V e Impure Blood Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles and Sick Headache the Results-Doc tored for Years Without Relief. " My blood was out of order, and I be (ran taking Hood's SarsapariUa. It has purified my blood and relieved me of rheumatism, kidney trouble and sick headaches. I have been afflicted with these difficulties for years. I am now able to do a good day's work. Rheumatism has troubled me since I was a child, but I am now entirely well." Miss Phkobb Bai ley, Box 446, Pasadena, California. " I have suffered from the effects of Im pure blood, boils, pimples, etc., for five years. I have tried various remedies with out relief and finally purchased six bot tles of Hood's Sarsaparilla. The boils and pimples have all disappeared since I began taking this medicine. I am now entirely cured." Louis Thomas, 1412 11th Street, Oakland, California. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purl, tier. All druggists. (1, six for 5. Get Hood's. Hood's Pills Kraeb&r raivoLous fbuolities. Take Notice. 1. The ram of live cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue Is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ei to in every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and madu known upon application. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. A Few Hard Facts Here aid There From Sport's Mote Book It may be somewhat mysterious to some why Jas. Teager bonght a ticket each for a woman and himself, down at the depot the other evening, and then left on the same train with the lady. Bat it oso all be explained. Either Fred Bartholomew or Mr. Yeager can tell the faots ia the ease. Don't slander a good man till yon know the faots. The town onnoil have fixed np the oows ana toe dogs, and they are won dering what kind ot a kiok Sport will dig np next. The oounoil did the band some thing by reduoing the dog tax down to a dollar, bnt they forgot to resolute" so that Sport would have a dead shot on getting the dollar. The Qezette distinguished itself by getting into Judge Riohardsoo'e clntoh- es the other day. This part of the shop being a new offender before his honor, he was let of with the "usual," The races nt Anaoonda were as follows: On the 19th, Bed S. took second money in the three furlongs, Harry N. ooming out first in 0:35, Butler third. The Oregon runners up at Anaoonda seem still to have their share ot bad lack. Sport's friends who have been de pending npon the Oregonian for race news from Montana all agree that they are putting faith in a weak sfster. The Oregonian is too poor to pay for news. The water people were a little "shy" on aqua Wednesday evening. The big gest "roaring" about it oame from peo ple who were never known to use water. Now that the great political campaign is over and the winter season again with us, all will want an adequate supply of fresh and varied reading matter . for the long evenings. Cognizant of this the Gazette has made clnbbiog arrangements with a number of periodicals and now offers the following to all new and renew al subscribers: The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, (1.50 : 13.60 " B. F. Examiner, 11.50 8.75 " N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 8.00 " Inter-Ocean, 11.00 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75 Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, U.00 8.85 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.50 Leslie's Weekly, M OO 5.00 HSTB. EPISC. CBUKOH. SERVICES. Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. CIb'W No. 1 and i at 12:10 p. m. Kp worth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. rraer meeting, inurwiay, Bp. m. '"The Spirit and the bri ' say. Coma." The pastor may be found at the parsonage ad joining tne otiuroh, wnere be will be glad to meet any w o may dmira to oonsnlt him on ralinoQs, social, oivio, philoaoptuo, educational, or any other subjects. J. W. FLEHHER. Minister. Here and There. See Maria for sky-bloa with trim mings. 58. tt Conser k Brock's for the "Never Fail" headache wafer. tf, For a nobby suit of cjotbes go to the New Tork taller. ' 68lf Frank Sloan was over from Bolter oreek Taetday last. Milk from single oows for babiea at the Shorthorn dairy. 