, one was found sufficiently
large to pass him through the ante
chnmbers, after which he was permit
ted to remove the ridiculous conven
tional appendage and place it in hi
ample iiocket, whence it never again
emerged to public gaze.
Coi and Hla Brownies.
Palmer Cox says the idea of writing
about the brownies came to him from
refilling- Scotch traditions concerning
these uniusiiig little elves. They were,
be says, almost unknown in America
until he began writing about them, but
in Scotland they had existed in the
folk lore for 500 years. The Scotch
brownie, according to Mr. Cox, was) a
beneflcient sort of sprite, whose only
three emotions were joy, wonder and
terror. It was supMed they were
never seen by human beings, but went
about at night performing helpful deed
for the country folk, at the same tinio
?etting a deal of fun thenuielvee out of
kindly pranks.
lie Would Have Keen l.lkely to Get Him
self Into Trouble.
One dark evening I was returning
home from a call on one of our Eng
lish neighbors in Titiyuenfu. writes
Prof. C. M. Cady in Century. When not
rnr from our compound the road
crossed an oten spnee of Reveral acres
In extent. As I was finding mv way
along by the dim light of a Chinese
lantern, I nearly stumbled over the
body of a man who had fallen by the
way. My nrst imiulte was to take
Hold of the person and neertnin it
help was needed; but for Borne reason
I did not, but hurried home to get old
Mr. a was still with us, and on hearing
my statement said:
"Yes, I know; the man is dead, and
it Is fortunate that you did not attempt
to ioiicii me hotiv. Should wi niiw
try to remove it, or even go to it, we
hhoulil no doubt be seen, ami at once
mmpli lon would attach itself to us, and
none could tell the consequence). We
might esnm- a riot before morning."
It aliould be said that this suspicion
would not luivf liecn becnus we were
foreigner, for a native under sim
ilar circtiiiiHtanccs would likewise have
run the riak of Wing charged with
the murder. The Good Samaritan
would have fared hardly In China
or tnoat likely would have ticen sua--cted
of doing the kind deed for some
ultimate gain while the prieatand the
I-evli would have Wn accounted not
Itard-hrarted, but prudent.
O the Central I'leleee It la Cool and Not
I abeellhr.
As for the rliiiui te, It ia no worse than
that found elsewhere in tropic lands.
Ibe brat la not mi great aa In India
or as it Is eoinrtlinra in New York in
sttmmer. Fortunately, writes' Henry
M. Stanley In Ceutury, the coast twit
on both aides of Africa, where the beat
ia greatest, aud where tbe climate is
inoet unhrallhr, la narrow. In four
bourse railway train at ordinary speed
vould enable 11 a tocroea It, and so avoid
the debilitating trmprratiire. Ascrnd
li'g the aides of the coast range by tbe
eniiie iiieana of eoinrj aiiee, we should
In two bniira rriuh rolling plain
which gradually rise In height from
S 500 to J.loo feet lof tbe era. II. re
the climate la arnalblv cooler, and the
vhlle loan can enfrly work six hour
of tbe dny In ibe o-ei without fear
of autislroke, though, be muat not count
on Immunity from fever. In from ten
l.i twehe hours the traveler by train
woiim meet ai. oilier aieep riae, ami
woui.i nun in in. 11 rront j.oou 10 B.iaxi
fret U"e Uu sea, on (he broatd cen
tral plateau of the continent, which
uries ftttm foO to l.noo milea acroea.
It is In thla am lion that tbe great lakea,
aiiowy limunUina and lallrtt bills are
founil. Ilrre we hae cold nigbU and
hot ami whrn the akiea are rmt cloud
rtl, though the air In the shade la fre.
,uetilly ced enough fir an oterroat;
and It la 011 thla liiimrne upland that
the white mail, whru cootpHlet! by rlr
1 uiiiaiancea, may ttud home.
ftwaee Than a Sreeie Ike I ceilsMl
('ssrwisile4 fwe lawtl tea.
