4 It is thought that the revised tariff measure will pass the seriate today. WHAT OCR EXCHANGES SAT. Tbe oocopation of tbe calamity bowler, at least as (ar as Oregon is concerned, like tbat of Othello, ia cona. With wheat soaring around 80 cetits per bush el, wool as high as 13 ceota per pound, bops 11 cents per pound, beef $7 a bead more than year ago, aod bay and cereals at proportionate! fair Dries and large oropa of tbem all for export the Oregon farmer's lot promises to be financially happy one tbis year. With this changed condition, under only four months' of MoKinley's adminietration, and the proepeot of an early passage and enforcement of a benefioeot tariff law. instead of the present deficit prodaoing monstrosity relic of Cleveland's mal administration, the professional jaw smith, monetary qnaok, and political back have lost their stock in trade and they will find the "producing masses" have no time or little inclination to listen to their vaporings, while the musi oal noise of the mower, reaper and thresher resounds through the valleys. AshlaDd Tidings. Tbe Oregon Press association will meet in annual session at Baker City on Sept. 10. The Clondyke mines are not in Alaska as many suppose, being lo cated in the British possessions. The supreme court justices of Oregon will meet in Pendleton on July 31, to hand down decisions in cases argued and submitted at the May term in Pendleton. In a recent issue of The Dalles Chronicle in an article, "Clondyke Isn't In It," considerable attention is paid to the resources of Wasco, Sherman and Gilliam counties. Tbe story is a glittering one, but the Chronicle must not forget tbat Morrow county is one of the bub bles on the soap-suds. The talk of Japan and Spain combining to fight this country is all bosb. Why, Spain can't whip a little band of Cubans, though the latter are poorly equipped for war. As an ally of any country she would amount to nothing. The whole story is a canard, started in England so say the Eastern press. No man in tbe country has a better opportunity to judge of the conditions of businpss than Secre tary flage of the treasury. This fact lends especial interest to a statement recently made by Mr. Oag(, in which ho announced tbat his information from all parts of the country, obtained from all callers, correspondence, and tbe press, points in one direction, an actual improvement in trade and manufactures. . ,t io tauiff law wmcu uas gone upon tbe statute books within tbe memory of the present generation lias been as cordially approved and endorsed even by members of tbe party opposed to it as is tbe case with tbis one. The growth of the protective-tariff Bentiment in all parts of the country, coupled with the fact tbat the now law destroys the advantages given to the trusts uuder tbo Wilriou law, make it an especially popular measure, while the advantages which it gives to the farmer, as well as the in an uf ho turers, adds to its general ac-ceptability. The Evening Tribune is authority for the announcement that Wm, Jennings Bryan was eleoted on last Monday even ing an honorary member of a social clnb of Portland called the Lilacs. Hereto fore tbe admirers of tbe apostle of free silver have always referred to bim flores oently as a "daisy" now tbey oan oall bim in verity a "lilac" After their fashion tbe Lilacs are an exolnaive set; it would probably surprise many Bryan itea lo know the amount of irrigation required to produce a hlao of tbe Port land variety. Ashland Tidings. The prosperity is already visible among tbe farmers and tbe prospect tbat it is to be continued bas been reoog nized by tbe financiers of tbe East who have just issued orders to their repre sentatives in the Mississippi valley to return to the liberal business methods which existed prior to tbe present de pression by making farm loans at low rates of interest. Pendleton Tribune. Tbe immense find of gold in the Clon dyke region has turned the beads of the Western world. Tbis great bonanza, like alt others, will have an ending, and thousands will tben be left stranded on the ice fields nf the north in tbe effort to reach it. But few people are fitted to undertake to resobthis strike, as several hundred dollars in oasb, besides a six months' supply of proyisions, ia neoes sary to