58tf Ranous ia still on the tnrf doing a lit tie oarpenter basinets, tf tleppner Outfitting Go., in the old Herreo stand, tea adv. a Submit your plans to Baooas before giving ont jour oontraot. tf Won. Allen sod bis son, John, are over from tna Jobn Lay with wool. Mike Marshal was in from tbs monnt alns Wednesday for sopplies. D. O. Browning and too were in from Long Creek last week with wool. Wm. Drtskell is serioosly ill at lbs boms ot T. W. Ayera io Heppner. Dan Morrow sod Vaa Hioton came in yesterday from Long Crack with wool. Born To the wife of Johnny Waddle, oo Batter creek, oo the 15th lost, a girl Statement for tba Famoos Simple Aooonnt Fit printed at tba Gaialta of floe. If. Andrew Tillard la back from SompUr and Bonnie. Ua thinks tbeaa ara lively amp. Mrs, J. J. Roberta ia attending tba Degree of Honor grand lodge down at Portland. Born-Oo Eight Mile, oo tba 21st ioai, to tba of wife Ed C Asbbaogh.a 9 pound boy. Ed Payne came la yastarday from Hemiltoa wijh bit mother, Mr. Leal Greenwood. Tba Hop Oold kag bar al lha Wsl- eoma. Oo la, jeo thirsty deoiitae, and aea tba boys. If Rav. Father Brlodv. of Ondoo, win bold service ia tba Catholic aboreb ia Deppoar oo Monday, Jaly 26 tba last Sunday la Jaly. 62-21 Cbea. Jonee and ano, Orvilla, ara tonr log Gilliam and Oraot Manilas oo aa advertisiag scheme. Mia Uolmae. aaolbet of Mr. McKaal epeel a fa day last aaek apatlba H r reach, oa Willow a rack. Hiak Mattbeae retoraad Wadoaaday from Lla viail lo Bamptar and Bourse. Bisk la wall aleaaad with bte trip. Best aoonmoiodatlc) aad aoartanae trtetiaaal altaatoperial Hotel. Seventh aad Ween. Die., Portland, Orgna. Mrs. II. Blarkiaas aa4 anaa, Depp aad AM, bava raloroad from Portland aad a visit lo tba eed sal aa coast. J. A. Petterewa aad bis mm. IWaeia, are down I aataris. W. II. srseie pulling tba throttle darieg "Pat'a" aheeaca. TbuM wan iel' (a bailJ tboold ao! turgma Ibal C. E. Rtson, tba f araewr, at rady la ake ttaateal aay lima. (V-. feUrkw-JI' la7 ptekla and aa4 t'xxte. r4i4 prirea, Orarg Fraat, rpp. City Met, Car. Mala a4 Willow street. M l' CELERY KOLA GIVES REST AND SLEEP w ft ft. A True Nerve Tonic and Blood Purifier Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood, Regulates the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. NEW DISCOVERY; BEST CELERY PREPARATION ON EARTH. AN E HAD ONIvY AT' JtdL3TT Bl-Oot 18 Boins Eastern Visitors. Messrs. J. H. Sohenok and J. Patter son Wheeler, of Dresden and Pen Tan, Y., respectively, arrived here on last Wednesday morning, via San Fran cisco and Portland, and will remain sev eral days when they will begin the jour ney homeward, going on the Great Northern to St. Paul, then oo to Obi oago and Indianapolis, where they will stop a brief period in eaoh plaoe to visit relatives and friends. Mr. Wheeler is a ooosin ot the Patterson brothers and Mr. Sohenok is his friend and traveliog companion. Before leaving tor the East both will visit Long Oreek. Both are well pleased with their Western trip, and particularly with what they have seen in Oregon. Peaobes, watermelons and all traits of the season arriving daily at Ibe Orange Front. 61-tf Oeo. Barker is reported aa being ill with pneamonia op at Sampler. The Gi zette hopes that be will speedily reoover. II is said that tba planet, Venns, eao be discerned with the naked rye daring the daytime high op in the southwest portion of the beavena. W. O. Bill and Bill 1 ieroe were In from Gooseberry yesterday. William exhibited aome very fine samples of wheat grown in bis section. Tbs air was (all of .'hoppers yesterday, bigb op In the sky, flying southward, perhaps to lha mountains. Tbia re minds aome former resident ot Kanae of "ye olden tyme." Tba little son of C. Leyda fell off tba fenoe near bis borne below towo recent ly, and fractured both bones of Ins ngbt foresrm near tba wrist. Dr. Mo Swords redaoed the break. A Chinese miner was badly bar! on Big oreek by a oeve-ia yeaterday. A message waa tent via Heppner lo sum mon Dr. Kam Wab Chang, of Baker City, to attend tba sufferer. It ia believed by a large portion ot tba resident of Berne, Switzerland, that tba preea notiora of eoicidee cause ao epidemic of self-murder; therefore a oonoarted effort baa beeo made to sup press snob announcements. Fossil Journal: One of Chas. Hilton's bands of sheep, in obarge of Oeo. Caven ot Fossil, was shot into on the nights of July 2nd and 3rd, near the head of Kahler Basin. On the night ot tbe 2ud tba berder'a cabin waa surrounded and 25 pistol shots fired into the band, kill ing one sheep. On tbe night of the 3rd the misoreants returned and again shot into the band, killing fonr sheep. On this night tbe berder stepped outside, part ot tbe gang surrounded him while the others did the shooting. Neil day Qeorge pulled ont of there with tbs sheep, aa be didn't think the olimate quite suited him. Qeorge threw np bis job, and a new berder, a Frenchman, was sent back to Kabler Basin with tba sheep. There is bad blood between tbe oattlemen and farmers ot that looaltty and tbe sheepmen ot Gilliam and Mor row oonnties who take their abeep onto government land in that section tor summer range, and it is not nnlikely that human blood will be spilt ere a stop be pat to these dastardly outrages. The Winner of one of those $ 100 prizes got her yellow tickets in this way: I. By using the tea herself. a. By asking some friends who use the tea to give her their tickets. 