A marriage took plac la I he offlc of
S juatire of the a.-e In t olumbus, ( ,
S few tUia ago, and, while s ouwt Iru
prexMiv ceremony to ih contracting
ferttra. It bad s very btinmrou al.le
t'l the rtatfirti. The rnuple were evl
letilly from th rural dletrlrta, anya
the Tmy 1 imra, and were both eeetp.
nglv coer with confusion st tbelr
t-aong to ei.iii.) up Wfttre tbe four or
1e pux Ql, After tbe ft. mi had ta
ree.l, the VI hmir lir staading bat J
i .'t ' sm.uuj.cvl Is
Mai chnrcb is in town this week.
Andy Oook, of Lens, was seen on onr
streets last Wednesday.
Two At rules the Regular and Irregular.
To which would yon prefer to belong?
The regular, nndonbtedly. Tha irreg
ulars are, admittedly, the most numer
ous, but they are in a very nndesirable
state of no-discipline. Hosteller's
rjtoinaob Bitters will soon remedy
this want ' in a disordered liver or
bowels. Biliousness manifests itself in
yellowness of the skin and eyeballs,
sour breath, furred tongue, morning
nausea, dieoomfort in tbe vicinity of tbe
liver, vertigo and siok headache. Hosts
of people suffer tbns. These signs of
insnbordination to tbe governance of
health, together with an irregular con
dition of the bowels, are soon regulated
by tbe Bitters, which also overcomes
malaria, dyspepsia, rheumatism, neural
gia, nervousness and kidney trouble.
As a means of checking premature decay,
hastening oonvalesoenoe, and mitigat
ing tbe infirmities of age, tbe great
toaic is without a parallel.
A Texas murderer, says an exobarjge,
is lo have a brass band at his execution.
Some one suggests thai he should go tbe
whole length and have fireworks in tbe
Ths Grandest Remedy.
Mr. B. B. Qreeve, merchant, of Cbil
bowie, Va., certifies that be had con
sumption, was given np to die, sought
all medical treatment that money could
procure, tried all oongb remedies he oould
bear of, but got do relief; spent many
nights sitting op in a ohair; was inducted
to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and
as cured by use of two bottles. For the
past three years bas been attending to
business, and says Dr. Kino's New Dis
covery is the grandest remedy ever made,
as it nas done so muon for him and
also for others in his community. Dr.
King's New Disooverv is enaranteed
for Conghs, Colds and consumption. It
don't fail. Trial bottles free at Oonser
& Brock's drng store.
Jss. Oarty, accompanied oy his friend,
Jus. Curran. recently from Cbicaeo.
were in from Sand Hallow oo last Mod.
day and Tuesday,
Terrible Aooideut. It is a terrible ac
cident to be burned or soalded; bat tbe
pain and agony and tbe frightful dis
figurements can be qniokly overcome
witbont leaving a Bear by using De Witt's
Witob Hazel Halve. Fur sale by Conger
& Brook.
Tim, Oeo. Oonser's floe horse, got
afoul of tbe "cannon ball" recently aud
oame off with tbe loss of a number of
legs and his life.
Home for ten, some for twenty and
Borne for Ihirty years bave suffered from
piles and tben have been quickly and
permanently oared by nsing PeWitt's
Witob Hazel Salve, the great remedy for
piles and all forms of skin diseases. For
sale by Oonser & Brook.
Wbitmore Lodge, No. 45, of this place,
is being represented al Ibe Portland
grand lodgs sepeion by Mr. J. L. Yesger.
How's This!
We offer one hundred dollars reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by nail's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cbeney & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We tbe undersigned, bave known F.
J. Cbsney for Ibe last IS years, snd be
lieve bim perfectly honorable In all
business transactions and financially
able to carry ont any obligation made
by their firm.
West A Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, 0. Welding, Kinnan ft Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Core is takeo Inter
nally, soling dirsotly upon the blood sod
nioooui sarfaoee of tbe system. Price
75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists
Testimonials free.
Mrs, 8. P. Uarrlgoes is in attendance
npon lbs grand lodge, degree of honor
wbiob is is session io Portland.
"They are dandies" said Thos. How
ere; of Ibe Crocket, Tsias, Enterprise,
wbile writing about DeWill's Little
Early lllsers, the famous little pills tor
ick headache sod disorders of tbe slom
acb snd liver. For sale by Oonser
Jak Hlout gol into s runaway op si
T. J. Matlock's place sod cam out
with S pralnej leg, on day last week
Not only piles of tb very worst kind
can tie cored by Dewill's Witcb Usee1
Hlr, btil ftti ms, scalds, bores, broia
ea, boils, nicer and all other skin
trouble can be Instantly relieved by
tb m remedy. Fur sal by Oonser k
J. E. Taylor, representing, tb Paoiflo
Taper Uo., or I orllaoJ, was here 00
Wsdorsdey last.