properly equip on to reaoh tbe mines in safety. Eugene Register. Let tbe people of New York aDd other Eastern states go to tbe Clondyke. Yon, farmer friends, raiss fruit, butter, eggs, grain and vegetables for tbem. You will thus get your full share of the gold they dig or wasb out and you will have your farms, stock and home comforts loft. Besides you will run no risk of freezing to death. Haletn Htatesman. PRACTICAL. Valne of a Good Ear for Mule Apart from Mode. it ia probable that a good ear for music has some value apart from music, but it is not great. In the management of rapidly moving machinery a mu sical ear, which quickly detects varia tion of pitch, and, therefore, of speed for the pitch of the sound depends on the speed is of considerable use. " A farmer with a good ear can detect at once if the Uirashing-rnacbine is im properly "fed," for its speed increases and the sound it emit is of higher pitch when an insufficient amount of corn iB supplied, and in the same way the electrician can tell if an electric motor ia running at its due speed. ith a musical ear the physician more read ily interprets the sounds elicited by percussing thechet, and the potter more easily separates the sound from the unsound. It is a moot point whether the musical are naturally the better readers and speakers, but there is no doubt that they improve more uuicklv when taught elocution, for they can appreciate the pitch of their own voices and so correct tneir errors, A good ear includes an acute appre ciation of time or rhythm, ana this is of use to, for example, the stroke of a boat or a drill-sergeant. A DEEP SILENCE FELL. The Figures Seemed to Warrant a Thea ter-Goer' Demand. "I beg your pardon," said the man with the slightly buJd head, who sat in a parquet seat neaT one of the boxes in a downtown theater 1he other even ing. "1 lx g your pardon," lus rtptttited, "but would you mind looking at the figures on this check and telling me what they are? I'm a little near sighted." The youngest member of the noisy box party, an amiable-looking youth with highly plastered hair, suspended his conversation, says the Chicago Trib' une, with the interesting blonde in the green dress n moment, leaned over the front of the box, and, in answer to the questioner, who had risen to his feet und was smilingly holding out for hU inspection the uheck end of a ticket, he said: Certainly, sir. The figures are $1.50." Well, rejoined the questioner. "that's exactly what I paid to hear this play to-night, and I'm going to get the worth of my money or I'll lift my voice right now and raise a fuss and make a scene ! You'll oblige me by tell ing the rest of them." He was not disturbed again during the evening. This Is Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, generous sample will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon strate the great merits of tlie remedy. ELY BROTHEKS, 66 Warren St., Kew York City. Bev. John Keid. Jr. , of Great Falls, Mont. , recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. 1 can emphasize his statement, ''It is a posi tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Moiit. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents. FIRESIDE FRAGMENTS. Frosted Class. A solution of sul- Thk favorable expressions which Lave followed Prettideut McKinley'i uoHire for a special commission to devise plans for the reorganization of tbe currency system of the country show that thin suggestion has "truck a popular chord among tbe people, irrespective of party The currency troubled of the past two or throe year", coupled with tbe fact that a specially selected coxmisHioufroru thebuHincHs com inanities of the country would be moie likely to examine alt sides of tbe question more thoroughly thao 'CPiihl any committee of congress, make tbe jural. lent' stiggHtii especially popular and the subject of approval generally. An important bank draft Arrived last week. It was the annua! appropriation f congress for the maintenance of agri cultural colleges. It was for 823,001), hikI is the amount the college is to receive under the Morrill sot Juring the coming year, Next year the smount of this annual draft will be ("24,000, and af ter that it will always be $25,000. Cor- vallis Times. The product of a beet sugar factory