3. By inducing some friends to try the tea and give her their tickets. One of her friends kept boarding house, and sent her lots of tickets. Haven't you some friend who keep a boarding house or a restaurs nt, or who has in nuence in some nospitai or other public institution ? They need good tea there. Rule of cnnM In Urj;a advertUcmeni about lint iiisa nuii.iie 14 ilk nmth, a a Mr. Wilcor, of Eagl valley, Oregon, tnUeed oaa of bia eowa a few day a ago, aad what be finally foood bar, ba dia- eovered that aha bad adopted a yoang faaa, aad waa taking prop ear at II A fw days later aba gave birth to a at', and aew tba rlf aad fso receive tli m 01 bar I v altewtin. Make Hiai fee Yvaag ' "For ana lima I ofTrd wtib great ko and waa anl abla lo walk. eenid no! Wp nights and did anl bava aa stpetiu. 0a day a frlaad ad- vld as lo lata llond's Paraaparilla aad I did ao. Aftar laklag gvt fettil aay kaalUi waa woadertally Improved. Oood'e farMOarilla baa made laa tea! vff agala." II. Kate. 1 TW Way, fWaitla, Waaa. Ifood'e Pill ara eaaf lo lake. 2-Xa Mr. St. Jobn, who lives on tbe Qeo. A. Dorria farm near Springfield, has a couple of freaks in tbe fowl line, says tbe Eugene Register. One is a yonng tur key, now nearly half grown, which has only one wing. It can'l help it tor it was born that way, there being no sign of a wing 00 one side of its body. In all other respects it is a perfectly sound, healthy and well developed turkey. The other freak is a Mongolian pheasant about six weeks old running with a yonug brood of turkeys of about tbe same sue. Whether tbe mother pheasant laid her egg in tbe turkey's nest and the pheasant was hatched by the mother turkey, or whether it took np its abode in tbe turkey family after starting Id lite, is nol known, bat it now runs with the young turkeys oontioaally and comes np to roost with Ibem every even ing, and it probably doesn't know whether it is a torker or a pheasant. The people of a Washington town, says the Times-Mountaineer, are red headed over what tbey drim was a bunoo game set op for tbeir humiliation by the ladies ot a church fair. The la dies advertised far and wide that they would appear in bloomers at tbe fair. The entire population tamed out and paid their entrance fee and found that "bloomers" worn by the ladies were only tbe flowers of the gardens and fleldo. A weed known as tba "goat weed," ia gaining great headway in several local ities io the oonnty, and partioulnrly aasl of Cobarg and in tba Pleasant Hill country, says tba Eugene Register. Io loeie looeiitiee tbe bills and nelda are covered with it, aod aa it is now in blo.im it appears to ba in the msjirity io tbe way ot vegetation. Tba plant grows from ons to two feet bigb and baa a yellow bloom. It ia said no stook will eat it, and il soon destroy the grass In a paslore wben oooe it gets a good start. Tbe presenoe of tbe weed has been known for a 0 amber of years, as ll baa been plentiful enough to attraot general notice. Smtll palobea ot tbe weed oao ba seen in other places than ' those mentioned, and doobtlesa in a few years It will ba apread over Iba entire oonnty. A Nrw Gaeie Law. A much abased editor of a weekly paper published in Obio, baa drafted tba following game law: Book agents may ba killed from September 1 to October 1; spring poets, March 1 to July 1; scandal mongers, aoy time; wbalea, August 1 to January 1 ; tba man who never paya bia sobeoriptioa, a wall aa tba antiquarian, two-peony banneee man, wbo tbinka II doean't pay lo advertise, may ba killed from January 1 to December 81, without reoooree or any relief from valuation or appraisement law. Something to Knew. II may ba worth something to know tbsl tba vary baat medicine for restoring Ibal tired oot aervoos system to a beeltby vigor if Eleetrla Bitter. Tbia medicine ia purely vegetable, acta by giving tone to lha nerve orntree la Iba atoaacb. gently etimalates tba Liver and Kid nay a and aida thees orgaoa la tbrowlog off impuritiea la tba blood. Electric Bitter a Improves Iba appetite, aids digaatloo, and la prooooBoed by tboaa wbo bava triad it aa tbs very beat blood pari liar and oerve looia. Try It. Bold for 60c or IL- 00 par bottl at Cooeer k Brock's drag tor. NOTICE. ALL HEPPSEE JITT WAfcB4T B'.O UUffd on ot Man A urit 12n4. 