Barklea'e Arawa Halve.
Tbe Best Ralve In lb world for Cute,
Hroieea, Horee, Ulcers. (Salt Kbeom
Fever Hores, Teller, Chapped ilaed
Chilblains, Corn, sad all Skis Krop-
linua. en.l tuieoiivelv r-nrss I'll n mtk
pitively rare
, ,.T required. It i narar.ted to tie
, perleel eallefaclliio or money tefnrxle.1
Price 23 real per
Cooarr A Brock.
bi. For sale by
Bee Mitchell representing IL Varaey
A Co, of Has Frsoctaro, wae brre os
We Inee.ley last.
KoTIt K.
All ereoes indebled la Bole soj se
en u tile due lo Nob! k Co. are rrqneele
lo eom forward end eeltl saro
s um as peeaibU. W still nmlinne la
bualneea end wilt sell f.nvta a low a
b tioagbl snyelier I the elelo.
Ni-SI k On.
Herrnst. Or..JB:4. V?. If.
Art Anaertnsa cs beta beard from
berk Sl bs eld bora la tiallelo. Pot let
Co., Peep.
Mirk be.U be be quickly and
t l'tIy avertMMB by Being Ibn (anaoo
lull ill knew -IVwilf Little
rr!y Kiser," . rr Ml ly Cue t
to Sormla) That His
Had Been Hart. -
L. C. Meacb'imp, living above Homer,
La., on the edge of Arkansas, is a groat
hunter and has a fins deer hound, Don,
of which he i? justly proud. . A few
days ago, Bays the Philadelphia Times,
Mr. Meachamp was going squirrel
bunting, and in order to' keep Dan at
home he was compelled to tie him .p.
The hound whined and begged, but,
finding hia master wos obdurate, he at
last lay quite peaceably before the ken
nel al! day.
At five o clock in the afternoon, how
ever, wnen Mrs. jueacnamp was ne
ginning to look for her husband's re
turn, Dan became ro unusually restless
that she'went out to see what was the
matter. In spite of her repeated ef
forts rho could do nothing to pacify
him, and at last, to her utter astonish
ment, he broke the rope and boundtd
away over the fence and into the woods.
He wa gone probably a half hour when
he came running back panting and al
most breathless with his master's iiat
in his mouth.
Mrs. Meachrtmp became at once
alarmed, and, calling her son. they set
out to find Meachamp, the dog all ibe
time bounding along in front and lean
ing the way. At last they came upon
Mr. Menchamp lying helpless in the
woods, where at precisely five o'clock
he had fallen in a little ditch and
broken a sror.ll bone in his leg. . The
dog's knowledge of the accident at the
very moment of its occurrence seems
almost incredible, but the; truth of this
is beyond dispute.
Strange and Gigantic Bird Killed by
Man In West Virginia.
Elias Midkif, of Hamlin, Lincoln
county, was in Charleston the other
day, and proposed to the State His
torical and Antiquarian society that if
it would send a taxidermist to Hamlin
the society would secure a monster bird,
of a kind never seen before by anyone
in West Virginia. The feathered
monster, eay the Baltimore American,
is described by Mr. Midkif, from meas
urements taken by himself and W. W.
Adkins, of Hamlin, who killed the bird
at the mouth of Vannatters creek, with
five bullets from his rifle, while hunting
deer recently. The bird is seven feet
four inches from tip to tip, four feet
from tip of bill to tail, flat bill four
inches long and three inches wide,
somewhat similar to that of a duck;
web feet, covering nearly a square foot
of area each; neck 19 inches long, legs
about 11 inches long, and about one and
half inches through below the
feathers; plumage dark brown, re
lieved on the wings and breast by light
blue shading. The bird when first seen
was circling high in tbe air, but came
down very quickly and alighted in the
water, where Adkins got a good shot at
it, crippling its wing. Adkins at
tempted to capture the strange fowl
alive, but it was so vicious that he could
not get near it without killing it, which
required five bullets.