ia as staple as so many twenty dollar pieces sewed np io s sack. Tbe amount of freight cost in proportion to value it much less than any other proddct of the farm. A beet sugar factory la tlusvsl ley will be the greatest wealth producer that chu be rstablihed. This fsot Is a buudautly proven by the oondttinu of the communities io which such factories are now looated, and no better evidence of Ibe benefits ia needed than the e i- perlnnct tbat has already lieeo had Other big industries have partially failed at times or fulled altogether, but Ilia op eration of the Wt sugar faotoriet of tbs l oiwd mates is a uniform record ol success. La Oratde Chronicle, Tbe British sums years sgn moved the tins of Canada over so an to include the Clondyke region, It la s babit John Dull acquired at s very remote period and tbe United States may count ber sen luciy mat tut drs even as much as she yet claims of her purchase from Rus la; and she will have to guard the bal- atoe very closely to keep it safe from lbs mauipnUtioo nf tbs enrols of the grssp ing gold hungry sod laud grabbing OS lioo. Hnlem Htatttman, A tpsolal from Pbrenii, Arii., tat Jttnet Htevens, !! Imprisoned miner was retorted from the Mammoth mine after so Irnprltunroeot nf fouiteen ilay At 7 o'clock this running stsdeptbof 421 feet, the miners biuk into I lie drift here Hit vent ba 1 been oonOue... Kiev os is fearfully einaaialnl and has lost fully 70 pound during his coaQnemtol but bis tain I is clear, lie ttaletl tbat be bad Iboajb. of suicide toward tbs end of bit awful wait. II bad sates his luooh before tbs ctvs to cams ltd iocs bad nothing U sat. Of water bs phate of magnesia, mixed with gum in hot water, nud put on the glass with abrush; oraniixtureof Epxom salts and beer two ounces of the former to a half teacupful of the latter. Apply with a bit of muslin. -Cocoanut Drops. Orate a cocoa nut and weigh it, then add half the weight of powdered sugar and the white of one egg beaten to a stiff froth. Stir the Ingredients together, then drop the mixture with a dessertspoon upon buttered while paper or tin sheets and sift sugar over them. Hake in a slow oven li minutes. Western Rural. Stuffed Onions. Teel medium- sized onions and punch out the hearts. Mince a little beef or mutton, parsley rind bread crumbs, beat with au egg, Mlt and pepper. Stuff the onions with this, and lay in a baking dish with a little gravy, l'.nko until the onions tire teuilcr, und serve very hot. Jtuste tiie onions frequeutly to prevent burn lug. I'luirie Kuriner. Meat Loaf. A nice meat loaf Is made by saving all scraps of meat, beef, mutton, veal and chicken com bined, und a bit of suet; chop all to gether, eii son with pcpiier, salt, soge, parsley and onion, If liked; add rolled cruckcra of bread crumbs and a wcll- benton egg. Make Into a loaf; pour water enough into the pan to keep it li-oin burning; bake slowly and baste frequently. This mixture can be made Into bulls :uid fried for breskfasU 1'nrm, Field and Fireside. Suow Cuke, A small cup of gran ulated sugar, same of inicolored butter, nine whites of eggs, s cupful of flour, Mime of cornstarch, the Juice of hulf s lemon or a small teuHiKMinful of cream tartar, a half cupful of milk, flavoring extract to taste. Wurm the butter ('tough to soften it, rub to a cream with Iho stignr, add tbe whiles of eggs. little at a time, without previous Mating, tben the starch and flour When these are well mixed add the milk and lemon Juice of creum of tar tar ami me narortng. urease and nour S mold snd take the rake about half en hour. It Is best when not too deep in tne moiu. Chicago llecord. HOW THEY ARE MADE. Fact of Interest Concerning String' for Musical Instrument. Although many people play stringed instrumets, few know how the strings for tiieir favorite instruments are pro duced. The Neapolitan provinces maintain their superiority in the pro duction of this article, which requires the greatest care and dexterity on the part of the workmen. The treble strings are particularly difficult to make, and are produced at a pies, probably because the Neapol itan sheep, from their small size and leanness, afford the best raw material. They are formed from the small intes tines, which must be very carefully scraped. The Intestines are then steeped in