1S, will be p14 on prtMsAMtam i to tr W nrer't oRIra laumn. mm vunui :U ceue from 1am iA lata mrta. L. W. Htuuer CWj Iiwjum. Dated July 23, 107. Notice to the Public. Jong You, of the Dalles, has bought oat tbe Wing Lee laundry on Court street. All obligations ot Wing Lee will be settled by Wing. Jong Yon will continue tbe laundry business al tbe same old stand and soliolta tbe patron age of tbe Heppner people. Everything done in first olass shape. Jono You, Heppner, Or. Dated, Heppner, Or., July 19, 1897. 63-64 Get yoar clothes made by the New Tork tailor. He oarrie a fine selection iA foreign and domestio woolens. Can fit yoo op in tba latest styles. 58tt Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon. ONLY STATE SCHOOL IN EASTERN OREGON Located on the O. R. k N. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla. Stndenta admitted al all times ol lbs year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vocal and Instrumental Music taught by eompetent iostrnctors. A gradn ata ot tba Boston Conservatory baa obarge ot tba instrumental department. IM10 IvficlleM' Oocirclliit: IIcill Is thoroughly f qui oped and offer ex cellent aroommodationa al reasonable ratea. Send for catalogue. Addaeea M. G. ROYAL, Praaldant of Faculty ar P. A. WORTHING. TON, Seoretary Board of Regenta, Weaton, Ora. STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY ! You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! B DT YOU DO WANT LOW PRICES groceries and supplies ; yon want sub stantial gents' furnishings. Yoo oan find what you want at T. R. Howard's. . MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED! IT. IKE. Howard Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. THE Ml OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of HOP GOBB And now tlie entire world h nows this vertect vrodtwl As the otar lirewery beer On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washlngten St., Portland, Or. t '-aW y NOTICE! TO BI6Y6LISTS, SHOPPERS, ETC. SI Heppner Outfitting Co. Cull 011. 8 HYPNOTIZE THC SHAVERS. laWf lUalr StNaa Morrca a4 Will "Wd yon arr know," aaid a Ninth trwt lrbrr to a Philadelphia tocord Mian, "that certain turn whorome Into thla abop to b shaved tirrt a queer hypnotic Influence oer ona or Dtor of the barbers? It's a fact. Kow, there's a man 01 rr there at the best chair bnt one. He riuean't look Ilka a aervoua Mlow, doe bT .No! Well, ba laa'l nerroua aa a rule, but there' a certain man alKjiiHown hose ery appear anw In tbe lmrwsy seta that tnaa hir eling like a man ia a fit Ha could no mora ahaa that particular customer tbaa fly. Aaotbar man who tr4 to work la tbia abop a roupu of year ago waa similarly aftaeted. but to a ffreatar degree, by a prominent busineM man, a Nr. IJ . Whenever Mr. It rauie Into the abop the barbar would grow deathly pl aod qui'cr spaamodlrally. It frequently compelled biro to knock off work tut a wbola day, and finally tba boa bad to dlacbargw him. t art! llera'a another funny tblBj. Uid yow aver know that tba a ears; barber bates nothing ao dik b aa to baa to abaa a maa'a opper UpT Idoa'tknow wh It Is. I j I I feel that way myself. I'd rather low a day's pay tbaa baa off a men a tcaatacU. and ba a avKXh-fkocd beacons Into this Up )o ou; b.t imiiJ4 way aatb of u aol4ir' arxl "m.mjijr' arowixl, w aa u kory Jtita trvia gtUitg la trey la fact, any paraon, or persona, reeidiag wit bio the elty limit, or twenty limits, wbo shall ba eaagbt riding, or walking, by tba ! ot t MINOR & CO. I 1 nil I ALL Witboalatnpplna at tba above aoaotiooed atora will ba aotiOed by Iba City Marshal Ibat tba oaly plaaa lo tleppner yoo can boy la at tba Rura of MISOn CO. Oar aotira Ilea maat go lo taaka rHia fur fall stork , V (I 11 imiih ni liUll OllUiiO il 1 IjUi) H w m. a oosr ! V; & CO. MINOR HEPPNER, OREGON. FRED. BARTHOLOMEW At this popular stand and get roods at hall .t 11 the old prices. Pact. FllAOTv Mcli'ARLAND, Mgr. IF YOU WANT FRUIT JA11S IGE CREAM FREEZERS Cigsre, ayropa, btnreat glovea, or Oetrlab feat hoc dollars; alao aoma olbvr thing, don't forgtt to sail oa O. Ti?iiOAirsoi oo., HEPrNCR'S HEAVIEST IMf0ITERS. You con Wogcr Your Sox that You are Always at Home ot .... THE T- Welcome THE Ua Mala Htnat, In City lintsl Du.lJIng. BEST WET GOODS in tho MARKET. Tbey try to at all. fie a elub rooms la eoaaectioa. row aurvrvvio. prop Tho GAZETTE, $2,50 A Yoar for CASH.