now the Natives
the Well-Filled
An Australian savage comes up to
nn Irishman's idea ot human skill, for
'he bates the bees." A native seldom
fuils to get honey when ho discovers
the bee lie has been wathchmg for. The
following description of n native's bee
hunt is given in Mr. Arthur's "Kangaroo
and Kauri:
Warrujolluh, the chief of a tribe,
went wit h two little nets to a small pool,
tilled his mouth with water, and theu
lying down, his head hanging over tho
kh)1, he remained quiet for an hour,
aporently looking at his own reflection
in the water. Then the hum of a bee
was heard. Buzz-z-z it went over the
tool, round the black's head, now on one
side, now on the other, and now clone
to hi ear; but not s motion betrayed
Uie bee hunter
But when the bee, dropping clone to
the water, gave notice by the change of
its tune that it was about to sip, the
chief, with a snort, squirted the water
from hla mouth over the little "buzzer."
Before it hod time to recover from the
unexpected douche, he seized it dex
terlously by the wings.
1 hen he prepared it for the chase by
fnstenlng to It a bunch of wild cotton
with some gum. The lee was let go; It
made for its hive, slow ly at first on ac
count of its lioel burden, which im
peded iu progreas and ahowed a sign In
the air for the chief to follow. Over
bramble and broke went the chief, oc
(ompiinleil by the men of his trilie, and
In half an hour halted st the foot of au
Immense gum tree, Into whose top the
ore hail cone
The chief mounted quickly, by cutting
notches into the bark with hi stone
tomahawk. Ina short t line he brought
dow n a quantity of honeycomb, a email
piece only of which contained honey,
lite Australian ticea are at ingles.
IsnpravesBenta Whirls Make Their Is
Hardly Netlrewbl.
Painstaking skill and constant Ira
provement ere necessary factor In the
perfection or iucccm of almost any In
duatry, but nowhere, any tb New
York Mail and Kxprrwa, are they more
fully attended than In tb making of
srlideial linitt. There w a time when
the lame and tbe crippled haul to show
their defect Slid luiaiortune to tb
world. Now it I just the other way
People with artificial leg can now walk
o wrferlly a to avoid detection, and s
perexm with a alngle amputation ran
a I moat defy detection. Improvement
make it weaiiie to move the knee and
ankle joint, and thl Innovation alao
strengthen tb whole limb and make
It more durable.
On ot the laU-al Improvements I Id
the knee joint of the Irf tor thigh am
puUtlort, which I bo arranered that
when in s sitting rwiaitkmth cord and
spring are entirely related, thu re
lieving all strain and prwaaure. There
re In the I'mted Slete loo.ooo rwrarm
w ho be lo be aupplie.1 with new limb
oo an rerwg-e of one in every flv in
eight year, Th manufacturing of
the art tries n New York baa Dcotn
quit an eoterprte.
Water la Rbs
Fiprrlmeau with a herroetk
"led rubber buttle conlaiamg water
nav snows that tb ruhlier U not ab
aolulrly watertight ht eile4 bottle
weighed y ous.ea dram; st tbe esd
of i.n yer lb weight wae T ounce
drama; r. ne ytsre, it nnneea: e'lrhti-ea
Jear. 14 OUdi-re J ilrrii: tVei!y.the4
yrera, 14 ounce 4 Jrm. twraty To
yer, 7 exinre I digbl; t-rnty.g ,
)ere, 3 i,ii,Ta llttrgr.ii: tl.ittv vtjra.
J eM.i .,.ai,tfcfwrfirUb3f ti.
Aa Eminent New York Chemist aad scientist
Makes a Free Offer to Onr Headers.
Tbe distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo-
cam, of New Tork City, demonstrating
his discovery of a reliable core for Con-
sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis),
brooobial, long and chest troubles,
stubborn oougbs, oatarrbal affections,
general deoline and weakness, loss of
flesh, and all conditions of wasting
away, will send THREE FREE BOT
TLES (all different) of his New Dis
coveries to any a til r ted resder of this
paper writing for them.
Hi "New Scientific Treatment" has
oared thousands permanently bv its
timely use, sod he considers it a simple
professions! duty to suffering humanity
to donate a trial of bis infallible care.