alkaline lyes, clarified with a little alum for four or five days, until well bleached and swollen. They are next drawn through an open brass thimble, and pressed against it with the rail in order to smooth and equal the surface, after which they are washed, spun or twisted, and sulphured during two hours. The strings are finully polished by friction and dried. Sometimes they are sulphured twice or thrice hefrv he finishm nrocess. "FOHM" IN BICYCLING. How Society People Go a Wheeling At tending (4 rooms and Maids. The "form" of bicycling is beginning to be studied. Grooms on wheels must follow their mistresses as they did on horseback ; it is proliably only a ques tion of a short time when the lady's maid will have to include wheeling with her other accomplishments to secure a situation. On the road the woman who wishes to ride u' la mode has to know a number of little thiiigs that are over looked by another woman, just as the smart set have a code for riding and driving that is as inexorable as that they should not eat with their, knives or put sugar on oysters. Society in sists on an upright position, with, of course, no attempt at racing puce. It also frowns upon constant ringing of the bell that will do for the vulgar herd who delight in noise; the well-informed wheelwoman keeps eyes and ears alert and touch her bell rarely. SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICE 18 HKREBY GIVEN THAT ENDER and by virtus of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for the County of Morrow and to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and en tered In said court on tbe 4th day of March, 11W7, in favor of A 8 Bennett and F. P. May, Plaintiff, and atralnst Charles Kimsey and Clara Kimsey, his wile, A. J. Kimsey and Kimsey, his wife, Wm: Kimsey and N. Kimsey, his wife, W. 8. Mercer and Sarah Mercer, his wife, L. A. Florence and Ella Florence, his wife, Richard Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife, Samuel Hall and Mary Hall, his wife, Wm. Farrel and Eva Farrel his wife, Thomas Kimsey and Nellie J. Croft, Defendants, for the sum of One Thousand, Two Hundred Twenty-Three and 46-1(10 Dollars With interest thereon from the 4th day of March, 1897, at the rate of ttn per cent per annum and Seventy-Five Dollars attorney fees and the further sum of Twenty-Four Dollar cost and dlsburoments, and whereas Is was further ordered and decreed by the court that the mortgaged property described as follow to-wit: The East half of the North-west Quar ter, the South-west quarter of the North-east quarter and the North-west quarter of the South east quarter of Section 18, Township One (1) South Kange2ft East W. M , in Motow county, Oregon, be sold to satisfy said judgment, corns ana accruing costs, i win on Saturday, The 31st day of July. 1897. at two o'clock p. m.,of said day, at the front door of the court bouse In Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, sell ail the light, title and in terest of the said above named Defendants In and to the above described property at public auction to tne nignesi ana best mciaer ror conn in nana, the proceeds to be applied to the satis faction of said execution and all costs, and cos's that may accrue. E. L. MATLOCK, Shentt of Morrow County, Oregon Dated July 2nd, 1897. 558-67. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TATE A of Oregon, for Morrow County. W. P. Lord, H. K. Kincaid Notice of Intention. Land Owes at Tui Dalles, Oregon. June 8. 1897. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 HE followlni-named settler ha filed notice of hi Intention to make final proof In support oi nis claim, ana mat saia prooi win be maae before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heponer, Oregon, on July 20th, 1897, viz: W. W. KIRK, Administrator, and for the heir of Nancy Coffey, deceased, Hd. E. No. 3895, for the bWJi Sec. 27, Tp. 1 8 R 2fi E W M. tie name tne following witnewe to prove his continuous residence UDon end cultivation of said land, viz: John Barton, Wm. Barton, coward Duran, and Frank E. Bell, all of Hepp ner. Oregon. . J AS. F.MO'iRE, wa-tw Kegister. NOTICE. THE NATIONAL BANK OF HEPPNER, located at Heppner, lu the state of Ore- n, is closing up Its affair.