Soienoe daily develops new wonders,
snd this great chemist, patiently experi
menting for years, bas produoed results
as beneficial to. -humanity as can be
claimed by any modern genius. His
assertion that lung troubles and con
sumption are curable in any olimate is
proven by "heartfelt letters of grati
tude," filed in bis American and Euro
pean laboratories in thousands from
those cored in all parts of tbe world.
The dread Consumption, uninter
rupted, means speedy and certain death.
Simply write, to T. A. Slooom, M. 0.,
i Pine street, New York, giving post-
office and express address, and the free
medicine will be promptly sent direct
from bis laboratory.
Sufferers should take instant advan
tage of bis generoaB proposition.
Please tell the Dootor that you saw
this in the Gazette, published al Hepp
ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr.
building committee ot the Odd Fellow'
hall at lone. Oreeon. will receive hlda for the
erection of a 26x56 hall, everything to be fur-
iiisneu djt me Dunaer. nans ana specifica
tions for hall can be aeen at J. A. Woolerv'
store at lone. Bids to be opened July 21, imj.
The committee reserve the right to reject any
or an uiub. jjy oruer 01 commmee.
656-83 J. A, WOOLEKY.
Thb Bobs Feed Yard. Tbe first feed
yard tbe teamster strikes in Heppner
is thai condnoted by William Gordon ,
next door to the Heppner Gazette
raooh. Mr. Gordon is aooommodating.
has a good yard and abundant facilities
to take oare ot stock in first class sbape.
Hi prices are very reasonable. He bas
bay and grain for sale. Has lately
added a car load of baled timothy.
Tbe Gazette will take potatoes, apples,
eggs or batter on subscription accounts.
Any one owing this offioe can settle tbeir
accounts in this manner end can't do it
loo soon to Boil us.
"Never Fail" headache wafers st Oon
ser ft Brook', This medioine will oare
sny kind of s headache in short order.
Pot s quarter in yoor pocket and
don't spend it till yoa get down to Low
Tillard's. Finest liquor snd oiuari.
Near city hall. . a
See those new Bnssian Tan sboea
down st Liobtentbal'. Latest styles.
best quality, reasonable prioea. Ton
cannct do better anywhere. tf
Come in sod subscribe for the "Gazoo."
now is tbe time. Yoa don't wsot to
mis a whole lot of good, hard reading
that Is now bsiog published in onr
Any person who ia interested io
British Colombia should writ to W. H.
Harlburt, genersl passeoger agent of Ibe
O. R AN, for s copy ot Pst Doosn's lit
tle "booklet," "Tbe New Boosnzslsnd."
II I well worth the trouble. 60-tf.
Caveat, and Trade-Marks obtained and all fet-
at business eoaducud for teteTt ftt.
OuaOrneiieoeeoeiTf u, a. Paviiivomet
and we caa srrur pawat i kt tun Uisn timet
rstaol Irani Washing-tots,
bead mod!, drawinf or pknto with eescrtp
tlna. Ws advise, II patentable or sot, Ira el
charge. Oar fee sot doe till patent ts secsrrd,
A Pawewirr, " Hw te Obtaia Pateata," with
cost el easseia the U. S sad lerats oousUm.
sat fre. Aildnas,
0w. t.-Tf NT OmCI. WssSMIHttTON. D. C.
AttorneyH nt Lciw,
All basin attended to
msnncr. Notaries
HF.PPNKR, t i .
Columbia River and Puget Sound Navigation Co
Le.vin, Ald.r Hlrt Dvck. PortlaJ, to A.torl ll.,. Lost Beaoh, Ooea,
l'srk sad Naheolt. Iire onne.-tm with iiw.oo al.awer. ssdrsiU
road; ale at Tooog's Bay with feaebor lLiiroe.1.
Uav. fortland T a. U. Pally. ..eep u4.y. Ueve, A.torl, 1 P. M belly, e.cp, m4t
Uve rrU4 I Mt Illy. etre HiM.r, SaUMlav eteht. h p M t!.M A.i .i.
at es A. M . arH Sunday and Monday. ' Uf ulfil. l7. M .
Leave Pnrtland sad rune dleart M lwat. T-I.T and Thuradavu A w . ,,.. . , M
Uave L.are aedneri.y and f rUU, H 1 i. J. m,tTtt ' ' "
CkM ta MnU IVslitilioi P4 Erarba Free if fspvt
for etr, Speed, Comfort, rUanr. T'ar.l e th. T.leaon. IUi!eT Oatreti aM (reaa W.v
J-;Q. ljOHOIIlCRS. Prop.