-. All note holders and others, creditors of said association, are therefore hereby notified to present the note and other claim against the association for peym m. JSL. a. BlSHOr, 555-76 Caahler. Cummings, & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q., C. M. & 8t. P.vC. A.. P. Ft. W. & C, and the C. at. u 6i t. Kaiiroaas. RATES a.oo PKH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Bt., CKIOAOO. XXjXu Every new subscriber of tbe Gazette from this date, May 25, 1897, will receive ss s premium a book worth alone the price of the subscription. tf and Phil. Metschan, the Board of CommiBbtonera, etc., riaintins, v. J. B. Sperry, S. V. Sperry, Sperry, the Ore gon Railroad and Navi gation Company and P. (!. Thompson, Defendants. To J. B. Sperry, 8. V. Sperry and Sperry Defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, on or bef re the first day of the next term ot tne above entitled court, to-wit Monday, theflth day of September. 1897; and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court to grant tne renet demand d in saia com plaint, to-wit: For a judgment and decree against you for the sum of t'2000 and interest thereon from July 1st, 1892, at the rate of eight fier cent per annum, the sum of $150 attorneys' ees and for the costs and disbursements of this suit; and for a decree foreclosing a certain mortgage made, executed and delivered by defendants, J B Sperry and 8. V. fperry. to plaintiffs, on the following reil property situ ated in Morrow county, State of Oregon, to-wit: South half of the northeast quarter and north half of the southeast quarter of Sec. 20, south half of southeast quarter of Sec. 20, west half of the southwest quarter of Sec. 21, southwest quarter of northwest quarter of Sec, 29, north east quarter of southeast quarter of Sec. 30, north half of northeast quarter and south east quarter of northeast quarter of Sec. 30, southeast quarter of northwest quarter and north half of southwrst quarter of Sec. 29, and the northeast quarter of southeast quarter of Sec. 30, all In township 3, south range '2f; E. W. M.. recorded in the office of the county clerk of said Morrow county, in Book "C" of Mortgages at pages 132,133 and 134, and to sell said prom isee and apply the proceeds of said sale to the payment of said judgment, attorney' fees, costs and disbursement. This summons is served upon you pursuant to an order of the Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered in said suit on the 2lst day or July, 1897. BROWN & RE1F1ELD. 64-77 Attorney for Plaiutifl. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY. " 3TOTJTSTXIEI3, IS TO. A Boarding and Day School for Boys Under Military Discipline. The 20th year under the present management begins Bept. 14, 1897. . This institution ia thoroughly equipped for the mental, sooi 1, physical and moral training of boys. Thorough pretarat'on for any college or scientific school. Gnuinatee at present in y ale. West Point, Massachu-" sette Institute of Technology, State Universities ol California, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Stanford and McGill. During vacation visitors welcome from 9 to 12 a. m. For catalogue and other information, address the Principal, J. W. HILL, M. D., Portland, Oregon. P. O. drawer 17. 61-Bept. IS. FRANK R06ERS J. i. ROBERTS Rogers & Roberts, Contractors and Builders. - Plans and Estimates Given on Snort Notice. All Kinds of Repair Work Done- 0FFICE H0URS-Day and Night Leave your orders "Any Old. Place aDd Rog. or Jim will get 'em. o o o o 6 0 0 FOR YOU! Tbs following front an elern j.iaroal i of Interest in riDibiiug His iiient lhl III depletion of rlll upun our nnrinwMiera roa th tire- etll ein lll b fori n,l 'o liar lieeo rosily error. Is l.i.' Iliere wer In Hit Unitrtl Plate oT.C' 1,000 catlle, not lo rlii'ling lullch rut!, I.t jrr there ere but .Tj ,0x5,1100, decrease of 6,(1 K). fXH), Itbotigh lb popoNlloo of Ibe ponnlry io loose fire year bJ Increased not l.'t than A.OOO.OOO. Tbe twine of the coiinlrr deoliuej in the me time from CiVtHooo t 42,tfU00. tnj II been from 41 UlS.tlHO to &S r.N.ftKJ. Feil Jonrnal: We heJ ber.l t freal Jeal of IV) o magneiUm, tod kept rloee l.x.k ia f if It, anlil we bel it k calej it Hie person of 8j)?ler Carliele, city marshal of Arlington. Vet wm on the flat form, quia rlnee tn Ibe speaker an, I Instil nf OfUeo minatoe !r;ta b,l blot eompletelr Hvrr.glltJ, tt lb at tit met kej tiuit with bit b. eoj pl;J e MKtotnpta intent no bit mill o'o Vet wet touuj kileep. Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates. "OK - ! Heretofore the CUzette'i job depart meat bat tried to do no work otber tbto plain printing. However, tbit thop i now prepared to taokle anything in bdjp line and will meet price of any person nndnr Ibe tnn In tbe line ot drnggiats' supplied, blauk books, bank work, oonoty work, or any tort of book bind ng work tbat yon have heretofore tent away to get done. Tba Oatette abop ia not a charily ooncern bnt if yon will give n a chance wa will tee tbat yon are tatiefled in every partionlar. Bar your good at home. Remember tbat Abe Lincoln taid that when one bonght good away from bout the foreigner got tbt money and wa got the gooda. Bat when tbo good wert bonght at home wt had both money and gooda. Tbit it good doctrine. Wt rt willing to ablda by It. When the printing drummer conut to town, re member It and call np 'phone No. 8. ' RfiO-tf SUMMONS. N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TIIE STATE of Oreeon. for Morrow County. W. P. Urd. H. R. Klneald and Phil. Metsehan, the Board of Commissioners, vie., Plalntills, vs. Nye Kamho and Mary Barabo, Defendants. To Nye Kamho and Mary Ritmbo, defendant: In the name of the Htate of Oreeon: You are nereoy required to annear and answer the com. Plaint Hied airalnst vou In the above entitled suit, on or before the next term of tbe above entitled court, to-wit: Monday, the 6th day of fleutember. 1K97: snd tf you fall so to appear and answer, tor want tnereoi, tne Diaiiiiins will atiuiy to the I conn io uraiii tne riMivi aemannea in tne com plaint, to-wlt: For JudKiiient and derree I itainsi you lor tne sum ol t ana interest thereon at the rate of eleht per cent per annum iroin j uiy isi, mrc me sum oi Diiy aoi'ars at torneys' ices and the costs and dlshiirseni'Mits of thlssult; and for decree foreclosing a certain inortKaxe, made, executed and delivered by you to ulalntltls on the following- dnscrlh-d real property situated In Morrow county. Htate I oi wrt'Kon, to-wit: I he southeast quarter oil ,cc. M. In township 2. north ratine 24. K. W. M . recorded In the olllce of the county clerk of I Morrow county, on the 17th day ol March. IK'.m, In book "II" ol Mortgages, at Paxil 477, 47H and I7'l. and to sell salil premises and apply the roceeds of said ale to the payment of laid ludimeiit, attorneys ieesand costs. una summon I erved upon you In nursu- ftij e.-j. Main fit ance to an order of Hon. Htephen A. Iowell, I JuiiKe oi tne aiiove entities court, mane ann entered In ald suit on the 'ilst day ol July, 1W7, BROWN A KEHrlKLD ROUGH ON THE SENTRY. The Hemnly IT as All Rlshl, flat It Wa Ultra la the Wrong Mas. One of the moet training atorlea of the day treat of mistaken philan thropy, emmling to Tld-Hitt. At a certain army poet their waa a London entry on duly near the hospital. Tbe etirgpun aa ptrpariiif to go to tied In aide, when he Maa annoyed and alarmed al the aenlry'a coulilnj?. Ilia rt erirnceil ear tolJ him fhnt the man bnd neve re l.roiu hlal a flint ion need Inir a altiing remedy. He debated, awhile with himeelf and then going int.t the dispenalng-ronm ntiupotindt'd a powerful mixture. Tbit he lnU imtaide lit tin1 artilry, vltn In- miction lo swallow It Immediately. The mnn rrfiiM-.l. The aurireon In dated, and flnnlly romnianded the toldirr to take the nttitli'ltie, which he did with much grtiiiiMtiip. Then the worthy atirpetin wrnt to twd, pleased to hear no more cutij-ulng. Next mornlmr. to hi turprltt, the commanding nfilcer tent for him and Mid lhl Ihe aentry bad complained, declaring that the atirgeon hal forced him to swallow Bomething he thought wa polaon. An In eitigatioo followed, and rcslel the fart that while the nrirenn wm nil x Ing the medicine the coughing sentry had been relieved, and consequently the remedy bad been given to the wrong man. SUE RUTS 8 ALE. ajOTICK I HKREBY IIIVKM THAT I'SPItR lx and by virtue of an execution Issued out nf the Circuit I'niirt ol Ihe Mat nf Oreeon lor Ihet nunty nl Morrow and In m dlrerted snd flellvereo. upon a liulement rendered and en lered In Mid court on Ihe 4th davnf March. I1 In fsvor