Kccjjs the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
thing to patent? Protect yonr ideas; they may
bring yoa wealth. Writ JOHN WKDDKR
BUKN A CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington.
D. G., for their fluo prise offer. . . . ." .
Hiok Mathews and V. Gentry, under
the firm name of Mathews & Qentry,
are associated together in tbe barber
business in tbe new stand, two doors
sooth of the poetoffioe. . They eolioit a
call. Shaving, 15 oents. ' tf.
Come to tbe Gazette offioe and get a
decent lot of envelops printed.
Government envelop look obeap, snd
besides you cannot get yonr business
oard printed thereon. tf
A good bicyole, suitable for either lady
or gentleman, in fine repair, new pneu
matic tires, for sale obeap at Gilliam fc
Bisbee'B. tf
Dr. John W. Rasmus, ot the Redlieht,
has keg beer on draught Ihe Hop
Gold. Best of liquors snd cigars in
s took. ' If
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at Thk Dalles, Oregon.
following-named settler ha filed notice of
hi intention to make ilnal proof In support ot
hi claim, and that said proof will be made
before 1. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on August 7th, 1897, viis:
Hd. E. No. 39U9, for the BH NWJ4 and Ntf SWii
Sec. 1, Tp 6 8 R 26 E W M.
He name the following witnesses to prove
hi continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Benjamin H. Parker, J. F.
Ward, Nelson Oumpton and Samuel Enaley, all
of Hardman, Oregon.
&58-87 KegUter.
and by virtue of an execution issued out.
of the circuit court of the State of Oregon for
the county of Morrow and to me directed audi
delivered, upon a judgment rendered and en
tered in Bald court on the 9th day of Septem
ber, 1896, ia favor of Clara A. Cobb, Plaintiff,
and against Morris D. Long, Linnle Long, hi
wiie, r. kj. duukiiuui, ene e.. rjucanum, nis
wife, C. A. HugheB, L. Hughe, her husband, H.
J. Faust, Panlel B.Brown and Brown, hia
wife, Defendant for the um of Three Hundred
Seventy-One 85-100 Dollar with interest thereon
at the rate of eight per cent per annum from
the 1st day of March, 1895, and the further aura
of S'Jl 89 and interest at the rate of eight per
cent per annum from March 1st, 1894 and Fifty-
rive uoiiar attorney fee and the sum of
Fifty-one 75-100 dollar coat and diburment.
W hereas by said decree and order of sale it was
directed that the following described reaK
property in Morrow county, Oregon to-wit::
1 be East half of the South-west quarter and
the West half of the South east quarter of Sec
tion 28, Township One (1) North Range 26 East,
W. M., to be aold to satisfy said judgment, t ost
and accruing cost. I will on Baturday.
TheSM day of July, 1897,
at two o'clock p. m., of laid day, at the front
door of the court house In Heppner, Morrow
county, Oregon, sell all the right, title and in
terest of the aald Morri D Long, Linnle Long,
hi wife, et al., in and to the above
described property at public auction to
the highest and best bidder for cash in hand,
the proceeds to be applied to the aatisfactlon
of aald execution and all coat, and cost that
may accrue. E. L. MATLOCK,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated July 2nd, 1897. 558-67
How to
Get Rich-avaAt.
$25 will earn you
$7 weekly
With oar plan of investment;
yoa cannot lose. Two men
made $500 aod $650 last month
on t'25. Yon can do likewise.
If yoa don't invest, end keep
yoor money In yoar pocket,
yoa will be poor all your life.
Try as with (25 and see what
we oan do. Absolutely oo
risk. Write for particulars to
Guarantee Brokerage Co., Offloes, 213
snd 215 Byrne Bailding, Los Angeles,
Rural Spirit
Published Weekly at.
Portland, Or.
and Turf.
Worth l weisbt in gold to every farmer
aod breeder io Oregon.
Sam pi oopie fre.)
Bars! Spirit sod Osteite both for
I3.S0, ob, sl tbi offioe.
ia s prompt an J ssllifactory
Poblw snd Collectors.