il Jull K farrel, I'Uintlff. and st-altisl aamurl I. Iterkliie, Martha A. Ilerklnt. bis alls. James K. Ktiiianiakrrand Marls E Miinamahct his wile, H T Anderson and K D. Rood. lie. rendanta lor Ihe sum ol Ceven Hundred Klshly 41 and V lm IMllara with Inlrnwl Ihrmm at Hi rale nl eight per eenl per annum Irnm Ihe un nay oi Man n. i-rti. in mriher ura "I ruiy IMIara llo-nry s Ire and the Bum of Fifty I wo and M-l' loiiart costs and dlslmraments W herras by said decree and order of sale II llracled lhal the rnllnalne dMK-rttird real properly lo all: The Mouth half ol the Mirth east quarter, Ihe KoMli Iwvtili tve tl'O acre of lie r-orm weai quarter ol the norm eaal auar ler nf Hr. Hon II Townsl.lp nth kans J4 and th MI nail ol Ihe Hitrin'Weet quarter o aertion II and Ihe N.irtri hall ol the Mnrth-raal iioarirr of Mecllnn U, loanable a, houih Kane A. Rati W M . all In Morrow county (Ur..o. he sold In satisfy said (ndsment, eisl mi arcrumi cnaia i am, on amr.iay. I he 11.1 da? at July. Iw. al Iwa n'rlra k a M , nl tM day. l Ihe front ilimrnl Ihe court henae r HepMier, Morrow county, trYu, sell all Ihe rlshl, title and In. irrvat ol in wild aamurl I lerlnf Martha A tierklu. el al., la and lo the atmte ite n lied pmprrlf al public auction la Ibe highest and heat bidder hr raah In band. Ihe (nnuli In be applied to Ihe Milaiaciion nl Mid etavnttna and all rtwrs and eiwis lhal may arvrue r I. MaTUMK, nfccrtit'd Morrow l'on. eeuB, Paled July Hid. w V 7. A mao bark taat hypnotised bit wife inacta me ntndio oi tbt lawa mower to ber hnd aod mad er believe tbt wat riding t byciel. lit tat ca had gallon, which wat tvmtaitied In veran 1 and tni"ke1 while the pranevd " 1 replies aenmj three dyt. Ill cn tie I sale I ten Hp and down Ibe ) r 1 u tll Hit grass dya, during which lo menad lc cpet p OUUQtvtluil lewntlug lvrtC lf. a a l cm whan be rr-letd ber Uvm tbo"iufivitaOe." ilnloodl'il Pills t4 the tweeav da Wot irrv Ut cr h,me. but car all IH aiirM rw e. i twani ia el1 ns.4 lt.ax Ttf . j rivr AtrltrUI, V4 Cav SUERirr'8 SALE. VOT1( 1 MrHI-MY olV1 THATrNtiV l x and by lrtie nl an alia, hment eseruikMi laaued nut nl Ihe ( Irrnll I mirt nl the male nl intiMi Inr the t'onniy nl Mullnnatah and nedlrsriMi and deilrvred. npn a pidcmenl retHiarxi and enr4 In Mid court on the Kis day nl June wi, la lanr ot Jnha Rwt. k pialnilrl. and iralml A. Tat lot and hriat Oatae dhntama. lof Ihe sum nl (ins Hund and rilUea luiar with Intern Ihervnn Iron Iheltihday nl June. I" al Ihe rale nl s mi eenl p annum, an-l lha lurtbef sum nl Twan. y rle Ikiilara with Internet hen Imas Ihe Uih day nl June, lC, al Ihe rate ml s aor cam prf annum, and the Itirtbae sum fcl Maui three and ll IwUm. ewts and Sltaulw. mama in nhlrh ludsntent It wm ftirthnr mr nermi hy the ennrt in I the ftrtmrty attawh u Mid a-ia mi Ihe ird day .( Jennary. and hereinafter dearrthrd tewlt Iheknrlkj laM u.nr n wrikw I hl-t? in ill) Tna aniaj f.n ri ai.uin hanre Twrniv eta (jr,i tna l the W liiam.lia Mati lian In M.rn.w t uunie. '" l"a.l WlMllay Mat J !'.. I. Mtt and eo-rtilnj nan nltihaj nlwlil lha rlatdat of Jnt lanf THE NEW YORK Merchant Tailor. PatroQize Home lodustry. Has opened a first-class tailoring establishment in Natter's building, next door to the gallery, and carries a fine line of Foreign and Do mestic Woolens; is a practical tailor and cutter, with many years of experience. Makes suits to order in the latest styles. All at reason- I able prices. Gleaning am Repairing Done at Low Figures. A. WEINBERGER, Proprietor. P00TS AND SHOES: DTHC PLACE TO GET THCM IS AT LIGHT ItilVTH A t ve He ha anything In this line that yon may desire and yon can depend on It yon tet a food article when Mat guarantee It. . SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Repairing Sptoialtji M-77 Attorney lor Halntllt. LHliO SUMMONS. N TflR CIRcriT COl'RT OF THE STATE ol orcaoii, liir lh I oiinty ol Morrow. The Orrxon Mnrtnaiie Company, i.iniitvo, a vtirpuraiioo, riaiu II It, v. Bcrend Poprti td Ella Pop- netiea in-iciiiiaiiia. To Hrrend I'nniienk- and Ell Ponncnira. de-1 leiinaiiia aiaive nainrii. In Ihe namenl the elate ol Oregon Yon are I hrrehy ntititred to appear and answer or other wlar plead to Ihe rninplaliil Bleit airaliial you In the alHiv entitled suit on or before th Aral lay ol Ihe neit reftilar Irrm ol the ( I ron It I oiirt Inr Morrow I oiinty, tlreion. to-wlt: Mnnnav. tneain na ol erntrmtier. lnV7 nd If you tail to at, answrr or olhrrwlM plead Inr want thereof. plalnllfT will lake ludinienl asalnat defendant, ttcrend Pnpirii(a, lor the sum of IVat au loeether with Interest thereon at the rate nl ten per cent per annum from lh Ut day nl icemrier, lM, and tor lh lurthrt urn ot ! isi tlnrneva' I era and for the cost in this stilt, and Plaintiff will apply In the court Inr a decree nl liirecUwure and Ml ol th folio 1( dcwrlhed mnrl(a(d premlsra. In nil The w la of th He. and th 14 nl Ihe V and lh SWW nl the Hw la nl ertlnn 19. Inn nthln 4, anu I h nf range i t. W. M., and Inr Ihe applh allnn ol the proceeds nf Mid Mle nl pmprriv Ui the parmenl nl the ludsmeiit and cna herein prayed lor af!nt delendant. N m York Wily Tribune FOR Farmers and ViiiaoGrs, FOR Fatliers and Mothers, FOR Sons and Dauohters, FOR nil the Family. With the clo of the residential campaign THE TRIBUNE "ihS1 nZTii mum by v.rtn. of .n "cognixe- tbe fact that the American pople are now anxione to gire ."lamirf thejr time tom "J business interetts. To meet thi. condition. July. Jw7. al-IJs MOM. nolitir'a htra far 1aa aruna anr nrnmi'nr,Ao t.'l si. -jw-w vujiucuvi;, uuui BUUilior Dl&lQ Or National occasion demands a renewal of the fight for the principle! for which TIIE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the Dresent day, and won ita greatest tictoriee. E?ei j possible effort will be put forth, and money freely spent to make THE WEEKLY TBI DUNE preeminently a National Family Newspaper. .intetesting, instructive, entertaining and indiapensable to each member 4T7 Attnmeis lor rialnuris. SUMMONS. IS THE IMRrflT nil KT Of TBE tTATE 1 nl urrwon. lot Morrnw eniinty Knthchlld Hrolher. I'lainUfls. a F..tr1 Krlct. tVl.ndanl .To Ihe above named .l. lrndant. ftntwrl Krl In the name nl the Wale nl i irrn ; Yon are hrrrtfy rennlrad an apprar and anawar the mm aialnl (led esainet yn Iw lha atmve enllilaat caiiae af acii.m on or hrlnre the Irsl day id lh tesl term nl Ihe aie enlllia.1 rim rt, lowli; Mnmlay, the alh day nf Wpwmher. Iw; nd II ynu tall en l apprar and answrr, Inr want lerenl. the plalnlirr will take (udsment lif . , . it We iurnlsh The Gazette" and N. Y. Weekly iiiuuiiG uiitj jcdr nirMtUU. ri in Hit M-tinn. and will apply Ihe prn- de nf a. I.I aair in Ihe parmenl ol said lu.lt mrtii. rm ann niannrarmrnia 1 his summnna la srrvrd nn yon la pnrstianee of an enlrr id Hnn. Mrphen A Lowell, Judre nl lh iNit mtti!vt mtirt. 4e and eniairajd la aald k 11-iD OB Ihe 1ay ni;n Ki. aynti r M n Aitfrney for rialntlfr. Addr OAHII i all Order lo I IV ADVANCU. THE GAZETTE. SUMMONS. i TMit nan it mi T nc the tTE I nl Irrrena. mr Mnrmw rotiaiy. The iar trrariy uru(wuy, I lainiit, vs -n KrVk, tvi.r lai.1 1 Kotarri k re I ! ilanl In Ihe namenl the Slate nl flisajna Tew are Beaa4.y raainlrad In ppawf en4 answrr Ik mm p'al"! ttrd aealnai ynw la In shore rMtlr( a. tina " aw WL.re ihe trai a nf tne not mtm nl the ahnra rnllllrd mnct, ln.wlt MMMey. iheath aar nf aeptrmhrr la, n4 II 'all sole answrr. fw ami thrrent. tne i.ialniis will lata Inlf emit saal fnr the sam nf t'4 a ibe siaia and d Do You Waint .i Rig ? Don't You Want .1 Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? ':- ev.nfs.id a, altha(...nl 'w m.nta e4 IMS a-Mmn, and e IV. aan. l mr 111 iKfaaA MB 1 nrfM-BTt! ftt Thotfiraann A TUnna f as t r.. ol the eexirt Una la Hrppnrf. Marrnw (nanty I pmrwrtf k.l,ri,. w na Berenrw ataarhwd CV UJ pTOCHTU aVI 1 BOHjpwn lino. Lower MttO htf fft. O.avori H ail that tishL title s4 Iniawrx ,4 I la that iln. sad will aepir Ihe rmrawM at HfrPOer. OrfCt the said A lal.w and ITiflalf twt-a In and ha 1 aat.l aala w lha mtbmi.1 an said ludaiBMi. oaiu " lh. ahnr. Writ4 pn t T si pnhiir imki lah-m.Vi. ' Th pfCMMt era wet y)watr) wll ftra.v. tleaa (Wl Otltoai and MU I dMhu 1 y i - " " mih. t.tkMi IM I.M.I.I WrraS la MM I jy ia .".-". M arr-ad psn yn In pnran. "T""i " wm'.-. a' .-r nf an ! t nl wn Mrt.h A I "II aai.lei. nuvSi and ! mata, 4 ra lhal Jnre d lh. al rm entflrd r,.n.t. aaa. Bay atfwe I. ll' I. "m14hll' ! iit'oUt. rriawitk,Vfr . - . ft. Atwrt iw twit. tr4 eaa ear. amnry mo la leeyant lit U N 4 la SMAInt th-a sUe attfe lr.,.h tmru "as4 THOMPSON & JU NNS,